Religion Exposed! is religion ? Religion is man's way of worshiping God. Man made religion began thousands of years ago in the Old Testament, and has continued with a great deal of influence today. In the New Testament, Christ addressed the issue of the influence of man-made tradition on biblical doctrine. He interpreted the problem as so grave that he openly accused the Jews (the scribes and Pharisees) of shutting the Kingdom of heaven unto men, not allowing entry - Matthew 23:13-39. This feat was accomplished via their traditions which they taught in place of the commandments. Make no mistake about it, the Bible is right. From the first pages of Genesis all the way to the last book of Revelations. Discover how religion has separated man from God and the Kingdom of Heaven.enCopyright Minister Al Penner (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 08:15:00 GMTWed, 20 Jul 2011 01:00:00 GMTThe BibleBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Exposed! is religion ? Religion is man's way of worshiping God. Man made religion began thousands of years ago in the Old Testament, and has continued with a great deal of influence today. In the New Testament, Christ addressed the issue of the influence of man-made tradition on biblical doctrine. He interpreted the problem as so grave that he openly accused the Jews (the scribes and Pharisees) of shutting the Kingdom of heaven unto men, not allowing entry - Matthew 23:13-39. This feat was accomplished via their traditions which they taught in place of the commandments. Make no mistake about it, the Bible is right. From the first pages of Genesis all the way to the last book of Revelations. Discover how religion has separated man from God and the Kingdom of Heaven.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comthe bible,religion,bible,sabbath,apostolic,church,christian,law,apostle,easterBeyth el WorldwidenoWhat is religion ? Religion is man's way of worshiping God. Man made religion began thousands of years ago in the Old Testament, and has continued with a greatepisodicThe Restoration of the Church: Bringing back the Old Path, 20 Jul 2011 01:00:00 GMTThe Restoration of the Church: Bringing back the Old Path How far have we come off of the ancient paths? So far that people are not even aware of the many changes that have taken place over the past 2000 years. Most people have accepted the status quo, allowing Satan to fulfill his obligation of deceiving the entire world (Revelations 12:9). Others in an attempt to find the Old Path have unsuccessfully led many astray due to a lack of research skills. Why is there a need for a restoration today? This was the job of John the Baptist before the coming of Christ in Biblical times. Because that original way has been lost, there is a need once again to get back to the ways that assured us eternal life, for there is a covenant with these ancient principles.  Join Al & Iveriy tonight as they talk about the “True Restoration”. 01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Christian,Bible,Sabbath,ApostolicHow far have we come off of the ancient paths? So far that people are not even aware of the many changes that have taken place over the past 2000 years. Most pWhat is scripture? Do we need the entire Bible part 4? Bible, 13 Jul 2011 01:00:00 GMTWhat is scripture? Do we need the entire Bible part 4? What importance does scripture play in our lives? To those that don’t understand the concept of scripture, this will prove to be detrimental to your entire existence because it is scripture that leads us to salvation. Is the entire Bible considered scripture? You will be surprised as to how Christ himself defined what scripture is and what it is not. Make no mistake about it, the entire Bible is correct, but the entire Bible is not considered scripture ACCORDING TO CHRIST. Only Scripture is profitable (beneficial) for doctrine (teachings), reproof (censoring or criticizing), correction (changing or removing errors) an instruction (training) in righteousness according to 2 Timothy 3:16. 01:14:00Beyth el Worldwidenosabbath,apostolic,scripture,Bible,religionWhat importance does scripture play in our lives? To those that don’t understand the concept of scripture, this will prove to be detrimental to your entire eDo we need the entire Bible? _Part 3, 29 Jun 2011 01:00:00 GMTDo we need the entire Bible? _Part 3 Jews, Hebrews, Christians; does the Bible make a difference in who we are or what name we should use to describe ourselves?  The world has lost the concept of nameology and what it means to the Father?  The usage of names within the Bible and in our daily lives is very important and the religious world continues to misconstrue its meaning.  Acts 4:12 state that there is only one name that is responsible for salvation, yet, the world calls the Messiah by hundreds of names. Deut 12:1-5 commands us to seek his house which has his name on it, but religions have placed their name on their house of worship worldwide instead. They teach that there is no salvation for the Jews or that it was the Jews that killed Christ.  While there were Jews that was responsible for his death, there were Jews that followed him, kept his commandments, and were promised salvation. (John 8:31; 11:45; Acts 17:5; John 4:22). Since a Christian is a follower of Christ, does that make these Jews Christians? If other religions say that they are Christians, why do they subdivide themselves into other categories and call themselves names like Baptist, Methodist, etc? What about a Hebrew or an Israelite? Do these terms crown you as the chosen people selected by God?  Join Al & Iveriy tonight as we discuss this most compelling topic. 01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Christian,Bible,Sabbath,ApostolicJews, Hebrews, Christians; does the Bible make a difference in who we are or what name we should use to describe ourselves?  The world has lost the concept ofDo we need the entire Bible? _Part 2, 22 Jun 2011 01:00:00 GMTDo we need the entire Bible? _Part 2 In Part 2, “Do we need the entire Bible? Understanding what is scripture” we will continue with discussing the importance of scripture and why it is important for salvation. As we discussed on last week, many people have identified “scripture” as the Hebrew writings of the Old Testament only, while others refer to scripture as the teachings of the New Testament Church only.  Even those that state both the Old and New Testament writings are scripture leave out some major points that make their belief inaccurate. While scripture does consist of both Testaments, this mystery must be explained. What’s important is how the Bible defines scripture.  Find out tonight why this one little concept is so important to God and how this knowledge was hidden for centuries from the world. 01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Christian,Bible,Sabbath,ApostolicIn Part 2, “Do we need the entire Bible? Understanding what is scripture” we will continue with discussing the importance of scripture and why it is importantDo we need the entire Bible? Understanding what is scripture, 15 Jun 2011 01:00:00 GMTDo we need the entire Bible? Understanding what is scripture What are scriptures? Well this depends on what side of the fence you are on. The New Testament states that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God…” It also continues with a mystery that is not understood by the religious community when it states “and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…” The scriptures are important, because they lead us to righteousness. Those on the other side of the fence contend that only the Hebrew writings of the Old Testament are scriptures; therefore, there is no need to adhere to the New Testament writings. Both sides however, have left out pertinent information that will be revealed for the first time on “Religion Exposed” The Bible, through its many twist and turns, reveal what scriptures are and it is only by knowing and applying the scriptures correctly, that we are able to enter into righteousness and have an advantage in every way. 01:01:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Christian,religion,Bible,ApostolicWhat are scriptures? Well this depends on what side of the fence you are on. The New Testament states that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God…” It aA blessing from God or a reward from Satan? Part 2, 08 Jun 2011 01:00:00 GMTA blessing from God or a reward from Satan? Part 2 Although the Bible clearly defines what a blessing is, many people tend to lean on their own interpretation of this word believing that they are blessed. Just because a thing is going your way for now does not mean that what you received is a blessing from God. Not only does Satan imitate God, and trick many into believing that they are blessed, the Bible tells us that God rains on the just as well as the unjust. The only way that we can clearly identify what a blessing from God is, is to search out his word for a concrete definition for only the righteous shall be blessed  and reign with Christ .  Both Job and David talked about the Prosperity of the wicked (Job 21:1;Psalms 73:3) and how they were envious of those that were wicked and yet appeared to be enjoying the good life. Join Al & Iveriy tonight for Part 2 “A blessing from God, or a Reward from Satan?” 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Christian,religion,Bible,ApostolicAlthough the Bible clearly defines what a blessing is, many people tend to lean on their own interpretation of this word believing that they are blessed. JustA blessing from God or a reward from Satan?, 01 Jun 2011 01:00:00 GMTA blessing from God or a reward from Satan? Understanding what a blessing is can be one of the most misunderstood mysteries in the world today. This mystery has caused many “religious people” to erroneously contend that God is with them as a result of their acquired material possessions.  Is having a good job, nice house, and loving family considered a blessing? What about years of good health or even living until you get into your 90’s? Does this mean that God is with you? As Satan continues to compete with God for souls on earth, it is his daily duty to deceive the world by imitating the promises that are offered to us by the Father. It is through this form of manipulation, that the devil will be successful in deceiving the entire world. (Revelations 12:9). We will show clearly and in a measurable way, how to determine if you are receiving a blessing from God or merely a reward from Satan and how many will never get the true blessing because they have been institutionalized by many false religious doctrine. 01:01:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Christian,religion,Bible,ApostolicUnderstanding what a blessing is can be one of the most misunderstood mysteries in the world today. This mystery has caused many “religious people” to erroneouProphecies concerning the Coming Christ, 25 May 2011 01:00:00 GMTProphecies concerning the Coming Christ Tonight, join Al & Iveriy for the last part of a 4 part series, “Prophecies concerning the coming of Christ” In part 4; we will take a closer look at more Old Testament prophecies concerning Christ. Although these prophecies were spoken of in the New Testament, it was the Old Testament that gave them validity. We will take a look at three segments within the Old Testament to identify the prophets that spoke of Christ and their prophecies which they used to proclaim Jesus as the Christ. We will also look at some of what Christ said concerning himself from the Old Testament, proving that it is impossible to understand and know him in his fullness without using Old Testament scriptures. 