ARC Studies Live! Studies Live! Is the Blog-Cast Radio Outreach of ARC – The Apologetic Research Center. ARC is a Christian Ministry Specializing in Evangelism, Christian Apologetics and Counter-Cult Studies. The Apologist Segment focuses exclusively on Addressing your Questions and Comments concerning Hardcore Doctrinal issues relating to Bible Difficulties, Counter-Cult Studies and Christian Apologetics. Don't forget to visit us on the world wide web at http://www.arcstudies.orgenCopyright Rick Young (C/O Blogtalkradio)Wed, 04 Sep 2019 10:45:00 GMTSun, 24 Mar 2019 15:30:00 GMTReligionBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Studies Live! Studies Live! Is the Blog-Cast Radio Outreach of ARC – The Apologetic Research Center. ARC is a Christian Ministry Specializing in Evangelism, Christian Apologetics and Counter-Cult Studies. The Apologist Segment focuses exclusively on Addressing your Questions and Comments concerning Hardcore Doctrinal issues relating to Bible Difficulties, Counter-Cult Studies and Christian Apologetics. Don't forget to visit us on the world wide web at http://www.arcstudies.orgryoung@arcstudies.orgARC Studiesreligion,modalism,spiritual gifts,the trinity,the bible,speaking in tongues,truth,polytheism,arianism,messianic judaismARC StudiesnoARC Studies Live! Is the Blog-Cast Radio Outreach of ARC – The Apologetic Research Center. ARC is a Christian Ministry Specializing in Evangelism, Christian ApoepisodicFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" pt 1, 24 Mar 2019 15:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" pt 1FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law & Prophets Fulfilled" - 3/24/19 "Do not think that I came to destroy THE LAW or THE PROPHETS. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled" (Matthew 5:17-18) "Then He said to them, "These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in THE LAW OF MOSES and THE PROPHETS and the Psalms concerning Me.'' (Luke 24:44) "So when they had appointed him a day, many came to him at his lodging, to whom he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus from both THE LAW OF MOSES and THE PROPHETS, from morning till evening." (Acts 28:23) "Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by THE LAW and THE PROPHETS." (Romans 3:20-21) Did Christ come to destroy The Law? Or did His death on the cross ONLY fulfill the Sacrificial Law? Does this mean that the 10 Commandments are to be seen as, and to be kept separate from the rest of God's recorded Law? More impotantly, did Jesus Christ and/or any of his Apostles or Prophets treat it as such? Are Christians required to keep the Mosaic Law in any form? Join as I address these questions from God's Word. You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:16:00ARC StudiesnoISRAEL ONLY,HEBREW ROOTS,HEBREW ISRAELITES,MESSIANIC JUDAISM,THE LAWThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "ARC Studies Live!" Where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Man!aca18d47-5018-46fc-aed9-8f7487db991e10119fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Bible-Will All Die-Universal Salvation", 22 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Bible-Will All Die-Universal Salvation"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/21/19 (8:00pm EST)    TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Calvinism & Romans 9/The Bible/Will All Die" Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?Is there really a such thing as an "Age of Accountability" as Bar & Bat Mitzvah imply?Can everyone become "Messiah?"Does a Teaching Hierarchy still exist in The Church?Does The Bible Allow Woman to be Preachers?Is Homosexuality a Sin?Can you talk about the Hebrew Israelites?What is Political Theology?What do you know about Malachi York?Did The Apostle Paul write the Book of Hebrews?Is the Salvation taught in the Bible for Israel Alone?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:18:00ARC StudiesnoTHEOPNEUSTOS,GOD-BREATHED,THE WORD OF GOD,DEATH,SLEEPThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Macdd057b-b755-4e7c-bffe-08c1fdaf557c10118fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Calvinism & Romans 9/The Bible/Will All Die", 20 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Calvinism & Romans 9/The Bible/Will All Die"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/19/19 (8:00pm EST)    TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Calvinism & Romans 9/The Bible/Will All Die" God Triune or Singular?Doesn't Romans chapter 9 prove the truth of the Doctrines of Grace?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?Is there really a such thing as an "Age of Accountability" as Bar & Bat Mitzvah imply?Can everyone become "Messiah?"Does a Teaching Hierarchy still exist in The Church?Does The Bible Allow Woman to be Preachers?Is Homosexuality a Sin?Can you talk about the Hebrew Israelites?What is Political Theology?What do you know about Malachi York?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:29:00ARC StudiesnoROMANS 9,DOCTRINES OF GRACE,SLEEPING or DEATH,UNIVERSAL SALVATIONThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M8cb9f2dc-623d-4528-8979-89c05a38836a10117fullFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - Intro, 17 Mar 2019 15:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - IntroFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR -  Introduction - 3/17/19 (11:00am est) "Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm."  In these inspired words, as recorded in 2 Timothy 1:5-7, The Apostle Paul addresses a point of heresy that predates The Church itself: The misunderstanding of, and therefore misapplication of The Law, having NO understanding of its intended purpose in God's Plan or our lives. But what is The Law, and what is its intended purpose? Didn't Jesus say that The Law would be in effect until everything written in scripture is fulfilled? Isn't it also true that ONLY the animal sacrifices were fulfilled with Christ's sacrifice? Join me as we explore what God’s Word says concerning this issue. The greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "ARC Studies Live!" Where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Man! 01:30:00ARC StudiesnoHEBREW ISRAELITES,HEBREW ROOTS,THE LAW,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATH,THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT & LIFE IN CHRIST JESUSThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "ARC Studies Live!" Where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Man!6cf9a741-c79e-4183-8131-1ec5066c3c3010116fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Trinity/Calvinism & Romans 9/The Bible", 08 Mar 2019 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Trinity/Calvinism & Romans 9/The Bible"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/7/19 (8:00pm EST)    TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Trinity/Calvinism & Romans 9/The Bible" God Triune or Singular?Doesn't Romans chapter 9 prove the truth of the Doctrines of Grace?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?Is there really a such thing as an "Age of Accountability" as Bar & Bat Mitzvah imply?Can everyone become "Messiah?"Does a Teaching Hierarchy still exist in The Church?Does The Bible Allow Woman to be Preachers?Is Homosexuality a Sin?Can you talk about the Hebrew Israelites?What is Political Theology?What do you know about Malachi York?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:07:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,DIETY,PERSONALITY,CALVINISM,ROMANS 9The greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Md133c81e-b5f5-4b7c-9a12-3f9e9eb295db10115fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Only Begotten Son/Water Baptism/The Trinity", 01 Mar 2019 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Only Begotten Son/Water Baptism/The Trinity"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 2/28/19 (8:00pm EST)    TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Only Begotten Son/Salvation by Baptism/The Trinity" What does the term "Only Begotten" mean?Doesn't John 3:5 & 1st Peter 3:21 teach that Water Baptism does save us?Is God Triune or Singular?Doesn't Romans chapter 9 prove the truth of the Doctrines of Grace?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?Is there really a such thing as an "Age of Accountability" as Bar & Bat Mitzvah imply?Can everyone become "Messiah?"Does a Teaching Hierarchy still exist in The Church?Does The Bible Allow Woman to be Preachers?Is Homosexuality a Sin?What is Political Theology?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:31:00ARC StudiesnoMONO-GENE',MONO-GENETOS,BAPTISMAL REGENERATION,BORN OF WATER & THE SPIRITThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M98ccaac1-877e-4c63-8791-d32c455bfd5610114fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "God's Mother?/Salvation by Baptism/The Trinity", 27 Feb 2019 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "God's Mother?/Salvation by Baptism/The Trinity"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 2/26/19 (8:00pm EST)    TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "God's Mother?/Salvation by Baptism/The Trinity" Was Mary the Mother of God?What does the term "Only Begotten" mean?Doesn't John 3:5 & 1st Peter 3:21 teach that Water Baptism does save us?Is God Triune or Singular?Doesn't Romans chapter 9 prove the truth of the Doctrines of Grace?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?Is there really a such thing as an "Age of Accountability" as Bar & Bat Mitzvah imply?Can everyone become "Messiah?"Does a Teaching Hierarchy still exist in The Church?Does The Bible Allow Woman to be Preachers?Is Homosexuality a Sin?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:19:00ARC StudiesnoTHEOTOKOS,MOTHER OF GOD,IMMACULATE CONCEPTION,HYPOSTATIC UNION,BAPTISMAL REGENERATIONThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Me65a1223-effc-4d15-acee-2212f5f7be8910113fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Pope -The True Church & Rome's Deception", 22 Feb 2019 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Pope -The True Church & Rome's Deception"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 2/21/19 (8:00pm EST)    TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "The Papacy/God's Mother/Water Baptism Salvation" Is the Pope in charge of the True Church on Earth?Was Mary the Mother of God?What does the term "Only Begotten" mean?Doesn't John 3:5 & 1st Peter 3:21 teach that Water Baptism does save us?Is God Triune or Singular?Doesn't Romans chapter 9 prove the truth of the Doctrines of Grace?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?Is there really a such thing as an "Age of Accountability" as Bar & Bat Mitzvah imply?Can everyone become "Messiah?"Does a Teaching Hierarchy still exist in The Church?Does The Bible Allow Woman to be Preachers?Is Homosexuality a Sin?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:19:00ARC StudiesnoTHE POPE,TEACHING MEGESTERIUM,HOLY SEES,MARY OF THE BIBLE,MARY OF ROMANCATHOLICISMThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Mfb156afe-4aa9-48c7-826c-68605b16f97a10111fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Roman Catholicism/The Rock/Sola Scriptura", 26 Jan 2019 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Roman Catholicism/The Rock/Sola Scriptura"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 1/25/19 (8:00pm EST)    TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Roman Catholicism/Peter/The Rock" Is Catholic and Roman Catholic the same thing?Is The Church built on Peter as "The Rock?"Is Sola Scriptura Valid? Or is Tradition also needed to understand scripture?Is the Pope in charge of the True Church on Earth?Was Mary the Mother of God?Doesn't John 3:5 & 1st Peter 3:21 teach that Water Baptism does save us?Is God Triune or Singular?Doesn't Romans chapter 9 prove the truth of the Doctrines of Grace?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?Is there really a such thing as an "Age of Accountability" as Bar & Bat Mitzvah imply?Can everyone become "Messiah?"Does a Teaching Hierarchy still exist in The Church?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 00:59:00ARC StudiesnoCATHOLIC vs ROMAN CATHOLIC,THE ROCK OF SALVATION,THE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH,SOLA SCRIPTURA vs SOLA TRADITIOThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M146d9312-17ec-4998-86ee-3a883ae8054e10108fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Eschatology/Roman Catholicism/Peter/The Rock", 23 Jan 2019 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Eschatology/Roman Catholicism/Peter/The Rock"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 1/22/19 (8:00pm EST)    TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Eschatology/Roman Catholicism/Peter/The Rock" What is "The Day of His Wrath?"Is Catholic and Roman Catholic the same thing?Is The Church built on Peter as "The Rock?"Is Sola Scriptura Valid? Or is Tradition also needed to understand scripture?Is the Pope in charge of the True Church on Earth?Was Mary the Mother of God?Doesn't 1st Peter 3:21 teach that Water Baptism does save us?Is God Triune or Singular?Doesn't Romans chapter 9 prove the truth of the Doctrines of Grace?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?Is there really a such thing as an "Age of Accountability" as Bar & Bat Mitzvah imply?Can everyone become "Messiah?"  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:22:00ARC StudiesnoESCHATOLOGY,FALLING AWAY,THE RAPTURE,JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST,TWO WITNESSESThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M2b42e4f3-f2d5-4cf6-aef4-ddc298e6e18c10107fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Eschatology/Pastors/Roman Catholicism", 18 Jan 2019 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Eschatology/Pastors/Roman Catholicism"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 1/17/19 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Ceasing Gifts/Apostles vs Apostles of The Lamb/The Rapture" When will The Rapture occur?What are the qualifications and duties of a PastorIs Catholic and Roman Catholic the same thing?Is Sola Scriptura valid? Or is Tradition also needed to understand scripture?Was Mary the Mother of God?Doesn't 1st Peter 3:21 teach that Water Baptism does save us?Is God Triune or Singular?Doesn't Romans chapter 9 prove the truth of the Doctrines of Grace?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:12:00ARC StudiesnoESCHATOLOGY,END TIMES,THE RAPTURE,THE TWO WITNESSES,THE BEASTThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Mf76f8ede-3bb7-40cd-baf7-8a80090235db10106fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Rapture/Eschatology/Roman Catholicism", 16 Jan 2019 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Rapture/Eschatology/Roman Catholicism"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 1/15/19 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Ceasing Gifts/Apostles vs Apostles of The Lamb/The Rapture" When will The Rapture occur?Is Catholic and Roman Catholic the same thing?Is Sola Scriptura valid? Or is Tradition also needed to understand scripture?Was Mary the Mother of God?Doesn't 1st Peter 3:21 teach that Water Baptism does save us?Is God Triune or Singular?Doesn't Romans chapter 9 prove the truth of the Doctrines of Grace?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:30:00ARC StudiesnoESCHATOLOGY,THE FALLING AWAY,TWO WITNESSES,THE BEAST,THE FALSE PROPHETThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M54f58cfc-3bfb-421b-bfc1-edbeac5d1dc010105fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Ceasing Gifts /Apostles-Of Lamb/The Rapture", 09 Jan 2019 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Ceasing Gifts /Apostles-Of Lamb/The Rapture"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 1/8/19 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Ceasing Gifts/Apostles vs Apostles of The Lamb/The Rapture" Are Apostles different than Apostles of The Lamb?Who was the replacement Apostle for Judas: Matthias or Paul?Does the Gift of Apostle still exist?When will The Rapture occur?Is Catholic and Roman Catholic the same thing?Was Mary the Mother of God?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:01:00ARC StudiesnoSPIRITUAL GIFTS,TEMPORARY GIFTS,APOSTLES,APOSTLES OF THE LAMB,CHURCH FOUNDATIONThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M2e35ac99-89ee-4176-b0f3-1d32ec01c66f10104fullSTUDIO BOARD CRASHED - WILL REBROADCAST JANUARY 3RD @ 8pm EST, 28 Dec 2018 01:00:00 GMTSTUDIO BOARD CRASHED - WILL REBROADCAST JANUARY 3RD @ 8pm ESTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 12/27/18 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Ceasing Gifts/Apostles of The Lamb/Rapture" Does Speaking in Tongues still exist?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?When will The Rapture occur?Is Catholic and Roman Catholic the same thing?Was Mary the Mother of God?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 00:08:00ARC StudiesnoSPIRITUAL GIFTS,TEMPORARY GIFTS,APOSTLES,APOSTLES OF THE LAMB,THE RAPTUREThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Mac1b504c-e955-4eb0-8245-f5e5c1f5b06710102fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Tongues Ceasing /Apostles of The Lamb", 21 Dec 2018 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Tongues Ceasing /Apostles of The Lamb"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 12/20/18 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Tongues Ceasing/Apostles of The Lamb" Does Speaking in Tongues still exist?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Is Catholic and Roman Catholic the same thing?Was Mary the Mother of God?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:29:00ARC StudiesnoTONGUES CEASED,APOSTLES OF THE LAMB,APOSTLES,INSPIRATIONThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Me19f1dbe-c2d9-4861-a9e5-fadf1711338510101fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Holy Spirit/Tongues/Prayer Language" (cont), 19 Dec 2018 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Holy Spirit/Tongues/Prayer Language" (cont)QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 12/18/18 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Receiving The Holy Spirit - Tongues - Gift or Prayer Language" Is Speaking in Tongues the sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Are there Two Types of Tongues taught in Scripture?Does Speaking in Tongues still exist?When do believers receive The Holy Spirit?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Is Catholic and Roman Catholic the same thing?Was Mary the Mother of God?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:30:00ARC StudiesnoTHE HOLY SPIRIT,THRESHING FLOOR,HOLY SPIRIT REGENERATING,HOLY SPIRIT- INDWELLING,HOLY SPIRIT BAPTIZINGThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Mddad5506-227a-47a3-86d7-18f8f5cf585610100fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Holy Spirit/Tongues Gift/Prayer Language", 05 Dec 2018 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Holy Spirit/Tongues Gift/Prayer Language"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 12/4/18 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Receiving The Holy Spirit - Tongues - Gift or Prayer Language" Is Speaking in Tongues the sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Are there Two Types of Tongues taught in Scripture?Does Speaking in Tongues still exist?When do believers receive The Holy Spirit?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Is Catholic and Roman Catholic the same thing?Was Mary the Mother of God?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:07:00ARC StudiesnoHOLY SPIRIT THRESHING,HOLY SPIRIT-REGENERATING,HOLY SPIRIT-INDWELLING,HOLY SPIRIT-SEALING,HOLY SPIRIT-GIFTINGThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M3c54afff-5a66-42e0-b52d-81d40722c0ee1099fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Sovereignty - The Holy Spirit - Tongues", 30 Nov 2018 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Sovereignty - The Holy Spirit - Tongues"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 11/29/18 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Sovereignty - Receiving The Holy Spirit - Speaking in Tongues" How can God be Sovereign if man has a Free Will?Is Speaking in Tongues the sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Are there Two Types of Tongues taught in Scripture?Does Speaking in Tongues still exist?When do believers receive The Holy Spirit?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Is Catholic and Roman Catholic the same thing?Was Mary the Mother of God?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?01:28:00ARC StudiesnoSOVEREIGN WILL,PERFECT WILL,PERMISSIVE WILL,SIGN GIFTS,SPEAKING IN TONGUESThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M77132889-8188-4a85-81b5-74122538a4861098fullFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: Introduction: "From Shadows to Substance", 11 Nov 2018 16:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: Introduction: "From Shadows to Substance"FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR- 11/11/18 Introduction to Romans: "From  Shadows to Substance" "Before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, kept for the faith which would afterward be revealed. Therefore the law was our Schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a Schoolmaster." (Galatians 3:23-25) "For the law, having a SHADOW of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect…Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: "Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a BODY You have prepared for Me." (Hebrews 10:1, 5) "Therefore let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ." (Colossians 2:16-17) Did Christ's death on the cross ONLY fulfill the Sacrificial Law? Are the 10 Commandments to seen as, and to be kept separate from the rest of God's Law. Did Jesus and/or any of his Apostles or Prophets treat it as such. Are Christians required to keep the Mosaic Law in any form? Join as I address these questions from God's Word. You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:30:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,GRACE,ANTINOMAN,PROGRESSIVE LIGHT,LIGHT OF CREATIONThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "ARC Studies Live!" Where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Man!da2f927e-f319-4cd4-a44a-49a5426e162f1094fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Role of Repentance in Salvation", 10 Oct 2018 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Role of Repentance in Salvation"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/9/18 (9:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Biblical Repentance - Receiving The Holy Spirit - Speaking in Tongues" What Role does Repentance play in the salvation process?How can God be Sovereign if man has a Free Will?Is Speaking in Tongues the sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Are there Two Types of Tongues taught in Scripture?Does Speaking in Tongues still exist?When do believers receive The Holy Spirit?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Was Mary the Mother of God?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?00:59:00ARC StudiesnoREPENTANCE,SOVEREIGN WILL,PERFECT WILL,PERMISSIVE WILL,SPEAKING IN TONGUESThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Mde306109-6a94-46b9-a158-9d1865a6354c1087fullFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - Intro, 07 Oct 2018 15:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - IntroFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR -  Introduction - 10/7/18 (11:00am est) "Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm."  In these inspired words, as recorded in 2 Timothy 1:5-7, The Apostle Paul addresses a point of heresy that predates The Church itself: The misunderstanding of, and therefore misapplication of The Law, having NO understanding of its intended purpose in God's Plan or our lives. But what is The Law, and what is its intended purpose? Didn't Jesus say that The Law would be in effect until everything written in scripture is fulfilled? Isn't it also true that ONLY the animal sacrifices were fulfilled with Christ's sacrifice? Join me as we explore what God’s Word says concerning this issue.  Part 1- (Identification of Bondage) -We will take a trip down the Royal Romans Road where The Apostle Paul seeks to illustrate to The Church at Rome, and in particular to the Jewish Christians there, that The Law has a purpose beyond being a point of national pride for them. Part 2- (Importation of Bondage) -We will take a look at how Judaizers, contrary to God's teaching, sought to enslave The Church at Galatia with a made up law/faith hybrid. Paul illustrates for them the ungodly ramifications of taking just one step down this road of self-imposed bondage. Tune in Live at (607) 203-5370 to for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:28:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,GRACE,LEGALISM,LEGAL IGNORANCE,PROGRESSIVE LIGHTThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "ARC Studies Live!" Where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Man!ca618845-86d8-4d96-a544-a5402a2e8a9b1086fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Original Sin - Repentance - The Holy Spirit", 07 Sep 2018 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Original Sin - Repentance - The Holy Spirit"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 9/6/18 (9:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Original Sin - Biblical Repentance - Receiving The Holy Spirit" Does the Bible teach Original Sin, the belief that man is sinful from birth?What role does Repentance play in the salvation process?Is Speaking in Tongues the sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Are there Two Types of Tongues taught in Scripture?When do believers receive The Holy Spirit?Does Speaking in Tongues still exist?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Was Mary the Mother of God?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?00:56:00ARC StudiesnoORIGINAL SIN,REPENTANCE,BAPTISM IN THE SPIRIT,BAPTISM OF THE SPIRIT,PRAYER LANGUAGESThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M5475a6b8-b7dd-4574-8577-7ef3ad1170081085fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Trinity - Tongues - Baptism IN The Spirit", 18 Jul 2018 00:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Trinity - Tongues - Baptism IN The Spirit"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 7/17/18 (8:30pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "The Trinity - Speaking in Tongues - Baptism in The Holy Spirit" Did the doctrine of the Trinity Start at the Council of Nicaea?Is Speaking in Tongues a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Are there Two Types of Tongues taught in Scripture?When do believers receive The Holy Spirit?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:30:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,MODALISM,ARIANISM,TRITHEISM,POLYTHEISMThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M7a5baae6-3318-467c-99d0-29edb452cf451083fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Trinity - Tongues - Baptism IN The Spirit", 13 Jul 2018 00:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Trinity - Tongues - Baptism IN The Spirit"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 7/12/18 (8:30pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "The Trinity - Speaking in Tongues - Baptism in The Holy Spirit" Did God send Himself in the form of a son to become an Offering and a sacrifice to himself? Or Did God performed the Three Roles? As a son to become an offering and a sacrifice to himself?Did the doctrine of the Trinity Start at the Council of Nicaea?Is Speaking in Tongues a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Are there Two Types of Tongues taught in Scripture?When do believers receive The Holy Spirit?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?Is the Bible really the Word of God?Will everyone taste Death?Does Jesus dying for the world mean that everyone in the World is Automatically Saved?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:30:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,MADALISM,ARIANISM,PATRIPASSIANISM,SPEAKING IN TONGUESThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M718a2c2b-819d-4bd7-9b2c-52628994c9cf1082fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Political Theology - Zionism - The Trinity", 11 Jul 2018 00:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Political Theology - Zionism - The Trinity"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 7/10/18 (8:30pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Political Theology - Zionism - The Trinity" I have seen you Facebook page. How can you be such a liberal and claim to be a Christian?How can you be against Zionism and be Christian?Did the doctrine of the Trinity Start at the Council of Nicaea?Is Speaking in Tongues a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?Is the Bible really the Word of God?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 00:52:00ARC StudiesnoPOLITICAL THEOLOGY,ZIONISM,THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA,THE TRINITY,MODALISMThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Mef088dc1-a38d-455f-a2e4-3071604bfe551081fullGalatians Chapter 3: "The Law/Faith Hybrid of Bipolar Christianity", 01 Jul 2018 15:00:00 GMTGalatians Chapter 3: "The Law/Faith Hybrid of Bipolar Christianity"FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR - "The Law/Faith Hybrid of Bipolar Christianity" "But if, while we seek to be justified in Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is Christ therefore a server of this sin? Certainly not! For if I construct again those things which I tore down, I make myself a violator. For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through keeping the law, then Christ died in vain."  -(Galatians 2:17-21) The Apostle Paul, in these words closing the 2nd chapter of the Book of Galatians, illustrates the core of an issue that was rearing its head at the onset of the growth of The Christian Church in the 1st century, and that continues as stagnant leaven imbedded within The Church to this day: The belief that your efforts as a Christian and on behalf of Christ in some way contribute to your very salvation. With this comes the counter position that one's works are responsible for sending one to Hell. GOD FORBID!! Tune in Live to my discussion of this topic by dialing (607) 203-5370 to listen and/or participate by phone, or just click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking for follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoSCHOOLMASTER to the SAVIOR,GALATIONS,FAITH SALVATION,WORKS SALVATION,FAITH/LAWFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR - The Law & Faith as God Intended99d4f2c3-d7f0-4b54-847e-8905648603061080fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Water Baptism - Political Theology - Zionism", 29 Jun 2018 00:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Water Baptism - Political Theology - Zionism"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 6/28/18 (8:30pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Baptismal Regeneration - Political Theology - Zionism"   Isn't Scripture clear that Water Baptism, as the first act of Christian obedience, is necessary for Salvation?I have seen you Facebook page. How can you be such a liberal and claim to be a Christian?How can you be against Zionism and be Christian?Did the doctrine of the Trinity Start at the Council of Nicaea?Is Speaking in Tongues a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?Is the Bible really the Word of God?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:30:00ARC StudiesnoBAPTISMAL REGENERATION,WATER BAPTISM,THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA,THE TRINITY,MODALISMThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M2291d5ff-2d01-4cbc-8761-34ab628a06271079fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Calvinism - Water Baptism - Political Theology", 27 Jun 2018 00:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Calvinism - Water Baptism - Political Theology"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 6/26/18 (8:30pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Calvinism - Baptismal Regeneration - Political Theology" Does Romans 9 Prove the Doctrine Taught by John Calvin is Correct?Isn't Scripture clear that Water Baptism, as the first act of Christian obedience, is necessary for Salvation?I have seen you Facebook page. How can you be such a liberal and claim to be a Christian?How can you be against Zionism and be Christian?Did the doctrine of the Trinity Start at the Council of Nicaea?Is Speaking in Tongues a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?Is the Bible really the Word of God?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:30:00ARC Studiesno5 POINT CALVINISM,T.U.L.I.P.,SOVEREIGN WILL,PERMISSIVE WILL,PERFECT WILLThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M9607c183-aa83-4cdb-874f-5214d06be4dc1078fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Calvinism - A Vessel of Confusion", 13 Jun 2018 00:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Calvinism - A Vessel of Confusion"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 6/12/18 (8:30pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Calvinism - A Vessel of Confusion"   Does Romans 9 prove the doctrine taught by John Calvin is correct?Did the doctrine of the Trinity Start at the Council of Nicaea?Is Speaking in Tongues a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?Is the Bible really the Word of God?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:01:00ARC Studiesno5 POINT CALVINISM,GIFTS OF GRACE,ELECTION,THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA,THE TRINITYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of Mfca16c43-d45f-400a-8930-691886c9b4d41076fullGalatians Chapter 3: "The Law/Faith Hybrid of Bipolar Christianity", 10 Jun 2018 15:00:00 GMTGalatians Chapter 3: "The Law/Faith Hybrid of Bipolar Christianity"FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR - "The Law/Faith Hybrid of Bipolar Christianity" "But if, while we seek to be justified in Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is Christ therefore a server of this sin? Certainly not! For if I construct again those things which I tore down, I make myself a violator. For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through keeping the law, then Christ died in vain."  -(Galatians 2:17-21) The Apostle Paul, in these words closing the 2nd chapter of the Book of Galatians, illustrates the core of an issue that was rearing its head at the onset of the growth of The Christian Church in the 1st century, and that continues as stagnant leaven imbedded within The Church to this day: The belief that your efforts as a Christian and on behalf of Christ in some way contribute to your very salvation. With this comes the counter position that one's works are responsible for sending one to Hell. GOD FORBID!! Tune in Live to my discussion of this topic by dialing (607) 203-5370 to listen and/or participate by phone, or just click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking for follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 00:02:00ARC StudiesnoGALATIANS,LAW/FAITH,GRACE/WORKS,JUDAIZERSFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR - The Law & Faith as God Intendededbedfea-ac0f-4136-8b68-2382a15d91991075fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Is Peter The Rock of The Church?", 08 Jun 2018 00:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Is Peter The Rock of The Church?"TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "The Rock of our Salvation_The Trinity_Tongues Speaking" Is the Apostle Peter The Rock that The Church is built on?Did the Trinity Start at the Council of Nicaea?Is Speaking in Tongues a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit?Who was the replacement for Judas, Matthias or Paul?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?Is the Bible really the Word of God?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 00:59:00ARC StudiesnoJESUS THE ROCK,PETER THE ROCK,THE FOUNDATION,THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA,THE TRINITYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M68d53983-6c31-4db5-b568-17abcc7b217a1074fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Can You Lose Your Salvation?", 06 Jun 2018 00:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Can You Lose Your Salvation?"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 6/5/18 (8:30pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Eternal Security_Peter as The Rock_The Trinity" Doesn't Hebrews 6:4 prove that the "Once Saved Always Saved" teaching is false?Is the Apostle Peter The Rock that The Church is built on?Did the Trinity Start at the Council of Nicaea?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?Is the Bible really the Word of God?  ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 00:58:00ARC StudiesnoETERNAL SECURITY,THE FOUNDATION,PETER THE ROCK,THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA,THE TRINITYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M6f47e14a-74fc-4e12-8506-4522abcda7271073fullThe Book of GALATIANS: "The Importation of Bondage", 03 Jun 2018 15:00:00 GMTThe Book of GALATIANS: "The Importation of Bondage"From The Schoolmaster To The Savior - "The END of The Law FOR Righteousness" "Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm."  In these inspired words, as recorded in 2 Timothy 1:5-7, The Apostle Paul addresses a point of heresy that predates The Church itself: The misunderstanding of, and therefore misapplication of The Law, having NO understanding of its intended purpose in God's Plan or our lives. But what is The Law, and what is its intended purpose? Didn't Jesus say that The Law would be in effect until everything written in scripture is fulfilled? Isn't it also true that ONLY the animal sacrifices were fulfilled with Christ's sacrifice? Join me as we explore what God’s Word says concerning this issue.  Part 1- (Identification of Bondage) -We will take a trip down the Royal Romans Road where The Apostle Paul seeks to illustrate to The Church at Rome, and in particular to the Jewish Christians there, that The Law has a purpose beyond being a point of national pride for them. Part 2- (Importation of Bondage) -We will take a look at how Judaizers, contrary to God's teaching, sought to enslave The Church at Galatia with a made up law/faith hybrid. Paul illustrates for them the ungodly ramifications of taking just one step down this road of self-imposed bondage. _____________ 01:56:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,FAITH,SALVATION,GRACE,WORKSFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR - The Law & Faith as God Intended3ac00ab4-3b2f-4c81-afa2-c5c4389fa9781072fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 5/31/18, 01 Jun 2018 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 5/31/18QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 5/31/18 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Support of Israel_Eternal Security" Does "Bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you" mean Christians are to support Israel?What are your views on The Church, Israel and "Replacement Theology?"Doesn't Hebrews 6:4 prove that the "Once Saved Always Saved" teaching is false?Is the Apostle Peter The Rock that The Church is built on?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?Is the Bible really the Word of God?         ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:00:00ARC StudiesnoSUPPORT OF ISRAEL,REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY,ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED,THE APOSTLE PETERThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M967101f7-a3e4-47f8-8a92-a6c593a949291071fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Do Biblical Apostles & Prophets Still Exist?", 17 May 2018 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Do Biblical Apostles & Prophets Still Exist?"TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Do Biblical Apostles & Prophets Still Exist?" It seems there's been an explosion of Apostles & Prophets in the Contemporary Church. Is this a sign of a "Move of The Spirit" as in Bible days? Or are people confuse as to what these spiritual gifts were? Aren't they said to be the very foundation of The Church? If so, how could they continue to exist throughout the structure? What is the "Five-Fold Ministry," and are these particular teaching gifts the anchor of it? Where is the "Gift of Preacher" found in scripture? And how about Bishops, Elders and Overseers? Isn't this the same function in the Bible? Join me as I explore God's Word regarding these questions. I will also be taking your calls. Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:20:00ARC StudiesnoAPOSTLES,PROPHETS,EVANGELISTS,PASTORS,TEACHERSThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M065b0f8a-5825-40a0-9dbf-8344ff6ddfac1070fullSegment I: The Identification of Bondage - Conclusion/ Segment 2: Introduction, 13 May 2018 15:00:00 GMTSegment I: The Identification of Bondage - Conclusion/ Segment 2: IntroductionFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior - "The END of The Law FOR Righteousness"  "What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith; but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness. Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone. As it is written: "Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense, and whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame. Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.''  (Romans 9:30 -10:4) As we move from the 9th chapter of the book of Romans and his blunt reality check to the Judaizers of God's sovereignty is implementing His divine purpose, the Apostle Paul presents the incessant issue resident in wayward Israel that served as the source of their failure as God's Elect of the Old Covenant: 1) Their abnormal focus on the SHADOW pointing to fulfillment of God's Purpose. 2) Their incessant need to make God's Plan about them rather than being about God's Plan, seeing themselves as THE object of God's redemptive plan rather than their role as an Elect Body by which His plan would be carried out. Join me in walking along with The Apostle Paul as he diagrams for them, and for us, the ONLY pathway to an eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father through Faith in Christ.  02:00:00ARC StudiesnoSEGMENT 1: Romans - "THE IDENTIFICATION OF BONDAGE",SEGMENT 2: Galatians - "THE IMPORTATION OF BONDAGE",END OF THE LAW FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS,IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD WITHOUT FAITHSegment I: "The Identification of Bondage" - Conclusion/ Segment 2: "The Importation of Bondage"50ef93aa-ebfe-4f6b-8790-1c1b60e1c7581067fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Do Biblical Apostles & Prophets Still Exist?", 11 May 2018 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Do Biblical Apostles & Prophets Still Exist?"TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Do Biblical Apostles & Prophets Still Exist?" It seems there's been an explosion of Apostles & Prophets in the Contemporary Church. Is this a sign of a "Move of The Spirit" as in Bible days? Or are people confuse as to what these spiritual gifts were? Aren't they said to be the very foundation of The Church? If so, how could they continue to exist throughout the structure? Join me as I explore God's Word regarding these questions. I will also be taking your calls. Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 00:02:00ARC StudiesnoAPOSTLES,PROPHETS,SPIRITUAL GIFTS,APOSTLES OF THE LAMBThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M60a18aad-211a-444b-a8aa-cae466d65aaa1069fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Water & Spirit: Have You Been Born Again?", 09 May 2018 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - "Water & Spirit: Have You Been Born Again?"TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Water and the Spirit: Have You Been Born Again?" (5/8/18) Is water baptism necessary for salvation? Isn't this what Jesus told Nicodemus? Doesn't scripture teach that there is One Baptism that is intrinsic to the salvific experience. Lastly, Doesn't the Apostle Peter use Noah and his Ark as a type from which the antitype in water baptism is drawn?  Join me as I explore God's Word regarding these questions. I will also be taking your calls. Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:27:00ARC StudiesnoBORN AGAIN,WATER AND THE SPIRIT,ONE BAPTISM,SEVEN ONES,TYPE & ANTITYPEThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M59e94cbc-cfd0-494f-a229-caee618ad0801068fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 4/8/18 (11:00am EST), 08 Apr 2018 15:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 4/8/18 (11:00am EST)TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Soul Sleep, The Rapture & End Times" When is The Rapture supposed to occur?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?If we are not under the law as you say, then what prevents us from breaking the 10 Commandments?Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Was Peter the 1st Pope?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?Is the Apostle Peter The Rock that The Church is built on?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?What are your views on Israel and "Replacement Theology?"Is the Bible really the Word of God?02:01:00ARC StudiesnoTHE RAPTURE,PRE WRATH,PRETRIBULATION,MIDTRIBULATION,POST TRIBULATIONThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M00f6ece2-2247-4bc4-bf3b-d63350fa6f8d1065fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/31/18 (11:00am EST), 31 Mar 2018 15:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/31/18 (11:00am EST)TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Soul Sleep, The Rapture & End Times" When is The Rapture supposed to occur?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?If we are not under the law as you say, then what prevents us from breaking the 10 Commandments?Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Was Peter the 1st Pope?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?Is the Apostle Peter The Rock that The Church is built on?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?What are your views on Israel and "Replacement Theology?"Is the Bible really the Word of God?02:01:00ARC StudiesnoSOUL SLEEP,THE RAPTURE,PRE WRATH,PRE TRIBULATION,MID TRIBULATIONThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is Elevated above the Mythology of M3b7e69e0-6784-4bb8-9e33-e30a313822b71064fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/26/18 (9:00pm EST), 27 Mar 2018 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/26/18 (9:00pm EST)TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Soul Sleep, The Rapture & End Times" When is The Rapture supposed to occur?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?If we are not under the law as you say, then what prevents us from breaking the 10 Commandments?Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Was Peter the 1st Pope?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?Is the Apostle Peter The Rock that The Church is built on?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?What are your views on Israel and "Replacement Theology?"Is the Bible really the Word of God?00:09:00ARC StudiesnoTHE RAPTURE,PRE WRATH,PRE TRIBULATION,MID TRIBULATION,POST TRIBULATIONThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mbdaf2a3a-9fb1-4a07-ab1a-75f9c6880acd1063fullFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR - "The END of The Law FOR Righteousness", 25 Mar 2018 15:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR - "The END of The Law FOR Righteousness"From The Schoolmaster To The Savior - "The END of The Law FOR Righteousness"  "What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith; but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness. Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone. As it is written: "Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense, and whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame. Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.''  (Romans 9:30 -10:4) As we move from the 9th chapter of the book of Romans and his blunt reality check to the Judaizers of God's sovereignty is implementing His divine purpose, the Apostle Paul presents the incessant issue resident in wayward Israel that served as the source of their failure as God's Elect of the Old Covenant: 1) Their abnormal focus on the SHADOW pointing to fulfillment of God's Purpose. 2) Their incessant need to make God's Plan about them rather than being about God's Plan, seeing themselves as THE object of God's redemptive plan rather than their role as an Elect Body by which His plan would be carried out. Join me in walking along with The Apostle Paul as he diagrams for them, and for us, the ONLY pathway to an eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father through Faith in Christ.  02:02:00ARC StudiesnoSegment 1: Romans - THE IDENTIFICATION OF BONDAGE,Segment 2: Galatians - THE IMPORTATION OF BONDAGE,END OF THE LAW,SALVATION BY FAITHSegment I: The Identification of Bondage - Conclusion/ Part 13: Romans Chapters 10 & 11890a3bf1-2641-44af-a182-42a59a6ac33d1062fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/17/18 (11:00am EST), 17 Mar 2018 15:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/17/18 (11:00am EST)TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Jesus' Name Baptism & The Rapture" Do I have to be baptized in Jesus' Name to be saved?When is The Rapture supposed to occur?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?If we are not under the law as you say, then what prevents us from breaking the 10 Commandments?Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Was Peter the 1st Pope?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?Is the Apostle Peter The Rock that The Church is built on?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?What are your views on Israel and "Replacement Theology?"Is the Bible really the Word of God?02:56:00ARC StudiesnoWATER BAPTISM,BAPTISMAL REGENERATION,JESUS NAME BAPTISM,MODALISM,ONENESS PENTECOSTALISMTODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Baptism in Jesus' Name & The Rapture05870ea6-cfd1-4bfd-a4da-4d20fd0629101061fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/10/18 (11:00am EST), 10 Mar 2018 16:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/10/18 (11:00am EST)QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 3/10/18 Where did the teaching about God being a "Trinity" come from?Do I have to be baptized in Jesus' Name to be saved?When is The Rapture supposed to occur?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?If we are not under the law as you say, then what prevents us from breaking the 10 Commandments?Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Was Peter the 1st Pope?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?Is the Apostle Peter The Rock that The Church is built on?What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?What are your views on Israel and "Replacement Theology?"Is the Bible really the Word of God? _____________________________________________________________ REMEMBER! The Greatest Enemy of Truth is NEVER The Lie. It is The MYTH!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,MODALISM,TRITHEISM,SACRED NAME THEOLOGY,BAPTISMAL REGENERATIONTODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Baptism in Jesus' Name & The Trinity"f7b4cca1-fbe4-454e-a063-227ce6f2c93d1059fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE *SPECIAL*- "God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times" p2, 14 Feb 2018 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE *SPECIAL*- "God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times" p2QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE *SPECIAL* - 2/13/17 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHT: "God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times pt.2" "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?'' "But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ." This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, and referenced in 2 Corinthians 11:3 by the Apostle Paul, illustrates a perfect example of the continuation of the philosophical Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth presented by His Word by seeking to arrive at newer subjective, esoteric "truths for our times" birthed of questioning God's explicit presentation of His Will in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to His Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through "private spiritual revelations." No longer is it treated as the source of ABSOLUTE TRUTH Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students it's annals. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who, in "Edenic Ignorance," see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this *Special Series* is being broadcast.  01:02:00ARC StudiesnoGOD'S WORD,MAN'S MUSINGS,INSPIRATION,ESOTERACISM,TRUTHThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m81e2b2a1-ad14-4947-90c9-965e55ad6dcc1058fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE *SPECIAL*- "God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times" p1, 05 Feb 2018 16:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE *SPECIAL*- "God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times" p1QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE *SPECIAL* - 2/5/17 (11:00am EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHT: "God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times pt.1" "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?'' "But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ." This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, and referenced in 2 Corinthians 11:3 by the Apostle Paul, illustrates a perfect example of the continuation of the philosophical Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth presented by His Word by seeking to arrive at newer subjective, esoteric "truths for our times" birthed of questioning God's explicit presentation of His Will in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to His Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through "private spiritual revelations." No longer is it treated as the source of ABSOLUTE TRUTH Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students it's annals. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who, in "Edenic Ignorance," see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this *Special Series* is being broadcast.  02:01:00ARC StudiesnoARIANISM,MODALISM,TRITHEISM,JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES,ONENESS PENTECOSTALISMThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m498397fc-56f2-4954-93c8-cfd40c10a19a1056fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: Modalism, Baptism in Jesus Name & The Trinity- 2, 28 Jan 2018 16:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: Modalism, Baptism in Jesus Name & The Trinity- 2QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 1/28/17 (11:00am EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Modalism, Baptism in Jesus Name & The Trinity" Where did the teaching about God being a "Trinity" come from?Do I have to be baptized in Jesus' Name to be saved?What is a TRUE Pastor?If we are not under the law as you say, then what prevents us from breaking the 10 Commandments?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?01:55:00ARC StudiesnoARIANISM,MODALISM,TRITHEISM,JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES,ONENESS PENTECOSTALISMThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of md76c02bc-a54c-4ddc-9e22-4c80ff46b9a01054fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: Modalism, Baptism in Jesus Name & The Trinity- 1, 23 Jan 2018 01:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: Modalism, Baptism in Jesus Name & The Trinity- 1QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 1/22/17 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Modalism, Baptism in Jesus Name & The Trinity" Where did the teaching about God being a "Trinity" come from?Do I have to be baptized in Jesus' Name to be saved?What is a TRUE Pastor?If we are not under the law as you say, then what prevents us from breaking the 10 Commandments?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?02:01:00ARC StudiesnoARIANISM,JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES,MODALISM,ONENESS PENTECOSTALISM,THE TRINITYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m4d7b30e4-cbf8-458c-accd-194e9ae3a3c71053fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: Faith/Works, Jesus Name, Water, Baptism, Trinity, 20 Jan 2018 16:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: Faith/Works, Jesus Name, Water, Baptism, TrinityQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 1/20/17 (11:00am EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Faith & Works_Jesus Name Baptism_Pastors_The Trinity" Paul said we are saved by Faith Alone. James said we are saved by Faith & Works. Please explain?Do I have to be baptized to be saved?Is baptism in any other name than Jesus valid?What is a TRUE Pastor?Where did the teaching about God being a "Trinity" come from?If we are not under the law as you say, then what prevents us from breaking the 10 Commandments?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Was Peter the 1st Pope?01:58:00ARC StudiesnoFAITH vs WORKS,WATER BAPTISM,JESUS NAME BAPTISM,THE TRINITY,THE LAWThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m117c4542-7a5a-4a98-a800-5ecc35db40b21052fullFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR - "The End of The Law for Righteousness", 17 Dec 2017 16:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR - "The End of The Law for Righteousness"From The Schoolmaster To The Savior - "The End of The Law for Righteousness"  "What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith; but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness. Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone. As it is written: "Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense, and whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame. Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.''  (Romans 9:30 -10:4) As we move from the 9th chapter of the book of Romans and his blunt reality check to the Judaizers of God's sovereignty is implementing His divine purpose, the Apostle Paul presents the incessant issue resident in wayward Israel that served as the source of their failure as God's Elect of the Old Covenant: 1) Their abnormal focus on the SHADOW pointing to fulfillment of God's Purpose. 2) Their incessant need to make God's Plan about them rather than being about God's Plan, seeing themselves as THE object of God's redemptive plan rather than their role as an Elect Body by which His plan would be carried out. Join me in walking along with The Apostle Paul as he diagrams for them, and for us, the ONLY pathway to an eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father through Faith in Christ.  02:01:00ARC StudiesnoEND OF THE LAW,SALVATION BY FAITH,FAITH COMES BY HEARING,ELECT ISRAEL,THE BODY OF CHRISTSegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 13: Romans Chapter 102789ac4b-377f-4c2d-b7b2-2bb97e9675601051full**MARKETPLACE Special Edition**- "Hard Hearted God? Or Hardened Heart Pharaoh", 17 Dec 2017 01:00:00 GMT**MARKETPLACE Special Edition**- "Hard Hearted God? Or Hardened Heart Pharaoh"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE- 12/16/17 (8:00pm EST)   **MARKETPLACE Special Edition**- "Hard Hearted God? Or Hardened Hearted Pharaoh" "For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, "Even for this same purpose I have raised you up, that I might show My power in you, and that My name might be declared in all the earth.'' Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. -(Romans 9:17-18) Did God really harden Pharaoh's heart, and then judge him for being "hard hearted?" Is this the message the Apostle Paul is trying to convey to you and I in Romans 9 regarding this encounter between God and this man? Is this the lesson God is conveying to us as to how His "righteousness, fairness & justness" should be defined? Or is it just more Distortion, Distraction and Deception from those already deceived as they continue to deceive others? Join me as we continue to reclaim the truth of God's Word in this vital chapter from these who have made an errant life practice of reconciling and distorting the truth of God's Word to the myth of Calvinistic dogma, rather than reconciling mythical Calvinistic dogma to the truth of God's Word. You can always participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (8:00pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:37:00ARC StudiesnoROMANS 9,PHARAOH,HARD HEART,SOVEREIGN WILL,PERFECT WILLDid God really harden Pharaoh's heart, and then judge him for being "hard hearted" Romans 9?491f9387-72af-4756-8d4b-86b3296e66f31050fullMARKETPLACE **SPECIAL EDITION**- "The Elect, The Children of Promise & Romans 9", 13 Dec 2017 01:00:00 GMTMARKETPLACE **SPECIAL EDITION**- "The Elect, The Children of Promise & Romans 9"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 12/12/17 (8:00pm EST)   **MARKETPLACE Special Edition**- "The Elect, The Children of Promise & Romans Chapter 9" "If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son. He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself; he who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of His Son. -(1st John 5:9-10) During this **Special Edition** of Questions From The Marketplace I will be addressing the confusion intentionally inserted into God's Word for the express purpose of muddying God's message in God's context so that the message of another may be inserted in its place. The message of Gnosticism, as filtered through Mani, as filtered through Augustine, as filtered through Calvin, and as diffused through the numerous contemporaneous deceivers who have been deceived themselves. These approach God's Word for selective scripture snippets that they then reconcile to John Calvin's musing rather than reconciling the musings of the heretical teachings of these to God's Word. During this broadcast we will be reviewing God's Word in God's context, and in so doing, we will see clearly that while this passage speaks of "Election to Purpose," it ABSOLUTELY NEVER speaks of "Election to Salvation." 01:11:00ARC StudiesnoELECTION,CHILDREN OF FLESH,CHILDREN OF PROMISE,SOVEREIGN WILL,PERFECT WILLThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mf93c08b5-76cb-405f-9453-1a2d10e12c3b1049fullFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior:"Who are The Children of Promise?" #3, 10 Dec 2017 16:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior:"Who are The Children of Promise?" #3From The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Who are The Children of Promise?" #3  "What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith; but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness. Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone. As it is written: "Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense, and whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.''  (Romans 9:30-33) As we move into this 9th chapter of the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul, having perfectly illustrated the purpose of the law through the ages to this point, now turns his focus to addressing his "kinsman according to the flesh" and their obstinate response to the new dynamics of the changed dispensation with its new ELECT BODY, and its NEW COVENANT devoid of the Mosaic Law. As the ELECT BODY of the OLD COVENANT, they had served as God's vanguard of His Purpose to the world. They were now faced with the realization that their contribution was merely a single component in a greater Purpose, a Purpose that included them, but DID NOT revolve around them. As such they were reticent to adapt to this NEW DYNAMIC, attempting at every opportunity to turn the focus back towards them and the Law that gave them national identity. Join me as we submerge ourselves in God's Word so that we too may learn to comprehend that while we ARE God's Elect in this New Covenant, it is Him we are to serve, and His Purpose we are charged to carry out. You are invited to participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or to 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoPREDESTINATION,FOREORDAINED,FOREKNOWLEDGE,ELECT,ISRAELSegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 12: Romans Chapter 9-10f7f105cf-1908-4053-a1b0-0fd86b2653281048fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Original Sin & Saving Faith", 05 Dec 2017 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Original Sin & Saving Faith"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 12/4/17 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "Original Sin & Saving Faith" Does the Bible teach that we are born with a sin nature?How does One Get Saving Faith?Paul said we are saved by Faith Alone. James said we are saved by Faith & Works. Please explain?Do I have to be baptized to be saved?If we are not under the law as you say, then what prevents us from breaking the 10 Commandments? If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Was Peter the 1st Pope?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?What are your views on Israel and "Replacement Theology?"Is the Bible really the Word of God?01:16:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,SAVING FAITH,FAITH vs WORKS FOR SALVATION,CHRISTIANS & THE LAW,ORIGINAL SINThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m67ac8604-6404-4e35-a5c4-3da8b697c3d51047fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Trinity in the Clarity of Scripture.", 01 Dec 2017 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Trinity in the Clarity of Scripture."QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 11/30/17 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS: "The Trinity in the Clarity of Scripture" How can God be both Three and One?How does One Get Saving Faith?Paul said we are saved by Faith Alone. James said we are saved by Faith & Works. Please explain?Do I have to be baptized to be saved?If we are not under the law as you say, then what prevents us from breaking the 10 Commandments? If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Was Peter the 1st Pope?Is Mary the woman in Revelations 12?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?What are your views on Israel and "Replacement Theology?"Is the Bible really the Word of God?01:30:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,SAVING FAITH,FAITH vs WORKS FOR SALVATION,CHRISTIANS & THE LAW,UNPARDONABLE SINThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m69080bb7-ac82-4d9b-b6f2-f5a246946c141046fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Sovereignty & Eternal Security", 29 Nov 2017 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Sovereignty & Eternal Security"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 11/28/17 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: How can man have Free Will if God is Sovereign?Can someone who has once accepted Christ still end up in Hell?Was Peter the first Pope?How can God be both Three and One?How does One Get Saving Faith?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now? Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Paul said we are saved by Faith Alone. James said we are saved by Faith & Works. Please explain?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?01:24:00ARC StudiesnoSOVEREIGN WILL,PERFECT WILL,PERMISSIVE WILL,ETERNAL SECURITY,THE PAPACYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m6247a302-0a93-4353-b3ee-bc299b6dd1231045fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Calvinism, Witnessing & Eternal Security", 23 Nov 2017 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Calvinism, Witnessing & Eternal Security"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 11/22/17 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: How can man have Free Will if God is Sovereign?Can someone who has once accepted Christ still end up in Hell?Was Peter the first Pope?How can God be both Three and One?How does One Get Saving Faith?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now? Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Paul said we are saved by Faith Alone. James said we are saved by Faith & Works. Please explain?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?02:29:00ARC StudiesnoSOVEREIGN WILL,PERFECT WILL,PERMISSIVE WILL,ETERNAL SECURITY,THE PAPACYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m2e7b022a-f50f-4e37-a4fd-c25cb22a3d9e1044fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Water Baptism, Once Saved Always Saved", 21 Nov 2017 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Water Baptism, Once Saved Always Saved"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 11/20/17 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS:   Does Water Baptism Save Us?Can someone who has once accepted Christ still end up in Hell?Was Peter the first Pope?How can God be both Three and One?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Paul said we are saved by Faith Alone. James said we are saved by Faith & Works. Please explain?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?01:30:00ARC StudiesnoBAPTISMAL REGENERATION,ETERNAL SECURITY,WATER BAPTISM,PETER THE 1st POPE,THE TRINITYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mbe7c1ad1-fe7d-4a0d-8cc4-fcd14320fc7a1043fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Spiritual Gifts, KJV Only, Peter as Pope", 17 Nov 2017 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Spiritual Gifts, KJV Only, Peter as Pope"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 11/16/17 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS:   Do Apostles, Prophets & Tongues still exist?Is the King James Version scripture?Can someone who has once accepted Christ still end up in Hell?Was Peter the first Pope?How can God be both Three and One?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?Is the Catholic Church The True Church?Paul said we are saved by Faith Alone. James said we are saved by Faith & Works. Please explain?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?01:58:00ARC StudiesnoSPRITUAL GIFTS,KING JAMES ONLY,ETERNAL SECURITY,PETER THE 1ST POPE,THE TRINITYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m178d55c2-3081-4f68-a62d-2fa5f190c39f1042fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Apostles vs Apostles of The Lamb"- 11/13/17, 14 Nov 2017 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Apostles vs Apostles of The Lamb"- 11/13/17QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 11/11/17 (8:30pm EST)   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS:   Did I hear you say that Spiritual Gifts no longer exist?Does The Holy Spirit still speak to people today?How can God be both Three and One?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?Is the Catholic Church the True Curch?Paul said we are saved by Faith Alone. James said we are saved by Faith & Works. Please explain?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?01:20:00ARC StudiesnoSPIRITUAL GIFTS,APOSTLES,PROPHETS,HEALING,SPEAKING IN TONGUESThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m8600b5ba-eba2-4240-8098-dcf201eb2e9c1041fullFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior:"Who are The Children of Promise?" # 2, 12 Nov 2017 16:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior:"Who are The Children of Promise?" # 2From The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Who are The Children of Promise?" # 2  "What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith; but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness. Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone. As it is written: "Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense, and whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.''  (Romans 9:30-33) As we move into this 9th chapter of the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul, having perfectly illustrated the purpose of the law through the ages to this point, now turns his focus to addressing his "kinsman according to the flesh" and their obstinate response to the new dynamics of the changed dispensation with its new ELECT BODY, and its NEW COVENANT devoid of the Mosaic Law. As the ELECT BODY of the OLD COVENANT, they had served as God's vanguard of His Purpose to the world. They were now faced with the realization that their contribution was merely a single component in a greater Purpose, a Purpose that included them, but DID NOT revolve around them. As such they were reticent to adapt to this NEW DYNAMIC, attempting at every opportunity to turn the focus back towards them and the Law that gave them national identity. Join me as we submerge ourselves in God's Word so that we too may learn to comprehend that while we ARE God's Elect in this New Covenant, it is Him we are to serve, and His Purpose we are charged to carry out. You are invited to participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or to 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoPREDESTINATION,FOREORDAINED,FOREKNOWLEDGE,ELECT,ISRAELSegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 12: Romans Chapter 9-10fc4604e2-295f-4298-b7e6-9aeab0dd28981040fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "What is Speaking in Tongues"- 11/11/17, 12 Nov 2017 01:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "What is Speaking in Tongues"- 11/11/17QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 11/11/17 (8:30pm EST)   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS:   Should Christians Speak in Tongues? Do Tongues even still exist?Did I hear you say that Spiritual Gifts no longer exist?Does The Holy Spirit still speak to people today?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?How can God be both Three and One?Paul said we are saved by Faith Alone. James said we are saved by Faith & Works. Please explain?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?01:17:00ARC StudiesnoSPIRITUAL GIFTS,SPEAKING IN TONGUES,BLASPHEMY,SIN UNTO DEATH,TRI-UNITYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mf3129b09-f905-4d1b-a1d6-7891469c10cb1039fullFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior:"Who are The Children of Promise?" # 1, 05 Nov 2017 16:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior:"Who are The Children of Promise?" # 1From The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Who are The Children of Promise?" #1  "What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith; but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness. Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone. As it is written: "Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense, and whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.''  (Romans 9:30-33) As we move into this 9th chapter of the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul, having perfectly illustrated the purpose of the law through the ages to this point, now turns his focus to addressing his "kinsman according to the flesh" and their obstinate response to the new dynamics of the changed dispensation with its new ELECT BODY, and its NEW COVENANT devoid of the Mosaic Law. As the ELECT BODY of the OLD COVENANT, they had served as God's vanguard of His Purpose to the world. They were now faced with the realization that their contribution was merely a single component in a greater Purpose, a Purpose that included them, but DID NOT revolve around them. As such they were reticent to adapt to this NEW DYNAMIC, attempting at every opportunity to turn the focus back towards them and the Law that gave them national identity. Join me as we submerge ourselves in God's Word so that we too may learn to comprehend that while we ARE God's Elect in this New Covenant, it is Him we are to serve, and His Purpose we are charged to carry out. You are invited to participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or to 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoPREDESTINATION,ELECTION,FOREKNOWLEDGE,ORDAINED,CHILDREN OF PROMISESegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 11: Romans Chapter 8-983fa473d-4478-48d2-a7dd-4709acf0b4021038fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Do We Choose. Or Are We Chosen?" - 11/4/17, 04 Nov 2017 15:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Do We Choose. Or Are We Chosen?" - 11/4/17QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 11/4/17   TODAY ON THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: "Do We Choose. Or Are We Chosen?" The single subject of today's edition of Questions from the Marketplace is in response to confusion regarding the T.U.L.I.P. and the "DOCTRINE OF ELECTION." Does God Choose Some to be Saved, or Can All Choose the Salvation freely offered by God? Does man's ability to respond to the Gospel Call somehow impede upon God's sovereignty? Does this somehow make Him less God because man plays a part in the salvation that God declared available to "WHOEVER? Or is it that God can't be taken at His Word? Lastly, did Christ Die for the entire world, or only for the "some" He selected from it? Join me as I endeavor to clarify the truth of God's DOCTRINE from this pervasively destructive DOGMA of man. If you'd like to participate live during the broadcast, you can join my the online chat room, or you can call in your questions, comments or contributions to (607)203-5370 while I'm live on the air. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at  02:00:00ARC StudiesnoMANI,MANICHAEISM,AUGUSTINE,JOHN CALVIN,THEODORE BEZAThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of med3b480b-2a7d-49cd-8d7d-8319e35f78911037fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Are Women Limited in Ministry by God?" - pt 3, 04 Nov 2017 01:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Are Women Limited in Ministry by God?" - pt 3During this conclusion of my *Special Edition* of QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE regarding women in ministry, I will be defining, correcting and presenting what God's Word says about words like "MINISTRY" AND "PREACHING," As well as what are, and what are not "SPIRITUAL GIFTS" according to The Bible. Can women teach in The Church? Or are they relegated to ONLY teaching other women and children? Join me as we conclude our study of this topic. You can tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (8:00pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoWOMEN IN MINISTRY,WOMEN PREACHERS,SPIRITUAL GIFTS,MALE/FEMALE ROLES IN THE HOME,MALE/FEMALE ROLES IN THE CHURCHCan women be Pastors, Teachers and Preachers in the Church? What is a Preacher?654a147f-0ae4-4b67-83bc-f98e84efc4f21036fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Are Women Limited in Ministry by God?" - pt 2, 31 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Are Women Limited in Ministry by God?" - pt 2QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/30/17   TODAY'S **Special Edition** FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: "Are Women Limited in Ministry by God?" pt 2 During this *Special Edition* of QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE I will be concluding my presentation of this topic. During our last time together we reviewed both the "PUNISHMENTS," and the "CONSEQUENCES" the fall into sin by the first man and woman. We discussed further how the consequence of Eve's part in this horrible event would ultimately lead to the conflict between the sexes that manifests itself as "FEMINISM," and "CHAUVANISM," perpetuating confusion between the man and woman that God created to be ONE FLESH. During this session we will see how this conflict has resulted in enmity within the ONE BODY that He decreed would serve as the vanguard of His purpose in this dispensation. Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (8:00pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. See you there!!! 01:11:00ARC StudiesnoMINISTRY,WOMEN IN MINISTRY,ROLES IN THE CHURCH,CHAUVANISM,FEMINISMCan women be Pastors, Teachers and Preachers in the Church? What is a Preacher?788fa3fc-d8b9-4a2d-8a40-a4974f30b8c21034fullFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior:"GOD'S PEOPLE PREDESTINED FOR GOD'S PURPOSE", 29 Oct 2017 15:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior:"GOD'S PEOPLE PREDESTINED FOR GOD'S PURPOSE""GOD'S PEOPLE PREDESTINED FOR GOD'S PURPOSE"  "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:28-31) After having illustrated GOD'S PURPOSE over the ages, through chapter 7, as carried aloft by the vehicles of "THE LIGHT OF CREATION" and "THE LIGHT OF CONSCIOUS," and confirmed through "NATURAL" and "THE WRITTEN LAW," the Apostle Paul, "AS EVERYMAN," then models how these "TOOLS" of "GOD'S PURPOSE" crescendo into "THE LIGHT OF CHRIST" leading to the new birth and "SPIRITUAL LAW." Having thus illustrated and embodied this progression eloquently and with stark clarity to this point in this pivotal work, Paul now begins to take focus on how this progression has impacted God's "ELECT BODY," formally made up of "NATIONAL ISRAEL" in the Old Covenant, but now made up of all who come to Christ by faith. All of these are "PREDESTINED" by God to be conformed to the "IMAGE" of His Son in a "NEW" elect body for this New Covenant: "THE BODY OF CHRIST." Please join me as we feast on this hearty meal of God's Word. You are invited to participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE ELECT,ISRAEL,THE BODY OF CHRIST,THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH,THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFESegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 10: Romans Chapters 8-97063607d-daf7-41ba-9f14-71ab66a64d521033fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Are Women Limited in Ministry by God?" - pt 1, 29 Oct 2017 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Are Women Limited in Ministry by God?" - pt 1QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/28/17   TODAY'S **Special Edition** FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: "Are Women Limited in Ministry by God?" pt 1 During this *Special Edition* of Questions From The Marketplace I will be addressing issues related to the relationship between God and man, God and woman, man and woman and woman in The Church as God intended. "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?" "Can women hold these positions?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY, and untethering those seeking true Christian REVOLUTION from those who relish the ambiguity of REBELLION. Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (9:00pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  See you there!!!During this  02:00:00ARC StudiesnoMINISTRY,WOMEN IN MINISTRY,ROLES IN THE CHURCH,CHAUVANISM,FEMINISMCan women be Pastors, Teachers and Preachers in the Church? What is a Preacher?689695ea-a3f3-4d08-9718-6432727d82c21032fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Original Sin & Spiritual Gifts" - 10/24/17, 25 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Original Sin & Spiritual Gifts" - 10/24/17QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/24/17 (8:00pm EST)   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS:   Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?What do you think of the Hebrew Israelites?Did I hear you say that Spiritual Gifts no longer exist?