Creating Possibilities Possibilities with Lisen * This world is full of possibilities... What do you desire for your life? What would you like to create? This show is full of possibilities, tools to use in your daily life, questions, interviews and sometimes just a different way to look at life. * What inspiration and contribution can this show be to you and the world? * Creating Possibilities with Lisen A Global Creation In Consciousness Certified Facilitator of Access ConsciousnessenCopyright Lisen Bengtsson (C/O Blogtalkradio)Wed, 04 Sep 2019 12:00:00 GMTThu, 28 Mar 2019 21:00:00 GMTLifestyleBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Possibilities Possibilities with Lisen * This world is full of possibilities... What do you desire for your life? What would you like to create? This show is full of possibilities, tools to use in your daily life, questions, interviews and sometimes just a different way to look at life. * What inspiration and contribution can this show be to you and the world? * Creating Possibilities with Lisen A Global Creation In Consciousness Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousnesslisen.bengtsson@me.comCreating Possibilitiespossibilities,access consciousness,change,money,business,creation,happinessCreating PossibilitiesnoCreating Possibilities with Lisen * This world is full of possibilities... What do you desire for your life? What would you like to create? This show isepisodicWhat contribution can I be?, 28 Mar 2019 21:00:00 GMTWhat contribution can I be?Just popping in here with a little hello and some personal thoughts... What contribution can I be to the world?   Lisen Bengtsson   Access Bars & Foundation CF Conscious Horse Conscious Rider CF Prosperity Consciousness Facilitator Mega Creation - facilitator 00:14:00Creating Possibilitiesnocontribution,change,business,possibilities,coachingCreating possibilities with Lisenc659f8f1-a018-434c-b1dc-f245d4adcd03114fullWarum Pferde? Warum redet Gary Douglas so viel darueber?, 11 Dec 2018 09:00:00 GMTWarum Pferde? Warum redet Gary Douglas so viel darueber?Warum Pferde? Warum redet Gary Douglas so viel darueber? Was fuer ein Beitrag können Pferde zu deinem Leben sein? Gary:  Pferde tragen uns ständig bei. Es macht ihnen Spaß, mit uns zu arbeiten. Um ein Pferd darum zu bitten, etwas zu tun, fängst du damit an, dich auf seine Zone des Gewahrseins einzustimmen.  Dann fragst du: „Kannst du das tun?“, indem du die Bilder von dem, was du dir wünschst, in den Kopf des Pferdes hinein denkst. Dabei musst du so schnell wie das Pferd sein. Es fragt nämlich ständig „Und was kommt als nächstes dran?“. 00:29:00Creating PossibilitiesnoCreating possibilities with Lisen308212fe-39d3-4635-9d67-39352be1819c113fullCommiting to your life...??, 10 Dec 2018 16:00:00 GMTCommiting to your life...??What does it mean commiting to your life? 00:15:00Creating PossibilitiesnoCreating possibilities with Lisen69558286-075e-497b-a35b-7e28d70fee41112fullLügen des Mangels - Wie leicht darf dein Leben sein?, 28 Jun 2018 07:00:00 GMTLügen des Mangels - Wie leicht darf dein Leben sein?Gibt es Mangel in deinem Leben? Zu wenig zeit, zu wenig Geld, zu wenig Freunde? Das Universum bietet eine Fülle an Möglichkeiten, wenn du dich für sie öffnest und sie einlädst! Was wäre, wenn du die Lügen hinter dem Mangel aufdecken und deine Sichtweise dazu verändern könntest? Könntest du dann mit der ganzen Welt spielen? Und wärst du dann in der Lage, immer mehr und größer zu kreieren? Welche Fragen könntest du stellen, damit Mangel kein Thema mehr in deinem Leben ist?   Möglichkeiten kreieren mit Lisen Globale Kreation in Action   Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator Mega Creation Cert. Coach 00:36:00Creating PossibilitiesnoGlaubst du, es ist nie genug da? Dass alles anstrengend ist und du nichts verändern kannst? Was wäre, wenn das nur Lügen sind?3ddd34ed-79b9-45c8-8062-29ff29772f37111fullNo definition.... (loving your limitations?), 24 Jun 2018 08:00:00 GMTNo definition.... (loving your limitations?)What definitions do you have of you that are in the way of what you would really love ro create? What would it be like if you would allow yourself to expand beyond that? Can it really be so easy? This episode comes with fresh insights from the 9 Trannies seminar in Dublin.   Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation CF Access Body Process Facilitator Cert. Coach 01:01:00Creating PossibilitiesnoYour definitions are your limitations for new possibilities, blocking the things you are asking for1035f071-22c3-4743-b653-39fdeb1a6a16110fullDating - What are you asking for?, 05 Jun 2018 17:00:00 GMTDating - What are you asking for?Flirting - Is it fun for you or are you taking it very seriously? What are your expectations going on a date? Are your barriers up or down? Are you waiting to be chosen are are you the choosing one? Going on dates can create new possibilities in your life. Let's talk about having fun with it and play!   Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation CF Access Body Process Facilitator Cert. Coach 01:00:00Creating PossibilitiesnoAre you waiting to be chosen or are you choosing when it comes to dating?49edd202-8101-40cb-a079-3c056e87600919fullMöglichkeiten oder Probleme - Was wählst du?, 22 May 2018 17:00:00 GMTMöglichkeiten oder Probleme - Was wählst du?Du kannst die Welt entweder betrachten als: "Überall sind Möglichkeiten" oder: "Es gibt eine Menge Probleme!" Was wäre, wenn du dich nicht mehr stoppen lassen würdest und alles, was gerade in deinem Leben ist, für statt gegen dich verwenden könntest? Was wäre, wenn nichts in deinem Leben falsch wäre und es immer die Möglichkeit gäbe, mehr zu kreieren und zu wachsen? Wer wärst du ohne deine Probleme und was ist weit darüber hinaus noch möglich? Welche Wahl für dich selbst und dein Leben könntest du heute noch treffen? Lass es uns gemeinsam erforschen!   Möglichkeiten kreieren mit Lisen Globale Kreation in Action   Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator Mega Creation Cert. Coach 00:42:00Creating PossibilitiesnoJedes Problem trägt eigentlich auch ganz viele Möglichkeiten in sich. Was wäre, wenn du eine ganz neue Betrachtungsweise einnehmen könntest und nicht mehr kämpf20a3203f-a446-4c81-853b-3d9922ffaf3116fullStop solving problems & start being the possibility - Is now the time?, 13 May 2018 10:00:00 GMTStop solving problems & start being the possibility - Is now the time?Is there a way to live without problems? Not by solving all the problems you currently have, but by seeing all the possibilities behind the problems? To start being the possibility in your life is a choice and a way of being - nothing that your mind can solve for you. How to tap into that space? In this episode, there will be a lot of fresh insights from the 7 days class in Langkawi, Malaysia!   Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation CF Access Body Process Facilitator Cert. Coach 00:35:00Creating PossibilitiesnoA life without problems, but full of possibilities - what would it take to chose that?7a6f7266-334e-4e29-8f56-0cd2e5131dbd15fullReisen: Welche Möglichkeiten kreierst du in der Welt?, 05 May 2018 10:00:00 GMTReisen: Welche Möglichkeiten kreierst du in der Welt?Was kreierst du, wenn du auf Reisen bist? Wie expandiert sich deine Welt, wenn du andere Länder besuchst? Dein "Spielfeld" der Möglichkeiten ist nicht auf dein Zuhause begrenzt, sondern du kannst die ganze Welt mit einbeziehen. Diese Folge kommt LIVE aus Langkawai, wo der 7 Tages Kurs von Access stattfindet.   Möglichkeiten kreieren mit Lisen Globale Kreation in Action   Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator Mega Creation Cert. Coach 00:33:00Creating PossibilitiesnoLIVE aus Langkawai: Globale Möglichkeiten kreieren668251b1-d7ea-4157-ab8a-edd50606687813fullTraveling: Let the world contribute to you!, 04 May 2018 10:00:00 GMTTraveling: Let the world contribute to you!What do you create while traveling? How does your world expand when you visit other countries? You can invite the whole world to contribute to you, while being on vacation! This episode is coming LIVE from Langkawai, right before the Access 7 days class.   Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation CF Access Body Process Facilitator Cert. Coach 00:45:00Creating PossibilitiesnoLIVE from Langkawai: Global creation while traveling43ae237e-7d2b-4d3c-bdc6-3f161ccd4d5d14fullMöglichkeiten kreieren (Creating Possibilities) ist endlich wieder LIVE!, 29 Apr 2018 08:00:00 GMTMöglichkeiten kreieren (Creating Possibilities) ist endlich wieder LIVE!Willkommen zurück! Jetzt geht es endlich weiter - Creating Possibilities (Möglichkeiten kreieren) ist wieder LIVE! Jede Woche gibt es neue Episoden, einige davon auch auf Deutsch! Ist es an der Zeit, jetzt mehr in deinem Leben zu kreieren? Sei ab Sonntag dabei und stelle gerne deine Fragen.   