Design Your Life for New Choices coaching to communities around the world with guests who are visible and ground breaking thought leaders from the coaching profession. enCopyright Patricia Hirsch (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 22:30:00 GMTThu, 19 Feb 2015 16:00:00 GMTLifestyleBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Your Life for New Choices coaching to communities around the world with guests who are visible and ground breaking thought leaders from the coaching profession. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comlifestyle,patricia hirsch,executive coaching,life coaching,design your life for new choices,design your life coaching for new choices,leadership coaching,coaching,deborah roth,executive coachesDesign Your Life for New ChoicesnoBringing coaching to communities around the world with guests who are visible and ground breaking thought leaders from the coaching profession.episodicThe Anatomy of a Transformational Coach, 19 Feb 2015 16:00:00 GMTThe Anatomy of a Transformational CoachPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Micki McMillan, MCC. To be an authentic transformational coach we must have impeccable self-awareness, abiding mindfulness practice, and be a life long learner.  A Transformational Coach first is aware of her own strengths and shortcomings.  The coach understands the impact they have on others.  This self-awareness is earned through a willingness to dive into one’s inner life.  The second component of a Transformational Coach is that they have a deep and abiding mindfulness practice.  In a world saturated with information and fast-passed technology, the Transformational Coach steps outside of this flurry and is grounded through a mindfulness practice.  Through this practice the self-awareness of the coach is enriched as well as possible areas of growth.  The third characteristic of a transformational coach is that they are life long learners.  Learning becomes less a goal to achieve and more of a way of life.  Learning how to learn becomes more important than gathering a mass of knowledge.  To be one who teaches this, we have to be that which we are teaching.  Or the best way to teach transformational coaching is to allow transformation to take root in the life of the teacher. Micki McMillan MEd.,MCC, is CEO and co-founder of the Blue Mesa Group, a firm that supports senior leaders’ success through executive coaching and proven leadership skills. Once the highest ranking woman in utility operations, Micki has deep insights into the challenges executives face in competitive cultures. With 20 years of executive coach experience, Micki is one of just over 600 Master Certified Coaches in the world. Micki coaches executives & teams at The Coca-Cola Company, Merck & Co., Yale Health, CO State University, Entergy, Trinity Health, Centura Health and Royal Dutch Shell. She has vast experience in world regions, including Asia, Australia & Europe. 01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnotransformational coach,coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Micki McMillan,Design Your LifePatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Micki McMillan, MCC. To be an authentic transformational coach we must have impeccable self-awareness, abiding mindfulness pracWhy a "Politically Correct" Approach Might Create a Misleading Process, 22 Jan 2015 16:00:00 GMTWhy a "Politically Correct" Approach Might Create a Misleading Process Patricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Sara Arbel, MCC.  Sara believes that the world today is facing few truths that need to be addressed: 1. Diversity and 2.The price we pay for being politically correct. Sara Arbel MCC, from Tel–Aviv, Israel, has 30 yrs exp. with leadership driven individuals and organizations, is founder of the coaching profession and founding Israel ICF President, plus faculty leader at CoachU. Coaching as a career is rewarding, exceptional and an exciting model for personal change and transformation. She brings enthusiasm and experience to the industry. With a heart bursting with pride she coaches clients, with the strong will to grow and evolve, fulfill their mission. She says the measure of success is our passion to leave a mark. Who We Are and Who We are Becoming is a process of achieving that goal and where all is possible for building a well-balanced life, strong lasting career and business foundation. The world today moves quickly and we are measured by our ability to be the leaders of change. Sara coaches in Microsoft, Intel, Medical (Kamada, Novo Nordisk) & Tele-comm (Orange) industries, law firms, Tel-Aviv University, Weizmann Institute of Science, et al. Knowledge is no longer our asset, personality IS. 01:01:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,Sara Arbel,coaching,Design Your Life Coaching for New Choices,life coachingPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Sara Arbel, MCC.  Sara believes that the world today is facing few truths that need to be addressed: 1. Diversity and 2.ThHow to Have the Conversation You’ve Been Avoiding!, 18 Dec 2014 16:00:00 GMTHow to Have the Conversation You’ve Been Avoiding!Patricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Gail Rappolt, PCC. In what ways do I keep myself stuck by not having the difficult conversations that would truly make a difference to me and the other? Why do I assume that raising something that has been concerning me will have a negative outcome? I demean others when I deprive them of feedback that lets them know the impact of their behavior on me. When I give feedback that is descriptive, situational and owns the behavior’s impact on me and when I give it in the spirit of love – not blame nor defensiveness, I offer a gift. Ironically it is not only a gift to the other – it is a gift to self as well. I have taken action and often that action releases the tension and anxiety created by the situation and allows me to let go it. Join Gail to learn a feedback tool and some specific skills of preparing and delivering feedback that will help create a positive outcome for the conversation you need to have. Gail is a dynamic and creative business coach. Her warmth, knowledge of human behaviour and positive energy form the basis of an outstanding learning opportunity for her clients. Her background as a successful leader and manager brings both awareness of the complexities faced by her clients and the coaching skills to help them find their own effective solutions. Gail has a private coaching practice and has been an Associate of the Niagara Institute for many years. Her career path includes a number of senior management positions in the public sector at the municipal and provincial level. In her roles, she managed large departments and sites where she was involved in restructuring and change management, led cross-functional teams, and designed and developed new programs. She has also held significant positions of leadership in the volunteer sector. Expertise: Leadership Development, Executive and Personal Coaching 01:00:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,Gail Rappolt,Coaching,leadership coaching,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Gail Rappolt, PCC. In what ways do I keep myself stuck by not having the difficult conversations that would truly make a differHow Coaching is Changing the World, 11 Dec 2014 16:00:00 GMTHow Coaching is Changing the WorldPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Helen Attridge, MCC. Helen shares after 5 years of having my International Coach training company, I took some time out this year to review where I had been and where I am going, something I strongly recommend coaching clients, coaches and international leaders I work with do. From this time of reflection, I was able to review what was working both personally and professionally for me. This “reflection time” was deeply inspired by a leadership training I taught in China last November, where I walked into a room of leaders from all different walks of life and had a visceral experience in my body of their exhaustion and frustration. I started to hear a small voice inside of me inviting me to change my curriculum and be present with both myself and these leaders over the time I spent with them. That training began to create a pathway forward for me, as a leader, trainer and coach with a passion to create global change. Helen Attridge, President, International Trainer, Master Certified Coach, is the president and owner of the Academy of Coaching and NLP (ACN). When Helen took over the program, her vision was to create an international coach training program that provides students with the highest International Coaching Federation (ICF) credentials and combines ICF pure coaching model with powerful NLP coaching techniques. ACN empowers students with everything they need to launch a successful coaching business. Prior to becoming Director of ACN, Helen was an International Trainer for the NLP and Coaching Institute of California. She was a Results Coach for the Anthony Robbins Company, coaching CEOs and executives internationally. She is also Facilitator/Coach for Womensquest Outdoor Adventure Company. In addition, Helen has built a successful coaching practice.   01:01:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,Design Your Life Coaching for New Choices,Coaching,Helen Attridge,leadershipPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Helen Attridge, MCC. Helen shares after 5 years of having my International Coach training company, I took some time out this yeThe Secret Boundaries of our Values, 16 Oct 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Secret Boundaries of our Values Patricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Rafael Boker, PCC.Boundaries are our way of communicating with other people – letting them know where we stand, how far are we willing to go, and in which direction. Values are what we use as a description of our selves, our “true essence” if you would like. What happens when our boundaries are breached? Are we really venerable there? Are we really being hurt? Come on and listen to this layout of definitions and discoveries to assess your own behavior in your culture. Allow yourself to embrace your values in a way you might not have thought about before. Rafael Boker was born to provoke and help others to transform their lives into their best selves. With more than 6 years of experience, Rafael coached and trained other coaches to be rooted to their true essence. Rafael comes from a small family and created a bigger one, fulfilling his essence as a father, along with helping other individuals to grow themselves to create a life that they love and fulfill their dreams. Rafael was trained at CTI (The Coaches Training Institute) as a Co-Active coach, and currently holds the role of leading certification programs for CTI, supervising, holding a beautiful marriage and parenting three children. 01:01:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,Rafael Boker,Design Your Life for New Choices,life coaching,coachingPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Rafael Boker, PCC.Boundaries are our way of communicating with other people – letting them know where we stand, how far are weParadoxical Issues in Coaching, 25 Sep 2014 15:00:00 GMTParadoxical Issues in CoachingPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Alain Cardon, MCC.  Alain shares how over the years, working in executive, team and organizational coaching contexts has often been a challenge. Gradually working through the paradox of resistance to change or that people and systems ask for change in order to limit change, he has had to find strategies to accompany them, and himself in this exploration process. This has allowed Alain to develop specific individual, team and organizational coaching tools and strategies that he finds very powerful. Master Certified Coach since 2002, mostly recognized for his specific competencies in systemic executive coaching, team coaching and organizational coaching, Alain Cardon is also a systemic coach trainer and coach supervisor with coach students in France, Belgium, Spain, Germany and Romania where he has opened a systemic coaching school in 2007. As far as his personal style for executive coaching, life coaching, team coaching and organizational coaching clients, Alain has developed a direct, confronting and empowering coaching approach which may be defined as a blend of brief, systemic, creative, and breakthrough posture and techniques. Although French national and part-time resident, his intensely international personal life and career also makes it difficult to define Alain’s executive coaching heritage as originating from one or another coaching school of thought, one or another national frame of reference. 00:32:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoAlain Cardon,Patricia Hirsch,coaching,executive coaching,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Alain Cardon, MCC.  Alain shares how over the years, working in executive, team and organizational coaching contexts has oftenTeaching the Coach Approach for Social Transformation, 21 Aug 2014 15:00:00 GMTTeaching the Coach Approach for Social TransformationPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Dr. Patrick Williams. Dr. Williams believes the power of the Coach Approach can be a catalyst for social change by empowering both change agents and those who are reached by non-profits or NGOs around the globe. His goal is to ignite interest in other certified coaches who want to assist by becoming CGV approved trainers and ambassadors in this effort to spread the Coach Approach essentials to grassroots organizations for change at the local level. Dr. Patrick Williams, psychologist, author, and leadership coach, is a pioneer in the field of Life Coaching and founder of the Institute for Life Coach Training and Coaching the Global Village. Dr. Williams has been a developer of leaders for 3 decades and spoken around the world. He founded Coaching the Global Village in 2006 to bring the power of the coach approach to the underserved and resource poor of the world. CGV associates provide leadership training to grassroots organizations and/or non-profits, NGOs or corporate social change initiatives. Pat's message is that leadership is an activity, not just a position. Pat's speaking and training is inspirational, providing an igniting spark to individuals, communities, or organizations and offering methods and tools to "keep the fire burning" after the training. 01:57:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoDr. Patrick Williams,Patricia Hirsch,life coaching,coaching,coach approachPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Dr. Patrick Williams. Dr. Williams believes the power of the Coach Approach can be a catalyst for social change by empowering bCourage to STOP for a Minute, 07 Aug 2014 15:00:00 GMTCourage to STOP for a MinutePatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Kish Modasia, PCC. Kish discusses how our busy, full lives can leave us stressed, tired, and even angry. There’s certainly little or no space to think. So, using my in-depth knowledge and experience of mediation and mindfulness, I’ve designed a workshop to help people create that space – every day. If you do just five minutes mindfulness each day, that’s 35 minutes a week, 1,820 minutes a year which tots up to over 30 hours a year. And that’s just for starters. I call this daily practice an ART, which we’ll create together. A – Awareness of what you hold R – Realisation of what that’s doing to you T – Transformation through practical techniques Together we’ll explore: Simple relaxation techniquesAn awareness of your breath and how you can use it to bring calm in secondsRealisation of how gratitude can shift what you bring into your lifeExplore how your body can work with you through dance and movement Kish Modasia was born is Zimbabwe of Indian origin and has lived in London for over 30 years. She's lived and worked in several countries and has experienced many different cultures. It’s given Kish great insight into how to get people to recognize and appreciate differences. She also speaks several languages. One of the most valuable things Kish offers clients is her very rounded business and life experience. She's been part of a team in a large organization. She's run her own business so she knows what it’s like to employ and motivate other people. When coaching, Kish uses these experiences together with successful strategies from large organizations, which she adapts for small to medium sized businesses. 01:00:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoKish Modasia,mindfulness,Patricia Hirsch,Design Your Life Coaching,meditationPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Kish Modasia, PCC. Kish discusses how our busy, full lives can leave us stressed, tired, and even angry. There’s certainly littPart One of “What's Important to Your Business" Series, 26 Jun 2014 15:00:00 GMTPart One of “What's Important to Your Business" SeriesPatricia Hirsch, MCC, discusses: "What do you mean I need a business plan?  Who needs a PLAN?   I don’t need a plan; I know exactly what I want to do." How many times have you thought along those lines?  How many times have you also noticed yourself thinking that things may just be moving a little too quickly for you to keep up?  Or, that you fall into bed at night concerned about juggling everything that is calling for you to be done to keep your business moving along the lines of “exactly what you want to do” if you only had more time?  How often have you thought a bank loan might help you out and yet you aren’t really sure how to go about getting one?  What do they need?  Do you have it?  What will they ask?  Will you be able to answer? Let’s start a conversation together about what is a business plan. Let’s begin a conversation for how you can get one started to ensure you are on the right path to running your business smoothly, efficiently and effectively for as long as you wish.   Come find out some tips to how to write a simple business plan so you are on the right track. Patricia Hirsch has been President and Founder of Design Your Life Coaching since 2001.  She will be facilitating the upcoming interactive call, which means she will be interacting if the show listeners call in and ask questions to pick her brain about 10 Simple Steps to Writing a Business Plan. 01:00:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,business plans,business plan,life coaching,career coachingPatricia Hirsch, MCC, discusses: "What do you mean I need a business plan?  Who needs a PLAN?   I don’t need a plan; I know exactly what I want to do." How maStep Up Now: 21 Powerful Principles for People Who Influence Others, 15 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTStep Up Now: 21 Powerful Principles for People Who Influence OthersPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Susan Freeman, ACC. Susan shares leadership breakdowns aren’t always about the actions you take. Leaders at every level of business today face incredible stressors: pressure to increase profitability, the demands of a 24/7, competitive global marketplace, sophisticated new technologies to master, and employee burnout. These stressors require a step-by-step process that equips and empowers leaders for sustainable results and personal satisfaction. If you are a leader who feels: Constant stress and a sense of being overwhelmedExhaustionImpatienceIncreased frustrationUnable to sustain results It’s time to stop struggling and Step Up Now! Exceptional leaders are able to shift the way they view themselves and their business, remove blind spots, and take effective action that creates incredible results. In Step Up Now, you’ll learn essential leadership skills that are rarely taught or developed, yet are easily implemented and proven to work. Susan Freeman, is an executive coach, speaker and author of Step Up Now: 21 Powerful Principles for People Who Influence Others. She helps motivated, high-achieving leaders and influencers who are at a crisis point. She helps them get to the root of what is holding them back. They break through barriers and access the Natural Leader within. An accredited coach with the International Coach Federation, Susan’s background includes an M.B.A. from Columbia University; 25 years of business management, including strategic marketing, founding a non-profit, and retained executive search management. She has extensive training in numerous Eastern wisdom practices, including Amrit Yoga. Her unique approach blends practical, disciplined Western strategy with Eastern integrative practice. 