CRISELL METHOD TALK SHOW Crisell,Show Host , deletes pain due to injuries and disease along with hosting topics that are timely and news and All Rights Reserved.Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:15:00 GMTTue, 22 Dec 2020 16:00:00 GMTHealthBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 METHOD TALK SHOW Crisell,Show Host , deletes pain due to injuries and disease along with hosting topics that are timely and news and moreted.crisell@gmail.comcrisellhealth,no more pain,no more stress,fun,end suffering,world peace,change the planet,change the world,fun and laughter,have more joycrisellnoTHEO Crisell,Show Host , deletes pain due to injuries and disease along with hosting topics that are timely and news and moreepisodicCRISELL WORLD CHANGING NEWS, 22 Dec 2020 16:00:00 GMTCRISELL WORLD CHANGING NEWSCRISELL shares essays, poems and stories that will change the world. All invited to tune in and share!!!! 00:12:00crisellnoPeace,Free Will,Freedom,Love,SexMaking a Better honest report!!!3c98de8a-5c3d-477b-b671-7d477afd1d7611fullCRISELL METHOD.... Deletes Pain, 05 Jun 2013 04:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD.... Deletes Pain Ted Crisell, known to friends around the globe as THEO, is the Founder of the Crisell Method and recognized Master Teacher about energy and wellness. Tune in to get the final solution and deletion to your pain forever! Recognized Master in Yoga and Tantra THEO had made 5 research missions around the globe to 74 countries and studied with the best teachers...finally resolve your pain! 00:06:00crisellnoNo more pain,Pain deletion forever,Living a joyous life,No more stress,No more fear and worryTed Crisell, known to friends around the globe as THEO, is the Founder of the Crisell Method and recognized Master Teacher about energy and wellness. Tune inCRISELL METHOD...shares bucket list, 04 Jun 2013 03:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...shares bucket list Ted Crisell, known to friends around the globe as THEO, shares Bucket List and final wishes for making a better world! What is your bucket list? What are your major wishes and desires you have yet to realize? Are you going to die. With regrets? Do you now live with regrets? Live a life with no more pain... It is possible! 00:14:00crisellnoNo more regrets,No more pain,Final bucket list,Get all you want in life,Live daily with more joyTed Crisell, known to friends around the globe as THEO, shares Bucket List and final wishes for making a better world! What is your bucket list? What are youCRISELL METHOD.... Predicts major world changes, 03 Jun 2013 03:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD.... Predicts major world changesCRISELL METHOD predicts major world changes!00:16:00crisellnoNo more pain,Major world changes,Living in joy,World transformation,New paradigmCRISELL METHOD predicts major world changes!CHRIST IS GAY, 01 Jun 2013 20:00:00 GMTCHRIST IS GAYCheck out urgent report on Crisell Method talk radio!00:17:00crisellnoChrist is gay,God is dead,God just got shot,No more pain,Live in joyCheck out urgent report on Crisell Method talk radio!CRISELL METHOD reports...God is dead!, 01 Jun 2013 00:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD reports...God is dead! Urgent news......Immediate release from CRISELL METHOD God is Dead...... You must hear this timely report! 00:15:00crisellnoGod is dead,Shot in an alley,No more pain,A joyous day,FinallyUrgent news......Immediate release from CRISELL METHOD God is Dead...... You must hear this timely report!CRISELL METHOD...asks, is God dead and War endless?, 28 May 2013 03:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...asks, is God dead and War endless? CRISELL METHOD on this Memorial Day Show asks the tough questions, is war endless and God dead? Must we live in hell and pain with no end? WHAT can we change to change the world? Together, today, we can change the planet, forever!   00:26:00crisellnoIs god dead,Is war endless,Must more young men and women die,Must we have homeless vets,Can we end pain foreverCRISELL METHOD on this Memorial Day Show asks the tough questions, is war endless and God dead? Must we live in hell and pain with no end? WHAT can we changeCRISELL METHOD...shares Yoga, Miracles, Peace and...., 27 May 2013 01:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...shares Yoga, Miracles, Peace and.... CRISELL METHOD... Founder, Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, shares the Magic and Miracles of Yoga and how to attain self peace and removal of pain forever! Tune in for another life changing and world shift show, it is time we stop being greedy and neutral and create a true heaven on earth, together, we can change the planet! NO MORE PAIN......It is time! 00:14:00crisellnoNo more pain,Yoga and world peace,World shift,Enlightened planet,Love and forgivenessCRISELL METHOD... Founder, Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, shares the Magic and Miracles of Yoga and how to attain self peace and rCRISELL METHOD...shares, Kam Yuen is a phony, 25 May 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...shares, Kam Yuen is a phony CRISELL METHOD shares Kam Yuen is a phony and lacks ethics and integrity, find out why and find out the truth! It is time......! This is a must show to listen to and very timely! 00:21:00crisellnoFree yourself from kam yuen,Yuen is a phony,Yuen has no integrity,Yuen lacks ethics,Free yourself from yuen painCRISELL METHOD shares Kam Yuen is a phony and lacks ethics and integrity, find out why and find out the truth! It is time......! This is a must show to listeCRISELL METHOD... Interviews award winning director, 25 May 2013 04:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD... Interviews award winning director Ted Crisell, known to friends around the globe asTHEO, interviews award winning Film Director Drew Stewart, and discusses his most recently released controversial film, TRAPPED. THEO has said Drew is an amazing Director to work with, watch for more coming from him, he is the new Hitchcock! 00:35:00crisellnoFun,Entertainment,IndustryTalk,NoMorePain,HorrorFilmDiscussionTed Crisell, known to friends around the globe asTHEO, interviews award winning Film Director Drew Stewart, and discusses his most recently released controversCRISELL METHOD... Cut the Crap, 23 May 2013 04:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD... Cut the CrapCrisell shares the world's greatest invention, you must tune in to find out, no one should miss this show!00:08:00crisellnoCut the crap,No more pain,The worlds greatest invention,Mind control,No more stress and worryCrisell shares the world's greatest invention, you must tune in to find out, no one should miss this show!CRISELL METHOD... Get out of Neutral, 21 May 2013 03:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD... Get out of Neutral Crisell Method shares secrets for moving your life forward and getting out of pain! It is time you stop living in neutral!   00:13:00crisellnoNo more pain,Tips and secrets for life success,Stop living in neutral,No more stress and fear,You are your conversationCrisell Method shares secrets for moving your life forward and getting out of pain! It is time you stop living in neutral!CRISELL METHOD... Pass the Peace Message on, 19 May 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD... Pass the Peace Message on Crisell Method..... Fast forwards the peace message...... What will the world look like one year, five years, ten years or twenty years from now? What if you could make it look like the world you wanted, that you created? What if you can?   00:16:00crisellnoNo more pain,True peace,You create it,You are the global hero,What if you could have the world you wantCrisell Method..... Fast forwards the peace message...... What will the world look like one year, five years, ten years or twenty years from now? What if youCRISELL METHOD...shares Peace Pilgrim's Actions for Peace, 17 May 2013 22:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...shares Peace Pilgrim's Actions for Peace Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, is the Founder of the World Peace Project, the Crisell Method, and W. I. H. N. , World Independent Health Network, and is out to change the planet! You are invited to team up and take action and follow the lead of the Peace Pilgrim.  This radio show is further about real daily actions you can take to make a better world! You are invited, together let's make our lives and voices count! 00:16:00crisellnoPeace Pilgrim,No more pain,Together change the world,Your voice counts,Get out of neutral and take actionTed Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, is the Founder of the World Peace Project, the Crisell Method, and W. I. H. N. , World IndependentCRISELL METHOD & World Peace Revol, 14 May 2013 18:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD & World Peace Revol CRISELL METHOD leads Peaceful, Positive REVOLUTION for Peace! Following the lead of Peace Pilgrim, Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO has put the call out to all global leaders and all people's of all countries to join the revolution for peace, it is time! People around the globe want no more war and world leaders to focus on feeding, clothing and housing people, providing the best health care for all and the best education! IT IS TIME!  THEO is the Founder of the Crisell Method and the World Peace Project and has been a leader and voice for Peace around the globe for over 40 years, join in the call, the message, you do matter, you are more powerful than you can imagine!   