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CUTV News Radio Spotlights Stacy Dorius of Simply Resonate

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San Diego, CA – Energy coach Stacy Dorius is the founder of Simply Resonate, where she helps others own, change, and love their energy.

“The approach I use is based on the science of energy, which is vibration and resonance,” says Stacy. “It's about simply resonating with order versus disorder. We’re changing whatever is disordered in their life into order through the science and psychology of energy.”

According to Stacy, people and events don't cause our triggers, they expose them. Through deeper inner work Stacy and her clients begin to build an "awareness coherence.”

The foundation of Stacy’s energy coaching is based on five principles. The first principle is everything is energy and energy is everything. The second principle is there are two forms of energy: coherent (ordered, harmonious, in sync) or non-coherent (disordered, dissonant, chaotic).

The third principle is energy exchanges with other energy. This is the law of resonance.

The fourth principle, says Stacy, is energy can change. We can change the information in our vibrations to something more ordered and harmonious.

The fifth principle, of course, is you must own your energy.

“I'm most proud of the risk I took to explore my beliefs, my behaviors, and own them,” says Stacy. “I'm proud that I've been able to do that for myself, but I’m even more proud that I get to see it happen in front of my eyes when I work with people.”

For more information on Simply Resonate, visit www.simplyresonate.com