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Church,religion,Apostolic,ChristianTonight, join Al & Iveriy for the last part of a 4 part series, “Prophecies concerning the coming of Christ” In part 4; we will take a closer look at more OldParadigms and Anomalies: The Untold Mystery of Christ 3, 11 May 2011 01:00:00 GMTParadigms and Anomalies: The Untold Mystery of Christ 3 Because 1st Thessalonians 5:21 commands us to prove all things, it is important that we accomplish what most in the Christian religion cannot. That is to show what Old Testament prophets said about the Messiah which was to come. Most Christians insist on validating Christ from the New Testaments while other religious communities rely solely on Old Testament scriptures to refute the Messiah has yet to come. No testament can validate itself and for that reason, we will show how the Old Testament validates the New Testament scriptures and how the New Testament backs up the Old Testament; both proving that Christ was the Son of God (God in the flesh) and has already come. Since Jesus did not walk around during his time with the name “Christ” as a surname, this was a mystery that had to be proven from the Old Testament since this was the Bible of the New Testament church. Not only did Christ prove himself from the Old Testament, but the Apostles did as well. Therefore, it is important and mandatory that we prove it the same way that they did. We will show tonight the prophecies which were written in the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms regarding the Messiah. 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Christian,religion,Bible,ApostolicBecause 1st Thessalonians 5:21 commands us to prove all things, it is important that we accomplish what most in the Christian religion cannot. That is to showParadigms and Anomalies: The Untold Mystery of Christ 2, 05 May 2011 01:00:00 GMTParadigms and Anomalies: The Untold Mystery of Christ 2 Understanding the nature of God and Christ gets more complex with the passing of time. After discussing the first two paradigms (worldviews), we will talk tonight about a third worldview, the Figuralists Paradigm. While those who have adopted this worldview agree that Jesus was a great prophet of his time; they deny the fact that he was the Son of God (God in the flesh). Many, who have taken on this frame of thinking, make Jesus as equal as Moses, Isaiah, Elijah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, and Mohammed. Any biblical reference to Jesus as the son of God is said to be speaking only in a figurative sense and not literally. Moses spoke of a great prophet in Deut.18:18-20 in which God commanded the world to hearken unto.  Although hidden, this verse of scripture holds many keys that will allow you to uniquely identify this prophet and exclude every other person who has attempted to highjack this mission, likening themselves to this prophet. Discover why denying this scripture and the law of Moses will cause your relationship with Christ to be severed.Join Al & Iveriy, tonight, live at 8p.m. central. 01:01:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Christian,religion,Bible,ApostolicUnderstanding the nature of God and Christ gets more complex with the passing of time. After discussing the first two paradigms (worldviews), we will talk toniParadigms and Anomalies: The Untold Mystery of Christ, 28 Apr 2011 01:00:00 GMTParadigms and Anomalies: The Untold Mystery of Christ On tonight’s show , AL & Iveriy will continue on with their discussion on the upcoming book concerning the nature and  mystery of Christ. We will introduce a second paradigm (worldview), in which believers of this mindset deny that Christ has come in the flesh.  It explains that the believers of this worldview suggest that the testimony of Moses invalidates all other testaments of the Bible. Who was this Great Prophet in which Moses spoke of in the book of Deuteronomy that was to bring complete deliverance to his people? Are there any clues in the Old testament that clearly identify this savior of the world? How has the notion of” an image of God” convinced many followers of this paradigm to reject that the Messiah has already come? Join us as Elder Iveriy gives us some of the primary objections to Jesus’ candidacy as the Messiah which were believed to be indicative of Messiah but not of Christ. 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Christian,religion,Bible,ApostolicOn tonight’s show , AL & Iveriy will continue on with their discussion on the upcoming book concerning the nature and  mystery of Christ. We will introduce a sA feast of life. A feast of death. Choose this day Bible, 13 Apr 2011 01:00:00 GMTA feast of life. A feast of death. Choose this day (Pre-Recorded: No Calls Please)This show may be very shocking to many Christians and as a Christian (A true follower of Christ), it is mind boggling how the world missed this and how Satan is deceiving the world through the changing of times and seasons. (Isa. 24:5-6;Daniel 7:25; Revelations 12:9)  The Bible tells us that Christ is our example and that we ought to do as he did. (John 13:15; 1 Peter 2:21) Not only did Christ keep the Passover Feast (Mark 14:12; Luke 22:8, but he commanded those that were with him to go and teach all Nations to observe all things whatsoever he had commanded them (Matthew 28:19-22).  What is the difference between Easter and Passover? Did the early church ever celebrate this annual religious holiday? What does God think about the world celebrating his Resurrection? In tonight’s show, we will discuss the History and Development of Easter and what the Bible says about the celebration of Passover. Since it is a commandment to celebrate this feast correctly (all its ordinances) in order to obtain eternal life, it is no wonder why the Devil is busy keeping the world in darkness. (Numbers 9:14; Deut 16:5-7; John6:47-58; John 13:5-9)Discover how Satan has tricked the world by using one scripture and at the same time blinding their eyes to the following scripture.  1 Corinthians 5:6-8 (King James Version) Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:  8Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. 00:54:00Beyth el WorldwidenoReligion,Passover,Easter,Bible,Church(Pre-Recorded: No Calls Please)This show may be very shocking to many Christians and as a Christian (A true follower of Christ), it is mind boggling how theWhy does God need a Son?, 06 Apr 2011 01:00:00 GMTWhy does God need a Son?Within the religious community, there exists a major question that many people cannot answer. Why does God need a Son? This question has caused a split among many throughout the world creating many religious boundaries which cannot be penetrated. The mystery of Christ, as the Son of God, exists, because people are confused first and foremost about the Nature of God. It was also foretold that this “Great Mystery” is only revealed to those whom the Father has chosen to reveal it to. (Matthew 11:27) There are often heated debates regarding relating topics such as who saves from sin and who should we be praying to; the Father or the Son? People in opposition to Christ being the literal Son of God, often ask a legitimate question; one that many Christians are unable to answer. Why the Supreme God of heaven, who can do all things, need a Son? Join Al and Iveriy tonight as they discuss another topic that will be included in the upcoming book concerning the Mystery of Christ. 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Christian,religion,Bible,ApostolicWithin the religious community, there exists a major question that many people cannot answer. Why does God need a Son? This question has caused a split among mRightly Dividing the Word of Truth! The Worldviews concerning Christ., 30 Mar 2011 01:00:00 GMTRightly Dividing the Word of Truth! The Worldviews concerning Christ.A paradigm provides a conceptual framework for seeing and making sense of the social world. According to Burrell and Morgan, "To be located in a particular paradigm is to view the world in a particular way." And indeed paradigm has been termed a "world view" During the life of Christ and many years later, three major paradigms have gained popularity, causing the creation of countless debates, Civil Wars and the development of thousands of religions and denominations. These three paradigms account for the majority of the worldviews that exist pertaining to Christ. What is missing, however, is the one true paradigm. What did Christ say concerning himself? Today, the debate continues, prompting a need to restore the original paradigm that was revealed unto Peter, allowing entrance once again into the Kingdom of Heaven.01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Christian,religion,Bible,ChurchA paradigm provides a conceptual framework for seeing and making sense of the social world. According to Burrell and Morgan, "To be located in a particular paraRightly Dividing the Word of Truth! The Untold Mystery of Christ, 23 Mar 2011 01:00:00 GMTRightly Dividing the Word of Truth! The Untold Mystery of ChristHow do we know or even begin to understand Christ or his nature? Is he one, two, or even part of a Trinity as some suggest? 1 Timothy 2:15 tells us to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Did you know that it is a commandment for us to know and understand Christ in his fullness? Therefore, understanding how to study is critical to ones salvation. The average layman doesn’t understand how to study the Bible and for that reason, they allow their ministers and/or pastors to control their spiritual destiny, leading them to eternal life or eternal damnation. Tonight, join Al & Ivriey as we continue talking about our upcoming book pertaining to all the mysteries concerning Christ. 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Christian,religion,Bible,ChurchHow do we know or even begin to understand Christ or his nature? Is he one, two, or even part of a Trinity as some suggest? 