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Join John Carpenter,, Don Hartley, and the Deeper Truth reseach team as they investigate another appearance by Our Blessed Mother, In 1992 Bishop Bisaye blessed an open air part of a bigger chapel and allowed for the Marian Shrine to be designated a place of prayer so that organized pilgrimages was now activrly permitted.
“Our Lady of Ngome” (South Africa, 1955-1971; or Our Lady of the Tabernacle of the Most High); Virgin Mary appeared to a the Servant of God Sister May, a nun, and identified herself as “The Tabernacle of the Most High”; she also had an apparition of the devil, but then "Mother Mary, the Tabernacle of the Most High"
Ngome began as a shrine after alleged Marian apparitions. These apparitions were to the servant of God, Sr. Reinolda Franziska May OSB (Order of Saint Benedict). The alleged apparitions gave rise to the place becoming the most-visited holy place in the Diocese of Eshowe- Zululand, in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
The late bishop Mansuet Biyase of Eshowe gave recognition to Ngome as a place of prayer thus allowing the people to receive special graces. above all because of the relevance and impact of Ngome on the lives of people. The ongoing stability and the disposition of pilgrims to this place provide an ever-increasing hope that Ngome shall rightfully be declared a shrine in the future, (c.1230). Observing c.1208, the bishop as pastor of souls availed the place to pilgrims beyond the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Eshowe.