Demonology reality Dr. Jerry Williams is a known Exorcist/Deliverance Minister from New Life Ministries Church in Ohio. Dr. Jerry Williams has worked with many Paranormal teams including Televisions Ghost Adventures and PSR. Dr. Jerry Williams started out in Ministry in 1996 after Graduating from Bob Jones University he earned a Doctrine in Ministry and Divinity. He then went on to Learn more about Demons after confronting the Demonic on a House Blessing in 2001. Dr. Jerry Williams enrolled at MIU for Ministry of Demonology and enrolled in Exorcisms/Deliverance Ministry at OSU/UNLMC and graduated with a Degree in Demonology and Exorcism/Deliverance Ministry. Dr. Jerry Williams went on to further his education in Demons going to International Demonology school for Exorcists. He Then started working on many cases and still continues to this day. Dr. Jerry Williams went on to EDINBURGH and took the class in Parapsychology and earned a Doctorate in this study. Dr. Jerry Williams now teaches Demonology to those who want to truly learn and have a calling from God to be a Demonologist. He has online courses at The Center for Research and Investigative studies (CRISEDU). You can take a class and start Today... Dr. Jerry Williams continues to educate on this program and teach those who want to know the real truth the reality of Demonology. We invite you to come learn and join our show for all the most informative information you can possibly receive. We thank you for your support and we hope you will stop by our website and check it out... www.crisedu.comenCopyright Gerald Blanchard (C/O Blogtalkradio)Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:30:00 GMTMon, 02 Feb 2015 14:30:00 GMTParanormalBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 reality Dr. Jerry Williams is a known Exorcist/Deliverance Minister from New Life Ministries Church in Ohio. Dr. Jerry Williams has worked with many Paranormal teams including Televisions Ghost Adventures and PSR. Dr. Jerry Williams started out in Ministry in 1996 after Graduating from Bob Jones University he earned a Doctrine in Ministry and Divinity. He then went on to Learn more about Demons after confronting the Demonic on a House Blessing in 2001. Dr. Jerry Williams enrolled at MIU for Ministry of Demonology and enrolled in Exorcisms/Deliverance Ministry at OSU/UNLMC and graduated with a Degree in Demonology and Exorcism/Deliverance Ministry. Dr. Jerry Williams went on to further his education in Demons going to International Demonology school for Exorcists. He Then started working on many cases and still continues to this day. Dr. Jerry Williams went on to EDINBURGH and took the class in Parapsychology and earned a Doctorate in this study. Dr. Jerry Williams now teaches Demonology to those who want to truly learn and have a calling from God to be a Demonologist. He has online courses at The Center for Research and Investigative studies (CRISEDU). You can take a class and start Today... Dr. Jerry Williams continues to educate on this program and teach those who want to know the real truth the reality of Demonology. We invite you to come learn and join our show for all the most informative information you can possibly receive. We thank you for your support and we hope you will stop by our website and check it out... www.crisedu.comfeeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comparanormal,demons,demonology,jerry williams,exorcisms,ghost hunting,ghosts,demonic possession,demonology 101,spiritsDemonology realitynoDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams is a known Exorcist/Deliverance Minister from New Life Ministries Church in Ohio. Dr. Jerry Williams has worked with many ParanoepisodicDemonology 101 - myths and fokelore and Animal Demons John Zaffis Interview, 02 Feb 2015 14:30:00 GMTDemonology 101 - myths and fokelore and Animal Demons John Zaffis Interview Demonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers Demonology of Today and the newest information about this field. He covers Exorcisms and Deliverance and myths and legends of different countries and cultures…. Demonology school- start today online classes..                                 Demonology John Zaffis Interview   Tomorow our show name will change to Demonology Radio 03:14:00Demonology realitynoDemonology,Exorcisms,Deliverance,myths and legends,paranormalDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers Demonology of Today and the newest information about this field. He covers Exorcisms and Deliverance and myths and legenDemonic possession - How do people become posessed? Deliverance -whats difference, 30 Jan 2015 15:00:00 GMTDemonic possession - How do people become posessed? Deliverance -whats differenceDemonologist Dr.Jerry Williams covers Demonic Possession and how a person becomes possesed. We will. Cover deliverances and what is the difference between exorcisms and deliverance. Dr. Jerry has worked with many paranormal teams including Ghost Adventures and PSR. Demonology school by Dr. Williams now accepting students for his online courses already for you to listen and participate in. Start Today….. Go to 02:56:00Demonology realitynoExorcism,Demons,Demonic possession,Demonic influence,DeliverancesDemonologist Dr.Jerry Williams covers Demonic Possession and how a person becomes possesed. We will. Cover deliverances and what is the difference between exorDeliverance& Exorcisms- Bad Spirits Vs Demons & Demonology Terminology/Demons, 23 Jan 2015 14:30:00 GMTDeliverance& Exorcisms- Bad Spirits Vs Demons & Demonology Terminology/Demons Demonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers Bad Spirits Vs. Demons. What is the difference? Deliverance/Exorcisms against Demons and Bad spirits. How is this done and what are some learning tools we should know. What are the types of Demon Manifestaitons?  