Broadway Bill Chews the News broadcaster, humorist, satirist and parody artist Broadway Bill takes a surgical scalpel to the day's All Rights Reserved.Sat, 15 Jun 2019 09:00:00 GMTThu, 14 Jun 2018 23:00:00 GMTComedyBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Bill Chews the News broadcaster, humorist, satirist and parody artist Broadway Bill takes a surgical scalpel to the day's news.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comcomedy,parody,humor,progressive politics,liberal,satire,Donald TrumpBroadway Bill Chews the NewsnoHumorist, satirist, broadcaster Broadway Bill takes a deft satirical scalpel to the news of the day.episodicTrump Has the Saddest Birthday EVER!, 14 Jun 2018 23:00:00 GMTTrump Has the Saddest Birthday EVER!First he and his kids are sued by the New York Attorney General. We guess you're NOT supposed to raise millions of dollars under the guise of charity and then use that money to buy little trinkets for yourself, pay off non-foundation debts and fund a presidential campaign, Who Knew? And then the DOJ IG Report doesn't go his way! Trump was SURE the IG would show that Comey, the FBI and EVERYBODY IN THE DEEP STATE were collaborating in a CONSPIRACY OF EVIL to keep him from getting elected. What the report showed, however, was that Comey goofed in a way that HELPED Trump and HURT Hillary. And there wasn't a shred of evidence to show a deep state bias against Trump. The proof being, Trump won, Hillary lost, and word about the Russian Investigation didn't come out until AFTER the election, not BEFORE when it could have caused Trump damage. Sad. Big day coming on Friday as Paul Manafort will likely be frog marched to the pokey for witness tampering and Michael Cohen loses his lawyer because Trump won't foot the bill any longer -- oh, yeah. Cohen could get frog marched his own self at any moment. Trump announces his plans to open his Trumptastic Summer Sleepaway Camps for Brown Children. And why were all those centegenarians BOTHERING Donald Trump during the campaign BEGGING him to bring back their sons' remains from Korea? All this and God Knows What Else on today's show. 01:13:00Broadway Bill Chews the NewsnoDOJ,IG,Trump,Comey,ManafortFirst he and his kids are sued by the New York Attorney General, then the DOJ IG Report doesn't go his way! Sad.163afc2b-cfa4-4598-b918-cc0a4fe2dac217fullTrump and L'il Kim -- BFFs! We Grill the Nothingburger Trump/Kim Summit, 12 Jun 2018 23:00:00 GMTTrump and L'il Kim -- BFFs! We Grill the Nothingburger Trump/Kim SummitSo, what about the Trump/Kim Singapore Photo Oops? We gave much and got bupkis. But at least Donald Trump got a photo op! And Kim Jong-un Got Legitimacy! Let's take a moment or two to grill this nothingburger that dullard MAGAts are calling a stroke of diplomacy. 01:28:00Broadway Bill Chews the NewsnoDonald Trump,kim jong-un,North Korea,singapore,parodyWe gave much and got bupkis. But at least Donald Trump got a photo op! And Kim Jong-un Got Legitimacy!aa0656ef-91d2-4800-bc57-acd2ee59bd3d19fullINTRODUCING MELANIA 2.0: The Interview, 06 Jun 2018 23:06:44 GMTINTRODUCING MELANIA 2.0: The InterviewYou might wonder how we scored a telephone interview with the elusive Melania Trump. In our never-ending pursuit of truth, we let nothing stand in our way when it comes to bringing you, the Blog Talk Radio listener, the news makers of the day. Also on today's show: STORMY WEATHER DEAD AHEAD FOR THE SS TRUMP! KELLYANNE COMES UNGLUED THE COMMANDER OF CHEESE??? BOB MUELLER SNAGS THE CELL PHONES 01:46:00Broadway Bill Chews the NewsnoMelania Trump,FLOTUS,POTUS,Bob Mueller,Rudy GiulianiYou might wonder how we scored a telephone interview with the elusive Melania Trump. So do we.c58ec970-71a1-48fd-9317-affaf49646e516fullMore Credible than the MEDIA? That's INCREDIBLE!!!, 05 Jun 2018 23:00:00 GMTMore Credible than the MEDIA? That's INCREDIBLE!!!Every day that Sarah Suckabee Sanders stands before the assembled press corps and lies without her tongue turning black and falling out of her head causes me to doubt the existence of a fair and just Supreme Being. Tell the big lie, tell it over and over again. That's the ticket! 01:19:00Broadway Bill Chews the NewsnoSarah Huckabee Sanders,Donald Trump,Paul Manafort,Michael Cohen,comedySarah Shuckabee Sanders claims she is more credible than the media. NOT struck by lightning. Is God Dead?217f570a-910e-4cf9-813d-3a200849876114fullTrump Will Never Beg Your Pardon. He Can Pardon Himself!, 05 Jun 2018 01:30:00 GMTTrump Will Never Beg Your Pardon. He Can Pardon Himself!Just as we were putting this podcast to bed, the news broke that Robert Mueller is seeking to revoke Paul Manafort's home release based on allegations that Manafort has been using his "home alone" time to engage in naughty witness tampering. More on tomorrow's show! But tonight we discuss Trump's latest lurch toward totalitarianism and the willingness of the GOP to go along with it. And other stuff, too! 01:03:00Broadway Bill Chews the NewsnoPaul Manafort,Donald Trump,Presidential Pardons,Sarah Huckabee,Kellyanne ConwayBreaking news at the start of the podcast regarding Paul Manafort, then we discuss the news of the day.Is Trump Running an Adoption Scam? We Launch a Conspiracy Theory!, 31 May 2018 23:00:00 GMTIs Trump Running an Adoption Scam? We Launch a Conspiracy Theory!What if all those immigrant kids taken from their immigrant moms and dads are being funneled into an adoption scheme fronted by the US Department of Homeland Security and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement force? "ICE, ICE Baby?" It's as good a rumor as anything else floating around out there. And we're not the kind to let a lack of facts keep us from espousing entertaining conspiracy theories. Also, Trump fires the first shots in a trade war and more about Jeff Sessions and his BETRAYAL of the president. 01:59:00Broadway Bill Chews the Newsnodonald trump,immigration,#wherearethechildren,Homeland Security,ICEAll those kids taken from their mothers. What is Trump DOING with them?b969b14b-8f57-4282-987c-842aef6b836512fullNow Comes -- BROADWAY BILL, 31 May 2018 00:16:07 GMTNow Comes -- BROADWAY BILLBlog Talk Radio claims they've worked the bugs out of the system, but since they don't provide a meaningful trial period we have to take them on faith. So, we'll pop for a month's worth of the service and see if they are as good as their word as we take a deft satirical scalpel to the news of the day. 01:30:00Broadway Bill Chews the NewsnoPremiere Episode38331987-5d14-4919-999d-8620ed53e5f811full