Doublebad Radio and commentary of local, national, and world events from an independent watchdog perspective. enCopyright Douglas Beatty (C/O Blogtalkradio)Mon, 06 Apr 2020 19:15:00 GMTWed, 09 Oct 2013 18:00:00 GMTPoliticsBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Radio and commentary of local, national, and world events from an independent watchdog perspective. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.compolitics,corruption,delaware,racism,civil rights,democrats,lynching,white supremacy,republicans,beau bidenDoug BeattynoAnalysis and commentary of local, national, and world events from an independent watchdog perspective.episodicSuspended DHS worker speaks, 09 Oct 2013 18:00:00 GMTSuspended DHS worker speaks On Saturday September 14, 2013 The Irritated Genie of Soufese, finally granted an media interview on broadcast.    This is the first hour of that interview.     Pre-recorded.  01:00:00Doug BeattyyesDHS,Irritated Genie,War on the Horizon,Racism,Hate speechOn Saturday September 14, 2013 The Irritated Genie of Soufese, finally granted an media interview on broadcast.    This is the first hour of that interview.Syrian situation, what next?, 03 Sep 2013 00:00:00 GMTSyrian situation, what next? The INH crew weighs in on Syria, a small victory for the cause last week in the matter of Delaware v Issa.   News Headlines by Wolf  Associate Producer Ricky Shehorn will be hosting out chat room 00:54:00Doug BeattynoSyria,Carper,Coons,Carney,MadnessThe INH crew weighs in on Syria, a small victory for the cause last week in the matter of Delaware v Issa.   News Headlines by Wolf  Associate Producer RickColor of Justice from Raliegh NC to Camden Delaware, 26 Aug 2013 00:00:00 GMTColor of Justice from Raliegh NC to Camden DelawareOn 8/24 2013 Police in Raleigh North Carolina told Christian outreach workers that they could not feed the homeless in Moore Square as they had for six years. The volunteers were threatened with arrest if they gave coffee and breakfast sandwiches without cost or obligation to approximately 70 people in line waiting for food.    There was an outcry on social media and people were emailing and calling Raleigh North Carolina. The Mayor folded at about 4:00 p.m. EST, Love Wins ministries, the group originally threatened along with Occupy Raliegh and Human Beans were in Moore Square feeding the hungry. There are no other public places to get meal on weekends for the cities homeless.   Camden Delaware is dealing with it's own problems from a former town manager pleading guilty to reported corruption charges to new allegations of selective enforcement of law and official misconduct.   Is Kent County SPCA a state agency subject to the code of conduct in Delaware State Code Title 29 chapter 58? We have a layman's discussion on a first reading of the code and past attorney general decisions.  Headlines by Wolf. 00:50:00Doug BeattynoRaleigh North Carolina,Occupy,Love Wins,Homeless,Camden DelawareOn 8/24 2013 Police in Raleigh North Carolina told Christian outreach workers that they could not feed the homeless in Moore Square as they had for six years. TKent County Levy Court and Dog Control, 21 Aug 2013 23:00:00 GMTKent County Levy Court and Dog ControlThe debate over what to do with dog control in Kent County continues. Commissioner Jody Sweeney has proposed that the county take over dog control with it's own dog wardens and contract to shelters to house the dogs.   Kevin Usilton, Executive director of KCSPCA is in attack mode.  Does the KCSPCA qualify as a state agency under Delaware's title 29 chapter 58?   Beau Biden's health is in the news.  Headlines by Wolf. 01:01:00Doug BeattynoKevin Usilton,Dog Control,Kent County Delaware,Beau Biden,Oath of OfficeThe debate over what to do with dog control in Kent County continues. Commissioner Jody Sweeney has proposed that the county take over dog control with it's ownRacism in Camden Delaware, 14 Aug 2013 23:00:00 GMTRacism in Camden Delaware Kevin Usilton apparently decided to hire/request ( we don't know who was paying this goon)  an armed goon from the Camden PD to intimidate members of the public, especially black people it would seem      Racism and c orruption in Camden Delaware. Just like Selma Alabama 1962...... 00:59:00Doug BeattynoKevin Usilton,KCSPCA,Racism,Kent County Delaware,White supremacyKevin Usilton apparently decided to hire/request ( we don't know who was paying this goon)  an armed goon from the Camden PD to intimidate members of the publiMurder of Malcom Shabazz (pre-recorded), 12 Aug 2013 00:00:00 GMTMurder of Malcom Shabazz (pre-recorded)Pre-recorded earlier, the Honorable Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. and Dr. Randy short comment on the murder of Malcom Shabazz, the grandson of Malcom X. 01:00:00Doug BeattynoMalcolm X,Malcolm Shabazz,Dr. Jahi Issa,Assasination,Civil RightsPre-recorded earlier, the Honorable Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. and Dr. Randy short comment on the murder of Malcom Shabazz, the grandson of Malcom X.Michael Rogers, Kent County Levy Court, 07 Aug 2013 23:00:00 GMTMichael Rogers, Kent County Levy Court Michael Rogers, unarmed man, shot multiple times by DSP.  Kent County Levy Court. That's another conversation entirely.    News Headlnes by Wolf. Associate Producer Ricky Shehorn.  00:55:00Doug BeattynoDelaware,Police Brutality,Murder,Corruption,ExposeMichael Rogers, unarmed man, shot multiple times by DSP.  Kent County Levy Court. That's another conversation entirely.    News Headlnes by Wolf. AssociateSteve Schwartz and Kevin Usilton, 05 Aug 2013 00:00:00 GMTSteve Schwartz and Kevin UsiltonThe two gentlemen named in the title have accused INH crew members of lible and spreading really false damaging information but have failed to provide a single example. Or apologize.   In order to be of service INH will replay all episodes where the oranization these two gentlemen represent is discussed until we are told where we are publically(sic) defaming them or spreading knowingly false and malicisous information.   Pre-recorded on 6/1/2013, no live calls tonight. Sorry. 01:01:00Doug BeattynoKCSPCA,Audit,Liars,Thugs,IdiotsThe two gentlemen named in the title have accused INH crew members of lible and spreading really false damaging information but have failed to provide a singleKent County Dog Control, 31 Jul 2013 23:00:00 GMTKent County Dog Control A hot button issue always. Kent County Delaware has voted to terminate it's dog control contract with a vendor in financial difficulty and hand the contract back to the original vendor.   KCSPCA has a record of accruing serious complaints that remian unaddressed, are known for abusing police powers and the courts to punish people who complain.    Tonight we discuss the obvious appearance of impropriety that reared it's head last night at the Kent County Levy Court.  01:00:00Doug BeattynoCorruption,Racism,Abuse of Power,Dog Control,Kent County DelawareA hot button issue always. Kent County Delaware has voted to terminate it's dog control contract with a vendor in financial difficulty and hand the contract baDover, Sussex, Kent, and Christine O'Donnell, 29 Jul 2013 00:00:00 GMTDover, Sussex, Kent, and Christine O'Donnell Dover City Council is considering GIVING AWAY ten acres of land to an 'overseas' manufacturer in a move which will generate 8 jobs...  