00:16:00crisellnoPeace it is time,No more pain and worry,Wellness for all,Peace pilgrim leads us,Join in the message todayCRISELL METHOD leads Peaceful, Positive REVOLUTION for Peace! Following the lead of Peace Pilgrim, Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEOCRISELL METHOD...shares Peace Pilgrim timely messag, 13 May 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...shares Peace Pilgrim timely messag CRISELL METHOD shares Peace Pilgrim timely and important message.....we either change or we destroy the world.....our choice... LOVE IS THE WAY... Not the path of greed and being neutral! Time to take a stand and join hands around the globe! You are called.... The call is out to you... You are invited... You can change the world and you can tip the balance... We are at the tipping point... What do you choose? Ted Crisell, known to friends around the globe as THEO, is an energy expert  . He has made 5 journeys around the globe to 74 countries, he has met with Mother Theresa in Calcutta in the past and many gurus and world leaders and masters of energy. THEO has made it his mission to remove pain from the p,ante in this life is time, time to 00:12:00crisellnoNo mor pain,Peace pilgrim final message,Together we can change the planet,More daily joy,Fun every dayCRISELL METHOD shares Peace Pilgrim timely and important message.....we either change or we destroy the world.....our choice... LOVE IS THE WAY... Not the pathCRISELL METHOD...Peace Pilgrim & Revolt, 11 May 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...Peace Pilgrim & Revolt CRISELL METHOD Founder, Ted Crisell, known to friends around the globe a THEO, shares the importance of world peace in these troubled times and the still timely words and thoughts of Peace Pilgrim. THEO also founded the World Peace Project over 40 years ago and has been speaking out for peace around the globe, introducing to new audiences the thoughts and words of PeacePilgrim. We can together change the world and bring about world peace, with the will we can, we must! It is time! 00:31:00crisellnoWorld peace,It is time,Peace pilgrim thoughts,No more pain,A world of joyCRISELL METHOD Founder, Ted Crisell, known to friends around the globe a THEO, shares the importance of world peace in these troubled times and the still timelCRISELL METHOD...from Russia with L, 10 May 2013 05:30:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...from Russia with L Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, interviews an amazing English teacher that has worked and lived in Moscow teaching English. Tune in and find out all about the Russian culture and what it is like to live and work in Russia. And end pain in your life, hear the solutions from THEO a Master Teacher  00:24:00crisellnoFrom Russia with love,All about living in Moscow,No more pain,Fun with Russians,Amazing times in MoscowTed Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, interviews an amazing English teacher that has worked and lived in Moscow teaching English. Tune iCRISELL METHOD...WORLD PEACE, IT IS TIME, 08 May 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...WORLD PEACE, IT IS TIME CRISELL METHOD...WORLD PEACE....IT IS TIME..... The immaturity of world leaders can no longer be allowed by the people of planet is time for a change, starting with ourselves. Can we be people of peace when so many of our movies and sports are violent and we think we need to carry our own personal weapon in our car? It is time we all grow up, grow smarter and wiser and yes, I will dare to say the word, enlightened. Tune in to hear more about the PEACE PILGRIM and the solution offered to us by one very important woman, a woman who dared to make a personal stand for peace........a stand we can all join now. TODAY IS THE DAY..........MAKE FOR YOURSELF A DAY OF PEACE. TUNE IN AND TURN ON....TELL YOUR FRIENDS. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE CONVERSATION THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD......STARTING WITH YOUR WORLD. PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO YOU FROM THEO..... AND MUCH LOVE!!!!   00:20:00crisellnoWORLD PEACE,IT IS TIME,SELF PEACE,CHANGE THE WORLD,NO MORE PAINCRISELL METHOD...WORLD PEACE....IT IS TIME..... The immaturity of world leaders can no longer be allowed by the people of planet is time for a chaCRISELL METHOD..shares more about WORLD PEACE, 07 May 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD..shares more about WORLD PEACE Ted Crisell, known around the globe to friends as THEO, is the Founder of the WORLD PEACE PROJECT and the CRISELL METHOD along with the WORLD INDEPENDENT HEALTH NETWORK (W.I.H.N.). THEO has been an outspoken and active advocate for peace around the globe for over 40 years.  He has addressed on his five missions around the globe to 74 countries over one million people in government organizations, service clubs and Rotary Clubs. He has met with Mother Theresa in Calcutta, India and driven a motocycle alone to villages across India from the high himalayas to the very south of India and on to the island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). He is a messenger for the Peace Pilgrim and continues the pilgrimage. Ted Crisell is now a candidate for Governor of California and is the ONE DOLLAR CANDIDATE.  His message is simple, it is time.........WE FEED, CLOTHE AND HOUSE PEOPLE AND TAKE CARE OF OUR CHILDREN............ There is far too much greed and corruption in our society, in business and in government. We must change........we must conquer our own inner hate, fear, pain and frustration and end our own greed. IT IS TIME.........TOGETHER, WE CAN CHANGE THE PLANET.......WE MUST...........THERE IS NO OTHER WAY BUT THE WAY OF LOVE........... Please check out  and     00:27:00crisellnoworld peace,it is time,no more pain,love more,enjoy moreTed Crisell, known around the globe to friends as THEO, is the Founder of the WORLD PEACE PROJECT and the CRISELL METHOD along with the WORLD INDEPENDENT HEALTCRISELL METHOD...WORLD PEACE, is it possible?, 05 May 2013 00:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...WORLD PEACE, is it possible? Ted Crisell, known to friends around the globe as THEO, is the Founder of the CRISELL METHOD and the WORLD PEACE PROJECT. THEO has been an outspoken advocate for peace around the globe for over 40 years. He has addressed as a Rotary International Scholar Rotary Clubs, Service Clubs and Government organizations world-wide. He has been a Nominee to the U.S. House of Representatives and is presently a candidate for Governor of California. Tune in and find out more how to remove your pain and pain from the planet and truly bring about world peace, Hear stories about the Peace Pilgrim, world adventures, 10 near death experiences and how to never have another head ache again, NEVER! An excting show to tune into and have your life changed...........forever...........!!! 00:32:00crisellnoworld peace,no more pain,change the planet,have more joy,no more stressTed Crisell, known to friends around the globe as THEO, is the Founder of the CRISELL METHOD and the WORLD PEACE PROJECT. THEO has been an outspoken advocateCRISELL METHOD....shares, watch out for phony healers, 03 May 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD....shares, watch out for phony healers CRISELL METHOD SHARES............WATCH OUT for Phony healers When someone says be neutral, hold on to your wallet......... Ted Crisell, know to his frends around the globe as THEO, is a Master of energy and deleting pain, fear, worry and stress from lives around the world. Tune in and turn on and hear more about phony healers.... THEO says, when they are banging the bible, hold on to your wallet... Check out 00:21:00crisellnono more pain,beware of phony healers,get yourself well,you are your conversation,change your mnd and change the worldCRISELL METHOD SHARES............WATCH OUT for Phony healers When someone says be neutral, hold on to your wallet......... Ted Crisell, know to his frends arCRISELL METHOD...Karate Kid is still alive, part 2, 01 May 2013 22:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...Karate Kid is still alive, part 2 CRISELL METHOD...Karate Kid is still alive, Part 2. For beginners and advanced students, join the students in Hollywood Land and learn all about self defense, martial arts, karate, self esteem, and much more......... Ted Crisell, known around the globe as THEO, is a Master Teacher of Yoga and Martial Arts. Trained by many Masters around the globe, THEO has studied under many great teachers such as Fumio Demura, former all Japan Champion in Karate. THEO has been around the globe 5 times to 74 countries and has traveled alone across India by motorcycle.  He has had 10 near death experiences. Join this fun show and be there with the kids when they receive live as young as 6 all the way up to 13............ Focus, Focus, is all about paying attention.  Gain more energy by mastering the ability to focus.  Do better in school, in work and in life. YOU are important..........YOU can be the Master of yourself by mastering your energy. Tune in and turn on. PLUS check out IT IS TIME WE CHANGE THE WORLD BY CHANGING THE ENERGY ON THE PLANET...IT IS TIME YOU MASTER YOUR OWN ENERGY..........IT IS TIME!!!! LOVE YOU.............THEO   00:49:00crisellnoKIDS AND KARATE,MORE ENERGY,SELF MASTERY,GAIN FOCUS,NO MORE PAINCRISELL METHOD...Karate Kid is still alive, Part 2. For beginners and advanced students, join the students in Hollywood Land and learn all about self defense,CRISELL METHOD...a Fun day with Kids in Acting class, 30 Apr 2013 22:30:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...a Fun day with Kids in Acting class CRISELL METHOD........shares a fun day with the KIDS IN THE ACTING CLASS............ FIND OUT how kids perform and what their concerns are..........children share some amazing wisdom......... NO MORE PAIN........FUN AND LAUGHTER...........COME PLAY WITH THE KIDS............   AND CHECK OUT   WWW.CRISELLMETHODNOMOREPAIN.COM   IT IS TIME TO END YOUR PAIN FOREVER!!!! 00:06:00crisellnoplay with the kids,acting class with kids,laughter,fun,more joy and no painCRISELL METHOD........shares a fun day with the KIDS IN THE ACTING CLASS............ FIND OUT how kids perform and what their concerns are..........children sCrisell Method calls for end to bipolar, 30 Apr 2013 03:00:00 GMTCrisell Method calls for end to bipolar Do you suffer from bipolar? Want to end the pain and suffering? 