00:34:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,Susan Freeman,Design Your Life for New Choices,coaching,life coachingPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Susan Freeman, ACC. Susan shares leadership breakdowns aren’t always about the actions you take. Leaders at every level of busiThe Transformational Power of Intentional Communication, 01 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Transformational Power of Intentional CommunicationPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Jackie Sloane, MCC. Jackie will discuss how we can create profound change in our lives and organizations, based on what we tell ourselves is possible, and what we communicate. What do you want to create? Whose influence or involvement do you need? What matters to these people? How can you engage them? What requests do you need to make? What’s in the way of what you wish to create? Our beliefs, what we think about ourselves and others, and what’s possible is expressed in our verbal and nonverbal communication. Change the story you are telling yourself about what is possible, and align your speaking and actions, and you literally transform your life. Humans have enormous capacity for learning. This is actually simple, powerful, magical and may not always be easy. Jackie Sloane has been coaching professionals for twenty years. Her clients transform their work lives through how they set goals, engage others, communicate, and cultivate relationships. Clients have reported 50:1 return on investment in services, promotions, leaps in compensation, dramatic shifts in the productivity and achievements of those around them, and becoming more visible, influential, effective, and satisfied in their roles. She specializes in executive coaching and leadership development, as well as communication and engagement consulting. She has two coach certifications, including Master Certified Coach. Jackie’s background includes founding a marketing communications services firm that served an international clientele and specialized in positioning. She also served on the staff of a national magazine. She has written the Executive Coach column of Executive Travel for five years and serves leaders at privately-held, nonprofit, public sector and Fortune 500 firms. 00:34:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,Jackie Sloane,Design Your Life for New Choices,Coaching,life coachingPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Jackie Sloane, MCC. Jackie will discuss how we can create profound change in our lives and organizations, based on what we tellMCC Panel: Discussing Aspects and Sharing Perspectives of the Coaching Industry, 10 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMTMCC Panel: Discussing Aspects and Sharing Perspectives of the Coaching IndustryPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews certified coaches who will be discussing aspects and sharing perspectives of the coaching industry. The panel welcomes all calls and questions from listeners. Panel: BJ Levy, PCC Deborah Roth, PCC Chris Padgett, PCC Patricia Hirsch, MCC 01:00:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,Design Your Life for New Choices,BJ Levy,Deborah Roth,Chris PadgettPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews certified coaches who will be discussing aspects and sharing perspectives of the coaching industry. The panel welcomes all callIncrease Your Cultural Intelligence Or Else!, 03 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMTIncrease Your Cultural Intelligence Or Else!Patricia Hirsch, MCC interviews Marilyn O'Hearne, MSW, MCC. Just when you think you have it all covered, IQ, EQ; WHAM. Something else hits you. Cultural misunderstandings can result in costly loss of business. That is the “or Else.” If you are thinking to yourself, “I have traveled, eaten at ethnic restaurants; therefore I am culturally intelligent and have nothing further to learn,” this is DEFINITELY for you. Marilyn O’Hearne, Master Certified Coach, shares the ongoing journey of Cultural Intelligence that requires awareness, curiosity, empathy, and humility. Come and check out your cultural intelligence. There WILL be a quiz available to participants. Increase awareness of your own and your clients’ culture to avoid these costly misunderstandings and to provide a competitive advantage for your coaching business. Marilyn O’Hearne, MSW, MCC is a globally experienced, since ’98, executive, leadership, and mentor coach. With Marilyn as their visionary thought partner, clients move from overwhelm to clarity, focus, and effectiveness. Her clients report renewed people (our greatest natural resource!) and energy which lead to prosperity rather than burn out and loss of talent. She has lived in Spain and Brazil; served as an adjunct professor of Organizational Behavior and International Business in Hong Kong and Malaysia and continues to work internationally, including with United Nations leaders. Marilyn served as a Director, Global International Coach Federation Board, 2007-2012, including 2 years as Vice-President, and recently on the Advance Cultural Competency Advisory Team. Currently she is on the Association of Coach Training Organization’s board. She also served as Director of Education for a nonprofit in Brazil. Marilyn contributed to Coaching by the Book and Law and Ethics in Coaching. 00:35:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,Design Your Life for New Choices,Marilyn O'Hearne,coaching,life coachingPatricia Hirsch, MCC interviews Marilyn O'Hearne, MSW, MCC. Just when you think you have it all covered, IQ, EQ; WHAM. Something else hits you. Cultural misundThe ‘Who’ of Coaching — Voice Dialogue for Coaches, 20 Mar 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe ‘Who’ of Coaching — Voice Dialogue for CoachesPatricia Hirsch, MCC interviews BJ Levy, PCC. If you or your clients ever feel pulled in different directions, stuck, confused or conflicted, you will find Voice Dialogue a powerful process for deep and lasting change. Voice Dialogue is a process that supports you and your clients to become aware of the myriad inner ‘selves’ and their purpose, and learn how to harness the power of these selves. The goal of Voice Dialogue is to teach us to accept, appreciate and embrace all of our selves, consciously recognize and develop the ability to dialogue with these selves, and learn not to be run by them. Voice Dialogue provides a path for you and your clients to shift from automatic reactive patterns to awareness of previously unseen creative options. After 27 years as an attorney, BJ shifted her life focus in 1999 to reclaim her right brain, heart-centered connection, fully embody her unique expression, and support others in bringing BEING back into their lives, claiming and living the fullest expression of their uniqueness. She looks at coaching as a ‘spelunking’ adventure to uncover and resolve whatever is in the way of coming fully alive. As part of the exploration, BJ incorporates a process known as Voice Dialogue to assist clients in acknowledging and using their multiple ‘selves’ to shift from automatic reactions to empowered, creative responses. This process opens real choice as clients ‘separate’ from their various voices (selves) and find their true center where insight, possibility, and creativity reside. Since 2002 BJ has been on the faculty of Invite CHANGE, an ICF accredited coach training organization in Edmonds, WA. She has been an Invite CHANGE Certified Mentor Coach since 2009 and has trained coaches in the use of Voice Dialogue since 2001. 01:32:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,BJ Levy,Design Your Life for New Choices,life coaching,executive coachingPatricia Hirsch, MCC interviews BJ Levy, PCC. If you or your clients ever feel pulled in different directions, stuck, confused or conflicted, you will find VoicSparking Your Own Growth Revolution, 13 Mar 2014 15:00:00 GMTSparking Your Own Growth RevolutionPatricia Hirsch interviews Chris Padgett, PCC. Three Powerful Questions to Help you Spark Your Own Growth Revolution. The goal of the show would be to provide a wake up call to listeners and inspire the listeners to rethink their current situation, circumstances, and status quo. Chris Padgett is an executive leadership coach and principal of Growth Revolution Inc. His clients tend to be director and vice president level people in organizations and he helps them confront the impact of changing markets and make the necessary choices and changes required to grow. Chris is one of only three coaches holding the credential of Professional Certified Coach (PCC) in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and he is an ICF Registered Mentor Coach. He is a graduate of the Coaches Training Institute and he is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC). He serves on the Board of Directors of the ICF Ohio Valley, the regional chapter of the ICF for Kentucky, Southern Ohio, and Southern Indiana. Chris previously directed corporate marketing for a Fortune 100 company that is one of the largest health and wellbeing companies in the USA. During his 13-year tenure with Humana, the organization experienced explosive growth and grew to be the largest company in Kentucky and one of the largest organizations in its industry. Chris’ leadership has been recognized both locally and nationally. In 2011, Louisville Magazine named him one of the most influential citizens in his city under age 45. He has served as board director, officer, or chair, of several organizations. Based in Louisville, Chris works with clients throughout the Ohio Valley region and USA.   00:36:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,Design Your Life Coaching for New Choices,Chris Padgett,life coaching,transformationPatricia Hirsch interviews Chris Padgett, PCC. Three Powerful Questions to Help you Spark Your Own Growth Revolution. The goal of the show would be to provideChange and Choice: Harnessing the Transformational Power of Intention, 27 Feb 2014 16:00:00 GMTChange and Choice: Harnessing the Transformational Power of IntentionPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Lyn Allen, MCC. Lyn Allen, Master Certified Coach, reveals how to get out of the goal-setting trap and set yourself free with the true power of intention. If you’ve been frustrated with goals that you just can’t seem to attain or if you’re tired of chasing your transformational tail in circles, you will want to join us to hear Lyn share: Why goal setting, as you’ve known it, is obsolete.What’s missing from much of the teaching on how to manifest.One simple technique you can use to have more of the transformation – and results – you’re seeking. Named by CNN’s iReport as one of America’s top coaches, Lyn Allen has been a pioneer in the coaching field for 20 years. One of the early Master Certified Coaches, Lyn blends a solid 15-year background in corporate management and consulting with a deeply spiritual perspective. Using her integrative approach, she’s worked with C-level executives, soccer moms, Hollywood insiders and small business owners. Lyn specializes in helping people get out of the goal-setting trap and into the consistent, persistent progress they’ve been craving. She shows people how to upgrade both their destination and the journey along the way, so they have less frustration, enjoy greater confidence and experience more peace. Lyn co-authored two of the earliest publications in the coaching field: Closing the Gap in Management, and the audio, Coaching From the Heart. Her work includes continuing education programs for certified coaches, including her pioneering training in the use of image-based language to enhance client learning. 00:35:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,Lyn Allen,Design Your Life Coaching for New Choices,life coaching,career coachingPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Lyn Allen, MCC. Lyn Allen, Master Certified Coach, reveals how to get out of the goal-setting trap and set yourself free with tGive Your Business Dream a Plan, 06 Feb 2014 16:00:00 GMTGive Your Business Dream a PlanPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Moty Koppes, MCC, PMC. They will discuss how as a passionate business owner, you have a unique, valuable and needed contribution to make to the world. It is vitally important that you claim and live your dream for your business. You are working harder but much of your time is spent doing things you don’t like. You are too burned out to enjoy your free time. If you are ready to re-claim your dream and connect with the power that will give you time and freedom to turn your vision into reality this interview is what you need. I teach you 7 questions that will unlock your potential to live and work on your own terms. A proven simple, flexible process will take your deepest desire for your business and turn them into a roadmap of success. Moty Koppes is a Master Certified Coach and Professional Mentor Coach. She is a faculty member of Coach U and an assessor for International Coach Federation. With a deep understanding of people and human behavior and a talent for quickly getting to the heart of your issues, Moty’s clients experience rapid results. Her experience spans 15 years in practice as Personal/Professional and Career Coach and 20 years as a psychologist in eight different countries. Moty has earned 3 M.A.’s in Clinical and Experimental Psychology, a B.A. in Psychology, and holds numerous certifications. 00:33:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoPatricia Hirsch,Moty Koppes,life coaching,mentor coaching,Mentor coachingPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Moty Koppes, MCC, PMC. They will discuss how as a passionate business owner, you have a unique, valuable and needed contributioUsing Coaching at Work, 23 Jan 2014 16:00:00 GMTUsing Coaching at WorkPatricia Hirsch, MCC interviews Claire Pedrick, MCC. At its heart, coaching is simple.  Working that simply isn’t easy, and when managers and leaders are going to take coaching into their organizations, there’s some unlearning to be done. Coaching isn’t simply about a regular defined conversation sat in a private room.  It can be used at the water cooler and by a coffee machine and organizations can be transformed as people learn to take responsibility for their own learning through giving and receiving powerful conversations. Claire Pedrick has been coaching for her entire career – starting in a non-profit coaching people who wanted to work in international development, and for the last 18 years heading up a coaching company in the UK that focuses on developing coaching in the workplace.  Trained at Coach U in the late 1990s, Claire is also an accredited Coaching Supervisor and supervises and develops coaches to work in their own  organizations  including the health service and the church. She is in demand as an executive coach, coaching supervisor and mentor  and as a trainer.  She works by enabling powerful conversations, taking you to the heart of issues and enabling you to achieve transformational change in the context of your organization. This process enables and supports you to do the thinking you need to do. It is often challenging, and Claire uses simple questions that respect your world without allowing you to avoid difficult topics or insights.  The feedback she receives confirms that she is able to provide more help in 10 minutes than many have received through months or years of other interventions. 00:32:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Design Your Life for New Choices,Patricia Hirsch,Claire PedrickPatricia Hirsch, MCC interviews Claire Pedrick, MCC. At its heart, coaching is simple.  Working that simply isn’t easy, and when managers and leaders are goingHow To Stay Powerful and Present When Your Buttons Get Pushed and Fear Over-Take, 16 Jan 2014 16:00:00 GMTHow To Stay Powerful and Present When Your Buttons Get Pushed and Fear Over-TakePatricia Hirsch, MCC interviews Judy K. Katz, MCC. Learn how to get beyond your shadows of doubt and fear when conflict and difficult circumstances show up. Ascend into your magical zone of miracles and authentic power regardless of the challenge. Discover the magic and miracles that come from releasing your resistance to what is. Learn how to live from your authentic, creative power and awaken to the divine genius that you are. This is a spiritual journey into love, creative divine power, and authentic expression. Judy K. Katz is an ICF Master Certified Coach and a Certified Spiritual Mentor and Practitioner. She has been serving individuals and com¬panies for over twenty years to transform the conflicted, resistant environments, both internally and externally, from which people live and work. Her passion and specialty is to release people from their inner conflicts and automatic fight, flight, freeze reactions that overtake them in times of critical change, adversities, conflicts within significant relationships, and the everyday relationship stress that results from past conditioning. Judy is an international transformational coach, speaker, trainer, and author. Her personal journey into her five-year dark night of the soul transformed her life completely. In her just-released book, Beyond Your Shadows of Doubt, she shares what finally released her from this extremely difficult time and allowed her to soar in all areas of her life. She is dedicated to helping others release their debilitating resistance to their human fears and resentments and to realize the miracles that come from taking back control of their lives. Judy’s mission is to change the reactive way people live and work from the victim’s perspective of powerlessness, scarcity, limitation, and fear into their divine birthright of peace and freedom, power, joy, passion, and abundance. 00:34:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaches,life coaches,Design Your Life for New Choices,Patricia Hirsch,Judy K. KatzPatricia Hirsch, MCC interviews Judy K. Katz, MCC. Learn how to get beyond your shadows of doubt and fear when conflict and difficult circumstances show up. AscMCC Panel: Discussion about the Master Certified Coach designation, 09 Jan 2014 23:00:00 GMTMCC Panel: Discussion about the Master Certified Coach designationPatricia Hirsch, MCC interviews certified coaches to discuss the Master Certified Coach designation. The panel welcomes all calls and questions from listeners. Panel: Janet Harvey, MCC Moty Koppes, MCC Patricia Hirsch, MCC 00:56:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaches,life coaches,career coaches,certified coaches,Patricia HirschPatricia Hirsch, MCC interviews certified coaches to discuss the Master Certified Coach designation. The panel welcomes all calls and questions from listeners.Building a Personal Development Practice and Brand, 02 Jan 2014 16:00:00 GMTBuilding a Personal Development Practice and BrandPatricia Hirsch, MCC interviews Malti Bhojwani, PCC. Life Coaches, image consultants, healers, predictive readers, counselors are on the rise, and in this day of Digital Media, how do you stand out and build your practice and business, especially in India? This discussion will focus on how to build a brand around your authenticity and your passion. Having been in the personal development industry for over 12 years, Malti Bhojwani brings years of experience to scores of individuals, teams in corporations, students and teachers in educational institutes all over the world. She is a world renowned author of personal development books including, "Don’t Think of a Blue Ball" which has been translated into several languages. Her clients include Microsoft (Thailand), Mahindra & Mahindra, The British Council & members of YPO and EO, BMC Software, SAS, Genpact, WIPRO and many others. She is a regular contributor and expert consultant for the Times of India and countless other international and Indian publications and now a world-renowned author. Even Jack Canfield loved her book. She has been interviewed LIVE on CNBC India and on Australian TV several times. She is currently in Mumbai, India where she has started a platform to bring other practitioners and coaches to showcase their expertise to her largely growing audience though the initiative called "Transformational Ladies Council." 