1 Timothy 2:15 tells us to “Study tNot of this World-Part 3!, 16 Mar 2011 01:00:00 GMTNot of this World-Part 3!For the past two weeks we have endeavored to show that because Jesus was not a terrestrial (earthly)being, he could not have been human. We have also sought to explore the likelihood that God and/or his angels were the extraterrestrial visitors who visited ancient man. Tonight, we want to continue on with this intriguing topic and discuss some interesting facts surrounding Christ birth by human parents. We will continue to explore the question, did extra-terrestrial beings interacted with man, giving them wisdom and knowledge on earth? Does the Bible support these claims or is this just gibberish by extraterrestrial enthusiast?01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Church,religion,Apostolic,ChristianFor the past two weeks we have endeavored to show that because Jesus was not a terrestrial (earthly)being, he could not have been human. We have also sought toNot of this World-Part 2!, 09 Mar 2011 02:00:00 GMTNot of this World-Part 2!Part 2 of “Not of this World” will continue where Part 1 left off. We will search the scriptures to see if God and his angels had a hand in the technological advancement of man. Did the Angels walk the earth and interact with man teaching and advising them or did God speak directly from heaven, revealing modern day solutions. Are extra terrestrials capable of interacting with man and if so, how were they able to do this. Many people today fell to realize the nature and mission of God and his angels. As we said on last week, Christ himself stated that he was not of this world (John 8:23) making him an extra terrestrial which means beyond this earth. People are searching for answers. Aliens or Angels? Has man confused the two?01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Christian,religion,Bible,ChurchPart 2 of “Not of this World” will continue where Part 1 left off. We will search the scriptures to see if God and his angels had a hand in the technological adNot of this World!, 02 Mar 2011 02:00:00 GMTNot of this World!Various mysteries about the world beyond continue to intrigue historians, seekers, UFO enthusiast and religious members today. Is there a correlation between angels and aliens? Extraterrestrial (or extra-terrestrial) may refer to any object or being beyond (extra-) the planet Earth (terrestrial). Food for thought, John 8:22-23 says “Then said the Jews, Will he kill himself? because he saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come. And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. Is it possible that alien sightings are mistaken for those of angels? Did the angels have a hand in the advancement of the human race? How did ancient Samaritans learn to develop complex roads, city structures and sewer systems, some of which we still use today? Join Al & Iveriy tonight at 8p.m. central time on Religion Exposed for “Not of this World.”01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSabbath,Church,religion,Bible,ChristianVarious mysteries about the world beyond continue to intrigue historians, seekers, UFO enthusiast and religious members today. Is there a correlation between anIs God Omnipresent, Omnipotent and/or Omniscient? Bible, 23 Feb 2011 02:00:00 GMTIs God Omnipresent, Omnipotent and/or Omniscient?Is there any limitation to what God can do? What was the purpose of sending a Son if he was capable of doing all things? Is the presence of God in all places? You will be surprised to find out what God said about himself regarding his limitations. While it is commonly believed that God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, few if any believers take the time to find scriptural support for their belief. Did these teaching come from scripture or are they merely a reflection of what people ideally think about God. Do you believe that God needed help to accomplish all of his goals on earth? Join us on this week’s edition of Religion Exposed where we will search the scriptures to see, whether or not ‘El (God) is omnipresent, omnipotent or omniscient?01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Bible,Sabbath,Apostolic,ChurchIs there any limitation to what God can do? What was the purpose of sending a Son if he was capable of doing all things? Is the presence of God in all places? YFalling from the Grace of God Bible, 16 Feb 2011 02:00:00 GMTFalling from the Grace of GodWake up! Wake up! Wake up! Today more than ever, it is time that we begin to learn how to study and ask questions of those that are in a leadership role within today’s religious organizations. There are no excuses at the Gate of Heaven; nobody to blame; and finger pointing is not allowed. You must give an account for yourself because it’s every man for himself on judgment day. Hosea 4:6 reminds us that people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. This is not just any knowledge, but scripture is talking about knowledge that will stop God from hearing your prayers, thus denying you entry into heaven. How do we know this? The scripture continues by saying “because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.” Man has fallen from the grace of God and it is plain to see if you just open your eyes. There is absolutely no disputing the historical and Biblical facts. Are you one that will be destroyed because you love your Pastor or your religion more than you love the knowledge of God? The answer to that question will be confirmed to both you and God at the end of this show. 01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,Sabbath,Religion,false teachings,BibleWake up! Wake up! Wake up! Today more than ever, it is time that we begin to learn how to study and ask questions of those that are in a leadership role withinIs it possible to be Perfect? Bible, 09 Feb 2011 02:00:00 GMTIs it possible to be Perfect?How can a man gain favor with God unless he lives according to all the words of God? How is it possible to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and live among the Saints when we neglect to abide in righteousness when we live among sinners? Is God so unreasonable, that his commands of us are not easily attainable? The Bible tells us in many places to be perfect and to sin not. Often many people, including Ministers, will declare that this feat is not possible, especially since Christ already died for our sins. Next time you get on your knees and thank God for allowing you to see another day don’t forget to tell him, “By the way, thank you for creating man and then giving us goals that are impossible to achieve.”Tonight, we will talk about how to be perfect and give concrete scriptures showing that it is possible to fulfill God’s wishes.01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,Sabbath,Religion,Bible,ChurchHow can a man gain favor with God unless he lives according to all the words of God? How is it possible to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and live among the SLast Day Prophecy: The Last People Standing Bible, 02 Feb 2011 02:00:00 GMTLast Day Prophecy: The Last People StandingIn the last days, who will be the last people standing? Who will reign with the Father forever? Remember Matthew 7:21 states “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven”. Last days prophecy tells us WHO the Messiah is coming back for in the end time. How is it that man has missed it, fulfilling Revelations 12 which says that Satan deceiveth the whole world. Through religion, man has failed to see the divine nature of God and is unable to completely understand his word. News Flash, religious groups are not on the Messiah’s agenda for pick up when he comes back. If you are serious about your soul and is a person that believes in the ENTIRE Bible, you must join us tonight for this exciting show, “Last Day prophecy: The Last People Standing.01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,heaven,sabbath,religion,BibleIn the last days, who will be the last people standing? Who will reign with the Father forever? Remember Matthew 7:21 states “Not everyone that saith unto me, LLast Day Prophecy: The Last House Standing Bible, 26 Jan 2011 02:00:00 GMTLast Day Prophecy: The Last House StandingHow important are prophecies today? People seem to be obsessed by “the last days” or the “End of the World” phenomenon. There have been movies, TV series , books, and much debate within the religious circle about signs that suggest that we are living in the last days. Although there are some obvious signs that we are living in the last days (earthquakes, extreme violence, etc), there are many prophecies that the world has overlooked. The Bible does not just make mention of these prophecies in the last days, but it hinted toward them from the beginning of time. The purpose of prophecies is to lead you in a direction of protection and to provide you with information that can either save you or ultimately destroy you. Scripture tells us that in order to gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven, we must first here the voice of God. (John 10:16). In order to hear his voice, we must come to the place that he’s at. Does God Almighty dwell in a place? Does scripture tell us that in the last days we will meet him there? Is it a commandment today to seek him there in order to obtain eternal life? Tonight, Join Al and Nate as we reveal a message never heard before and show why some who may understand the prophecy will destroy themselves because of an unclean heart.01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenorapture,end of days,Religion,Church,BibleHow important are prophecies today? People seem to be obsessed by “the last days” or the “End of the World” phenomenon. There have been movies, TV series , bookWhat is the Bad News about the Good News? Bible, 19 Jan 2011 02:00:00 GMTWhat is the Bad News about the Good News?What is the Good News which is often referred to as the Gospel? Almost every denomination within Christianity professes to teach the Gospel but are they really teaching it? Those that are not a part of Christianity, but believe in the entire Bible also contend that they are spreading the Gospel, but they have missed the mark as well. Did you know that it is impossible to enter into the kingdom of Heaven without hearing this Good News and living by it’s’ message? In other words, you must hear this message, do what is commanded, and continue to live by the message in order to have eternal life. As we continue to stress week in and week out, the message that gives eternal life cannot vary based on religion or denomination, but should be a consistent message; the message that was given by Christ. If the Good News was indeed given by Christ, who is not the author of confusion, why are we so separated by factions who preach news of separation? Tonight you will find out some Bad News, that the majority of the religious population are not living or conforming to the “Good News”01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,Sabbath,Gospel,religion,BibleWhat is the Good News which is often referred to as the Gospel? Almost every denomination within Christianity professes to teach the Gospel but are they reallyWe fight not against flesh and Blood 3: The Devil and his ideologies. Bible, 12 Jan 2011 02:00:00 GMTWe fight not against flesh and Blood 3: The Devil and his ideologies.In this third and final episode of the Devil and his Ideologies, we will talk about the mind of man and how today, in the 21st century, Satan is ruining “the church” by controlling their minds and thoughts. It is in the will of God that all men come to know him not partially but in his complete fullness and it is the job of Satan to continue to indoctrinate you with his lies and false teachings. The bible tells us that Satan shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws. Will you take a stand once and for all against the powers that be? Will you start seeing Satan for what