00:15:00crisellnoMore joy,End bipolar,End suffering,Complete wellness,No more stressDo you suffer from bipolar? Want to end the pain and suffering?CRISELL METHOD...Karate Kid is alive, 24 Apr 2013 22:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...Karate Kid is alive CRISELL METHOD..........Ted Crisell, known to friends around the globe as THEO, teaches martial arts to the kids......check it out for a fun show all about Karate, martial arts, philosophy and focus. Hear the children from ages 6 to out, listen up, and learn to punch and kick and defend but most importantly to listen, to focus and to pay attention. THEO shares the basics about having strength and being strong and how to focus energy. THEO is a recognized master teacher of yoga, martial arts and energy. Find out how to remove pain and never have pain, stress and worry again. Take control of your conversation, regain your power and together help CHANGE THE WORLD..............IT IS TIME!!!! THEO is also a candidate for Governor of California and you can find out more about him and this one of a kind campaign at and check out how to get pain gone forever at     00:05:00crisellnokarate with kids,focus energy,no more pain,total wellness,fit for life and for anythingCRISELL METHOD..........Ted Crisell, known to friends around the globe as THEO, teaches martial arts to the kids......check it out for a fun show all about KarCRISELL METHOD...Earth day with the k, 23 Apr 2013 22:30:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...Earth day with the k Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, celebrates Earth Day with actress Tia and actor friends. A day of fun and celebration of life with some amazing young people, hear the wisdom of kids and what the want in order to make a better world. What is our legacy? What are we leaving the next generation? THEO is all about positive energy and bringing about the presence of God or god or goddess or whatever you want to call being in the energy of joy and living now in heaven Andy the state of grace. You can truly live pain free, check out 00:19:00crisellnoNo more pain,Kids and THEO celebrate,Earth day,Fun,Laughter with actorsTed Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, celebrates Earth Day with actress Tia and actor friends. A day of fun and celebration of life withCRISELL METHOD...ENERGY, ENERGY, AND MORE, 22 Apr 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...ENERGY, ENERGY, AND MORE CRISELL METHOD....IT'S ALL ABOUT ENERGY..........ENERGY, ENERGY AND MORE ENERGY.......are you running out? Do you have low energy? Pain, stress, worry, and fear? Are you on multiple medications?  Want to stop all meds? Want to take back control of your life, your mind, your body, your spirit? Tired of it all, wanting to end life or find a new beginning? This is the show to tune into........listen to a true master of energy, Ted Crisell, known to his friends globally as THEO.......... is a martial artist and recognized master of yoga having studied in India and Indonesia and has made firve journies of discovery around the globe to 74 countries. This is the program you must tune into and tell all your friends!!! Are you ready for a life changing experience? You must get THEO"S latest book, NO MORE PAIN....... check out and join the team that is changing the planet. Find out why TED is a candidate for Governor of California, just go to   00:18:00crisellnoNO MORE PAIN,FREEDOM FROM STRESS,WELLNESS,A MORE JOYOUS LIFE,CHANGE THE PLANETCRISELL METHOD....IT'S ALL ABOUT ENERGY..........ENERGY, ENERGY AND MORE ENERGY.......are you running out? Do you have low energy? Pain, stress, worry, and feCRISELL METHOD....attends Greek Film Fest, 21 Apr 2013 04:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD....attends Greek Film Fest CRISELL METHOD....attends Greek Film Fest event in the Zanuck Theatre of Fox studios...............entertainers from across Hollywood to attend, some exciting Greek actors...and lots of fun........... Tune in for some laughs and meet some interesting folks............. Writers, Directors, Producers, Actors.........a major get together for the Greeks in the film industry............and remember' no more pain..........get out stress, worry and fear and dare to start living a new life.............tonight and this weekend.......... Find out more by emailing direct ted.crisell! Ted Crisell, known to his friends globally as THEO, is a master of energy and wellness.........find out how to get off of using prescription drugs.........enjoy 100% WELLNESS...... TUNE IN AND TURN ON.......... 00:30:00crisellnoGreek Film Festival,Fun and laughter,Film Premier on Fox film lot,No more Pain and Stress,Live Free of pain fear and worryCRISELL METHOD....attends Greek Film Fest event in the Zanuck Theatre of Fox studios...............entertainers from across Hollywood to attend, some excitingCRISELL METHOD...A show about Russia, 20 Apr 2013 04:30:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...A show about Russia CRISELL METHOD....INTRODUCES a special show all about Russia with a very special guest who lived and taught English in Moscow. The Crisell show is all about wellness, ending pain and enjoying life. We are not about living life in neutral............THEO the Founder of the Crisell Method teaches living in neutral is not the way to live but need to put your life into high gear.......time to get your car and yourself racing down the road of life...........WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR.............THIS IS THE WAKE UP CALL.......... TUNE IN AND TURN ON AND START ENJOYING LIFE............ PLUS CHECK OUT email theo antime at ted.crisell! 00:20:00crisellnoall about Russia,teaching English in Moscow,more fun,no more pain,making a differenceCRISELL METHOD....INTRODUCES a special show all about Russia with a very special guest who lived and taught English in Moscow. The Crisell show is all about wCrisell Method...Dare to Speak, 19 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTCrisell Method...Dare to Speak Crisell Method empowers speakers around the is time to speak up, no more fear, no more hate. What happened in Boston is unacceptable.  What is happening around the globe is not acceptable, leaders must lead or step aside, we are coming. Dare to speak the truth and speak out. no more pain, no more fear, no more worry, no more sstress.......we can change the world, it is time......check out 00:27:00crisellnoNo more pain,Dare to speak out,No more fear,Time to end stress,Dare to enjoy lifeCrisell Method empowers speakers around the is time to speak up, no more fear, no more hate. What happened in Boston is unacceptable.  What is hapCrisell hosts Actress Tia, 18 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTCrisell hosts Actress Tia Founder of the CRISELL METHOD, Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as simply THEO, hosts once again the 8 year old actress TIA and some of her friends....tune in to get the wisdom and truth from a very smart young actress...she tells it like it messing around............... and her special dog BALI will be on the can see them on you tube at   and, end pain, stress and worry in your life, increase fun and joy go to TOGETHER, LET'S CHANGE THE WORLD................. WE CAN IT IS TIME!!!!!!! 00:07:00crisellnoMEET TIA,CHANGE THE WORLD,MORE JOY,FUN,WISDOM OF AN 8 YEAR OLDFounder of the CRISELL METHOD, Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as simply THEO, hosts once again the 8 year old actress TIA and some of her fCrisell Method....shares, never give, 16 Apr 2013 18:00:00 GMTCrisell Method....shares, never give Are you stuck in the same old habits? Are you a quitter?  Have you given up? Tune into Theo today and get a boost and wake up call. Yes, together we can change the world. Theo is a master teacher of energy and shifting lives. it is time, no more pain! 00:16:00crisellnoNo more pain,Change your habits,End suffering,Be strong,Have more joyAre you stuck in the same old habits? Are you a quitter?  Have you given up? Tune into Theo today and get a boost and wake up call. Yes, together we can chaCRISELL METHOD...Hosts Lin Morel again to talk about, 15 Apr 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...Hosts Lin Morel again to talk about CRISELL METHOD hosts once again energy expert and wellness expert Lin Morel...find out more about the art of Aikido, how to be and stay well.......and much more.......... Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, focuses on removing pain, stress and worry........... Find the solution to all your problems...........imagine a life with no worries? You can be PAIN FREE AND WORRY FREE!!!! Tune in, tell your friends, and change your life forever.......... Check out and make sure to invest in THEO'S newest book, NO MORE PAIN............     00:55:00crisellnoLIVE PAIN FREE,WELLNESS,NO MORE STRESS,NO MORE WORRY,LIVE A LIFE IN JOYCRISELL METHOD hosts once again energy expert and wellness expert Lin Morel...find out more about the art of Aikido, how to be and stay well.......and much morCRISELL METHOD.... Hosts special guest, musician, and actor, 13 Apr 2013 18:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD.... Hosts special guest, musician, and actor CRISELL METHOD Founder, Ted Crisell, known around the globe to listeners and friends as THEO, hosts and interviews special guest Robert Waldman, a talented actor, musician, and film producer. Discussion focuses on Hollywood, creating a career, and finding your passion. Robert is a very talented and recognized leader in assisting people in realizing their dreams and life goals. Tune in to find your direction and what you were meant to achieve. Plus check out the site on the web, crisellmethodnomorepain and delete worry, stress, and pain from your life, it is time!00:27:00crisellnoPain free,Findyourpassion,Stressfree,Actorinterview,FunCRISELL METHOD Founder, Ted Crisell, known around the globe to listeners and friends as THEO, hosts and interviews special guest Robert Waldman, a talented actCRISELL METHOD ...interviews actress Rebekah Rimington, 12 Apr 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD ...interviews actress Rebekah Rimington CRISELL METHOD founder, Ted Crisell, known to friends around the globe as THEO introduces to the Crisell listening audience a wonderful actress and film producer, Rebekah Rimington, the Founder of the RIMINGTON STUDIOS in Hollywood, California. Rebekah, known to her friends as Becky or just Beck, is well regarded and respected in the industry as a serious actress, writer and producer and she appears in Feature films, T.V. and commercials as well as doing voice over work. Listen in and get a working actress's perspective on woking in Hollywood, what it takes to make it and much more.  