Christine Rose author talks about writing, publishing, books, marketing your book, life on the road, and Celtic Mythology. Talking with writers who want to be published, authors who are self-publish and traditionally published, and what it takes to promote your book for every author. enCopyright Christine Rose (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 16:00:00 GMTWed, 08 Apr 2009 22:00:00 GMTBooksBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Rose author talks about writing, publishing, books, marketing your book, life on the road, and Celtic Mythology. Talking with writers who want to be published, authors who are self-publish and traditionally published, and what it takes to promote your book for every author. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.combooks,publishing,author,book marketing,agent,literary,ebook,environment,kindle,self publishingChristine RosenoAward-winning author talks about writing, publishing, books, marketing your book, life on the road, and Celtic Mythology. Talking with writers who want to beepisodicOn the Road to a Bestseller: Creative Internet Marketing, 08 Apr 2009 22:00:00 GMTOn the Road to a Bestseller: Creative Internet MarketingTonight we'll be speaking with Steve Ouch, author of SteamPotVille and internet marketing guru. He sold 200 copies of his book in a single day via Twitter! @steveouch SteamPotVille is his first children’s book. Each illustration took him about 100-150 hours to create. He completed the book in three months. During that time he worked 15 hours a day and gave himself a total of three days off. Steve's Blog: Rosenotwitter,web 20,book marketing,author,publishingTonight we'll be speaking with Steve Ouch, author of SteamPotVille and internet marketing guru. He sold 200 copies of his book in a single day via Twitter! @steOn the Road to a Bestseller: Making a Living as a Writer, 01 Apr 2009 22:00:00 GMTOn the Road to a Bestseller: Making a Living as a WriterJulie Butcher-Fedynich, Jeremiah Tolbert, and Merle Exit join us today to discuss the realities of making a living as a writer. . Julie is an aspiring author, and she has experienced first hand what it takes to become a best selling author. . Jeremiah Tolbert is a writer and editor living in Northern Colorado. He has published over a dozen short stories in magazines such as Interzone and collections such as Seeds of Change. He recently took the position of managing editor for Escape Pod, the Science Fiction Podcast Magazine. . Take a humorous look at the life of Gemini/comedian/singer/writer/radio personality/NY Sharks women's tackle football team obsessed/cat loving/Merle Exit in her new book. She will have you whirling with her.www.merleswhirls.com01:00:00Christine Rosenoauthor,writing,book marketing,publishing,booksJulie Butcher-Fedynich, Jeremiah Tolbert, and Merle Exit join us today to discuss the realities of making a living as a writer. . Julie is an aspiring authOn the Road to a Bestseller: Literary Agents - How to find the right one., 11 Mar 2009 22:00:00 GMTOn the Road to a Bestseller: Literary Agents - How to find the right one.Finding a Literary Agent is hard enough, but how can we ensure that we find the right one for our book? . Today we talk with author Jane Kennedy Sutton who had an agent and gave them up! She found success after she ditched her agent. . We also talk with Heidi M. Thomas unrepresented, published author. . David Odle, an represented aspiring author, talks about how he found an agent and what it's like to work with them. . SITES: 01:00:00Christine Rosenoagent,book marketing,author,literary,publishingFinding a Literary Agent is hard enough, but how can we ensure that we find the right one for our book? . Today we talk with author Jane Kennedy Sutton whoOn the Road to a Bestseller: Literary Agents - Do you need one?, 04 Mar 2009 23:00:00 GMTOn the Road to a Bestseller: Literary Agents - Do you need one?Literary Agents. Who are they, do we need them, and why are they so hard to get? I'll be talking with Author L. Diane Wolfe about the challenge of finding an agent. . Known as “Spunk On A Stick”, L. Diane Wolfe conducts seminars on promoting, leadership and goal setting. Wolfe’s upcoming title, “Overcoming Obstacles With SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership & Goal-Setting”, is an inspirational self-help book. 01:00:00Christine Rosenoagent,book marketing,publishing,author,literaryLiterary Agents. Who are they, do we need them, and why are they so hard to get? I'll be talking with Author L. Diane Wolfe about the challenge of finding an agOn the Road to a Bestseller: Kindle & the Future of Books, 25 Feb 2009 23:00:00 GMTOn the Road to a Bestseller: Kindle & the Future of BooksOn the Road to a Bestseller: Kindle & the Future of Books Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 5pm CST The times they are a-changing! We'll be talking about the Amazing Kindle and how it and other like it might save the publishing industry (and save a few thousand trees at the same time!) See Amazon's Amazing Kindle! Christine & Ethan Rose's Award-Winning Fantasy Novel Rowan of the Wood, also available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle version. Rowan of the Wood on Kindle01:00:00Christine Rosenokindle,ebook,publishing,trees,environmentOn the Road to a Bestseller: Kindle & the Future of Books Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 5pm CST The times they are a-changing! We'll be talking about the AmazOn the Road to a Bestseller: Should one self publish?, 11 Feb 2009 23:00:00 GMTOn the Road to a Bestseller: Should one self publish?There has been a stigma attached to self publishing for many years, but with the publishing industry changing daily, that stigma is definitely lessening. Today, we talk with award-winning, self-published author Henry Melton and aspiring author Audra Krell. Henry started his own publishing company to publish his award-winning YA science fiction. He's reading from his forthcoming book FallingBakward in a series of podcasts available on iTunes. Henry Melton Website Henry on Twitter Henry's Blog Buy Henry's books! Henry's Books on Amazon - Buy Now! Audra is working on a book proposal for her non-fiction book Dad Had Been Missing (working title). She's going to a book convention on the 18th to pitch it, so swing by and wish her luck! Audra Krell's Website & Blog Audra on Twitter01:00:00Christine Rosenoself publishing,vanity press,publishing,author,book marketingThere has been a stigma attached to self publishing for many years, but with the publishing industry changing daily, that stigma is definitely lessening. To