he is, a liar and a deceiver of many? Will you start to question everything about your current teachings to find out if they align with God’s word? Tonight, join us to find out what path you are on. 01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,Sabbath,Religion,Church,BibleIn this third and final episode of the Devil and his Ideologies, we will talk about the mind of man and how today, in the 21st century, Satan is ruining “the chWe fight not against flesh and Blood 2: The Devil and his ideologies., 06 Jan 2011 02:00:00 GMTWe fight not against flesh and Blood 2: The Devil and his ideologies.It is important that today’s seeker take a look at what the bible says regarding salvation, heaven and hell, and begin to ask yourselves realistic questions pertaining to what we believe and whether or not we are serving God correctly. We are often mislead by the world system, however Romans 12:2 tells us be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Has Satan enticed the world in such a way that people are unable or unwilling to see through the deceptions that he has placed upon the earth? Because God gives rain upon the just as well as the unjust, many who are not walking in the COMPLETE will of God have played right into the hands of Satan, believing that because they received a little rain that their harvest is flourishing. Satan, who is the master deceiver, knows your weakness and knows that you hate knowledge. He knows Hosea 4:6 which says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.” He knows his fate and is determined to take as many people with him to the bottomless pit as he can. We will continue to reveal Satan’s ideologies and how he has prompted Christ to say “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,Sabbath,Religion,religion,SatanIt is important that today’s seeker take a look at what the bible says regarding salvation, heaven and hell, and begin to ask yourselves realistic questions perWe fight not against flesh and Blood: The Devil and his ideologies. Bible, 29 Dec 2010 02:00:00 GMTWe fight not against flesh and Blood: The Devil and his ideologies. Why is it that the book of revelations state that in the end times Satan will have deceived the entire world? Satan is so wise and so cunning, that he has tricked man into thinking that he is living a righteous life. He has convinced millions of people that all you have to do is believe that Christ is the Son of God , treat people nice, and that your Golden ticket to paradise will be guaranteed. Today, Satan is continuing to deceive the entire world by infiltrating the Universities, the government, and yes his greatest accomplishment, the religious community. People need to wake up and understand that what you see is not all reality but reality lies in the pages that are bound between Genesis and Revelations. We will talk about the many tricks that the devil is playing to keep people in darkness and why MANY will be lost forever, not being able to find the light.01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,Sabbath,Religion,Bible,ChurchWhy is it that the book of revelations state that in the end times Satan will have deceived the entire world? Satan is so wise and so cunning, that he has trickCelebrating in Sin? Bible, 23 Dec 2010 02:00:00 GMTCelebrating in Sin?Christmas or Hanukkah? It’s the holiday season for most people and year after year comes the debate and/or question regarding these festivals. Should these holiday’s be celebrated and if so, how? What is Christmas all about and how did it originate? Was Hanukkah just for the Jews? Since the Bible is our primary source, we will turn to it to find our answers. Also, does history shed any light onto these 2 festivals and does the partaking in either have any effect on our salvation? Did the early Church celebrate the Birth of Christ and if not does God take offense to this act today? We will examine a great story in the Bible and the events that led up to the Birth of the Messiah to give us a clear answer. You will be surprised on what we discovered! 01:23:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,Christmas,Chanukah,religion,BibleChristmas or Hanukkah? It’s the holiday season for most people and year after year comes the debate and/or question regarding these festivals. Should these holThe Secret: How to locate the Keys to the Kingdom Part 2 Bible, 15 Dec 2010 02:00:00 GMTThe Secret: How to locate the Keys to the Kingdom Part 2Tonight, we will continue with Part 2 of “The Secret: How to locate the keys of the Kingdom. We had an interesting show on last week as we talked about secrets and mysteries of the Bible. We looked at a variety of scriptures that showed the secrets that belong to God and how he handled giving these secrets/mysteries to the world. God created man, therefore, he knew the hearts of men and what they would do with His Secrets. God wants us to come to know him through his word, and you have to be able to distinguish his true word from what the world has professed as his doctrine. Tonight, Al & Nate will continue by showing examples from both the Old and New Testaments of God’s desire to keep this divine structure in place. We will also provide the listeners with 4 Secrets that are unknown to man, but necessary to obtain eternal life. 01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,heaven,mystery,Bible,religionTonight, we will continue with Part 2 of “The Secret: How to locate the keys of the Kingdom. We had an interesting show on last week as we talked about secretsThe Secret: How to locate the Keys to the Kingdom Bible, 10 Dec 2010 02:00:00 GMTThe Secret: How to locate the Keys to the Kingdom The Bible often refers to God’s word as revelations, mysteries, and even secrets. What is it about scripture that makes his word so difficult to understand and for what purpose were mysteries given? How do we come up with the conclusion that the Bible is a mystery you ask? Well just look at the thousands of religions and denominations throughout the world. Most can’t agree on what scripture is saying for some interpret one way and others interpret another. Often after ministering to people around the Country, we often hear “If God wanted everyone to be saved, why didn’t he just make his word plain”? People also ask if what they are doing is wrong, how then are they supposed to be straightened out or find the correct path. Tonight join Al & guest minister Nate Hunter on this exciting topic, “The Secret: How to locate the Keys to the Kingdom ”01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,heaven,mystery,Bible,religionThe Bible often refers to God’s word as revelations, mysteries, and even secrets. What is it about scripture that makes his word so difficult to understand andThe "UnApostolic Church"-Conclusion, 24 Nov 2010 02:00:00 GMTThe "UnApostolic Church"-ConclusionWhat more can we say about today’s “Apostolic Church?” Members and leaders alike were given the opportunity to call in to the show to take a stance on what they call the Apostles doctrine. Some sent personal messages stating that the way the Apostolic Church teaches this doctrine today is true although they were unable to answer basic questions that have been used as the building block of their doctrine. The Apostolic teachings, the way the Apostles taught it IS CORRECT, but today’s leaders have corrupted that doctrine by instituting their own interpretation. Did the Apostles preach that everyone must repent and be baptized “IN THE NAME OF JESUS”? Of course not. Since Old English (450-1100 AD); Middle English (1100-1500); Early Modern English (1500-1800); Late Modern English (1800-Present) did not exist at the time, this could not be a part of their doctrine. To teach that the Apostles baptized in a name that did not yet exist (the English letter J was not developed until the Modern English period) is anti Bible and goes against Acts 4:12 which state . “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved”. Tonight, Al & Iveriy will conclude with other doctrine teachings that will reveal this movement as the “UnApostolic Church”01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,apostles doctrine,sabbath,Church,religionWhat more can we say about today’s “Apostolic Church?” Members and leaders alike were given the opportunity to call in to the show to take a stance on what theyWhat is the Apostles doctrine? The truth revealed Part 2, 10 Nov 2010 02:00:00 GMTWhat is the Apostles doctrine? The truth revealed Part 2What has so many people up in arms over last week’s show,” What is The Apostle’s doctrine”? Is it the fact that today’s apostolic principles were never built on the foundation of the New Testament Apostles? Maybe it’s because we proved that the NAME for Salvation that the Organization has used to build a Worldwide movement is merely 550 years old.(So it couldn’t be the name the Apostles used) Maybe some never realized that the Apostles Doctrine did not begin in the New Testament as they have taught but was a continuation of what Moses taught for Moses stated in Duet 18:15, 5The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken(hear). Christ says “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. (Fulfill means to do). There is a huge crack in the foundation of Today’s Apostolic Church and it will get much bigger after tonight’s show. The Bible is 100% correct, but there is a way to rightly divide the scriptures. (2 Tim 2:15). Now is not the time to get emotional, but join AL & Ievriy as they go deeper into this worldwide movement and fulfill 1Thes. 5:21 which says to PROVE ALL things.01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,apostles doctrine,sabbath,Church,religionWhat has so many people up in arms over last week’s show,” What is The Apostle’s doctrine”? Is it the fact that today’s apostolic principles were never built oWhat is the Apostles doctrine?, 03 Nov 2010 01:00:00 GMTWhat is the Apostles doctrine?What does it mean to follow the apostolic doctrine? Better yet to be a member of the Apostolic Church.? Surely it was a commandment for the Apostles to go and teach ALL nations what they were commanded by Christ. What was it exactly that Christ taught the Apostles and does today “Apostolic Church” teach what the Apostles of the New Testament taught? Is there any correlation between the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament Apostles? Are today's Apostolic church leaders misleading the multitude or drawing them closer to eternal salvation? Anyone who is a part of this growing movement might want to tune in Tuesday night at 8PM central. Things aren’t really what they seem!01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostolic,apostles doctrine,sabbath,Church,religionWhat does it mean to follow the apostolic doctrine? Better yet to be a member of the Apostolic Church.? Surely it was a commandment for the Apostles to go and tRaise Up A Child in the Way He Should Go, 27 Oct 2010 01:00:00 GMTRaise Up A Child in the Way He Should GoOver the years, crime rate, pregnancies, and sexually transmitted disease among our young people have skyrocketed. Grade school kids as young as 5 years old have lost the respect for their teachers, at times cursing at them like a drunken