Conversations with Blair people to share thoughts and ideas. Teach people that their voice counts and that they don't have to suffer in All Rights Reserved.Sat, 15 Jun 2019 16:15:00 GMTSat, 01 Aug 2015 22:00:00 GMTCurrent EventsBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 system,work place,your health,government,what is or is not working for you,etc.....History is important to learnnoWhat's on your mind today that you want to talk aboutepisodicWhy Now? Help, 01 Aug 2015 22:00:00 GMTWhy Now?I am having a real problem with all this anti civil war sentiment, actually it is anti-slavery.  However, we haven't had legalized slavery since the civil war ended, why are we desecrating statues, memorials and burial sites of those who fought in the civil war?  Why now?  What is the motivation - I don't think it has anything to do with the civil war - I think it has to do with more important issues that our government does not want us to see. The treaty with Iran is a very important issue.  Congress and the people need to understand this treaty - is it good or bad?  What is happening with our economy? Let's get on with the business of taking care of our country and the people in it - not people who died more than 150 years ago.       00:16:00History is important to learnnoThe Civil War has been over 150 yearsThe Civil War - It Happened, let's not rewrite history to be Politically Correct Help, 25 Jul 2015 22:00:00 GMTThe Civil War - It Happened, let's not rewrite history to be Politically CorrectThe Civil War took place.  It was a war between the north and the south but it is not a dishonorable part of American history.  Why more than 150 years plus are we trying to eradicate it from our history by denying it happened. The confederate battle flag which is the one I am used to seeing has never made me uncomfortable.  The people who flew this flag made me feel that they were proud of being from the South, nothing more. I don't associate the confederate flage with the KKK or racism - that ship sailed along time ago.  Why are we stirring the pot.  The confederate soldiers deserve to rest in piece and any monument that was built to honor these men should be left alone. The story I learned is that when Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomatox Courthouse he let the men retain their armaments and anything else that was personal to them.  He didn't make these people feel ashamed for having fought and lost - why are we trying to do it now.  If anyone had the right to be upset about the confederate flag it would have been the Union soldiers and as far as I know that was never an issue - why now? People need to pay attention to the world today and participate in our government not try to whitewash the civil war - it's been over for a long time - GET A GRIP PEOPLE! Let's fight the people who are trying to destroy us here that have no allegience to AMERICA. 00:08:00History is important to learnnoWhy are there issues about the Confederate Flag,Why are retailers so intent on being Politically Correct when there is nothing to be correct about?,You want to talk about racism - the confereate flag isnn't racist.Confederate Flag not a ProblemToo many laws, too many rules and regulations Help, 11 Jul 2015 22:00:00 GMTToo many laws, too many rules and regulationsAlthough the supreme court voted to allow gay marriages in all 50 states - I think it sends the wrong message.  The right to marry should be up to the individuals and the state or the federal government should have no say. We have become a nation that won't make a move unless our government says it is okay; that is wrong.  Laws are to ensure the safety of the people, not tell them how they should live. In Texas and other states it is legal to turn right on a red light.  Now they have cameras and if you don't make a full stop or one that meets the cameras standards you receive a ticket probably in the mail. Why can't people turn on right and make the decision when it is safe without the blessing of a camera.  I am pretty sure that the people who turn right on red make sure there is no traffic so that they don't cause an accident. Why don't we make people pick up litter instead of issuing a fine.  I have yet to see a person fined for littering and yet we are surrounded by litter.  In school if you give a child detention make them pick up litter.  Make them pick up litter until they are sick of it, then the next time they see somone littering they will either tell that person off and make them pick up the trash or pick it up themselves.  I am sure they will think twice about littering the school grounds because they know they will be made to pick it up the next time they are in detention. Talk to people about doing the right thing.  We don't have to be a nation ruled by laws that are cumbersome to enforce and fail miserably to get the job done. Take back our country - the home of the free, the brave and the responsible!   00:16:00History is important to learnnoMake America Strong,Don't let the government tell us how to live our lives,Talk to your neighbor and don't let HOA's dictate how you live on your own propertyAlthough the supreme court voted to allow gay marriages in all 50 states - I think it sends the wrong message.  The right to marry should be up to the individuaWhy do we let people who commit violence or lie to the public talk? Help, 27 Jun 2015 22:00:00 GMTWhy do we let people who commit violence or lie to the public talk?I don't care why someone commits murder, they should be made to pay the price.  The price should be commensurate with the crime.  Don't let them talk, don't let them try to explain their way out of doing murder or lying. The Oklahoma City Bomber should have been made to sit on a drum of explosives in an isolated area and made to sit and sit and just when he thinks he is safe, explode the bomb.  