Demonic recall, Watcher Demons, Scanner Demons and what are some of the terms used in Demonology. Demonology School: Start today!! Go to Christian Demonology Handbook by Ken Deel- I reccomend this book to all my students coming into the Demonology field and this book will explain what you need to know on Christian Demonology.   About: Dr. Jerry Williams has been woring in this field for about 10 years now. He has worked with many Paranormal teams and still continues to work with Paranormal teams around the nation. He has also had the privelage to work with TV'S Ghost Adventures and PSR. He has obtained Cetifications in Ministry,Doctrine of Divinity,Demonology, Deliverance and Exorcisms(Non-Catholic Rite), He now teaches online courses and travels to many different churches to teach about the dangers of the Demonic. Check out more on the website about the school at:   03:46:00Demonology realitynoDemonology,Bad Spirits,Demons,Watcher Demons,Demonic RecallDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers Bad Spirits Vs. Demons. What is the difference? Deliverance/Exorcisms against Demons and Bad spirits. How is this doneDemonic Infestation and protecting yourself and Demons VS Gary Indiana Home, 22 Jan 2015 14:30:00 GMTDemonic Infestation and protecting yourself and Demons VS Gary Indiana Home Make sure to Listen to the End of this show an important message from Dr. Jerry Williams to all Para-Celebs, Paranromal,Demonology, Ministry and those who have been trying to verbally bash Jerry..... Show: Demonologist Dr.Jerry Williams will cover Demon sounds, smells, features and attacks… Then he will cover Demon infestation and ways to protect yourselves. Biblical Demons and other types of Demons have certain ways to protect and rid them off. Difference between spirit attack and Demon attacks… DEMONOLOGY SCHOOL ONLINE COURSES START TODAY GO TO… WWW. CRISEDU. COM Also Check out the book: Christian Demonologist Handbook by Kenneth Deel 03:54:00Demonology realitynoDemons,demonic infestation,Demonic Possession,Demonic Spirits,Demonology 101Make sure to Listen to the End of this show an important message from Dr. Jerry Williams to all Para-Celebs, Paranromal,Demonology, Ministry and those who haveDemons of the Bible and Demon sounds, smells-colors plus more…, 19 Jan 2015 16:30:00 GMTDemons of the Bible and Demon sounds, smells-colors plus more…Demonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers The demonic and the Bible. Then he will cover what Demons look, smell, sound, color and visual attacks and what and why they do this. This helps teach people to be aware of what to be on the look out for. How Demons were back then and in today's society. We only cover the truth not opinion. Dr. Jerrys Demonology school now taking new students. Check it out today or start today your online classes. Go to: 02:13:00Demonology realitynoDemons,Demon possession,Demons in the Bible,Demonology 101,Demon soundsDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers The demonic and the Bible. Then he will cover what Demons look, smell, sound, color and visual attacks and what and whExorcisms- Demonic Possession Part II, 16 Jan 2015 16:00:00 GMTExorcisms- Demonic Possession Part IIDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams will cover Exorcisms/Deliverance and explain how it's not just a Catholic Doctrine but rather used by many other Religions and Cultures. We will view the many types of Exorcisms/Deliverance and we have some audios on How these are perfromed by each Church.   Demonologist Dr. Jerry Williams- is a well known Demonologist who has worked with many Paranromal teams around the nation and even worked with TV's Ghost Adventures and PSR.   Demonology School- Want to be a Demonologist? Come check out Dr. Jerry's courses at the website and start the online courses today...Go to: 02:44:00Demonology realitynoExorcisms,Catholic,Jewish,Islamic,ChristianDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams will cover Exorcisms/Deliverance and explain how it's not just a Catholic Doctrine but rather used by many other Religions and CExorcisms- Demon Infestation and King Solomon and the Ars Goeita (72 Demons), 15 Jan 2015 15:30:00 GMTExorcisms- Demon Infestation and King Solomon and the Ars Goeita (72 Demons)Demonologist Dr. Jerry Williams will cover King Solomon and the Legend of lesser key of Solomon known as the Ars Goeita and 72 order of the Demonic. Dr. Jerry explains the myth and legend behind King Solomon and how he had control of the order of Demons to build his Temple.  