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Close Up Radio Spotlights Intuitive Healer Amy Cianchetti

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
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Chicago, IL – Amy Cianchetti is an intuitive healer and empath. Highly sensitive, intuitive and deeply feeling, Amy holds immense space for her clients to feel seen, heard and understood, and move past their unhealthy thoughts, limiting beliefs and wounds to see their inner beauty and limitless potential.

“Through eyes that are not critical and judgmental, healing will occur,” says Amy. “I hold a space to help my clients transform and transmute energy and become their own healer. It’s a safe space without judgment, of unconditional love, to share the thoughts, beliefs or wounds running through their mind.”

Amy says she herself had a history with depression. She says it was a big struggle for her, but it was also her biggest teacher and catalyst for growth.

“That’s when I opened up my heart to unending compassion and unconditional love,” says Amy. “The clients who have come to me all remind me of previous versions of myself.”

As an intuitive healer, Amy receives intuitive messages to get to the bottom of what really is feeding the depression, fear, feelings of being stuck or lost, like false and limiting beliefs from childhood programming and emotional trauma.

“The deep inner work of a spiritual, intuitive counseling session helps them dig a little deeper to finding something that they weren't quite aware of that needs to be validated, witnessed, and released,” says Amy. “Because I'm such a deep feeler, I don't want to see people struggle or be in pain.”

“It's so joyful because we are really here to shine our own light. We are here to find our unique strengths and gifts and shine that, so to support someone in doing that brings me tremendous joy.”

For more information, visit www.amycianchetti.com