Sussex County acknowledges that Planning director Dean Pettyjohn shouldn't have sent residents a threatening letter taking a developer's side in a boundary dispute, but he did. They don't seem willing to do the right thing and fire him.  Kent County is in a tight spot, the dog control contract provider is in financial trouble, they are considering giving the contract back to KCSPCA with no personnel changes.    Then up in New Castle County, we want answers on the Christine O'Donnell tax record scandal.                                00:57:00Doug BeattynoCorruption,Jack Markell,Beau Biden,Dean Pettyjohn,DelawareDover City Council is considering GIVING AWAY ten acres of land to an 'overseas' manufacturer in a move which will generate 8 jobs...  Sussex County acknowled2test, 26 Jul 2013 14:00:00 GMT2test2test00:03:00Doug Beattynotest,testtt,teste,testeee,testest2testColor of skin, Color of Law, 24 Jul 2013 23:00:00 GMTColor of skin, Color of LawRecently our President called for a National Conversation on the subject of 'race'. Short conversation, there's one race, the human race.    However ethnic divisions along skin tone, religion, national origin, and economic status are in the minds of some getting broader and harder to cross.    In the wake of the Zimmerman verdict, we attempt to have this very serious and volatile discussion as only the Independent News Hour crew can. The best in talk radio, please join the conversation. 00:56:00Doug BeattynoRace,Strife,White supremacy,Government agitation,AmericaRecently our President called for a National Conversation on the subject of 'race'. Short conversation, there's one race, the human race.    However ethnic divDollars Euros Washed And Laundered At Reasonable Expense, 22 Jul 2013 00:00:00 GMTDollars Euros Washed And Laundered At Reasonable ExpenseAre developers using corrupt local and county governments to cheat property owners? Join us for the conversation.  DELAWARE Dollars Euros Washed And Laundered At Reasonable Expense.    A preview to a discussion of 'race' in America00:55:00Doug BeattynoCorruption,Sussex County Council,Developers,Property Rights,DelawareAre developers using corrupt local and county governments to cheat property owners? Join us for the conversation.  DELAWARE Dollars Euros Washed And LaunderedProgressive Plantation State Politics., 17 Jul 2013 23:00:00 GMTProgressive Plantation State Politics. Tonight we will replay our most popular blogtalk ever, Progressive Plantation State Politics.  Live news Headlines by Wolf. 01:01:00Doug BeattynoPre recorded,Progressive Plantation Politics,Corruption,White Supremacy,DelawareTonight we will replay our most popular blogtalk ever, Progressive Plantation State Politics.  Live news Headlines by Wolf.Peckerwoods and Puppies, 15 Jul 2013 00:00:00 GMTPeckerwoods and PuppiesKCSPCA continues to shovel manure, and now they are joined by our very dear friend in social media.    INH crew is under attack from an establishment paid blogger for investigating the suspected lynchings in Dover, a real bag of butt gas that can't write his way out of a paper bag.    KCSPCA attorney Steve Schwartz is once again trying to create his own reality, we don't know what his malfunction is. We'll tell you what he's done, you make the call. 00:59:00Doug BeattyyesPeckerwoods,Pinheads,White supremacy,corruption,DelawareKCSPCA continues to shovel manure, and now they are joined by our very dear friend in social media.    INH crew is under attack from an establishment paid blogDelaware Burning, 10 Jul 2013 23:00:00 GMTDelaware Burning July 8, 2013. The Independent News Hour Crew and our brother EShed Alston had one hell of an evening.    First we appeared before the City of Dover chambers to advocate for the Human Relations Commission not to be disbanded and for the City to pick up the men who attacked Henry Fordham on September 21, 2012.       Dr. Issa was soundly berated by a white city council member when Dr. Issa made reference to blacks in Dover being afraid of being lynched.      Then Dr. Jahi Issa and EShed Alston tried to attend a public board meeting of the Kent County SPCA and wound up being threatened with having a pit bull loosed on them by some employees of Kent County SPCA.   Lynchings, threatening to sick dogs on black people, business as usual in Happy Jack's plantation state.   Callers welcome    00:55:00Doug BeattynoDogs,Negroes,Lynching,Police,RacismJuly 8, 2013. The Independent News Hour Crew and our brother EShed Alston had one hell of an evening.    First we appeared before the City of Dover chambersHenry Fordham, 08 Jul 2013 00:00:00 GMTHenry Fordham On September 21 2012 Henry J. Fordham was assaulted in Silver lake park. He was cut under his left ear, stabbed through the left side of his mouth, and had a visible ligature mark on his neck he says is from being strangled with his own belt.    Henry identified two attackers by name, descripion, vehicle and address. Police have refused to pursue these individuals. Fordham says they tried to lynch him.   Another person says the two white males are the last two people his brother Johnny Clark was seen alive with the day he died.    Fordham says the men confessed to killing Clark, a supposed suicide, and told him he was next.   The City of Dover has some explaining to do       00:59:00Doug Beattynolynching,Dover Delaware,white supremacy,hate,corruptionOn September 21 2012 Henry J. Fordham was assaulted in Silver lake park. He was cut under his left ear, stabbed through the left side of his mouth, and had a vKCSPCA, A PAC?, Dover Delaware's strange fruits, 03 Jul 2013 23:00:00 GMTKCSPCA, A PAC?, Dover Delaware's strange fruits Delaware's Strange Fruits, two hanging suicides and an assault. Official's say it's nothing, others disagree. We revisit this.    Kent County SPCA has had their neighbor arrested for Trespassing, said neighbor long attempting to address code violations she alleges on the part of KCSPCA which caused her concern for her children's and family's safety.   A PAC? Seems like somebody has a problem with INH host Doug Beatty being hired to take his show terrestial in Delaware.    Challenge accepted.  News by Wolf (code name Lupis Maximus )     00:51:00Doug BeattynoDover Delaware Strange Fruit,Crime,Corruption,KCSPCA,Bring itDelaware's Strange Fruits, two hanging suicides and an assault. Official's say it's nothing, others disagree. We revisit this.    Kent County SPCA has had thSPCA THREE, 01 Jul 2013 00:00:00 GMTSPCA THREE The Kent County SPCA has accused two of the INH crew of lible, and past and ongoing efforts to defame the Kent County SPCA, board of trustees, employees and executive director thereof.    Since a specific example couldn't be provided here's a prior episode pre-recorded earlier when the show was called Dr. J and Douggiestyle.        00:58:00Doug BeattynoMorons,Kent County SPCA,Corruption,Civil Rights,MoronsThe Kent County SPCA has accused two of the INH crew of lible, and past and ongoing efforts to defame the Kent County SPCA, board of trustees, employees andDover to kill Human Relations Commission?, 26 Jun 2013 23:00:00 GMTDover to kill Human Relations Commission? The City of Dover recently discussed disbanding the Dover Human Relations Commission.   