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Close Up Radio Spotlights Doreen South

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
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Hamilton, ON – Doreen South describes herself as a “conduit for spirit.” Her spiritual gifts allow her to channel energy to reconnect with loved ones and help people make their best choices.

“The energy of grief is thick. The density of this energy is the barrier between us and our loved ones who have passed on,” says Doreen. “I can help people connect directly with their loved ones, and by doing so give them insight into their path so that they can move forward with confidence.”

Doreen’s work is both sacred and respectful. Her abilities are akin to the traditional native ways of connecting with the spirit world, and as natural as a conversation.

“When you cross over, healing is available,” says Doreen. “Any angst or animosity or emotional toxicity is released to allow their spiritual illumination to shine and be who they are in their spirit. There’s compassion and understanding and they'll stand by us even as we make the wrong choices to ensure we learn the lessons we need to learn.”

This understanding of spirit is why Doreen says she is very comfortable working with people. She provides evidentiary information she couldn’t possibly know, channeled through her from the other side in its purest form possible.

“I don't make the choices for them and neither do the Divine Helpers,” says Doreen, “but together we clear the path for people to make their best and correct decisions.”

And the best part about Doreen’s work is you don’t necessarily have to believe to benefit from it.

“It is so rewarding to witness people levitate above their emotional pain and find clarity,” says Doreen.

For more information, visit www.doreensouth.com