Rebekah is from Australia and gives an international perspective to her work and career. She is also a Reike Healer and expert on energy, so if you have a pain, stress, worry or just plain old suffering you will want to hear this interview about having more joy in your life and more fun. Plus check out CRISELL METHOD NO MORE PAIN and invest in yourself with a purchase of the newly released book by THEO, ............NO MORE PAIN. 00:25:00crisellnoActress,Hollywood,Exciting,Life changing,New energyCRISELL METHOD founder, Ted Crisell, known to friends around the globe as THEO introduces to the Crisell listening audience a wonderful actress and film producCRISELL METHOD.....shares more fun with TIA, 10 Apr 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD.....shares more fun with TIA CRISELL METHOD SHARES MORE FUN WITH THE ACTRESS TIA........... A fun and special child actor entertains and gives the wisdom and energy of an 8 year old...........special show with a special actress...........this young lady is going places........... THEO is an energy expert, former child actor and now film producer and Founder of CRISELL GLOBAL PRODUCTIONS as well as CRISELL METHOD, NO MORE PAIN. Tune in, have some laughs and some fun and have YOUR LIFE CHANGED FOREVER. Want more love and fun..........this is the show to listen to and check out as well as IT IS TIME TO CHANGE THE PLANET..........BRING MORE PEACE AND FUN.........HEAVEN IS HERE RIGHT NOW IF YOU WANT IT................   00:06:00crisellnomeet TIA,fun and laughs,the wisdom of an 8 year old,change the planet,you are importantCRISELL METHOD SHARES MORE FUN WITH THE ACTRESS TIA........... A fun and special child actor entertains and gives the wisdom and energy of an 8 year old......CRISELL METHOD shares...........LOVE MORE..., 09 Apr 2013 18:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD shares...........LOVE MORE... Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, shares more about to love to find the one true to find a great to have more sex.........more to have maximum to live turned on all the time.......... What is charisma and turn on?  Stop living in struggle........... It is time to enjoy life to the maximum.....what is holding you back? THEO is a true Master teacher about energy.  He has travelled the world, five trips around the globe to 74 countries and been with master teachers of energy.......teachers in yoga, martial arts, and the secrets of life and living.......... Tune in today and get in touch with your energy for wellness and maximum have nothing to lose and it is free. Pass on to others...........TODAY..........YOUR NEW ENERGY...IT IS TIME,  TOGETHER,  WE CHANGE THE PLANET. SHIFT YOURSELF.... AND YOU SHIFT THE PLANET AND CHECK OUT as well as THEO"S campaign for Governor of California at www.tedcrisell4governor,com 00:16:00crisellnolove more,be turned on all the time,sex and sensuality,increase your charisma,how to be an exciting personTed Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, shares more about to love to find the one true love.........hoCrisell method, 08 Apr 2013 23:00:00 GMTCrisell method00:54:00crisellnoIntegrity,Your word,Honesty,No more pain,Living stress freeCrisell methodCrisell method...... All about love, 06 Apr 2013 18:00:00 GMTCrisell method...... All about loveCrisell method founder tells the truth about love.   Are you a love addict?00:26:00crisellnoLove addiction,Let go of love,Loving friendships,Being a best friend,Sex and beyondCrisell method founder tells the truth about love.   Are you a love addict?CRISELL METHOD...shares, LETTING GO OF A TOXIC LIFE, 05 Apr 2013 23:30:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...shares, LETTING GO OF A TOXIC LIFE CRISELL METHOD....shares.............LETTING GO OF A TOXIC LIFE......... ARE YOU TOXIC? Do you live in Toxins? Is your conversation toxic? Is your environment toxic?  Do you know what it is to be full of toxins and where they are coming from? THEO is a true expert as a alternative health practitioner.  THEO enjoys 100% well being.........a great body, mind and spirit.  THEO has fully stepped out of the negative and you can can be a master of your ship, of your SELF!!! It is time in the world for full self mastery and no longer being a victim or victimized by priests, gurus, teacher, doctors or your parents from the past and past trauma and past "Karma". You can be a totally FREE person.  What would your life be like if you could choose from the menu of life? What adventures would you choose? Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO has made five journies around the globe to 74 countries on adventures of research and discovery.  He has climbed in the himalayas and driven a royal enfield motorcycle alone across India.  He has studied with great master teachers in yoga and martial arts.  Tune in and shift your energy.  Dare to live in a totally new Paradigm.  Choose today to let go of pain, stress and worry. THEO is the author of NO MORE PAIN and the Founder of the CRISELL METHOD. Check out the new web site and various invitations at Today, is about letting go of stress and we will be on another film set with another award winning director and you will want to tune in and meet a very fascinating personality and learn about the new gangster film, HERE'S JOHNNIE, and find out about THEO playing the part of the Godfather... More fun with THEO and the Gang!!! 00:11:00crisellnoremove toxins,no more pain,no more stress and worry,meet an exciting new film director,HEAR ABOUT EXCITING NEW FILMCRISELL METHOD....shares.............LETTING GO OF A TOXIC LIFE......... ARE YOU TOXIC? Do you live in Toxins? Is your conversation toxic? Is your environmentCRISELL METHOD...........LIVING A GREAT LIFE PAIN FREE, 04 Apr 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...........LIVING A GREAT LIFE PAIN FREE CRISELL METHOD..........LIVING A GREAT LIFE PAIN FREE...... Are you in Pain, Worry, Stress, Fear? Do you live in Negative Emotions??? Time to begin really living..............and living BEYOND NEUTRAL. Ted Crisell, known to his friends globally as THEO, shares what it is like to live a great life, a life beyond present circumstances. TOGETHER, WE TRULY CAN CHANGE THE WORLD.....IT BEGINS WITH CHANGING OURSELVES.   00:16:00crisellnoHOW TO HAVE A GREAT LIFE,NO MORE PAIN,NO FEAR,NO WORRY AND STRESS,LIVING PAIN FREECRISELL METHOD..........LIVING A GREAT LIFE PAIN FREE...... Are you in Pain, Worry, Stress, Fear? Do you live in Negative Emotions??? Time to begin really lCRISELL METHOD..Having purpose, Making a Difference and more, 04 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD..Having purpose, Making a Difference and more CRISELL METHOD,,,,,,MAKING A DIFFERENCE WITH YOUR LIFE, FINDING YOUR TRUE PURPOSE, AND, meet an amazing young director who is making a difference........... Does your life matter?  What are you doing with your life, just wasting time? Are you bored and boring? Take back your life, steer your own ship, direct your life... NO MORE PAIN, STRESS OR WORRY.  FIND TRUE AND REAL FREEDOM....IT IS TIME....WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? THEO...............Master Entrepreneur, Master Yoga Philosopher, student of martial arts and acting............a true adventurer and world traveler.  Five trips around the world to 74 countries, drove a royal enfield motorcycle alone across India and into the Himalayas.......... Find out about how to master your own last, true freedom from want and worry. Others are copying and quoting THEO, but he shows you how to go beyond living in neutral!!!!!   00:35:00crisellnoted crisell for governor of california,path to freedom,living beyond neutral,life with purpose,more energyCRISELL METHOD,,,,,,MAKING A DIFFERENCE WITH YOUR LIFE, FINDING YOUR TRUE PURPOSE, AND, meet an amazing young director who is making a dCRISELL METHOD...shares...BEYOND GOD, 02 Apr 2013 18:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...shares...BEYOND GOD CRISELL METHOD....shares..........BEYOND GOD......... So much trouble in the world and fights over god, or God or GOD or Goddess? Who and what is god or God to you? Does god exist for you or not? Are you agnostic, atheist or in some religion or cult? Are you enjoying life, are you in heaven or hell?  Is your life hell? Do you hate or love your life? Do you live passionately or in neutral? Still waiting for life to happen, for someone to ask you to the dance? WAIT NO MORE...........THEO shares the magic of life. Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO is a person who lives passionately and is known as a Master of Energy.  THEO creates wonder out of chaos. Is your life in chaos? Is your well being suffering? Suffer no more and dare, YES DARE, TO STEP OUT OF PAIN, STRESS AND WORRY. YOU are invited to live a totally different life. Tune in and change your life if you dare and check out and, order today, THEO'S BOOK.....NO MORE PAIN... YOU DESERVE A GREAT LIFE............NOW CHOOSE IT, TODAY!!!!   00:21:00crisellnobeyond god,step into heaven,no more hell,no more pain and stress,no more worry and fearCRISELL METHOD....shares..........BEYOND GOD......... So much trouble in the world and fights over god, or God or GOD or Goddess? Who and what is god or God tCRISELL METHOD...Emotions are good and what I do for Cancer, 01 Apr 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...Emotions are good and what I do for Cancer CRISELL METHOD FOUNDER THEO SHARES what he does for cancer patients and clients globally and speaks about good and bad emotions.........and how to move beyond neutral. Some teachers speak about being neutral..............which can lead to being bored and out of touch.  