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If we are raised to be with Jesus at The Rapture, where do we go when we die now?How can God be both Three and One?Paul said we are saved by Faith Alone. James said we are saved by Faith & Works. Please explain?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?01:25:00ARC StudiesnoORIGINAL SIN,HEBREW ISRAELITES,SPIRITUAL GIFTS,THE UNPARDONABLE SIN,THE RAPTUREThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m1d54dd9b-7c91-42b2-b451-2e5e89018c801031fullFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "GOD'S PURPOSE THROUGH THE DISPENSATIONS", 22 Oct 2017 15:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "GOD'S PURPOSE THROUGH THE DISPENSATIONS"FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR "GOD'S PURPOSE THROUGH THE DISPENSATIONS" "Whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the that all the world may become guilty before God, for by the law is the knowledge of sin...For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith….for where there is no law there is no transgression….until the law was given sin was in the world, but is not imputed. Nevertheless death reigned between Adam to Moses over those who had not sinned in the way Adam did….Is the law sin then? Certainly not! I would not have known sin except through the law. For I would not have known lust until the law said, "You shall not lust"….For apart from the law sin was dead. I was alive once without the law, but when the law came, sin revived and I died. Sin, that it might appear sin, was producing death in me through what is good, so that sin through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful." (A summary of the law as illustrated by The Apostle Paul ) To this point in our study, the Apostle Paul has beautifully stretched out the map of God's Plan of Redemption through the ages, perfectly illustrating each step of His Divine Purpose through the Dispensations, culminating in The Apostle Paul, assuming the metaphorical posture as "every man," uses himself to illustrate man's trek through these Dispensations, leading to there fulfillment in Christ. You are invited to participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoDISPENSATION OF INNOCENCE,DISPENSATION OF LAW,DISPENSATION OF GRACE,PURPOSE OF THE LAWSegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 9: Romans Chapters 7 & 8093ac396-cc6c-4aaa-ac88-327905a22d3d1030fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Jesus/Horus, Baptism, Original Sin" - 10/20/17, 21 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Jesus/Horus, Baptism, Original Sin" - 10/20/17QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/20/17 (8:00pm EST)   Today's Questions From The Marketplace of Ideas: Is it true that Jesus was copied from Horus?Why does Ephesians 4:5 say there is only "One Baptism? Didn't Jesus say there are two in John 3:5?You've said God is Sovereign, but said man must choose. Isn't that a contradiction?Is it true that Mary is the Mother of God?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?What do you think of the Hebrew Israelites?Did I hear you say that Spiritual Gifts no longer exist?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.What do you think of the new popular Flat Earth Theory?01:29:00ARC StudiesnoKEMETOLOGY,7 UNITIES,BAPTISM IN THE SPIRIT,BAPTISM OF THE SPIRIT,WATER BAPTISMThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of me71440cb-21e2-4f4c-ae06-61573e6543401029fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Baptism, Sovereignty, Original Sin" - 10/17/17, 18 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Baptism, Sovereignty, Original Sin" - 10/17/17QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/17/17 (8:00pm EST)   Today's Questions From The Marketplace of Ideas: What is Political Theology?Is it true that Jesus was copied from Horus?Why does Ephesians 4:5 say there is only "One Baptism? Didn't Jesus say there are two in John 3:5?You've said God is Sovereign, but said man must choose. Isn't that a contradiction?Is it true that Mary is the Mother of God?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?What do you think of the Hebrew Israelites?Did I hear you say that Spiritual Gifts no longer exist?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.01:30:00ARC StudiesnoPOLITICAL THEOLOGY,SOVEREIGN WILL,PERFECT WILL,PERMISSIVE WILL,MARY THE MOTHER OF GODThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mc79f66ae-6c87-40ed-8ccb-60f64efe64e11028fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Politics, Baptism, Sovereignty" - 10/14/17, 15 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Politics, Baptism, Sovereignty" - 10/14/17QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/14/17 (8:00pm EST)   Today's Questions From The Marketplace of Ideas:   Does Acts 13:48 and 2nd Thessalonians 2:13 prove that we are somehow chosen to be saved?What is Political Theology?Is it true that Jesus was copied from Horus?Why does Ephesians 4:5 say there is only "One Baptism? Didn't Jesus say there are two in John 3:5?You've said God is Sovereign, but said man must choose. Isn't that a contradiction?Is it true that Mary is the Mother of God?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?What do you think of the Hebrew Israelites?Did I hear you say that Spiritual Gifts no longer exist?If there is only One sin that can't be forgiven, then what about suicide?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.02:00:00ARC StudiesnoPOLITICAL THEOLOGY,SOVEREIGN WILL,PERFECT WILL,PERMISSIVE WILL,MARY THE MOTHER OF GODThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of ma6e71e7d-4a03-4886-82fc-6eb1452678b51027fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Falling Away, The Rapture, The Witnesses", 10 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "The Falling Away, The Rapture, The Witnesses"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: 10/10/17 ESCHATOLOGY - "The Falling Away, The Rapture, The Witnesses" "Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. .'' (II Thessalonians 2:1-4) What precedes the return of Christ? Will it be "great revival," as is endlessly chanted on American Christian television infomercials? Or is it something else? In fact, How is the coming of Christ defined? What do the scriptures have to say regarding this? What about the Two Witnesses? Who are they? And why don't they have the support of the Christian community during the days of their ministry? Lastly, Will Christians escape the Tribulation period? Or are they destined to suffer through it? Join me as we move step-by-step through what scripture teaches concerning these persons and events. You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at  02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE FALLING AWAY,THE RAPTURE,RE TRIBULATIONS,MID TRIBULATION,POST TRIBULATIONSThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m7d8acceb-08b2-419f-b942-8040aebfe9451025fullFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Reconciled to Reconcile", 08 Oct 2017 15:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Reconciled to Reconcile"FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 8: Romans Chapters 6-7 "RECONCILED TO RECONCILE" "Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!" Romans 6:11-15) Having used the plumb line of truth to recalibrate God's people to His Purpose, Will and Way as expressed in the Word He decreed before time began, the Apostle Paul begins his summation of how this Purpose is manifested in the lives of those drawn to salvation by the "LIGHT OF CHRIST." These "Redeemed Ones" MUST learn to carry their vessels in "sanctification and honor" in order to carry out their part in the Ministry of Reconciliation to which they (we) are called. Join me as we continue down this Royal Roman Road where one may learn the fine art of FIRST learning to Reconcile Oneself in preparation to learning how to Reconcile Others in the "LIGHT OF COMMISSION." You are invited to participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoPOSITIONAL SANCTIFICATION,PROGRESSIVE SANCTIFICATION,PERFECTED SANCTIFICATION,SCHOOLMASTER TO SAVIORSegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 8: Romans Chapters 6-79a5c77b1-9237-4593-8f76-39b25a7762aa1026fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: ESCHATOLOGY - "The Doctrine of Last Things", 07 Oct 2017 15:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: ESCHATOLOGY - "The Doctrine of Last Things"QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: 10/7/17 ESCHATOLOGY - "The Doctrine of Last Things" "Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior, knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.'' (I Peter 2:1-4) [SCOFFERS: "One who mocks, ridicules, or scorns the belief of another."] Since the time of Christ, and since the laying down of the foundation of His Church men have mocked chided, ridiculed and derided biblical presentations of phenomenon accompanying last time events. In fact, for nearly a millinium this portion of the Christian discipline wasn't Rapture!? What Rapture? "Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation, Post-Tribulation or Pre-Wrath? When will this Rapture occur? That word isn't even in the Bible. And wasn't the Anti-Christ and the Tribulation Period fulfilled in the 1st Century during the Neronian Persecution? Who are the Two Witnesses, and why didn't they gets some help from other Christians on the Earth when they fought the Anti-Christ? Join me as we move step-by-step through what scripture teaches concerning these persons and events. You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:06:00ARC StudiesnoTRIBULATION PERIOD,THE RAPTURE,THE TWO WITNESSES,1ST COMING OF CHRIST,2ND COMING OF CHRISTThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m79a90e3e-ae20-4a08-b492-74a93a06e2671024fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Teaching Gifts & Church Hierarchy" - Part 3, 26 Sep 2017 23:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Teaching Gifts & Church Hierarchy" - Part 3SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 3 - "The Purpose, Order and Authority of Teachers" - "This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach…. not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil." (I Timothy 3:1-3, 6)  In this passage the Apostle Paul lists the qualifications for those seeking to serve in the position Bishop/Elders/Overseer? Are this position a Spiritual Gift? Why is it necessary? Who selects them? Are they still needed today, or have they been replaced by the personal spiritual insights of individuals? If they exist, are these in charge of The Church in place of Christ until He returns? Join me as I expound on What God’s Word says concerning these questions as we gain understanding of The Purpose, The Order, and The Scope of this formal teaching office. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (607)203-5370. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 01:54:00ARC StudiesnoCHURCH HIERARCY,SPIRITUAL GIFTS,CHURCH OFFICES,APOSTLES,PROPHETSThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m4f3f6a7a-3b05-4777-865c-708fec393a8d1023fullFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Remedy & Restoration" Part 2, 24 Sep 2017 15:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Remedy & Restoration" Part 2Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 7: Romans Chapter 5 (conclusion) "For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.)Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous." (Romans 5:17-19) Having begun with the "Light of Creation" and "Natural Law" as the vehicles by which man may come to know there is a God in Romans chapters 1 t& 2….. And having traversed through the "Light of Conscious" and the "Mosaic Law" and their capacity to allow man to contemplate his position and/or condition in relation to this revealed God in chapters 3 and 4…. Now the Apostle Paul leaves "General Revelation and moves on to "Special Revelation" and the "Light of Christ," revealing "The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus" in it's true purpose. Join me today as we take this leap from the general to the special in the fulfillment of the unfolding of God's divine purpose in the redemption of man. You can always participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:04:00ARC StudiesnoFAITH vs LAW,GRACE vs WORKS,LAW OF SIN & DEATH,LAW OF THE SPIRIT & LIFE,WRITTEN LAWSegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 7: Romans Chapter (conclusion)ffc39977-4dd3-49ca-b84c-b0356f71405a10fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Teaching Gifts & Church Hierarchy" - Part 2, 23 Sep 2017 15:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Teaching Gifts & Church Hierarchy" - Part 2Part 2: SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT - "The Purpose, Order and Authority of Teachers" - "As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble." (II Peter 1:3-10) What are the Teaching Gifts? Why are they necessary and Who selects them? What role do they play in the process above? Do all of them even still exist today, or have some ceased? If so, which ones? What is the "Five-Fold Ministry, and what part does it play in The Church today? Is the presence of this ministry the sign of a healthy church?  What is the responsibility of those with teaching gifts? Are they in charge in place of Christ and until He returns? Join me as I expound on What God’s Word says concerning these issues as we gain understanding of The Purpose, The Order, and The Scope of Teachers. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (607)203-5370. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 02:05:00ARC StudiesnoCHURCH HIERARCHY,SPIRITUAL GIFTS,CHURCH OFFICES,APOSTLES,PROPHETSThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mab072902-d3fb-4d89-b690-30262c0e23131022fullQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Teaching Gifts & Church Hierarchy", 21 Sep 2017 23:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Teaching Gifts & Church Hierarchy" In this passage, after listening to His disciples debate status amongst themselves, Jesus provided the following correction: “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those who exercise authority over them are called `benefactors.’ But not so among you; on the contrary, he who is greatest among you, let him be as the least, and he who governs as he who serves. For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among you as the One who serves.” (verses 25-27) In the world’s system, a hierarchy is defined as “a privilege of organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.” The proverbial pyramid structure with the “greatest” at the apex. According to our Lord and Savior in the passage provided above hierarchy is defined as “a responsibility within the organism that the Body of Christ is in which people or groups are gifted and/or selected to serve others, supporting their development and growth according in submission to scriptural authority. The inverted pyramid. Despite the clear cautionary command of our Lord, many throughout the century have adapted the hierarchical structure of the world to the church, leading to rampant abuse of authority and misinterpretation of God’s Word. As many have begun to wake up to this distortion in revolution, some have even gone as far as to challenge the very existence of any hierarchical in the church ever. Does the Word of God teach such a thing? And if it did once, is such a thing even viable today? Join me as we launch into the deep regarding this topic. You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:03:00ARC StudiesnoCHURCH HIERARCHY,SPIRITUAL GIFTS,CHURCH OFFICES,APOSTLES,PROPHETSIn this passage, after listening to His disciples debate status amongst themselves, Jesus provided the following correction: “The kings of the Gentiles exercisFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Remedy & Restoration" pt 1, 17 Sep 2017 15:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Remedy & Restoration" pt 1Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 5: Romans Chapters 4-5 "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned (For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come." (Romans 5:12-14)  On this leg of our Roman journey, the Apostle Paul begins to drill down into the key problem weighing down the Jewish Christians of the Roman Church. Their belief that their relationship and "exclusivity" before God had more to do with them than with God's Purpose for all of mankind. They were falling into the same trap that Israel of old had fallen into, and that Jews to this very day continue to fall into: The belief that they were and are the SUBJECT of God's purpose rather than being "an" OBJECT by which God accomplishes His Divine Plan. To remedy this deficiency of understanding, The Apostle Paul drops a plumb line of truth in order to set the record straight regarding man's dilemma and His plan to provide ALL of mankind opportunity be restored to right relationship with Him. In this plan Israel was/will play an integral part, but are NOT the goal of God's purpose, contrary to their belief. Join me today as seek clarity of explanation presented by Paul in order to divorce this errant DOGMA from biblical DOCTRINE regarding God's purpose. You can always participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:04:00ARC StudiesnoFAITH vs LAW,GRACE vs WORKS,LAW OF SIN & DEATH,LAW OF THE SPIRIT & LIFE,WRITTEN LAWSegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 5: Romans Chapters 4-5From The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "The Light of Christ, Faith Perfected", 03 Sep 2017 15:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "The Light of Christ, Faith Perfected"From The Schoolmaster To The Savior Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 4: Romans Chapters 3-4 "For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise made of no effect, because the law brings about wrath; for where there is no law there is no transgression. Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all." (Romans 4:13-16) This week in our journey down the Roman Road, the Apostle Paul provides us clarity as to how the Mosaic Law given as the vanguard of the Old Covenant could give way, in its intended purpose, to access to the Covenant of Promise God made with Abraham 430 years prior to its inception. In making access to this promise available to all of mankind, God also fulfilled His promise made to Abraham that he would be "father of MANY nations," not just the father of the Nation of Israel. (Genesis 17:1-6) The challenge in understanding this intent among the Jews of the first century as well as Judaizers of today is in their continual choosing of the "covenant with death" resulting from worship of the law over the "Covenant of Promise" provided by God through the faith of Abraham. (Isaiah 28:11-15) Join me as we continue to experience The Law & Faith as God intended from the "Schoolmaster to Savior." You can always participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:03:00ARC StudiesnoFAITH vs LAW,GRACE vs WORKS,PROGRESSIVE LIGHT,LIGHT OF CREATION,LIGHT CONSCIENCESegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 1: Romans Chapter 3From The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "The Written Law to Christ", 20 Aug 2017 15:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "The Written Law to Christ"From The Schoolmaster To The Savior Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 1: Romans Chapter 3 "Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets." (Romans 3:19-21) As we travel further down the Royal Roman Road, we begin to see the broader view of God's Divine Purpose in His Progressive Light model. Having come from seeing God in creation itself in chapter 1, resulting in our engaging His purpose for us in thoughtful contemplation as our consciousness, guided by Natural Law, gives way to a newly enlightened conscience that seeks divine direction in chapter 2. It is at this point that we have arrived at the cusp at which the vagueness of "General Revelation" begins to give way to the clarity of "Special Revelation" as a Natural Law, tainted by man's fallen nature, yields to the clarity of the Mosaic Law with its refining properties. It is by means of our encounter with this Law that we are brought to the line of demarcation that separates the Kingdom of God from the kingdoms of this world as we are brought to that point of fateful decision required by all encountering the "Light of Christ." Join me as we experience these next fateful steps from "Schoolmaster to Savior." You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:04:00ARC StudiesnoFAITH vs LAW,GRACE vs WORKS,PROGRESSIVE LIGHT,LIGHT OF CREATION,LIGHT OF CONSCIENCESegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 1: Romans Chapter 3From The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Natural Law to the Written Law", 13 Aug 2017 15:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Natural Law to the Written Law"Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 2: Romans Chapter 2 In this second leg of our trek down the Royal Roman Road, we will learn through the vehicle of Progressive Light that there is in fact a law that preexists the giving of the Mosaic Law at Mount Sinai. A law that has existed since the creation of man, imbedded in his very nature. Like man, who was created in God's image, this perfect law, as part of the nature of man, has been tainted, even swayed by man's fallen nature after Eden. From birth we have the capacity to recognize moral good and moral evil. There is even in inherent understanding of our own rebelliousness. Yet we lack the ability to address this rebellious nature, or to yield to what is right, struggling all the days of our life in this dilemma. Because we can reach no higher than ourselves, we lower the bar, looking to those around us as to what the standard of what is right should be as each does what is right in their own eyes, all the while merely grappling endlessly in the darkness. Enter God's Progressive Light: As we move towards the light provided us in the language of His creation, as we discussed last week, He gives us more light in the "Light of Conscious" where He, drawing on the "Natural Law" He created within us, draws us into contemplation as to not only who He is, but also to what purpose we were created for. Join me as dig deeper into God's Word in understanding the progression of this deliberate redemptive plan He has for us. You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at  02:02:00ARC StudiesnoFAITH vs LAW,GRACE vs WORKS,PROGRESSIVE LIGHT,LIGHT OF CREATION,LIGHT OF CONSCIENCESegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 1: Romans Chapter 2Questions From The Marketplace - "Progressive Darkness, Blasphemy & Reprobation", 12 Aug 2017 15:00:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "Progressive Darkness, Blasphemy & Reprobation"Questions From The Marketplace - 8/12/17    TODAY ON QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Progressive Darkness, Blasphemy & Reprobation" During last Sunday's edition (8/6/17) of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior," we reviewed the phenomenon referred to as the doctrine of "Progressive Light; (the LIGHT OF CREATION, the LIGHT OF CONSCIOUS, the LIGHT OF CHRIST, & the LIGHT OF COMMISSION). While reviewing the unfolding of this concept in Romans 1 we encountered a second, albeit pervasive, progressive concept. This one leading to God's wrath, as those involved willfully and stubbornly reject and suppress the truth revealed by God that leads to salvation. This second concept is known as PROGRESSIVE DARKNESS. This process stands in stark contrast to that provided by God for the redemption of mankind. This is so in that just as when we acknowledge and respond to God's Progressive Light, He gives us more light, continually sanctifying us towards the salvation resident in He alone, so also as some continually refuse and reject what God has shown them in this light, they are gradually turned over to the fullness of their fallen natures in Progressive Darkness as God's sanctifying influence is removed from them. Both of these progressions ultimately lead to final and unalterable conditions: One of Eternal Life. The other in Eternal Damnation, as Progressive Darkness leads to the rejection of the guidance of the Holy Spirit (blasphemy) which ultimately leads to a state of Reprobation where salvation is no longer available. Join me as we launch into the deep regarding this topic. You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:03:00ARC StudiesnoPROGRESSIVE LIGHT,PROGRESSIVE DARKNESS,BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,REPROBATION,SIN UNTO DEATHThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Progressive Light & Natural Law", 06 Aug 2017 15:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "Progressive Light & Natural Law"Part I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 1: Romans Chapters 1-3 "Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, FOR BY THE LAW IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF SIN." (Romans 3:19-20) In this, the opening leg of our trek down the Royal Roman Road, a plumb line is set and the vehicle by which God has determined to carry out His redemptive plan for man is masterfully illustrated. This plan is realized in the phenomenon referred to as "Progressive Light; (the LIGHT OF CREATION, the LIGHT OF CONSCIOUS, the LIGHT OF CHRIST, & the LIGHT OF COMMISSION). It is in the succession of this progression that "NATURAL LAW" is perfected through the "WRITTEN LAW," leading to reconciliation with God in "SPIRITUAL LAW." Join me as we move step-by-step in our understanding of this process and as we lay the foundation of right understanding of The Law & Faith just as God Intended. You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:03:00ARC StudiesnoFAITH vs LAW,GRACE vs WORKS,PROGRESSIVE LIGHT,LIGHT OF CREATION,LIGHT OF CONSCIENCESegment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 1: Romans Chapters 1-3From The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "The Law & Faith as God Intended" - Intro, 23 Jul 2017 15:00:00 GMTFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "The Law & Faith as God Intended" - Intro"Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm."  In these inspired words, as recorded in 2 Timothy 1:5-7, The Apostle Paul addresses a point of heresy that predates The Church itself: The misunderstanding of, and therefore misapplication of The Law, having NO understanding of its intended purpose in God's Plan or our lives. But what is The Law, and what is its intended purpose? Didn't Jesus say that The Law would be in effect until everything written in scripture is fulfilled? Isn't it also true that ONLY the animal sacrifices were fulfilled with Christ's sacrifice? Join me as we explore what God’s Word says concerning this issue.  Part 1- (Identification of Bondage) -We will take a trip down the Royal Romans Road where The Apostle Paul seeks to illustrate to The Church at Rome, and in particular to the Jewish Christians there, that The Law has a purpose beyond being a point of national pride for them. Part 2 - (Importation of Bondage) -We will take a look at how Judaizers, contrary to God's teaching, sought to enslave The Church at Galatia with a made up law/faith hybrid. Paul illustrates for them the ungodly ramifications of taking just one step down this road of self-imposed bondage. Tune in Live at (607) 203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 02:04:00ARC StudiesnoFAITH vs THE LAW,GRACE vs WORKS,PROGRESSIVE LIGHT,LIGHT OF CREATION,LIGHT OF CONSCIENCEThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to ARC Studies Live! - Where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of manQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Does The Holy Spirit Still Speak" - 7/21/17, 21 Jul 2017 23:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Does The Holy Spirit Still Speak" - 7/21/17TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS:   Who committed the 1st sin, The Devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Was Adam created mortal or immortal?Can a woman be called to preach?Does the Holy Spirit still speak to people today like in Bible days?Was the Catholic Church really founded by Jesus?Is the Jesus character stolen from the history of Horus in ancient Egypt?Who is the woman "clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet" mentioned in Revelations 12?Was the Roman Catholic Church founded by Jesus?Do you believe in the doctrine: "once saved, always saved?"If I give you a car and then take it back, that means you can't drive anymore. So if God raised Jesus up, didn't He take back Jesus death?Is Saturday the real Sabbath? If so, why don't we celebrate it? If not, when was it changed?01:04:00ARC StudiesnoORIGINAL SIN,IMMORTALITY,DIVINE INSPIRATION,WOMEN CLERGY,MARY THE MOTHER OF GODThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Does The Holy Spirit Still Speak" - 5/25/17, 26 May 2017 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Does The Holy Spirit Still Speak" - 5/25/17Join Me at 8pm est. The call in number is (607) 203-5370. Questions From The Marketplace - Tuesday May 25TH, 2017   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Who committed the 1st sin, The Devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Was Adam created mortal or immortal?Can a woman be called to preach?Does the Holy Spirit still speak to people today like in Bible days?Was the Catholic Church really founded by Jesus?Is the Jesus character stolen from the history of Horus in ancient Egypt?Who is the woman "clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet" mentioned in Revelations 12?Was the Roman Catholic Church founded by Jesus?Do you believe in the doctrine: "once saved, always saved?"If I give you a car and then take it back, that means you can't drive anymore. So if God raised Jesus up, didn't He take back Jesus death?Is Saturday the real Sabbath? If so, why don't we celebrate it? If not, when was it changed?01:03:00ARC StudiesnoORIGINAL SIN,IMMORTALITY,DIVINE INSPIRATION,WOMAN CLERGY,MARY THE MOTHER OF HEAVENThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Apostles/Prophets & Tongues Ceasing" - 3/18/17, 18 Mar 2017 14:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Apostles/Prophets & Tongues Ceasing" - 3/18/17Questions From The Marketplace - 3/18/17    TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, The Devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Was Adam created mortal or immortal?Does the Holy Spirit still speak to people today like in Bible days?Was the Catholic Church really founded by Jesus?Is the Jesus character stolen from the history of Horus in ancient Egypt?Who is the woman "clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet" mentioned in Revelations 12?Was the Roman Catholic Church founded by Jesus?Do you believe in the doctrine: "once saved, always saved?"If I give you a car and then take it back, that means you can't drive anymore. So if God raised Jesus up, didn't He take back Jesus death?02:03:00ARC StudiesnoBIBLICAL PROPHECY,ORIGINAL SIN,IMMORTALITY,THE HOLY SPIRIT,ROMAN CATHOLICSThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mTHE ROMANS ROAD: Part 4 - Chap 4-5 (The Unfolding of TRUE Purpose) -continued, 12 Mar 2017 15:00:00 GMTTHE ROMANS ROAD: Part 4 - Chap 4-5 (The Unfolding of TRUE Purpose) -continuedFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior - 3/12/17 (continued) Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 5: Romans Chapters 4-5 "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned (For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come." (Romans 5:12-14)  On this leg of our Romans journey, the Apostle Paul begins to drill down into the key problem weighing down the Jewish Christians of the Roman Church. Their belief that their relationship and "exclusivity" before God had more to do with them than with God's Purpose for all of mankind. They were falling into the same trap that Israel of old had fallen into, and that Jews to this very day continue to fall into: The belief that they were and are the SUBJECT of God's purpose rather than being "an" OBJECT by which God accomplishes his purpose. Join me today as we delve into this clarity of explanation Paul presents in order to divorce this errant dogma from the truth of God's doctrine regarding His purpose. You can always participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:02:00ARC StudiesnoOLD COVENANT,NEW COVENANT,PURPOSE,COVENANT OF DEATH,COVENANT OF PROMISESERIES - FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to the SAVIOR: "The Law & Faith As God Intended"_ Segment I - RomansQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Christians & Protest; Using Alcohol" - 3/11/17, 11 Mar 2017 15:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Christians & Protest; Using Alcohol" - 3/11/17Questions From The Marketplace - 3/11/17    TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS:   Are Christians justified in participating in current protests against the American government?Is there a such thing as "Political Theology," and is it something Christians should pursue?Is there any harm done in participating in social mediate faith chains?Can Christian rightfully use alcohol, and if yes, should they?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, The Devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Was Adam created mortal or immortal?Does the Holy Spirit still speak to people today like in Bible days?Was the Catholic Church really founded by Jesus?Is the Jesus character stolen from the history of Horus in ancient Egypt?01:53:00ARC StudiesnoCHRISTIANS & PROTESTS,POLITICAL THEOLOGY,CHRISTIANS & ALCOHOL,MODERN PROPHETS,ORIGINAL SINThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mTHE ROMANS ROAD: Part 4 - Chap 4-5 (The Unfolding of TRUE Purpose), 05 Mar 2017 16:30:00 GMTTHE ROMANS ROAD: Part 4 - Chap 4-5 (The Unfolding of TRUE Purpose)From The Schoolmaster To The Savior - 3/5/17 Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 5: Romans Chapters 4-5 "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned (For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come." (Romans 5:12-14)  On this leg of our Romans journey, the Apostle Paul begins to drill down into the key problem weighing down the Jewish Christians of the Roman Church. Their belief that their relationship and "exclusivity" before God had more to do with them than with God's Purpose for all of mankind. They were falling into the same trap that Israel of old had fallen into, and that Jews to this very day continue to fall into: The belief that they were and are the SUBJECT of God's purpose rather than being "an" OBJECT by which God accomplishes his purpose. Join me today as we delve into this clarity of explanation Paul presents in order to divorce this errant dogma from the truth of God's doctrine regarding His purpose. You can always participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:10:00ARC StudiesnoOLD COVENANT,NEW COVENANT,PURPOSE,COVENANT OF DEATH,COVENANT OF PROMISESERIES - FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to the SAVIOR: "The Law & Faith As God Intended"_ Segment I - RomansQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Speaking in Tongues" - 3/4/17, 04 Mar 2017 16:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Speaking in Tongues" - 3/4/17Questions From The Marketplace - 3/4/17    TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: In your intro song the question: "Do Christians speak in tongues to be saved, because they are saved, or should Christians speak in tongues at all?Are Christians justified in participating in current protests against the American government?Is there a such thing as "Political Theology," and is it something Christians should pursue?Is there any harm done in participating in social mediate faith chains?Can Christian rightfully use alcohol, and if yes, should they?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, The Devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Was Adam created mortal or immortal?Does the Holy Spirit still speak to people today like in Bible days?Was the Catholic Church really founded by Jesus?02:03:00ARC StudiesnoSPEAKING IN TONGUES,CHRISTIANS & PROTESTS,POLITICAL THEOLOGY,CHRISTIANS & ALCOHOL,PROPHETSThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mTHE ROMANS ROAD: Part 4 - Chap 3-4 (From Written Law to Promise), 26 Feb 2017 16:00:00 GMTTHE ROMANS ROAD: Part 4 - Chap 3-4 (From Written Law to Promise)From The Schoolmaster To The Savior Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 4: Romans Chapters 3-4 "For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise made of no effect, because the law brings about wrath; for where there is no law there is no transgression. Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all." (Romans 4:13-16) This week in our journey down the Roman Road, the Apostle Paul provides us clarity as to how the Mosaic Law given as the vanguard of the Old Covenant could give way, in its intended purpose, to access to the Covenant of Promise God made with Abraham 430 years prior to its inception. In making access to this promise available to all of mankind, God also fulfilled His promise made to Abraham that he would be "father of MANY nations," not just the father of the Nation of Israel. (Genesis 17:1-6) The challenge in understanding this intent among the Jews of the first century as well as Judaizers of today is in their continual choosing of the "covenant with death" resulting from worship of the law over the "Covenant of Promise" provided by God through the faith of Abraham. (Isaiah 28:11-15) Join me as we continue to experience The Law & Faith as God intended from the "Schoolmaster to Savior." You can always participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:03:00ARC StudiesnoNATURAL LAW,MOSAIC LAW,SPIRITUAL LAW,GENERAL REVELATION,SPECIAL REVELATIONSERIES - FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to the SAVIOR: "The Law & Faith As God Intended" - Segment IQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "God's Sovereignty & Calvinism" - 2/25/17, 25 Feb 2017 15:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "God's Sovereignty & Calvinism" - 2/25/17Questions From The Marketplace - 2/25/17    TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Doesn't the concept of man having free will contradict the Sovereignty of God?In your intro song the question: "Do Christians speak in tongues to be saved, because they are saved, or should Christians speak in tongues at all?Doesn't Job 3:25 prove that he brought calamity down on himself and his family by being in fear?Are Christians justified in participating in current protests against the American government?Is there a such thing as "Political Theology," and is it something Christians should pursue?Is there any harm done in participating in social mediate faith chains?Can Christian rightfully use alcohol, and if yes, should they?