INH recieved a report from the HRC chair that is interesting to say the least.   Callers welcome00:59:00Doug BeattynoDover,Delaware,Racism,Corruption,Civil RightsThe City of Dover recently discussed disbanding the Dover Human Relations Commission.   INH recieved a report from the HRC chair that is interesting to say theThe SPCA Three, 24 Jun 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe SPCA ThreeThe Kent County SPCA has threatened to arrest two of the Independent News Hour crew and has possibly made false allegations against Doug Beatty, Catherine Samardza, and Carol Furr.    In order to intimidate us into Silence KCSPCA General Counsel Steve Schwartz seems to be threatening legal action. We stand for Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, and Delaware's Freedom of Information act.   Join us as we explain why we belive that Steve Schwartz Esquire is one simple minded individual. Callers welcome.  News by Wolf. 00:58:00Doug BeattynoSteve Schwartz,Kevin Usilton,Kent County SPCA,Morons,IdiotsThe Kent County SPCA has threatened to arrest two of the Independent News Hour crew and has possibly made false allegations against Doug Beatty, Catherine SamarDelaware Animal Control and Civil Rights, 19 Jun 2013 23:00:00 GMTDelaware Animal Control and Civil Rights The Executive Director of the Kent County SPCA has sent letters to three activists including two of your Independent News Hour crew, Doug Beatty and Cathy Samardza as well as another watchdog activist that used to be on their board of directors.   These activists have been informed thusly;   Dear (name here),   Please be advised that due to your past and ongoing efforts to publically defame the Kent County SPCA, the Board of Trustees, our employees and me, the decision has been made to prohibit your access to the grounds of the Kent County SPCA.  We are a privately held organization and as such we are within our rights to deny your entry on our property.  Please be advised that as of July 1, 2013 your presence on our legal property will result in a call the authorities and a trespassing charge against you.                                    Sincerly,                                       J. Kevin Usilton                                     Executive Director   Of course this is a move to keep Cathy Samardza and Doug Beatty from publicizing their notes and commentary of KCSPCA board meetings that are open to the public by law.    Challenge accepted. Please join us tonight as we discuss corruption in our police and judiciary resulting in illegal use of the courts to stifle free speech.     Do you still think this is a free country? Please join us for the conversation as we endeavor to find out.           00:54:00Doug BeattynoCorruption,Abuse of the court system,First Amendment,Delaware Attorney General,DemocratsThe Executive Director of the Kent County SPCA has sent letters to three activists including two of your Independent News Hour crew, Doug Beatty and Cathy SamaJustice for Honey, 17 Jun 2013 00:00:00 GMTJustice for Honey Vanessa "Honey" Malone was a one hundred pound eighteen year old girl. Still very much a teen ager and still very much a daughter to her mother Flora Malone.    The teen was murdered under very suspicious circumstances in Stone Mountain Georgia .  DeKalb county police haven't done themselves any favors regarding this case.    Meaning no disrespect to the rest we are rocking with the best, Dave Adams aka The People's Champion.   A hard nosed hard hitting activist. Warrior scribe and humanitarian. Dave is working with Vanessa's mother Flora to bring closure to the family and friends of Honey and justice to her killers.      Feel free to join us for a compelling conversation, call the number on this show page and our associate producer Ricky Shehorn will greet  you in our guest's area.   News Headlines by Wolf. Analysis and commentary by your Independent News Hour crew.    00:56:00Doug Beattynojusticeforhoney,Vannessa Honey Malone,Dekalb County Police,Homicide,RacismVanessa "Honey" Malone was a one hundred pound eighteen year old girl. Still very much a teen ager and still very much a daughter to her mother Flora Malone.Snowden, Hero or Traitor?, 12 Jun 2013 23:00:00 GMTSnowden, Hero or Traitor?  The latest flap in national/international news, is Snowden an Hero or Traitor?    Our panel discusses this, the latest Gossip from the Sussex GOP.     Please join us for a compelling discussion, call in guests are welcome.  00:58:00Doug BeattynoSnowden,NSA,Traitor,Liberty,TyrannyThe latest flap in national/international news, is Snowden an Hero or Traitor?    Our panel discusses this, the latest Gossip from the Sussex GOP.     PleLegislative mischief ? more on racism in Wyoming De, 10 Jun 2013 00:00:00 GMTLegislative mischief ? more on racism in Wyoming De New legislation would make small town police departments and Fire Departments union shops, really?     Should municipalities be able to fire town cops without going through the state? Maybe not.   Wyoming Delaware, charming small town or den of peckerwood white supremacists?  00:57:00Doug BeattynoWhite power,corruption,Unions,Town Cops,NetDeNew legislation would make small town police departments and Fire Departments union shops, really?     Should municipalities be able to fire town cops withouWyoming Delaware 2013 or Philadelphia Mississippi 1963?, 05 Jun 2013 23:00:00 GMTWyoming Delaware 2013 or Philadelphia Mississippi 1963?   Four members of the Independent News Hour attended the Town of Wyoming monthy meeting in Wyoming Delaware on Monday June 3 at 7:30 p.m. EST at the Wyoming town hall annex located on railroad avenue in Wyoming Delaware.    We were there to support Wyoming resident Sherene Lindo. Ms. Lindo served honorably in the United States Air Force, is a registered nurse, and is currently also studying to be a paralegal.    Since 2004 there has been a stream of complaints involving her next door neighbor apparently racially motivated. On Sunday June 19, 2012 her neighbor shot her dog, "Hemi" who had somehow gotten out of the fenced back yard with two other dogs and allegedly attacked a cat.     Title 9 of the Delaware State Code is fairly specific about the circumstances a dog may be shot under and a cat isn't justification to shoot a dog. There is also the question of how the three dogs got out of the yard, the Independent News Hour team went on site and inspected the fence, it was solid and the gates in excellent condition.    So far no charges have been filed against the neighbor, even though this is but one incident in a nine year period of harassment the mayor insists this isn't a 'town matter'. We tend to disagree.    Do we have 1963 style disparity in 2013 Delaware? That may be the case. Join us for a compelling discussion. Call in's welcome.    