Let him feel the tragedy he visited on so many people, let him know the fear of the unknown. Being lenient with people, giving excuses to and for people who commit heinous acts is not my job.  I don't want to be distracted from the serious nature of what crime they committed. We have people sitting in prison with life sentences for selling or using marijuana.  Why?  Nowadays using marijuana as long as you are not trafficking in it or lacing it with LSD or some poison it is considered a misdemeanor. Things are not quite right with the legal system.  I like the judge who sentenced a young girl to walk 30 miles or spend 30 days in jail and pay a fine a more just punishment for using a taxi cab to get some place and then stiff the driver. Letting people lie about stealing money is dangerous.  If a corporation or people lie for whatever reason there should be a punishment, not an excuse, a slap on the hand and a promise not to do it again.  Lying becomes a habit and should be stopped at an early age.  If not stopped then the punishment should fit the crime.  Rachel Dolezal lied about being black;  I don't know what her punishment should be, but I wouldn't let her go on public tv and explain it.  There is no justification for what she has done and if she is mentally ill treat the illness don't parade her around. You can tell I am really upset by people who get away with doing wrong - don't make them public figures 00:16:00History is important to learnnoDon't make heroes out of villains; Don't make villains public figures that should be admiredI don't care why someone commits murder, they should be made to pay the price.  The price should be commensurate with the crime.  Don't let them talk, don't letScience for the sake of Science Help, 20 Jun 2015 22:00:00 GMTScience for the sake of ScienceThere is a lot of research going on today.  Some of the research has a true purpose, some of it does not.  For example scientists are saying that within the next 5 to 10 years they will be able to produce a dinosaur.  Why do we need dinosaurs?  What can making a dinosaur do to advance civilization?  Where is the benefit in making dinosaurs?  Are we planning on making them the new weapon of mass destruction?  they would definitely be biological in nature. There is value in cancer research and learning how to improve our daily lives.  I believe in space exploration but the need is becoming more real on a daily basis as we continue to destroy this planet.  We need to enjoy the beauty of our world and find ways to make it better. People are a great natural resource but they have not learned to be good care givers of the planet.  You don't have to be rich to be a good caretaker all you have to do is take care of the planet on a daily basis. Science is a tool which can be used for good or evil.  Science for the sake of science is dangerous especially when we ignore the creator. We need to reign in science that seems to be running amok and not let them go unchecked.   00:15:00History is important to learnnoScience without a belief in G-d is dangerous. Science should always take into consideration is this really better for man or the planet?There is a lot of research going on today.  Some of the research has a true purpose, some of it does not.  For example scientists are saying that within the nexComplainers Help, 13 Jun 2015 22:00:00 GMTComplainersI know that there are a lot of things that or wrong or need improvement.  However, just complaining about something is not the answer unless you just like to hear the sound of your own voice.  I once worked for an attorney and she said it's okay to complain but no one is really going to listen unless you come to the table with an offer of a solution.  I agree with her and have lived by that idea ever since. It has stopped me from complaining, not that there isn't a lot to complain about it's just that I don't always have an offer of what can be done to change the situation.  Also getting upset about something and then doing nothing is more aggravating and less useful.  Who needs high blood pressure or an ulcer?   Let's think about what is upsetting us and why and come up with some ideas for a solution to the problem.  If you can't think of anyting than let the issue go because frankly I don't need the headache, the ulcer or the high blood pressure.  It takes a lot of useless energy to complain.  I want a solution, I want results so the next time you get ready to complain about something try thinking about what is upsetting you and why and then address how you can change the circumstances. We can apply this attitude to everything from service, to health care to personal arguments and the government.  Get with it people and stop complaining there are a lot more things we can do with that energy.   00:16:00History is important to learnnoGot an idea how to change things - let's talkI know that there are a lot of things that or wrong or need improvement.  However, just complaining about something is not the answer unless you just like to hePeople need to think for themselves and learn discernment Help, 06 Jun 2015 22:00:00 GMTPeople need to think for themselves and learn discernmentI am not a fan of firing someone because they made a mistake.  A lot of time, energy and money went into training someone to do something and to fire that person over an embarassing mistake doesn't fix the problem and is not economically sound. I have worked for many companies over the years and made my fair share of mistakes, some I may share with you on the live broadcast; I'm not sure at this time. It is acceptable in my book to fire someone for being lazy, doing drugs or alcohol on the job or stealing.  However if the individual is good at their job some judgement should be used and if possible salvage the employee. People who applies rules without taking a situation into consideration are creating new problems for another employer.  