Dogface and Squid vets in recovery helping others, Dogface and Squid keep it real and inject irreverent humor into the serious topic of addiction and recovery. With unvarnished honesty, they shatter the myths, share their stories, and welcome calls from everyone affected by alcoholism and addiction. Join these vets on their mission to transform lives and turn their mess into a message in service to others. All Rights Reserved.Sat, 15 Jun 2019 10:30:00 GMTThu, 30 May 2019 18:00:00 GMTSelf HelpBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 and Squid vets in recovery helping others, Dogface and Squid keep it real and inject irreverent humor into the serious topic of addiction and recovery. With unvarnished honesty, they shatter the myths, share their stories, and welcome calls from everyone affected by alcoholism and addiction. Join these vets on their mission to transform lives and turn their mess into a message in service to others. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comalcoholism,addiction,drug addiction,trauma,PTSD,Veterans,Army,Navy,Military,RecoveryDogface and SquidnoTwo Vets in Recovery Helping Others.episodicWhy Helping Others is so Important in Recovery Help, 30 May 2019 18:00:00 GMTWhy Helping Others is so Important in RecoveryThe reasons why helping others would be important are numerous. To begin with, helping other people tends to take the attention off of yourself, something that can be of enormous benefit for a recovering addict. Rather than continuing to focus on your own problems and the physical aspects of recovery, your attention turns outward onto the other person. When you assist the other person in making progress and receive gratitude for your efforts, this reward can give you an enormous boost in your own happiness and sense of well-being. In fact, the experience of helping can become an “addiction” in its own right, as you may find that you enjoy it so much that it takes on a high level of importance in your life. Another reason that providing help can be advantageous for a recovering addict is that it gives an opportunity to gain perspective. As you progress through your own recovery, it is easy to lose sight of how far you have come and even to become critical of yourself when you feel cravings. By working to help another person who is headed down the same road as you are, you get to look back and see where you started. You will tend to recognize in that person’s situation many of the same types of barriers that you faced, and you will be able to provide meaningful encouragement, since you yourself were up against those obstacles and have now successfully overcome them. It is from this viewpoint that a percentage of people who complete the treatment or rehab programs end up deciding to stay on and join the staff. Helping others is simply a great way to feel good! (without substances!) Please join us or call the show! 00:29:00Dogface and SquidnoPTSD,helping others,Veterans,addiction,recoveryHelping other people tends to take the attention off of yourself, something that can be of enormous benefit for a recovering addict. Rather than continuing to fd22d1b3d-2dd7-4604-813b-5a8011d7647622fullI lost a bet that I could quit gambling. A humorous look at serious addictions. Help, 21 May 2019 23:00:00 GMTI lost a bet that I could quit gambling. A humorous look at serious addictions.If you like rubber necking to get a look at a bad accident, you will love this show. All the guilty pleasure of watching a train wreck and so much more! The old saying “laughter is the best medicine” has a lot of truth to it. Laughter has many healing properties that are not limited to just mental health or reducing stress. Laughter has many positive effects, from easing anxiety to boosting the feel good endorphins. If you are suffering from grief or depression, laughing at a funny joke can bring momentarily relief. Depression is accompanied by suppression of the pleasure-enhancing neurochemicals in the brain. Persons suffering from chronic depression often admit, “Nothing is funny to me.” Laughter reverses this process by triggering the release of feel-good neurohormones, such as endorphins and dopamine. Researchers believe that laughter activates the pleasure pathways in the brain. Join us as we discuss the importance of laughter in life. Dog and Squid will discuss serious issues regarding mental health and addiction with a humorous twist. If you are troubled by addiction, depression, anxiety or PTSD you will not want to miss this fun show geared to helping us heal through laughter. Buckle up and enjoy the ride! 00:56:00Dogface and SquidnoSelf-Help,Self Improvement,recovery,PTSD,VeteransIf you like rubber necking to get a look at a bad accident, you will love this show. All the guilty pleasure of watching a train wreck and