00:38:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaches,life coaches,Patricia Hirsch,Design Your Life for New Choices,career coachesPatricia Hirsch, MCC interviews Malti Bhojwani, PCC. Life Coaches, image consultants, healers, predictive readers, counselors are on the rise, and in this day oPracticing Sacred Self-Centeredness through Life’s Big Changes, 19 Dec 2013 16:00:00 GMTPracticing Sacred Self-Centeredness through Life’s Big ChangesTransitions are a natural part of life’s rhythm, yet when we’re in the midst of a big one, we can really get thrown off base. Whether we’re moving through changes in our professional lives (downsizing, new management, retirement) or personal ones (births, deaths, divorce, moving), it helps to know that there’s a predictable path through the swamp! As a Life & Career Transition Coach and Interfaith Minister, I consciously weave a mind/body/spirit thread through all of my work with clients and help them to reframe the change process as a sacred journey. I hope you’ll join us as we explore: The predictable stages of transition and how to manage themThe S.E.L.F model of centerednessPowerful, practical tools to engage in the change process Deborah is a Career/Life Transition Coach & Relationship Coach. She has spent the last 35 years coaching, training and speaking in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors, for large corporations and small businesses. After completing her Master’s degree in Psychology and becoming ordained as an Interfaith Minister, she founded her business, Spirited Living™ in 1998. Nowadays, she works with overwhelmed, under-nurtured women (and a few good men!), guiding them through all kinds of life and career transitions so that they can make big changes in their lives and a lasting difference in the world. Deborah offers a number of powerful, structured programs for groups and individuals, and speaks, teaches, and writes on the subjects of women’s empowerment, practical spirituality, radical self-care, conscious relationships, managing life’s big changes . . . to name a few. She’s the author of 2 books – The Authentic Woman PlayBook, and Circle of One: the Art of becoming a Self-centered Woman. 00:32:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnolife changes,Patricia Hirsch,Deborah Roth,Design Your Life Coaching for New Choices,transitionsTransitions are a natural part of life’s rhythm, yet when we’re in the midst of a big one, we can really get thrown off base. Whether we’re moving through changExploring Holiday Highs and Lows – Open Coaching Conversation, 12 Dec 2013 23:00:00 GMTExploring Holiday Highs and Lows – Open Coaching ConversationThe holidays can be quite confronting. With awareness, emotions can be explored. Let’s have a conversation! Call into the show with your questions, challenges, inquiries and/or a desire to be coached. All caller identities are confidential; you will only provide your first name. Call into the show: (347) 426-3858 Patricia Hirsch is in the business of assisting clients begin to learn to observe their own observations such that they live a life of power causing results with open and honest communication. Patricia is the founder of Design Your Life Coaching (est. 2001), a coaching and leadership development company. During the past 31 years, she has held numerous mentoring, leadership and management positions. Through individual and team coaching, she has worked extensively to facilitate relationships across cultural, educational, emotional and other discourses. Her work has focused on senior executives, board members, teams and individuals. Patricia has delivered key addresses to marine, financial and coaching organizations. Patricia’s coaching and leadership development methodology is grounded in somatic, linguistic and emotional competence. She draws on each of these domains in her work with clients to raise awareness, enable action and generate sustainable and high levels of performance.   00:30:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoDesign Your Life Coaching for New Choices,Patricia Hirsch,life coaching,executive coaching,holiday bluesThe holidays can be quite confronting. With awareness, emotions can be explored. Let’s have a conversation! Call into the show with your questions, challenges,Panel: Discussing the Impact and Future of Professional Coaching, 05 Dec 2013 23:00:00 GMTPanel: Discussing the Impact and Future of Professional CoachingICF credentialed coaches come together in discussions about the impact and future of professional coaching. This will be a panel discussion with Certified Coaches who welcome all calls and questions from listeners.   01:02:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Karen Keller,Marilyn O'HearneICF credentialed coaches come together in discussions about the impact and future of professional coaching. This will be a panel discussion with Certified CoachBe Bold: Let Your Light Shine, 21 Nov 2013 23:00:00 GMTBe Bold: Let Your Light ShinePatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Barbara Eisele, PCC. Barbara's passion is to call forth women and men to discover what really matters to them, their Authentic Brilliance.  Women in developed countries today have more choices and opportunities. They are better educated, more affluent and enjoy more privilege than any time in history. They are also more unhappy and depressed.  The divorce rate is higher than ever before as is the addiction to alcohol and drugs.  What is this about? Barbara believes that with all the external pressures to be what we think society wants us to be, we lose sight or never discover who we really are, our unique gifts and talents and what we are called to do in the world.  Her own journey of foreclosure on her dream home has been deeply transformational. Barbara was stunned that after 30 years of transformational growth work she was so identified with the external trappings of her life. Thus began her journey, deeper into her soul than she had ever been before, to discover her Authentic Brilliance. Barbara is the Founder and Chief Inspiration Officer of Life Transformations, Now! She is a transformational coach, inspirational speaker and international bestselling author. Her second book, Bold is Beautiful, will be released in late December. Through her own life experiences she has traveled the sacred transformational journey to discover the many layers of her Authentic Brilliance. Barbara has evolved through three professional careers and now lives her purpose by guiding other women in the process of discovering and living from the “sweet spot” of their Authentic Self. 00:31:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Barbara Eisele,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Barbara Eisele, PCC. Barbara's passion is to call forth women and men to discover what really matters to them, their AuthenticMonetizing Coaching Futures That Matter(TM), 14 Nov 2013 23:00:00 GMTMonetizing Coaching Futures That Matter(TM)Patricia Hirsch interviews Karen Sands, MCC, BCC. Karen will discuss exploration of the future of coaching, and the future of practicing coaches. Time tested tips, and strategies for thriving in uncertain times by staying in sync with the people who keep us in business. Karen has been transforming lives, careers, and businesses since the early 1970s. She is a ICF-Certified Master Coach, CCE-Board Certified Coach, TED Fellow Support Coach, Certified Gerontologist, Career & Life Planning counselor, professional Futurist, and author of Visionaries Have Wrinkles, (2012), Ageless (2013) and more. Dedicated to changing the conversation around aging and the impact of the “Big Gray” on our future, she is a trusted advisor, coach and mentor, specializing in personal futures and sustainable success for Boomerpreneurs, and is an expert consultant to those serving and monetizing the 50+ market. She recently released A Glimpse of Tomorrow’s Promise, The Everyday Futurist’s Report. Karen is also the publisher of two free monthly eletters, Future Works® Gazette and Ageless BeatSM, She also regularly posts articles on her blog(s), The Everyday Futurist blog, and Ageless Futures blog. Works virtually and in Roxbury, Connecticut, USA.   00:40:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Karen Sands,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Karen Sands, MCC, BCC. Karen will discuss exploration of the future of coaching, and the future of practicing coaches. Time tested tiHow Are You Communicating? Is it Time You Took Notice?, 07 Nov 2013 23:00:00 GMTHow Are You Communicating? Is it Time You Took Notice?Have you ever noticed that people say what they say and others listen how they listen and often the twain does not meet? Have you ever had a moment when you thought an interaction would turn out one way and it turned into something other than what you had imagined? Have you ever said something to someone and they didn’t hear what you intended to communicate? Has it created a misunderstanding or upset or even anger? We will begin to explore how you communicate from your language, your emotions and your body, to consciously communicate what you intend. Come join me, Patricia Hirsch, and explore insights into what it may take for you to communicate effortlessly and to begin a practice of speaking into people’s listening. Patricia Hirsch is in the business of assisting clients begin to learn to observe their own observations such that they live a life of power causing results with open and honest communication. Patricia is the founder of Design Your Life Coaching (est. 2001), a coaching and leadership development company. During the past 31 years, she has held numerous mentoring, leadership and management positions. Through individual and team coaching, she has worked extensively to facilitate relationships across cultural, educational, emotional and other discourses. Her work has focused on senior executives, board members, teams and individuals. Patricia has delivered key addresses to marine, financial and coaching organizations. Patricia’s coaching and leadership development methodology is grounded in somatic, linguistic and emotional competence. She draws on each of these domains in her work with clients to raise awareness, enable action and generate sustainable and high levels of performance. 00:47:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,communication,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesHave you ever noticed that people say what they say and others listen how they listen and often the twain does not meet? Have you ever had a moment when you th(Replay) Panel: Discussing Future of Professional Coaching, 31 Oct 2013 22:00:00 GMT(Replay) Panel: Discussing Future of Professional CoachingICF credentialed coaches come together in discussions about the future of professional coaching.  This will be a panel discussion with Certified Coaches who welcome all calls and questions from listeners. *Due to the panel of Certified Coaches calling in live from around the globe, this show aired live on October 28th, and we are replaying it during our standard show day/time (October 31st at 3pm PT) so all of our wonderful listeners and followers of the show receive this great content.01:01:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,master certified coaches,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesICF credentialed coaches come together in discussions about the future of professional coaching.  This will be a panel discussion with Certified Coaches who welPanel: Discussing the Future of Professional Coaching, 29 Oct 2013 00:00:00 GMTPanel: Discussing the Future of Professional CoachingICF credentialed coaches come together in discussions about the future of professional coaching.  This will be a panel discussion with Certified Coaches who welcome all calls and questions from listeners. *Due to the panel of Certified Coaches calling in live from around the globe, this show airs live on October 28th, and we are replaying it during our standard show day/time (October 31st at 3pm PT) so all of our wonderful listeners and followers of the show receive this great content. 01:01:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,master certified coaches,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesICF credentialed coaches come together in discussions about the future of professional coaching.  This will be a panel discussion with Certified Coaches who welLink Between Exceptional Biz Performance & Brain Science, 24 Oct 2013 22:00:00 GMTLink Between Exceptional Biz Performance & Brain Science Patricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Abigail Wenner. Notwithstanding that I took a less conventional route to become an executive coach and global business consultant my background has helped senior executives and their organizations develop into industry leaders. You see, I am a recovering investment banker. Yet by combining my business background with leadership development skills and innovative brain science strategies, I successfully developed a unique and highly effective coaching and consulting model for my clients. The model provides executives and their teams with business acumen, powerful leadership techniques, along with an understanding of how to use the power of their brain to improve decision making, become a smarter and more innovative thinker, reduce stress and fear associated with change and produce competitive, ethical and profitable results. Since today’s global economy is unpredictable, following a less conventional route as I did might provide a way to overcome its challenges after all! Abigail K. Wenner is a global business consultant and certified executive coach. She is president and CEO of Executive Consulting International ECI which provides cutting edge strategies that uniquely combine business, leadership and brain science research to develop exceptional leaders and business distinction. Ms. Wenner once a corporate executive like her clients personally relates to their pressures and thus knows to link her work to quantifiable results that are reflected in corporate profitability and a positive return on investment ROI. Ms. Wenner holds a master’s degree in international finance and economics from The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies SAIS, completed post graduate work at Harvard University in executive leadership, attended Georgetown University’s Leadership Coaching Program and was awarded a Professional Certified Coach credential by the International Coach Federation. 00:58:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Abigail Wenner,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews Abigail Wenner. Notwithstanding that I took a less conventional route to become an executive coach and global business consultWhat Are You Actually Saying With Your Body?, 10 Oct 2013 22:00:00 GMTWhat Are You Actually Saying With Your Body? Patricia Hirsch, MCC, MBA, has discussed how we explored how historical discourses may form your style of communicating in the domain of language; what makes up how you speak and how you listen. In our next show, we will explore the domain of body and use as an example, four body dispositions and how if you practice each will give you the ability to be centered. You will begin to notice how you are often unaware how you communicate to others with your body. You will gain insights into what you may be saying just by how you are holding your body and without you even realizing it. For example, you may think that you are speaking from a place of power whereas you are actually speaking from a place of apology; you may think you are communicating from calmness whereas your body implies anger. Come discover your predominant body dispositions and how to begin a new practice of shifting away from what is not working for you to the powerful results you hope for based in certainty and being centered. Patricia Hirsch is in the business of assisting clients begin to learn to observe their own observations such that they live a life of power causing results with open and honest communication. Patricia is the founder of Design Your Life Coaching (est. 2001), a coaching and leadership development company. During the past 31 years, she has held numerous mentoring, leadership and management positions. Through individual and team coaching, she has worked extensively to facilitate relationships across cultural, educational, emotional and other discourses. Patricia has delivered key addresses to marine, financial and coaching organizations. Patricia’s coaching and leadership development methodology is grounded in somatic, linguistic and emotional competence. She draws on each of these domains in her work with clients to raise awareness, enable action and generate sustainable and high levels of performance. 00:54:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,body language,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch, MCC, MBA, has discussed how we explored how historical discourses may form your style of communicating in the domain of language; what makes uThose Persistent and Ineffective Moods and Emotions, 03 Oct 2013 22:00:00 GMTThose Persistent and Ineffective Moods and Emotions Patricia Hirsch, MCC, MBA asks have you noticed how you develop habits? Haven’t you developed the habit of brushing your teeth two to three times a day? That habit works for you! Your dentist is happy. But take a look at your habit of waking up inside of familiar moods. What about living from emotions that just seem to be present consistently? And you think they are yours. On the next Design Your Life, Coaching for New Choices radio show, we will begin to examine habits that may or may not serve you any longer focusing on your persistent moods and emotions. You will begin to learn how to notice when you are speaking from a mood that doesn’t work ‘over there’ with your listener. Or how you may be making requests from emotions that no longer work for you. Is it really surprising that people “just don’t get it?” Patricia will begin a revealing conversation from a third domain called moods and emotions and how by becoming aware of yours will support you in choosing a new design for your life. Patricia Hirsch is in the business of assisting clients begin to learn to observe their own observations such that they live a life of power causing results with open and honest communication. Patricia is the founder of Design Your Life Coaching (est. 2001), a coaching and leadership development company. During the past 31 years, she has held numerous mentoring, leadership and management positions. Through individual and team coaching, she has worked extensively to facilitate relationships across cultural, educational, emotional and other discourses. Patricia has delivered key addresses to marine, financial and coaching organizations. Patricia’s coaching and leadership development methodology is grounded in somatic, linguistic and emotional competence. She draws on each of these domains in her work with clients to raise awareness, enable action and generate sustainable and high levels of performance. 00:56:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,emotions,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch, MCC, MBA asks have you noticed how you develop habits? Haven’t you developed the habit of brushing your teeth two to three times a day? That hOrganizational Coaching, Team Coaching, Facilitation, 17 Sep 2013 16:00:00 GMTOrganizational Coaching, Team Coaching, Facilitation Patricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews members of the ICF Hyderabad Chapter.  