We used to be a more understanding society, now we can cut people off at the knees and no mercy is shown. Extremes of being too lenient or too harsh are not good and provide no value to anyone.  We must take responsibility for our action and the actions of others if they are being supervised by us. Don't become mindless automatons, we will be competing with them soon enough. If we lose our humanity then we are nothing more than robots and they will fast be taking our places in the workforce so watch out! 00:16:00History is important to learnnoWorking is an honorable profession,Not doing your job affects everyoneI am not a fan of firing someone because they made a mistake.  A lot of time, energy and money went into training someone to do something and to fire that persoI owe my regular listeners an apology for not broadcasting the last two weeks Help, 30 May 2015 22:00:00 GMTI owe my regular listeners an apology for not broadcasting the last two weeksI had to take a time out for myself and did not broadcast for the last two weeks.  I am changing the time to 5PM on Saturday to see if I can encourage more people to listen and participate. There are so many things we need to talk about domestically and internationally that I sort of got lost.  For the time being I will be discussing domestic topics. There are so many things that we used to get free that we now have to pay for: 1.  TV used to be free 2.  Elementary school supplies were free 3.  Parks were free 4.  Community services were free 5.  Land line phones used to be free 6.  Airing up your tires at a gas station used to be free I can't remember but I am sure as I think of things before the next radio program I will come up with some more things that used to be free, that now we have to pay for What happened to the things that used to be free and now aren't?  If there is a buck to be made someone makes a new business - there is something wrong with this What do you think? 00:16:00History is important to learnnoWhy do we pay to air up our tires at gas stations ? When do we start paying for water at restaurants?I had to take a time out for myself and did not broadcast for the last two weeks.  I am changing the time to 5PM on Saturday to see if I can encourage more peopBeing A Parent is important Help, 09 May 2015 18:00:00 GMTBeing A Parent is importantIt's too easy to have children and pass the responsibility on to others.  It's high time people understood that the reosponsibility of being a parent should be taken more seriously.  I am not advocating more laws on the books to make people be responsibile for their children.   It is more important to educate the people as to the affect their behavior has on their offspring. Also there needs to me more support inside the family to protect the children while they are growing up and teaching them right from wrong. If you don't want the responsibility of children, DON'T HAVE THEM! If you do want to have children understand that it is a lifetime committment and that learning and growing never stop for the child or the parents. Get your ears unplugged from the phone and TV/Computer and play with your children.  Let them see what one has to do to earn a living and provide for the family.  Teach responsibility to and for the family. It hasn't always been easy being a mom but for me I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world   00:15:00History is important to learnnoIt's too easy to have children and pass the responsibility on to others.  It's high time people understood that the reosponsibility of being a parent should beWhy do we have ethnic chambers of commerce? Help, 02 May 2015 18:00:00 GMTWhy do we have ethnic chambers of commerce?First I want to apologize to all my regular listeners for not broadcasting last week.  I have no excuse so my apology hopefully will be taken in it's stead. Now I would like to talk about all the various chambers of commerce.  We have the Black, Mexican, Chinese, etc.  I find the existence of these various chambers to be devisive and less useful. We are Americans and we should work together as Americans to address the needs of various cultures so that they feel included in our daily lives not excluded. Commerce is every culture's business.  We need to work together to make this a better world and stop letting other people dictate the terms.  In the U.S.  we are the United States of America, united we stand divided we fall prey to our enemies.  Never forget the men and women who have struggled to keep this country free and not make a mockery of their sacrifice. Chambers of commerce exist to educate and expand the services provided and make this a better world to live in.                           00:16:00History is important to learnnoFirst I want to apologize to all my regular listeners for not broadcasting last week.  I have no excuse so my apology hopefully will be taken in it's stead. NoChoosing our Next President - Are you the Right Person Help, 18 Apr 2015 18:00:00 GMTChoosing our Next President - Are you the Right PersonI am very concerned about the future of this country.  We need to be participants and not nay sayers.  Our next President has a lot of problems to face and will need all the support of this country behind him or her. We elected a Prsident who was a former actor and divorced and made one hell of a President.  Don't look at our candidates as whether they are accomplished politicians more as if they would be good CEO's.  We need a good CEO for the US so that he will make a statement to the rest of the world and be a good steward of our economy.  He/She needs to be the best of the best and restore the polish and stature to the rest of the world. I am open to hearing suggestions of who would make a good President - let's get out of our own way and do what's best for this country - it can be a really thankless job but we need someone with character and fortitude. Are you up for the job? 00:16:00History is important to learnnoLet's Pull Together and Participate in Governing this CountryI am very concerned about the future of this country.  