so much more! The oldI lost a bet that I could quit gambling. A humorous look at serious addictions. Help, 16 May 2019 23:00:00 GMTI lost a bet that I could quit gambling. A humorous look at serious addictions.If you like rubber necking to get a look at a bad accident, you will love this show. All the guilty pleasure of watching a train wreck and so much more! The old saying “laughter is the best medicine” has a lot of truth to it. Laughter has many healing properties that are not limited to just mental health or reducing stress. Laughter has many positive effects, from easing anxiety to boosting the feel good endorphins. If you are suffering from grief or depression, laughing at a funny joke can bring momentarily relief. Depression is accompanied by suppression of the pleasure-enhancing neurochemicals in the brain. Persons suffering from chronic depression often admit, “Nothing is funny to me.” Laughter reverses this process by triggering the release of feel-good neurohormones, such as endorphins and dopamine. Researchers believe that laughter activates the pleasure pathways in the brain. Join us as we discuss the importance of laughter in life. Dog and Squid will discuss serious issues regarding mental health and addiction with a humorous twist. If you are troubled by addiction, depression, anxiety or PTSD you will not want to miss this fun show geared to helping us heal through laughter. Buckle up and enjoy the ride! 00:56:00Dogface and SquidnoLaughter,endorphins,humorous,humor satirical perspective,PTSD AWARENESSMental Health Issues and Addiction are not funny but humor can help us to heal. Laughter is proven to release endorphins and lower blood pressure.ec208c28-29c8-49de-82b2-504d5e81e291117fullSuccessful Pain Management in Recovery from Addiction Help, 14 May 2019 23:00:00 GMTSuccessful Pain Management in Recovery from Addiction Millions of Americans are in pain. Some suffer from chronic headaches or back pain; others are recovering from surgery, sports injuries, accidents or as Dog Face recently experienced, kidney stones. Every year, millions of prescriptions are written for pain medications and many of them opioids that can cause side effects and lead to addiction. Physical Therapy, Yoga, CBD Oils, Acupuncture and healthy herbal supplements are a few of the many ways to deal with pain without drugs.  In this episode Dog Face and Squid discuss some techniques you may find helpful when dealing with pain and discomfort. 00:55:00Dogface and SquidnoPain,pain relief,pain management,addiction,addiction recoveryEvery year, millions of prescriptions are written for pain medications and many of them opioids that can cause side effects and lead to addiction. Massage, YogaSuccessful Pain Management in Recovery from Addiction Help, 09 May 2019 23:00:00 GMTSuccessful Pain Management in Recovery from Addiction Millions of Americans are in pain. Some suffer from chronic headaches or back pain; others are recovering from surgery, sports injuries, accidents or as Dog Face recently experienced, kidney stones. Every year, millions of prescriptions are written for pain medications and many of them opioids that can cause side effects and lead to addiction. Physical Therapy, Yoga, CBD Oils, Acupuncture and healthy herbal supplements are a few of the many ways to deal with pain without drugs.  In this episode Dog Face and Squid discuss some techniques you may find helpful when dealing with pain and discomfort.   00:55:00Dogface and Squidnopain management,pain relief,Recovery from addiction,Opioids,Opioid CrisisEvery year, millions of prescriptions are written for pain medications and many of them opioids that can cause side effects and lead to addiction. Massage, Yogae1347c0f-d067-495c-b342-5e63f7b8c1f5116fullThe Importance of Early Intervention in Drug or Alcohol Addiction Help, 07 May 2019 23:00:00 GMTThe Importance of Early Intervention in Drug or Alcohol AddictionAddiction to drugs and alcohol creates considerable and sometimes irreversible chemical and structural changes within the brain that make logical reasoning impossible. For this reason, it is vital to identify and treat the problem before the damaging effect on the brain begin. Early recognition or diagnosis of drug misuse can occur most easily in the home with the help of an interventionist. Research shows that the most effective early intervention techniques are often performed by a trusted intervention professional who can assist the family of an addict get the help they need with the proper approach to a touchy situaton.  