The core objective is to create more awareness about ICF Hyderabad Chapter in the world, and also let the world know about the work we are involved in including Community Service, Marketing Campaigns, Podcasts, Virtual Events, etc. The ICF Hyderabad Charter Chapter is a non-profit individual membership organization, a local chapter of International Coach Federation USA, and is formed by professionals in India who practice and/or teach business and personal coaching. It exists to advance the art, science and practice of professional coaching   00:43:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,ICF Hyderabad Charter Chapter,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch, MCC, interviews members of the ICF Hyderabad Chapter.  The core objective is to create more awareness about ICF Hyderabad Chapter in the worldBringing Influence To Your Coaching, 10 Sep 2013 16:00:00 GMTBringing Influence To Your Coaching Patricia Hirsch interviews Dr. Karen Keller, MCC.  Dr. Keller will discuss the importance for coaches to develop their internal traits of influence. Being influential is critical for creating a solid partnership with the client as well as better coaching. Being influential means creating an internal shift in your beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and thought processes, leading to actions that give you power. As a former clinical psychologist and current Master Certified Coach (ICF) Dr. Keller brings to the table 20 plus years of research, study and development of the true source of influence. Influence is the single most important factor in determining the extent of your success. Dr. Keller has coached hundreds of small business owners, transformational leaders, and corporate executives, like PepsiCo, Pizza Hut, Lear, and American Express. Dr. Keller coaches a combination of methods, creates insight into human behavior and strategies, all intended to increase the client’s influence and get results. Dr. Keller is the creator of the soon-to-be-released Keller Influence Indicator (KII), the first scientific measurement of influence! 00:31:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Karen Keller,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Dr. Karen Keller, MCC.  Dr. Keller will discuss the importance for coaches to develop their internal traits of influence. Being inflOpen Coaching Conversation with Patricia Hirsch, MCC, 27 Aug 2013 16:00:00 GMTOpen Coaching Conversation with Patricia Hirsch, MCC Come join the discussion! Patricia will be conducting an open conversation on coaching. Call into the show with your questions, challenges, inquiries and/or a desire to be coached. All caller identities are confidential; you will only provide your first name. Patricia Hirsch is in the business of assisting clients begin to learn to observe their own observations such that they live a life of power causing results with open and honest communication. Patricia is the founder of Design Your Life Coaching (est. 2001), a coaching and leadership development company. During the past 31 years, she has held numerous mentoring, leadership and management positions. Through individual and team coaching, she has worked extensively to facilitate relationships across cultural, educational, emotional and other discourses. Her work has focused on senior executives, board members, teams and individuals. Patricia has delivered key addresses to marine, financial and coaching organizations. Patricia’s coaching and leadership development methodology is grounded in somatic, linguistic and emotional competence. She draws on each of these domains in her work with clients to raise awareness, enable action and generate sustainable and high levels of performance.   00:47:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,coaching conversation,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesCome join the discussion! Patricia will be conducting an open conversation on coaching. Call into the show with your questions, challenges, inquiries and/orTap Into Your Brain Power: Overcome Obstacles, 20 Aug 2013 16:00:00 GMTTap Into Your Brain Power: Overcome ObstaclesPatricia Hirsch interviews Janice Knight, PCC. Does your brain seem to have a mind of its own? Is it hindering you or helping you? For many people, in spite of firm intentions to take conscious and deliberate actions, they find themselves doing exactly the opposite of what they intended. Have you responded to inconsequential emails when an important project deadline is hastily approaching? Failed to follow your boss’ suggestions even when you already made up your mind to do so? Failed to keep your cool even though you prepared and rehearsed your response? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to count on your brain to come through when you need it? Utilizing research from the fields of neuroscience, coaching and hypnosis, Janice will share powerful brain concepts (Evolutionary Brain, Reticular Activating System) and 2 mind models: Theory of Mind and SCARF to help our listeners: Stay focused and reduce emotional hijackings Avoid feelings of overwhelm Overcome self-sabotage Have more “Ah-Hah” moments Janice Knight is passionate about human potential and has worked with hundreds of clients to help accelerate their success. Coaching small business leaders and professionals, Janice realized in spite of great intentions, her clients would often sabotage their efforts before reaching their full potential. Janice works with clients who desire to tap into the power of their conscious and subconscious minds to let go of the past and fast-track potential. 01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Janice Knight,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Janice Knight, PCC. Does your brain seem to have a mind of its own? Is it hindering you or helping you? For many people, in spite ofStepping Stones to Success, 13 Aug 2013 16:00:00 GMTStepping Stones to SuccessPatricia Hirsch interviews Dianne Kipp, PCC.  Our lives are no longer easily managed due to the hectic pace of all that is happening around us. Options are many, technology moves at lightning speed, and our responsibilities seem 10 fold over the last decade. Achieving work like balance is a highly sought after skill which can be accomplished by dividing our actions into conscious and unconscious choices, aligned to those things that matter most at home and work. Dianne will discuss a review of current scientific principles and practice of designing a balanced approach between home and work responsibilities. The audience will discover their unique balance formula. They will see what the most important tasks are to accomplish at work & at home & in all aspects of their lives. Participants will discover how to assess their current status and determine what needs to change. The discussion will help them gain a clear understanding of what they can choose to do differently to achieve greater balance, at work and at home. The final step is focused on learning to eliminate wasted energy & re-direct energy towards accomplishing goals. Utilizing SMART format, participants will depart the show with an action plan. Coach Dianne empowers others to envision their most magnificent future. Calling upon a 25 year career in complex medical research, pharmaceutical, technology, financial services and non-profit corporations, her coaching approach utilizes holistic principles to facilitate permanent transformation in her clients’ lives. She thrives on helping her clients shift their perceptions and navigate change in pursuit of intended, sustained results. Providing the support and tools necessary for realizing success, Coach Dianne enables her clients to elevate their effectiveness, clarify highest priorities, and align resources for strategic execution.   01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Dianne Kipp,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Dianne Kipp, PCC.  Our lives are no longer easily managed due to the hectic pace of all that is happening around us. Options are many(Replay) Does the ICF MCC Credential Really Matter?, 06 Aug 2013 16:00:00 GMT(Replay) Does the ICF MCC Credential Really Matter?What do coaches need to engage with the idea of earning their International Coach Federation Master Certified Coach (MCC) designation? This will be a panel discussion with Master Certified Coaches who welcome all calls and questions from listeners. *Due to the panel of Master Certified Coaches calling in live from around the globe, this show airs live on August 5th, and we are replaying it during our standard show day/time so all of our wonderful listeners and followers of the show receive this great content.01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Master Certified Coach,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesWhat do coaches need to engage with the idea of earning their International Coach Federation Master Certified Coach (MCC) designation? This will be a panel discDoes the ICF MCC Credential Really Matter? To Whom and Why?, 06 Aug 2013 00:00:00 GMTDoes the ICF MCC Credential Really Matter? To Whom and Why?What do coaches need to engage with the idea of earning their International Coach Federation Master Certified Coach (MCC) designation? This will be a panel discussion with Master Certified Coaches who welcome all calls and questions from listeners.  01:01:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Master Certified Coach,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesWhat do coaches need to engage with the idea of earning their International Coach Federation Master Certified Coach (MCC) designation? This will be a panel discThe Problem with a Problem Solving Mindset, 30 Jul 2013 16:00:00 GMTThe Problem with a Problem Solving Mindset Patricia Hirsch interviews Cheryl Smith. MCC.  The number one job of leaders is to “build more leaders” said an article in Inc. Magazine a few years ago. In your observation would you say this is happening? No, I haven’t seen much evidence either. As coaches we work with leaders who are dealing with competing demands on their time and an endless list of things to do – and building more leaders isn’t likely on the list. Getting to the next deadline and through the day is more likely what’s happening. In this conversation, we’re going to explore one of the fastest, easiest and yet challenging ways to begin developing others: And it starts when a knock comes to the door. In her 20 years in leadership and coach training, Cheryl Smith has been called pioneering, visionary, inspirational and “the Coach's Coach." After gaining marketing and management experience on two continents with IBM, Cheryl both worked as an associate with leading human resource organizations and operated her own consultancy. Cheryl’s focus moved toward maximizing human potential, mostly in the workplace. After amassing a deep and wide-ranging understanding of this subject, she embraced coaching as the most effective means of unleashing leadership capability and aligning people with their aspirations. Cheryl shares her expertise by using her formidable facilitation skills to help leaders and teams develop their potential through more effective conversations. She also guides and mentors others to become effective coach-trainers. To express her passion for coaching in the workplace, Cheryl has co-authored her own programs and training videos called Navigational Coaching. 00:35:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Cheryl Smith,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Cheryl Smith. MCC.  The number one job of leaders is to “build more leaders” said an article in Inc. Magazine a few years ago. In yoAn Open Coaching Conversation, 23 Jul 2013 16:00:00 GMTAn Open Coaching ConversationCome join the discussion! Patricia will be conducting an open conversation on coaching. Call into the show with your questions, challenges, inquiries and/or a desire to be coached. All caller identities are confidential; you will only provide your first name. Call into the show: (347) 426-3858 Patricia Hirsch, MCC is in the business of assisting clients begin to learn to observe their own observations such that they live a life of power causing results with open and honest communication. Patricia is the founder of Design Your Life Coaching (est. 2001), a coaching and leadership development company. During the past 31 years, she has held numerous mentoring, leadership and management positions. Through individual and team coaching, she has worked extensively to facilitate relationships across cultural, educational, emotional and other discourses. Her work has focused on senior executives, board members, teams and individuals. Patricia has delivered key addresses to marine, financial and coaching organizations. Patricia’s coaching and leadership development methodology is grounded in somatic, linguistic and emotional competence. She draws on each of these domains in her work with clients to raise awareness, enable action and generate sustainable and high levels of performance. 00:58:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Design Your Life Coaching,Design Your Life for New ChoicesCome join the discussion! Patricia will be conducting an open conversation on coaching. Call into the show with your questions, challenges, inquiries and/or a dWhat is the Future of Coaching?, 16 Jul 2013 16:00:00 GMTWhat is the Future of Coaching?Patricia Hirsch interviews Julio Olalla, MCC. Julio Olalla, author of From Knowledge to Wisdom: Essays on the Crisis in Contemporary Learning, and the founder and president of Newfield Network. For over 10 yrs coaching has been the #1 growing profession. Thousands of people call themselves coaches from many backgrounds, trainings & niches. Some have credentials, many do not. What IS the future of coaching? How do we maintain integrity in the profession? Julio Olalla began his studies more than 30 yrs ago, when he saw traditional education was not addressing concerns at the core of people’s needs. He dissected the emotional domain as an area of study & found his work affected students in ways he had not witnessed through traditional education. Looking back, Julio speaks of the relevance of coaching TODAY & what trends he sees with his global students & clients. He believes this area of emotional transformation is more relevant NOW than ever before. With the world moving faster speed than ever before more & more people are in search of that something that will complete them. Thru emotional study they begin to understand they are not broken & their problems are not just theirs. Julio Olalla is a recognized leader in the field of personal transformation. Considered by many to be the founder of coaching, he has trained over 50,000 executive coaches worldwide and worked with CEOs and heads of government around the world. A sought-after keynote speaker, he is a member of the Coaching Hall of Fame, author of From Knowledge to Wisdom: Essays on the Crisis in Contemporary Learning, and the founder and president of Newfield Network.00:58:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Julio Olalla,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Julio Olalla, MCC. Julio Olalla, author of From Knowledge to Wisdom: Essays on the Crisis in Contemporary Learning, and the founder aCreating Ritual Magic for Everyday Living, 09 Jul 2013 16:00:00 GMTCreating Ritual Magic for Everyday LivingPatricia Hirsch interviews Deborah Roth, PCC.  Have you ever wished you could infuse even the most routine parts of your life and work with a sense of the sacred, and to help your clients do the same? As a Life & Career Transition Coach and Interfaith Minister, Deborah consciously weaves a mind/body/spirit thread through all of her work with clients… that’s why they come to her. In fact, Deborah's Master’s thesis explored the power of transformative ritual and how we can bring a “rite-minded” approach to everyday living, whether we’re navigating a big life change, in career transition, deepening a relationship, or simply trying to forge a soul-connection in the midst of our busy lives. We hope you’ll join us to learn: Deborah often describe ritual as “sacred play” … come find out how you can create some of your own! the basic ingredients of ritual magic how you can use the power of symbols to manifest your intentions powerful, practical ways to naturally incorporate ritual into all areas of your life Deborah is a Life Design Specialist and Interfaith Minister dedicated to co-creating practical and magical strategies with individuals and groups to achieve fabulous lives, work, and relationships. She integrates 35 years of experience in both the corporate world and the esoteric/spiritual disciplines of Women's Ritual, Astrology, and Tarot. As a result, her approach is at once grounded and practical, as well as sensitive and intuitive. Since 1996, she’s facilitated monthly New Moon SisterCircles, Full Moon TeleMeditations, a year-long Women’s Spirituality program, and has created and officiated hundreds of magical wedding ceremonies and other life passage rituals. She’s the author of 2 books. 00:40:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Deborah Roth,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Deborah Roth, PCC.  Have you ever wished you could infuse even the most routine parts of your life and work with a sense of the sacreIncrease Your Coaching Mastery Using the Target Approach, 02 Jul 2013 16:00:00 GMTIncrease Your Coaching Mastery Using the Target ApproachPatricia Hirsch interviews Carly Anderson, MCC and Karen Boskemper, PCC. Instantly increase your coaching mastery using the Target Approach. Join us and find out how you can become one of the growing number of ICF credentialed coaches! The ICF Core Competencies provide a great vehicle for advancing professional coaching skills, and yet how to apply them for credentialing purposes can be challenging. We will share a coaching methodology called “The Target Approach – Demystifying the ICF Core Competencies” developed by Carly Anderson, MCC and ICF Credentialing Expert. The Target Approach provides a roadmap for coaches to apply the ICF Core Competencies more masterfully in their coaching sessions, and in a way that ICF Assessors will be listening for them being demonstrated during the certification process. From their experience of mentoring coaches for their MCC, PCC and ACC credentials through The Mentor Coaching Group, Carly Anderson and Karen Boskemper will share 3 tips that have helped their mentoring clients to significantly improve their coaching skills, and to easily distinguish between MCC, PCC and ACC level coaching. Carly Anderson, MCC, active ICF Assessor, Credentialing Expert and seasoned Leadership Coach, is passionate about advancing the professionalism of coaching. She has parlayed her knowledge of coaching competencies into a new methodology called, “The Target Approach: Demystifying the ICF Core Competencies.” Carly has a vision of supporting 1,000 new coaches to become Master Certified Coaches by 2018 because she believes the process of what coaches will learn to reach that high standard will have a positive ripple effect on the clients we coach, throughout the world. Carly has partnered with Karen Boskemper, PCC, Mentor, Corporate Coach & Training Specialist, to provide mentoring services through The Mentor Coaching Group.   