00:58:00Doug BeattynoGun Violence,Racism,Social Control,White Supermacy,Wyoming DelawareFour members of the Independent News Hour attended the Town of Wyoming monthy meeting in Wyoming Delaware on Monday June 3 at 7:30 p.m. EST at the Wyoming toFamily pet shot by neighbor, Kangaroo Court in Wilmington?, 03 Jun 2013 00:00:00 GMTFamily pet shot by neighbor, Kangaroo Court in Wilmington? This Sunday on the Independent News Hour we discuss the fatal shooting of a family pet by a neighbor and the 'official' response.     We also discuss what appeared to be a Kangaroo Court at the Public Employee Relations Board at the adjudication of a complaint by Dr. Jahi Issa former of Delaware State University against his former union the AAUP for not representing him when he was fired apparently based on allegations without his day in court.   Tonight we are pleased to introduce Ricky Shehorn as our associate producer on the Independent News hour. 00:56:00Doug BeattynoAnimal Cruelty,Deadly force,Corruption,Racism,NetDeThis Sunday on the Independent News Hour we discuss the fatal shooting of a family pet by a neighbor and the 'official' response.     We also discuss what appePam Africa Speaks (pre-recorded), 29 May 2013 23:00:00 GMTPam Africa Speaks (pre-recorded)before we changed the name of our show to the Indpendent News Hour we were Dr. J and douggiestyle.   On April 10, 2013 Sister Pam Africa, well known civil and human rights activist granted us an interview. She has a fascinating story of her road to becoming an activist and coming to terms with her own identity.    01:00:00Doug BeattynoMOVE,Pam Africa,Civil Rights,Politics,Activismbefore we changed the name of our show to the Indpendent News Hour we were Dr. J and douggiestyle.   On April 10, 2013 Sister Pam Africa, well known civil anCorruption at Kent County SPCA? Memorial day origins, 27 May 2013 00:00:00 GMTCorruption at Kent County SPCA? Memorial day originsA recent audit of the Kent County SPCA found serious problems with compliance to DEA regulations regarding tracking controlled substances.   A citizen watchdog group has sent a packet of complaints including two incidents where cases of drugs with street value went missing to nearly every elected official in the State of Delaware including the Governor's office.    The official stance of the Governor's office is that KCSPCA is a private non profit and we'll have to take it up with the board.  We reveal what the press and government in Delaware Don't want you to know.    Dr. Issa discusses the historical origins of memorial day.  01:01:00Doug BeattynoDrugs,Corruption,Jack Markell,Beau Biden,Civil RightsA recent audit of the Kent County SPCA found serious problems with compliance to DEA regulations regarding tracking controlled substances.   A citizen watchdogMidwives, Vance Phillips, and Delaware State University, 22 May 2013 23:00:00 GMTMidwives, Vance Phillips, and Delaware State UniversityTonight on the Independent News Hour: Jennifer Antonik discusses Delaware's restrictions on Home Birth and why that matters.  Don Ayotte asked for Vance Phillips to resign from the Sussex County Council - we will have a round table discussion.  One source says that DSU has become more diverse in the last thirty years, another says that African American professors are being run off. We discuss. 01:00:00Doug BeattynoDSU,HBCU,Scandal,NetDe,Health ChoiceTonight on the Independent News Hour: Jennifer Antonik discusses Delaware's restrictions on Home Birth and why that matters.  Don Ayotte asked for Vance PhillWe interview Dr. Alveda King, 20 May 2013 00:00:00 GMTWe interview Dr. Alveda KingDr. Alveda King speaks about our planned march on Dover Delaware and  the legacy of her uncle Dr. Martin Luther King. 00:28:00Doug BeattynoMartin Luther King,Alveda King,Civil Rights,Lynching,DelawareDr. Alveda King speaks about our planned march on Dover Delaware and  the legacy of her uncle Dr. Martin Luther King.More on the Malcolm Shabazz murder, racism in Delaware, 15 May 2013 23:00:00 GMTMore on the Malcolm Shabazz murder, racism in DelawareDr. Issa had a hearing on his complaint against the AAUP ( professor's union ) for not representing him properly when he was arrested on false charges, roughed up, injured, suspended and fired for exercising his first amendment rights.   An interesting discovery was made at that hearing.   Dr. Short from Iranian Press TV has graciously agreed to come on tonight. Dr. Short knew Malcolm Shabazz  personally as did our own Dr. Jahi Issa.   Fred Hampton Jr. May join us as well.   Call in guests are welcome. 01:00:00Doug BeattynoMalcolm X,Randy Short,Murder,Fred Hampton,RacismDr. Issa had a hearing on his complaint against the AAUP ( professor's union ) for not representing him properly when he was arrested on false charges, roughedMalcolm X's Grandson Murdered, 13 May 2013 00:00:00 GMTMalcolm X's Grandson Murdered   Tonight we bring you a discussion of the tragic murder of Malcolm Shabazz, the grandson of Minister Malcolm X.   We will also discuss a lawsuit filed against Sussex County Council member Vance Phillips. Wolf and Don Ayotte, both long involved in Sussex County politics will lead our panel.    New Castle County has released an audit with some interesting findings regarding Kent County SPCA and their executive director.  Cathy Samardza reporting.   News headlines by Wolf.   Please join us, call in guests are always welcome.            01:00:00Doug BeattynoMalcolm X,Malcolm Shabazz,Corruption,Vance Phillips,Kent County SPCATonight we bring you a discussion of the tragic murder of Malcolm Shabazz, the grandson of Minister Malcolm X.   We will also discuss a lawsuit filed agaiDelaware's thriving Department of Injustice, 08 May 2013 23:00:00 GMTDelaware's thriving Department of Injustice  Join us as we discuss what passes for justice in Delaware. Call in's welcome. 01:02:00Doug BeattynoCorruption,Democrats,Beau Biden,Delaware,Civil RIghtsJoin us as we discuss what passes for justice in Delaware. Call in's welcome.Reactions online to Dr. Issa's case, 06 May 2013 00:00:00 GMTReactions online to Dr. Issa's case Tonight on the Independent News Hour we will discuss some reactions to Dr. Issa's case by online commenters.     We will also discuss political news of the week, the recent dinner held by the Independent Party of Delaware and the road ahead.   All are welcome to join us, call in comments and questions are most welcome.  00:57:00Doug BeattynoDemocrat,Republican,Independent,Civil Rights,CorruptionTonight on the Independent News Hour we will discuss some reactions to Dr. Issa's case by online commenters.     We will also discuss political news of the wControlling the Negro Problem, 02 May 2013 01:00:00 GMTControlling the Negro Problem Delaware has a high percentage of African Americans, about ten percent higher than the National Average at around 23% of the population. However our inmate population is 70% black.      By studying the case of Dr. Jahi Issa we can see how authorities treat a university professor with resources and only speculate at how a marginalized citizen can possibly navigate the strange and cruel machine that passes for Juris Prudence in Delaware.   Please join us for a compelling discussion.  News roundup by Wolf followed by a panel discussion of the state of civil rights in the first state.    