Möglichkeiten kreieren mit Lisen Globale Kreation in Action   Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator Mega Creation Cert. Coach 00:45:00Creating PossibilitiesnoMöglichkeiten kreieren geht wieder LIVE. Bist du dabei?8c61bafc-60d8-4410-860b-41a49f2fc1cc12fullCreating Possibilities going LIVE again!, 28 Apr 2018 08:00:00 GMTCreating Possibilities going LIVE again!Welcome everybody! Creating Possibilities going LIVE again! Starting to broadcast every week again and so excited to start on saturday! Welcome to creating more ... Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator Mega Creation Cert. Coach 00:46:00Creating PossibilitiesnoWelcome to JOIN the show againb4125ba5-a9e2-4df3-a01b-1bdb541097d711fullChoice this morning... with Lisen, 27 Jan 2017 09:30:00 GMTChoice this morning... with LisenChoice this morning... with Lisen New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation CF Access Body Process Facilitator Cert. Coach 00:28:00Creating PossibilitiesnoChoice... Create... Joy...Voice the ease of creation with Göril & Lisen, 06 Nov 2016 18:00:00 GMTVoice the ease of creation with Göril & LisenVoice the ease of creation with Göril Hebnes & Lisen Bengtsson Join Lisen in conversations in consciousness, where you can choose to create what you desire & you also have the possibility to call in live at the show...   New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation & Level 1 Access Body Process Facilitator Right Voice for You Facilitator Cert. Coach 00:31:00Creating Possibilitiesnochange,change your life,possibilities,access consciousness,creationDo you desire more ease? and know what to choose in your life???SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH CHANGE!!, 10 Jul 2016 08:00:00 GMTSOOOOOOOOOO MUCH CHANGE!!Morning Coffee with Lisen SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH CHANGE!! Join Lisen in the morning for conversations in consciousness, where you can choose to create what you desire & you also have the possibility to call in live at the show...   New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation & Level 1 Access Body Process Facilitator Right Voice for You Facilitator Cert. Coach 00:44:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess,access consciousness,change,possibilitiesDo you sometimes get surprised how much change is possible??Morning Coffee with Lisen, 27 Feb 2016 09:00:00 GMTMorning Coffee with LisenMorning Coffee with Lisen Join Lisen in the morning for conversations in consciousness, where you can choose to create what you desire & you also have the possibility to call in live at the show...   New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation & Level 1 Access Body Process Facilitator Right Voice for You Facilitator Cert. Coach 01:00:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess,Access Consciousness,change,possibilities,successCreating possibilities with Lisen50 Millionen Dollar - Welche Fragen bist du bereit zu stellen?, 01 Feb 2016 18:00:00 GMT50 Millionen Dollar - Welche Fragen bist du bereit zu stellen?50 Millionen Dollar - Welche Fragen würdest du stellen? Was würdest passieren wenn das Unmögliche möglich wäre? Wärest du bereit alles dafür zu tun?  In dieser Radioshow lade euch zu meiner persönlichen Reise ein. Du wirst erfahren wie es angefangen hat und was für Inspiration ich bekommen habe und wie es alles magische zusammenhängt! New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation & Level 1 Access Body Process Facilitator Right Voice for You Facilitator Global Creation Cert. Coach 00:45:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess consciousness,access,dain heer,gary douglas,ricky williamsWas würdest passieren wenn das Unmögliche möglich wäre?Sex Talk with Georgia & Lisen, 31 Jan 2016 18:00:00 GMTSex Talk with Georgia & LisenSex Talk with Georgia & Lisen What do you not dare to talk about that you would like to know more about? Georgia & Lisen are going to go expore SEX and more. You are welcome to join, you are welcome to call us:-))         New Show on "Creating Possibilities"   This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire. What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen A Global Creation In Consciousness Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation & Level 1 Access Body Process Facilitator Right Voice for You Facilitator Global Creation Cert. Coach 01:01:00Creating Possibilitiesnosex,sex talk,conversation