Exorcisms- Demon infestation: Dr. Jerry will cover what happens in a Demonic Infestation and the different types of Exorcisms that the public is unaware of as people only know the Catholic Exorcism-Ritual Rite....   Demonology School: Join today and start today...go to my website and register...Start today online classes...   03:16:00Demonology realitynoDemonic Infestation,Demonology 101,Paranormal,Ghost Hunting,Ars GoietaDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams will cover King Solomon and the Legend of lesser key of Solomon known as the Ars Goeita and 72 order of the Demonic. Dr. Jerry eDemonic Oppression and then The Demon known as the Incubus/Succubus part II, 13 Jan 2015 14:30:00 GMTDemonic Oppression and then The Demon known as the Incubus/Succubus part IIDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers Demonic Oppression and the states of a Demon attack. Dr. Jerry will also cover the sexual Demon called "The Incubus/Succubus". Dr. Jerry will explain how this demon gets into our lives and how some even call it for personal relationships. Dr. Jerry will share some of his cases involving the Incubus/Succubus. We have special audio clips from Coast to Coast AM. Dr. Jerry Williams has worked with many Paranormal teams around the nation including TV'S Ghost Adventures.   Demonology School: Do you want to become a Demonologist? If you answered yes...Check out our School website and register today....Start today...All Online... for more info go to : Dr. Jerry Williams- NLMC/CRISEDU  03:10:00Demonology realitynoDemonic Posession,Demonic Oppression,Demons,Incubus,SuccubusDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers Demonic Oppression and the states of a Demon attack. Dr. Jerry will also cover the sexual Demon called "The Incubus/SuccuExorcisms-Demon Possession and The Incubus/Succubus -Sleep Paralysis, 09 Jan 2015 16:00:00 GMTExorcisms-Demon Possession and The Incubus/Succubus -Sleep ParalysisDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers Exorcisms and Demon Possession and what happens during an exorcism. Dr. Jerry will also cover Sleep Paraysis and how it pertains to Demon Possession. The Incubus/Succubus- a Sexual Demon that preys upon Men and Women to try to pregnante a women to have what they call "Cambions". The intersting part is a lot of people summons them to have a relationship with them. People have reported being held down in Bed,Scratched, Sexually groped and even Raped by this Demon. I will explain some of my cases and explain what happens in this situation and how to protect yourselves from them. Demonologist Dr. Jerry Williams has worked with many Paranormal teams in the United States and even Internationally. Dr. Jerry has even worked with TV'S Ghost Adventures and PSR. Dr. Jerry Williams is well known for his very knowledgable information and school. He has worked in this field for over 10 years and has been a minister since 1996. Dr. Jerry Williams has a Doctrine in Demonology,Ministry,Divinity and Exorcisms,Deliverance Ministry. Dr. Jerry's church is New Life Ministries- Internationally Based. The Demonology School- Check out the school and start today by registering at :   Join us for this show...   02:44:00Demonology realitynoIncubus,Succubus,Demons,Exorcisms,Demon PossessionDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers Exorcisms and Demon Possession and what happens during an exorcism. Dr. Jerry will also cover Sleep Paraysis and how it pParanormal vs Religion : its wrong to ghost hunt?, 08 Jan 2015 14:00:00 GMTParanormal vs Religion : its wrong to ghost hunt?We here that Ghost hunting, Paranormal, Pshycic, Mediums, witchcraft, Wiccans and talking tongue dead is wrong and abomination to God. Do you think this is correct or does the Bible mean something different than what others interpret. We will look at both sides of this and see Biblically the meaning and the truth behind what thousands are doing each and every week ... Dr Jerry williams welcomes you to share your thoughts and comments by calling in…03:29:00Demonology realitynoparanormal,medium,psychic,Ghost hunting,witchcraftWe here that Ghost hunting, Paranormal, Pshycic, Mediums, witchcraft, Wiccans and talking tongue dead is wrong and abomination to God. Do you think this is coDemonic possession interview with Adam Blai and then ouija boards and more below, 07 Jan 2015 14:00:00 GMTDemonic possession interview with Adam Blai and then ouija boards and more belowDemonologist Dr.Jerry Williams and an interview with Adam Blai. He is a well known investigator for catholic church. Also : Ouija Boards and the Demonic… and the Diety ZoZo Dr. Jerry will also cover Aleister Crowley and how wicked this man truly was. He was began the Satanic church occult today. Dr. Jerry Williams has worked with many Paranormal teams in the nation and even with tvs Ghost Adventures and PSR. Demonology school now taking students online courses go to Start today02:57:00Demonology realitynoDemonic possession,Adam Blai,demonology,Crowley,ouija BoardsDemonologist Dr.Jerry Williams and an interview with Adam Blai. He is a well known investigator for catholic church. Also : Ouija Boards and the Demonic… and thExorcisms,Deliverance and Demonic Possession and The Devils Bible/Dangers, 05 Jan 2015 