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, The Devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Was Adam created mortal or immortal?01:34:00ARC StudiesnoSPEAKING IN TONGUES,JOB,CHRISTIANS & PROTESTS,POLITICAL THEOLOGY,CHRISTIANS AND ALCOHOLThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mTHE ROMANS ROAD: Part 3 - Chap 3 (From Natural Law to Written Law), 19 Feb 2017 16:00:00 GMTTHE ROMANS ROAD: Part 3 - Chap 3 (From Natural Law to Written Law)From The Schoolmaster To The Savior Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 3: Romans Chapter 3 "Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets." (Romans 3:19-21) As we travel further down the Royal Roman Road, we begin to see the broader view of God's Divine Purpose in His Progressive Light model. Having come from seeing God in creation itself in chapter 1, resulting in our engaging His purpose for us in thoughtful contemplation as our consciousness, guided by Natural Law, gives way to a newly enlightened conscience that seeks divine direction in chapter 2. It is at this point that we have arrived at the cusp at which the vagueness of "General Revelation" begins to give way to the clarity of "Special Revelation" as a Natural Law, tainted by man's fallen nature, yields to the clarity of the Mosaic Law with its refining properties. It is by means of our encounter with this Law that we are brought to the line of demarcation that separates the Kingdom of God from the kingdoms of this world as we are brought to that point of fateful decision required by all encountering the "Light of Christ." Join me as we experience these next fateful steps from "Schoolmaster to Savior." You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:02:00ARC StudiesnoPROGRESSIVE LIGHT,LIGHT OF CREATION,LIGHT OF CONSCIOUS,LIGHT OF CHRIST,LIGHT OF COMMISSIONSERIES - FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to the SAVIOR: "The Law & Faith As God Intended" - Segment ITHE ROMANS ROAD: Part 2 - Chaps 2 thru 3 (Progressive Light & Natural Law), 05 Feb 2017 16:00:00 GMTTHE ROMANS ROAD: Part 2 - Chaps 2 thru 3 (Progressive Light & Natural Law)Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 2: Romans Chapters 2-3 In this second leg of our trek down the Royal Roman Road, we will learn through the vehicle of Progressive Light that there is in fact a law that preexists the giving of the Mosaic Law at Mount Sinai. A law that has existed since the creation of man, imbedded in his very nature. Like man, who was created in God's image, this perfect law, as part of the nature of man, has been tainted, even swayed by man's fallen nature after Eden. From birth we have the capacity to recognize moral good and moral evil. There is even in inherent understanding of our own rebelliousness. Yet we lack the ability to address this rebellious nature, or to yield to what is right, struggling all the days of our life in this dilemma. Because we can reach no higher than ourselves, we lower the bar, looking to those around us as to what the standard of what is right should be as each does what is right in their own eyes, all the while merely grappling endlessly in the darkness. Enter God's Progressive Light: As we move towards the light provided us in the language of His creation, as we discussed last week, He gives us more light in the "Light of Conscious" where He, drawing on the "Natural Law" He created within us, draws us into contemplation as to not only who He is, but also to what purpose we were created for. Join me as dig deeper into God's Word in understanding the progression of this deliberate redemptive plan He has for us. You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at  02:02:00ARC StudiesnoPROGRESSIVE LIGHT,LIGHT OF CREATION,LIGHT OF CONSCIOUS,LIGHT OF CHRIST,LIGHT OF COMMISSIONSERIES - FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to the SAVIOR: "The Law & Faith As God Intended" - Segment ITHE ROMANS ROAD: Part I - Chaps 1 & 2 (Progressive Light & Natural Law), 29 Jan 2017 16:00:00 GMTTHE ROMANS ROAD: Part I - Chaps 1 & 2 (Progressive Light & Natural Law)From THE SCHOOLMASTER To THE SAVIOR: Segment I: The Identification of Bondage/ Part 1: Romans Chapters 1-3 "Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, FOR BY THE LAW IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF SIN." (Romans 3:19-20)PROGRESSIVE LAW, In this, the opening leg of our trek down the Royal Roman Road, a plumb line is set and the vehicle by which God has determined to carry out His redemptive plan for man is masterfully illustrated. This plan is realized in the phenomenon referred to as "Progressive Light; (the LIGHT OF CREATION, the LIGHT OF CONSCIOUS, the LIGHT OF CHRIST, & the LIGHT OF COMMISSION). It is in the succession of this progression that "NATURAL LAW" is perfected through the "WRITTEN LAW," leading to reconciliation with God in "SPIRITUAL LAW." Join me as we move step-by-step in our understanding of this process and as we lay the foundation of right understanding of The Law & Faith just as God Intended. You can participate live during the broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:06:00ARC StudiesnoPROGRESSIVE LIGHT,LIGHT OF CREATION,LIGHT OF CONSCIOUS,LIGHT OF CHRIST,LIGHT OF COMMISSIONSERIES - FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to the SAVIOR: "The Law & Faith As God Intended" - Segment IFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to the SAVIOR: "The Law & Faith As God Intended" - Intro, 22 Jan 2017 15:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to the SAVIOR: "The Law & Faith As God Intended" - IntroFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law & Faith as God Intended" - Introduction "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." (Romans 10:1-4) In these words of lament, The Apostle Paul speaks to the ignorant waywardness of his legalistic brethren who have chosen to continue to "stumble at the stumbling stone" in their self-righteous attempt to elevate the SHADOW that the law is over the SUBSTANCE embodied in Christ. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the infallible book of Romans, examining each chapter in context to expose the errant musings of modern men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (607)203-5370. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at  02:03:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW OF MOSES,THE LAW,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATH,PURPOSE OF THE LAW,THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT & LIFE"Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idlFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - Intro, 30 Oct 2016 14:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - Intro"Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm."  In these inspired words, as recorded in 2 Timothy 1:5-7, The Apostle Paul addresses a point of heresy that predates The Church itself: The misunderstanding of, and therefore misapplication of The Law, having NO understanding of its intended purpose in God's Plan or our lives. But what is The Law, and what is its intended purpose? Didn't Jesus say that The Law would be in effect until everything written in scripture is fulfilled? Isn't it also true that ONLY the animal sacrifices were fulfilled with Christ's sacrifice? Join me as we explore what God’s Word says concerning this issue.  In segment 1- (Identification of Bondage) -We will take a trip down the Royal Romans Road where The Apostle Paul seeks to illustrate to The Church at Rome, and in particular to the Jewish Christians there, that The Law has a purpose beyond being a point of national pride for them. In segment 2- (Importation of Bondage) -We will take a look at how Judaizers, contrary to God's teaching, sought to enslave The Church at Galatia with a made up law/faith hybrid. Paul illustrates for them the ungodly ramifications of taking just one step down this road of self-imposed bondage. _____________ Tune in Live at (607) 203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 01:48:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,GRACE,FAITH,WORKS,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATHThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/23/16, 23 Oct 2016 14:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/23/16Questions From The Marketplace - 10/23/16 ~THE DOCTRINE OF ELECTION  TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: This is the conclusion to the single subject of the 10/16/16 edition of Questions from the Marketplace regarding the T.U.L.I.P. and the DOCTRINE OF ELECTION. "Does God Choose Some to be Saved, or Can All Equally Choose the Salvation Offered by God?" Is it true that because of man's fallen state that there is no part he can play in his salvation? Because of this fallen state, was it incumbent for God to select "some" for salvation and "some" for damnation? Does man's ability to respond to the Gospel Call somehow impede upon God's sovereignty? Is He somehow less God because man can respond to the salvation that God declared was available to "whosoever calls upon His name?" Or is it that God can't be taken at His Word? Lastly, did Christ Die for the entire world, or only for the "some" He selected from it? Join me as we delve into what God's Word says regarding this issue. You can join me for the live broadcast by clicking the link below, or listen via dialing the live access number. Additional questions will be addressed during the live broadcast, including those submitted to up to 30 minutes before the broadcast. See You there! ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607) 203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (10:00am EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  02:01:00ARC StudiesnoT.U.L.I.P.,ELECTION,PREDESTINATION,FOREORDAINED,TOTAL DEPRAVITYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/16/16, 17 Oct 2016 02:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/16/16Questions From The Marketplace - 10/16/16 (10:00pm EST)   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: The single subject of today's edition of Questions from the Marketplace is a response to a topic tendered on Facebook about a week ago regarding the T.U.L.I.P. I offered that I would expound to this teaching when I had opportunity. TONIGHTS THE NIGHT. The question? "Does God Choose Some to be Saved, or Can All Equally Choose the Salvation Offered by God?" Is it true that because of man's fallen state that there is no part he can play in his salvation? Because of this fallen state, was it incumbent for God to select "some" for salvation and "some" for damnation? Does man's ability to respond to the Gospel Call somehow impede upon God's sovereignty? Is He somehow less God because man can respond to the salvation that God declared was available to "whosoever calls upon His name?" Or is it that God can't be taken at His Word? Lastly, did Christ Die for the entire world, or only for the "some" He selected from it? Join me as we delve into what God's Word says regarding this issue. You can join me for the live broadcast by clicking the link below, or listen via dialing the live access number. Additional questions will be addressed during the live broadcast, including those submitted to up to 30 minutes before the broadcast. See You there! ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (607)203-5370 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (12:30pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  02:03:00ARC StudiesnoT.U.L.I.P.,ELECTION,PREDESTINATION,FOREORDAINED,TOTAL DEPRAVITYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/9/16, 09 Oct 2016 16:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/9/16Questions From The Marketplace (cont) - 10/9/16 (10pm EST)   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: The single subject of today's edition of Questions from the Marketplace speaks to whether The Church of God, as depicted in scripture was structured in a hierarchal fashion. As many have made an exodus for "Institutional Christianity," much of what was learned in the IC has come under scrutiny. Chief amongst these things is the role of the Pastor. Is he truly in charge of the local church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Or is this role man made? What about Elders. Doesn't this word merely speak of older experienced Christians? Or is it something different? Hasn't God's plan always been for all believers to govern themselves? Join me as we delve into what God's Word says regarding these issues. You can join me for the live broadcast by clicking the link below, or listen via dialing the live access number. Additional questions will be addressed during the live broadcast, including those submitted to up to 30 minutes before the broadcast. See You there! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoFIVE-FOLD MINISTRY,CHURCH HIERARCHY,SPIRITUAL GIFTS vs CHURCH FUNCTIONS,APOSTLES-PROPHETS-EVANGELISTS-PASTORS-TEACHERS,THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCHThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/8/16, 09 Oct 2016 02:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 10/8/16Questions From The Marketplace - 10/9/16 (10pm EST)   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: The single subject of today's edition of Questions from the Marketplace speaks to whether The Church of God, as depicted in scripture was structured in a hierarchal fashion. As many have made an exodus for "Institutional Christianity," much of what was learned in the IC has come under scrutiny. Chief amongst these things is the role of the Pastor. Is he truly in charge of the local church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Or is this role man made? What about Elders. Doesn't this word merely speak of older experienced Christians? Or is it something different? Hasn't God's plan always been for all believers to govern themselves? Join me as we delve into what God's Word says regarding these issues. You can join me for the live broadcast by clicking the link below, or listen via dialing the live access number. Additional questions will be addressed during the live broadcast, including those submitted to up to 30 minutes before the broadcast. See You there! 02:02:00ARC StudiesnoFIVE-FOLD MINISTRY,CHURCH NIERARCHY,SPIRITUAL GIFTS vs CHURCH FUNCTIONS,APOSTLES-PROPHETS-EVANGELISTS-PASTORS-TEACHERS,THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCHThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 7/5/16, 05 Jul 2016 22:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 7/5/16Questions From The Marketplace - 7/5/16 (11:00am EST) TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Why are you against tithing? Isn't it true that even Jesus tithed?Does a person have to understand the trinity to be saved?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, the devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Why did God say replenish the earth? Many people believe in a pre-adamite period, so was there another creation, before Adam? Who was Cain afraid of and what people were outside the Garden, when God cast him out? Did Cain have Incest or was their truly other people outside the garden?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.Is it true that Mary is the Mother of God?01:57:00ARC StudiesnoTITHING,THE TRINITY,CREATION vs EVOLUTION,ORIGINAL SIN,POWER OF PRAYERThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 6/25/16, 25 Jun 2016 15:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE - 6/25/16Questions From The Marketplace - 6/25/16 (11:00am EST) TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Does water baptism play a major role in salvation? If you say noe, what was Jesus talking to Nicodemus about?Why are you against tithing? Isn't it true that even Jesus tithed?Does a person have to understand the trinity to be saved?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Why did God say replenish the earth? Many people believe in a pre-adamite period, so was there another creation, before Adam? Who was Cain afraid of and what people were outside the Garden, when God caste him out? Did Cain have Incest or was their truly other people outside the garden?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.01:56:00ARC StudiesnoWATER BAPTISM,TITHING,THE TRINITY,CREATION vs EVOLUTION,THE SACRED NAME MOVEMENTThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/18/16, 18 Jun 2016 15:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/18/16Questions From The Marketplace - 6/11/16 (11:00am EST)  - pt 2 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Will Christians be on Earth during the Tribulation Period, or will they have been raptured away?If the bible was inspired by God, why did God "inspire" so MANY versions/translations?If it's true as believers say. What makes T.D. Jakes a false prophet/teacher? What is he saying and doing that some believe give him that title?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Why did God say replenish the earth? Many people believe in a pre-adamite period, so was there another creation, before Adam? Who was Cain afraid of and what people were outside the Garden, when God caste him out? Did Cain have Incest or was their truly other people outside the garden?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.01:58:00ARC StudiesnoSACRED NAME,CREATION vs EVOLUTION,SIN'S ORIGIN,REPLENISH THE EARTH,POWER OF PRAYERThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/11/16, 11 Jun 2016 15:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/11/16Questions From The Marketplace - 6/11/16 (10:30pm EST)   TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Will Christians be on Earth during the Tribulation Period, or will they have been raptured away?If the bible was inspired by God, why did God "inspire" so MANY versions/translations?If it's true as believers say. What makes T.D. Jakes a false prophet/teacher? What is he saying and doing that some believe give him that title?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Why did God say replenish the earth? Many people believe in a pre-adamite period, so was there another creation, before Adam? Who was Cain afraid of and what people were outside the Garden, when God caste him out? Did Cain have Incest or was their truly other people outside the garden?If God is real and the Bible is true, How come prayer doesn't stop police brutality? People have been praying for that since the Martin Luther King days and it has gotten worse.01:32:00ARC StudiesnoSACRED NAME,CREATION vs EVOLUTION,SIN'S ORIGIN,REPLENISH THE EARTH,POWER OF PRAYERThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 10/10/15, 10 Oct 2015 14:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 10/10/15Questions From The Marketplace - 10/10/15 (10:30am EST)    TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Doesn't Job 3:25 prove that he brought calamity down on himself and his family by being in fear?Will Christians be on Earth during the Tribulation Period, or will they have been raptured away?If it's true as believers say. What makes T.D. Jakes a false prophet/teacher? What is he saying and doing that some believe give him that title?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?01:57:00ARC StudiesnoSPEAKING IN TONGUES,FAITH vs FEAR,THE RAPTURE,TD JAKES,MODALISMThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 10/7/15, 07 Oct 2015 22:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 10/7/15Questions From The Marketplace - 10/7/15 (6:00pm EST)    TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: In your intro song the question: "Do Christians speak in tongues to be saved, because they are saved, or should Christians speak in tongues at all?Doesn't Job 3:25 prove that he brought calamity down on himself and his family by being in fear?Will Christians be on Earth during the Tribulation Period, or will they have been raptured away?If it's true as believers say. What makes T.D. Jakes a false prophet/teacher? What is he saying and doing that some believe give him that title?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?02:01:00ARC StudiesnoSPEAKING IN TONGUES,FAITH vc FEAR,THE RAPTURE,TD JAKES & MODALISM,SACRED NAME THEOLOGYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 10/6/15, 06 Oct 2015 22:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 10/6/15Questions From The Marketplace - 10/5/15 (9:00am EST)    TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Is it true that only the Sacrificial Laws were done away with in the Cross of Christ?What did John the Apostle mean when he said "I pray that you may prosper in all things be in health, just as your soul prospers?"Why doesn't the Triune Godhead speak today as He/They did in those times?Did Jesus have brothers and sisters?In your intro song the question: "Do Christians speak in tongues to be saved, because they are saved, or should Christians speak in tongues at all?Doesn't Job 3:25 prove that he brought calamity down on himself and his family by being in fear?Will Christians be on Earth during the Tribulation Period, or will they have been raptured away?If it's true as believers say. What makes T.D. Jakes a false prophet/teacher? What is he saying and doing that some believe give him that title?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?02:01:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW vs FAITH,GRACE vs WORKS,SHADOW vs SUBSTANCE,THE TRINITY,PROSPERITY THEOLOGYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p6, 27 Sep 2015 15:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p6From The Schoolmaster To The Savior - "The Importation of Bondage" pt 6 "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? just as Abraham "believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham." (Galatians 3:1-7) In this passage, The Apostle Paul scolds those of the Church of Galatia for allowing themselves to be deceived by the Judaizers. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the book of correction that Galatians is, where the Apostle Paul seeks to stem the importation of bondage by those seeking to create a Law/Faith hybrid by which to enslave this non-Jewish Church. You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at   01:20:00ARC StudiesnoTHE GALATIAN CHURCH,CHILDREN OF THE FLESH,CHILDREN OF PROMISE,THE LAW vs FAITH,WORKS vs GRACEWhy did the Apostle Paul call members of this church "Foolish?" Why did he personally confront Peter when he came here. Join me as I address these and other issQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 9/26/15, 27 Sep 2015 01:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 9/26/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 9/26/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Does the Bible teach the doctrine of The Trinity? (cont)Why doesn't the Triune Godhead speak today as He/They did in those times?Did Jesus have brothers and sisters?Doesn't Job 3:25 prove that he brought calamity down on himself and his family by being in fear?Will Christians be on Earth during the Tribulation Period, or will they have been raptured away?If it's true as believers say. What makes T.D. Jakes a false prophet/teacher? What is he saying and doing that some believe give him that title?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?02:01:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,PERPETUAL VIRGINITY,EVOLUTION,JESUS vs YeSHUA,JESUS BROTHERS AND SISTERSThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 9/20/15, 20 Sep 2015 23:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 9/20/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 9/20/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Where in Scripture does it state that the law/Torah no longer serves ANY purpose for the believer BEYOND merely never having been intended for salvation, but only a schoolmaster? Also, where does Scripture indicate that, historically, early church believers had abandoned all aspects of the law/Torah once they became believers?Does the Bible teach the doctrine of The Trinity?Did Jesus have brothers and sisters?Doesn't Job 3:25 prove that he brought calamity down on himself and his family by being in fear?Will Christians be on Earth during the Tribulation Period, or will they have been raptured away?If it's true as believers say. What makes T.D. Jakes a false prophet/teacher? What is he saying and doing that some believe give him that title?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Why doesn't the Triune Godhead speak today as He/They did in those times?02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,PERPETUAL VIRGINITY,EVOLUTION,JESUS or YESHUA,THE LAWThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God Intended" - RESET, 20 Sep 2015 15:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God Intended" - RESETFrom The Schoolmaster To The Savior - "The Importation of Bondage" pt 6 i wanted to take a moment . Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the book of correction that Galatians is, where the Apostle Paul seeks to stem the importation of bondage by those seeking to create a Law/Faith hybrid by which to enslave this non-Jewish Church. You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE GALATIAN CHURCH,CHILDREN OF THE FLESH,CHILDREN OF PROMISE,THE LAW VS FAITH,WORKS VS GRACEAfter missing last week's show I wanted to reset the plumb line this week for the purpose of The Law from God's Word. Join me. The call in number is (646)652-29QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 9/12/15, 13 Sep 2015 02:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 9/12/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 9/12/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: How can you accept that God is sovereign but still say that we can create our own faith for salvation?Doesn't the Arminian concept of free will contradict the sovereignty of God?If it's true as believers say. What makes T.D. Jakes a false prophet/teacher? What is he saying and doing that some believe give him that title?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Doesn't Job 3:25 prove that he brought calamity down on himself and his family by being in fear?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?Why doesn't the Triune Godhead speak today as He/They did in those times?02:00:00ARC StudiesnoSOVEREIGN WILL,PERFECT WILL,PERMISSIVE WILL,TD JAKES,CALVINISM vs ARMINIANISMThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p5, 06 Sep 2015 16:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p5From The Schoolmaster To The Savior - "The Importation of Bondage" pt 5 "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? just as Abraham "believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham." (Galatians 3:1-7) In this passage, The Apostle Paul scolds those of the Church of Galatia for allowing themselves to be deceived by the Judaizers. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the book of correction that Galatians is, where the Apostle Paul seeks to stem the importation of bondage by those seeking to create a Law/Faith hybrid by which to enslave this non-Jewish Church. You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE GALATIAN CHURCHWhy did the Apostle Paul call members of this church "Foolish?" Why did he personally confront Peter when he came here. Join me as I address these and other issQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 9/5/15, 06 Sep 2015 00:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 9/5/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 9/5/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Does it matter whose name you are baptized in to be saved, whether the Trinity or the Apostolic way?Is Kim Davis committing a sin by refusing to follow the law of the land. (Ceaser) or is she breaking the law of YAH if she allows two homosexuals to obtain a marriage license?How can you accept that God is sovereign but still say that we can create our own faith for salvation?Doesn't the Arminian concept of free will contradict the sovereignty of God?If it's true as believers say. What makes T.D. Jakes a false prophet/teacher? What is he saying and doing that some believe give him that title?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Doesn't Job 3:25 prove that he brought calamity down on himself and his family by being in fear?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?01:55:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,CLERK KIM DAVIS,SOVEREIGN WILL,PERFECT WILL,PERMISSIVE WILLThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p4, 30 Aug 2015 22:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p4From The Schoolmaster To The Savior - "The Importation of Bondage" pt 4 "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? just as Abraham "believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham." (Galatians 3:1-7) In this passage, The Apostle Paul scolds those of the Church of Galatia for allowing themselves to be deceived by the Judaizers. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the book of correction that Galatians is, where the Apostle Paul seeks to stem the importation of bondage by those seeking to create a Law/Faith hybrid by which to enslave this non-Jewish Church. You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:01:00ARC StudiesnoTHE GALATIAN CHURCH,CHILDREN OF THE FLESH,CHILDREN OF PROMISE,THE LAW vs FAITH,WORKS vs GRACEWhy did the Apostle Paul call members of this church "Foolish?" Why did he personally confront Peter when he came here. Join me as I address these and other issQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 8/29/15, 30 Aug 2015 00:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 8/29/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 8/29/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What's your definition of God? Why is this concept hard for religious folks to comprehend?Is it true that because they share prophets that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sister religions?Does it matter whose name you are baptized in to be saved, whether the Trinity or the Apostolic way?How can you accept that God is sovereign but still say that we can create our own faith for salvation?Doesn't the Arminian concept of free will contradict the sovereignty of God?Is it true that because they share prophets that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sister religions?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Doesn't Job 3:25 prove that he brought calamity down on himself and his family by being in fear?Since all things are of God, yet He cannot sin, how did sin originate? Whence did it come? And how?01:59:00ARC StudiesnoUNDERSTANDING GOD,ISLAM,JUDAISM,CHRISTIANITY,SACRED NAME MOVEMENTSThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p3, 23 Aug 2015 15:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p3From The Schoolmaster To The Savior - "The Importation of Bondage" pt 3 "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? just as Abraham "believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham." (Galatians 3:1-7) In this passage, The Apostle Paul scolds those of the Church of Galatia for allowing themselves to be deceived by the Judaizers. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the book of correction that Galatians is, where the Apostle Paul seeks to stem the importation of bondage by those seeking to create a Law/Faith hybrid by which to enslave this non-Jewish Church. You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE GALATIAN CHURCH,CHILDREN of the FLESH,CHILDREN of PROMISE,THE LAW vs FAITH,WORKS vs GRACEWhy did the Apostle Paul call members of this church "Foolish?" Why did he personally confront Peter when he came here. Join me as I address these and other issQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 8/22/15, 22 Aug 2015 14:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 8/22/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 8/22/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Out of all the religions in the world today, what makes you think yours is the true one?What's your definition of God? Why is this concept hard for religious folks to comprehend?Is it true that because they share prophets that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sister religions?Does it matter whose name you are baptized in to be saved, whether the Trinity or the Apostolic way?How can you accept that God is sovereign but still say that we can create our own faith for salvation?Doesn't the Arminian concept of free will contradict the sovereignty of God?Is it true that because they share prophets that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sister religions?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?Doesn't Job 3:25 prove that he brought calamity down on himself and his family by being in fear?02:01:00ARC StudiesnoWORLD RELIGIONS,UNDERSTANDING GOD,JOB,SACRED NAME MOVEMENTS,CHRISLAMThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p2, 16 Aug 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p2From The Schoolmaster To The Savior - "The Importation of Bondage" pt 2 "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? just as Abraham "believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham." (Galatians 3:1-7) In this passage, The Apostle Paul scolds those of the Church of Galatia for allowing themselves to be deceived by the Judaizers. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the book of correction that Galatians is, where the Apostle Paul seeks to stem the importation of bondage by those seeking to create a Law/Faith hybrid by which to enslave this non-Jewish Church. You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:57:00ARC StudiesnoTHE GALATIAN CHURCH,CHILDREN OF THE FLESH,CHILDREN OF PROMISE,THE LAW vs FAITH,GRACE vs WORKSWhy did the Apostle Paul call members of this church "Foolish?" Why did he personally confront Peter when he came here. Join me as I address these and other issQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 8/15/15, 16 Aug 2015 00:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 8/15/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 8/15/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Out of all the religions in the world today, what makes you think yours is the true one?What's your definition of God? Why is this concept hard for religious folks to comprehend?Is it true that because they share prophets that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sister religions?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?So if I dream something and it comes to pass does that make me a prophet?IF the "job" of the pastor is to lead believers.....Where is he/she leading them to? Who is leading the pastor?Who committed the 1st sin, devil, Eve, Adam?This is for those who claim to have left the church but still believe in CHRIST and are no longer a part of Christianity because of its ties the RCC: You blame the RCC with having brought to us Christmas and Easter. Do you also blame the RCC (Roman Catholic Church for all who don't know) for providing you with the King James bible, knowledge of CHRIST, and everything you know about salvation as well?01:17:00ARC StudiesnoWORLD RELIGIONS,UNDERSTANDING GOD,JUDAISM,ISLAM,CHRISTIANITYThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p1, 02 Aug 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Importation of Bondage" p1From The Schoolmaster To The Savior - "The Importation of Bondage" pt 1 "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? just as Abraham "believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham." (Galatians 3:1-7) In this passage, The Apostle Paul scolds those of the Church of Galatia for allowing themselves to be deceived by the Judaizers. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the book of correction that Galatians is, where the Apostle Paul seeks to stem the importation of bondage by those seeking to create a Law/Faith hybrid by which to enslave this non-Jewish Church. You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE GALATIAN CHURCH,CHILDREN OF THE FLESH,CHILDREN OF PROMISE,THE LAW vs FAITH,GRACE vs WORKSWhy did the Apostle Paul call members of this church "Foolish?" Why did he personally confront Peter when he came here. Join me as I address these and other issQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 8/1/15, 02 Aug 2015 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 8/1/15TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Did God have choose people to be saved because man is totally depraved?If the Bible teaches a trinity of God, why do people say it's a mystery when you ask them to explain it.Is there a difference between "theology" and "philosophy" or are they basically the same thing? You often talk about Socratic Thinking. Could you explain what it is?Are Muslims taught to kill the saints? Why does it appear that they seem to be so angry in general?Out of all the religions in the world today, what makes you think yours is the true one?What's your definition of God? Why is this concept hard for religious folks to comprehend?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?IF the "job" of the pastor is to lead believers.....Where is he/she leading them to? Who is leading the pastor?01:58:00ARC StudiesnoTHE WORD,THE TRINITY,ECONOMIC TRINITARIANISM,ESSENTIAL TRINITARIANISM,ISLAM & JIHADThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of m**SPECIAL EDITION** FEMALE PASTORS: "The Role of Women in The Church.", 30 Jul 2015 18:00:00 GMT**SPECIAL EDITION** FEMALE PASTORS: "The Role of Women in The Church."During this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be addressing issues related to the relationship between God and man, God and woman, man and woman and woman in The Church as God intended. "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?" "Can women hold these positions?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY, and untethering those seeking true Christian REVOLUTION from those who relish the ambiguity of REBELLION. Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (9:00pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  See you there!!! 01:26:00ARC StudiesnoHEAD OF HOUSEHOLD,WOMEN OF MINISTRY,WOMEN PRECHERS,CHURCH STRUCTURE,CHAUVANISMCan women be Pastors, Teachers and Preachers in the Church? What is a Preacher?QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 7/27/15, 28 Jul 2015 01:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 7/27/15TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Did God have choose people to be saved because man is totally depraved?If the Bible teaches a trinity of God, why do people say it's a mystery when you ask them to explain it.Is there a difference between "theology" and "philosophy" or are they basically the same thing? You often talk about Socratic Thinking. Could you explain what it is?Are Muslims taught to kill the saints? Why does it appear that they seem to be so angry in general?Out of all the religions in the world today, what makes you think yours is the true one?What's your definition of God? Why is this concept hard for religious folks to comprehend?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?IF the "job" of the pastor is to lead believers.....Where is he/she leading them to? Who is leading the pastor?02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE WORD,THE TRINITY,T.U.L.I.P.,CHOSEN or TO CHOOSE,ESSENTIAL TRINITARIANISMThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: ***This show didn't record***, 26 Jul 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: ***This show didn't record***From The Schoolmaster To The Savior: "The Importation of Bondage" pt 1 "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? just as Abraham "believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham." (Galatians 3:1-7) in this passage, The Apostle Paul scolds those of the Church of Galatia for allowing themselves to be deceived by the Judaizers. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the book of correction that Galatians is, where the Apostle Paul seeks to stem the importation of bondage by those seeking to create a Law/Faith hybrid by which to enslave this non-Jewish Church. You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 00:14:00ARC StudiesnoCHILDREN of the FLESH,CHILDREN of PROMISE,THE LAW vs FAITH,GRACE vs WORKS,THE GOSPELWhy did the Apostle Paul call members of this church "Foolish?" Why did he personally confront Peter when he came here. Join me as I address these and other issQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: ***This show didn't record***, 25 Jul 2015 15:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: ***This show didn't record***Took a sharp turn to 5 Point Calvinism (T.U.L.I.P.   00:18:00ARC StudiesnoTHE WORD,THE TRINITY,ECONOMIC TRINITARIANISM,ESSENTIAL TRINITARIANISM,ISLAM & JIHADThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: ***This show didn't record***, 19 Jul 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: ***This show didn't record***FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "Importing Bondage" pt 1 "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? just as Abraham "believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham." (Galatians 3:1-7) In this passage, The Apostle Paul scolds those of the Church of Galatia for allowing themselves to be deceived by the Judaizers. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the book of correction that Galatians is, where the Apostle Paul seeks to stem the importation of bondage by those seeking to create a Law/Faith hybrid by which to enslave this non-Jewish Church. You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 00:09:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW vs FAITH,WORKS vs GRACE,THE GOSPEL,THE PURPOSE OF THE LAW,THE SCHOOLMASTER vs THE SAVIORWhy did the Apostle Paul call members of this church "Foolish?" Why did he personally confront Peter when he came here. Join me as I address these and other issFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p10, 12 Jul 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p10FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 11 "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." (Romans 10:1-4) In these words of lament, The Apostle Paul speaks to the ignorant waywardness of his legalistic brethren who have chosen to continue to "stumble at the stumbling stone" in their self-righteous attempt to elevate the SHADOW that the law is over the SUBSTANCE embodied in Christ. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the infallible book of Romans, examining each chapter in context to expose the errant musings of modern men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:51:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW vs FAITH,WORKS vs GRACE,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATH,THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT & LIFE,PRECEPT UPON PRECEPTWhat is the struggle illustrated in the 7th Chapter of Romans? Is it between the new and the fallen nature of the Christian, as maintained by some? Or somethingQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 7/11/15, 12 Jul 2015 02:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 7/11/15TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Can my fellow believers give me insight pertaining to this verse?Are Father Son and Holy Spirit names or titles?If the Bible teachings a trinity of God, why do people say it's a mystery when you ask them to explain it.Is there a difference between "theology" and "philosophy" or are they basically the same thing? You often talk about Socratic Thinking. Could you explain what it is?Are Muslims taught to kill the saints? Why does it appear that they seem to be so angry in general?Out of all the religions in the world today, what makes you think yours is the true one?What's your definition of God? Why is this concept hard for religious folks to comprehend?Jesus or Yeshua who is the Messiah?IF the "job" of the pastor is to lead believers.....Where is he/she leading them to? Who is leading the pastor?02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE WORD,THE TRI-UNITY OF GOD,ECONOMIC TRINITARIANISM,ESSENTIAL TRINITARIANISM,ISLAM & JIHADThe greatest enemy of TRUTH is never the LIE. It is always the MYTH. Welcome to "The Marketplace of Ideas" where God's Word is elevated above the mythology of mFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p9, 05 Jul 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p9FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 9 "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." (Romans 10:1-4) In these words of lament, The Apostle Paul speaks to the ignorant waywardness of his legalistic brethren who have chosen to continue to "stumble at the stumbling stone" in their self-righteous attempt to elevate the SHADOW that the law is over the SUBSTANCE embodied in Christ. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the infallible book of Romans, examining each chapter in context to expose the errant musings of modern men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW vs GRACE,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATH,THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT & LIFE,GRACE vs WORKS,THE SCHOOLMASTER vs THE SAVIORAre Christians under The Law? Or has Christ freed all who come to Him by faith of it's burden? During this segment we will look to Romans Chapter 7 for answers.QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 7/3/15, 03 Jul 2015 14:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 7/3/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 7/3/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: If you say we are not under the Law ( in terms to abide by them), then why does Paul and other quote them? Why is it still in the bible? Why is it still known as the word of God?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?What came first Adam or mankind in Genesis 1&2?There is so much speculation that Barnabas wrote a book in the bible, and he had his own book in the bible but was taken out, because he supported the Muslim faith.Is there a difference between "theology" and "philosophy" or are they basically the same thing? You often talk about Socratic Theology. Could you explain what it is?Are Muslims taught to kill the saints? Why does it appear that they seem to be so angry in general?Out of all the religions in the world today, what makes you think yours is the true one?What's your definition of God? Why is this concept hard for religious folks to comprehend?You often talk about Socratic Thinking. Could you explain what it is?John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Can my fellow believers give me insight pertaining to this verse?If the Bible teachings a trinity of God, why do people say it's a mystery when you ask them to explain it?01:50:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW OF SIN & DEATH,EVOLUTION & THE CREATION OF MAN,THE GOSPEL OF BARNABAS,THE EPISTLE OF BARNABAS,ISLAM & THE JIHADAs seen in the Garden of Eden, disregarding God's Will begins with disregarding God's Word. This then leads to questioning God's Way. "Hath God said?" I am hereFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 8, 28 Jun 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 8FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 8   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." (Romans 10:1-4) In these words of lament, The Apostle Paul speaks to the ignorant waywardness of his legalistic brethren who have chosen to continue to "stumble at the stumbling stone" in their self-righteous attempt to elevate the SHADOW that the law is over the SUBSTANCE embodied in Christ. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the infallible book of Romans, examining each chapter in context to expose the errant musings of modern men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoPRECEPT UPON PRECEPT,LINE UPON LINE,SHADOW vsSUBSTANCE,ANIMAL SACRIFICE,THE DISPENSATION OF CONSCIOUSNESSFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 8   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/20/15, 20 Jun 2015 14:00:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/20/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 6/20/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: *Studying the sins unto death* Can death be chastisement from the Lord? Meaning if someone was committing a sin, and God wanted to save them from themselves, would he kill their body, to save their souls?If you say we are not under the Law ( in terms to abide by them), then why does Paul and other quote them? Why is it still in the bible? Why is it still known as the word of God?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?What came first Adam or mankind in Genesis 1&2?There is so much speculation that Barnabas wrote a book in the bible, and he had his own book in the bible but was taken out, because he supported the Muslim faith.Is there a difference between "theology" and "philosophy" or are they basically the same thing?Are Muslims taught to kill the saints? Why does it appear that they seem to be so angry in general?Out of all the religions in the world today, what makes you think yours is the true one?What's your definition of God? Why is this concept hard for religious folks to comprehend?02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE SIN UNTO DEATH,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATH,THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT AND LIFE,CREATION vs EVOLUTION,THE GOSPEL OF BARNABASQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 6/20/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: *Studying the sins unto death* Can death be chastisQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/15/15, 15 Jun 2015 23:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/15/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 6/15/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: If sin is covered by Christ, and is already judged, then what will we be judged on when the books are opened?Once Save Always Saved ( OSAS ), or Defectors welcomed; Which is correct?If you say we are not under the Law ( in terms to abide by them), then why does Paul and other quote them? Why is it still in the bible? Why is it still known as the word of God?What proof do we have for God creating Heaven and earth and man in His image Where does evolution fit?What came first Adam or mankind in Genesis 1&2?There is so much speculation that Barnabas wrote a book in the bible, and he had his own book in the bible but was taken out, because he supported the Muslim faith.Is there a difference between "theology" and "philosophy" or are they basically the same thing?Are Muslims taught to kill the saints? Why does it appear that they seem to be so angry in general?Out of all the religions in the world today, what makes you think yours is the true one?02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE SIN UNTO DEATH,ETERNAL SECURITY,THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH,THE LAW OF SPIRIT & LIFE,CREATION vs EVOLUTIONQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 6/15/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: If sin is covered by Christ, and is already judged,FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p7, 14 Jun 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p7FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 7   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." (Romans 10:1-4) In these words of lament, The Apostle Paul speaks to the ignorant waywardness of his legalistic brethren who have chosen to continue to "stumble at the stumbling stone" in their self-righteous attempt to elevate the SHADOW that the law is over the SUBSTANCE embodied in Christ. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the infallible book of Romans, examining each chapter in context to expose the errant musings of modern men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:55:00ARC StudiesnoPRECEPT UPON PRECEPT,LINE UPON LINE,SHADOW VERSES SUBSTANCE,ANIMAL SACRIFICE,THE DISPENSATION OF CONSCIOUSNESSFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 7   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/12/15, 13 Jun 2015 01:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/12/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 6/12/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: "What exactly is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Is it denying the Holy Spirit? Is it denying the power of the Holy Spirit?Studying the sins unto death: Can death be chastisement from the Lord?Meaning if someone was committing a sin, and God wanted to save them from themselves, would he kill their body, to save their souls?If sin is covered by Christ, and is already judged, then what will we be judged on when the books are opened?If you say we are not under the Law ( in terms to abide by them), then why does Paul and other quote them? Why is it still in the bible? Why is it still known as the word of God?Once Save Always Saved ( OSAS ), or Defectors welcomed; Which is correct?What came first Adam or mankind in Genesis 1&2?There is so much speculation that Barnabas wrote a book in the bible, and he had his own book in the bible but was taken out, because he supported the Muslim faith.01:29:00ARC StudiesnoBLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,THE UNTO DEATH,THE JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST,THE WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT,ETERNAL SECURITYQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 6/12/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: "What exactly is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Is iFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p6, 07 Jun 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p6FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 6   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." (Romans 10:1-4) In these words of lament, The Apostle Paul speaks to the ignorant waywardness of his legalistic brethren who have chosen to continue to "stumble at the stumbling stone" in their self-righteous attempt to elevate the SHADOW that the law is over the SUBSTANCE embodied in Christ. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the infallible book of Romans, examining each chapter in context to expose the errant musings of modern men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:54:00ARC StudiesnoPRECEPT UPON PRECEPT,LINE UPON LINE,SHADOW vs SUBSTANCE,ANIMAL SACRIFICE,THE DISPENSATION OF CONSCIOUSNESSFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 6   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/6/15 - II, 07 Jun 2015 02:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/6/15 - IIQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 6/6/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: 1. If HE wanted no church assemblies in buildings, why did HE do this?: (Ephesians 4:11 & Matthew 18:20) 2.Is it wrong for a Christian to have guns for protection ?  3. What does this portion of scripture mean to you? (Romans 12:4) For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office. 4. What exactly is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Is it denying the Holy Spirit? Is it denying the power of the Holy Spirit? 5. Studying the sins unto death: Can death be chastisement from the Lord? Meaning if someone was committing a sin, and God wanted to save them from themselves, would he kill their body, to save their souls? 6. If sin is covered by Christ, and is already judged, then what will we be judged on when the books are opened? 7. If you say we are not under the Law ( in terms to abide by them), then why does Paul and other quote them? Why is it still in the bible? Why is it still known as the word of God? 8. Once Save Always Saved ( OSAS ), or Defectors welcomed; Which is correct? 01:30:00ARC StudiesnoCHURCH ATTENDANCE,CHRISTIANS & GUNS,SPIRITUAL GIFTS,BLASPHEMY of the HOLY SPIRIT,The SIN UNTO DEATHQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 6/6/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: 1. If HE wanted no church assemblies in buildings,QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/6/15, 06 Jun 2015 21:30:00 GMTQUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE: "Hath God Said?" - 6/6/15TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: 1. "Aside from Paul's teaching, are there any specifically Old Testament references to monogamy being God's preference in marriage?" 2. This is a bible scripture comparison that we know a lot in Christendom do not do! No disrespect but it's the truth. Look at these two scriptures then I'll pose the question? (Acts 2:37-38 & Mark 16:30-31) 3. If HE wanted no church assemblies in buildings, why did HE do this?: Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; And say this... Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. 4. Is it wrong for a Christian to have guns for protection ? I mean I know the answer because I am a gun owner but I just want to hear what y'all have to say about this? 5. What does this portion of scripture mean to you? (Romans 12:4) For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office. 6. "What exactly is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Is it denying the Holy Spirit? Is it denying the power of the Holy Spirit? 7. Studying the sins unto death: Can death be chastisement from the Lord? Meaning if someone was committing a sin, and God wanted to save them from themselves, would he kill their body, to save their souls? 8. If sin is covered by Christ, and is already judged, then what will we be judged on when the books are opened? 01:28:00ARC StudiesnoMARRIAGE,SAVED BY FAITH or BY BAPTISM,CHURCH ATTENDANCE,CHRISTIANS and FIREARMS,SPIRITUAL GIFTSTODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: 1. "Aside from Paul's teaching, are there any specifically Old Testament references to monogamy being God's prFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p5, 01 Jun 2015 23:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p5FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 5   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." (Romans 10:1-4) In these words of lament, The Apostle Paul speaks to the ignorant waywardness of his legalistic brethren who have chosen to continue to "stumble at the stumbling stone" in their self-righteous attempt to elevate the SHADOW that the law is over the SUBSTANCE embodied in Christ. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the infallible book of Romans, examining each chapter in context to expose the errant musings of modern men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 01:50:00ARC StudiesnoPRECEPT UPON PRECEPT,LINE UPON LINE,SHADOW vs SUBSTANCE,ANIMAL SACRIFICE,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATHFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 5   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p4, 31 May 2015 15:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" p4FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 4   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." (Romans 10:1-4) In these words of lament, The Apostle Paul speaks to the ignorant waywardness of his legalistic brethren who have chosen to continue to "stumble at the stumbling stone" in their self-righteous attempt to elevate the SHADOW that the law is over the SUBSTANCE embodied in Christ. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the infallible book of Romans, examining each chapter in context to expose the errant musings of modern men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoPRECEPT UPON PRECEPT,LINE UPON LINE,SHADOW vs SUBSTANCE,ANIMAL SACRIFICE,THE LASW OF SIN & DEATHFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 4   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 3, 26 May 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 3FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 3   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." (Romans 10:1-4) In these words of lament, The Apostle Paul speaks to the ignorant waywardness of his legalistic brethren who have chosen to continue to "stumble at the stumbling stone" in their self-righteous attempt to elevate the SHADOW that the law is over the SUBSTANCE embodied in Christ. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the infallible book of Romans, examining each chapter in context to expose the errant musings of modern men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoPRECEPT UPON PRECEPT,LINE UPON LINE,SHADOW vs SUBSTANCE,ANIMAL SACRIFICE,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATHFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 3   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 2, 25 May 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 2FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 2   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." (Romans 10:1-4) In these words of lament, The Apostle Paul speaks to the ignorant waywardness of his legalistic brethren who have chosen to continue to "stumble at the stumbling stone" in their self-righteous attempt to elevate the SHADOW that the law is over the SUBSTANCE embodied in Christ. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the infallible book of Romans, examining each chapter in context to expose the errant musings of modern men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoSHADOW vs SUBSTANCE,ANIMAL SACRIFICE,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATH,THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT & LIFE,THE SCHOOLMASTERFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 2   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 1, 24 May 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 1FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 1   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." (Romans 10:1-4) In these words of lament, The Apostle Paul speaks to the ignorant waywardness of his legalistic brethren who have chosen to continue to "stumble at the stumbling stone" in their self-righteous attempt to elevate the SHADOW that the law is over the SUBSTANCE embodied in Christ. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the infallible book of Romans, examining each chapter in context to expose the errant musings of modern men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoSHADOW vs SUBSTANCE,ANIMAL SACRIFICE,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATH,THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT & LIFE,THE SCHOOLMASTERFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER TO THE SAVIOR: "The Law of Zeal & Ignorance" pt 1   "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "Christ- The Substance of The Shadow"- pt 2, 21 May 2015 00:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "Christ- The Substance of The Shadow"- pt 2"Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for the law provides the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God which is through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference." (Romans 8:19-22) In these inspired words, The Apostle Paul illustrates clearly that The Law exists ONLY for the segment of humanity of which he later explains in this book as being those who have NOT come to Him By Faith. He then emphasizes that true righteousness HAS been "revealed" to mankind that is "apart from" yet is "witnessed by" The Law. A righteousness that is by Faith in Christ Alone. In spite of this clear evidence, there are still many Modern Day Legalists who during this time of the 'Famine of The HEARING of The Word" continue to errantly declare otherwise. That Christ only caused the cessation of the laws of animal sacrifice" in spite of the reality that scripture clearly teaches otherwise. Join me on this leg of my series "From The Schoolmaster to The Savior" as we look to the Infallible Word of God to expose the errant musings of men who "desire to be teachers of The Law, but have NO understanding of what they're proclaiming or of the things they claim to be affirming." (1st Timothy 1:7) You can participate during the live broadcast by joining the online chat room, or by calling in at (646)652-2905. All questions and/or comments offered after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can e-mail me at 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoSHADOW vs SUBSTANCE,ANIMAL SACRIFICE,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATH',THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT & LIFE,THE SCHOOLMASTER"Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before GodFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "Christ- The Substance to The Shadow"- pt 1, 17 May 2015 14:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "Christ- The Substance to The Shadow"- pt 1"Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm."  In these inspired words of The Apostle Paul, as recorded in 2 Timothy 1:5-7, we find a him addressing a point of heresy that predates even he himself, that of some misusing The Law, having NO understanding of its intended purpose in God's Plan or our lives.  But what is The Law? And what is its intended purpose? Didn't Jesus say that The Law would be in effect until everything written in scripture is fulfilled? Isn't it also true that ONLY the animal sacrifices were fulfilled? Join me as I begin our trip down the REALITY the ROMAN ROAD provides and I expound on What God’s Word says concerning these issues as we gain understanding of God's Purpose in His Plan for The Law. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,GRACE,FAITH,WORKS,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATH"Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idlQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID?" - 5/15 /15, 15 May 2015 14:30:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID?" - 5/15 /15TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE I'd like to know if you can point me to where I can access the John 8 lecture you gave where you demonstrated that the Pharisees brought the woman caught in the act of adultery before Jesus, and you said that "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" means "Let he who hasn't violated The Law of 2 or 3 witnesses cast the first stone?"Hebrews 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Why is FAITH so important you must have it to please God? Why not KNOWLEDGE? Why does it not rather read, without knowledge it is impossible to please God?Is there a difference between a Bishop and a Pastor? And are deacons and elders the same?Is it true only Jews were Redeemed and Gentiles Adopted (grafted into) the Body of Christ? We were outside of the Commonwealth of God's chosen people. Jews were under Law and Gentiles had no law being heathen. We were not a people or son of God. It is wrong to say we were redeemed? Redeemed from what? We Gentiles were instead Reconciled.Is there a "CHAIN OF COMMAND" in the Church?If you you're a Christian/Believer and you go into or are into politics. Won't and aren't you automatically compromising the WOG?00:59:00ARC StudiesnoADULTERY,LAW OF WITNESSES,REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY,POLITICAL THEOLOGYTODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE I'd like to know if you can point me to where I can access the John 8 lecture you gave where you demonstrated that the PhFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "Reality Found Down the Romans Road"- pt 1, 11 May 2015 22:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "Reality Found Down the Romans Road"- pt 1"Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm."  In these inspired words of The Apostle Paul, as recorded in 2 Timothy 1:5-7, we find a him addressing a point of heresy that predates even he himself, that of some misusing The Law, having NO understanding of its intended purpose in God's Plan or our lives.  But what is The Law? And what is its intended purpose? Didn't Jesus say that The Law would be in effect until everything written in scripture is fulfilled? Isn't it also true that ONLY the animal sacrifices were fulfilled? Join me as I begin our trip down the REALITY the ROMAN ROAD provides and I expound on What God’s Word says concerning these issues as we gain understanding of God's Purpose in His Plan for The Law. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 01:58:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,GRACE,FAITH,WORKS,THE LAW OF SIN & DEATH"Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idlFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - Intro, 09 May 2015 15:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - Intro"Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm."  In these inspired words of The Apostle Paul, as recorded in 2 Timothy 1:5-7, we find a him addressing a point of heresy that predates even he himself, that of some misusing The Law, having NO understanding of it's intended purpose in God's Plan or our lives.  But what is The Law? And what is its intended purpose? Didn't Jesus say that The Law would be in effect until everything written in scripture is fulfilled? Isn't it also true that ONLY the animal sacrifices were fulfilled? Join me as I expound on What God’s Word says concerning these issues as we gain understanding of God's Purpose in His Plan for The Law. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 02:02:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,GRACE,FATH,THE SCHOOLMASTER,THE SAVIOR"Now the purpose of the law is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idlQuestions From The Marketplace - 3/12/15, 13 Mar 2015 00:00:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - 3/12/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 3/12/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Are abortions unsaved souls? Or do they have to be fully formed, born and out the womb for the soul to be completed and judged? And how does GOD judge a child that wasn't mature enough to repent and accept CHRIST before their death? Where do children from other religions souls go? Question... Is it possible for one to be given over to a reprobate mind before the age of 20? (Age of accountability) Do you all agree that a lot of people that go to church don't read their bibles at home until they go back to church? Hebrews 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Why is FAITH so important you must have it to please God? Why not KNOWLEDGE? Why does it not rather read, without knowledge it is impossible to please God? Is there a difference between a Bishop and a Pastor? And are deacons and elders the same?Is it true only Jews were Redeemed and Gentiles Adopted (grafted into) the Body of Christ? We were outside of the Commonwealth of God's chosen people. Jews were under Law and Gentiles had no law being heathen. We were not a people or son of God. It is wrong to say we were redeemed? Redeemed from what? We Gentiles were instead Reconciled.Is there a "CHAIN OF COMMAND" in the Church?   Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:52:00ARC StudiesnoTHE AGE OF ACCOUNTABILITY,GUARDIAN ANGELS,BIBLICAL FAITH,SPIRITUAL GIFS vs OFFICES,REPLACEMENT THEOLOGYQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 3/12/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Are abortions unsaved souls? Or do they have to beTHE TRINITY: three gods or True God - pt 2, 08 Mar 2015 23:30:00 GMTTHE TRINITY: three gods or True God - pt 2 Is the doctrine of The Trinity found in The Bible?  Is it instead, a later heretical doctrine added to scripture at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD as some have contended? Isn't it true that this word is found nowhere in The Bible? Is it necessary for one to comprehend this doctrine in order to be saved? The purpose of this **Special Edition** of the ARC Studies Live program is to put to rest once and for all every speculation as to how THREE PERSONS can exist as ONE GOD.  ______________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you! 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,THEOLOGY PROPER,THE AGE OF ACCOUNTABILITY,SAVING FAITH,REPLACEMENT THEOLOGYIs the doctrine of The Trinity found in The Bible?  Is it instead, a later heretical doctrine added to scripture at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD as some havTHE TRINITY: three gods or True God - pt 1, 06 Mar 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE TRINITY: three gods or True God - pt 1 Is the doctrine of The Trinity found in The Bible?  Is it instead, a later heretical doctrine added to scripture at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD as some have contended? Isn't it true that this word is found nowhere in The Bible? Is it necessary for one to comprehend this doctrine in order to be saved? The purpose of this **Special Edition** of the ARC Studies Live program is to put to rest once and for all every speculation as to how THREE PERSONS can exist as ONE GOD.  ______________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:52:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,THEOLOGY PROPER,THE AGE OF ACCOUNTABILITY,SAVING FAITH,REPLACEMENT THEOLOGYIs the doctrine of The Trinity found in The Bible?  Is it instead, a later heretical doctrine added to scripture at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD as some havQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/20/15, 21 Feb 2015 01:00:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/20/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/20/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Is God one God in three Persons? If so, are there examples that could be shown of this trichotomy?Why doesn't the bible talk about 3 person in the god head or a trinity specifically using that terminology? Are abortions unsaved souls? Or do they have to be fully formed, born and out the womb for the soul to be completed and judged? And how does GOD judge a child that wasn't mature enough to repent and accept CHRIST before their death? Where do children from other religions souls go? Do you all agree that a lot of people that go to church don't read their bibles at home until they go back to church? Hebrews 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Why is FAITH so important you must have it to please God? Why not KNOWLEDGE? Why does it not rather read, without knowledge it is impossible to please God? Is there a difference between a Bishop and a Pastor? And are deacons and elders the same? ______________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:54:00ARC StudiesnoTHE TRINITY,THEOLOGY PROPER,THE AGE OF ACCOUNTABILITY,SAVING FAITH,REPLACEMENT THEOLOGYQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/20/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Is God one God in three Persons? If so, are there eQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/18/15, 19 Feb 2015 00:00:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/18/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/18/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and why is it not forgivable? When scriptures are divinely inspired from God to be written by man, does this also mean that scriptures ought to be divinely interpreted from God to man? Is God one God in three Persons? If so, are there examples that could be shown of this trichotomy? Are abortions unsaved souls? Or do they have to be fully formed, born and out the womb for the soul to be completed and judged? And how does GOD judge a child that wasn't mature enough to repent and accept CHRIST before their death? Where do children from other religions souls go? Do you all agree that a lot of people that go to church don't read their bibles at home until they go back to church? Hebrews 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Why is FAITH so important you must have it to please God? Why not KNOWLEDGE? Why does it not rather read, without knowledge it is impossible to please God? Is there a difference between a Bishop and a Pastor? And are deacons and elders the same? ______________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:54:00ARC StudiesnoBLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,INSPIRATION OF THE SCRIPTURES,THE TRI-UNITY OF GOD,ABORTIONS,THE AGE OF ACCOUNTABILITYQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/18/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and why iQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/15/15, 15 Feb 2015 16:00:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/15/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/15/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: "And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." (Luke 24:47 KJV) Isn't this what peter preached? So why don't people want to baptize in Jesus Christ's name?Is it true only Jews were Redeemed and Gentiles Adopted (grafted into) the Body of Christ? We were outside of the Commonwealth of God's chosen people. Jews were under Law and Gentiles had no law being heathen. We were not a people or son of God. It is wrong to say we were redeemed? Redeemed from what? We Gentiles were instead Reconciled.Where the name Jesus from? What is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and why is it not forgivable? When scriptures are divinely inspired from God to be written by man, does this also mean that scriptures ought to be divinely interpreted from God to man? Is God one God in three Persons? If so, are there examples that could be shown of this trichotomy? Are abortions unsaved souls? Or do they have to be fully formed, born and out the womb for the soul to be completed and judged? And how does GOD judge a child that wasn't mature enough to repent and accept CHRIST before their death? Where do children from other religions souls go? ______________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  02:01:00ARC StudiesnoBORN AGAIN,CRITICISM,JOHN THE BAPTIST,REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY,ETERNAL SECURITYQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/15/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: "And that repentance and remission of sins should bQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/14/15, 14 Feb 2015 16:00:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/14/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/14/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What is the difference between believing in God and being born again?Is being oppositional and defiant necessarily rebellious as it pertains to the faith?What did Jesus mean when He said there is none greater than John?Has The Church Replaced Israel?Question for all that believe there is a Spiritual Israel! Where is this message stated in the written word of God about a Spiritual Israel?First of I will state I don't believe you can lose salvation so with that said my question is if a truly saved person "sits" under or is "exposed" a false teacher what would be the consequences?"And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." (Luke 24:47 KJV) Isn't this what peter preached? So why don't people want to baptize in Jesus Christ's name?Is it true only Jews were Redeemed and Gentiles Adopted (grafted into) the Body of Christ? We were outside of the Commonwealth of God's chosen people. Jews were under Law and Gentiles had no law being heathen. We were not a people or son of God. It is wrong to say we were redeemed? Redeemed from what? We Gentiles were instead Reconciled. What is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and why is it not forgivable? ______________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:58:00ARC Studiesnoborn again,criticism,john the baptist,replacement theology,eternal securityQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 2/14/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What is the difference between believing in God and**SPECIAL EDITION: "The Truth About Tithes", 26 Jan 2015 00:30:00 GMT**SPECIAL EDITION: "The Truth About Tithes"**SPECIAL EDITION: "The Truth About Tithing   In the 3rd chapter of the last book of the Old Testament, the Prophet Malachi is directed by The Holy Spirit to relay the following words to a disobedient and wayward people: "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, `In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now in this,'' says the Lord of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it." Many throughout the ranks of Churchianity have applied these words to those in their congregations, declaring that such is needed today in order to support the building sanctuaries and the funding of ministry. But is this true? Do these God Directed Word's apply to The Church today because IT is The Elect of God in this dispensation? Or was this warning directed ONLY to Israel as God's Elect of Old? In fact, what is the Tithe? And what purpose did it serve then? And does that purpose continue to exist today? Join me during this Special Edition of ARC Studies Live! As we substitute the Misinformation of Man with Biblical information of God. Too long have we been Taught Experience on this subject. It is high time that we Experience Teaching, drawn directly from The Biblical text, so as to leave NO doubt as to God's clear intention and purpose in this matter. If you'd like to participate in this discussion, feel free to join my live online chat "parking lot," if you so desire. Or you can call in at (646)652-2905 during the show. All questions after the broadcast should be directed to (614)388-8838 or you can shoot me an e-mail at 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoTITHING,GIVING,THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN,BIBLICAL CURSES,THE CROSS OF CHRIST**SPECIAL EDITION: "The Truth About Tithing   In the 3rd chapter of the last book of the Old Testament, the Prophet Malachi is directed by The Holy Spirit toQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/23/15, 23 Jan 2015 14:30:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/23/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/23/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Where did the name Jesus come from?Isn't it interesting how everyone of them spoke in tongues when they received the Holy Spirit for the first time?If you were in a service and all of a sudden someone got up and started speaking in tongues.. Then interpreted..Would u believe or be critical?What is the difference between believing in God and being born again?Is being oppositional and defiant necessarily rebellious as it pertains to the faith?What did Jesus mean when He said there is none greater than John?Has The Church Replaced Israel?Question for all that believe there is a Spiritual Israel! Where is this message stated in the written word of God about a Spiritual Israel? ______________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:31:00ARC StudiesnoSACRED NAME THEOLOGY,SPEAKING IN TONGUES,BORN AGAIN,REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY,SPIRITUAL ISRAELQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/23/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Where did the name Jesus come from?Isn't it interesQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/22/15, 22 Jan 2015 15:00:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/22/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/22/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Paul and Timothy lived in perilous times during their days, that's what the scriptures are talking about correct? How is everyone so sure that these are the LAST DAYS, END TIMES, whatever folks call them? Have not these things happened in generation after generation throughout the ages? Why do you apply them too today? is this you figuring it out based on reading the written scriptures or the spirit revealing it too you?I would love to hear your thoughts on Proverbs 28:1. The first part is confusing. Does it mean that the wicked flee to do more evil or flee from the righteous?What is the job of the Holy Ghost ,and how does his job Impact us?Where did the name Jesus come from?Isn't it interesting how everyone of them spoke in tongues when they received the Holy Spirit for the first time?If you were in a service and all of a sudden someone got up and started speaking in tongues.. Then interpreted..Would u believe or be critical?What is the difference between believing in God and being born again?Is being oppositional and defiant necessarily rebellious as it pertains to the faith? ______________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:19:00ARC StudiesnoEND TIMES,PROVERBS 28,THE HOLY SPIRIT,SACRED NAME THEOLOGY,SPEAKING IN TONGUESQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/22/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Paul and Timothy lived in perilous times during theSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 3 - "The Institution & Qualification of Elders, 19 Jan 2015 01:00:00 GMTSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 3 - "The Institution & Qualification of EldersSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 3 - "The Institution & Qualification of Elders" Bishops, Elders & Overseers? Are they Spiritual Gifts? Why are they necessary, What are their Qualifications & Who selects them? Do we still need them today, or have they been replaced by personal spiritual revelation? Are these in charge in place of Christ and until He returns? Join me as I expound on What God’s Word says concerning these issues as we gain understanding of The Purpose, The Order, and The Scope of Teachers. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoBISHOPS,ELDERS,OVERSEERS,QUALIFICATIONS,APOSTLESSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 3 - "The Institution & Qualification of Elders" Bishops, Elders & Overseers? Are they Spiritual Gifts? Why are they necessaryQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/17/15, 18 Jan 2015 01:00:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/17/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/17/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Is Jesus the arch angel Michael?Is America a Christian Nation? Why or why not?Did not the Pharisees, Sadducees and religious leaders have FULL access to the WRITTEN scriptures? Were they not more well versed than most believers in our day and age? Did not Jesus even say that they SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES not they were lazy and didn't search them? WHAT HAPPENED TOO THOSE GUYS? They the written scriptures didn't they? The OT scriptures that are quoted above, in this thread, didn't they have them in writing?Paul and Timothy lived in perilous times during their days, that's what the scriptures are talking about correct? How is everyone so sure that these are the LAST DAYS, END TIMES, whatever folks call them? Have not these things happened in generation after generation throughout the ages? Why do you apply them too today? is this you figuring it out based on reading the written scriptures or the spirit revealing it too you?I would love to hear your thoughts on Proverbs 28:1. The first part is confusing. Does it mean that the wicked flee to do more evil or flee from the righteous?What is the job of the Holy Ghost ,and how does his job Impact us?Where did the name Jesus come from?Isn't it interesting how everyone of them spoke in tongues when they received the Holy Spirit for the first time? ______________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:59:00ARC StudiesnoMICHAEL THE ARCANGEL,POLITICAL THEOLOGY,THE WORD OF GOD,THE END TIMES,THE HOLY SPIRITQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/17/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Is Jesus the arch angel Michael?Is America a ChristQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/15/15, 15 Jan 2015 14:30:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/15/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/15/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: II Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." Does to be in Christ mean that our sin nature no longer exists?Is Jesus the arch angel Michael?Is America a Christian Nation? Why or why not?Did not the Pharisees, Sadducees and religious leaders have FULL access to the WRITTEN scriptures? Were they not more well versed than most believers in our day and age? Did not Jesus even say that they SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES not they were lazy and didn't search them? WHAT HAPPENED TOO THOSE GUYS? They the written scriptures didn't they? The OT scriptures that are quoted above, in this thread, didn't they have them in writing? ______________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:00:00ARC StudiesnoPOSITIONAL SANCTIFICATION,PROGRESSIVE SANCTIFICATION,PERFECTED SANCTIFICATION,NEW CREATION,THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEASQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/15/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: II Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone isQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/13/15, 13 Jan 2015 15:00:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/13/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/13/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Is there a command in scripture which says that a believer in Christ must attend a church building in order to worship God?2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." Does to be in Christ mean that our sin nature no longer exists?Is Jesus the arch angel Michael?Is America a Christian Nation? Why or why not?Did not the Pharisees, Sadducees and religious leaders have FULL access to the WRITTEN scriptures? Were they not more well versed than most believers in our day and age? Did not Jesus even say that they SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES not they were lazy and didn't search them? WHAT HAPPENED TOO THOSE GUYS? They the written scriptures didn't they? The OT scriptures that are quoted above, in this thread, didn't they have them in writing? ______________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:31:00ARC StudiesnoCHURCH ATTENDANCE,THE INSPIRED WORD,TRUTH,ERROR,MARKETPLACE OF IDEASQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/13/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Is there a command in scripture which says that a bSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 2 - "Apostles vs Apostles of The Lamb", 04 Jan 2015 17:30:00 GMTSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 2 - "Apostles vs Apostles of The Lamb"SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 2 - "The Difference Between Apostles & Apostles of The Lamb" Bishops, Elders & Overseers? Are they Spiritual Gifts? Why are they necessary, What are their Qualifications & Who selects them? Do we still need them today, or have they been replaced by personal spiritual revelation? Are these in charge in place of Christ and until He returns? Join me as I expound on What God’s Word says concerning these issues as we gain understanding of The Purpose, The Order, and The Scope of Teachers. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoBISHOPS,ELDERS,OVERSEERS,APOSTLES,PROPHETSSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 2 - "The Difference Between Apostles & Apostles of The Lamb" Bishops, Elders & Overseers? Are they Spiritual Gifts? Why are tQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/2/15, 02 Jan 2015 14:30:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/2/15Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/2/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What is the thousand year millennium about in the bible?Is there a command in scripture which says that a believer in Christ must attend a church building in order to worship God?Did not the Pharisees, Sadducees and religious leaders have FULL access to the WRITTEN scriptures? Were they not more well versed than most believers in our day and age? Did not Jesus even say that they SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES not they were lazy and didn't search them? WHAT HAPPENED TOO THOSE GUYS? They the written scriptures didn't they? The OT scriptures that are quoted above, in this thread, didn't they have them in writing?Paul and Timothy lived in perilous times during their days, that's what the scriptures are talking about correct? How is everyone so sure that these are the LAST DAYS, END TIMES, whatever folks call them? Have not these things happened in generation after generation throughout the ages? Why do you apply them too today? is this you figuring it out based on reading the written scriptures or the spirit revealing it too you?Proverbs 28:1 - I would love to hear your thoughts on this. The first part is confusing. Does it mean that the wicked flee to do more evil or flee from the righteous?What is the job of the Holy Ghost ,and how does his job Impact us? ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  00:55:00ARC StudiesnoTHE INSPIRED WORD,THE MILLENIAL KINGDOM,THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT,ARMAGGEDDON,THE FINAL CONFLICTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 1/2/15 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What is the thousand year millennium about in the biHAPPY NEW YEAR!!, 01 Jan 2015 15:30:00 GMTHAPPY NEW YEAR!!I kind of went off topic today, discussing our responsibility to always study God's Word for all it's worth so that we can ever be prepared to engage the Marketplace of Ideas from it's truth. ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:30:00ARC StudiesnoTHE INSPIRED WORD,THE MILLENIAL KINGDOM,THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDEMENT,ARMAGGEDDON,THE FINAL CONFLICTI kind of went off topic today, discussing our responsibility to always study God's Word for all it's worth so that we can ever be prepared to engage the MarketQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/29/14, 29 Dec 2014 14:30:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/29/14Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/29/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: ?What is the thousand year millennium about in the bible?Is there a command in scripture which says that a believer in Christ must attend a church building in order to worship God?Did not the Pharisees, Sadducees and religious leaders have FULL access to the WRITTEN scriptures? Were they not more well versed than most believers in our day and age? Did not Jesus even say that they SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES not they were lazy and didn't search them? WHAT HAPPENED TOO THOSE GUYS? They the written scriptures didn't they? The OT scriptures that are quoted above, in this thread, didn't they have them in writing?Paul and Timothy lived in perilous times during their days, that's what the scriptures are talking about correct? How is everyone so sure that these are the LAST DAYS, END TIMES, whatever folks call them? Have not these things happened in generation after generation throughout the ages? Why do you apply them too today? is this you figuring it out based on reading the written scriptures or the spirit revealing it too you?Proverbs 28:1 - I would love to hear your thoughts on this. The first part is confusing. Does it mean that the wicked flee to do more evil or flee from the righteous?What is the job of the Holy Ghost ,and how does his job Impact us? ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  00:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE RAPTURE,THE BEMA SEAT JUDGEMENT,THE TWO WITNESS,THE BEAST,THE TRIBULATION PERIODQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/29/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: ?What is the thousand year millennium about in theSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 1 "The Purpose, Order & Authority of Teachers", 28 Dec 2014 16:30:00 GMTSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 1 "The Purpose, Order & Authority of Teachers"SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 1 - "The Purpose, Order and Scope of Teachers" What are the Teaching Gifts? Why are they necessary and Who selects them? Do they all still exist today, or have some of them ceased? If so, which ones?What is the "Five-Fold Ministry, and what part does it play in The Church today? Is the presence of this ministry the sign of a healthy church?  What is the responsibility of those with teaching gifts? Are they in charge in place of Christ and until He returns? Join me as I expound on What God’s Word says concerning these issues as we gain understanding of The Purpose, The Order, and The Scope of Teachers. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoAPOSTLES,PROPHETS,EVANGELISTS,PASTORS,TEACHERSSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Part 1 - "The Purpose, Order and Scope of Teachers" What are the Teaching Gifts? Why are they necessary and Who selects them? Do tQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/27/14, 27 Dec 2014 15:30:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/27/14Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/27/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: ?What is the thousand year millennium about in the bible?Is there a command in scripture which says that a believer in Christ must attend a church building in order to worship God?Did not the Pharisees, Sadducees and religious leaders have FULL access to the WRITTEN scriptures? Were they not more well versed than most believers in our day and age? Did not Jesus even say that they SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES not they were lazy and didn't search them? WHAT HAPPENED TOO THOSE GUYS? They the written scriptures didn't they? The OT scriptures that are quoted above, in this thread, didn't they have them in writing?Paul and Timothy lived in perilous times during their days, that's what the scriptures are talking about correct? How is everyone so sure that these are the LAST DAYS, END TIMES, whatever folks call them? Have not these things happened in generation after generation throughout the ages? Why do you apply them too today? is this you figuring it out based on reading the written scriptures or the spirit revealing it too you?Proverbs 28:1 - I would love to hear your thoughts on this. The first part is confusing. Does it mean that the wicked flee to do more evil or flee from the righteous?What is the job of the Holy Ghost ,and how does his job Impact us? ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  02:01:00ARC StudiesnoTHE RAPTURE,THE BEMA SEAT JUDGEMENT,THE TWO WITNESSES,THE MARK OF THE BEAST,THE SECOND COMINGQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/27/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: ?What is the thousand year millennium about in theQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/26/14, 26 Dec 2014 14:30:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/26/14Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/26/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: ?What is the thousand year millennium about in the bible?Is there a command in scripture which says that a believer in Christ must attend a church building in order to worship God?Did not the Pharisees, Sadducees and religious leaders have FULL access to the WRITTEN scriptures? Were they not more well versed than most believers in our day and age? Did not Jesus even say that they SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES not they were lazy and didn't search them? WHAT HAPPENED TOO THOSE GUYS? They the written scriptures didn't they? The OT scriptures that are quoted above, in this thread, didn't they have them in writing?Paul and Timothy lived in perilous times during their days, that's what the scriptures are talking about correct? How is everyone so sure that these are the LAST DAYS, END TIMES, whatever folks call them? Have not these things happened in generation after generation throughout the ages? Why do you apply them too today? is this you figuring it out based on reading the written scriptures or the spirit revealing it too you?Proverbs 28:1 - I would love to hear your thoughts on this. The first part is confusing. Does it mean that the wicked flee to do more evil or flee from the righteous?What is the job of the Holy Ghost ,and how does his job Impact us? ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  01:01:00ARC StudiesnoTHE RAPTURE,THE BEMA SEAT JUDGEMENT,THE TWO WITNESSES,THE MARK OF THE BEAST,THE SECOND COMINGQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/26/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: ?What is the thousand year millennium about in theQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/23/14, 23 Dec 2014 14:30:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/23/14Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/23/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: ?What is the thousand year millennium about in the bible?Is there a command in scripture which says that a believer in Christ must attend a church building in order to worship God?Did not the Pharisees, Sadducees and religious leaders have FULL access to the WRITTEN scriptures? Were they not more well versed than most believers in our day and age? Did not Jesus even say that they SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES not they were lazy and didn't search them? WHAT HAPPENED TOO THOSE GUYS? They the written scriptures didn't they? The OT scriptures that are quoted above, in this thread, didn't they have them in writing?Paul and Timothy lived in perilous times during their days, that's what the scriptures are talking about correct? How is everyone so sure that these are the LAST DAYS, END TIMES, whatever folks call them? Have not these things happened in generation after generation throughout the ages? Why do you apply them too today? is this you figuring it out based on reading the written scriptures or the spirit revealing it too you?Proverbs 28:1 - I would love to hear your thoughts on this. The first part is confusing. Does it mean that the wicked flee to do more evil or flee from the righteous?What is the job of the Holy Ghost ,and how does his job Impact us? ___________________________________________ Tune in Live at (646)652-2905 to listen by phone, or click the show link below during the Live broadcast (7pm EST) to join my chat parking lot for live listening and/or follow up questions. You can direct any off air follow up questions to, or call me on my ministry line at (614)388-8838. Blessings to you!  00:58:00ARC StudiesnoMILLENIAL KINGDOM,CHURCH MEMBERSHIP,THE SCRIPTURES,THE END TIMES,THE RIGHTEOUS and THE WICKEDQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/23/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: ?What is the thousand year millennium about in theQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/22/14, 22 Dec 2014 14:30:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/22/14Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/22/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Why do people believe that Satan is the second most powerful being, when scriptures show that the angel Michael is more powerful than Satan?If the Christ came in the Father's name then is the Father's name Jesus?‎What does it mean to "live in" - - "walk in" the Spirit?BASED ON THE ENTIRE CHAPTER OF ISAIAH 28 IS THE 10TH VERSE AN INSTRUCTION ON HOW TO STUDY SCRIPTURE OR BUILD DOCTRINE?What is the thousand year millennium about in the bible? Is there a command in scripture which says that a believer in Christ must attend a church building in order to worship God?I would love to hear your thoughts on Proverbs 28:1. The fist part is confusing. Does it mean that the wicked flee to do more evil or flee from the righteous?00:57:00ARC StudiesnoSATAN,THE BIBLE,MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL,WALKING IN THE SPIRIT,PRECEPT UPON PRECEPTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/22/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Why do people believe that Satan is the second mosSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Introduction ~ "Teaching Gifts & Church Hierarchy", 21 Dec 2014 16:00:00 GMTSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Introduction ~ "Teaching Gifts & Church Hierarchy"In the 22nd chapter of the book of Luke, after listening to His disciples debate status amongst themselves, Jesus provided the following correction:  "The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those who exercise authority over them are called `benefactors.' But not so among you; on the contrary, he who is greatest among you, let him be as the least, and he who governs as he who serves. For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among you as the One who serves." (verses 25-27)   In the world's system, a hierarchy is defined as "a privilege of organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority." The proverbial pyramid structure with the "greatest" at the apex.  According to our Lord and Savior in the passage provided above hierarchy is defined as "a responsibility within the organism that the Body of Christ is in which people or groups are gifted and/or selected to serve others, supporting their development and growth according in submission to scriptural authority. The inverted pyramid. Despite the clear cautionary command of our Lord, many throughout the century have adapted the hierarchical structure of the world to the church, leading to rampant abuse of authority and misinterpretation of God's Word. As many have begun to wake up to this distortion in revolution, some have even gone as far as to challenge the very existence of any hierarchical in the church ever. Does the Word of God teach such a thing? And if it did once, is such a thing even viable today?  Join me as I expound on What God's Word says concerning Hierarchy in Church Leadership. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoCHURCH LEADERSHIP,APOSTLES,PROPHETS,EVANGELISTS,PASTORSIn the 22nd chapter of the book of Luke, after listening to His disciples debate status amongst themselves, Jesus provided the following correction:  "The kingQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/18/14, 18 Dec 2014 14:30:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/18/14Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/18/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Can you please do a show on "Apostles" and "Prophets," do they still exist. I know your stance is they don't and I heard someone say the same thing but I'm a bit perplexed and need more Scriptural clarification and explanation as Ephesians 4 states," He gave some to be apostles, prophets..." This was after Jesus' ascension. Please help me with this?Why do people believe that Satan is the second most powerful being, when scriptures show that the angel Michael is more powerful than Satan?If the Christ came in the Father's name then is the Father's name Jesus?‎What does it mean to "live in" - - "walk in" the Spirit?BASED ON THE ENTIRE CHAPTER OF ISAIAH 28 IS THE 10TH VERSE AN INSTRUCTION ON HOW TO STUDY SCRIPTURE OR BUILD DOCTRINE?What is the thousand year millennium about in the bible? 00:54:00ARC StudiesnoAPOSTLES,PROPHETS,SATAN,THE BIBLE,MICHAEL THE ARCANGELQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/18/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Can you please do a show on "Apostles" and "PropheQuestions From The Marketplace - "The Call to Arms!!" - 12/17/14, 17 Dec 2014 14:30:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "The Call to Arms!!" - 12/17/14Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/17/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Can you please do a show on "Apostles" and "Prophets," do they still exist. I know your stance is they don't and I heard someone say the same thing but I'm a bit perplexed and need more Scriptural clarification and explanation as Ephesians 4 states," He gave some to be apostles, prophets..." This was after Jesus' ascension. Please help me with this?Why do people believe that Satan is the second most powerful being, when scriptures show that the angel Michael is more powerful than Satan?If the Christ came in the Father's name then is the Father's name Jesus?‎What does it mean to "live in" - - "walk in" the Spirit?BASED ON THE ENTIRE CHAPTER OF ISAIAH 28 IS THE 10TH VERSE AN INSTRUCTION ON HOW TO STUDY SCRIPTURE OR BUILD DOCTRINE?What is the thousand year millennium about in the bible? 00:59:00ARC StudiesnoAPOSTLES,PROPHETS,SATAN,THE BIBLE,MICHAEL THE ARCHANGELQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/17/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Can you please do a show on "Apostles" and "PropheQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/9/14, 10 Dec 2014 00:00:00 GMTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/9/14Questions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/9/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deed, or an outer deed?Does age play a variable in your qualifications to be an elder?Is the Bible necessary to learn of God, and what is right from what is wrong?If the Bible did not exist, would man know the law of God, and be able to attempt the execution of what was commanded?If the Bible was not in existence would anyone know of Jesus, and his part in the salvation of man?If people when they die are already in heaven whether saint or sinner, why would Jesus come back and what would be a need for (caught up) Rapture?Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: "What does this passage mean?Do Apostles and Prophets exist in The Church today?02:00:00ARC StudiesnoBLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,THE REPORBATE MIND,THE SIN UNTO DEATH,THE JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST,THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENTQuestions From The Marketplace - "HATH GOD SAID" - 12/9/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deedHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/24/14, 24 Nov 2014 14:30:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/24/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/24/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deed, or an outer deed?Does age play a variable in your qualifications to be an elder?Is the Bible necessary to learn of God, and what is right from what is wrong?If the Bible did not exist, would man know the law of God, and be able to attempt the execution of what was commanded?If the Bible was not in existence would anyone know of Jesus, and his part in the salvation of man?If people when they die are already in heaven whether saint or sinner, why would Jesus come back and what would be a need for (caught up) Rapture?Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: "What does this passage mean?00:48:00ARC StudiesnoBLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELDER,SIN UNTO DEATH,PROGRESSIVE LIGHT,THE JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRISTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/24/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deedHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/21/14, 21 Nov 2014 14:30:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/21/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/21/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deed, or an outer deed?Does age play a variable in your qualifications to be an elder?Is the Bible necessary to learn of God, and what is right from what is wrong?If the Bible did not exist, would man know the law of God, and be able to attempt the execution of what was commanded?If the Bible was not in existence would anyone know of Jesus, and his part in the salvation of man?If people when they die are already in heaven whether saint or sinner, why would Jesus come back and what would be a need for (caught up) Rapture?Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: "What does this passage mean?00:56:00ARC StudiesnoBLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELDER,PROGRESSIVE LIGHT,SOUL SLEEP,ORIGINAL SINHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/21/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deedHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/20/14, 20 Nov 2014 14:30:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/20/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/20/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: 1 Corinthians 12:24 KJV - For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked: What does this mean and why would Paul address this analogy when speaking on Spiritual gifts?Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deed, or an outer deed?Does age play a variable in your qualifications to be an elder?Is the Bible necessary to learn of God, and what is right from what is wrong?If the Bible did not exist, would man know the law of God, and be able to attempt the execution of what was commanded?If the Bible was not in existence would anyone know of Jesus, and his part in the salvation of man?00:48:00ARC StudiesnoSPIRITUAL GIFTS,BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELDER,PROGRESSIVE LIGHT,THE RAPTUREHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/20/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: 1 Corinthians 12:24 KJV - For our comely parts haveHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/19/14, 19 Nov 2014 14:30:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/19/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/19/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: 1 Corinthians 12:24 KJV - For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked: What does this mean and why would Paul address this analogy when speaking on Spiritual gifts?Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deed, or an outer deed?Does age play a variable in your qualifications to be an elder?Is the Bible necessary to learn of God, and what is right from what is wrong?If the Bible did not exist, would man know the law of God, and be able to attempt the execution of what was commanded?If the Bible was not in existence would anyone know of Jesus, and his part in the salvation of man?00:52:00ARC StudiesnoSPIRITUAL GIFTS,BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELDER,PROGRESSIVE LIGHT,THE RAPTUREHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/19/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: 1 Corinthians 12:24 KJV - For our comely parts haveHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/18/14, 18 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/18/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/13/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: I'm am concerned on the king James version of the bible because i want to know where king James was coming from when he had other men translate for him. In the bible how come Jesus words be in red how come God words in the old testament can't be in red? I'm just reviewing this bible i hold.1 Corinthians 12:24 KJV - For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked: What does this mean and why would Paul address this analogy when speaking on Spiritual gifts?Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deed, or an outer deed?Does age play a variable in your qualifications to be an elder?Is the Bible necessary to learn of God, and what is right from what is wrong?If the Bible did not exist, would man know the law of God, and be able to attempt the execution of what was commanded?If the Bible was not in existence would anyone know of Jesus, and his part in the salvation of man?00:41:00ARC StudiesnoKING JAMES VERSION,SPIRITUAL GIFTS,BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELDERHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/13/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: I'm am concerned on the king James version of the bHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/13/14, 13 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/13/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/13/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does this verse mean ? Hebrews 13:17 NKJV - "Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you."I'm am concerned on the king James version of the bible because i want to know where king James was coming from when he had other men translate for him. In the bible how come Jesus words be in red how come God words in the old testament can't be in red? I'm just reviewing this bible i hold.1 Corinthians 12:24 KJV - For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked: What does this mean and why would Paul address this analogy when speaking on Spiritual gifts?Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deed, or an outer deed?Does age play a variable in your qualifications to be an elder? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:53:00ARC StudiesnoCHURCH HIERARCHY,KING JAMES VERSION,SPIRITUAL GIFTS,BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELDERHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/13/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does this verse mean ? Hebrews 13:17 NKJV - "OHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/12/14, 12 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/12/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/12/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does this verse mean ? Hebrews 13:17 NKJV - "Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you."I'm am concerned on the king James version of the bible because i want to know where king James was coming from when he had other men translate for him. In the bible how come Jesus words be in red how come God words in the old testament can't be in red? I'm just reviewing this bible i hold.1 Corinthians 12:24 KJV - For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked: What does this mean and why would Paul address this analogy when speaking on Spiritual gifts?Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deed, or an outer deed?Does age play a variable in your qualifications to be an elder? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:54:00ARC StudiesnoCHURCH HIERARCHY,THE KING JAMES VERSION,SPIRITUAL GIFTS,BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,BISHOPSHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/12/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does this verse mean ? Hebrews 13:17 NKJV - "OHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/11/14, 11 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/11/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/11/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: So I have seen a lot said about Pastors, yet the bible was not written with a set of rules for the pastor and a set of rules for the congregation. So with that being said, why do those that complain about pastors not holdup those same standards for their fellow members? Why is the standard of service lowered for those that do not lead? are we not of one body?Which came first, The Christian faith or The Council of Nicaea?What if the Bible is wrong?What does this verse mean ? Hebrews 13:17 NKJV - "Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you."I'm am concerned on the king James version of the bible because i want to know where king James was coming from when he had other men translate for him. In the bible how come Jesus words be in red how come God words in the old testament can't be in red? I'm just reviewing this bible i hold.1 Corinthians 12:24 KJV - For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked: What does this mean and why would Paul address this analogy when speaking on Spiritual gifts?Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deed, or an outer deed? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:54:00ARC StudiesnoTHE COUNCIL OF NICAEA,THE BIBLE,CHURCH HIERARCHY,THE KING JAMES VERSION,SPIRITUAL GIFTSHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/11/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: So I have seen a lot said about Pastors, yet the biHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/10/14, 10 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/10/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/10/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: So I have seen a lot said about Pastors, yet the bible was not written with a set of rules for the pastor and a set of rules for the congregation. So with that being said, why do those that complain about pastors not holdup those same standards for their fellow members? Why is the standard of service lowered for those that do not lead? are we not of one body?Which came first, The Christian faith or The Council of Nicaea?What if the Bible is wrong?What does this verse mean ? Hebrews 13:17 NKJV - "Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you."I'm am concerned on the king James version of the bible because i want to know where king James was coming from when he had other men translate for him. In the bible how come Jesus words be in red how come God words in the old testament can't be in red? I'm just reviewing this bible i hold.1 Corinthians 12:24 KJV - For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked: What does this mean and why would Paul address this analogy when speaking on Spiritual gifts?Blaspheming the Holy Ghost... Is that an inner deed, or an outer deed? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 01:01:00ARC StudiesnoHATH GOD SAID,CHURCH ORDER,THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA,CHURCH HIERARCHY,THE KING JAMES VERSIONHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/10/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: So I have seen a lot said about Pastors, yet the biHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/7/14, 07 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/7/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/7/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: When you first read or heard Matthew 7:21-23 - "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?" - What was your reaction?Is Roman Catholic part of true Christianity?Using scripture, when it comes to tithing, are you supposed to tithe on gross or net?Why are CHRISTIANS the ones who have SO MANY translations/versions of the book called, "the WORD OF GOD?" Do Mormons, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. have anywhere near as MANY translations/versions of their "sacred" books?So I have seen a lot said about Pastors, yet the bible was not written with a set of rules for the pastor and a set of rules for the congregation. So with that being said, why do those that complain about pastors not holdup those same standards for their fellow members? Why is the standard of service lowered for those that do not lead? are we not of one body?Which came first, The Christian faith or The Council of Nicaea?What if the Bible is wrong? __________________________________________________________________________________________ You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 01:01:00ARC StudiesnoBEMA SEAT JUDGEMENT,GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT,ROMAN CATHOLICISM,BIBLE TRANSLATIONS,THE COUNCIL OF NICAEAHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/7/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: When you first read or heard Matthew 7:21-23 - "NotHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/6/14, 06 Nov 2014 14:30:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/6/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/6/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does LEGALISM mean? I have seen this term used in comments to other posts. And just wonder exactly what is meant.What's your take on five-fold gifting(ascension gifts)? Do believe they are active now why or why not?When you first read or heard Matthew 7:21-23 - "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?" - What was your reaction?Is Roman Catholic part of true Christianity?Using scripture, when it comes to tithing, are you supposed to tithe on gross or net?Why are CHRISTIANS the ones who have SO MANY translations/versions of the book called, "the WORD OF GOD?" Do Mormons, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. have anywhere near as MANY translations/versions of their "sacred" books? __________________________________________________________________________________________ You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:54:00ARC StudiesnoLEGALISM,FIVE-FOLD MINISTRY,WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT,ROMAN cATHOLICISM,BIBLE TRANSLATIONSHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/6/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does LEGALISM mean? I have seen this term usedHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/5/14, 05 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/5/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/5/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does LEGALISM mean? I have seen this term used in comments to other posts. And just wonder exactly what is meant.What's your take on five-fold gifting(ascension gifts)? Do believe they are active now why or why not?When you first read or heard Matthew 7:21-23 - "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?" - What was your reaction?Is Roman Catholic part of true Christianity?Using scripture, when it comes to tithing, are you supposed to tithe on gross or net?Why are CHRISTIANS the ones who have SO MANY translations/versions of the book called, "the WORD OF GOD?" Do Mormons, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. have anywhere near as MANY translations/versions of their "sacred" books? __________________________________________________________________________________________ You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 01:00:00ARC StudiesnoLEGALISM,FIVE-FOLD MINISTRY,APOSTASY,TITHING,BIBLE TRANSLATIONSHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 11/5/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does LEGALISM mean? I have seen this term usedGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Christian Growth & Church Hierarchy", 02 Nov 2014 14:30:00 GMTGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Christian Growth & Church Hierarchy"GREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Christian Growth & Church Hierarchy" I Corinthians 12:28 - "And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers.." Ephesians 4:4-5 - "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry..." James 3:1 - "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment." Hebrews 13:7 & 17 - "Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct." … "Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account..." I Peter 5:1-4 - "The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by constraint but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." Titus 1:5, 7-10 - "For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you.' .. "For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, holy, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict." 01:43:00ARC StudiesnoFIVE-FOLD MINISTRY,APOSTLES & PROPHETS,EVANGELISTS PASTORS & TEACHERS,ELDERS OVERSEERS & BISHOPS,CHURCH HIERARCHYGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Christian Growth & Church Hierarchy" I Corinthians 12:28 - "And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, secondHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/30/14, 30 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/30/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/30/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does LEGALISM mean? I have seen this term used in comments to other posts. And just wonder exactly what is meant.What's your take on five-fold gifting(ascension gifts)? Do believe they are active now why or why not?When you first read or heard Matthew 7:21-23 - "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?" - What was your reaction?Is Roman Catholic part of true Christianity?Using scripture, when it comes to tithing, are you supposed to tithe on gross or net?Why are CHRISTIANS the ones who have SO MANY translations/versions of the book called, "the WORD OF GOD?" Do Mormons, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. have anywhere near as MANY translations/versions of their "sacred" books? __________________________________________________________________________________________ You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:27:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/30/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does LEGALISM mean? I have seen this term usedHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/29/14, 29 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/29/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/29/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does LEGALISM mean? I have seen this term used in comments to other posts. And just wonder exactly what is meant.What's your take on five-fold gifting(ascension gifts)? Do believe they are active now why or why not?When you first read or heard Matthew 7:21-23 - "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?" - What was your reaction?Is Roman Catholic part of true Christianity?Using scripture, when it comes to tithing, are you supposed to tithe on gross or net?Why are CHRISTIANS the ones who have SO MANY translations/versions of the book called, "the WORD OF GOD?" Do Mormons, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. have anywhere near as MANY translations/versions of their "sacred" books? __________________________________________________________________________________________ You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:59:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/29/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does LEGALISM mean? I have seen this term usedHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/28/14, 28 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/28/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/28/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What scriptures specifically say the saints don't need to tithe anymore. Is it an offence to God for the elder of a church to request offerings to uphold the work of the church? Is it wrong for someone to cheerfully tithe?What does LEGALISM mean? I have seen this term used in comments to other posts. And just wonder exactly what is meant.What's your take on five-fold gifting(ascension gifts)? Do believe they are active now why or why not?When you first read or heard Matthew 7:21-23 - "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?" - What was your reaction?Is Roman Catholic part of true Christianity?Using scripture, when it comes to tithing, are you supposed to tithe on gross or net?Why are CHRISTIANS the ones who have SO MANY translations/versions of the book called, "the WORD OF GOD?" Do Mormons, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. have anywhere near as MANY translations/versions of their "sacred" books? __________________________________________________________________________________________ You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:59:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/28/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What scriptures specifically say the saints don't nHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/27/14, 27 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/27/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/28/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What scriptures specifically say the saints don't need to tithe anymore. Is it an offence to God for the elder of a church to request offerings to uphold the work of the church? Is it wrong for someone to cheerfully tithe?What does LEGALISM mean? I have seen this term used in comments to other posts. And just wonder exactly what is meant.What's your take on five-fold gifting(ascension gifts)? Do believe they are active now why or why not?When you first read or heard Matthew 7:21-23 - "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?" - What was your reaction?Is Roman Catholic part of true Christianity?Using scripture, when it comes to tithing, are you supposed to tithe on gross or net? __________________________________________________________________________________________ You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:55:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/28/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What scriptures specifically say the saints don't nGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "The Authority of Scripture & Christian Growth", 26 Oct 2014 14:00:00 GMTGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "The Authority of Scripture & Christian Growth"GREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "The Authority of Scripture & Christian Growth" Ephesians 4   15.  