sailor on a Naval ship. We see weekly episodes of the Maury Povich show, which show young mothers crying out for help in a desperate plea for their out of control teen. What has happened to our families? Why are kids, especially in economically deprived areas close to getting placed on the endangered species list? What hand does the “Church” and Satan have in this crisis? Tonight, Al & Iveriy will provide some solutions to this growing epidemic. We will be talking to Mama Pearl, of “Tell Mama All About It Show” to get her perspective on the situation.01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Christian,Sabbath,children,ChurchOver the years, crime rate, pregnancies, and sexually transmitted disease among our young people have skyrocketed. Grade school kids as young as 5 years old havThe Great Plot: Satan's Master Plan to keep you out of Heaven. Conclusion, 20 Oct 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Great Plot: Satan's Master Plan to keep you out of Heaven. ConclusionIn the final conclusion of “The Great Plot- : Satan's Master Plan to keep you out of Heaven” we will see how Satan has threatened to destroy the people of God through the destruction of its anointed leaders. How do we know whether a person is sent of ‘El (God) or whether or not he is one ready to deceive the very elect. Even if this is not his/her deliberate intention, religion has forced these leaders to lead the sheep to the slaughter, separating them from the covenants of promise. Whatever happened to the leadership that ‘el(God) established within the Church and how can we identify the True Prophet today? Tonight, Al &Iveriy will discuss how the true prophets of today are connected with the 3 principles that have been discussed over the last 3 weeks. Once you have identified the leadership, you are on your way to complete salvation. 01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Christian,Bible,Conspiracy,SabbathIn the final conclusion of “The Great Plot- : Satan's Master Plan to keep you out of Heaven” we will see how Satan has threatened to destroy the people of God tThe Great Plot: Satan's Master Plan to keep you out of Heaven. Part 3, 13 Oct 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Great Plot: Satan's Master Plan to keep you out of Heaven. Part 3The Plot to destroy the People of God only gets deeper. Divinely inspired names, in which the Almighty made a covenant with, were intentionally altered or destroyed to stop man from receiving all the blessing of the Lord. His holy habitation-Beyth-el (Gen. 28:16-19; Gen 31:13); his people-Yisra’el (2 King 17:34; Isa 43:1-10) are only the beginning of a bigger plot. God has given himself a name, which is above all names in order that we might be saved. (Philip. 2:9; Matthew 1:21; Acts 4:12). Today. man has insisted that there is nothing to a name but when it comes to the divine name of our savior, this could be further from the truth. How many magic tricks have you seen when the magician did not say Abracadabra before he pulled a rabbit out of his hat? Even the sinner knows that there is something to a name, for it was that sound that caused something to happen. Is that sinful, to change a holy sound that the creator has selected for himself? Will this affect whether or not we gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven? Join Al & Iveriy tonight Live at 8 p.m. central for the answers.01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Christian,Bible,Sabbath,ChurchThe Plot to destroy the People of God only gets deeper. Divinely inspired names, in which the Almighty made a covenant with, were intentionally altered or destrThe Great Plot: Satan's Master Plan to keep you out of Heaven. Part 2, 06 Oct 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Great Plot: Satan's Master Plan to keep you out of Heaven. Part 2Part 2 of the Great Plot will reveal how Satan has implemented his plan of cutting off the people of God by destroying their name. To most, a name is not important, but we will show how this little trick has ended the covenant of promise with God and the religious seeker. This ultimately will prevent one from entering into the Kingdom of Heaven. This explosive episode will confuse some, anger others and shock many.We will show you by NAME, who God is coming back for! The Plot continues!!01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Christian,Sabbath,Bible,ChurchPart 2 of the Great Plot will reveal how Satan has implemented his plan of cutting off the people of God by destroying their name. To most, a name is not importThe Great Plot: Satan's Master Plan to keep you out of Heaven, 01 Oct 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Great Plot: Satan's Master Plan to keep you out of HeavenThere is a fight going on; A spiritual warfare between good and evil; An epic battle between heaven and hell. The book of Revelations tells us that the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, WHICH DECIEVETH THE WHOLE WORLD. Matthew 24:24 goes on to say “if it were possible, the false prophet would deceive the very elect. From these two scriptures, it is fair to say that Satan has deceived EVERYONE, except for THE ELECT. So as a seeker of truth and knowledge, you have to ask yourself two very important questions. Am I “The Elect” and have I been deceived? The trick behind deception is that you never knew that you were tricked in the first place. Tonight, Al & Iveriy will begin a 3 part series entitled “The Plot”: Satan’s Master Plan to keeping you out of heaven.01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Christian,Sabbath,Conspiracy,ChurchThere is a fight going on; A spiritual warfare between good and evil; An epic battle between heaven and hell. The book of Revelations tells us that the great dHas God Ever Changed Anything He Has Said?” Conclusion, 22 Sep 2010 01:00:00 GMTHas God Ever Changed Anything He Has Said?” ConclusionTonight’s episode of religion expose will conclude with the discussion on “Does God Change Anything He Has Said. Al & Ievriy will present concrete scriptures showing that God has not changed his thoughts or his ways on anything that he has ever established. His everlasting covenants mean just that. It never ends. Temporary Laws are just that. They were only for a time. We will show scriptures that were established in the Old Testament, celebrated in the New Testament, and is part of the promise given to man, that we might have eternal life. 01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Christian,Sabbath,Bible,ChurchTonight’s episode of religion expose will conclude with the discussion on “Does God Change Anything He Has Said. Al & Ievriy will present concrete scriptures shHas God Ever Changed Anything He Has Said?” Bible, 15 Sep 2010 01:00:00 GMTHas God Ever Changed Anything He Has Said?”Throughout the past Century, decades and years, it appears that the mind and ways of God has changed. Have we forgotten the meaning of such words like forever, everlasting, eternal, and perpetual? True indeed, man has evolved since the beginning of time. The technology that we use today is unprecedented, but the word of El (God) is constant and so powerful that it needs no evolving, for man can never gain superiority over it. Man has continuously in his arrogant nature attempted to show that he is smarter than God by creating religions that were never established by him, starting holidays which he never ordained; and twisting his inspired words to create a doctrine in which they want to perpetuate. Who would desire to change the times and the seasons denying us of eternal life? Join Al & Iveriy tonight live at 8PM central as they answer the question” Has God Ever Changed Anything He Has Said?”01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Apostolic,Bible,Sabbath,ChurchThroughout the past Century, decades and years, it appears that the mind and ways of God has changed. Have we forgotten the meaning of such words like forever,Idolatry: The Devotion of man, The separation from God. Bible, 08 Sep 2010 01:00:00 GMTIdolatry: The Devotion of man, The separation from God.Idolatry (Idol Worship) is the universal human tendency to value something or someone in a way that hinders the love and trust we owe to God. It is an act of theft from God whereby we use some part of creation in a way that steals from honor due to God. Idolatry conflicts with our putting God alone, first in our lives, in what we love and trust. Many people today both consciously and unconsciously submit themselves to other gods whether it be money, a spouse, tangible possessions, church figures and even organizations. Symbols and signs used by those in the formation of Christianity over 1500 years ago have filtered throughout religious denominations all over the world creating a false sense of true worship. Join Al & Iveriy tonight at 8pm cst. as they talk about Idolatry: The Devotion of man, The separation from God.. 01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,idolatry,Bible,Sabbath,ChurchIdolatry (Idol Worship) is the universal human tendency to value something or someone in a way that hinders the love and trust we owe to God. It is an act of thOut of the Frying Pan Into the Fire: Religions, Cults and the Truth_Part 2 Bible, 01 Sep 2010 01:00:00 GMTOut of the Frying Pan Into the Fire: Religions, Cults and the Truth_Part 2Since the fall of the “True Church” thousands of years ago, religions and denominations have grown at an alarmingly fast rate, all of which proclaim fanatically that they are the one true Church. Because many people have such a difficult time recognizing the “Church” and are extremely confused, they have reframed from joining any religious movement and even developing a TRUE relationship with God. On tonight’s final episode of Cults, Religion, and the Truth, Al & Ievriy will continue their topic on false religions and Cults. How does the True Church with its radical teachings differ from that of these false organizations? What similarities are there between the two and how can you identify the “Church” and its doctrine? 01:01:00Beyth el WorldwidenoChurch,cults,false religion,Sabbath,BibleSince the fall of the “True Church” thousands of years ago, religions and denominations have grown at an alarmingly fast rate, all of which proclaim fanaticallyOut of the Frying Pan Into the Fire: Religions, Cults and the Truth Bible, 26 Aug 2010 01:00:00 GMTOut of the Frying Pan Into the Fire: Religions, Cults and the TruthWhat is a Cult and how does it differ from religion? When many people think of cults they think of radical extremist, leaders driven by power, sex and money. While a number of cults possess many of these characteristics, modern day cults tend to blend in more with main stream religion. Although Religion (Man’s way of worshipping God) is wrong, many mainstream religious groups are a principle or two away from being classified as a cult. What does the Bible say about religions and sects? How are religious denominations blocking man from entering into heaven? You will be surprised by what organizations have done and said to divert seekers away from God’s true word leading them from the frying pan to the fire!01:01:00Beyth el WorldwidenoChurch,religion,cults,Bible,SabbathWhat is a Cult and how does it differ from religion? When many people think of cults they think of radical extremist, leaders driven by power, sex and money. WhThe Misconception of the Trinity-" Conclusion" Bible, 18 Aug 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Misconception of the Trinity-" Conclusion"Tonight’s episode is the conclusion to a 3 part series titled “The Misconception of the Trinity” Over the last 2 weeks AL & Ievriy showed not only is the concept of the Trinity wrong, but the creators of the doctrine (Catholic Church) have stated as a disclaimer that the Trinity cannot be proven. It cannot be proven because it does not exist and there is no support from our Primary source, “The Holy Bible.” Although Elohiym (God), presents himself in many forms, the Bible DOES NOT support the theory that he is more than 1 person as stated by Trinitarians. Join us tonight on the final episode of this controversial topic. 