00:42:00Design Your Life for New ChoicesnoICF Credentialing,Karen Boskemper,Patricia Hirsch,Carly Anderson,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Carly Anderson, MCC and Karen Boskemper, PCC. Instantly increase your coaching mastery using the Target Approach. Join us and find ouROOT Your Uniqueness, GROW Your DREAMS, 25 Jun 2013 16:00:00 GMTROOT Your Uniqueness, GROW Your DREAMSPatricia Hirsch interviews Rafael Boker, PCC. Rafael shares the following: In my take the meaning of being human is to honor among other values, the ability to DREAM. We all tend to pursue something we think is most important to us, what often happens is that when we come to see our fulfilled pursue, we tend to lose interest in that goal. Ever happened to you? This is why it is important that we find something to ground our dreams into, in my language this is called a ROOT, which our uniqueness grounds into. Describing it as a metaphor: having a dream without knowing who we really are with no roots is like a cloud in the sky that has no purpose to drop rain or to shade . . . What is your dream? How will you pursue your dream? What makes you unique? Who are you? These and other Questions are what I am trying to answer to myself every day of my life. About Rafael Boker: Rafael Boker was born to provoke and help others to transform their lives into their best selves. With more than 6 years of experience, Rafael Coached and trained other coaches to be rooted to their true essence. Rafael comes from a small family and created a bigger one, fulfilling his essence as a father, along with helping other individuals to grow themselves to create a life that they love and fulfill their dreams. Rafael was trained at CTI (The coaches Training Institute) as a Co-Active coach, and currently holds the role of leading certification programs for CTI, supervising, holding a beautiful marriage and parenting 3 children. 01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Rafael Boker,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Rafael Boker, PCC. Rafael shares the following: In my take the meaning of being human is to honor among other values, the ability toThe Art Of Sacred Selfishness, 18 Jun 2013 16:00:00 GMTThe Art Of Sacred Selfishness Patricia Hirsch interviews Darla Powell Phillips, ACC. Darla shares that she wants to support women to know their authentic selves – integrating their “being” with their “doing.” By discovering their unique gifts and talents, knowing their contribution to the planet and understanding what gives them meaning and relevance has women lead a life of clarity, focus, ease and grace. And they have a lot more fun! Darla Powell Phillips, President of What’s Next?! Life & Leadership Coaching, is in the business of helping women business owners and executives transform their businesses and their lives from the inside out – authentically and powerfully – so that they lead their lives with clarity, focus, ease, grace. Through highly creative visioning and drawing upon her personal and professional resume, Coach Darla takes her clients on a journey of “What’s Next?!” questions that jars them out of complacency and plunges them into a world of possibilities that have meaning and relevance. Ultimately, they claim their stake on the planet, living fully and authentically, doing what they really love to do. 00:34:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Darla Powell Phillips,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Darla Powell Phillips, ACC. Darla shares that she wants to support women to know their authentic selves – integrating their “being”Great Places to Work: It’s About "Peoplebility", 11 Jun 2013 16:00:00 GMTGreat Places to Work: It’s About "Peoplebility"Patricia Hirsch interviews Eddie Marmol, Bonnie Flatt and David Brown, who will discuss how over 70% of the workforce is disengaged and spending a majority of their waking hours in quiet desperation. This is unacceptable. They’re committed to creating workplaces that invite people to bring their best, show up as leaders, and find meaning in their work. Great places to work confront people with the freedom and responsibility they have to make work meaningful and fun. They demand courage from leaders to move from command and control to a culture led by something greater. These include shared core values and a clear sense of purpose that aligns the workforce and attracts loyal customers. Such workplaces are 3 to 5 times more productive and a lot more fun to work in, lead and buy from. Eddie Marmol is a former engineer and project manager, with expertise in synthesizing language, somatic elements, cultures and perspectives. He quickly connects relevant concepts and helps translate them into practical, real world applications. Eddie coaches in English and in Spanish, and is masterful in helping people both communicate and relate much more effectively. David Brown is a former psychotherapist with over 30 years in the people business, including over 15 years as an ontologically trained coach. David’s able to get below the surface of the complex interactions between people and facilitate greater understanding, insight and communication necessary for people to transcend ego and operate as a team. Bonnie Flatt is a former attorney and human resources executive with over 25 years in the people business. She achieved her coaches certification in 2009 and her Approved Tribal Leader status in 2012. Bonnie understands the nuts and bolts of great business and coaches people to create workplaces where people are excited to come to work, to perform at their best and deliver outstanding results. 00:42:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Master Coaches,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Eddie Marmol, Bonnie Flatt and David Brown, who will discuss how over 70% of the workforce is disengaged and spending a majority of tDo What You Were Built To Do. Start Now!, 04 Jun 2013 16:00:00 GMTDo What You Were Built To Do. Start Now!Patricia Hirsch interviews David Young, ACC. If you hate Mondays and live for Fridays and vacations, this is the show for you. Coach David Young will talk about how to move away from a career that takes life from you toward one that is life giving. He starts by coaching you to get clear on what you want, moving away from all those things that you ‘should’ be doing. When you know where you want to go, then you must do the things every day that get you where you want to be in your life. David will share how you can start discovering today what you really want in life that will lead to deep, lasting satisfaction. He will give insight on the best time in life to get started with this process and how to break out of unhealthy patterns of living. David Young coaches people to discover what they were built to do and how to start doing it. He works with high school juniors and seniors and their parents; and with mid-career professionals who are seeking career and life changes. David is the founder and owner of David Young Coaching. He is a Professional Coach with a Certificate from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and has attained his ACC Certification from the International Coach Federation. He also holds a Master’s in Organizational Leadership from Geneva College. He has twenty years of IT working experience both in medium sized businesses and as an entrepreneur / consultant. In his free time, he is an aspiring tri-athlete. On most days you will find him on his bike, running, swimming or some other activity that pushes his known limits. 01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,David Young,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews David Young, ACC. If you hate Mondays and live for Fridays and vacations, this is the show for you. Coach David Young will talk aboutWhat Great Leaders Understand About Themselves, 28 May 2013 16:00:00 GMTWhat Great Leaders Understand About ThemselvesPatricia Hirsch interviews Gai Foskett, MCC. Have you ever had that feeling that something just is not right. It nags away at you. You are successful as a leader, manager or in your own life. You have everything you have wanted, and yet, the gratitude is more intellectual, rather than something you feel. What is that all about? More importantly, what do you do about it? We will talk about the impact of personal values, beliefs and the use of mindfulness to connect to people and your life in a deeper way. Gai will share a case study of one of the many senior leaders she has worked with who, by exploring these components of who he was lifted the company morale, increased profits and worked less hours and felt a true gratitude that shaped how he viewed the world. Gai will discuss how this fits with what is known now from a neuro scientific perspective about stress and humans responses and how teaching mindfulness as a coach is one of the most powerful tools to use with stressed leaders. Professionalism, flair and focus to achieve are just a few words many clients have used to describe Gai’s coaching, training and facilitation. Gai works mainly with senior executives and leaders, business owners, professionals and entrepreneurs around the globe. Gai brings to the coaching table a deep understanding of business and corporate life. Her intuition, knowledge and skills make a difference to coaching clients and trainees alike. Has delivered over 4,000 hours of coaching and is a Master Certified Coach with ICF. She has an MBA and is also a Master NLP Practitioner. Gai is a Senior Coach Trainer and Coach Assessor and Mentor for Neuro Leadership Group(2002-2011) Prior to becoming a coach in 2001 she had 20 years in financial services in senior management in Australia and New Zealand, and was a business consultant while living in Thailand and Florida, USA. 00:37:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Gai Foskett,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Gai Foskett, MCC. Have you ever had that feeling that something just is not right. It nags away at you. You are successful as a leadeBoost your Coaching Ethics I.Q. and Stay Out of Ethical Hot, 21 May 2013 16:00:00 GMTBoost your Coaching Ethics I.Q. and Stay Out of Ethical Hot Patricia Hirsch interviews Tina Elliot, PCC.  This will be a juicy discussion on Ethics in Professional Coaching, what cleints are complaining about, how you may be getting in your own way and don’t know it, and how to keep yourself out of the stressful ethical conduct review process. Tina Elliot’s success as a business, career, life and executive coach draws from her twenty years experience working in the areas of coaching and consulting. Her expertise in business, project management, leadership development; team and organizational development; life change and career transition all serve to bolster her clients success for well over a decade. She is a member of and a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation (ICF), a Board Certified Coach, a Coaching Ethics Expert, a Certified Executive Career Hub Coach, a Certified Wellness Coach and Mentor Coach serving on the faculty of 2 coach training organizations. Tina holds an MBA, in Business Administration and is an active ICF Global Committee Member with longtime involvement the Ethics and Standards Committee Independent Review Board (Ethics Complaint) helping to heighten the ethical standards of her profession. 00:36:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Tina Elliot,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Tina Elliot, PCC.  This will be a juicy discussion on Ethics in Professional Coaching, what cleints are complaining about, how you mCoaching Leaders through Transformations, 14 May 2013 16:00:00 GMTCoaching Leaders through TransformationsPatricia Hirsch interviews Rich Maxwell, PCC. Rich has been an organizational leader, spending 20 years as a hospital administrator. Now he coaches organizational leaders who want to transform their organizations, a process that begins with the individual leader and evolves through the organization in a way that moves people along their own path of development while also changing the culture of the organization along the way. It is up to the leaders to guide this transformation in a way that meets the needs of the business and the people who make up the business, while not forgetting the customers and clients the organization is designed to serve. All voices have a say in the way the company runs, and great leaders know that, listen to it, and lead to the future that the voices describe. Join Patricia as she and Rich explore the challenges of leadership today and learn how great leaders can both listen and act to create a more desirable and fulfilling experience for employees, customers, vendors, and anyone else who interacts with the company. How great would it be, and how successful would businesses be, if it were fun, fulfilling, and profitable to go to work everyday? Rich Maxwell is an Executive Coach and owner of Maxwell & Associates. In 1995, Rich formed Maxwell & Associates, a coaching and consulting firm. Since starting his coaching business he has served a wide variety of hospital and hospice groups including their executives, middle managers, and physicians, as well as coaching executives and managers in several non-healthcare companies. Utilizing his coaching skills combined with leading edge concepts in leadership such a Tribal Leadership, Situational Leadership, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, and others, Rich strives to serve his clients from of his core values of honesty and integrity, the other fellow first, and leadership while working with his client to help them reach the top of their mountains. 01:01:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Rich Maxwell,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Rich Maxwell, PCC. Rich has been an organizational leader, spending 20 years as a hospital administrator. Now he coaches organizationCoaching for Innovation, 07 May 2013 16:00:00 GMTCoaching for Innovation Patricia Hirsch interviews Beth Symes, PCC and Marcia Ruben, PhD, PCC. Global competitive forces require that all organizations keep their products and services aligned with the ever changing needs of their customers. As more and more companies recognize this, they are embracing the use of innovation as a means of developing a competitive advantage. But knowing what they need to do isn’t the same as being able to actually do it. Coaches can play an important role in supporting their clients to be successful in their innovation efforts. Marcia and Beth will talk about this, and their Coaching for Innovation online workshop. Beth Symes is a seasoned, certified executive coach and consultant specializing in leveraging individual and team strengths to optimize performance outcomes. Beth works with senior executives and management teams, utilizing a dynamic and demanding process of self-discovery, experiential learning, personal challenge, and goal setting to guide individuals and teams beyond the barriers that have limited their performance. As a result, her clients create futures that more accurately reflect their talent and ability, which is reflected in the impact they make on their organizations. Marcia Ruben’s experience, skill and knowledge of human and organizational dynamics in strategic contexts, have repeatedly produced pragmatic change strategies and aligned tactics. Her one-on-one coaching with leaders, whether developing within their current position or advancing to the next level, consistently facilitates solid advances. Marcia’s consulting engagements yield insight, guidance and direction to individuals and organizations alike. And her facilitation quickens the untangling that’s necessary for progress, whether the knots are within individuals, among team members, or arise from the complexities of the organization as a whole. 00:58:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,Marcia Ruben,Patricia Hirsch,Beth Symes,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Beth Symes, PCC and Marcia Ruben, PhD, PCC. Global competitive forces require that all organizations keep their products and serviceCoaching for Today’s Leaders, 30 Apr 2013 16:00:00 GMTCoaching for Today’s LeadersPatricia Hirsch interviews Gaurav Arora, ACC. Leadership is not about what you do but who you are being in the moment. Who you are being in the moment makes a lot of difference in your performance as a Leader. In fact, that was the question which made me write my role rather than my designation on my business card. Coaching provides continuous learning at the deeper level to understand and internalize this belief. In today’s environment of changing technology and evolving organizations, a leader needs many characteristics including clarity of vision; how to build trust and transparency; inspiring others to find their voice, etc. Nurturing team members is a very critical and essential aspect of leadership. Coaching can have a strategic impact, and it is one of the approaches which inspires and motivates individuals at a deeper level to reach their true potential consistently. Gaurav Arora, Director, Events of the ICF Hyderabad Chapter, is a part of the nine Global ICF Nominating Committee. He is also the host of an online show “Coaching Matters,” which is an exclusive show for the aspiring and credentialed coaches. ( He has had the privilege of interviewing Sir John Whitmore, Janet Harvey, Sue Knight and many other international guests from all across the world. He is a computer engineer and a post graduate in Business Administration. Gaurav is the founder of Inspire Coaching Systems. A Story Teller by heart, Gaurav is highly enthusiastic, a go-getter and is known for his high energy levels and contagious positive attitude. Gaurav, has earned a number of widely recognized professional accreditations in the field of facilitation, coaching by reputed international organizations such as: Associate Certified Coach, International Coach Federation Team Coaching Advanced NLP Practitioner, and a Gestalt Practitioner00:37:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Gaurav Arora,Design Your Life Coaching for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Gaurav Arora, ACC. Leadership is not about what you do but who you are being in the moment. Who you are being in the moment makes a lGroup Coaching in The C Suite, 23 Apr 2013 16:00:00 GMTGroup Coaching in The C Suite Patricia Hirsch interviews Doug Gfeller, MCC. Listen to Doug as he describes the challenges and methods that he uses in coaching in the C Suite. Doug’s method involves coaching three unique clients. The first is the CEO, the second is the CEO’s direct reports and the third is the 800-pound gorilla that shows up in the management meetings for these individuals. Once the Board Room door is closed the individuals’ shift and the group dynamics and communications styles of the individuals shift. This requires coaching of them as a groups in addition to coaching them individually. While the coaching issues at this level are not unique for business coaching, the stress level, expectations and deadlines are truly unique and need to be acknowledged in the coaching. Doug Gfeller is the Founder/Owner of The Coaching Perspective; Coach, Author, Speaker, Board Member, and Radio Show Host. Doug is a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and has earned their highest designation of Master Certified Coach. He has been providing executive coaching services for both individuals and groups since 1994. Doug frequently speaks to groups on coaching topics and is a motivational speaker for business groups. He has taught courses at UCI Irvine and is currently working on his second book, Coaching From The Client’s Perspective, due out next year. As host of the radio show, The Coaching Perspective, Doug brings together coaches, CEOs and human resource professionals to discuss best practices and current issues in business today. Doug’s show is syndicated online and archives are available as podcasts on The Coaching Perspective web site 00:42:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,leadership coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Doug Gfeller,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Doug Gfeller, MCC. Listen to Doug as he describes the challenges and methods that he uses in coaching in the C Suite. Doug’s methodLink Between Exceptional Business Performance & BrainScience, 16 Apr 2013 16:00:00 GMTLink Between Exceptional Business Performance & BrainScience Patricia Hirsch interviews Abigail Wenner, PCC. Notwithstanding that I took a less conventional route to become an executive coach and global business consultant my background has helped senior executives and their organizations develop into industry leaders. You see, I am a recovering investment banker. Yet by combining my business background with leadership development skills and innovative brain science strategies, I successfully developed a unique and highly effective coaching and consulting model for my clients. The model provides executives and their teams with business acumen, powerful leadership techniques, along with an understanding of how to use the power of their brain to improve decision making, become a smarter and more innovative thinker, reduce stress and fear associated with change and produce competitive, ethical and profitable results. Since today’s global economy is unpredictable, following a less conventional route as I did might provide a way to overcome its challenges after all! Abigail K. Wenner is a global business consultant and certified executive coach. She is president and CEO of Executive Consulting International ECI which provides cutting edge strategies that uniquely combine business, leadership and brain science research to develop exceptional leaders and business distinction. Ms. Wenner knows to link her work to quantifiable results that are reflected in corporate profitability and a positive return on investment ROI. Ms. Wenner holds a master’s degree in international finance and economics from The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies SAIS, completed post graduate work at Harvard University in executive leadership, attended Georgetown University’s Leadership Coaching Program and was awarded a Professional Certified Coach credential by the International Coach Federation. She is also a faculty member with the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. 