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Close Up Radio Spotlights Cher Grant of Wazzio

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Toronto, ON – The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the limits of existing videoconferencing technology in education.

Schools are trying to approximate the classroom experience, but there is no way for teachers to know which students are having challenges or if students are even paying attention.

Educators and administrators must recognize this as an opportunity to make education more interactive.

Cher Grant is the founder and CEO of Wazzio, specializing in the development of web and mobile solutions that makes our users' lives easier.

“Prior to the pandemic, remote learning was unheard of,” says Grant. “There now exists a significant need for products that enable students to learn remotely, and not just for the pandemic, but moving forward.”

Wazzio’s latest software WazzCards For Teachers is real-time virtual classroom that shows how students are performing in real-time using decks of multiple choice questions created by certified teachers of all different subjects, including Math, Geography, History, Language, Health, Science, Social Studies, and perhaps most importantly, Financial Literacy.

“Remote learning has been a challenge for teachers and parents alike, keeping students engaged and focused,” says Grant. “WazzCards are perfect for parents and teachers. When a student answers a question, they don't see how the other classmates are responding.”

As for the future, Grant predicts this hybrid model of education will soon become the norm.

“I don't think this is going to go away,” says Grant. “Some children are excelling at home. Some teachers are excelling at online teaching. It's going to change education as a whole and there so many opportunities for it to evolve.”

For more information visit www.wazzio.com