Some people are so neutral you truly do not want to be around them, they are stuck, it is time to move beyond neutral. To solve your cancer, pain, disease and stress, conquer your self, move past emotions, past neutral and past the past. THEO, a true Master teacher about energy and well being has seen it all.  THEO has been with masters across India and Asia and around the globe on his five research missions of high adventure and 10 near death experiences. THEO has truly seen it all first hand and had experiences of the beyond. Tune in and shift your reality. Experience the energy on this talk show, be free from pain and stress forever. Tips and secrets of the great masters are shared from a teacher who has had first hand experience with true masters. Tune in to the CRISELL METHOD TALK SHOW AND ALSO CHECK OUT and order today your copy of the book that everyone is taling about, NO MORE PAIN. IT IS TIME TO CHANGE THE PLANET.........IT IS TIME TO END ALL WARS, BE TRULY AT PEACE AND END A WORLD THAT IS IN PAIN..............IT IS TIME............. 00:19:00crisellnono more pain,emotions are good,beyond neutral,living in the state of joy,being at peace with yourselfCRISELL METHOD FOUNDER THEO SHARES what he does for cancer patients and clients globally and speaks about good and bad emotions.........and how to move beyondCRISELL METHOD...More FUN on set with Miss Bulgaria, 31 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...More FUN on set with Miss Bulgaria CRISELL METHOD having MORE FUN ON SET WITH MISS BULGARIA.......   Are you ready to laugh, be inspired and have more fun? Meet a great film Director and some wonderful actresses. THEO shares some back room info about the filming of the new feature film WOMEN.........a major independent film.........a film you must see.... Tune in, enjoy and be ready to laugh......... And please check out  and our new you tube channel 00:11:00crisellnofun,laughter,meet Miss Bulgaria,beautiful acrresses on set,meet a great directorCRISELL METHOD having MORE FUN ON SET WITH MISS BULGARIA.......   Are you ready to laugh, be inspired and have more fun? Meet a great film Director and someCRISELL METHOD....Finding the Ideal Relationship, 30 Mar 2013 18:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD....Finding the Ideal Relationship CRISELL METHOD....Finding the Ideal Relationship..........are you now in a great, loving and fulfilling relationship? OR, are you at a loss to find the one great love? Do you love yourself?  Are you sick of not reaching your goals? Hear the truth about the magic of existence and how to have more energy, more love and all that you want from life. A fun and enlightening conversation with a true Master of Energy and how to heal the planet. The key is in each of us, we just need to reach inside ourselves and unlock the planet. This is a conversation with THEO you do not want to miss...hear a conversation with nothing held back and no B.S. It is time we change the planet..........starting with ourselves.   00:16:00crisellnoideal relationship,the one great love,living in daily joy,being at peace with yourself,achieving full enlightenmentCRISELL METHOD....Finding the Ideal Relationship..........are you now in a great, loving and fulfilling relationship? OR, are you at a loss to find the one greCRISELL METHOD...Building your Confidence, 29 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...Building your Confidence CRISELL METHOD........BUILDS CONFIDENCE. You need to trust and believe in yourself to get ahead in you have the confidence to achieve your goals and dreams? Are you getting all the fun out of life that you should? Are you a winner or loser at life? Are you waiting for the next life? THEO...a true Master Teacher about energy and well being and achieving your goals shares again the steps to success and how to have NO MORE PAIN OR STRESS IN LIFE. Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as just THEO, is a man who has achieved his dream and created a life of adventure........a life only people dream about.  Five trips around the globe to 74 countries, adventures across India and the Himalayas and a long career as a film actor and producer. Tune in and find out how to achieve your dreams  Stop being frustrated and stressed in life........IT IS TIME TO HAVE FUN.... CHECK OUT 00:10:00crisellnohave more fun,go for pleasure,be of service,have more confidence,be with people you trustCRISELL METHOD........BUILDS CONFIDENCE. You need to trust and believe in yourself to get ahead in you have the confidence to achieve your goals andCRISELL METHOD...more about Fun, Pleasure and Trust, 28 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...more about Fun, Pleasure and Trust CRISELL METHOD....MORE ABOUT FUN, PLEASURE AND TRUST..............   AND, NO MORE PAIN........... CHECK OUT THE NEW WEB SITE WWW.crisellmethodnomorepain,com we are growing fast with your help here to serve you no false promises on CRISELL METHOD TALK RADIO........AT LAST, YOU HEAR THE TRUTH SEE IF WHAT THEO HAS TO SAY RINGS TRUE FOR YOU THIS WILL BE A LIFE CHANGING SHOW NO MORE PAIN IT IS TIME..... TIRED OF FALSE PROMISES????? 00:25:00crisellnoEND FALSE PROMISES,WHO DO YOU TRUST,HAVE MORE FUN,LIVING A JOYOUS DAY,NO MORE B SCRISELL METHOD....MORE ABOUT FUN, PLEASURE AND TRUST..............   AND, NO MORE PAIN........... CHECK OUT THE NEW WEB SITE WWW.crisellmethodnomorepain,coCRISELL METHOD....let's GET SERIOUS....SECTION NINE, 27 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD....let's GET SERIOUS....SECTION NINE CRISELL METHOD ON GOING SERIES TO do away with Pain and Stress..........forever.   THEO knows how to delete pain.......find out how you can be forever free from pain and stress. Find out how to have more success in life, more money and a much richer life. Check out You will have your life changed by tuning in and listening to THEO, a Master teacher about energy and living a great life. 00:13:00crisellnono more pain,living stress free,a richer life,living with more joy,daily changesCRISELL METHOD ON GOING SERIES TO do away with Pain and Stress..........forever.   THEO knows how to delete pain.......find out how you can be forever free fCRISELL METHOD..let's GET SERIOUS, SECTION EIGHT, 26 Mar 2013 18:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD..let's GET SERIOUS, SECTION EIGHT Founder of the CRISELL METHOD, Ted Crisell, known to his many friends around the globe as THEO, shares unique perspectives on deleting forever stress, pain, anxiety, grief and all negative emotions. THEO is a Master Yoga teacher having studied in India and has made five research missions around the globe to 74 countries and studied under martial art and yoga masters and many teachers of healing and wellness. Listen to how you can immediately remove pain from physical injury or disease or any emotional stress. THEO is the writer of NO MORE PAIN which will be available this month through the web site Tune in and turn on and tell your friends.  Call ins are being accepted along with emails with your questions and comments, at THEO removes pain with a keen sense of humor.  He is being copied and imitated by other radio show hosts but come and listen and receive original perspectives on how to live a more full, rich and enjoyable life. NO MORE PAIN........IT IS TIME!!!!!   00:21:00crisellnono more pain,no more stress,delete pain forever,time for more joy,original techniquesFounder of the CRISELL METHOD, Ted Crisell, known to his many friends around the globe as THEO, shares unique perspectives on deleting forever stress, pain, anCRISELL METHOD....Let's GET SERIOUS, PART SEVEN, 25 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD....Let's GET SERIOUS, PART SEVEN CRISELL METHOD...........continues to go deeper into removal of pain and stress. Today's show will be serious, a serious look at the cause of your pains and stress. Tune in to this Monday show and launch your week stress and pain free. Would you ever admit you are the cause of your own pain?  You are the cause of your own stress? Hear a very important and timely conversation with THEO. IT IS TIME TO CHANGE YOUR WORLD...........IT IS TIME TOGETHER TO CHANGE THE WORLD................ Check out 00:32:00crisellnono more pain,no more stress,you cause the pain,change the world,a new paradigmCRISELL METHOD...........continues to go deeper into removal of pain and stress. Today's show will be serious, a serious look at the cause of your pains and sCRISELL METHOD...Continues the Fun, 23 Mar 2013 19:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...Continues the Fun CRISELL METHOD live from the Rimmington Studios in Hollywood continues the fun............ A day of delight, pleasure and NO MORE PAIN............ Check this show out with Tia and Becky and other special guests from the entertainment world.     00:12:00crisellnofun and laughter,pleasure,joy,no more pain,a joy filled dayCRISELL METHOD live from the Rimmington Studios in Hollywood continues the fun............ A day of delight, pleasure and NO MORE PAIN............ Check thisCRISELL METHOD...It is TIME FOR SERIOUS FUN, 22 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...It is TIME FOR SERIOUS FUN CRISELL is time for some SERIOUS FUN..! Is your life fun?  Fun, like in Fun?  Are you funny or sad, mad in stress and pain?  Wake up and smell the flowers............ Be glad you are alive. This show is about breaking new ground about fun, pleasure, sensuality and living in joy, no matter what your circumstances. Find in this show some real secrets and tips for more happiness on a continuing basis. Stop being focused on what is wrong in life and in the world, be glad to be alive. THEO, also known as Ted Crisell, is a Master teacher of joy, pleasure and happiness.  You do not need to be living in pain and stress, time to move on and embrace a whole new way of life and a new Paradigm. THEO has been around the globe 5 times and done research in 74 countries. He was a Rotary International Graduate Scholar to India and traveled from village to village across India alone to villages doing research on projects of the U.S. Peace Corps and Ford Foundation in Community Development.  