We need to be participants and not nay sayers.  Our next President has a lot of problems to face and willRESPECT Help, 04 Apr 2015 18:00:00 GMTRESPECTRespect is such a simple word but carries with it soooo much meaning.  We need to respect each other, the planet, our government, other governments, the world we leave in, the things we purchase, the things we own, people's beliefs, etc. Respect is so important that without it we will doom ourselves and this planet.  Teach our children respect, teach them to honor themselves and each other.  Aretha Franklin had a beautiful song about R-E-S-P-E-C-T.  If you can find the song play it for your children because somewhere along they way we have lost this. Animals should not be abused whether they are pets or for consumption.  Trees, grass, vegetables, flowers, etc. should be protected.  Stop littering this planet, teach people to pick up after themselves.  It will make the world a much healtier place to live in. Don't let anyone pollute the oceans or our atmosphere.  This is a total lack and disrespect for mother nature.  Don't let it happen the power to change the world is in our hands.  We don't need more laws and regulations to make us do what we should already be doing.  No one can legislate behaviour.  We must be taught by our families to RESPECT the world we live in.  I don't want my children or grandchildren to live in a world where everything they do or think is legislated by the government.   Her in the U.S.  the government is "by the people and for the people".  Government is a tool not the way we let other people control our behaviour.  Teach respect and non of the government interference will be necessary, nor should it. I RESPECT YOU!     00:13:00History is important to learnnoRespect is such a simple word but carries with it soooo much meaning.  We need to respect each other, the planet, our government, other governments, the world wPicking up the trash Help, 21 Mar 2015 18:00:00 GMTPicking up the trashWe need to start taking care of the world we live in, not just the animals and people but the environment.  We can all do our part by picking up the trash.  I understand there are about 300,000 pieces of trash circling our planet, let's find a way to clean it up.  How about picking up the trash everyday where you walk or travel - it takes just a little effort to pick up the trash and discourage people from continuing this very bad habit - there are recepticles everywhere and if not carry a bag with you and start picking up the stuff yourself. 00:01:00History is important to learnnoWe need to start taking care of the world we live in, not just the animals and people but the environment.  We can all do our part by picking up the trash.  I uState of the Union Help, 14 Mar 2015 18:00:00 GMTState of the UnionIt is becoming increasingly clear that many Americans are ignoring the many crisis(es) in the United States and World today.  We need to make a concerted effort to participate in the political arena and watch what is happening all over the globe.  Our news media is spoon feeding what they want us to know and that is not in our benefit.  We have access to many sources of the news and we need to educate ourselves as to what is going on and choose a course of action.  Inaction is not in our best interest.  If we don't like what is going on we must offer alternatives not just belly ache about the state of affairs.  Begin to go to public meetings, read up on what congress is doing.  Don't allow laws to be passed without our understanding what is going on. 00:16:00History is important to learnnoI don't understand what is happening in congress do you?,Are our elected officials doing the job for which they were elected?,Why do we need to be digging up scandals and not concentrating on how our government is functioning or not functioning?It is becoming increasingly clear that many Americans are ignoring the many crisis(es) in the United States and World today.  We need to make a concerted effortThis is my swan song Help, 31 Aug 2014 20:00:00 GMTThis is my swan songI have enjoyed talking about subjects that mean something to me, but I really wanted some participation.  I have been on the air 23 weeks and have one follower.  Thank you for thinking I had something to say.  However, the time has come for me to stop talking and maybe let some other people speak out.  We are in very difficult times and our freedoms are beginning to be regulated rather stringently.  I can speak for myself, but I cannot speak for you.  It is time to take note of your circumstances and decide whether you accept the status quo or you are going to dig in and make a difference.  I will not be going away totally, I am just going to use another format to reach people.  I am going to speak to the younger generation, the generation still in school and see if I can get them motivated before they have no voice. We are role models for our children and we need to show them the best way to be good Americans and good honest people. Please don't forget what I tried to make you aware of and carry on the efforts to improve our country and the world. If you are silent you are giving approval to what is happening, only those that raise their voices will be heard - Let that be you!         you 00:16:00History is important to learnnoI have enjoyed talking about subjects that mean something to me, but I really wanted some participation.  I have been on the air 23 weeks and have one follower.Living from Crisis to Crisis Help, 17 Aug 2014 20:00:00 GMTLiving from Crisis to CrisisAlot of people live from pay check to pay check, but they also live from one crisis to another.  