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Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moment that takes our breathe away! Pay attention to the moments that make you happy. The moment is NOW! CHOOSE to rise up and be a part of the moment. As the holidays grow closer, the NOW becomes even more vital, Lights, trees, presents, decorations all seem to become a major focal point.. However as I have progressed in my journey of awareness I have shifted my attention from those things to that of love, happiness, joy, cheer and spirit! You add all those up and what you are left with: MEMORIES!!!!! Your thoughts are very powerful magnets in this Universe The thoughts we have become focal points that manifest themselves into our world. We spend a lot of time reacting to thoughts we already had. As we shift into a higher level of consciousness we learn to transform the reactions into choices. What a powerful concept! Come join me as I discuss how my journey of awareness has created thoughts of choices instead of reactions to already had thoughts!