THEO has traveled alone through the Himalayas and to the very South of India and to the Island of Ceylon.  THEO has had nine Near Death Experiences and knows what real pain is............but life can be lived beyond pain and beyond your present circumstances. PLEASE LOOT AT the new facebook site, CRISELL METHOD NO MORE PAIN and new web page at THEO is going global with his is time, together, let us change the planet and remove pain and bring true world peace. THEO is the Founder of the World Peace Project and W.I.H.\N.  WORLD INDEPEMDENT HEALTH NETWORK and is presently a Candidate for GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA and you can find out more at YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE..YOU CHANGE THE WORLD.NOT TOMORROW, BUT TODAY! 00:39:00crisellnoSERIOUS FUN,JOYOUS LIVING,LIVING PAIN FREE,NO MORE STRESS,SECRETS FOR FUNCRISELL is time for some SERIOUS FUN..! Is your life fun?  Fun, like in Fun?  Are you funny or sad, mad in stress and pain?  Wake up and smell theCRISELL METHOD... Let's GET SERIOUS, PART SIX,, 21 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD... Let's GET SERIOUS, PART SIX, CRISELL METHOD....let's GET SERIOUS,, SECTION SIX, LIVING WITHOUT LIMITS........ This is a truly exciting section, living without limits.  What limits have you set for yourself or have you accepted?  What dream are you not fulfilling?  What is missing in your life? THEO shares once again an expanded and detailed plan for deletion of all types of pain and stress, pain and stress from physical, emotional and spiritual experiences.  Pain and stress from the past, the present and the future. You do not have to live with pain any longer.  TODAY, right now, you can be pain free.  Pain is a choice.  You are at cause and not any longer a victim. Tune in and shift yourself and the planet.  Live in a new Paradigm.  Please go and look at our new web sites at www.crisellmethodnomorepain,com  and www.crisellmethodnomorepain,net IT IS TIME........TOGETHER, WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD, TOGETHER WE ARE CHANGING THE WORLD...... I WISH YOU MORE JOY, PEACE AND HAPPINESS. Stay tuned in and turned on............. 00:10:00crisellnoliving without limits,more joy and fun,no more guilt and pain,living pain and stress free,deletion of pain foreverCRISELL METHOD....let's GET SERIOUS,, SECTION SIX, LIVING WITHOUT LIMITS........ This is a truly exciting section, living without limits.  What limits have yoCRISELL METHOD...Let's GET SERIOUS, PART FIVE CONTINUED, 20 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...Let's GET SERIOUS, PART FIVE CONTINUED CRISELL METHOD....let's GET SERIOUS, PART FIVE CONTINUED............ Due to technical difficulties we had to cut the program yesterday short and do apologize, we were on film location and had some technical problems. Now in the middle of filming two major feature films for CRISELL GLOBAL PRODUCTIONS and this is the busy filming and pilot season. Are you busy or hurting financially?  Are you in pain, mentally, physically, and spiritually?  IF so, please tune in and tell your friends to tune in.  Call into the show and or email me direct, I am here to assist and support you and DELETE YOUR PAIN AND STRESS.  My direct email address is We are building our new web site so keep checking it out while we improve it at www.crisellmethodnomore  and TOGETHER, LET'S CHANGE THE WORLD..........IT IS TIME....AND CHECK OUT take action today, what are you waiting are being is time to shift the planet 00:20:00crisellnonew paradigm,no more pain,planet shift,living a more joyous life,join the crisell methodCRISELL METHOD....let's GET SERIOUS, PART FIVE CONTINUED............ Due to technical difficulties we had to cut the program yesterday short and do apologize,CRISELL METHOD...Lets GET SERIOUS, PART FIVE, 19 Mar 2013 18:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...Lets GET SERIOUS, PART FIVE CRISELL METHOD....lets GET SERIOUS, PART FIVE............ On-going series on REMOVING AND DELETING PAIN AND STRESS. Introducing the new and exciting breakthrough book, NO MORE PAIN.......along with the new information site Imagine a life with no more pain and no more stress. Learn from a true master teacher of energy and wellness. No more pills, potions, and surgery.  Live in total wellness and extend your life living with more joy, fun and pleasure.  Improve your relationships and have the life you have only dreamed about........... it is possible it is now TOGETHER, LETS CHANGE THE WORLD........... TIME FOR TRULY A PARADIGM SHIFT.......... AN INVITATION FROM THEO 00:12:00crisellnoNO MORE PAIN,NO MORE STRESS,SECRETS AND TIPS FOR WELLNESS,BE THE IDEAL WEIGHT,LIVE IN WELLNESSCRISELL METHOD....lets GET SERIOUS, PART FIVE............ On-going series on REMOVING AND DELETING PAIN AND STRESS. Introducing the new and exciting breakthrCRISELL METHOD...Lets Get Serious, Part Four, 18 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...Lets Get Serious, Part Four On going series from CRISELL METHOD on how to totally delete pain and stress.........LETS GET SERIOUS, PART FOUR. TUNE IN to a new breakthrough method for relief from pain. You can live a pain free and stress free life, really!!! Ted Crisell, known to his friends globally as THEO, is a Master Teacher of energy and how to remove and delete pain. Tune in and tell your friends. You no longer need to live with pain.   00:23:00crisellnolive a pain free life at last,NO MORE PAIN,no more stress,crisell method for deletion of pain,have more joy in your lifeOn going series from CRISELL METHOD on how to totally delete pain and stress.........LETS GET SERIOUS, PART FOUR. TUNE IN to a new breakthrough method for relCRISELL METHOD...on the Film Set of Women, 17 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...on the Film Set of Women Ted Crisell, known to his many friends around the globe as THEO, is on the film set today of WOMEN.............acting in the lead as Chuck Bernstein, a take off on the writer Charles Bukowski, an amazing poet. THEO will be interviewing cast and crew along with the Director, you do not want to miss this show. Today is about fun........laughter and the entertainment industry. Kick back, tune in, and enjoy the ride...find out more about the coming book from THEO......NO MORE PAIN and other announcements............exciting things coming........THEO IS committed to changing the world, no more pain and stress and eradication of poverty around the globe.  Be a part of creating a NEW PARADIGM FOR THE GLOBE........IT IS TIME and check out more about THEO and his campaign for Governor of California at www.tedcrisell4governor,com TOGETHER........WE CAN..........WE WILL.......WE ARE.......CHANGING THE WORLD plus....HAPPY SAINT PATRICKS DAY.....MAY YOU ENJOY THE LUCK OF THE IRISH........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   00:14:00crisellnofun and laughter,on a film set in hollywood,meet actors director and crew,no more pain,change the world togetherTed Crisell, known to his many friends around the globe as THEO, is on the film set today of WOMEN.............acting in the lead as Chuck Bernstein, a take ofCRISELL METHOD....let's GET SERIOUS, PART THREE, 16 Mar 2013 18:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD....let's GET SERIOUS, PART THREE CRISELL METHOD....let's GET SERIOUS, PART THREE. COMPLETION of the introduction of key material from THEO'S soon to be released book,              NO MORE PAIN Are you just plain tired of pain and stress in your life?  Tired of losing sleep due to worry, and stress and too much pain? Finally, a way you can take back your life. Listen in, tune in, tell your can be 100% FREE OF PAIN............... Take back your life............your body, your mind and your spirit. No longer count on doctors, therapists, priests and ministers.........count on the power that is in you. THEO is an Expert when it comes to energy........find the easy ways to manage your own energy. It is quick, easy and simple..........a very cheap way to be in charge of your own life. It is time............IT IS TIME WE CHANGE THE WORLD AND WE TAKE BACK OUR OWN LIVES.       00:34:00crisellnoown your life,control your energy,no more pain,quick pain deletion,total wellnessCRISELL METHOD....let's GET SERIOUS, PART THREE. COMPLETION of the introduction of key material from THEO'S soon to be released book,              NO MORE PACRISELL METHOD...let's GET SERIOUS, PART TWO, 15 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...let's GET SERIOUS, PART TWO CRISELL METHOD.....let's GET SERIOUS, PART TWO. A continuing book review of the excting new book written by THEO, NO MORE PAIN.............. Are you suffering?  Are you in pain, physical and or emotional? Are you lonely? Are you not getting all that you want out of life?  Feeling stressed and depressed? End pain and suffering forever............never return to the same old conversations. Why THEO and why is time, time for a change, a MAJOR CHANGE ON THE PLANET. Ted Crisell, known to his many friends around the globe as THEO, is a Master of Energy and has amazing stories to tell and experiences to share and changes to bring to planet earth. THEO has been around the globe 5 times and visited on reseach missions 74 countries.  He is a Master of Yoga and long time student and teacher of Martial Arts.  He has spent time with major healers in India and Indonesia.   Tune in and turn on.  On this show you will experience the energy and the change first hand.  You can create miracles on the planet.  You can enjoy your life 100% more and you can change your family and friends.  Find out  the secret keys and hear a very special offer being made to only a few people around the globe.  You want to be on the CRISELL METHOD TEAM. Ted Crisell, former Nominee to the U.S House of Representatives, is also now an independent candidate for Governor of California.  Find out more about this unique and special campaign, the ONE DOLLAR CANDIDATE.   