There is no respite for the people of America, we seem to be rats caught in a maze.  We need time to look at the big picture and decide what we are going to do to improve our lot in life instead of figuring out how we are going to get to work, get a raise, find a job, etc. As long as we are on this continuous cycle we have no time to look at the bigger picture.  What is happening to the family, who is raising our children, what affect all our technology is having on children?  Where have ethics gone?  Who is minding the store?  Who is representing us and how good a job are they doing? Wake up people and smell the roses! Our ability to communicate with each other has diminished with the dependence on technology.  Language skills have disapated.  Listen to what is going on around you, take note of the world's changes and make sure to participate. Again, this is my battle cry!     00:16:00History is important to learnnoAlot of people live from pay check to pay check, but they also live from one crisis to another.  There is no respite for the people of America, we seem to be raWhen is enough enough? Help, 10 Aug 2014 20:00:00 GMTWhen is enough enough?With all the problems the US is facing how can we afford to take care of other people's children and problems.  We don't have answers for ourselves; why and how can we take care of others? This is a battle cry from the people who have earned the right to be hear.  I cannot speak for the legal immigrants but I can speak as a third generation American.  We have a responsibility to be responsible so that we can teach our children to be responsible. Being responsible humans does not mean being a dumping ground for the world's illiterate poor.  We have our own problems that have been left unaddressed or under addressed and it is time to draw that line in the sand. For those who think taking a stand is becoming xenophobic or isolationist you couldn't be more uninformed.  America has only such much resources and they are now stretched beyond our ability to support. Please come to the table with some offers of solution and force our elected officials to do the job for which they were elected!  If they are unable or unwilling to do the job lets have a referendum and vote for new leaders to steer a new course.  Drastic require drastic measures and with great power comes great responsibility. We don't need people who are only concered about getting re-elected or concern about what their party stands for we need people who think for themselves and are willing to take the heat. This is my battle cry!         responsi 00:16:00History is important to learnnoWith all the problems the US is facing how can we afford to take care of other people's children and problems.  We don't have answers for ourselves; why and howMicro Chipping People who receive Food Stamps Help, 03 Aug 2014 20:00:00 GMTMicro Chipping People who receive Food StampsI can't speak for anyone but myself, but I will tell you that I do receive food stamps because I need them.  However, if it comes down to being micro chipped so I can continue to receive food stamps I will have to give them up.  I cannot allow myself to be tracked by the government on how and when I do my purchases or where I am at all times.  This type of behaviour makes me feel I am turning my life over to the government and I will not do this. I may be without funds but I am not without dignity and pride and this idea of letting the government micro chip me is so abhorrent to me that I would rather starve.  Fortunately, for me I would only be affecting myself, if I had small children I might have to rethink my position, but I hope not. Right now, I only no this micro chipping to be a rumor, but if it is a rumor with legs I will have to forgo eating on a regular basis because I will not allow the government to implant a chip in my body to make sure I don't abuse the system. We all have to draw the line for ourselves and this is where I draw the line.  I refused to be drug tested when I was working at my last job.  I have never done drugs or abused alcohol but that doesn't seem to matter, if one person is tested we all have to be tested. Where will you draw the line?           continue to 00:16:00History is important to learnnoI can't speak for anyone but myself, but I will tell you that I do receive food stamps because I need them.  However, if it comes down to being micro chipped soAre you ready to impeach Obama? Help, 27 Jul 2014 20:00:00 GMTAre you ready to impeach Obama?We have seen Obama thumb his nose at Congress, the department of Justice and deliver some damaging decisions that are weaking our country.  When will the American people say "enough is enough". Americans have been distracted by the circus over "Obamacare" only to let slip by more agregious decisions he has made without consulting congress.  He is not "king" Obmana.  His powers are limited by the constitution which he seems to ignore. What are we waiting for WWIII before we take back our country and make it the beacon of freedom and strength that we have earned. There is no excuse not to make this president accountable to the country for his flagrant disregard and disrespect for the constitution and the people he represents.     agre   00:16:00History is important to learnnoWe have seen Obama thumb his nose at Congress, the department of Justice and deliver some damaging decisions that are weaking our country.  When will the AmericFaith, Government and Economy Help, 20 Jul 2014 20:00:00 GMTFaith, Government and EconomyWe have a new danger looming on the horizon and it has shrouded itself in religion.  From our world history we have learned that wars or strife created over whose religion should dominate have never been successful. However, even if this new threat should be unsuccessful it will be tyrannical in nature and be the cost of many good lives.  Religion is not government.  