01:01:00Beyth el WorldwidenoChrist,Law,Trinity,Religion,BibleTonight’s episode is the conclusion to a 3 part series titled “The Misconception of the Trinity” Over the last 2 weeks AL & Ievriy showed not only is the concepThe Misconception of the Trinity-"Part 2" Bible, 12 Aug 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Misconception of the Trinity-"Part 2"In today’s episode “The Misconception of the Trinity,” we will begin with the Bible’s depiction of God, both one and more than one, to show how anomalies associated with the Trinitarian doctrine of oneness identifies a need for a change that reflects the Biblical message concerning the nature of God. It must be clearly understood that the positions taken in this episode are not in opposition to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost but to the Trinitarian doctrine which attempts to certify the relationship between Father, Son and Holy Ghost 01:01:00Beyth el WorldwidenoChurch,Sabbath,Trinity,Bible,ReligionIn today’s episode “The Misconception of the Trinity,” we will begin with the Bible’s depiction of God, both one and more than one, to show how anomalies assoThe Misconception of the Trinity, 04 Aug 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Misconception of the TrinityIn today’s episode “The Misconception of the Trinity,” we will begin with the Bible’s depiction of God, both one and more than one, to show how anomalies associated with the Trinitarian doctrine of oneness identifies a need for a change that reflects the Biblical message concerning the nature of God. It must be clearly understood that the positions taken in this episode are not in opposition to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost but to the Trinitarian doctrine which attempts to certify the relationship between Father, Son and Holy Ghost01:01:00Beyth el Worldwidenolaw,Christian,religion,trinity,bibleIn today’s episode “The Misconception of the Trinity,” we will begin with the Bible’s depiction of God, both one and more than one, to show how anomalies associThe New Birth:Ye Must be born again. Conclusion, 30 Jun 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe New Birth:Ye Must be born again. ConclusionTonight Al and Iveriy will conclude the last of the 3 part series on the New Birth: Ye must be born again. Although many people who talk about being born again often quote the same scriptures that we have used over the past two weeks, to be born again is a mystery that consist of many different components. There is no room for interpretation on this matter, for Mashiyach(Christ) gave us clear instructions on what it takes to be born again. The problem with this statement is that he only made it clear to his people through the leadership in which he has set in place. Is Yah (Lord) the author of confusion? The Bible says just the opposite. Most people believe that a recreation of these acts alone is sufficient, but that can be further from the truth if not done in the way in which Christ commanded. In other words if you don’t perform these acts the way he instructed, you CANNOT be born again and thus will be denied entrance into the kingdom of heaven.01:01:00Beyth el WorldwidenoBorn again christian,Christian,Religion,Bible,SabbathTonight Al and Iveriy will conclude the last of the 3 part series on the New Birth: Ye must be born again. Although many people who talk about being born againThe New Birth:Ye Must be born again. Part 2, 23 Jun 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe New Birth:Ye Must be born again. Part 2What is the “New Birth” or what does it mean to be born again? We mostly hear the phrase “I’m a born again Christian” among those involved in the religion of Christianity, but how much do they know about this process? For many, the third chapter of John represents the basis of their understanding of this subject, but the realization and meaning of this concept is still a mystery today. To be “born again” is a strict process that one must adhere to not by their own understanding, but by the words given by El (God) and the divine interpretation given by the Apostles. Religion again, has stuck out her ugly head, and through its doctrine are leading millions astray in regards to this principle. Most who believe that they are “Born Again” may need to “Think Again.” Join Al & Ievriy tonight at 8pm central as we talk about the “New Birth: Ye Must Be Born Again” “Except a man be born of the water and the spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” John 3:5 01:01:00Beyth el WorldwidenoBorn again christian,Christian,Bible,religion,SabbathWhat is the “New Birth” or what does it mean to be born again? We mostly hear the phrase “I’m a born again Christian” among those involved in the religion of ChThe New Birth:Ye Must be born again., 16 Jun 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe New Birth:Ye Must be born again.What is the “New Birth” or what does it mean to be born again? We mostly hear the phrase “I’m a born again Christian” among those involved in the religion of Christianity, but how much do they know about this process? For many, the third chapter of John represents the basis of their understanding of this subject, but the realization and meaning of this concept is still a mystery today. To be “born again” is a strict process that one must adhere to not by their own understanding, but by the words given by El (God) and the divine interpretation given by the Apostles. Religion again, has stuck out her ugly head, and through its doctrine are leading millions astray in regards to this principle. Most who believe that they are “Born Again” may need to “Think Again.” Join Al & Ievriy tonight at 8pm central as we talk about the “New Birth: Ye Must Be Born Again” “Except a man be born of the water and the spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” John 3:5 01:01:00Beyth el WorldwidenoBorn again christian,Christian,Religion,Bible,SabbathWhat is the “New Birth” or what does it mean to be born again? We mostly hear the phrase “I’m a born again Christian” among those involved in the religion of ChThe Law and Justification Part 3 Conclusion Bible, 09 Jun 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Law and Justification Part 3 ConclusionTonight, Al & Ievriy will conclude their 3 part series on Justification and the Law. We have shown over the last two weeks how religions have established their own doctrine partly due to their inability to understand the topic concerning the Law. John 14:15 says “If ye love me, keep my commandments. Careful examination of the word “commandment” show its synonym-“Law”. This word is referred to as the Mosaic Law or the Law of Moses. In the Hebrew, it is referred to as: a) the commandment (of man), b) the commandment (of God), both meaning 2 different things, both contradicting one another. To Love him is to Hear, believe, do and continue in his word. Then will you become Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Gal. 3:29)01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenolaw of moses,Law,Sabbath,Bible,ReligionTonight, Al & Ievriy will conclude their 3 part series on Justification and the Law. We have shown over the last two weeks how religions have established theirThe Law and Justification (Part 2):Understanding the Law through Grace Bible, 02 Jun 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Law and Justification (Part 2):Understanding the Law through GraceTonight Al & Ievriy will continue their discussion on Law and Justification. What Laws justify us and what laws have been nailed to the cross? The religious community has become so indoctrinated, that even a clear explanation of these differences will not open up their eyes fulfilling Matthew 13 which says “Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand”. The Bible says that principles such as this will turn son against father, mother against daughter, husband against wife, etc. and even cause others to be persecuted for his name sake. Finally, AL & Ievriy will discuss what Grace is and how this type of Grace that we are now governed by includes the Law.01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoGrace,Law,Law of Moses,Bible,ReligionTonight Al & Ievriy will continue their discussion on Law and Justification. What Laws justify us and what laws have been nailed to the cross? The religious comThe Law & Justification: Does the Law Justify ? Bible, 26 May 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Law & Justification: Does the Law Justify ?The Law is both complex and comprehensive and without the proper guidance, this subject can take you to a place where you would never understand the Bible as a whole. This topic has caused religious splits, the development of thousands of denominations and even the death of many, in particular, the topic referred to as the Law of Moses. Some say that we are under the law, while others contend that we are not justified by the Law. Does the law save or does the law condemn? This is a must listen to show because the answer to these questions will ultimately determine where you will spend eternity. Tonight, Al & Ievriy will talk about the Law of Moses: Does it Justify? 01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenolaw of moses,justification,Bible,Religion,New TestamentThe Law is both complex and comprehensive and without the proper guidance, this subject can take you to a place where you would never understand the Bible as aWe See Not Our Signs: The Signs of the True Church Bible, 19 May 2010 01:00:00 GMTWe See Not Our Signs: The Signs of the True ChurchOver the past 6 months, we have provided the listeners of Religion Exposed with a number of biblical principles that are either unpopular or unknown among the religious community. Most religious denomination teach various principles that are contrary to biblical principles, causing their followers to be denied of all the blessings that God has promised his people such as long life and peace, the ability to have power with both God and Man and even eternal life. While we recognize an individual’s right to remain indoctrinated rather than seek for truth, our focus is on those who desire to know and understand the Bible’s message; therefore, this special mid-year episode highlights a number of the previously presented issues, entitled “We See Not Our Signs, (The Signs of the True Church). 