00:24:00crisellnono more pain,a planet of wellness,end depression and stress,never be lonely again,conquer body mind and spiritCRISELL METHOD.....let's GET SERIOUS, PART TWO. A continuing book review of the excting new book written by THEO, NO MORE PAIN.............. Are you sufferiCRISELL METHOD hosts an expert on earthquakes, 14 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD hosts an expert on earthquakes CRISELL METHOD hosts a very special guest who is an expert on earthquakes. Tune in for a unique and special show and find out more about what the weather has to hold for us in the future. Are you concerned about the earth energy?  Are you concerned about your own energy? Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, is a well known and recognized expert about human energy and hosts for today's show a special guest who is in tune with the energy of the earth. You do not want to miss this show. 00:53:00crisellnoearthquakes,earth energy,stop the pain on earth,no more earth pain,heal mother earthCRISELL METHOD hosts a very special guest who is an expert on earthquakes. Tune in for a unique and special show and find out more about what the weather hasCRISELL METHOD...LETS GET SERIOUS, 13 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD...LETS GET SERIOUS CRISELL METHOD......LETS GET SERIOUS. THIS SHOW is all about NO MORE PAIN..........the exciting and important book coming out this month. THEO will be sharing key parts of the book on the next three shows, so tune in and listen, this show is about Section One......... You do not want to miss hearing an Expert speak about energy for health and well being and doing away with pain from injuries, disease and emotional stress. THEO was trained in India and by experts  in the Martial Arts. His most important teacher was All Japan Champion, THEO's Sensei Fumio Demura. Tune in to this important show and tell your friends.  Also, hear about an exciting and special offer from the CRISELL to profit from helping people overcome pain and improve their lives. THEO earned his first Million Dollars by age 30 and shares the steps for financial success as well as emotional success. You do not want to miss hearing this important conversation.   00:39:00crisellnono more pain,make your first million,be free and independent,how to quickly delete pain,end sufferingCRISELL METHOD......LETS GET SERIOUS. THIS SHOW is all about NO MORE PAIN..........the exciting and important book coming out this month. THEO will be sharinCRISELL METHOD hosts the kids show, 12 Mar 2013 22:30:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD hosts the kids show CRISELL METHOD hosts the kids's a fun time in an acting class with kids at a Catholic school......tune in and have some fun with the children and see what a group of young actors have to share about life...........   Ted Crisell, known around the globe as THEO, hosts a very different show featuring young, frolic and laugh with the kids and hear what they have to say about life and fun. This show is all about laughter. 00:14:00crisellnolaugh more,laughter heals,smile with the kids,join the show with young actors,kids say the funny thingsCRISELL METHOD hosts the kids's a fun time in an acting class with kids at a Catholic school......tune in and have some fun with the children aCRISELL METHOD....shares, don't MISS YOUR LIFE, 11 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD....shares, don't MISS YOUR LIFE Are you too busy to enjoy life?  ARE YOU MISSING YOUR LIFE??? Ted Crisell, known around the globe by his friends as THEO,  asks the tough question, face up to it, life is speeding by, are you doing today, right now what you want to do, what you were meant to do?  Are you choosing your life or living like a victim? Who runs your life?  Who or what is in charge? Do you suffer on a daily basis?   Would you be willing to give up pain and suffering? What is your dream?  Have you ever made a want list, not a need list but a real want list? What do you want from life?  Right now, this very minute, if you could have whatever you wanted, what would be the three things at the top of your list? Find out in this show, how to have the life you have always dreamed of...........around the globe, anywhere, right now, no matter what your circumstances. THEO is coming,,,,,and bringing you loving energy, right in this program, tune in and feel a change in your life. THEO is a Master Teacher about energy.  He has been around the globe 5 times and been to 74 countries.  He traveled alone across India and the Himalayas on a motorcycle, share the adventure and have your life changed forever.  You can NOW, have.....NO MORE PAIN.............. TOGETHER, LET US CHANGE THE WORLD.............IT IS TIME!!!! TODAY, CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE, YOU WILL CHANGE THE WORLD................TODAY     00:27:00crisellnolive the life you imagined,fulfill your dreams,more daily joy,NO MORE PAIN,MIRACLES DO HAPPENAre you too busy to enjoy life?  ARE YOU MISSING YOUR LIFE??? Ted Crisell, known around the globe by his friends as THEO,  asks the tough question, face up toCRISELL METHOD shares overcoming Monkey Mind, 10 Mar 2013 23:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD shares overcoming Monkey Mind CRISELL METHOD again shares a timely subject, OVERCOMING MONKEY MIND. What is a Monkey Mind?  Are you going crazy with your internal conversations?  Are they driving you mad?  Do you say you are bored?  Do you say you are in Stress and Pain? No longer....TODAY, you can be  NEVER BORED AGAIN.  NEVER SUFFER FROM STRESS.  NEVER HAVE A PAIN AGAIN THAT YOU CAN NOT TOSS OUT OF YOUR BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT. Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, addresses the crazy mind that runs us.  The mind that controls all our thoughts. Learn to Focus more and to pay attention and learn how to be nice and have nice people around you. Isn't  it time, FOR YOU, TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT? THEO is a Master Teacher about Energy.  He has traveled the world, been with Master Teachers across India and AROUND THE GLOBE.  He is a Master Teacher of Yoga, Orgasmic Energy and Chi.  He is a Martial Artist, an Actor, and Film Producer.  Also, he is a Former Nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives, a Rotary International Scholar and Independent candidate for GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA. Tune in and hear what THEO has to say about living a great life and obtaining all you want.  IT IS TIME.............TOGETHER, WE CAN CHANGE THE PLANET.   00:25:00crisellnoend monkey mind,end suffering,end pain and stress,be more focused,reach all your goalsCRISELL METHOD again shares a timely subject, OVERCOMING MONKEY MIND. What is a Monkey Mind?  Are you going crazy with your internal conversations?  Are theyCRISELL METHOD thoughts about body, mind and spirit, 10 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD thoughts about body, mind and spirit Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, shares once again his thoughts about body, mind and spirit and how to have no more pain or suffering in your life. THEO addresses what it is to live a fulfilled life, a purpose filled life and what it is to have a relationship with God or god, whatever you want to name the energy that runs us all, the energy that always has been and always will be. Are you a person with a faith or no faith? With a belief or no belief? Do you just cope with life and suffer through each day? Do you want a different or better life, now? THEO shares a  path and way to do without suffering or pain in your life, your family life, the life of your friends and community. Tune in and be changed and be inspired to live a different lfie, a meaning filled life, a life of purpose.   Now is the time to find your true path and together change the world...IT IS TIME.............. Hugs and peace, THEO   00:16:00crisellnobody mind spirit,finding your purpose,living a meaning filled life,no more pain,no more sufferingTed Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as THEO, shares once again his thoughts about body, mind and spirit and how to have no more pain or sufferinCRISELL METHOD shares what is it to be spiritual, 09 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD shares what is it to be spiritual CRISELL METHOD SHARES WHAT IS IT TO BE SPIRITUAL? Do you live a spiritual life? Are you a person of spirit? Are you religious?  Do you hate religion?   THEO Crisell raised Catholic and a practicing person of spirit shares his most intimate and timely thoughts about how spirit can heal, can take away and delete pain. THEO is a Master Yoga Teacher and Martial Artist.  Trained and studied in India and on the Island of Bali......tune in and find out more about  how you can have maximum energy. Call ins will be accepted.  We have been having technical difficulties and do apologize.  This friday show will be show number eight and we thank those who have been tuning in and telling others.  Our goal is to reach a global audience and help remove pain from the planet.  Please obtain the new book from THEO , ..........NO MORE PAIN.  Share in profits will go to help homeless and childrern and teachers. Let's together change the planet, IT IS TIME........!!! 00:08:00crisellnomore joy in life,more fun,it is time to change the planet,NO MORE PAIN,living in wellnessCRISELL METHOD SHARES WHAT IS IT TO BE SPIRITUAL? Do you live a spiritual life? Are you a person of spirit? Are you religious?  Do you hate religion?   THEOCRISELL METHOD SHARES HOW TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, 07 Mar 2013 19:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD SHARES HOW TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE CRISELL METHOD SHARES HOW TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE WITH YOUR LIFE..........end pain, bring more pleasure to the world.........find out how you can have more and realize all your dreams. Are you really living the life you want?  Do you have the career you want?  