Government is not religion. If I were to get the new leader of ISIS in a room by himself I would ask him, "What harm have I done to you?"  I would not listen to retorec I would ask him " Not what have I done to your people!  What have I done to you personally; that you should conduct war against me? Governments are supposed to be our instrument of reason, let them work to make the world a better place.  Don't use dependence on material items to cause the collapse of nations, it won't work.  If you caught of some of our supplies we will invent new..... No one person should dictate to another how to live or practice faith! 00:15:00History is important to learnnoWe have a new danger looming on the horizon and it has shrouded itself in religion.  From our world history we have learned that wars or strife created over whoIllegal Immigration to the United States Help, 13 Jul 2014 20:00:00 GMTIllegal Immigration to the United StatesBecause America's Borders are so wide we have often been inundated with illegal aliens.  One of the things we have to demand of everyone whether they are illegal or not is that they should speak English. We must protect ourselves by being strict about the official language of the United States.  We have such a beautiful language it is a crime to allow others to come here without making an effort to speak it. Illegal immigrants should at least make the effort to speak the language.  We cannot be a dumping ground for everyone that thinks they have got the "golden ticket".         00:16:00History is important to learnnoBecause America's Borders are so wide we have often been inundated with illegal aliens.  One of the things we have to demand of everyone whether they are illegaLearning How to Save and Live in today's world Help, 06 Jul 2014 20:00:00 GMTLearning How to Save and Live in today's worldI apologize for missing the broadcast for June 29th.  Unfortunately, I was having car trouble. I take this broadcast seriously and will be covering the topic I missed on June 29th.  Please stay tuned for the next broadcast.  I promise to me more punctual.  I was utilizing some of my cost savings methods to have my car fixed so it would pass inspection.   Everyone needs a little help now and again and friends and neighbors are good resources.  Please stay tuned. 00:16:00History is important to learnnoI apologize for missing the broadcast for June 29th.  Unfortunately, I was having car trouble. I take this broadcast seriously and will be covering the topic ITipping is now taxable - The IRS will be withholding Help, 22 Jun 2014 20:00:00 GMTTipping is now taxable - The IRS will be withholdingIf you are someone who prizes good service and thinks it should be rewarded I would suggest that you not add the tip to your bill if you pay with a credit card. The employer then has the right to withhold the tip from your server until they get paid and deduct taxes from it. If you want to help the servers and hairdressers who work very hard for every penny, please tip in cash. Tipping may disappear because everything is costing so much, but remember that servers are only rarely guaranteed minimum wage. 00:16:00History is important to learnnoIf you are someone who prizes good service and thinks it should be rewarded I would suggest that you not add the tip to your bill if you pay with a credit card.24 hour a day news isn't news/also what is jingoism Help, 15 Jun 2014 20:00:00 GMT24 hour a day news isn't news/also what is jingoismNews today is not factual and is full of gossip and inuendo.  Truth has gotten lost in the need to have a face and a voice on the air 24 hours a day.  The catholic church appointed a new pope and he seems to be doing a good job.  I am not catholic but I would be proud to know he was the leader of my church.  He is cleaning up his own house and not diverting attention to things outside the church.  He has purchased a used car, lives in modest quarters and is restructuring the finances of the church all quietly but deliberately. Our leaders should take a lesson from this man and clean up our own house before we start dictating or interfering in other people's lives.  We have a lot to answer for and we need good leaders.  How will we get people to come forward and help to run the country if we spend our time taking pot shots at everything they say and do. Let's get down to the business of taking care of the country and the world we live in instead of slowly but surely sending ourselves into destruction. 00:16:00History is important to learnnoNews today is not factual and is full of gossip and inuendo.  Truth has gotten lost in the need to have a face and a voice on the air 24 hours a day.  The cathoObama's recent decisions that circumvented the constitution and congress Help, 08 Jun 2014 20:00:00 GMTObama's recent decisions that circumvented the constitution and congressFirst I must apologize to people that download my broadcast that I missed last sunday.  However, I have more important things to discuss after having watched the news.  We as Americans must be more careful who we elect and also their behaviour after they have been elected. I believe we have been publicly less critical of this administration than we should have because he is the first "Black" president.  I think this is an error, we elected him to office he must uphold his duties just like former presidents. We cannot allow ourselves to be labeled racist if we are not happy with his performance.  The President of the United States has a lot to answer for both domestically and through our foreign policy.  Let's not get soft or let the world think we are getting soft.   00:13:00History is important to learnnoFirst I must apologize to people that download my broadcast that I missed last sunday.  However, I have more important things to discuss after having watched thNews that isn't News Help, 25 May 2014 20:00:00 GMTNews that isn't NewsToday what masquerades as news is gossip or editorialism.  