00:58:00Dogface and Squidnointervention,early intervention,RecoveryAddiction to drugs and alcohol creates considerable and sometimes irreversible chemical and structural changes within the brain that make logical reasoning impoBe Kind to Yourself in Recovery! Help, 30 Apr 2019 23:00:00 GMTBe Kind to Yourself in Recovery! Being kind to yourself is a skill you can learn and practice. Here are some suggestions on ways to start being kind to yourself. Carve out ‘me-time’-Taking time to unplug from your computer, the continuous stream of social media updates, overflowing email inbox, is a great way to recharge the mind, body and soul. So is yoga and meditation. Acknowledge your feelings and emotions - Being kind to yourself means allowing yourself to feel whatever it is you are feeling at that moment. Instead of judging your emotions or trying to numb them, you give yourself permission to experience them, without judging yourself. Take care of yourself-One of the best ways to show yourself kindness is to take good care of yourself. This includes nourishing yourself with enough food and taking care of your body Give yourself recognition-When was the last time you acknowledged and appreciated yourself?  Many people find it easier to acknowledge the strengths and achievements of others than to acknowledge their own. Accept and appreciate yourself-Self-acceptance means that you stop trying to change yourself into the person you’re not and at the same time be open to discovering the real and beautiful person that you are. We all have strengths and weaknesses, we all make silly mistakes and we all fail every now and then. Tell yourself “I am good enough” -At some point, we are all guilty of some negative self-talk or labeling ourselves as either good or bad, which is often the result of feelings of unworthiness or shame. It can be helpful to put a more positive perspective on things and replace negative thoughts. Can you think of other ways to be kind to yourself? Call the show! 00:56:00Dogface and Squidnoaddiction,recovery,self respect,trust,FaithBeing kind to yourself is a skill you can learn and practice. Here are some suggestions on ways to start being kind to yourself. Carve out ‘me-time’-Taking ti329d2eeb-1d06-4ea9-aeb1-5866722df8d6114fullThe Importance of Early Intervention in Drug or Alcohol Addiction Help, 25 Apr 2019 23:00:00 GMTThe Importance of Early Intervention in Drug or Alcohol AddictionAddiction to drugs and alcohol creates considerable and sometimes irreversible chemical and structural changes within the brain that make logical reasoning impossible. For this reason, it is vital to identify and treat the problem before the damaging effect on the brain begin. Early recognition or diagnosis of drug misuse can occur most easily in the home with the help of an interventionist. Research shows that the most effective early intervention techniques are often performed by a trusted intervention professional who can assist the family of an addict get the help they need with the proper approach to a touchy situaton.  00:58:00Dogface and Squidnointervention,Interventions,Interventionist,addiction,drug addictionDrug and alcohol addiction creates considerable and sometimes irreversible chemical and structural changes within the brain so early intervention is key.0fc3e702-ce03-4267-8eaf-c5c5bfbbfe7e113fullBreaking Down the Stigma about Addiction and Mental Health Help, 23 Apr 2019 23:00:00 GMTBreaking Down the Stigma about Addiction and Mental Health For many people in recovery, stigma is a constant companion. Mental and physical illness, poverty, trauma and isolation can make fitting into mainstream society difficult. Alcohol and drug use is frequently seen as an effective way to deal with problems that might otherwise feel overwhelming. From time to time, people ask for help. Sometimes the assistance provided is helpful, other times it is not. At any given time, there are enough people asking for help that those who slip away can easily go unnoticed, returning to lives of despair, where alcohol and drugs can be counted upon to numb feelings that never seem to go away. Sometimes, those people die. It can be said that stigma kills. On this episode Dog Face and Squid discuss how the stigma can push a person in need of help to the end of their rope. Also, how we can help remove the stigma and help people by getting the word out and not be disgraced for doing so. Most importantly people who are already suffering should not feel ashamed or afraid to ask for help. Finally, Dog and Squid will remind the audience of some people who may have a lot to lose by coming foward and talking about their addiction and did so anyway..Tune in!! 00:56:00Dogface and Squidnoaddiction recovery,addiction,stigma of mental illness,alcoholism,Alcoholics AnonymousFor many people in recovery, stigma is a constant companion. Mental and physical illness, poverty, trauma and isolation can make fitting into mainstream societ0eb1c541-00df-4bd5-9d23-b668ed743583112fullThe Link Between PTSD and Addiction Help, 18 Apr 2019 23:00:00 GMTThe Link Between