Dr. Issa's legal defense fund Independent Party of Delaware   01:00:00Doug BeattynoWhite Supremacy,Corruption,Republicans,Beau Biden,DemocratsDelaware has a high percentage of African Americans, about ten percent higher than the National Average at around 23% of the population. However our inmate popDelaware Family Services Nightmares, 29 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTDelaware Family Services Nightmares Independent News Hour for Sunday April 28th at 8:00 p.m. EST.    Headlines of the week by Wolf. #NetDe     The Independnet Party of Delaware platform calls for reform of the Family Court system with accountability and safeguards for children and family.      Tonight three cases of families being hurt and children endangerd by Delaware Family Services. We are going to discuss previous attempts to reverse and cease these arguably criminal insults to Delaware families and children.   Dr. Issa's legal defense fund. The Independent Party of Delaware Platform The Independent News Hour on Facebook 01:00:00Doug BeattynoCorruption,Child Abuse,Family Abuse,NetDe,DemocratsIndependent News Hour for Sunday April 28th at 8:00 p.m. EST.    Headlines of the week by Wolf. #NetDe     The Independnet Party of Delaware platform callsJack Markells F'ed up plantation, 24 Apr 2013 23:00:00 GMTJack Markells F'ed up plantation    The state persecution of Dr. Issa has gone to a whole new level today. The state is now after Dr. Issa's family and the details are shocking.     I don't know how our elected officials live with themselves.  01:00:00Doug BeattynoIndependent,Democrats,Republicans,Corruption,ReformThe state persecution of Dr. Issa has gone to a whole new level today. The state is now after Dr. Issa's family and the details are shocking.     I don'tDr. Issa on leaving the Democrat party., 22 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTDr. Issa on leaving the Democrat party. Dr. Jahi Issa has left the Democratic party to join the Independent Party of Delaware.    Please join us as Dr. Issa discusses his vision for the Independent Party.   With Don Ayotte, Wolf von Baumgart, Doug Beatty, and possibly special guest Ricky Shehorn.    Dr. Issa's legal defense fund: Independent Party of Delaware 2012 platform: 01:00:00Doug BeattynoIndependent,democrat,republican,conservative,liberalDr. Jahi Issa has left the Democratic party to join the Independent Party of Delaware.    Please join us as Dr. Issa discusses his vision for the IndependentDon Ayotte, on leaving the GOP, 17 Apr 2013 23:00:00 GMTDon Ayotte, on leaving the GOP Don Ayotte has left the GOP and joined the Independent Party of Delaware. Please join us tonight for a compelling discussion on the politics of our duopoly and how we can break that stranglehold.      Delaware is an ideal 'test bed' for new ideas. Agrarian, Manufacturing, and Service based economies. A small state of under one million people but the sixth most densely populated state in America.      We are ethinically diverse and a coastal state. If Delaware can break the two party stranglehold it can happen anyhwere. Don brings organizational skills with him, and the Independent Party of Delaware brings together a truly diverse spectrum of activists.    Is this the face of change? Or a flash in the pan? Is this the beginning of the end for DeGOP?  Please tune in or listen to the archived show and find out.   Call in guests are welcome and our chatroom will be open.            01:01:00Doug BeattynoDon Ayotte,Republican,Democrat,Independent,CorruptionDon Ayotte has left the GOP and joined the Independent Party of Delaware. Please join us tonight for a compelling discussion on the politics of our duopoly andKCSPCA parrot caper, 15 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTKCSPCA parrot caper Thirty exotic birds were 'surrendered' to the Kent County SPCA, and 'adopted' ( at retail prices ) before any kind of proper veterinary assesment could have benn done.    Did the Kent County SPCA use the threat of animal cruelty charges to turn a quick buck? It's starting to look like it.   Join us for a very interesting discussion. Corruption takes many forms, is this one of them? 00:59:00Doug BeattynoCorruption,Animal Cruelty,Animal Rights,Democrats,RepublicansThirty exotic birds were 'surrendered' to the Kent County SPCA, and 'adopted' ( at retail prices ) before any kind of proper veterinary assesment could have benPam Africa Speaks, 10 Apr 2013 23:00:00 GMTPam Africa Speaks Pam Africa is internationally known for her work on various causes including the case of Mumai abu Jamal. Controversial and outspoken, Sister Pam will join us to talk about her work.      All activists need to hear her story. A hero to many, equally villanized in some circles. She has never sold out and allways speaks her mind.  01:00:00Doug BeattynoPam Africa,Civil Rights,Corruption,Democrats,RepublicansPam Africa is internationally known for her work on various causes including the case of Mumai abu Jamal. Controversial and outspoken, Sister Pam will join usNew Gun laws, safety or insanity?, 08 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTNew Gun laws, safety or insanity? Delaware is a test bed for progressive policies. A mid-Atlantic state with a cross section of ethnic diversity, a small population, manufacturing, service, and agrarian economies.   Nationally, sweeping gun control legislation will likely fail. In Delaware it has a better than excellent chance of passing.   Will these new laws make us safer? Or turn our state into a killing field?    Is the Second Amendment obsolete? Or needed now more than ever?   Please join us for an honest discussion. Call ins are welcome.  00:58:00Doug BeattynoGun Control,Liberty,Independence,Democrats,RepublicansDelaware is a test bed for progressive policies. A mid-Atlantic state with a cross section of ethnic diversity, a small population, manufacturing, service, andEugenics and White Supremacy, 03 Apr 2013 23:00:00 GMTEugenics and White Supremacy Elaine Riddick was sterilized by the State of North Carolina after being raped at age 13.    She has a powerful story, and a message for all people who have any humanity.   Please join us for a compelling discussion.  00:56:00Doug BeattynoEugenics,Abortion,Civil Rights,White Supremacy,Social ControlElaine Riddick was sterilized by the State of North Carolina after being raped at age 13.    She has a powerful story, and a message for all people who have anWhippings, Hangings, Lynchings, and social control, 27 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTWhippings, Hangings, Lynchings, and social control Delaware had it's last public whipping in 1952, but the practice wasn't formally banned until the 1970's and calls to reimplement it formally occured in the 1980s.    Delaware was the last state to execute a man by hanging in 1996.    Today in Dover Delaware there are two suspicious 'suicides' that involve young black men hanging from trees by their own belts, a racist leaflet campaign depicting a lynching, and a victim of an attempted lynching which our police and attorney general refuse to investigate.    NAACP, SPLC, ACLU, Sharpton, Jackson, even Danny Glover are all mute, USDOJ hasn't stepped in, media coverage is thin. Aneroxic in fact.   