in consciousness,access,access consciousnessWhat do you not dare to talk about that you would like to know more about?50 Million dollars... What questions are you willing to ask?, 10 Jan 2016 09:00:00 GMT50 Million dollars... What questions are you willing to ask?50 Million dollars... What questions are you willing to ask? It all started at Faster Change Now with Ricky Williams... New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation & Level 1 Access Body Process Facilitator Right Voice for You Facilitator Cert. Coach 00:31:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess,Access Consciousness,access bars,Ricky Williams,ChangeIt all started at Faster Change Now with Ricky Williams...What are the impossible possibilities?, 18 Nov 2015 20:00:00 GMTWhat are the impossible possibilities?WHAT ARE THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBILITIES? A lot of people learn what is possible and what is not. Some love to dream, others go for their dreams. Wonder what would happen if you do not try to compute anything and would listen to your awareness?     New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation & Level 1 Access Body Process Facilitator Right Voice for You Facilitator Cert. Coach Lisen +46 708 39 39 97 | Skype namn lisen.bengtsson 00:28:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess,Access Consciousness,access bars,joy,changeWhat if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life?Globalt Skapande... Flirtande lätt:-), 05 Aug 2015 18:30:00 GMTGlobalt Skapande... Flirtande lätt:-)Globalt Skapande... Flirtande lätt:-) Tänk om vi skulle börja skapa med så mycket lätthet? Flirtande lätt... Och alla önskar bidra till dig. Vad önskar du skapa? Och vilka hinder har bestämt dig är verkliga? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation & Level 1 Access Body Process Facilitator Right Voice for You Facilitator Cert. Coach Lisen +46 708 39 39 97 | Skype namn lisen.bengtsson 00:01:00Creating PossibilitiesnoAccess Consciousness,access,Access Bars,joy,businessTänk om vi skulle börja skapa med så mycket lätthet? Flirtande lätt... Och alla önskar bidra till dig. Vad önskar du skapa? Och vilka hinder har bestämt dig ärAre You Undatable? or...?, 02 Aug 2015 08:00:00 GMTAre You Undatable? or...?Are You Undateable? or...??? Are you willing to have FUN with Dating? Ask questions to the universe to experience new things ? and even if you end up not having fun at a date... you can always ask for more... What can we explore together and I will address some fun perspectives of online dating! New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation & Level 1 Access Body Process Facilitator Right Voice for You Facilitator Cert. Coach Lisen +46 708 39 39 97 |   01:00:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess consciousness,access,consciousness,dating,meetingFun perspectives about online dating*Wächst es wirklich nicht auf Bäumen? Geld ... mit Lisen, 26 May 2015 18:00:00 GMTWächst es wirklich nicht auf Bäumen? Geld ... mit Lisen"Wächst es wirklich nicht auf Bäumen? Geld ..."   Es ist ein Traum oder einfach eine Wirklichkeit die wir uns verweigern? Mit Heidi Rast & Brigitte Steiner als Gäste. Bald auch Kurs in Wien 12-14 Juni in Wien "Globale Kreation"   New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation & Level 1 Access Body Process Facilitator Right Voice for You Facilitator Cert. Coach Lisen +46 708 39 39 97 | Skype namn lisen.bengtsson 01:01:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess consciousness,access,access bars,dain heer,gary douglas"Wächst es wirklich nicht auf Bäumen? Geld ..."   Es ist ein Traum oder einfach eine Wirklichkeit die wir uns verweigern? Mit Heidi Rast & Brigitte Steiner aHaving FUN with your 10% ??? with Lisen, 19 May 2015 18:00:00 GMTHaving FUN with your 10% ??? with Lisen  Having FUN with your 10% ???  with Lisen What is that? One of my favorite tools that helped me change my money situation when I started Access years ago. New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness   Access Facilitator & Access Organizer Bars, Foundation & Level 1 Access Body Process Facilitator Right Voice for You Facilitator Cert. Coach Lisen +46 708 39 39 97 | Skype namn lisen.bengtsson   01:00:00Creating PossibilitiesnoAccess Consciousness,access,Access Bars,Dain Heer,Gary DouglasHaving FUN with your 10% ???  