PTSD and AddictionOne of the most emotionally debilitating mental disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder causes intense anxiety, intrusive memories and nightmarish flashbacks that interfere with daily life. Many individuals with PTSD will turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to numb their pain or to gain some measure of control in their lives. Chronic substance abuse creates a complicated Dual Diagnosis, or the co-existence of a serious psychiatric disorder and an addictive disorder. Recovering from this Dual Diagnosis requires a careful exploration of the causes of PTSD, combined with treatment for drug or alcohol addiction. In this episode Dog Face and Squid discuss their own experience with PTSD and Addiction and how they are related.  Thank you for the promo music.  01:00:00Dogface and Squidnopost traumatic stress,addiction,PTSD,ptsd treatment,PTSD veteransDog Face and Squid share their experience with PTSD and Addiction.eea38b85-64d1-4d19-ae5e-9dbc32b90afe111fullAddiction as a Disease and How Substance Use Changes the Brain Help, 16 Apr 2019 23:00:00 GMTAddiction as a Disease and How Substance Use Changes the BrainAddiction disrupts parts of the brain that are responsible for reward, motivation, learning and judgement. Substance abuse damages body systems as well as families, relationships, schools and workplaces.Over time, continued release of the chemicals in the brain that are associated with pleasure and reward cause changes in the brain and its motivation, memory and reward systems. The substance abuser will begin to experience powerful cravings and will continue to use drugs and or alcohol even when the consequeces are extemely damaging. In this episode Dog Face and Squid discuss the disease of addiction and the effects on the brain and decision making. Join us and listen or call in! 00:54:00Dogface and Squidnoalcoholism,alcohol,drugs,drug addiction,drug abuseAddiction is a complex disease of the brain and body that involves compulsive use of substances6229790e-fe04-4bf1-bcb0-23586fcc25c2110fullDog Face and Squid Discuss the Do's and Don'ts in Early Recovery Help, 11 Apr 2019 23:00:00 GMTDog Face and Squid Discuss the Do's and Don'ts in Early RecoveryThe disease of addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful. The addict in early recovery must have a solid plan in place to maintain sobriety. Structure, planning and a routine is of utmost importance! Dog Face and Squid will talk about the Do's and Dont's of recovery and what it was like in their experience. Don't miss this impactful episode where Dog and Squid lay it all on the line and talk about their failures, successes and progress through the pain of addiction. 00:57:00Dogface and Squidnoearly recovery,addiction recovery,drugs and alcohol,drugs,alcoholismEarly recovery can be very tricky. Cravings for drugs and alcohol can kick in at any time. The addict must be prepared.2888f14a-5192-4a00-8178-dbbc72453fb219fullAddiction's Effect on the Family, Friends & Employers. Help, 09 Apr 2019 23:00:00 GMTAddiction's Effect on the Family, Friends & Employers. Prolonged abuse of drugs and/or alcohol will deteriorate a person’s physical health, impair his or her mental functioning and damage the spirit. But how will these adverse effects impact the addict’s immediate family? Every single person in an addict’s immediate family (and at times extended family) is affected in some way by the individual’s substance abuse. Addiction impacts a family’s finances, physical health and psychological well being.  Each addict’s situation is different, which means that each family’s situation is unique. This makes it impossible to assign a universal causal relationship between substance abuse and family functioning. In most families, the impact of addiction is overwhelmingly negative, with few exceptions. In this episode Dog and Squid Discuss their experience and provide loved ones of addicts some comfort knowing how they can cope. There are many resources for family to get help and understand the addict's battles with addiction, alcoholism and mental health. Join us and call in with your stories or questions @ 929-477-1661. Music Credit Thank you Bensound and FMA 00:57:00Dogface and Squidnoaddiction,Addictions,addiction recovery,Addicts,addictProlonged abuse of drugs and/or alcohol will deteriorate a person’s physical health, impair his or her mental functioning and damage the spirit. But how will t9af10fc3-278c-42d6-ba56-e5529f20006d18fullDogface and Squid: Addiction Equals Being At War with Yourself Help, 04 Apr 2019 23:00:00 GMTDogface and Squid: Addiction Equals Being At War with YourselfTwo vets on a mission to help others, Dogface and Squid broadcast every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. Eastern. In this hard hitting, honest episode they come clean about how their obsessive thoughts invaded their minds and lied to them about the reality of their addiction, convincing them they didn't have a problem - that they could drink or do drugs without consequences to themselves or others. Of course, for the people around them, this was simply not the case.   