Join us tonight for a compelling discussion when we unveil what is apparently corruption in the local and state NAACP, with implications that go up to the national level.   Fight the power, tune in, turn on, and stand up.  Dr. Issa's legal defense fund: Wolfgang Von Baumgart, Independent Party of Delaware Chairman: Doug Beatty: David B. Adams: 01:02:00Doug BeattynoWhipping,Lynching,Hanging,Social Control,CorruptinoDelaware had it's last public whipping in 1952, but the practice wasn't formally banned until the 1970's and calls to reimplement it formally occured in the 19Delaware Shot the Sheriff, 25 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTDelaware Shot the Sheriff Delaware's Judge Graves of the Superior Court in Sussex County has ruled that the word "Sheriff" is undefined and that the Sheriff has no power of arrest, is not in the law enforcement business.     Please join Doug Beatty and Wolf Von Baumgart for an in depth analysis of this ruling and the implications for the rest of the country.    Help win this fight: A good primer on the office of the Sheriff: The Court Decision: 00:57:00Doug BeattynoSheriff Powers,Democrats,Statism,Republicans,CorruptionDelaware's Judge Graves of the Superior Court in Sussex County has ruled that the word "Sheriff" is undefined and that the Sheriff has no power of arrest, is nNAACPaid and Delaware's proposed gun bill, 20 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTNAACPaid and Delaware's proposed gun bill Tonight we discuss possible corruption of the Delaware NAACP and Delaware's current proposal to expand background checks for firearm sales.     Delaware's NAACP has publicly insisted that two black men hanging from trees by their own belts in Downtown Dover Delaware and an assault on another man who says he escaped an attempt on his life aren't lynchings. This organization also backs the Governor's 'gun safety' proposals.    Are they working in the best interests of the African American Community or are they truly the NAACPaid?   Please join us for a compelling discussion.  Dr. Jahi Issa Wolfgang Von Baumgart Doug Beatty 01:02:00Doug BeattynoLynching,Democrats,NAACP,Gun Control,CorruptionTonight we discuss possible corruption of the Delaware NAACP and Delaware's current proposal to expand background checks for firearm sales.     Delaware's NAElected Sex Predators, a protected class?, 18 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTElected Sex Predators, a protected class? WINA Charlottesville radio host Rob Schilling of Virginia joins us for a compelling discussion.   In Charlotsville Virginia there is a scandal ongoing. Albermarle Virginia County Supervisor Democrat Chris Dumler was arrested on October 18, for forcible sodomy.    His charges were plead down to misdemeanors, he recieved the proverbial slap on the wrist and is refusing to resign.     This scandal has intriguing paralells in Delaware, and likely all around the nation. Why do we as a people accept one standard of justice for 'the ruling class' and another for 'we the people'?     Rob Schilling: Host and Producer The Schilling Show "Where News is Made!" (trademark)   NewsRadio 1070 WINA  Charlotesville, VA  12-2 PM Weekdays  Listen Live Online  Schilling Show Merchandise  Schilling Show Blog  Schilling Show Podcasts  Schilling Show on Facebook  Schilling Show on Twitter   00:58:00Doug BeattynoDemocrat,Republican,Sex Scandal,Corruption,Rape SodomyWINA Charlottesville radio host Rob Schilling of Virginia joins us for a compelling discussion.   In Charlotsville Virginia there is a scandal ongoing. AlberGay Marriage: Civil Right or Morally Wrong?, 13 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTGay Marriage: Civil Right or Morally Wrong?   Tonight we talk about homosexuality in the black community and same sex marriage. Is it a civil right? Is marriage something reserved for heterosexuals? Does the alternate community have standing to demand all the privileges of 'straight' society? Do individuals have the right to associate with whom they wish and avoid groups they don't want to be a part of? Do families have the right to raise their children the way they see fit?    Please join us for an in depth discussion of this topic.    Joining us is special guest Cleo Manago.  00:58:00Doug BeattynoLGBT,Same Sex Marriage,Freedom of Association,Civil Rights,EqualityTonight we talk about homosexuality in the black community and same sex marriage. Is it a civil right? Is marriage something reserved for heterosexuals? DoesWeek in Review with Dr. J & Douggiestyle, 11 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTWeek in Review with Dr. J & DouggiestyleAnalysis, commentary and discussion of current events from an Independent Political perspective.   Hugo Chavez is dead. Hero to some, Villian to others. Should we be mourning or rejoicing? Please join us for a lively discussion. 01:01:00Doug BeattynoIndependent,Democrats,Republicans,Government,CorruptionAnalysis, commentary and discussion of current events from an Independent Political perspective.   Hugo Chavez is dead. Hero to some, Villian to others. ShouldWith Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?, 07 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTWith Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?In Delaware we don't really have republicans and democrats. We have insiders and outsiders.   In particular, we will look at how DeGop has thrown Sheriff Jeff Christopher under the proverbial bus. While conservatives and pro-liberty activists around the country are concerned with the progressive initiative to eliminate elected Sheriffs nationwide, Delaware Republicans are with the progressives on this one.  01:00:00Doug BeattynoRepublicans,Delaware,Democrats,Corruption,worthlessIn Delaware we don't really have republicans and democrats. We have insiders and outsiders.   In particular, we will look at how DeGop has thrown Sheriff JeffBlack History Month, ban it or expand it?, 04 Mar 2013 03:00:00 GMTBlack History Month, ban it or expand it? Black History month is over. For many Americans just having a Black History month is controversial. Should it stay or should it go?    Join us for a lively discussion.    Dr. Jahi Issa Wolfgang Von Baumgart ( the Wolf ): Doublebad Doug Beatty: 00:57:00Doug BeattynoBlack History,Republican,Democrat,Race Relations,Black HistoryBlack History month is over. For many Americans just having a Black History month is controversial. Should it stay or should it go?    Join us for a lively dProgressive Plantation State Politics, 28 Feb 2013 00:00:00 GMTProgressive Plantation State Politics Tonight our panel covers issues from the Animal Welfare Task Force proposals and Kent County SPCA reaction, to the case of Autumn Summers a disabled single mother in Harrington and having an extraordinary tale of the tender ministries extant in the first state, to Sheriff Jeff Christopher and his legal battle to prevent Beau Biden from circumventing the State Constitution of Delaware and eliminating an elected office.    We will also briefly cover the latest developments in the suspicious deaths in Dover, officially suicides but lynchings in the minds of many.  