Profit Growth Radio soonenCopyright Allen Crawley (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 08:15:00 GMTSun, 21 Mar 2010 04:00:00 GMTBusinessBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Growth Radio soonfeeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.combusiness,business marketing,profit growth strategies,unique selling proposition advantage,business developement,competitive marketplace,guerilla marketing,marketing strategiesProfit Growth Radionocoming soonepisodicYour USP Sucks!, 21 Mar 2010 04:00:00 GMTYour USP Sucks!What is your Unique Selling Proposition? What gives your business a distinct advantage over your competition? In this episode we look at the importance of having a well crafted unique selling advantage that succinctly communicates what you do for your customer and how to integrate your USP into every facet of your business. 00:30:00Profit Growth Radionounique Selling Proposition Advantage,business marketing,profit growth strategies,competitive marketplace,guerilla marketingWhat is your Unique Selling Proposition? What gives your business a distinct advantage over your competition? In this episode we look at the importance of haThe Single Most Important Thing You Must Do as a Business Owner, 20 Mar 2010 19:30:00 GMTThe Single Most Important Thing You Must Do as a Business OwnerCreating Your Unique Selling Proposition or Advantage. Why should prospects do business with you? How are they greater advantaged in doing business with you vs. any of your competitors? The answer to these questions should be carefully and consistently communicated to your market at every opportunity. Your most unique and relevant advantage is your strongest ally in attracting first-time buyers. This is what gives you an original perspective and a strong competitive edge in the marketplace. Your Unique Selling Proposition(USP) as it is also known, is what sets you apart from everyone else — even if they happen to be marketing the exact same products to the exact same people. A Unique Selling Proposition gives your business a distinction in any competitive marketplace. Your unique advantage helps to position you favorably, in the eyes of your market. Creating your USP is the first step in creating your multi-pillar marketing system. It define who and what you are. It is the reason you are in business. Developing a strong Unique Selling Proposition requires a thorough understanding of the kinds of things your competitors offer, as well as superior inside knowledge as to what your market really wants. Taking the time to fully understand what your prospects desire is fundamental to supplying the “magic” solution. Here’s my Unique Selling Proposition. I tell prospects, “I work with small to medium sized businesses to help them grow your business 25% – 100% or more in the next 90 days without spending more money on advertising and I guarantee the results.” About the host: Allen Crawley - is a business marketing and growth expert certified in the Hidden Marketing Assets Marketing System, a direct response copywriter, author, speaker, and consultant. Visit his site and signup free to get your Free Report on how to Double Your Business in 90 Days. Go now to Growth RadionoUnique Selling Proposition Advantage,business marketing,profit growth strategies,business developement,marketing strategiesCreating Your Unique Selling Proposition or Advantage. Why should prospects do business with you? How are they greater advantaged in doing business wit