01:01:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,leadership coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Abigail Wenner,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Abigail Wenner, PCC. Notwithstanding that I took a less conventional route to become an executive coach and global business consultaNo Kids? Maybe Kids? Are You Childless or Childfree?, 09 Apr 2013 16:00:00 GMTNo Kids? Maybe Kids? Are You Childless or Childfree?Patricia Hirsch interviews Laura Scott, ACC. Are you currently childless and not sure how you feel about it? Are you feeling pressured, anxious, or confused about your ambivalence? Laura Scott, President of 180 Coaching, a reproductive decision-making coach and author of Two is Enough: A Couple’s Guide to Living Childless by Choice and Director of the Childless by Choice Project film talks about how and why people make the decision to delay or forgo the experience of parenthood, how they navigate infertility or lack of opportunity, and how women and men can be conscious and empowered decision makers in their reproductive lives. Laura Scott is author of Two Is Enough: A Couple’s Guide to Living Childless by Choice, and the founder and the director of The Childless by Choice Project (a survey and documentary film at Scott is an Executive, Life, and Leadership Coach at, a coaching service specializing in reproductive decision making, transition, executive and Energy Leadership™ coaching.00:36:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Laura Scott,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Laura Scott, ACC. Are you currently childless and not sure how you feel about it? Are you feeling pressured, anxious, or confused aboLeadership and Stress: Exploring the Antidote to Overwhelm, 02 Apr 2013 16:00:00 GMTLeadership and Stress: Exploring the Antidote to OverwhelmPatricia Hirsch interviews Chris Balsley, PCC. Human beings are designed to experience stressful situations, to move through them, and to grow because of them. This is at the core of human resiliency and strength. Think about historical figures like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and Mother Theresa. They met stress and adversity head on; they moved through and they grew from their stress. Stress is part of the ontological structure of today’s leadership. We see it on high-performance teams to those pushing the competitive edge as well as executives working long hours with demanding deadlines. Stress pushes us to excel, it increases our resiliency and makes us stronger. With the right amount of stress we can think clearer and express ourselves better, literally our brain functions better and when our brain functions better, we function better. This kind of stress is called eustress. When we move towards overwhelm a chain of events go off: We make poor choices, we make snap decisions, our muscles tighten, we run from difficult conversations. This stress we call distress. Somewhere between eustress and distress is a magical point called the optimal stress zone and it holds the perfect amount of stress for peak performance. Chris Balsley MA, LPC, PCC has maintained a thriving and diverse professional practice for almost thirty years. Chris’s coaching clients include leaders at all levels in organizations from government officials to executives in Fortune 500 companies. He has conducted years of trainings with both active duty military and C-suite teams in corporations. He has been a senior somatic presenter with Newfield Network International Coach Training School since 2006. He dedicates a large portion of his career to helping individuals and teams increase their performance and shift their moods intentionally. 00:38:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Chris Balsley,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Chris Balsley, PCC. Human beings are designed to experience stressful situations, to move through them, and to grow because of them.Your Obstacle is Your Opportunity, 26 Mar 2013 16:00:00 GMTYour Obstacle is Your Opportunity Patricia Hirsch interviews Monica Blake, PCC. Individuals often perceive their obstacle as a barrier to their success and a prerequisite to defeat. Monica will share how her questioning and dancing with the client results in their enhanced ability to receive objective feedback, discover fresh perspectives and create measurable, achievable plans to meet their goals. From the client’s perspective, they will simply understand why their specific obstacle exists, its impact on their life and the shifts that must be made to eliminate the obstacle. In this show, Monica will discuss in further detail the problems and solutions in facing an obstacle and how her partnership as a coach guides individuals to create opportunities even in the face of sometimes overwhelming adversity. Drawing from her own experiences, Monica utilizes her ability to create an atmosphere of trust and empathy which opens the door for quick and sustainable shifts. Monica Blake is a visionary, mission-driven Professional Certified Coach with 16 years of coaching experience. Her 25 plus years of experience as a Human Resources executive in industries such as consumer products, energy, and the public sector creates a unique blend of coaching, people management, strategic planning and business skills. She’s known as an intuitive, highly analytical and most importantly, a caring, compassionate coach. She partners with her clients to design and implement customized approaches to overcome obstacles. Monica was diagnosed with Arthritis at age 25 and was told a likely outcome could be the remainder of her life in a wheelchair. She overcame her affliction through the curative benefits of Pilates and became a Certified Pilates Instructor. Blending her business experience and passion for healthy living, Monica went on to found her company, In Action Enterprise specializing in coaching, consulting, and holistic mind-body healthy lifestyle and fitness coaching. 00:32:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Monica Blake,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Monica Blake, PCC. Individuals often perceive their obstacle as a barrier to their success and a prerequisite to defeat. Monica willHow ‘Edgy Coaching’ Can Help You Take the Right Risks, 05 Mar 2013 17:00:00 GMTHow ‘Edgy Coaching’ Can Help You Take the Right RisksPatricia Hirsch interviews Marcia Reynolds, MCC. Traditional notions of coaching focus on holding the coachee’s agenda, building rapport and showing empathy while actively listening. This may help ease a coachee’s fear, but it may prolong self-denial. To help people step out of their ruts and find the source of their fears and illusions, the coach must be willing to challenge beliefs, disrupt patterns, and create tension in the relationship. Deep inside this discomfort lies the mirror where people can grasp who they really are and what they truly desire. Dr. Marcia Reynolds, MCC will use coaching demonstrations and critical review of practices to look at: What it takes for a coach to be more challenging. How using positive confrontation, honest feedback and stretching clients will help them play bigger in this world that needs them to step up. Whether you are a coach or looking to be coached, if you are ready to take the right risks in your life, come prepared to be coached to the edge. From there, you will see you can fly. Dr. Marcia Reynolds is considered an expert on the brain, helping people understand “why they do what they do” so they can make better choices. In addition to coaching leaders in global companies, she travels the world speaking at conferences and teaching classes in leadership and emotional intelligence. Excerpts from her books, Outsmart Your Brain and Wander Woman: How High-Achieving Women Find Contentment and Direction, have appeared in major publications, including Fortune Magazine, Harvard Management Update, The Los Angeles Times and O Magazine and she has appeared on ABC World News. Marcia is also a true pioneer in the coaching profession and the 5th president of the International Coach Federation. She was one of the first 25 people in the world to become a Master Certified Coach (MCC).   00:38:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Marcia Reynolds,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Marcia Reynolds, MCC. Traditional notions of coaching focus on holding the coachee’s agenda, building rapport and showing empathy whiEstablishing a Coaching Agreement: Misunderstood Competency, 26 Feb 2013 17:00:00 GMTEstablishing a Coaching Agreement: Misunderstood CompetencyPatricia Hirsch interviews Marianna Lead, PCC who will be talking about the myths and the facts of this controversial and often misunderstood competency: Establishing the Coaching Agreement. Marianna Lead, PhD, PCC is the founder and executive director of Goal Imagery® Institute – a provider of personal and professional development workshops and certification courses in life/career/executive coaching. Transformational coach and hypnotherapy instructor since 1996, she is the first expert to speak at the world-renowned Smithsonian Institution on the subjects of hypnosis and life coaching. Marianna co-designed the Competitive Advantages of Women in Leadership program at Columbia University, and has designed a number of innovative courses at New York University – including her own Goal Imagery® method – in addition to teaching their Master’s Degree and Coaching Certificate Programs. She has been an Expert Life Coach for Fitness Magazine, has frequently been featured on national TV (including NBC morning news) & radio, in magazines such as Fitness, Natural Health, Time Out and documentaries, collaborated with Dr. Candace Pert (best-selling author of Molecules of Emotion) on her Psychosomatic Wellness CD, and was the creator/host of Life Coach TV on Manhattan Cable in NYC, as well as Life Coach Radio with Progressive Radio Network. A sought-after speaker and active Screen Actors Guild (SAG) member, Marianna co-hosted and produced Laughter as a Life Skill with comic Yakov Smirnoff at the American Airlines Theater on Broadway. 00:37:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Marianna Lead,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Marianna Lead, PCC who will be talking about the myths and the facts of this controversial and often misunderstood competency: EstablCreating & Sustaining a Coaching Culture in an Organization, 19 Feb 2013 17:00:00 GMTCreating & Sustaining a Coaching Culture in an OrganizationPatricia Hirsch interviews Bhaskar Natarajan, ACC. Bhaskar will discuss how creating a “Coaching Culture” across an organization resulted in Breaking “Silos” between departments Building Collaboration and mutual respect among leaders Bonding through common “Rules of Engagement” while promoting a “One team” Experience for “Higher Performance.” Bhaskar Natarajan, ACC, is currently the President of ‘ICF Hyderabad Chapter’ and a research scholar at XLRI, Jamshedpur, India. His research work involves using Development Coaching as a strategic tool in building high performing teams. Bhaskar has close to 13 years of cumulative experience in Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, Performance Consulting, Sales and Human Resources. In his recent corporate consulting role, he was leading a team of consultants and responsible for ‘Organizational Transformation’ practice across Asia Pacific, offering professional services on Organizational Change Management, Organizational Design, setting up of Shared Services etc. Prior to joining Infosys Consulting, he was with the Satyam School of Leadership engaged in various OD interventions for high value customer facing accounts specifically to improve the business performance, team bonding and quality of interaction between employees and customers. He also spent 6.5 years with Dr. Reddy’s Foundation (DRF) in developing and leading the Human Resources & Learning and Development function for an employee base of 1500 across various geographies. During his tenure in DRF, he successfully launched ‘Leadership Academy’, a Corporate University model, to groom leaders from within the organization.   00:45:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Bhaskar Natarajan,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Bhaskar Natarajan, ACC. Bhaskar will discuss how creating a “Coaching Culture” across an organization resulted in Breaking “Silos” bGetting to the Heart of the Matter by Using Images, 12 Feb 2013 17:00:00 GMTGetting to the Heart of the Matter by Using ImagesPatricia Hirsch interviews Carol Harris-Fike, PCC.  Carol will discuss the value of going to the heart of the matter with individuals and groups in coaching and facilitating. Images are one valuable way to go easily, deeply, and quickly to the place where the most important emotions of a person are revealed to them. This allows what a person cares about to be revealed and shared with the coach or within a group. We have experienced over and over the value of using images to break past what a person thinks should be shared to what really matters to them. The conversation goes deep much more quickly. The coaching process is enhanced and/or a team or group will be supported in what really matters in their life, their work, their relationships. Carol Harris-Fike, PCC, NCOC, coaches and mentors individuals around the world. She earned Newfield Certified Ontological Coach certification through Newfield Network. She recently was certified in Newfield’s advanced ontological course: Body and Movement. Areas of expertise include an understanding of the latest research in the science of the brain/body and how our view of the world affects how we think, feel, and move. She has degrees from Texas Tech University and the University of Texas at Austin. Carol’s book, 5 Life Energies: The Choice You Have in How Energy Shapes Your Life (2009), exemplifies the choice we truly have to “be” the way we desire. Carol and two other ontological coaches created a coaching product: JICT Images: Journey with Intuition & Creativity to Transformation, a box of 72 evocative images designed to lead groups and individuals to the “heart of the matter.” 00:40:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Carol Harris-Fike,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Carol Harris-Fike, PCC.  Carol will discuss the value of going to the heart of the matter with individuals and groups in coaching andSovereignty Generates Transformation, 05 Feb 2013 17:00:00 GMTSovereignty Generates TransformationPatricia Hirsch interviews Janet Harvey, MCC. Janet will discuss how the shadow of ease and comfort as coach is complacency and habit. For most of us this signals the threshold of change, an opportunity to stretch beyond what is known into the territory of innovation and catalytic insight for clients and ourselves. Generative wholeness, the outcome of personal sovereignty, will break the boundary coaches believe defines the relationship with clients in order to co-create a partnership that explores in unknown territory. To be generative is to dynamically learn, originate and produce. Wholeness is freedom of expression from essence in any and all relationships, personal and professional. This session will re-imagine what constitutes MCC level, artful coaching by demonstrating how to place accountability for positive impact solidly and sustainably in the hands and heart of the client, providing clients the pathway to imagine and continuously inspire their own lives. Janet M. Harvey, ICF Master Certified Coach, and 2013 ICF Global Immediate Past President, has 30 years of experience as both a corporate and entrepreneurial business executive. As a leader, business owner, coach, mentor of coaches, and trainer of coaches, Janet was an early adopter for creating a coach-centered workplace. Over the two decades, she has worked with global organizations and teams of leaders within to establish a generative, resilient and high performance culture through a coaching approach to leading and managing success. Janet Harvey brings her executive and entrepreneurial experience as President for inviteCHANGE, dedicated to coach certification training and professional coaching services. Born and raised in mid-Western US, people speak of her as bold, curious, provocative, challenging, yet respectful and compassionate in her leadership roles.   00:40:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Janet Harvey,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Janet Harvey, MCC. Janet will discuss how the shadow of ease and comfort as coach is complacency and habit. For most of us this signaCSES (Coaching Skills Evaluation System), 29 Jan 2013 17:00:00 GMTCSES (Coaching Skills Evaluation System)Patricia Hirsch interviews Takefumi Yoshikawa, PCC (in process) . Takefumi will be discussing the recent announcement by the ICF in its January Member Update that ICF is asking all members to contribute to ongoing research on coaching effectiveness with CSES (Coaching Skills Evaluation System). Takefumi will be discussing the following items related to CSES: What is CSES? The background and purpose of this CSES joint project with ICF. Request for listeners to join this project. Takefumi Yoshikawa, Executive Coach, Corporate Officer of Coach A (USA) has over 20 years of experience working in the Telecommunication and Software industry as an executive. His professional expertise is covering global business development, M&A, Business Alliance, and PMI (Post Merger Integration). When Takefumi moved to the Oracle Corporation from NTT, he met his first executive coach. Based on his experience to be coached, Takefumi obtained a coaching credential in Japan seven years ago. Now, as a professional executive coach and corporate officer of Coach A (USA) in charge of the Americas and EU, he is providing executive coaching services for many Japanese and American executives in the US. Recently, Takefumi provided PMI (Post Merger Integration) Coaching for companies making efforts to make synergies through bridging both organizations with coaching. (Mr. Musashi Bansho is the Project Manager of CSES in CRI. CRI (Coaching Research Institute) is an independent sister company of Coach A, which focuses on gathering and analyzing data about systemic organizational coaching globally and releasing newsletters regarding the results of the research. CRI and Coach A are jointly developing the Visualization of the Effectiveness of Coaching. Mr. Yoshikawa is talking about the CSES project as spokesperson on behalf of Mr. Bansho). 