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Close Up Radio Welcomes Back Naomi Hoshino Horii of Holding Light Productions

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
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Lafayette, CO – Naomi Hoshino Horii is an intuitive healer and the founder of Holding Light Productions, where she teaches clients how to develop their intuition to heal both themselves and others.

“When you really say hello to who you are, ideas of who you thought you were and old habits and ways of thinking evaporate,” says Naomi. “You begin to create a new way of thinking that matches who you really are on a spirit level.”

Saying hello to ourselves includes acknowledging our untapped potential. Naomi offers intuitive healing and reading sessions, using techniques for spiritual, mental, physical and emotional healing that bring her clients into their wholeness and divinity with love.

Naomi says her clients are people who are ready to make a change in their life, whether it's changing their lifestyle or a new job or relationship.

“Our subconscious beliefs dictate a lot of the choices we make in ways that we are often not even aware of,” says Naomi. “In order to affect the kind of changes we want in our lives, we need to make major changes to our mindset because we create everything with our minds.”

When we are in our natural state of love and grace, says Naomi, things will come together in all areas of our life, including in our relationships, work, finances, and health.

“It's about us nurturing our vessels, which are made of light. We're all made of love,” says Naomi. “All of this is work is based on the foundation of loving yourself, which is a lifelong (and beyond) process.”

For more information, visit www.holdinglightproductions.com