with Lisen What is that? One of my favorite tools that helped me change my money situation when I started Access years ago. NPengar! en dramatisk älskare..., 11 May 2015 19:00:00 GMTPengar! en dramatisk älskare...Pengar! en dramatisk älskare... Åsikter, känslor, rädslor, drama, lätthet, skapande... vilken relation önskar du ha med pengar? Tänk om du kunde välja? Även om andra väljer all drama runt omkring dig. Är du villig att ta första steget? Denna radioshown är på svenska och Anna-Lena Nygren som gäst. Vilken verklighet önskar du att leva med pengar? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness                 01:01:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess consciousness,access,dain heer,gary douglas,joyPengar! en dramatisk älskare... Åsikter, känslor, rädslor, drama, lätthet, skapande... vilken relation önskar du ha med pengar? Tänk om du kunde välja? Även omCREATION ... What a TURN ON!!! Pamela & Lisen, 05 May 2015 19:00:00 GMTCREATION ... What a TURN ON!!! Pamela & LisenCREATION ... What a TURN ON!!! With a guest and amazing creator Pamela von Sabljar Together we will be exploring new areas of creation... A curios mind knows no limitations...:-) New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness 01:01:00Creating PossibilitiesnoLisen Bengtsson,lisen,joy,access consciousness,access barsCREATION ... What a TURN ON!!! With a guest and amazing creator Pamela von Sabljar Together we will be exploring new areas of creation... A curios mind knowsDiamonds * part 2, 28 Apr 2015 19:00:00 GMTDiamonds * part 2Diamonds * part 2   Creating a very different business than what I counld have imagines? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" In the last months I have been adding a new area to my life: precious jewelry.. precious jewelry in gold with diamonds, other stones... Adding a new business to my business.  And I have had the fortune to see and experience how these things change and contribute to people, both energetically & even physically. Wonder what contribution you are willing to receive? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness 00:45:00Creating PossibilitiesnoAccess Consciousness,access,jewelry,antique,businessDiamonds * part 2   Creating a very different business than what I counld have imagines? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" In the last months I have beenGLOBALE KREATION - show in German:-), 14 Apr 2015 19:00:00 GMTGLOBALE KREATION - show in German:-)GLOBAL CREATION Dieser Show ist auf Deutsch.... Bist du bereit die ganze Welt mit einzuschließen, wenn du dein Leben und dein Business kreierst? Was, wenn die ganze Welt dein Spielplatz wäre? Bist du bereit, die Möglichkeiten jenseits deiner Vorstellungskraft zu erforschen? Diese Show ist auf Deutsch GÄSTE: Birgitte Steiner & Margarethe Gallowitsch 12-14 Juni in Wien "Globale Kreation"   A new Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness 01:02:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess consciousness,access,access bars,gary douglas,dain heerGLOBAL CREATION Dieser Show ist auf Deutsch.... Bist du bereit die ganze Welt mit einzuschließen, wenn du dein Leben und dein Business kreierst? Was, wenn dieSkulle du vilja skapa otroliga möjligheter?, 07 Apr 2015 19:00:00 GMTSkulle du vilja skapa otroliga möjligheter?SKULLE DU VILJA SKAPA OTROLIGA MÖJLIGHETER? Denna veckan är shown på svenska och Anna-Lena Nygren är med som gäst. New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness 01:01:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess consciousness,access,glädje,creation,dain heerSKULLE DU VILJA SKAPA OTROLIGA MÖJLIGHETER? Denna veckan är shown på svenska och Anna-Lena Nygren är med som gäst. New Show on "Creating Possibilities" ThisHow can ONE question change your life?, 17 Mar 2015 20:00:00 GMTHow can ONE question change your life?HOW CAN ONE QUESTION CHANGE YOUR LIFE?    On the Show "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness 00:46:00Creating PossibilitiesnoACCESS,access consciousness,change,dain heer,gary douglasHOW CAN ONE QUESTION CHANGE YOUR LIFE?    On the Show "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we dDiamonds... Are you friends? with Lisen, 26 Jan 2015 20:00:00 GMTDiamonds... Are you friends? with LisenDiamonds... Are you friends? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" In the last months I have been adding a new area to my life: precious jewelry.. precious jewelry in gold with diamonds, other stones... Adding a new business to my business.  