00:38:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,leadership coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Takefumi Yoshikawa,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Takefumi Yoshikawa, PCC (in process) . Takefumi will be discussing the recent announcement by the ICF in its January Member Update thFear – and How To Live With It, 22 Jan 2013 17:00:00 GMTFear – and How To Live With ItPatricia Hirsch interviews Tine Gaihede, PCC. Tine shares for a great many years of her adult life, she lived from the belief that she was NOT afraid. Fear was not part of her life. At least not consciously. It wasn’t until she turned 40, that she experienced that she had been lying to herself, big time. Actually, she was so afraid that she had completely denied that emotion that she had developed a bunch of creative strategies to avoid any emotional pain at all. Tine knew the consequences of it, loneliness and being trapped in an emotional prison, but this was far better than actually facing the fear, apparently. Today, fear is part of Tine's life, luckily, she knows it, feels it, sometimes she is even paralyzed by it. The power is that she recognizes fear at all levels: In her, in other people, in society, our lack of wanting to deal with it and the power it then has, it can start a war, initiate crises, break up marriages and get organizations to fall. Tine Gaihede is one of the pioneers of professional coaching in Scandinavia. With a background as an economist from University of Copenhagen and an M.A from London City University, she used to work with the arts as a vehicle for economic and social growth in Europe back in the 90’s – initiated by the fall of the political iron curtain at the end of the 1980s. Transitioning into coaching in 1999 Tine has run her own coaching business for 14 years, assisting global leaders in large, often complex organizations to set new agendas in their leadership and lives. Her clients are leaders who are driven by vision and confronted with the limits of fear – both their own and the organization’s. Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, Tine was the 2012 president of the Danish Chapter of The ICF, focusing on creating new possibilities for professional coaches by establishing new alliances between professional coaches and the market.   00:35:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Tine Gaihede,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Tine Gaihede, PCC. Tine shares for a great many years of her adult life, she lived from the belief that she was NOT afraid. Fear wasOpen Conversation on Coaching Distinctions, 15 Jan 2013 17:00:00 GMTOpen Conversation on Coaching DistinctionsLet’s Talk! Patricia will be conducting an open conversation on coaching distinctions from an ontological perspective (Ontology = the study of being / human). Call into the show with your questions, challenges, inquiries and/or a desire to be coached. All caller identities are confidential; you will only provide your first name. Call into the show: (347) 426-3858 Join us on January 15th at 9am Pacific / Noon Eastern! Patricia Hirsch is in the business of assisting clients begin to learn to observe their own observations such that they live a life of power causing results with open and honest communication. Patricia is the founder of Design Your Life Coaching (est. 2001), a coaching and leadership development company. During the past 31 years, she has held numerous mentoring, leadership and management positions. Through individual and team coaching, she has worked extensively to facilitate relationships across cultural, educational, emotional and other discourses. Her work has focused on senior executives, board members, teams and individuals. Patricia has delivered key addresses to marine, financial and coaching organizations. Patricia’s coaching and leadership development methodology is grounded in somatic, linguistic and emotional competence. She draws on each of these domains in her work with clients to raise awareness, enable action and generate sustainable and high levels of performance. 01:01:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,life coaching,Design Your Life for New ChoicesLet’s Talk! Patricia will be conducting an open conversation on coaching distinctions from an ontological perspective (Ontology = the study of being / human).Stepping Stones to Success, 08 Jan 2013 17:00:00 GMTStepping Stones to SuccessPatricia Hirsch interviews Dianne Kipp, PCC. Dianne will share how our lives are no longer easily managed due to the hectic pace of all that is happening around us. Options are many, technology moves at lightning speed, and our responsibilities seem 10 fold over the last decade. Achieving work like balance is a highly sought after skill which can be accomplished by dividing our actions into conscious and unconscious choices, aligned to those things that matter most. At home and work. Dianne will discuss a review of current scientific principles and practice of designing a balanced approach between home and work responsibilities. The audience will discover their unique balance formula. Participants will discovery how to assess their current status and determine what needs to change. The final step is focused on learning to eliminate wasted energy & re-direct energy towards accomplishing goals. Utilizing SMART format, participants will depart the show with an action plan. Coach Dianne empowers others to envision their most magnificent future. Calling upon a 25 year career in complex medical research, pharmaceutical, technology, financial services and non-profit corporations, her coaching approach utilizes holistic principles to facilitate permanent transformation in her clients’ lives. She thrives on helping her clients shift their perceptions and navigate change in pursuit of intended, sustained results. Providing the support and tools necessary for realizing success, Coach Dianne enables her clients to elevate their effectiveness, clarify highest priorities, and align resources for strategic execution. Dianne is an evolutionary change agent, a motivational speaker and seminar leader in the areas of personal achievement, leadership performance, and corporate culture transformations. 01:01:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Dianne Kipp,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Dianne Kipp, PCC. Dianne will share how our lives are no longer easily managed due to the hectic pace of all that is happening aroundExplore the IAC Masteries: The Path to Coaching Excellence, 18 Dec 2012 17:00:00 GMTExplore the IAC Masteries: The Path to Coaching ExcellencePatricia Hirsch will be interviewing Dr. Susan R. Meyer, MMC (IAC); Karen Van Cleve, MMC (IAC) & Natalie Tucker Miller, MMC (IAC) as they discuss why the IAC Masteries are such a powerful coaching system. Join us in a discussion of what the Masteries are, how they work together to create a way to frame and negotiate coaching interactions, and the many applications of the Masteries in professional settings as well as your personal life. Our guests will describe the Masteries, give specific examples of each in action, and discuss applications form their own practices. Dr. Susan R. Meyer is the President of the International Association of Coaching. IAC certifies coaches based on the nine IAC MasteriesTM and provides learning experiences throughout the world. Susan is an executive and personal development coach focusing is on helping women lead vibrant lives, using Life Blueprints to create focus and specific plans. Karen Van Cleve escaped the demanding world of business consulting to become a coach in 2002. She graduated in 2003 from CoachU, then achieved her Master Certified Coach designation through the International Association of Coaches (IAC) in 2005, and has been a certifier for the IAC since then. Karen is an Anthony Robbins Success Coach, specially trained in Robbins’ powerful tools and techniques. Natalie Tucker Miller is an internationally recognized certified coach, instructor and coach certifier. She is the founder of Ageless-Sages, a publishing company specializing in Picture Books For Elders™, believing that everyone should be able to “live until they die.” Natalie works with directors and administrators of elder care residences, creating living environments that focus on a sound emotional infrastructure. She served on the board of the IAC® as President from January 2006 to March 2008. She is currently the IAC’s Lead Certifier. 01:02:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,coaching certification,Patricia Hirsch,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch will be interviewing Dr. Susan R. Meyer, MMC (IAC); Karen Van Cleve, MMC (IAC) & Natalie Tucker Miller, MMC (IAC) as they discuss why the IAC MaGot FEAR? Of Course You Do . . .Now What?!, 11 Dec 2012 17:00:00 GMTGot FEAR? Of Course You Do . . .Now What?!Patricia interviews Maren Perry, PCC. They will discuss if you’re not doing the thing you think you need to do to reach your goal… If you’re reluctant to make that call or speak with that person, or ask that question… if you know that you are not living up to all you see you can be… ask yourself: Got FEAR? We keep ourselves safe by not doing the things we’re afraid of. But we also want things beyond what we currently have. What’s the key to moving from safety to action? Addressing the fear that keeps our old habits in place. We’ll discuss methods for doing that on this call. Maren Perry, PCC coaches senior leaders and management teams. An expert in what it takes to produce championship results, she partners with high performers to propel them to charismatic leaders. Her experience in coaching top performers, especially those with a creative mindset, has brought her clients in diverse areas: from Fortune 500 companies, to U.S. Government, to leaders in the Arts. Maren’s clients are consistently recognized for improved relationships and moving large projects forward swiftly and effectively. Maren’s focus is on developing her clients interpersonal and communication skills so that they can lead their teams with a higher degree of engagement and effectiveness. Maren earned a B.A. in Cognitive Science from Brown University, an M.A. from the University of Washington. Maren holds her PCC (Professional Certified Coach) from the International Coach Federation. 00:51:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Maren Perry,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Maren Perry, PCC. They will discuss if you’re not doing the thing you think you need to do to reach your goal… If you’re reluctant to make tCoaching From Within- The Body Speaks!, 04 Dec 2012 17:00:00 GMTCoaching From Within- The Body Speaks!Patricia interviews Maike Stolte, ACC, about coaching with your whole body - leadership, body and decision and how to access psycho-corporal intelligence. Objectives, results and process are at the core of Coaching. Most techniques focus on the mind only, trying to push quickly forward towards desired results. However, how important is the ‘quick fix’ in comparison to the deeper work that lies beneath the surface? Inbodycoaching is a way to include the person as a whole in its own process. The coach has a great toolbox to use, however it only accounts for just 30% of the coaching success. The real treasure is hidden within the client’s potential, and this in itself is sometimes safely stored within the castle of our own body. In order to develop self-awareness, compassion and enhance coaching processes the show will teach you insights as to how to use and include the client’s body, but also your own. Simple exercises will show how to get in touch with your body’s voices, unleash great wisdom from within your client and boost the coaching to speedy level. Deep transformation starts from within- that is where coaching and the body meet. Maike Stolte, ACC, is founder of INBODY- Coaching & Bodywork in Barcelona, Spain. Inbody helps you to become aware of your inner resources whilst reaching out to and balancing your body, mind and spirit at the same time. Maike has been working several years as a manual therapist, practicing Massage, Shiatsu, Reflexology and Yoga. She has developed a new technique called simply ‘Bodywork’ which is a combination of Coaching, NLP and manual therapies. With Maike’s unique approach clients can go on a journey towards their inner wisdom and activate their own resources through the use of their body. Maike is also part of Cataliza, a cooperative of certified coaches in Spain that addresses and helps companies through change- in leadership, team coaching and s00:57:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Maike Stolte,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Maike Stolte, ACC, about coaching with your whole body - leadership, body and decision and how to access psycho-corporal intelligence. ObjeShifting to New Ways of Being, 27 Nov 2012 17:00:00 GMTShifting to New Ways of BeingPatricia shares about coaches shifting to new ways of being, the true joy in life and being at service.01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,coaches,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia shares about coaches shifting to new ways of being, the true joy in life and being at service.Re-Acquaint Yourself with You: Courageous & Resourceful, 20 Nov 2012 17:00:00 GMTRe-Acquaint Yourself with You: Courageous & ResourcefulPatricia interviews Carol Henry, ACC; Carol is passionate about re- acquainting people with the courageous, resourceful, passionate person that they really are. Many people find that they are less than inspired in their current work (or relationship) situation and find that they are stuck where they are because they don’t know what they “want” that will ignite their passion nor how to extricate themselves from their current perspective. In order to cope in a situation that is no longer in their service, people tend to “shut down” and go numb. As we close ourselves off, opportunities and choice close off to us as well. The coaching relationship provides the client with a safe, caring environment to re-acquaint themselves with who they are, what they care about and then create a vision of the life that they can be passionate about. With that in mind Carol then helps keep the client focused on creating their future, one step and one day at a time. Carol Henry has been “developing people” for over 30 years. She has a Masters Degree in Adult Education and has been working and coaching in the post secondary education sector for the past 27 years. In her career at Canada’s largest college, Carol was first a teaching faculty, then Associate Director of Student Services responsible for Career Services for students, student recruitment and University Transfer Agreements and Advisement, and finally the Director of Professional Development for faculty, administration and support staff. She has coached many employees, at all levels, wishing to find and re-ignite their passion so they re-engage within (or outside of) the institution, their current career, job or relationship. Carol, an ICF certified ACC is now lead coach for Carol Henry Coaching and works with clients looking to get “unstuck” so that they can move forward create a life aligned with what they really care about. 01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Carol Henry,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Carol Henry, ACC; Carol is passionate about re- acquainting people with the courageous, resourceful, passionate person that they really are.Supervision or Super-Vision!, 13 Nov 2012 17:00:00 GMTSupervision or Super-Vision!Patricia interviews Sylvie Schoen-Schlumberger, PCC, who defines supervision as two words – super & vision – as in super-vision. To her, this is the process of helping the coaches to step back, metaphorically, from their work so that they may take a meta-perspective, or broader view, of their practice. It is a time to think about the past, in the present, for the future to just engage in the learning. The objective of supervision is not to "coach-the-coach," as it is often understood. Rather it is for the coaches to go beyond their professional and personal obstacles and to create a safe place for the form (learning), norm (standard) and restoring (recharging). Coaches in supervision often refer to their experience of having time and space to think about particular aspects of their work and especially to think / reflect with a trusted colleague who will microscopically explore their practice with them, contribute to their understanding, learn new ways of practice and recharge their batteries, in a safe and confidential environment. Born in France & based in Brussels, Sylvie's experience includes HR + general management gained within renowned companies such as 3M, Boeing or Cap Gemini. She has worked with head hunters, within the European Institutions & IOM. These 30+ years experience makes her feel at ease in large private or medium sized companies, as well as in the public sector. Today, I am a Coach, a Mentor Coach & a Supervisor. I was the Belgium Board President of ICF and am an Assessor for credential exams. As a Coach, my clients describe me as an enthusiastic person, who knows how to improve people’s confidence in both their hard and soft skills. Results-oriented, I am rather confronting but known at the same time as caring, empathic and respectful. Ethics is one of my key values.   00:56:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Sylvie Schoen-Schlumberger,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Sylvie Schoen-Schlumberger, PCC, who defines supervision as two words – super & vision – as in super-vision. To her, this is the process ofCoaching From a ‘Systems’ Perspective, 06 Nov 2012 17:00:00 GMTCoaching From a ‘Systems’ PerspectivePatricia interviews Tom Patterson, ACC; Tom shares we all know what it’s like to feel like we’re caught in an endless cycle of reactivity. We see this at home, at work, in social situations, and we wonder how it is that we keep getting “hooked” when relating to these various systems. We’ll talk about how and why this happens, and what it takes to engage them in a whole new—and life-giving—way. Tom Patterson is an ICF credentialed leadership coach and trainer, collaborating with leaders across a wide range of industries, including: high tech, professional services, construction, government contracting, higher education, medical, religious institutions, fisheries, tribal corporations, social media, city government, and is currently working with a team carrying out a groundbreaking leadership development program with a “Big 4” accounting firm. Tom’s education and training include an undergraduate degree in psychology, a Master’s degree and doctorate in theology and culture. Additionally, Tom is a graduate of the SeattleCoach Training Program, credentialed by the International Coach Federation, certified as a “trainer of trainers” by the Center for Leadership Studies (in Situational Leadership), and a certified facilitator of the Core Values Index. 