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoChurch,Truth,Apostolic,Bible,ReligionOver the past 6 months, we have provided the listeners of Religion Exposed with a number of biblical principles that are either unpopular or unknown among the rThe Role of Woman in the Bible and in the Church today. Part 2, 12 May 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Role of Woman in the Bible and in the Church today. Part 2In the first of a series of segments on “The Role of the Woman in the Church,” a great deal of background information was presented depicting the role of the women in the congregation of ‘El (God). We showed from the Old Testament that there were a number of women in the Bible that were “Prophetess” which means that they spoke or preached among the congregation of the people of God. This was in sharp contrast to the teachings of religious denominations. We also explained that misinterpretations of Paul’s writings have caused these leaders to error. Most who follow the practice of silencing women in the church, refuse to accept all scripture on the subject.” Tonight, Al & Iveriy will present additional evidence on The Role of Woman in the New Testament church in the last days!01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoWomen in the Bible,Apostolic,Sabbath,Religion,prophetessIn the first of a series of segments on “The Role of the Woman in the Church,” a great deal of background information was presented depicting the role of the woThe Role of Woman in the Bible and in the Church today. Bible, 05 May 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Role of Woman in the Bible and in the Church today.What does the Bible say about the role of women in the Church? Are they to be silent while in the Church or do they play an important role of spreading the gospel? What significant roles if any did women play in the Bible? In recent years the role of women has been downplayed by religious men. Many religions and denominations agree that there is no place of authority within the church for women. Although there are many who would not admit to this thought, they stand whole heartedly behind this principle. Is this sexism, a misinterpretation of the scriptures, or a combination of both? Tonight, Al and Ievriy will expose those religious teachings and religious leaders who teach against women leading in the Church and will trace the magnificent role of women throughout the Bible.01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoWomen in the Bible,Apostolic,Bible,Sabbath,ReligionWhat does the Bible say about the role of women in the Church? Are they to be silent while in the Church or do they play an important role of spreading the gospSecrets of the Holy Spirit: How IT will lead you into all truth. Bible, 28 Apr 2010 01:00:00 GMTSecrets of the Holy Spirit: How IT will lead you into all truth.Have you ever asked yourself the question “If the Holy Spirit leads you into all truth, why are there so many people who claim to be filled with the spirit yet they have different doctrines? Are people confused? What has them confused? Why is it that you can take10 different ministers who preach 10 different things, yet they all say they were led by the spirit? If people believe that you don’t need a teacher, why is it that they continue to overfill there places of worship on a weekly basis? In today’s show Al & Ievry will discuss how ‘EL (God) delivers his true message by way of the Holy Spirit (Ruach), and how people have misinterpreted 1 John 2:27 and John 14:26 which suggest that the spirit will lead you in all things, therefore ye need not that any man teach you. We will take a closer look at the system that ‘El(God) has set up for delivering his message and why he chose to set it up this way. 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSin,Holy Spirit,Sabbath,Religion,BibleHave you ever asked yourself the question “If the Holy Spirit leads you into all truth, why are there so many people who claim to be filled with the spirit yetThe Unpardonable Sin: Blasphemy Against the Spirit-Part 2 Bible, 21 Apr 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Unpardonable Sin: Blasphemy Against the Spirit-Part 2Tonight’s show is a continuation from last week’s, “The Unpardonable Sin.” On last week we talked about how one commits blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, never to be forgiven in this world or the world to come. What does the Almighty do with those that commit this act? Some in the Bible were destroyed immediately; others he refused to ever hear their prayers again, while many were turned over to a reprobate mind. Al &Ievriy will talk about what it is to have a reprobate mind and why so many in the religious world have already experienced this transformation. Finally, we will answer many of your questions regarding the Holy Spirit and how it leads you and guide you unto all truth.01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoBlasphemy,sin,religion,Bible,SabbathTonight’s show is a continuation from last week’s, “The Unpardonable Sin.” On last week we talked about how one commits blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, neverThe Unpardonable Sin: Blasphemy Against the Spirit, 14 Apr 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Unpardonable Sin: Blasphemy Against the SpiritIt has been stated in the Bible that Christ had to die on the cross so that he might forgive us of our sins. But did you know that the Bible talks about “Unpardonable Sins” as well. This is another aspect of sin that many religious people have great difficulty accepting. Because of selfishness and self righteousness, many of these same religious people commit this very sin, denying themselves a place in the Lambs book of Life. In simple terms, this sin will keep you out of heaven no matter how many times you repent. Therefore, it is critical that you are educated on what not to do to cause God to turn his back on you, never to hear your prayers again. Join AL & Iveriy tonight on this most explosive topic on Religious Expose “Unpardonable Sins: Blasphemy Against The Spirit”. There will never be an episode greater than this one!01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSin,Blasphemy,Apostolic,Religion,SabbathIt has been stated in the Bible that Christ had to die on the cross so that he might forgive us of our sins. But did you know that the Bible talks about “UnpardUnderstanding the Relationship between the Law and Sin Bible, 07 Apr 2010 01:00:00 GMTUnderstanding the Relationship between the Law and SinFor thousands of years, religious organizations have attempted to redefine what it means to sin against God and the Holy Spirit. On one hand they teach that the wages of sin is death and on the other hand, they teach that Christ has died and will forgive us from all our sins. Does this mean that we can sin freely without any judgement? Can we still enter into heaven while we lived on earth in sin for many say that we cannot live a sin free life? More importantly what is Sin and how is it linked to the Law? Many in Christianity will tell you that we are no longer under the Law but under grace. Listen tonight to Al & Iveriy on Religion Exposed to find out why that theory will keep you from walking through the gates of heaven.01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenolaw,sin,religion,Bible,SabbathFor thousands of years, religious organizations have attempted to redefine what it means to sin against God and the Holy Spirit. On one hand they teach that theSecrets of "The Holy Convocations", 31 Mar 2010 01:00:00 GMTSecrets of "The Holy Convocations"PRE_RECORDED-PLEASE NO CALLS} Holy Convocations are signs of the true Church because they reveal the formerly hidden mysteries of salvation. (Duet. 29:1-29; M’t 13:11) that are indicative of true Yisra-’el alone. (Mark 16:17; Ex.31:17-18.) These secrets of salvation are known and belong only to the Almighty’s chosen people; therefore the knowledge and understanding of Holy Convocations by nature identifies Yisra-’el as the true ancient Hebrew name of the people of ‘El (God), for it is the highest blessed name ever given by Yahh to a people. It is impossible to keep the 7th day Sabbath or any other feast days including The Passover without understanding the 3 mysteries of a Holy Convocation. This episode exposes you to 2 of those components. 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoHoly Convocation,Sabbath,Religion,Feast Days,ApostolicPRE_RECORDED-PLEASE NO CALLS} Holy Convocations are signs of the true Church because they reveal the formerly hidden mysteries of salvation. (Duet. 29:1-29; M’This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven., 24 Mar 2010 01:00:00 GMTThis is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. On last week show we talked about “The Church” as being the people of God and explained that it was not a building. The People, who were given an eternal name, Yisra’el (Israel) was eventually commissioned to go to a divine place to keep the Sabbath and all the Feast Days. Tonight, we will talk about this place, how it is impossible to keep his Sabbath and Feast Days without it, and again how the world cannot come to the Father without first coming to THIS PHYSICAL universal location which he named. 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoHouse of God,Bethel,Apostolic,Sabbath,Feast DaysOn last week show we talked about “The Church” as being the people of God and explained that it was not a building. The People, who were given an eternal name,"The Church" Bible, 17 Mar 2010 01:00:00 GMT"The Church"What is the “Church”? Many people refer to this word as a building, while others refer to it as the body of Christ. Although the later is more closely related to the biblical definition, it needs a lot of explaining. On Tonight’s show, we will be discussing the real meaning of the Church and who it consist of. Most people today believe that they are part of this body. Consequently, they are not! Without the proper understanding of “the Church” it is impossible to get into the Kingdom of Heaven.01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoChurch,bible,religion,God,apostolicWhat is the “Church”? Many people refer to this word as a building, while others refer to it as the body of Christ. Although the later is more closely related tChrist's Death, Burial, and Resurrection Bible, 10 Mar 2010 02:00:00 GMTChrist's Death, Burial, and ResurrectionTonight’s show is the final of a 3 part series concerning Easter, The Passover, and Communion. We will conclude by discussing the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Understanding this mystery is a key factor in gaining eternal life. Not only is the celebration of Easter not biblical, but we will also talk about how the large population of those that attempt to celebrate the Passover festival are doing so in error. 