And I have had the fortune to see and experience how these things change and contribute to people, both energetically & even physically. Wonder what contribution you are willing to receive? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness 01:01:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess consciousness,access,access bars,precious,jewelryDiamonds... Are you friends? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" In the last months I have been adding a new area to my life: precious jewelry.. precious jewChecking In? ... or Checking Out?, 20 Jan 2015 20:30:00 GMTChecking In? ... or Checking Out?Checking In? ... or Checking Out? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" What does checking in and checking out mean? Can you be present if you are checked out? Why do we choose to check out? How much are we avoiding? How much are we missing out when we check out? How to get aware when you check out.... What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness 00:47:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess consciousness,access,happiness,dain heer,gary douglasChecking In? ... or Checking Out? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" What does checking in and checking out mean? Can you be present if you are checked out?Right Voice For You... Your time to Shine?, 13 Jan 2015 20:00:00 GMTRight Voice For You... Your time to Shine?  RIGHT VOICE FOR YOU... Your time to Shine? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" What creation are you avoiding to be?  What if there are tools you can use in your daily life, at your work and in your business that would open up to creating what you know is possible? Would you like to become a creator of possibilities? The magic we all know is possible... life full of possibilities! Pragmatic way of using the tools so you get practice and can apply them directly in your life. So we will be using the Access tools in action. Is 2015 your year to shine? This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-)   Creating Possibilities with Lisen Bengtsson A Global Creation In Consciousness         01:00:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess consciousness,access bars,access,Gary Douglas,dain heerRIGHT VOICE FOR YOU... Your time to Shine? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" What creation are you avoiding to be?  What if there are tools you can useIntensity of Living with Lisen, 05 Jan 2015 20:00:00 GMTIntensity of Living with LisenINTENSITY OF LIVING... is it the new BLACK? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What does intensity mean? Do you sometimes feel like you are going to burst? Cry? You do not know what to do? What can you choose so it changes? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness 00:59:00Creating PossibilitiesnoAccess Consciousness,access bars,access,Lisen Bengtsson,creating possibilitiesINTENSITY OF LIVING... is it the new BLACK? New Show on "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life weCreating Your 2015 :-), 29 Dec 2014 20:00:00 GMTCreating Your 2015 :-)CREATING YOUR 2015 ON the radio Show "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  Are You willing to create YOUR REALITY? What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness 00:46:00Creating Possibilitiesnoaccess consciousness,access,access bars,lisen bengtsson,creating possibilitiesCREATING YOUR 2015 ON the radio Show "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  Are You wLaunching the New Show "CREATING POSSIBILITIES", 22 Dec 2014 20:00:00 GMTLaunching the New Show "CREATING POSSIBILITIES"Launching the New Show "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What if this show can contribute to opening up more Possibilities in Your Life, In Your Business, In every area of your Life? What if we can create so much awareness that we don't buy into limitations as real? And we would be willing to acknowledge our awareness and choose from what we know? And be willing to be the magic we know is possible? Welcome to open up to more space... space of possibilties:-) Creating Possibilities with Lisen  A Global Creation In Consciousness 00:46:00Creating PossibilitiesnoAccess Consciousness,access,Access Bars,coaching for success,CoachingLaunching the New Show "Creating Possibilities" This world is full of possibilities and we have choice to create the life we desire.  What if this show can co