14:00:00 GMTExorcisms,Deliverance and Demonic Possession and The Devils Bible/DangersDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers the real truth on Exorcisms, Deliverance Minsistry and Driving out Demons and Spirits.How is this conducted and How do Demons get into our lives and Homes. Dr. Jerry Williams covers the difference in Catholic Exorcism,Jewish,Islamic and Christian Exorcisms and Deliverance Minsitry. Dr. Jerry Williams will also cover Demonic Possession,Oppression and more information that has been hidden from you the Public. Then The Devils Bible and How people are using it still to this day for Demon Worship. Parents must be aware of this book and understand it's a Demonic worship to summons Demons and Satan. Dr. Jerry Williams is a well known Demonologist and Minsiter of New Life Ministies Church. He has worked with many Paranormal teams including Ghost Adventures and PSR.    Demonology School: if you want to start Demonology Classes today you can start now at your own leisure no time limit. They are online and pre-recorded for you. The website explains the courses all you need to do is click and register and start today... 03:39:00Demonology realitynoDemonology,Demonic Possesion,Demonic Oppression,Deliverance ministry,ExorcismsDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers the real truth on Exorcisms, Deliverance Minsistry and Driving out Demons and Spirits.How is this conducted and How do DeDemonic Symbols and Sigilis and Exorcisms Malachi Martin (Exorcist)- Demonology Reality by Dr. Jerry, 02 Jan 2015 14:00:00 GMTDemonic Symbols and Sigilis and Exorcisms Malachi Martin (Exorcist)- Demonology Reality by Dr. JerryDr. Jerry Williams is a known Demonologis and Minister of New Life Minsitries Church t in Ohio and Internationally he has been recongnized as one of the most informative Demonologists/Exorcists/Deliverance Ministers around the world. Dr. Jerry Williams will talk about Demon symbols and what you need to be on the look out for in your own homes. Parents listen and understand that this is could be in your home right now. Demon Symbols are used to summons Demons and ask for Power given by the Demon by use of a Symbol and Ritual. This show is important for anyone who wants to learn about what to be on the look out for or education and understanding the Dangers of Demons and the true reality of what they are and can do to us. Many people out on the internet have put a lot of wrong  and misconstruded information about the Demonic and what you should be aware of and the Dangers that can lead to Invitaitons or communications with them. This show will give you only the real truth and the information that you need to understand and be aware of for your family and yourself to protect and keep them safe from the world of the Demonic. This program will give you information that we can back up by Books,Internet sites and Schooling information as the true content and relialbility of what we talk about. Demons are dangerous and even in the Paranormal world some misjudge a Ghost or spirit as a kind or friendly spirit but don't know if it's truly Demonic or not. Here on this show we will teach you. Dr. Jerry Williams has been on Ghost Adventures and PSR along with working with many Paranormal teams around the Nation. He has a school for Demonology online for those wanting to learn and become Certified. For more information click here or this link for Schooling Start Today : 03:58:00Demonology realitynoDemonology,Demon Symbols,Sigilis,Paranormal,GhostsDr. Jerry Williams is a known Demonologis and Minister of New Life Minsitries Church t in Ohio and Internationally he has been recongnized as one of the most inDemons Of the Bible and Then Demonic Possession by Demonologist Jerry Williams ]]> ]]>Paranormal, 01 Jan 2015 13:00:00 GMTDemons Of the Bible and Then Demonic Possession by Demonologist Jerry Williams ]]>Demonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers Demons in the Bible and then Demonic Possesion and what happens when Demons get into someones life through invitation. Dr. Jerry has worked with many Paranormal teams around the world including working with TV's Ghost Adventures and PSR as seen on TV. Dr. Jerry has an Online Demonology school where you can start now online (No Time Limit) classes. Go to and register today....Start Today..Get a Certificate in Demonology link:-------------> 03:59:00Demonology realitynoDemonology,Demons,Bible,Demonic Possesion,Demonic OppressionDemonologist Dr. Jerry Williams covers Demons in the Bible and then Demonic Possesion and what happens when Demons get into someones life through invitation. DDemonology Reality: Exorcisms/Deliverance and Demons, 30 Dec 2014 18:30:00 GMTDemonology Reality: Exorcisms/Deliverance and DemonsToday we will discuss Demonology, Exorcisms and Deliverance and the History of how this all came together. Grab a notebook and learn about what it's like being a Demonologist and Deliverance/Exorcist.   Dr. Jerry Williams 02:23:00Demonology realitynoDemonology,Paranormal,Demons,Ghosts,ExorcistsToday we will discuss Demonology, Exorcisms and Deliverance and the History of how this all came together. Grab a notebook and learn about what it's like being