but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head Christ   16.  from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. .  __________________________________________________________ Colossians 2  18.  Let no one defraud you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,  19.  and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase which is from God.   __________________________________________________________ Join me as I offer solutions to the "famine" of "The Great Falling Away," providing contrast between the errors of "Churchianity" with the truth of "Christianity." You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 01:57:00ARC StudiesnoTHE WILL OF GODE vs THE WILL OF GOOD,THE GIFT OF GOD vs THE GIFT OF GAB,AN EVANGELISM MENTALITY vs AN EVENT MENTALITY,CHURCHIANITY vs CHURCHIANITYGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "The Authority of Scripture & Christian Growth" Ephesians 4   15.  but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/24/14, 24 Oct 2014 14:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/24/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/24/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What happens to one who doesn't keep the ten commandments but believes in Christ?Is it a sin to read the book of Mormon? Do you believe that some or any of them are Christians?Jesus commanded baptism so if one doesn't believe it's necessary how does this scripture affect them?Can you expound on Luke 19:27 - "But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me."Can God's word be corrected? All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16) I have heard this scripture being misused a lot. What are your opinions?What scriptures specifically say the saints don't need to tithe anymore. Is it an offence to God for the elder of a church to request offerings to uphold the work of the church? Is it wrong for someone to cheerfully tithe?What does LEGALISM mean? I have seen this term used in comments to other posts. And just wonder exactly what is meant.What's your take on five-fold gifting(ascension gifts)? Do believe they are active now why or why not?When you first read or heard Matthew 7:21-23 - "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?" - What was your reaction?Is Roman Catholic part of true Christianity?Using scripture, when it comes to tithing, are you supposed to tithe on gross or net?01:19:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/24/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What happens to one who doesn't keep the ten comman"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/22/14, 22 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/22/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/22/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Are negative thoughts that's kept to yourself secrets that GOD will hold against you and judge you for but you don't pursue or commit the thought physically? Like your heart is with GOD but your fighting and battling your depraved mind, so if you died this way would it be held against you or will GOD just judge your heart?"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." —Titus 3:9 - Is God saying that we should give up on people? What is the issue here?What happens to one who doesn't keep the ten commandments but believes in Christ?Is it a sin to read the book of Mormon? Do you believe that some or any of them are Christians?Jesus commanded baptism so if one doesn't believe it's necessary how does this scripture affect them?Can you expound on Luke 19:27 - "But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me." You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 01:02:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/22/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Are negative thoughts that's kept to yourself secre"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/21/14, 21 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/21/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/21/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Are negative thoughts that's kept to yourself secrets that GOD will hold against you and judge you for but you don't pursue or commit the thought physically? Like your heart is with GOD but your fighting and battling your depraved mind, so if you died this way would it be held against you or will GOD just judge your heart?"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." —Titus 3:9 - Is God saying that we should give up on people? What is the issue here?What happens to one who doesn't keep the ten commandments but believes in Christ?Is it a sin to read the book of Mormon? Do you believe that some or any of them are Christians?Jesus commanded baptism so if one doesn't believe it's necessary how does this scripture affect them?Can you expound on Luke 19:27 - "But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me." You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:53:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/21/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Are negative thoughts that's kept to yourself secre"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/20/14, 20 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/20/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/20/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Does Christianity and Islam connect through Abraham, if so why are they always at conflict with each other?Why did Jesus ask God to take the "cup" away knowing it wouldn't be?Are negative thoughts that's kept to yourself secrets that GOD will hold against you and judge you for but you don't pursue or commit the thought physically? Like your heart is with GOD but your fighting and battling your depraved mind, so if you died this way would it be held against you or will GOD just judge your heart?"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." —Titus 3:9 - Is God saying that we should give up on people? What is the issue here?What happens to one who doesn.t keep the ten commandments but believes in Christ?Is it a sin to read the book of Mormon? Do you believe that some or any of them are Christians?Jesus commanded baptism so if one doesn't believe it's necessary how does this scripture affect them?Can you expound on Luke 19:27 - "But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me." You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:58:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/20/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Does Christianity and Islam connect through AbrahamGREAT CONTROVERSY/CONCERN: The Church- "Apostasy & The Authority of Scripture 3", 19 Oct 2014 14:00:00 GMTGREAT CONTROVERSY/CONCERN: The Church- "Apostasy & The Authority of Scripture 3"Amos 8  11.  "Behold, the days are coming,'' says the Lord God, "That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.   12.  They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord, but shall not find it.  __________________________________________________________________________ 2 Timothy 4  2.  Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.   3.  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;   4.  and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.  __________________________________________________________________________ Join me as I address The Great Falling Away, it's cause and it's effect. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 01:55:00ARC StudiesnoAPOSTASY,HERESY,TRUTH & eRROR,THE GREAT FALLING AWAY,WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHINGAmos 8  11.  "Behold, the days are coming,'' says the Lord God, "That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of h"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/16/14, 16 Oct 2014 14:00:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/16/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/16/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: How is Jesus God if Jesus walked the earth and people saw Jesus yet no man has seen God?Does Christianity and Islam connect through Abraham, if so why are they always at conflict with each other?Why did Jesus ask God to take the "cup" away knowing it wouldn't be?Are negative thoughts that's kept to yourself secrets that GOD will hold against you and judge you for but you don't pursue or commit the thought physically? Like your heart is with GOD but your fighting and battling your depraved mind, so if you died this way would it be held against you or will GOD just judge your heart?"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." —Titus 3:9  Is God saying that we should give up on people? What is the issue here?What happens to one who doesn.t keep the ten commandments but believes in Christ?Is it a sin to read the book of Mormon? Do you believe that some or any of them are Christians?Jesus commanded baptism so if one doesn't believe it's necessary how does this scripture affect them?Can you expound on Luke 19:27 - "But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me." You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 01:01:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/16/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: How is Jesus God if Jesus walked the earth and peop"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/15/14, 15 Oct 2014 14:00:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/15/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/15/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Should preachers get paid. How much?Will believers spend eternity in Heaven or on Earth?How is Jesus God if Jesus walked the earth and people saw Jesus yet no man has seen God?Does Christianity and Islam connect through Abraham, if so why are they always at conflict with each other?Why did Jesus ask God to take the "cup" away knowing it wouldn't be?Are negative thoughts that's kept to yourself secrets that GOD will hold against you and judge you for but you don't pursue or commit the thought physically? Like your heart is with GOD but your fighting and battling your depraved mind, so if you died this way would it be held against you or will GOD just judge your heart?"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." —Titus 3:9  Is God saying that we should give up on people? What is the issue here?What happens to one who doesn.t keep the ten commandments but believes in Christ?Is it a sin to read the book of Mormon? Do you believe that some or any of them are Christians?Jesus commanded baptism so if one doesn't believe it's necessary how does this scripture affect them? You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 01:01:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/15/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: Should preachers get paid. How much?Will believers"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/14/14, 14 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/14/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/14/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does this scripture mean? - 1 Corinthians 8:9 - KJV - But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak. Should preachers get paid. How much? Will believers spend eternity in Heaven or on Earth? How is Jesus God if Jesus walked the earth and people saw Jesus yet no man has seen God? Does Christianity and Islam connect through Abraham, if so why are they always at conflict with each other? Why did Jesus ask God to take the "cup" away knowing it wouldn't be? Are negative thoughts that's kept to yourself secrets that GOD will hold against you and judge you for but you don't pursue or commit the thought physically? Like your heart is with GOD but your fighting and battling your depraved mind, so if you died this way would it be held against you or will GOD just judge your heart? "But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." —Titus 3:9 Is God saying that we should give up on people? What is the issue here? What happens to one who doesn.t keep the ten commandments but believes in Christ? Is it a sin to read the book of Mormon? Do you believe that some or any of them are Christians? Jesus commanded baptism so if one doesn't believe it's necessary how does this scripture affect them? You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:59:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/14/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does this scripture mean? - 1 Corinthians 8:9"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/13/14, 13 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/13/14HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/13/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does this scripture mean? - 1 Corinthians 8:9 - KJV - But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak. Should preachers get paid. How much? Will believers spend eternity in Heaven or on Earth? How is Jesus God if Jesus walked the earth and people saw Jesus yet no man has seen God? Does Christianity and Islam connect through Abraham, if so why are they always at conflict with each other? Why did Jesus ask God to take the "cup" away knowing it wouldn't be? Are negative thoughts that's kept to yourself secrets that GOD will hold against you and judge you for but you don't pursue or commit the thought physically? Like your heart is with GOD but your fighting and battling your depraved mind, so if you died this way would it be held against you or will GOD just judge your heart? "But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." —Titus 3:9 Is God saying that we should give up on people? What is the issue here? What happens to one who doesn.t keep the ten commandments but believes in Christ? Is it a sin to read the book of Mormon? Do you believe that some or any of them are Christians? Jesus commanded baptism so if one doesn't believe it's necessary how does this scripture affect them? You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:54:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/13/14 TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: What does this scripture mean? - 1 Corinthians 8:9GREAT CONTROVERSY/CONCERN: The Church- "Apostasy & The Authority of Scripture 2", 12 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMTGREAT CONTROVERSY/CONCERN: The Church- "Apostasy & The Authority of Scripture 2"Amos 8  11.  "Behold, the days are coming,'' says the Lord God, "That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.   12.  They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord, but shall not find it.  __________________________________________________________________________ 2 Timothy 4  2.  Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.   3.  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;   4.  and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.  __________________________________________________________________________ Join me as I address The Great Falling Away, it's cause and it's effect. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 01:57:00ARC StudiesnoAPOSTASY,HERESY,TRUTH,ERROR,ANOTHER GOSPELAmos 8  11.  "Behold, the days are coming,'' says the Lord God, "That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of h"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/10/14, 10 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/10/14TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/10) How does someone declare to another, other people's love in the Spirit? Can we communicate things in the Spirit? (Colossians 1:4-8)IF scripture is inspired by God, and it is written that "Those who are led of the Holy Spirit are sons/daughter of God", is there anything in scripture that teaches that if one doesn't follow the bible, they don't follow Christ?Immediately, when we pass from this life, do our bodies go to "sleep" and our spirits IMMEDIATELY go elsewhere? If elsewhere -- where?What does this scripture mean? - 1 Corinthians 8:9 - KJV - But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak.Should preachers get paid. How much?Will believers spend eternity in Heaven or on Earth?How is Jesus God if Jesus walked the earth and people saw Jesus yet no man has seen God?Does Christianity and Islam connect through Abraham, if so why are they always at conflict with each other?Why did Jesus ask God to take the "cup" away knowing it wouldn't be? You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 01:05:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODTODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/10) How does someone declare to another, other people's love in the Spirit? Can we communicate things in th"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/9/14, 09 Oct 2014 14:00:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/9/14TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/9) How does someone declare to another, other people's love in the Spirit? Can we communicate things in the Spirit? (Colossians 1:4-8)IF scripture is inspired by God, and it is written that "Those who are led of the Holy Spirit are sons/daughter of God", is there anything in scripture that teaches that if one doesn't follow the bible, they don't follow Christ?Immediately, when we pass from this life, do our bodies go to "sleep" and our spirits IMMEDIATELY go elsewhere? If elsewhere -- where?What does this scripture mean? - 1 Corinthians 8:9 - KJV - But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak.Should preachers get paid. How much?Will believers spend eternity in Heaven or on Earth?How is Jesus God if Jesus walked the earth and people saw Jesus yet no man has seen God?Does Christianity and Islam connect through Abraham, if so why are they always at conflict with each other?Why did Jesus ask God to take the "cup" away knowing it wouldn't be? You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:54:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODTODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/9) How does someone declare to another, other people's love in the Spirit? Can we communicate things in the"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times - 10/7/14, 07 Oct 2014 14:00:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times - 10/7/14TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/6) How does someone declare to another, other people's love in the Spirit? Can we communicate things in the Spirit? (Colossians 1:4-8)IF scripture is inspired by God, and it is written that "Those who are led of the Holy Spirit are sons/daughter of God", is there anything in scripture that teaches that if one doesn't follow the bible, they don't follow Christ?Immediately, when we pass from this life, do our bodies go to "sleep" and our spirits IMMEDIATELY go elsewhere? If elsewhere -- where?What does this scripture mean? - 1 Corinthians 8:9 - KJV - But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak.Should preachers get paid. How much?Will believers spend eternity in Heaven or on Earth?How is Jesus God if Jesus walked the earth and people saw Jesus yet no man has seen God?Does Christianity and Islam connect through Abraham, if so why are they always at conflict with each other?Why did Jesus ask God to take the "cup" away knowing it wouldn't be? You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:52:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODTODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/6) How does someone declare to another, other people's love in the Spirit? Can we communicate things in the"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/6/14, 06 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/6/14TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/6) How does someone declare to another, other people's love in the Spirit? Can we communicate things in the Spirit? (Colossians 1:4-8)IF scripture is inspired by God, and it is written that "Those who are led of the Holy Spirit are sons/daughter of God", is there anything in scripture that teaches that if one doesn't follow the bible, they don't follow Christ?Immediately, when we pass from this life, do our bodies go to "sleep" and our spirits IMMEDIATELY go elsewhere? If elsewhere -- where?What does this scripture mean? - 1 Corinthians 8:9 - KJV - But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak.Should preachers get paid. How much?Will believers spend eternity in Heaven or on Earth?How is Jesus God if Jesus walked the earth and people saw Jesus yet no man has seen God?Does Christianity and Islam connect through Abraham, if so why are they always at conflict with each other?Why did Jesus ask God to take the "cup" away knowing it wouldn't be? You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:53:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODTODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/6) How does someone declare to another, other people's love in the Spirit? Can we communicate things in theGREAT CONTROVERSY/CONCERN: The Church - "Apostasy & The Authority of Scripture", 05 Oct 2014 14:00:00 GMTGREAT CONTROVERSY/CONCERN: The Church - "Apostasy & The Authority of Scripture"Amos 8  11.  "Behold, the days are coming,'' says the Lord God, "That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.   12.  They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord, but shall not find it.  __________________________________________________________________________ 2 Timothy 4  2.  Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.   3.  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;   4.  and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.  __________________________________________________________________________ Join me as I address The Great Falling Away, it's cause and it's effect. You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at 01:56:00ARC StudiesnoINSPIRATION,INERRANCY,EKKLESIA,TRUTH,ERRORAmos 8  11.  "Behold, the days are coming,'' says the Lord God, "That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of h"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/2/14, 02 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/2/14TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/2) if God/Jesus is Black and were made in his image why everybody ain't black?Is homosexuality a sin? And can homosexuals be savedHow does someone declare to another, other people's love in the Spirit? Can we communicate things in the Spirit? (Colossians 1:4-8)IF scripture is inspired by God, and it is written that "Those who are led of the Holy Spirit are sons/daughter of God", is there anything in scripture that teaches that if one doesn't follow the bible, they don't follow Christ?Immediately, when we pass from this life, do our bodies go to "sleep" and our spirits IMMEDIATELY go elsewhere? If elsewhere -- where?What does this scripture mean? - 1 Corinthians 8:9 - KJV - But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak.Should preachers get paid. How much?Will believers spend eternity in Heaven or on Earth?How is Jesus God if Jesus walked the earth and people saw Jesus yet no man has seen God?Does Christianity and Islam connect through Abraham, if so why are they always at conflict with each other?Why did Jesus ask God to take the "cup" away knowing it wouldn't be? You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:57:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODTODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/2) if God/Jesus is Black and were made in his image why everybody ain't black?Is homosexuality a sin? And c"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/1/14, 01 Oct 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 10/1/14TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/1/14) if God/Jesus is Black and were made in his image why everybody aint' black?Is homosexuality a sin? And can homosexuals be savedHow does someone declare to another, other people's love in the Spirit? Can we communicate things in the Spirit? (Colossians 1:4-8)IF scripture is inspired by God, and it is written that "Those who are led of the Holy Spirit are sons/daughter of God", is there anything in scripture that teaches that if one doesn't follow the bible, they don't follow Christ?Immediately, when we pass from this life, do our bodies go to "sleep" and our spirits IMMEDIATELY go elsewhere? If elsewhere -- where?What does this scripture mean? - 1 Corinthians 8:9 - KJV - But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.Should preachers get paid. How much?Will believers spend eternity in Heaven or on Earth? You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:14:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODTODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: (10/1/14) if God/Jesus is Black and were made in his image why everybody aint' black?Is homosexuality a sin? AnHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 9/30/14, 30 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMTHATH GOD SAID" - Questions From The Marketplace - 9/30/149/30 - TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: How did God form woman and man at the same time (spiritually) but there is "supposedly" no gender spiritually??Why would God have a chosen people but put them through so much?When God said " upon this rock I will build my church..." was he talking about a literal rock as in building or was He referring to Peter's stubbornness, his heart, loyalty or am I was off base? if God/Jesus is Black and were made in his image why everybody aint' black?Is homosexuality a sin? And can homosexuals be savedHow does someone declare to another, other people's love in the Spirit? Can we communicate things in the Spirit? (Colossians 1:4-8)IF scripture is inspired by God, and it is written that "Those who are led of the Holy Spirit are sons/daughter of God", is there anything in scripture that teaches that if one doesn't follow the bible, they don't follow Christ?Immediately, when we pass from this life, do our bodies go to "sleep" and our spirits IMMEDIATELY go elsewhere? If elsewhere -- where?What does this scripture mean? - 1 Corinthians 8:9 - KJV - But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.Should preachers get paid. How much?Will believers spend eternity in Heaven or on Earth? You can participate live through the online chat room, or by calling (646)652-2905. Direct all questions after the broadcast to (614)388-8838 or e-mail me at All questions received more than 30 minutes before air time will be included in the show. 00:55:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD9/30 - TODAY'S QUESTIONS FROM THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS: How did God form woman and man at the same time (spiritually) but there is "supposedly" no gender spiritGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Bishops, Elders & Overseers in The Church"-2, 28 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMTGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Bishops, Elders & Overseers in The Church"-2During this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be addressing issues related to the relationship between God and man, God and woman, man and woman and woman in The Church as God intended. "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?" "Can women hold these positions?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY, and untethering those seeking true Christian REVOLUTION from those who relish the ambiguity of REBELLION. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoBISHOP,ELDERS,OVERSEERS,THE CHURCH,SPIRITUAL GIFTSDuring this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be addressing issues related to the relationship between God and man, God and woman, man and woman and"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Church Hierarchy pt 3 - 9/26/14, 26 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Church Hierarchy pt 3 - 9/26/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:54:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Church Hierarchy pt 2 - 9/25/14, 25 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Church Hierarchy pt 2 - 9/25/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:58:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Church Hierarchy - 9/24/14, 24 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Church Hierarchy - 9/24/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:57:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of"HATH GOD SAID"- God's Word in Ignorant Times: Rebellion in The Church - 9/23/14, 23 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID"- God's Word in Ignorant Times: Rebellion in The Church - 9/23/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 01:01:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Submission & Rebellion 9/22/14, 22 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Submission & Rebellion 9/22/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:53:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat ofGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Bishops, Elders & Overseers in The Church"-1, 21 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMTGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Bishops, Elders & Overseers in The Church"-1During this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be addressing issues related to the relationship between God and man, God and woman, man and woman and woman in The Church as God intended. "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?" "Can women hold these positions?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY, and untethering those seeking true Christian REVOLUTION from those who relish the ambiguity of REBELLION. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:56:00ARC StudiesnoBISHOPS,ELDRES,OVERSEERS,THE CHURCH,SPIRITUAL GIFTSDuring this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be addressing issues related to the relationship between God and man, God and woman, man and woman and"HATH GOD SAID" - Do Apostles & Prophets Still Exist Today? - 9/19/14, 19 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Do Apostles & Prophets Still Exist Today? - 9/19/14Today I was asked to elaborate on why I don't believe that Apostles and Prophets exist today. As such I took a slight detour to address this most vital question for my dear sister. "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:59:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODToday I was asked to elaborate on why I don't believe that Apostles and Prophets exist today. As such I took a slight detour to address this most vital question"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Submission & Rebellion 9/18/14, 18 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Submission & Rebellion 9/18/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:38:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Deceitful Workers - 9/17/14, 17 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Word in Ignorant Times: Deceitful Workers - 9/17/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:26:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of"HATH GOD SAID" - Biblical Views of the Inspiration of Scripture pt.2 - 9/16/14, 16 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Biblical Views of the Inspiration of Scripture pt.2 - 9/16/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:44:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of*Special Edition*- GREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Woman & The Church", 14 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT*Special Edition*- GREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Woman & The Church"During this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be addressing issues related to the relationship between God and man, God and woman, man and woman and woman in The Church as God intended. "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?" "Can women hold these positions?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY, and untethering those seeking true Christian REVOLUTION from those who relish the ambiguity of REBELLION. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:51:00ARC StudiesnoDIVINE ORDER,HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD,WOMEN IN MINISTRY,WOMEN PREACHERS,CHURCH STRUCTUREDuring this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be addressing issues related to the relationship between God and man, God and woman, man and woman and"HATH GOD SAID" - Biblical Views of the Inspiration of The Scriptures - 9/12/14, 12 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Biblical Views of the Inspiration of The Scriptures - 9/12/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:45:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of"HATH GOD SAID" - Man, Woman, Marriage & Sex - 9/11/14, 11 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - Man, Woman, Marriage & Sex - 9/11/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You are encouraged to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:41:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of"HATH GOD SAID" - False Views of Inspiration of The Bible - 9/10/14, 10 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - False Views of Inspiration of The Bible - 9/10/14Today we will be discussing False Views of Inspiration as I continue to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You are encouraged to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:29:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHODToday we will be discussing False Views of Inspiration as I continue to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and H"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times - 9/9/14, 09 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times - 9/9/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:40:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times - 9/8/14, 08 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times - 9/8/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:44:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of*Special Edition*- GREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Man & Woman", 07 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT*Special Edition*- GREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Man & Woman"During this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be addressing issues related to the relationship between God and man, God and woman, man and woman and woman in The Church as God intended. "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?" "Can women hold these positions?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY, and untethering those seeking true Christian REVOLUTION from those who relish the ambiguity of REBELLION. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:57:00ARC StudiesnoHEAD OF HOUSEHOLD,WOMEN IN MINISTRY,WOMEN PREACHERS,CHURCH STRUCTURE,CHAUVANISMDuring this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be addressing issues related to the relationship between God and man, God and woman, man and woman and"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times" - 9/5/14, 05 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times" - 9/5/14"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:45:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times, 04 Sep 2014 13:30:00 GMT"HATH GOD SAID" - God's Holy Word in Ignorant Times"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?'' - This encounter, taken from Genesis 3:1, illustrates a perfect example of the Socratic Mindset that seeks to undermine the validity of God's Didactic truth by seeking to arrive at new nuanced truths by questioning God's explicit presentation of His truth in His Word. Instead of a "God said it, that settles it" mentality, we have returned to Eden with a "Has God said it" approach to God's Word. Instead of the Bible being the plumb line by which all things are validated, the Bible itself is now being "validated" through the court of public opinion. No longer is it treated as the source of absolute truth Didactically transmitted to those claiming to be students of it. Instead, subjective truths are Socratically gleaned from it by those who in ignorance see it as containing God's Word rather than BEING God's Word. To that end this daily broadcast is being established to address some of the questions, comments, musings and misinformation concerning God and His Word. You ar encourage to listen or participate as you desire via the online chat during the live show, the live call in number - (646)652-2905, or of air at the Facebook Group of the same name - 00:43:00ARC StudiesnoTRUTH,ERROR,THE BIBLE,DIDACTIC METHOD,SOCRATIC METHOD"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of*Special Edition*- GREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Church Hierarchy", 01 Sep 2014 13:00:00 GMT*Special Edition*- GREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "Church Hierarchy"During this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be answering the questions:: "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:52:00ARC StudiesnoREVOLUTION,REBELLION,CHRISTIANITY vs CHURCHIANITY,BISHOPS,ELDERSDuring this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be answering the questions:: "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Imp**Special Edition**- GREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "The Rebellion of Korah", 01 Sep 2014 01:30:00 GMT**Special Edition**- GREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN: "The Rebellion of Korah"During this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be answering the questions:: "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:42:00ARC StudiesnoREVOLUTION,REBELLION,CHRISTIANITY vs CHURCHIANITY,ELDERS vs ELDERSDuring this *Special Edition* of ARC Studies Live! I will be answering the questions:: "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism ImpGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN - "God's Word in Unholy Times" ]]> ]]>Religion, 31 Aug 2014 16:15:05 GMTGREAT CONTROVERSY/GREAT CONCERN - "God's Word in Unholy Times" ]]>I brief break in my self-imposed Sabbatical address a concern> 01:00:00ARC StudiesnoThe Bible,The Holy SpiritI brief break in my self-imposed Sabbatical address a concern>**Special Edition Series**- THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "The Role of Women" pt 2, 23 Jun 2014 01:00:00 GMT**Special Edition Series**- THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "The Role of Women" pt 2During this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be answering the questions:: "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and GRACE,THE ROLE OF WOMAN,WOMEN PREACHERS,ECCLESIOLOGY,THE PURPOSE OF THE LAWDuring this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be answering the questions:: "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Femin**Special Edition Series**- THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "The Role of Women" pt 1, 22 Jun 2014 16:00:00 GMT**Special Edition Series**- THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "The Role of Women" pt 1During this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still Under The Law or Under Grace?" "What is the Difference Between the Two?" "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW vs GRACE,THE OLD vs THE NEW COVENANT,THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE CHURCH,WOMEN PREACHERS,SPIRITUAL GIFTSDuring this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 9, 21 Jun 2014 15:30:00 GMT**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 9During this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still Under The Law or Under Grace?" "What is the Difference Between the Two?" "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW vs GRACE,THE OLD vs THE NEW COVENANT,THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE CHURCH,WOMEN PREACHERS,SPIRITUAL GIFTSDuring this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 8, 19 Jun 2014 04:00:00 GMT**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 8During this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still Under The Law or Under Grace?" "What is the Difference Between the Two?" "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:36:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW vs GRACE,THE OLD vs THE NEW COVENANT,THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE CHURCH,WOMEN PREACHERS,SPIRITUAL GIFTSDuring this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 7, 14 Jun 2014 15:00:00 GMT**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 7During this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still Under The Law or Under Grace?" "What is the Difference Between the Two?" "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:53:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW vs GRACE,THE OLD vs THE NEW COVENANT,THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE CHURCH,WOMEN PREACHERS,SPIRITUAL GIFTSDuring this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 6, 10 Jun 2014 04:00:00 GMT**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 6During this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still Under The Law or Under Grace?" "What is the Difference Between the Two?" "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:36:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW vs GRACE,THE OLD vs THE NEW COVENANT,THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE CHURCH,WOMEN PREACHERS,SPIRITUAL GIFTSDuring this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 5, 08 Jun 2014 15:00:00 GMT**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 5During this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still Under The Law or Under Grace?" "What is the Difference Between the Two?" "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:49:00ARC StudiesnoBISHOPS,ELDERS,OVERSEERS,CHURCHIANITY,WOMEN PREACHERSDuring this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 4, 08 Jun 2014 03:00:00 GMT**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 4During this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still Under The Law or Under Grace?" "What is the Difference Between the Two?" "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:57:00ARC StudiesnoBISHOPS,ELDERS,OVERSEERS,CHURCHIANITY,WOMEN PREACHERSDuring this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 3, 07 Jun 2014 15:00:00 GMT**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 3During this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still Under The Law or Under Grace?" "What is the Difference Between the Two?" "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoBISHOPS,ELDERS,OVERSEERS,CHURCHIANITY,WOMEN PREACHERSDuring this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 2, 01 Jun 2014 16:00:00 GMT**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 2During this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still Under The Law or Under Grace?" "What is the Difference Between the Two?" "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoBISHOPS,ELDERS,OVERSEERS,CHURCHIANITY,WOMEN PREACHERSDuring this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 1, 31 May 2014 16:30:00 GMT**Special Edition Series** - THE ERRORS OF CHURCHIANITY: "Hath God Said?" - pt 1During this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still Under The Law or Under Grace?" "What is the Difference Between the Two?" "What is The Role of Women in The Church?" "Has Chauvinism & Feminism Impacted How God's Word is Viewed & Taught?" "Who is Authorized By God to Preach The Word of God?" Are Pastors In Charge of The Local Church?" "Do Christians Have to Attend and Join a Local Church?" "What are Bishops, Elders & Overseers?" "Are they Different or the Same Thing?" "Are they Spiritual Gifts?"  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that The Word of God provides concerning these teachings with a view of separating DOGMA from DOCTRINE, and freeing CHRISTIANITY from the errors of CHURCHIANITY. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Any questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,FAITH,THE COVENANTS,GRACE,WORKSDuring this *Special Edition Series* of ARC Studies Live! I will be tackling some sacred cow issues of the contemporary Christian Church, such as: "Are We Still**Special Edition** - THE TRINITY: "three gods or True God", 27 May 2014 23:00:00 GMT**Special Edition** - THE TRINITY: "three gods or True God"Is the doctrine of The Trinity found in The Bible?  Is it instead, a later heretical doctrine added to scripture at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD as some have contended? Isn't it true that this word is found nowhere in The Bible? Is it necessary for one to comprehend this doctrine in order to be saved? The purpose of this **Special Edition** of the ARC Studies Live program is to put to rest once and for all every speculation as to how THREE PERSONS can exist as ONE GOD. I'll be taking your questions and/or comments on air at (646)652-2905. You can also "just listen" to the broadcast with this number. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments via my chat "parking lot" which is always available to live listeners joined to the broadcast via the internet. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to my ministry line at (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:55:00ARC StudiesnoTRINITY,TRIUNITY,GOD,MODALISTIC MONARCHIANISM,DYNAMIC MONARCHIANISMIs the doctrine of The Trinity found in The Bible?  Is it instead, a later heretical doctrine added to scripture at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD as some haveWHY I AM NOT A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS - part 4 (Does The Bible Teach The Trinity?), 25 May 2014 20:00:00 GMTWHY I AM NOT A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS - part 4 (Does The Bible Teach The Trinity?)Who are the Jehovah's Witnesses? Why do they go door to door having many doors slammed in their faces each week? Is it true that Jesus is Michael The Archangel? Is it true he was created? Join me as I wrap up a discussion I had today with a follower of JW doctrine. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:55:00ARC StudiesnoJEHOVAH'S WITNESSES,THE TRINITY,THE BIBLE,THE TRUTHWho are the Jehovah's Witnesses? Why do they go door to door having many doors slammed in their faces each week? Is it true that Jesus is Michael The Archangel?WHY I AM NOT A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS - part 3, 25 May 2014 17:30:00 GMTWHY I AM NOT A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS - part 3Who are the Jehovah's Witnesses? Why do they go door to door having many doors slammed in their faces each week? Is it true that Jesus is Michael The Archangel? Is it true he was created? Join me as I wrap up a discussion I had today with a follower of JW doctrine. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoJEHOVAH'S WITNESS,CHRISTIANITY,NEW WORD TRANSLATION,JEHOVAH,JEHOVAH'S WITNESSESWho are the Jehovah's Witnesses? Why do they go door to door having many doors slammed in their faces each week? Is it true that Jesus is Michael The Archangel?WHY I AM NOT A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS - part 2, 25 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTWHY I AM NOT A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS - part 2Who are the Jehovah's Witnesses? Why do they go door to door having many doors slammed in their faces each week? Is it true that Jesus is Michael The Archangel? Is it true he was created? Join me as I wrap up a discussion I had today with a follower of JW doctrine. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoCHARLES TAZE RUSSELL,JUDGE RUTHERFORD,JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES,MILLENNIAL DAWN STUDENTS,THE TETRAGRAMMATONWho are the Jehovah's Witnesses? Why do they go door to door having many doors slammed in their faces each week? Is it true that Jesus is Michael The Archangel?WHY I AM NOT A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS, 25 May 2014 01:00:00 GMTWHY I AM NOT A JEHOVAH'S WITNESSWho are the Jehovah's Witnesses? Why do they go door to door having many doors slammed in their faces each week? Is it true that Jesus is Michael The Archangel? Is it true he was created? Join me as I wrap up a discussion I had today with a follower of JW doctrine. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:47:00ARC StudiesnoYHVH,TETRAGRAMMATON,JEHOVAH,SACRED NAME,JEHOVAH'S WITNESSESWho are the Jehovah's Witnesses? Why do they go door to door having many doors slammed in their faces each week? Is it true that Jesus is Michael The Archangel?CONTINUED DISCUSSIONS WITH EMMANUEL - A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS FOLLOWER, 24 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTCONTINUED DISCUSSIONS WITH EMMANUEL - A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS FOLLOWEREmmanuel, the Jehovah's Witness, came back for additional discussions regarding the The Bible, God, Jesus Christ, The name Jehovah and more. Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that the Book of Hebrews provides. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:58:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,FAITH,THE COVENANTS,GRACE,WORKSEmmanuel, the Jehovah's Witness, came back for additional discussions regarding the The Bible, God, Jesus Christ, The name Jehovah and more. Join me as we immerTHE RETURN OF EMMANUEL - Part 2, 17 May 2014 22:00:00 GMTTHE RETURN OF EMMANUEL - Part 2Join me as I continue my discussion with Mr. Emmanuel about who Jesus Christ is. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoJEHOVAH'S WITNESSES,CALVINISM,THE DOCTRINE OF ELECTION,QUESTIONS,MILLINIAL DAWN STUDENTSJoin me as I continue my discussion with Mr. Emmanuel about who Jesus Christ is. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905THE RETURN OF EMMANUEL - Part 1, 17 May 2014 15:30:00 GMTTHE RETURN OF EMMANUEL - Part 1Listen in as I I continue my discussion with Mr. Emmanuel about who Jesus Christ is, I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,FAITH,THE COVENANTS,GRACE,SYMBOLS to SUBSTANCEListen in as I I continue my discussion with Mr. Emmanuel about who Jesus Christ is, I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-A DISCUSSION OF THE DOCTRINE OF ELECTION, 10 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTA DISCUSSION OF THE DOCTRINE OF ELECTIONWe took another detour in this program to address some of the errors of what is call "Calvinism," or "The Doctrine of Election.". I'll be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,FAITH,THE COVENANTS,GRACE,SYMBOLS to SUBSTANCEWe took another detour in this program to address some of the errors of what is call "Calvinism," or "The Doctrine of Election.". I'll be taking your questionsTHE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - Chapters 4 & 5, 04 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTTHE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - Chapters 4 & 5During this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symbolic practices of OLD to their fulfillment in the NEW with Christ Jesus our Lord, Hebrews provides the details necessary for all serious students of the scriptures to understand such topics as The Covenants, The Law, Grace, Faith, The Church, etc.  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that the Book of Hebrews provides. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,FAITH,THE COVENANTS,GRACE,SYMBOLS to SUBSTANCEDuring this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symTHE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - Chapter 4, 03 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTTHE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - Chapter 4During this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symbolic practices of OLD to their fulfillment in the NEW with Christ Jesus our Lord, Hebrews provides the details necessary for all serious students of the scriptures to understand such topics as The Covenants, The Law, Grace, Faith, The Church, etc.  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that the Book of Hebrews provides. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,FAITH,THE COVENANTS,GRACE,SYMBOLS to SUBSTANCEDuring this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symARC OPEN DISCUSSION Q&A - "Hath God Said?", 03 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTARC OPEN DISCUSSION Q&A - "Hath God Said?"During this session of ARC Studies Live! I will be conducting an Open Discussion Q&A. "Do Believers go straight to heaven at death?" "What does it mean that we are Appointed once to death, and then there's the judgment?" Is the structure of today's church found in the Word of God?" "Are Pastors really in charge?" "Do I have to join a church?" I will be addressing these and other myths that have been perpetuated with reference to God's Word and His Church. Join me as I address all issues from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE RAPTURE,THE BEMA SEAT JUDGMENT,THE WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT,SOUL SLEEP,CHURCHIANITYDuring this session of ARC Studies Live! I will be conducting an Open Discussion Q&A. "Do Believers go straight to heaven at death?" "What does it mean that weFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended", 02 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended"Matthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."  Galatians 3:24 - "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster." What do these two pivotal passages mean and how do they play out in the lives of believers then and now. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and FAITH,THE OLD COVENANT vs THE NEW COVENANT,GRACE and WORKS,HEBREW ROOTS,HEBREW ISRAELITESMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."THE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - Chapter 3, 27 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMTTHE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - Chapter 3During this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symbolic practices of OLD to their fulfillment in the NEW with Christ Jesus our Lord, Hebrews provides the details necessary for all serious students of the scriptures to understand such topics as The Covenants, The Law, Grace, Faith, The Church, etc.  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that the Book of Hebrews provides. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,FAITH,THE COVENANTS,GRACE,SYMBOLS to SUBSTANCEDuring this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symA DISCUSSION WITH IMMANUEL, 26 Apr 2014 17:30:00 GMTA DISCUSSION WITH IMMANUELTo Be added. 02:20:00ARC StudiesnojehovahTo Be added.ADDRESSING THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESS ERRORS, 26 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMTADDRESSING THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESS ERRORSDuring this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symbolic practices of OLD to their fulfillment in the NEW with Christ Jesus our Lord, Hebrews provides the details necessary for all serious students of the scriptures to understand such topics as The Covenants, The Law, Grace, Faith, The Church, etc.  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that the Book of Hebrews provides. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:45:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,FAITH,THE COVENANTS,GRACE,SYMBOLS to SUBSTANCEDuring this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symTHE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - Chapter 2, 20 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMTTHE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - Chapter 2During this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symbolic practices of OLD to their fulfillment in the NEW with Christ Jesus our Lord, Hebrews provides the details necessary for all serious students of the scriptures to understand such topics as The Covenants, The Law, Grace, Faith, The Church, etc.  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that the Book of Hebrews provides. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,FAITH,THE COVENANTS,GRACE,SYMBOLS to SUBSTANCEDuring this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symTHE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - Chapter 1, 19 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMTTHE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - Chapter 1During this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symbolic practices of OLD to their fulfillment in the NEW with Christ Jesus our Lord, Hebrews provides the details necessary for all serious students of the scriptures to understand such topics as The Covenants, The Law, Grace, Faith, The Church, etc.  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that the Book of Hebrews provides. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,FAITH,THE COVENANTS,GRACE,SYMBOLS to SUBSTANCEDuring this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symTHE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - Introduction, 13 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMTTHE BOOK OF HEBREWS: "Clarification of The Covenant" - IntroductionDuring this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symbolic practices of OLD to their fulfillment in the NEW with Christ Jesus our Lord, Hebrews provides the details necessary for all serious students of the scriptures to understand such topics as The Covenants, The Law, Grace, Faith, The Church, etc.  Join me as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding that the Book of Hebrews provides. I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW,GRACE,OLD COVENANT,NEW COVENANT,PROPHETS & PRIESTSDuring this series we will be taking an in depth look at this pivotal book of Christian theology. Perfectly illustrating the purpose and transition from the symTHROUGH THE SAVIOR TO SERVICE: "Walking The Talk" - pt 1, 06 Apr 2014 21:00:00 GMTTHROUGH THE SAVIOR TO SERVICE: "Walking The Talk" - pt 1With this series it is my intent to connect the dots between the series "From the Schoolmaster to The Savior" by means of the conjunctive series "Walking in The Spirit." It was necessary to clarify who the Holy Spirit is as "God," who He is a "Person," and what His role is in the divine economy of the redemption of fallen mankind. What is the first step to biblical success to all who cross the threshold of the household of faith? What is the difference in mindset between the "Exodus Assembly" and the "Joshua Generation?" What is "sanctification" and how has/does it play out in the lives of believers? How does one avoid the mis-steps of the legalistic mindset? What is Calvinism? And how has it served to confuse what "Election" is?  Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:42:00ARC StudiesnoPROGRESSIVE LIGHT,SALVATION,SANCTIFICATION,CHRISTIAN SERVICE,DOCTRINE OF ELECTIONWith this series it is my intent to connect the dots between the series "From the Schoolmaster to The Savior" by means of the conjunctive series "Walking in TheTHROUGH THE SAVIOR TO SERVICE: "Walking The Talk" - Introduction, 05 Apr 2014 17:00:00 GMTTHROUGH THE SAVIOR TO SERVICE: "Walking The Talk" - IntroductionWith this series it is my intent to connect the dots between the series "From the Schoolmaster to The Savior" by means of the conjunctive series "Walking in The Spirit." It was necessary to clarify who the Holy Spirit is as "God," who He is a "Person," and what His role is in the divine economy of the redemption of fallen mankind. What is the first step to biblical success to all who cross the threshold of the household of faith? What is the difference in mindset between the "Exodus Assembly" and the "Joshua Generation?" What is "sanctification" and how has/does it play out in the lives of believers? How does one avoid the mis-steps of the legalistic mindset? What is Calvinism? And how has it served to confuse what "Election" is?  Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:58:00ARC StudiesnoPROGRESSIVE LIGHT,SALVATION,SANCTIFICATION,CHRISTIAN SERVICE,DOCTRINE OF ELECTIONWith this series it is my intent to connect the dots between the series "From the Schoolmaster to The Savior" by means of the conjunctive series "Walking in TheARC OPEN DISCUSSION Q&A - "Hath God Said?", 29 Mar 2014 16:00:00 GMTARC OPEN DISCUSSION Q&A - "Hath God Said?"During this session of ARC Studies Live! I will be conducting an Open Discussion Q&A. I will also be addressing some of the major myths that have been perpetuated with reference to God's Word. Join me as I address all issues from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:01:00ARC StudiesnoSAVIOR,SLAVATION,SANCTIFICATION,SERVICE,WALKING IN THE SPIRITDuring this session of ARC Studies Live! I will be conducting an Open Discussion Q&A. I will also be addressing some of the major myths that have been perpetuatWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The 3 P's of Salvation." - Review, 16 Mar 2014 16:00:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The 3 P's of Salvation." - ReviewWho is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are free from The Law, then how will we know how to live righteous, upright lives?" Will understanding Him impact our lives and our service to God? Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:45:00ARC StudiesnoTHE HOLY SPIRIT,GUIANCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,BAPTISM OF THE SPIRIT,INDWELLING OF THE SPIRIT,SEALING OF THE SPIRITWho is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are freMY TWO SISTERS, 15 Mar 2014 15:00:00 GMTMY TWO SISTERSThe show took an impromptu turn as happans at times. I was first joined by my sear sister "Peas" for a lively and informative discussion, then we were joined by Robin Hair, wife of James Hair. Long time listeners of the show have heard me speak of James as a wonderful man in the Lord who preceeded us in "sleep," and who I look forward to seeing again in "The Morning." Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:58:00ARC StudiesnoHE HOLY SPIRIT,THE GUIDANCE OF THE SPIRIT,BLASPHEMY OF THE SPIRIT,THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,THE INDWELLING OF THE HOLY SPIRITThe show took an impromptu turn as happans at times. I was first joined by my sear sister "Peas" for a lively and informative discussion, then we were joined byWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The 3 P's of Salvation." - Conclusion, 08 Mar 2014 16:00:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The 3 P's of Salvation." - ConclusionWho is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are free from The Law, then how will we know how to live righteous, upright lives?" Will understanding Him impact our lives and our service to God? Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:45:00ARC StudiesnoTHE HOLY SPIRIT,THE 3 P's OF SALVATION,PROGRESSIVE SANCTICATION,POSITIONAL SANCTIFICATION,THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SIRITWho is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are freWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The Ministry of The Holy Spirit", 05 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The Ministry of The Holy Spirit"Who is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are free from The Law, then how will we know how to live righteous, upright lives?" Will understanding Him impact our lives and our service to God? Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:58:00ARC StudiesnoTHE HOLY SPIRIT,THE TRINITY,GOD IN THREE PERSONS,WALKING IN THE SPIRIT,SPIRIT FILLEDWho is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are freWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The Two Witnesses, The Anti-Christ & The Second Coming", 04 Mar 2014 02:30:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The Two Witnesses, The Anti-Christ & The Second Coming"When will Christians be judged? Is there one massive judgment where believers are seperated from unbelievers? If not, when will unbelievers be judged? What is the difference between "Vessels of Honor" and Vessels of Dishonor?" Is "Blasphemey" related to the "Sin Unto Death?"   Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:57:00ARC StudiesnoTHE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST,THE WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT,SOUL SLEEP,THE RAPTURE,ETERNAL SECURITYWhen will Christians be judged? Is there one massive judgment where believers are seperated from unbelievers? If not, when will unbelievers be judged? What is tWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The Judgments, Soul Sleep & The Rapture", 04 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The Judgments, Soul Sleep & The Rapture"When will Christians be judged? Is there one massive judgment where believers are seperated from unbelievers? If not, when will unbelievers be judged? What is the difference between "Vessels of Honor" and Vessels of Dishonor?" Is "Blasphemey" related to the "Sin Unto Death?"   Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:45:00ARC StudiesnoBLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,THE SIN UNTO DEATH,A REPROBATE MIND,THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST,THE WHITE THRONE JUDGMENTWhen will Christians be judged? Is there one massive judgment where believers are seperated from unbelievers? If not, when will unbelievers be judged? What is tWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The 3 "P"s of Salvation" - pt 7, 02 Mar 2014 17:00:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The 3 "P"s of Salvation" - pt 7In this edition of this series I will be discussing "Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit" and the "Sin Unto Death." What are they, and by who and how are they committed? Are they related to "Reprobation?" Can Christians be reprobates? Finally, how do all of these relate to "The Rapture," and "Soul Sleep?" Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:13:00ARC StudiesnoBLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,THE SIN UNTO DEATH,A REPROBATE MIND,THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST,THE WHITE THRONE JUDGMENTIn this edition of this series I will be discussing "Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit" and the "Sin Unto Death." What are they, and by who and how are they committeWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The Sin Unto Death & The Bema Seat Judgment" - pt 6, 01 Mar 2014 17:00:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "The Sin Unto Death & The Bema Seat Judgment" - pt 6In this edition of this series I will be discussing "Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit" and the "Sin Unto Death." What are they, and by who and how are they committed? Are they related to "Reprobation?" Can Christians be reprobates? Finally, how do all of these relate to "The Rapture," and "Soul Sleep?" Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:56:00ARC StudiesnoBLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,THE SIN UNTO DEATH,A REPROBATE MIND,THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST,THE WHITE THRONE JUDGMENTIn this edition of this series I will be discussing "Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit" and the "Sin Unto Death." What are they, and by who and how are they committeWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "Learning to Follow God" - pt 5, 24 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "Learning to Follow God" - pt 5In this edition of this series I will be discussing "Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit" and the "Sin Unto Death." What are they, and by who and how are they committed? Are they related to "Reprobation?" Can Christians be reprobates? Finally, how do all of these relate to "The Rapture," and "Soul Sleep?" Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:34:00ARC StudiesnoBLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,THE SIN UNTO DEATH,A REPROBATE MIND,THE JDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST,THE WHITE THRONE JUDGMENTIn this edition of this series I will be discussing "Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit" and the "Sin Unto Death." What are they, and by who and how are they committeWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "Learning to Follow God" - pt 4, 23 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "Learning to Follow God" - pt 4In this edition of this series I will be discussing "Blasphemy of The Holy SpirIt" and the "Sin Unto Death." What are they, and by who and how are they committed? Are they related to "Reprobation?" Can Christians be reprobates? Finally, how do all of these relate to "The Rapture," and "Soul Sleep?" Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoBLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,THE SIN UNTO DEATH,A REPROBATE MIND,THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST,THE WHITE THROUNE JUDGMENTIn this edition of this series I will be discussing "Blasphemy of The Holy SpirIt" and the "Sin Unto Death." What are they, and by who and how are they committeSIDEBAR: A Little: "Political Theology," and A Little "Kemetology", 22 Feb 2014 16:00:00 GMTSIDEBAR: A Little: "Political Theology," and A Little "Kemetology"I had a slight detour this morning as I voice words of caution to brothers being seduced by Political Theology. I also had a gentleman call in to make the claim that the Christ birth story was plagerized from the story of the birth of Horus in ancient Kemet, and this even though he had never read the story of the birth of Horus in ancient Kemet. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE HOLY SPIRIT,THE TRINITY,GOD IN THREE PERSONS,WALKING IN THE SPIRIT,SPIRIT FILLEDI had a slight detour this morning as I voice words of caution to brothers being seduced by Political Theology. I also had a gentleman call in to make the claimWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "Learning to Follow God" - pt 3, 16 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "Learning to Follow God" - pt 3Who is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are free from The Law, then how will we know how to live righteous, upright lives?" Will understanding Him impact our lives and our service to God? Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE HOLY SPIRIT,THE TRINITY,GOD IN THREE PERSONS,WALKING IN THE SPIRIT,SPIRIT FILLEDWho is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are freWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "Learning to Follow God" - pt 2, 15 Feb 2014 16:30:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "Learning to Follow God" - pt 2Who is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are free from The Law, then how will we know how to live righteous, upright lives?" Will understanding Him impact our lives and our service to God? Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:58:00ARC StudiesnoTHE HOLY SPIRIT,THE TRINITY,GOD IN THREE PERSONS,WALKING IN THE SPIRIT,SPIRIT FILLEDWho is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are freWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "Learning to Follow God" - pt 1, 09 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTWALKING IN THE SPIRIT: "Learning to Follow God" - pt 1Who is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are free from The Law, then how will we know how to live righteous, upright lives?" Will understanding Him impact our lives and our service to God? Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE HOLY SPIRIT,THE TRINITY,GOD IN THREE PERSONS,WALKING IN THE SPIRIT,SPIRIT FILLEDWho is the Holy Spirit and what does scripture mean when it encourages us to "Walk in Him" How does this relate to being "Filled with The Spirit?" If we are freFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - End, 02 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - EndMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."  Galatians 3:24 - "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster." What do these two pivotal passages mean and how do they play out in the lives of believers then and now. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:58:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and FAITH,GRACK and WORKS,THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR,HEBREW ISRAELITES,MESSIANIC JUDAISMMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 8, 01 Feb 2014 16:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 8  Are Christians under the Law? Must precept be upon precept as we make our Christian way through life? Is The Law of Faith? How can one be under "The Law of Christ," but not be under "The Ten Commandments?" Is there a such thing as The Ten Commandments. Join me as I address these issuess from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoGRACE and WORKS,THE LAW and FAITH,TRUTH and ERROR,LEGALISM,MESSIANIC JUDAISMAre Christians under the Law? Must precept be upon precept as we make our Christian way through life? Is The Law of Faith? How can one be under "The Law of CFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 7, 26 Jan 2014 17:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 7Matthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."  Galatians 3:24 - "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster." What do these two pivotal passages mean and how do they play out in the lives of believers then and now. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and FAITH,GRACE and WORKS,THE SCHOOLMASTER and THE SAVIOR,MESSIANIC JUDAISM,HEBREW ROOTSMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."WHAT CAUSED CAUSE? "A Discussion of Origins", 26 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTWHAT CAUSED CAUSE? "A Discussion of Origins"My broadcast earlier today took an interesting turn today with a phone call from an individual named Stanley. Stanley took issue with the Bible's teaching that works will not save you. I committed to Stanley that I would schedule an additional broadcast tonight to allow for further discussion of origins. I invite you to join me as I address this issue fof "What Caused Cause" with Stanley.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHEISM,ATHEISM,AGNOSTACISM,EVOLUTION,BIG BANGMy broadcast earlier today took an interesting turn today with a phone call from an individual named Stanley. Stanley took issue with the Bible's teaching thatA DISCUSSION WITH STANLEY THE AGNOSTIC, 25 Jan 2014 16:00:00 GMTA DISCUSSION WITH STANLEY THE AGNOSTICMy broadcast took an interesting turn today with a phone call from an individual named Stanley. Stanley took issue with the Bible's teaching that works will not save you. Intersting discussion. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and FAITH,GRACE and WORKS,THE SCHOOLMASTER and THE SAVIOR,MESSIANIC JUDAISM,HEBREW ROOTSMy broadcast took an interesting turn today with a phone call from an individual named Stanley. Stanley took issue with the Bible's teaching that works will notFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 6, 19 Jan 2014 17:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 6Matthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."  Galatians 3:24 - "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster." What do these two pivotal passages mean and how do they play out in the lives of believers then and now. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and FAITH,GRACE and WORKS,THE SCHOOLMASTER and THE SAVIOR,MESSIANIC JUDAISM,HEBREW ROOTSMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 5, 18 Jan 2014 16:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 5Matthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."  Galatians 3:24 - "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster." What do these two pivotal passages mean and how do they play out in the lives of believers then and now. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:57:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and FAITH,GRACE and WORKS,THE SCHOOLMASTER and THE SAVIOR,MESSIANIC JUDAISM,HEBREW ROOTSMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 4, 06 Jan 2014 02:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 4Matthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."  Galatians 3:24 - "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster." What do these two pivotal passages mean and how do they play out in the lives of believers then and now. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:59:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and FAITH,GRACE and WORKS,THE SCHOOLMASTER and THE SAVIOR,MESSIANIC JUDAISM,HEBREW ROOTSMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 3, 05 Jan 2014 17:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 3Matthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."  Galatians 3:24 - "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster." What do these two pivotal passages mean and how do they play out in the lives of believers then and now. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and FAITH,GRACE and WORKS,THE SCHOOLMASTER and THE SAVIOR,MESSIANIC JUDAISM,HEBREW ROOTSMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 2, 04 Jan 2014 16:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 2Matthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."  Galatians 3:24 - "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster." What do these two pivotal passages mean and how do they play out in the lives of believers then and now. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:50:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and FAITH,GRACE and WORKS,THE SCHOOLMASTER and THE SAVIOR,MESSIANIC JUDAISM,HEBREW ROOTSMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 1, 29 Dec 2013 16:00:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - pt 1Matthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."  Galatians 3:24 - "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster." What do these two pivotal passages mean and how do they play out in the lives of believers then and now. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 01:58:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and FAITH,GRACE and WORKS,THE SCHOOLMASTER and THE SAVIOR,MESSIANIC JUDAISM,HEBREW ROOTSMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."FROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - Intro, 29 Dec 2013 01:30:00 GMTFROM THE SCHOOLMASTER to THE SAVIOR: "The Law and Faith as God intended" - IntroMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."  Galatians 3:24 - "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster." What do these two pivotal passages mean and how do they play out in the lives of believers then and now. Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoTHE LAW and FAITH,GRACE and WORKS,THE SCHOOLMASTER and THE SAVIOR,MESSIANIC JUDAISM,HEBREW ROOTSMatthew 5:18 - "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."TONGUES: "To Speak or Not to Speak" - End, 27 Dec 2013 03:00:00 GMTTONGUES: "To Speak or Not to Speak" - EndWhat is "Speaking in Tongues?" Is it something that all Christians should seek to do? Can all Christians do it? Are there two types of tongues. What is the "Baptism IN The Holy Spirit?" is it the same thing as the "Baptism OF The Holy Spirit?"Join me as I address this issue from the Word of God.  I'll also be taking your questions and/or comments live on air at (646)652-2905. Questions and/or comments off air should be directed to (614)388-8838 or e-mailed to All questions received up to 30 minutes before show time will be addressed on air. See you there!!! 02:00:00ARC StudiesnoSPEAKING IN TONGUES,THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,THE BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT,PENTECOSTALISM,ONENESS PENTECOSTALISMWhat is "Speaking in Tongues?" Is it something that all Christians should seek to do? Can all Christians do it? Are there two types of tongues. What is the "Bap