News is supposed to be a reporting of facts that can be substantiated.  We also engage in idolatry.  Why are people who act in movies or on tv or engage in sports more important than me. News is a reporting of what is going on around the world.  In being informed we can be pro-active instead of re-active.  I hate when people know something as fact and feel helpless to do anything to change what is going on.  There is always something we can do, but it takes courage to step outside the normal stream and just "go along". We all have and need courage to address what is going on in our lives and the world.  Sometimes other people have to take care of their problems, there is nothing we should do to assist.  Other times it is important to get involved.  We have learned from horrendous acts of tyranny that we mustn't close our eyes and pretend something isn't happening. My father used to say, "don't get too comfortable" things can always change and not necessarily in a good way.  Being informed is the best defense we have to protecting ourselves, our family and the world we live in. Don't let "Yellow Journalism" flourish because of ignorance or lack of effort to change the circumstances.  Gossip is not journalism, editorialism is not journalism, idolizing people because they make alot of money isn't journalism.  Give space in your brain for the work that has to be done to improve our circumstance and that of the world. Don't let people tell you "there is nothing you can do".  To mee those words are like waving a red flag to a bull.  Journalism, true journalism is very important to our society because it lets us know what is going on and gives us a window of opportunity to change or improve ourselves or the world arround us. 00:15:00History is important to learnnoNews that isn't news,Yellow Journalism,GossipToday what masquerades as news is gossip or editorialism.  News is supposed to be a reporting of facts that can be substantiated.  We also engage in idolatry.Laws for everything - What's the world coming to? Help, 18 May 2014 20:00:00 GMTLaws for everything - What's the world coming to?I may have hit this topic before, but it is really beginning to stick in my craw!  As of January 1st 2015 the grocery stores will have to charge a nickle for every plastic bag used to bag your groceries. How about telling people about the law and get them to start preparing to bring their own shopping bags.  People can start being responsible for their own bagging and do a little conservation for the planet. When will we stop making laws to legislate people's behavior and start teaching people to be responsible? 00:15:00History is important to learnnoI may have hit this topic before, but it is really beginning to stick in my craw!  As of January 1st 2015 the grocery stores will have to charge a nickle for evAll Kinds of Insurance are not necessary Help, 11 May 2014 20:00:00 GMTAll Kinds of Insurance are not necessaryI have waited to discuss this topic because it has such broad ramifications. Do you know how insurace came into being?  The story I have been told is that it was created by people whose husbands worked on sailing vessels.  There was not such thing as insurance and it was a very hazardous occupation. Ships sometimes didn't ever make there destinations or didn't return home in which case family's were left without a source of income because the breadwinner died during the voyage either due to illness or the ship going down. Initially the families of the men on the vessels would pool their money in the event of a tragedy and pay the people who lost family members from that pool of money - that was insurance. Today's health, life and property insurance costs people enormous amounts of money.  It puts as strain on the medical care we receive or don't receive.  If an insurance company is slow to pay or denies a claim and unsuspecting insured person is left flat footed scrambling for ways to take care of bills. Insurance really needs to be re-invented or disposed of as an unnecessary expense. The Amish don't have insurance and they help each other in times of crisis - I applaud the way they handle their debts and responsibilities. I look forward to hearing from you about your thoughts and comments 00:16:00History is important to learnnoI have waited to discuss this topic because it has such broad ramifications. Do you know how insurace came into being?  The story I have been told is that it wWhy is Blame so detrimental personally and professionally Help, 04 May 2014 20:00:00 GMTWhy is Blame so detrimental personally and professionallyI am not sure how we got to this state, but I know from personal experience that blame is the most decimating behaviour we have. Blaming someone is terrible.  In personal relationships blaming someone is usually a way to deny any responsibility in a problem.  In our society blaming someone is a cause for lawsuits as adults. Corporately, blaming someone is a way to save one's job. Blaming someone is a very unhealthy behaviour and one which I think should be abolished. Solving problems is much more healthy than continuing to blame someone.  When I worked for the Japanese they didn't play the blame game to them it was more important to solve a problem. 00:16:00History is important to learnnoI am not sure how we got to this state, but I know from personal experience that blame is the most decimating behaviour we have. Blaming someone is terrible.OOPS! I missed My Own Show's Broadcast Help, 27 Apr 2014 20:00:00 GMTOOPS! I missed My Own Show's BroadcastI apologize for people who have been listening to my program because I missed my own show. My Show on Manners will be broadcase on Sunday at 3PM and I apologize for any incovenience to my listeners. Manners are not to be talked about but also practiced with regularity until they become a habit.  