01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Tom Patterson,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Tom Patterson, ACC; Tom shares we all know what it’s like to feel like we’re caught in an endless cycle of reactivity. We see this at home,Influence is BLISS! Behavior,Leadership, Insights, Service, 30 Oct 2012 16:00:00 GMTInfluence is BLISS! Behavior,Leadership, Insights, ServicePatricia Hirsch interviews Michelle Cubas, ACC, CPCC, on "Influence is BLISS! Behavior • Leadership • Insights • Strategic • Service.” I consider myself a Business Barista™ serving up fresh and hot ideas daily! Today, you can clear the decks and enjoy credibility, cooperation, fulfillment, respect and be known as the person who has the “it” factor. In the workplace, having this quality positions you for promotion, power and results. How others perceive HOW you address these issues will affect your credibility. Learn how to drop “control” as a perspective. Strive to MANAGE instead. It is achievable and affects your style and others respond to you. Michelle Cubas is a formally trained and certified enterprise business coach, behavior analyst, business blogger, author and dynamic entrepreneur. She offers award-winning brand marketing, public relations and corporate communications implementation strategies founded on two decades of experience. She consults with fledgling and international corporations, inspires business leaders to manage by values-driven principles, and supports individual seeking life and career fulfillment.00:48:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,executive coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Michelle Cubas,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Michelle Cubas, ACC, CPCC, on "Influence is BLISS! Behavior • Leadership • Insights • Strategic • Service.” I consider myself a BusinMaecenas – A Metaphor For Coaching?, 23 Oct 2012 16:00:00 GMTMaecenas – A Metaphor For Coaching? Patricia interviews Kees de Vries, PCC; he shares the following thoughts: when I was asked at the age of 16 what I wanted to be in later life, I answered Maecenas, the well-connected, generous and enlightened patron of the arts. Maecenas represents all that I dream to be doing in my life, which is: giving people the space and possibilities to explore, to develop and to exploit as much of their talents and gifts as they have to offer the world, and me holding them and holding them in that space, and be present. To me, this is what coaching is about. Maecenas stands for money, opportunity and patronage put on the development of others. This also applies to me. My money and opportunities have always been in my continuous development and learning. This eager moving ahead brought me to Supervision. Supervision is about deepening knowledge by exploring together and co-learning. It stipulates that everything is created in the moment, and in relationship. Supervision demands the art of holding, and presence with the other. Like Maecenas. Kees de Vries is a professional coach who provides coaching, supervision and development services. Since 1989 he is self-employed, and nationally and internationally active from his home in Amsterdam. His work theme is coaching people in finding their way to durable happiness in life and work. Clients describe his coaching as intuitive and energizing. One said: Kees’ his presence facilitates the future. Kees holds an MSc in Work and Organization Psychology. He is a Registered WandO Psychologist. He is Professional Certified Coach accredited by the International Coach Federation. As an Executive and Personal Coach, he was educated by The Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara. At the moment he takes a course in Coaching Supervision given by the Coaching Supervision Academy in London – certification due in June 2013.   01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Kees de Vries,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Kees de Vries, PCC; he shares the following thoughts: when I was asked at the age of 16 what I wanted to be in later life, I answered MaeceYour Brain Power: Improve Performance & Overcome Obstacles, 16 Oct 2012 16:00:00 GMTYour Brain Power: Improve Performance & Overcome Obstacles Patricia interviews Janice Knight, PCC, as they explore these ideas: Does your brain seem to have a mind of its own? Is it hindering you or helping you? For many people, in spite of firm intentions to take conscious and deliberate actions, they find themselves doing exactly the opposite of what they intended. Have you responded to inconsequential emails when an important project deadline is hastily approaching? Failed to follow your boss’ suggestions even when you already made up your mind to do so? Failed to keep your cool even though you prepared and rehearsed your response? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to count on your brain to come through when you need it? Utilizing research from the fields of neuroscience, coaching and hypnosis, Janice will share powerful brain concepts (Evolutionary Brain, Reticular Activating System) and 2 mind models: Theory of Mind and SCARF to help our listeners: Stay focused and reduce emotional hijackings Avoid feelings of overwhelm Overcome self-sabotage Have more “Ah-Hah” moments Janice Knight is passionate about human potential and has worked with hundreds of clients to help accelerate their success. Coaching small business leaders and professionals, Janice realized in spite of great intentions, her clients would often sabotage their efforts before reaching their full potential. Convinced that it was possible to help her clients improve performance and overcome self-sabotage, Janice continued her studies and, after completing training in hypnosis and incorporating the insights of brain-based coaching, Janice combined coaching, hypnosis and consulting to launch her business. Janice works with clients who desire to tap into the power of their conscious and subconscious minds to let go of the past and fast-track potential.   01:01:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Janice Knight,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Janice Knight, PCC, as they explore these ideas: Does your brain seem to have a mind of its own? Is it hindering you or helping you? For maROOT Your Uniqueness, GROW Your DREAMS, 09 Oct 2012 16:00:00 GMTROOT Your Uniqueness, GROW Your DREAMS Patricia Hirsch interviews Rafael Boker, PCC, about his belief that the meaning of being human is to honor among other values, the ability to DREAM. We all tend to pursue something we think is most important to us, what often happens is that when we come to see our fulfilled pursue, we tend to lose interest in that goal. Ever happened to you? This is why it is important that we find something to ground our dreams into, in my language this is called a ROOT, which our uniqueness grounds into. Describing it as a metaphor: having a dream without knowing who we really are with no roots is like a cloud in the sky that has no purpose to drop rain or to shade . . . What is your dream? How will you pursue your dream? What makes you unique? Who are you? These and other Questions are what I am trying to answer to myself every day of my life. Rafael Boker was born to provoke and help others to transform their lives into their best selves. With more than 6 years of experience, Rafael Coached and trained other coaches to be rooted to their true essence. Rafael comes from a small family and created a bigger one, fulfilling his essence as a father, along with helping other individuals to grow themselves to create a life that they love and fulfill their dreams. Rafael was trained at CTI (The coaches Training Institute) as a Co-Active coach, and currently holds the role of leading certification programs for CTI, supervising, holding a beautiful marriage and parenting 3 children. 01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Rafael Boker,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Rafael Boker, PCC, about his belief that the meaning of being human is to honor among other values, the ability to DREAM. We all tenCoaching to Provoke Clients to Do the Right Thing, 02 Oct 2012 16:00:00 GMTCoaching to Provoke Clients to Do the Right Thing Patricia interviews Mary Miller, J.D., SPHR, ACC, who has been coaching executives, managers, and forward-thinking individuals for over 10 years. She brings a unique perspective based on her past work as an attorney, a human resources executive, and a consultant. Coaches meet clients where they are and offer a judgment-free zone. Asking clients to stretch and “do the right thing” is also important. How can a coach reconcile these contradictory concepts? How does the right thing show up for individuals? What about corporate clients? Is servant leadership or a global mindset necessary to doing the right thing? Join Patricia as she and Mary explore definitions for what constitutes “doing the right thing” both as an individual and from a business perspective. From a global perspective, the right thing for an organization and its executives could vary depending on the country and its culture. For everyone, the right thing can sometimes be uncomfortable and/or unpopular. What’s your experience? Mary Miller received her law degree from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles and her undergrad from UCLA. She has been certified as a human resources professional for more than 15 years. Mary received her coach training at Coach U. She quickly identifies and develops the transformative potential within both business and individual clients. She stretches her clients to consider all possible options open to them. Mary believes that coaching provides an individual or an organization with the opportunity to increase their awareness of themselves, their values, and impact. Mary believes that really great coaching provokes people to do more than complete a series of transactional steps to a finish line . . . really great coaching transforms and evolves the individual or the business in a holistic manner.   00:52:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Mary Miller,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Mary Miller, J.D., SPHR, ACC, who has been coaching executives, managers, and forward-thinking individuals for over 10 years. She brings aIt’s All in Your Head, 25 Sep 2012 16:00:00 GMTIt’s All in Your Head Patricia Hirsch interviews Jennie Aguirre, who discusses why getting the life you want is an inside job. We usually get this backwards. We think if we achieve, obtain, get or secure the things we say we want on the outside, then we get to feel the way we want to feel on the inside. Every decision we make is really because we are after a feeling. Think about it, you choose relationships, career, hobbies all for a feeling. If it was really that simple why do so many who have achieved continue to feel less than happy? Your brain is incredible and capable of so many things, most importantly-change… What would you do differently if your life felt the way you wanted it to feel? How would this change the way you show up in the world? How would it impact your relationship with yourself, your work, your children or significant other? No circumstance, person or event can keep you from feeling the way you want to feel. The only thing that is stopping you is you. In order to change your external world you have to start with your internal world. In 2012 Jennie launched her own coaching practice and website, with an emphasis on coaching women. The focus has been on helping her clients understand the relationship between thoughts and feelings. Jennie’s mission is to make coaching affordable and accessible for any woman who is ready to change her mind, for good! Jennie has an extensive background combining education, coaching, and behavior modification. She has worked to develop and implement programs in elementary, secondary and post-secondary settings. and is an instructional designer and trainer with an emphasis on solution- focused coaching and brain-based learning. Jennie has a Master’s in Teaching Leadership from Walden University and Bachelors in Secondary English from Ottawa University. She is an ACC Life Coach and a member of the International Coaching Federation.   01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Jennie Aguirre,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia Hirsch interviews Jennie Aguirre, who discusses why getting the life you want is an inside job. We usually get this backwards. We think if we achieve,Do what you were built to do. Start now!, 04 Sep 2012 16:00:00 GMTDo what you were built to do. Start now! Patricia interviews David Young, ACC, as David shares insights on if you hate Mondays and live for Fridays and vacations, this is the show for you. Coach David Young will talk about how to move away from a career that takes life from you toward one that is life giving. He starts by coaching you to get clear on what you want, moving away from all those things that you ‘should’ be doing. When you know where you want to go, then you must do the things every day that get you where you want to be in your life. David will share how you can start discovering today what you really want in life that will lead to deep, lasting satisfaction. He will give insight on the best time in life to get started with this process and how to break out of unhealthy patterns of living. David Young coaches people to discover what they were built to do and how to start doing it. He works with high school juniors and seniors and their parents; and with mid-career professionals who are seeking career and life changes. David is the founder and owner of David Young Coaching. He is a Professional Coach with a Certificate from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and has attained his ACC Certification from the International Coach Federation. He also holds a Master’s in Organizational Leadership from Geneva College. He has twenty years of IT working experience both in medium sized businesses and as an entrepreneur / consultant. In his free time, he is an aspiring tri-athlete. On most days you will find him on his bike, running, swimming or some other activity that pushes his known limits.   01:00:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,David Young,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews David Young, ACC, as David shares insights on if you hate Mondays and live for Fridays and vacations, this is the show for you. Coach DavidEven The Lone Ranger Had Tonto!, 28 Aug 2012 16:00:00 GMTEven The Lone Ranger Had Tonto! Patricia interviews Kate Steinbacher, PCC, regarding how many folks waste their time and energy and end up not succeeding because they fail to ask for and/or hire help from trusted sources. The story of the Lone Ranger is a perfect one to illustrate this: alone he was always riding in on his white horse to save the damsel in distress, but he always ended tied up and helpless until his trusted companion, Tonto, came in on his camouflaged pinto and saved the day! Highlights: Don’t go it alone, no matter what it is. Learn to give up some control, especially around the areas that are NOT your genius. Discover the best areas in your life or business that your Tonto’s can help you. Search for the right kind of folks to have on your team of Tonto’s. What criteria will you set for your team of Tonto’s and where will you find them? Kate Steinbacher, PCC, Partner and co-founding Vixen of The Coaching Advantage and The Coaches Console is a successful executive coach, business owner, public speaker and writer. Kate has experience as a corporate 100 HR manager, trainer and communications specialist. As cruise Director on board luxury yachts, Kate traveled the world and gained International experience as a public speaker as well as manager of diverse teams to provide extraordinary customer service. Kate advocates partnership, collaboration, taking action and building on ones strengths and experiences to create a life and work that is fun, flexible, energizing, contributory and, of course, financially rewarding. As creator and owner/partner of four businesses, Kate understands what it takes to be successful. 00:47:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Kate Steinbacher,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Kate Steinbacher, PCC, regarding how many folks waste their time and energy and end up not succeeding because they fail to ask for and/or hCoaching Leaders: Individual & Organizational Transformation, 21 Aug 2012 16:00:00 GMTCoaching Leaders: Individual & Organizational Transformation Rich Maxwell has been an organizational leader, spending 20 years as a hospital administrator. Now he coaches organizational leaders who want to transform their organizations, a process that begins with the individual leader and evolves through the organization in a way that moves people along their own path of development while also changing the culture of the organization along the way. It is up to the leaders to guide this transformation in a way that meets the needs of the business and the people who make up the business, while not forgetting the customers and clients the organization is designed to serve. All voices have a say in the way the company runs, and great leaders know that, listen to it, and lead to the future that the voices describe. Join Patricia as she and Rich explore the challenges of leadership today and learn how great leaders can both listen and act to create a more desirable and fulfilling experience for employees, customers, vendors, and anyone else who interacts with the company. How great would it be, and how successful would businesses be, if it were fun, fulfilling, and profitable to go to work everyday? 01:01:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Rich Maxwell,Design Your Life for New ChoicesRich Maxwell has been an organizational leader, spending 20 years as a hospital administrator. Now he coaches organizational leaders who want to transform theiThe Path Less Traveled: Coach on the New Hero’s Journey, 14 Aug 2012 16:00:00 GMTThe Path Less Traveled: Coach on the New Hero’s Journey Patricia interviews Lisa Murrell, PCC, about the concept of a coach on the new Hero’s Journey to address the issue of continually transforming ourselves as a powerful way to transform your business. She will share the 11 steps of the Hero’s Journey connecting them to coaching, and our own transformation as a powerful way to maintain integrity as you grow your business supports us as we learn to be comfortable with the unknown. Lisa Murrell is the founding partner of MetaSystem Consulting Group, a consulting firm that began in Paris over 25 years ago, and founder of Equine Alchemy, a ground breaking approach to leadership and coaching through experiential learning with horses. She has spent the last 15 years working globally to help clients achieve transformational results in the areas of organization development and executive and team coaching. Lisa developed the Multi-Level Systemic approach to coaching and consulting, combined with experiential learning, to help her clients identify and address issues that impact performance, and yes, in some cases, change their lives! 00:31:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,life coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Lisa Murrell,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Lisa Murrell, PCC, about the concept of a coach on the new Hero’s Journey to address the issue of continually transforming ourselves as a pIs Executive Coaching Right for Professionals?, 31 Jul 2012 16:00:00 GMTIs Executive Coaching Right for Professionals? Patricia interviews Andrew Elowitt (PCC pending), who has over 25 years of experience as a lawyer and executive. Though executive coaching has gained wide acceptance, professional service firms have been markedly slower in embracing coaching as a way to improve performance, profitability, and satisfaction. One reason for this is the tendency of many coaches to treat professionals as though they are executives. Does this approach make sense, and more important, does it serve the best interests of professionals? As a former lawyer and executive, Andrew Elowitt brings a unique perspective to this question. Drawing on his experience coaching countless lawyers, accountants, doctors, and other professionals over the last 18 years, he will explain how coaching can and should be tailored to meet the specific needs and temperaments of professionals. 00:31:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoexecutive coaching,coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Andrew Elowitt,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Andrew Elowitt (PCC pending), who has over 25 years of experience as a lawyer and executive. Though executive coaching has gained wide acceNew Adventures in Nepal and the USA, 24 Jul 2012 16:00:00 GMTNew Adventures in Nepal and the USA Patricia interviews Edmond Antoine, an MCC for over 15 years, who has always been passionate about leadership development. Edmond will be discussing his last trek to Nepal, in order to explain to people the impact of this experience. Click here to read about Edmond's previous discussion about stepping up leadership skills via a self-discovery process based on a 7-day trek in the Himalayas. 00:57:00Design Your Life for New Choicesnoleadership coaching,coaching,Patricia Hirsch,Edmond Antoine,Design Your Life for New ChoicesPatricia interviews Edmond Antoine, an MCC for over 15 years, who has always been passionate about leadership development. Edmond will be discussing his last t