Do you have an effective life plan? Are you with the people you really want to be with? NOW, you can have it all immediately. No more waiting. THEO Crisell, a true life coach, a man who knows energy and is an expert at achieving success and realizing dreams and goals............tune in to this timely show about having it all, removing pain and suffering from your life and improving the people you have around you. Check this show out and share with your friends. Look around you and inside you. Do you really have the life you want? What are you waiting for? Today, THEO will be accepting call ins........... 00:08:00crisellnoachieve your dream,be more prosperous,no more pain,end suffering,no more stressCRISELL METHOD SHARES HOW TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE WITH YOUR LIFE..........end pain, bring more pleasure to the world.........find out how you can have more and reCRISELL METHOD deletes Pain and Stress, 07 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD deletes Pain and Stress CRISELL METHOD DELETES PAIN AND STRESS FROM THE it truly possible?  Do we really have to learn to live with pain and stress and take more and more and more pills and drugs?  Do we really need to have surgery? Ted Crisell,  known to his friends around the globe as THEO, shows clearly how to make life changes and improve NOW, obtain immediate results and get all that you have only dreamed about. THEO is a world traveler, adventurer, teacher and more.  Find out how he is doing his life and what life changes  you can make so that you can immediately experience more joy, happiness and enthusiasm for living.   Are you in pain right now?  Are you broke and broken right now? Do you live in stress and suffer an unfulfilling life? Do you want to help those around you? Find real solutions, right now, NO MORE WAITING! Also, email THEO today to get on the order list for the new book, NO MORE PAIN.........just email you will be pleased when you read this book...........tune in, call in, participate...........TODAY!!!!  WHY ARE YOU WAITING??? 00:14:00crisellnono more pain,no more stress,how to live a great life,more joy and peace,creating a life planCRISELL METHOD DELETES PAIN AND STRESS FROM THE it truly possible?  Do we really have to learn to live with pain and stress and take more10 NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES...STILL HERE, 05 Mar 2013 19:00:00 GMT10 NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES...STILL HERE 10 NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES AND I AM STILL HERE. How about you?  Ever died or been close to death or been around death?  Do you believe in God or a god? or Energy? Or after life??? What is your life purpose?  To gather more toys and be just greedy for your self?  Are you into taking care of people and giving back? Why are you here? Call in and share your thoughts and ideas 718-664-9622 00:36:00crisellnonear death experience,no more pains,afterlife,why are you here,life purpose10 NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES AND I AM STILL HERE. How about you?  Ever died or been close to death or been around death?  Do you believe in God or a god? or EnerPAIN VS. PLEASURE, YOUR CHOICE, 05 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTPAIN VS. PLEASURE, YOUR CHOICE PAIN VS. PLEASURE, YOUR CHOICE.  What are you choosing on a daily basis?  Who is OR what is causing you pain?  Are you living with Stress? Tune in and find out how THEO deals with Pain and Stress.  THEO lives a pain free life, never takes a medication and just said NO to Stress. THEO, the name his friends call him globally, is an expert when it comes to Energy.  A Martial Artist, a Master Teacher of Yoga and Fitness, a real pro when it comes to business having developed and built mult-million dollar shopping centers and office towers. THEO pulls no punches and tells you the truth as to how to END PAIN FOREVER.  Tune in and find solutions to your concerns for more love and fun, for more pleasure, how to enjoy life more and how to remove pain and stress from your life and the lives of family members and friends.  Do you suffer from being OverWeight?  Are you troubled with Poor Health? Find out more, call in today and join the conversation and find some solutions to your life concerns.  THEO'S new book will be out this month, NO MORE PAIN............ And feel FREE to email your questions to   00:48:00crisellnono more pain,be fully fit,more joy and more fun,live a life of pleasure,love and joy recapturedPAIN VS. PLEASURE, YOUR CHOICE.  What are you choosing on a daily basis?  Who is OR what is causing you pain?  Are you living with Stress? Tune in and find ouHOW TO HAVE MORE FUN AND PLEASURE, 03 Mar 2013 21:00:00 GMTHOW TO HAVE MORE FUN AND PLEASURE HOW TO HAVE MORE FUN AND PLEASURE in your life and delete all pain and stress. Are you living in fear?  Are you full of pain and stress? Have you been told by your doctor you have an incurable disease? THEO Crisell will assist you in having no more pain and stress.  THEO is an Expert in energy and body energetics.  He is a world traveler and adventurer and does not take one pill, never sees a doctor and suffers from no pain or stress.  Find out how you too can live pain and stress free and have more pleasure.   This show on Sunday, March 3 will be broadcast live from a very famous Greek Restaurant with great food, great people and great fun along with a number of well known actors.  Tune in, meet THEO and his friends and start having more fun in your life, PAIN FREE!!!! Special guests include two wonderful actresses, Rebekah Rimmington and her actor daughter Tia along with a wonderul Greek writer, Ramsey, who is now in final completion for the rewrite of the script for our new feature film, UNCLE ZORBA. Last night THEO attended the Premier of his new movie, HERE'S JOHNNIE, and THEO was the Mob Boss and Co-Lead, it was premiered at the famous EGYPTIAN THEATRE IN HOLLYWOOD, watch for it coming to your area soon and see more about THEO'S films at and for sure email him anytime at   Remember, call ins from all over the globe will be staring Monday from AFI, the American Film Institute Campus and Studios in Hollywood. 00:29:00crisellnono more pain,living pain free,living a fun life at last,laugh more,stop being just neutral to lifeHOW TO HAVE MORE FUN AND PLEASURE in your life and delete all pain and stress. Are you living in fear?  Are you full of pain and stress? Have you been told byCRISELL METHOD, Pain and Stress Deletion, Forever, 02 Mar 2013 19:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD, Pain and Stress Deletion, Forever Pain and Stress Deletion, Forever, with the CRISELL METHOD. Imagine no more pain in your life?  No more stress in your life? Could it be possible? The CRISELL METHOD delivers on the promise.....check in, tune in, listen in and call in and meet THEO Crisell and be directed on how you can remove your pains and stresses instantly. THEO Crisell is a true Master of Energy, having studied with leading  experts in Marital Arts, Healing, Meditation, Yoga and much more.........find out how to have more pleasure without pain, and guilt and stress. Take control of your own body. Hear from a man who has Mastered his own energy and become a true expert in the field of energy. You can direct yourself and assist others.  You no longer need to have body pains, headaches, worry and stress. Isn't it time you lived a joyous and prosperous life???   Calls in will be accepted and encouraged for tomorrow's Saturday show, 11 a.m. PST.... Be a part of the final resolution and final deletion of pain on the planet.........IT IS TIME!!!!   00:36:00crisellnopain deletion,be more prosperous,have more joy,find the best love,no more stressPain and Stress Deletion, Forever, with the CRISELL METHOD. Imagine no more pain in your life?  No more stress in your life? Could it be possible? The CRISECRISELL METHOD INTRODUCTORY SHOW, 02 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTCRISELL METHOD INTRODUCTORY SHOW Ted Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as simply THEO, hosts today the CRISELL METHOD Introductory show, you will want to listen to this new and exciting Kickoff program and get to know THEO............. With the CRISELL METHOD you will find out how to ...have more money and success...complete balanced...a better sex life...more love in your life..pain instantly removed and HOW TO OBTAIN INSTANT RESULTS IN YOUR LIFE.......PLUS MUCH MORE, YOU WILL BE hearing about world politics, world and Hollywood entertainment secrets and gossip.. THEO is a Yoga trained Master Teacher  and Meditation Guide, trained and studied in India; a Rotary International Graduate Scholar to India and leader in research of community development projects across India with the U.S. Peace Corps and Ford Foundation; World Traveler and Researcher having journeyed around the globe 5 times to 74 countries on various fellowships and research projects; Martial Artist, trained and studied Karate with former All Japan Champion Sensei Fumio Demura and trained with a leading Shaolin Kung Fu Grand Master; Professional Dancer, was the lead male Flamenco Dancer in the Film Little Fockers and performed with Dustin Hoffman; Film Producer, Director, Writer and Actor; Former builder and developer of shopping centers and deluxe office towers globally, with values exceeding ONE BILLION DOLLARS; Former co-host of popular radio and t.v. program deleting pain due to disease and injury; Past Nominee to the U.S. House of Representatives and PRESENTLY INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA. THEO is also the Founder of  the WORLD PEACE PROJECT AND W.I.H.N., WORLD INDEPENDENT HEALTH NETWORK along with founding and creating the CRISELL METHOD. THEO has had nine near death experiences traveling around the globe and has become an EXPERT IN REMOVING PAIN.....CALL IN TO FIND OUT MORE AND TO ADD MORE JOY TO YOUR LIFE!!!!! 00:33:00crisellnodelete pain forever,add more joy to life,no more stress,no more pain,beyond healingTed Crisell, known to his friends around the globe as simply THEO, hosts today the CRISELL METHOD Introductory show, you will want to listen to this new and ex