Good habits take a while to form just like bad habits take time to break. Forgive my tardiness and stay with me, I have as much to learn from you. I look forward to speaking with you on Sunday's 00:15:00History is important to learnnoI apologize for people who have been listening to my program because I missed my own show. My Show on Manners will be broadcase on Sunday at 3PM and I apologizSimple Things We Can Do to Teach our Children Help, 19 Apr 2014 19:30:00 GMTSimple Things We Can Do to Teach our ChildrenContrary to the reigning thoughts of today.  We still have positive influences over our children.  Fundraising can be more creative then selling candy, wrapping paper or poinsettas.  Helping children to feel a sense of community can be simple.  We can make christmas ornaments and hang them on a community tree. We can teach children to rake leaves instead of depending on a lawn service, grow a vegetable garden in the back yard as long as it is'nt against the rules of an HOA. Visit people in assisted living centers and play cards or have sing a longs. Include everyone in outdoor fun, like tether ball, or badmiton.  Games are not necessarily expensive. Let's thinkk and teach our children how to think and be creative - it just takes a little time. 00:12:00History is important to learnnoContrary to the reigning thoughts of today.  We still have positive influences over our children.  Fundraising can be more creative then selling candy, wrappingStop creating legislation for every little problem Help, 12 Apr 2014 19:30:00 GMTStop creating legislation for every little problemLegislation is important, however not every problem we have can be solved with legislation.  Teaching people to be responsible is more important that putting silly laws on the books.  People are becoming dependent on laws to tell them what is right and what is wrong. Why don't we teach people not to litter?  Why do we have to license dogs?  Dogs don't vote. Why do newborn babies need social security cards?  Why do we have so many rules and regulations to control every aspect of our lives?  Maybe we will make a law like China where people are only allowed one child. Let me know what rules and regulations you think are unneccessary and why?     00:14:00History is important to learnnoLegislation is important, however not every problem we have can be solved with legislation.  Teaching people to be responsible is more important that putting siUnscientific approach to raising children Help, 05 Apr 2014 19:30:00 GMTUnscientific approach to raising childrenRaising children is a lifetime commitment.  Not all the answers for raising kids is in books or from "experts".  Only a parent can really know their child and it takes time and effort.  With today's technology parents may have become lazy by allowing kids to play with computers, cell phones, video games, etc.  The most important thing about being the parent is teaching children to interact with their peers and society face to face.  Look at the time we spend not interacting with kids and other people and ask yourself, what kind of example am I giving to my kids? 00:15:00History is important to learnnoRaising children is a lifetime commitment.  Not all the answers for raising kids is in books or from "experts".  Only a parent can really know their child and iThe price of Gas and it's effects Help, 29 Mar 2014 19:00:00 GMTThe price of Gas and it's effectsWhy has there been no discussion about the price of gas, especially since it seems to be going up.  No one is excited about the price, nor do they understand the ripple affect on the economy. 00:12:00History is important to learnnoWhy has there been no discussion about the price of gas, especially since it seems to be going up.  No one is excited about the price, nor do they understand thWhere can we go to Volunteer and how do we teach children about Volunteerism Help, 22 Mar 2014 16:00:00 GMTWhere can we go to Volunteer and how do we teach children about VolunteerismWe will be discussing Volunteerism for Adults and children.  The second topic will be about children who are required to do fundraisers for their organizations. 00:06:00History is important to learnnoWe will be discussing Volunteerism for Adults and children.  The second topic will be about children who are required to do fundraisers for their organizations.Conversations with Blair Help, 15 Mar 2014 16:00:00 GMTConversations with BlairWe are talking about todays news and how it affects us and what we can do to change the outcome, especially if we don't like what is happening.  We will talk about ways to improve and change laws or rules that are regulating our lives. 00:14:00History is important to learnnoWe are talking about todays news and how it affects us and what we can do to change the outcome, especially if we don't like what is happening.  We will talk abConversations with Blair Help, 01 Mar 2014 17:00:00 GMTConversations with BlairUsing Legislation to control behaviour.  Adults and Children alike should be taught to be responsible for their behaviour without having legislative consequences.  Responsibility should be a source of pride and initiative and encourages creativity. 00:02:00History is important to learnnoUsing Legislation to control behaviour.  Adults and Children alike should be taught to be responsible for their behaviour without having legislative consequenceConverstions with Blair (premier episode) Help, 22 Feb 2014 16:00:00 GMTConverstions with Blair (premier episode)Introducing the program and discussing the format of the show.  Each show will start with a topic of the day.  Everyone will be asked to be civil in all discussions. 00:13:00History is important to learnnoIntroducing the program and discussing the format of the show.  Each show will start with a topic of the day.  Everyone will be asked to be civil in all discuss