If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction and/or other mental health issues, they invite you to listen or call in. Join Dogface and Squid in their march to conquer drug and alcohol addiction. Thank you to for the promo music. Episode sponsored by  00:51:00Dogface and SquidnoVeterans,Addiction,Drugs,Alcohol,AlcoholismTwo vets on a mission to help others, Dogface and Squid broadcast every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. Eastern. In this hard hitting, honest episode they comee06b4a5a-78e5-4c77-842e-cfc125f217b816fullDogface and Squid: The Hurdles to Treatment for Addiction and Mental Health Help, 02 Apr 2019 23:00:00 GMTDogface and Squid: The Hurdles to Treatment for Addiction and Mental HealthTwo vets on a mission to help others, Dogface and Squid broadcast every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. Eastern.  In this hard-hitting, honest episode they discuss the many challenges addicts and those suffering from mental health issues face when trying to get into treatment. Whether a veteran with the VA or a civilian with private insurance, it can be nearly impossible to get the help you need to work through issues like PTSD and trauma - which often drive addiction - and emerge well enough to maintain sobriety via an aftercare program, ongoing meetings, and other recommended therapies.  If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction or other mental health issues, they invite you to listen or call in. Join them in their march to conquer drug and alcohol addiction. Thank you to for the promo music. Episode sponsored by engaging video to expand your brand.  00:45:00Dogface and SquidnoVeterans,Military,Addiction,Trauma,PTSDDogface and Squid discuss the difficulties of getting treatment for mental health and addiction issues.0d2c449b-ca94-4109-94ae-9f6b5156a48315fullDogface and Squid: The Many Paths to Recovery Help, 28 Mar 2019 23:00:00 GMTDogface and Squid: The Many Paths to RecoveryTwo vets in recovery, Dogface and Squid are on a mission to help others. When it comes to mental health, addiction and recovery there are many effective paths to healing - but there is no one-size-fits-all solution. We are all unique individuals with our own backgrounds, beliefs, experiences, and challenges. After years of meetings, treatment centers, therapy sessions, medications, alternative healing modalities, EMDR therapy -- and every other recovery method you can think of -- Dogface and Squid can attest that the approach to recovery involves a combination of multiple disciplines tailored to each individual. Join them on Thursday, March 28 at 7 p.m. as they discuss the various approaches to restoring sanity, wellness, and peace to your life. And if you would like to call in to share your story, they'd love to hear from you.  Thank you for the promo music. 00:59:00Dogface and SquidnoAddiction,Recovery,Dogface and Squid,Veterans,Veterans in RecoveryTwo vets in recovery discuss the many paths to clean and sober livingcadae0a4-4837-4468-bb0b-3edb2fcacb0313fullDogface and Squid Share Their Experiences with PTSD, Addiction, and Recovery Help, 26 Mar 2019 23:00:00 GMTDogface and Squid Share Their Experiences with PTSD, Addiction, and RecoveryTwo vets in recovery helping others, Dogface and Squid share their individual journeys in this thought-provoking episode about trauma, PTSD, addiction and recovery. With unvarnished honesty and irreverent humor, they discuss the life challenges and hardships that led to them to abuse substances in an attempt to find something "out there" to help them overcome deep-seated problems inside. For Dogface, it was drugs. For Squid, it was alcohol. But for both, their addiction amounted to disaster and nearly ruined their relationships with loved ones, their livelihood, their health, and their quality of life.  Now that they are living clean, sober, and productive lives they want to help others like them to do the same. Think it's too late for you? Dogface and Squid are here to tell you it's never too late...with a little help from your friends! During the live show, they invite you to tune in and call in with your questions and/or to share your own journey.  Don't miss Dogface and Squid on Tuesday, March 26 at 7 p.m. Eastern! Thank you to for the promo music.    00:57:00Dogface and SquidnoDogfaceandSquid,PTSD,Addiction,Drugs,AlcoholIn Recovery from Addiction and PTSD? Dog and Squid want to hear from you!15fa3333-506e-4a4f-b36a-122ae83f2c9711full