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoChrist,Passover,religion,Bible,EasterTonight’s show is the final of a 3 part series concerning Easter, The Passover, and Communion. We will conclude by discussing the death, burial, and resurrectioPassover and the Feast of Communion an Eternal Covenant, 03 Mar 2010 02:00:00 GMTPassover and the Feast of Communion an Eternal Covenant Tonight’s show will reiterate last week’s topic concerning Passover and Easter. We’ll discuss how Easter was not ordained by ‘El (God), not celebrated by Christ, but has become a common fixture in the Christian community today. This popular religious celebration is in fact rejected by the one who man say it is for. The second half of the show will cover the keeping of the communion feast and Its significance to the Passover festival. Discover how the world has been partaking in this celebration wrong. Yes! You will discover how most who say that they are keeping communion have been doing so incorrectly and soon will consume it unto their own death! 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoPassover,Easter,Communion,Feast Days,ReligionTonight’s show will reiterate last week’s topic concerning Passover and Easter. We’ll discuss how Easter was not ordained by ‘El (God), not celebrated by ChrisA Feast of Life..A Feast of Death: Choose this Day ! Bible, 24 Feb 2010 02:00:00 GMTA Feast of Life..A Feast of Death: Choose this Day !This show may be very shocking to many Christians What is the difference between Easter and Passover? Did the early church ever celebrate this annual religious holiday? What does Christ think about the world celebrating his Resurrection? In tonight’s show, we will discuss the History and Development of Easter and what the Bible says about the celebration of Passover. Was Christ our Passover and is it possible to get into the Kingdom of Heaven without observing what the Bible calls an eternal feast?01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoEaster,Passover,Feast Days,Bible,ReligionThis show may be very shocking to many Christians What is the difference between Easter and Passover? Did the early church ever celebrate this annual religiousThe Mystery of Christ: Sign of the Chief Shepherd Bible, 17 Feb 2010 02:00:00 GMTThe Mystery of Christ: Sign of the Chief ShepherdThe Mystery of Christ: Sign of the Chief Shepherd is a continuation of the last 2 weeks (The Chief Shepherd and he False Prophet. In this weeks show we will discuss the Mystery of Christ, the paradigms that are popular within the religious community, and why this information is a must know in order for one to obtain eternal life. How does this information identify the Chief Shepherd ? 01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostle,church,religion,Bible,apostleThe Mystery of Christ: Sign of the Chief Shepherd is a continuation of the last 2 weeks (The Chief Shepherd and he False Prophet. In this weeks show we will disThe Chief Shepherd and the False Prophet-Part 2 Bible, 10 Feb 2010 02:00:00 GMTThe Chief Shepherd and the False Prophet-Part 2This week’s special presentation is a continuation of our series on the appointed Chief Shepherd of ‘El (God) and the secrets of salvation, deigned to help believers distinguish between the leaders chosen by ‘El (God) and those bent upon lining their own pockets. 01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoapostle,bible,religion,God,False ProphetThis week’s special presentation is a continuation of our series on the appointed Chief Shepherd of ‘El (God) and the secrets of salvation, deigned to help beliThe Chief Shepherd and the False Prophet, 03 Feb 2010 02:00:00 GMTThe Chief Shepherd and the False ProphetWoe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD. Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD. Jer. 23:1,1601:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoChurch,Religion,Apostle,Bible,False ProphetWoe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD. Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the propGrace, Salvation, and The Law, 27 Jan 2010 02:00:00 GMTGrace, Salvation, and The LawDuring the last two weeks, we explained how religious leaders have confused the topic of grace by teaching that all grace is the same. These teachings have led to an erroneous defining of all grace as “unmerited favor,” and continues to mislead the body of Christ.What is the Law? Is it still binding today or was it nailed to the cross? Our next episode Minister Al and Elder Iveriy will continue their talk on Grace,Law and Truth. Discover what religion neglected to tell you pertaining to this subject.01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoLaw,Bible,Religion,Church,ApostolicDuring the last two weeks, we explained how religious leaders have confused the topic of grace by teaching that all grace is the same. These teachings have ledGreat Deceptions-Part 2, 20 Jan 2010 02:00:00 GMTGreat Deceptions-Part 2Part 2 continues on talking about the misconceptions among Christians which centers around Grace and The Law. What is Grace? How does it differ from Mercy ? Are we saved by the Law? These questions will be explored during the second segment of "Religion Exposed"01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoReligion,law,grace,Bible,ChurchPart 2 continues on talking about the misconceptions among Christians which centers around Grace and The Law. What is Grace? How does it differ from Mercy ? AreThe Deception, 13 Jan 2010 02:00:00 GMTThe DeceptionThis week we will take a look at a number of biblical issues that have caused tension among the saints. In recent years, religion organizations have used these topics to divide the body of Christ. Perhaps you are currently in the discussion of one of these issues. What is grace? Is all grace the same? Is every creature of God fit for human consumption? What was meant by Peter’s vision in Acts chapter ten? What happened to the fourth commandment? 01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,grace,Law,Bible,DietaryThis week we will take a look at a number of biblical issues that have caused tension among the saints. In recent years, religion organizations have used theseYisra-'el, The Jews and the Name of Entitlement, 06 Jan 2010 02:00:00 GMTYisra-'el, The Jews and the Name of EntitlementOn our next episode we will explore the subject “The Jews the Entitlement”. This concept has been altered and changed from religion to religion throughout the centuries. What does the Bible have to say about this subject? Christ made so many negative comments about the Jews that most people view ALL Jews in the same negative light. Were the Jews really responsible for killing Christ? Find out how today’s Orthodox Church and the Jewish community have contradicted the Word of God by their traditions. Perhaps you will be surprised to see what the Bible really says about this subject and how this information could be damaging to your relationship with Christ.01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoReligion,Jews,Israel,Yisra-el,BibleOn our next episode we will explore the subject “The Jews the Entitlement”. This concept has been altered and changed from religion to religion throughout the cWhat’s in a Name[ Part 2] : Can a Name affect your salvation?, 30 Dec 2009 02:00:00 GMTWhat’s in a Name[ Part 2] : Can a Name affect your salvation? ""Neither is there salvation in any other: FOR THERE IS NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12 Part 2 will discuss translations and transliterations of the Bible and the benefits and problems with both these methods. We will discuss why God chose to hide his name, promising only to reveal it to "HIS PEOPLE" (Deut. 29:1,29;Isa 52:6; Ez. 39:7) We will finally show and explain why not fulfilling this commandment of knowing his name will prevent you from entering into the Kingdom of Heaven. 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSacred Name,religion,church,Bible,Apostolic""Neither is there salvation in any other: FOR THERE IS NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12 Part 2 will discussWhat’s In a Name: Can a Name affect your Salvation?, 23 Dec 2009 02:00:00 GMTWhat’s In a Name: Can a Name affect your Salvation?""Neither is there salvation in any other: FOR THERE IS NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12 Although the Bible had to be translated “Out of the Original Tongue” so that the entire world could get the Word of God, there is some names in the Bible that should have remained in the Original tongue. Find out how the translation of some words can prevent you from obtaining eternal life and why The Almighty had it set up this way. We will talk about how some of the biggest religious organizations are using scriptures to build multimillion dollar organizations built on pure deception. Discover how the complete knowledge of this information identifies the “True Church.” 01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoSacred Name,Jesus,Salvation,religion,Apostolic""Neither is there salvation in any other: FOR THERE IS NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12 Although the BibleRemember the Sabbath Day: How Religion and the World Went Against this Commandment, 16 Dec 2009 02:00:00 GMTRemember the Sabbath Day: How Religion and the World Went Against this Commandment{PRE_RECORDED-PLEASE NO CALLS}- From the Show “Nothing But the Truth with Al & Iveriy Discover how Religion has convinced the world that the Sabbath day is no longer binding. Although the bible says that the Sabbath day is: 1. a perpetual covenant (Ex.31:16) ; 2. will be kept in the new Heavens and New Earth( Isa.66:22-23, 3. Christ says as was his custom he kept it (Luke 4:16) as well as his Apostle Paul after the departure of Christ (Acts 17:2) You will be shocked at what scriptures they use to perpetuate this lie! 01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenochurch,sabbath,religion,apostolic,worship{PRE_RECORDED-PLEASE NO CALLS}- From the Show “Nothing But the Truth with Al & Iveriy Discover how Religion has convinced the world that the Sabbath day is nChristmas: Biblical or Paganistic ?, 09 Dec 2009 02:00:00 GMTChristmas: Biblical or Paganistic ?Have you ever asked yourself or ever wondered why Christmas isn't found in any books of the Bible? Millions of people around the world claim to celebrate the birth of Christ on this day. Others use it as a time to share gifts, decorate a Christmas tree, and even share a kiss under the mistletoe. Where does Christmas fit in with God or the teachings taught by Christ? Many are concerned about putting “Christ back into Christmas.” Was he ever there?01:00:00Beyth el WorldwidenoChristmas,religion,Pagan,Church,ChristHave you ever asked yourself or ever wondered why Christmas isn't found in any books of the Bible? Millions of people around the world claim to celebrate the biReligion: Do All Roads Lead To Heaven?, 02 Dec 2009 02:00:00 GMTReligion: Do All Roads Lead To Heaven?What is religion? Does the concept of religion separate Man from God, thus prohibiting him from entering into the Kingdom of Heaven? This show will leave you scratching your heads and questioning many religious teachings that you have held near and dear most of your lives.01:00:00Beyth el Worldwidenoreligion,Apostolic,Church,Truth,BibleWhat is religion? Does the concept of religion separate Man from God, thus prohibiting him from entering into the Kingdom of Heaven? This show will leave you sc