Dr. J and #douggiestyle is proudly sponsored by my Dad! While well known as an actor since the 1970's, Dad's first love is singing. If you like Gospel music or know someone who does Da would appreciate you visiting his album website:   Dr. Jahi Issa: Cathy Samardza:   Wolfgang Von Baumgart: David Adams:   Sheriff Jeff Christopher   Doug Beatty: 00:58:00Doug Beattynodemocrat,corruption,Sheriff,Gun Control,discriminationTonight our panel covers issues from the Animal Welfare Task Force proposals and Kent County SPCA reaction, to the case of Autumn Summers a disabled single motDred Scott decision still being fought in Delaware, 25 Feb 2013 03:00:00 GMTDred Scott decision still being fought in Delaware The paralells are invetitable. Now it's official, the Dred Scott decision has been referenced on the record in the case of Delaware v Dr. Jahi Issa. We cover this latest development.  Dr. Issa's legal defense fund. Dover Delaware's Strange Fruits: Independent Party of Delaware Platform:      00:58:00Doug BeattynoCorruption,Civil Rights,Democrat,Delaware,White SupremacyThe paralells are invetitable. Now it's official, the Dred Scott decision has been referenced on the record in the case of Delaware v Dr. Jahi Issa. We cover t"Gun Control" Delaware's proposed ban, 21 Feb 2013 00:00:00 GMT"Gun Control" Delaware's proposed ban Delaware State Representative, Pete "passing constitutional laws is not my job" Schwartzkopf has issued a resolution calling for violating the second amendment and standing case law from the Supreme Court of the United States.      Joining us tonight is Dr. Keith Drake, longtime conservative activist, Dr. Jahi Issa, devoted civil rights activist, and Wolf Von Baumgart the state chairman of the Independent Party of Delaware.    Listeners are invited to call in with questions or comments.  Dr. Issa's legal defense fund: Consitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association: Delaware's Strange Fruits: Independent Pary of Delaware 2012 platform: 00:58:00Doug BeattynoGun Control,Democrats,Delaware Corruption,Police,Civil RightsDelaware State Representative, Pete "passing constitutional laws is not my job" Schwartzkopf has issued a resolution calling for violating the second amendmentCorruption and White Supremacy in Delaware, 18 Feb 2013 03:00:00 GMTCorruption and White Supremacy in Delaware Is Beau Biden incompetent, corrupt, a white supremacist, or some strange combination of the foregoing? Delaware historically is one of the most racially divided states in the nation. A remarkably high incarceration rate of African Americans and a justice system that apparently still abides by the Dred Scott decision.    Tonight we talk about the latest development in the case of Delaware v Issa, revisit the unlawful prosecution of another African American by the Kent County SPCA, and discuss the political system that allows this to occur.    We actually have an audio of Senator Coons doing the two step when confronted by a constituent about the lynchings in Dover. Surprise!    We will also discuss platform planks of the Independent Party of Delaware that address these issues.    Sitting in for Dr. Issa is Cathy Samardza, Independent Candidate for State Senate in 2012 and a longtime activist.  Wolfgang Von Baumgart, Independent Party of Delaware state chariman will be joining us also.  Dr. Issa's legal defense fund: Independent Party of Delaware Platform: David Adam's blog: Dover Delaware's Strange Fruits:  Our first Sponsor! My Dad and longtime actor Ned Beatty. Many people don't know that his first love is singing:   00:58:00Doug Beattynocorruption,White supremecy,Beau Biden,Corruption,DelawareIs Beau Biden incompetent, corrupt, a white supremacist, or some strange combination of the foregoing? Delaware historically is one of the most racially divideDead as a Dorner, onward to Mali, 14 Feb 2013 00:00:00 GMTDead as a Dorner, onward to Mali Tonight we discuss the death of Chris Dorner, French troops departing for Mali from Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, U.S. involvement in Mali, The State of the Union Address and other current issues.   Dr. Issa's legal defense fund: Delaware's strange fruits: David Adams' Blog: 00:58:00Doug BeattynoMali,State of the Union,Chris Dorner,Police State,LibertyTonight we discuss the death of Chris Dorner, French troops departing for Mali from Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, U.S. involvement in Mali, The State of thChris Dorner, Killer, Psycho, Patsy, Hero?, 11 Feb 2013 03:00:00 GMTChris Dorner, Killer, Psycho, Patsy, Hero? Dominating some sectors of News Media is former Navy LT. and former LAPD officer Chris Dorner. Three people are dead, more injured.     Twice Police in California have viciously opened fire on innocent people in pick up trucks without giving occupants any chance to surrender. A 71 year old woman who was delivering newspapers is seriously injured.    The consititution has been suspended as roadblocks, searches without warrants and attacks on innocent people have become the norm.     Many observers have pointed out the disproportionate response when cops are threatened. Some consider Dorner a vile psychopath. Others see him as a man pushed too far who unfortunately snapped.    Some consider him a freedom fighter, and still others opine that he is simply a patsy.    Please join us as we leave Delaware issues for a look at this event and discuss vairous interpretations and impliciations.  David Adam's blog: Delaware's Strange Fruits: Dr. Issa's defense fund: 00:57:00Doug BeattynoLAPD,Racism,Chris Dorner,Depression,Mass hysteriaDominating some sectors of News Media is former Navy LT. and former LAPD officer Chris Dorner. Three people are dead, more injured.     Twice Police in CalifNo Justice for "Negroes" in Delaware, 07 Feb 2013 00:00:00 GMTNo Justice for "Negroes" in Delaware  Recently Kent County Court of Common Pleas Judge Charles Welch III ruled on a pre-trial motion by Dr. Jahi Issa to suppress his arrest and dismiss charges of Disorderly Conduct, Offensive Touching, and Resisting Arrest.    However, Dr. Issa was not allowed to present any evidence at the motion hearing! This is blatant white supremacy. Can you imagine the outcry if this was done to a white professor?   People everywhere of all ethnicities need to be alarmed. What can be done to one of us can be done to all of us. The police state is coming, and white supremacy never left Delaware.   Please join us for a compelling discussion. Call in's are welcome.   Dr. Issa's defense fund:   Dover Delaware's strange fruits blog:     01:00:00Doug BeattynoWhite Supremacy,Corruption,HBCU,Delaware,JusticeRecently Kent County Court of Common Pleas Judge Charles Welch III ruled on a pre-trial motion by Dr. Jahi Issa to suppress his arrest and dismiss charges ofAnimal Control and Civil Rights, 02 Feb 2013 00:00:00 GMTAnimal Control and Civil RightsThere is a current movement for animal rights in America, and numerous problems across the nation with Animal Control. Briefly, these duties are in many cases regulated to non-profit organizations with no effective oversight.   This is certainly the case in Delaware. The fourth most corrupt state in the Union has a system where all complaints against Animal Control Officers and Shelter operations get directed to the Board of Directors in charge of same. Clear conflict of interests.   This may not be a topic that people think about, but perhaps they should Please join us. 00:58:00Doug BeattynoAnimal Control,Civil Rights,Corruption,Police Powers,Animal RightsThere is a current movement for animal rights in America, and numerous problems across the nation with Animal Control. Briefly, these duties are in many cases rThe enslavement of America, with Sheriff Jeff Christopher, 31 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe enslavement of America, with Sheriff Jeff ChristopherConstitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers of America 2012 Sheriff of the year Jeff Christopher joins us to talk about the erosion of your freedom and the attack on elected Sheriffs across America.   Elected Sheriffs are responsive to the people who elect them. Even Californians understand how important this is. So why are elected Sheriffs under attack?   Join us for an eye opening discussion. 01:03:00Doug BeattynoSheriff,Biden,Corruption,Liberty,DelawareConstitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers of America 2012 Sheriff of the year Jeff Christopher joins us to talk about the erosion of your freedom and the attacThe invention of the white race, 24 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe invention of the white race An interesting discussion with Dr. Jeffrey Perry on the invention of the white race, Bacon's Rebellion and some controversial history. Please join us for this informative and stimulating topic.   The Invention of the White Race Hubert Harrison: The Voice of Harlem Radicalism     01:00:00Doug BeattynoDoctor Jeffrey Perry,White supremecy,Bacons rebellion,Slavery,historyAn interesting discussion with Dr. Jeffrey Perry on the invention of the white race, Bacon's Rebellion and some controversial history. Please join us for thisLynchings and the turning away in Biden's home state., 22 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMTLynchings and the turning away in Biden's home state. A discussion of the lynchings in Dover Delaware. While these deaths have been officially ruled suicides the discharge of the investigations by the City of Dover Police has left more questions than answers. Coupled with the ongoing prosecution of Dr. Jahi Issa for demonstrably false charges we have a window into Delaware's civil rights crisis that goes far beyond these issues.    Also up for discussion this evening, Dover Delaware is one of the last State Capitols to have a street named after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. For these reasons we feel that this discussion is important on the day we are officially celebrating the birthday of this humanitarian legend. A blogpost on the suspected Dover Delaware ynchings. l   A primer on the persecution of Dr. Issa   A lynching in California:   A very interesting blog: 00:58:00Doug Beattynolynching,persecution of Jahi Issa,Biden,corruption,DelawareA discussion of the lynchings in Dover Delaware. While these deaths have been officially ruled suicides the discharge of the investigations by the City of DoveThe March on Dover and what comes next, 20 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe March on Dover and what comes next  An after action discussion of the March on Dover, with interviews of some leaders who participated. We will discuss why we marched, why all people should be concerned with events in Dover Delaware and around the country, and what will come next.   Our guests: Pam Africa Reverend Cortly C.D Witherspoon Tony Riddick Brother Bey, host of WBOL's "Breaking the Cycle" Your hosts: Dr. Jahi Issa   Doug Beatty   01:49:00Doug Beattynocivil rights,lynching,Delaware,activism,racismAn after action discussion of the March on Dover, with interviews of some leaders who participated. We will discuss why we marched, why all people should be cThe erosion of the constitution and civil rights Government, 17 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe erosion of the constitution and civil rights Tonight's discussion will be on the erosion of the constitution with examples taken from recent events in Delaware. We will be discussing how corruption can only thrive in an environment where civil rights are suppressed.   Delaware's Strange Fruits Deacons for Defense We will Shoot Back! Armed resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement.   00:58:00Doug Beattynocorruption,civil rights,Constitution,Delaware,Independent PoliticsTonight's discussion will be on the erosion of the constitution with examples taken from recent events in Delaware. We will be discussing how corruption can onWe discuss the topic of gun control, 10 Jan 2013 15:00:00 GMTWe discuss the topic of gun control Dr. Jahi Issa phd, Wolfgang Von Baumgart Independent Party of Delaware state chairman, and your host Doug Beatty discuss some of the historical and contemporary aspects of a hot topic: Gun ownership in America and Gun violence.     Callers are welcome to weigh in with their views.  00:58:00Doug BeattynoGuns,Crime,Violence,Civil Rights,HistoryDr. Jahi Issa phd, Wolfgang Von Baumgart Independent Party of Delaware state chairman, and your host Doug Beatty discuss some of the historical and contemporarMarch on Dover on Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday, 09 Jan 2013 15:30:00 GMTMarch on Dover on Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday A group of concerned citizens will march on Dover Delaware on January 15, 2013 to protest civil rights violations in Delaware and to honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King. The theme of the march is that all human beings are created equal.    Our special Guest will be Dr. Alveda King, Pastoral Associate and Director of African American Outreach for Priests for Life and Founder of King for America. 00:28:00Doug BeattynoDoctor Alveda King,Dr Martin Luther King jr,Civil rights,Delaware,Dr Jahi IssaA group of concerned citizens will march on Dover Delaware on January 15, 2013 to protest civil rights violations in Delaware and to honor the memory of Dr. MaThe Delaware Way, 09 Jan 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Delaware Way Delaware may be the state that the civil rights movement missed, we have one of the highest African American incarceration rates in the Nation and civil rights abuses that would cause outrage in other states are routine here.    A frank discussion with Dr. Jahi Issa and Doug Beatty on the state of human relations in Delaware. 00:29:00Doug BeattynoDr Jahi Issa,Dred Scott,Racism,Corruption,DelawareDelaware may be the state that the civil rights movement missed, we have one of the highest African American incarceration rates in the Nation and civil rightsDelaware's strange fruit, 13 Dec 2012 23:30:00 GMTDelaware's strange fruitReports of lynching, attempted lynching, cover up and corruption in Dover Delaware.00:28:00Doug Beattynopolice,lynching,suicide,Delaware,corruptionReports of lynching, attempted lynching, cover up and corruption in Dover Delaware.