All of the Answers of the Answers - Biblically based answers for any world phenomena - Phil - The new bible answer man.enCopyright Phillip Guerra (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 10:00:00 GMTFri, 26 Sep 2008 17:00:00 GMTReligionBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 of the Answers of the Answers - Biblically based answers for any world phenomena - Phil - The new bible answer man.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comreligion,god,4th of july,all of the answers,answers,anti-christ,consequences,divorce,elections,end time newsAll of the AnswersnoAll of the Answers - Biblically based answers for any world phenomena - Phil - The new bible answer man.episodicOpen Line Friday! State of the World! Events, 26 Sep 2008 17:00:00 GMTOpen Line Friday! State of the World!Discuss what is going on in the world. Everything from politics to the natural and economic disasters. Breaking News events is the US Dollar going to collapse? Any topic we cover on All of the Answers Website. Give us a call and talk about it, but be nice! 02:00:00All of the AnswersnoOpen line Friday,All of the Answers,Radio,What is on your mind,Real AnswersDiscuss what is going on in the world. Everything from politics to the natural and economic disasters. Breaking News events is the US Dollar going to collapse?End Time News - Are we there?, 25 Jul 2008 17:00:00 GMTEnd Time News - Are we there?The end is near. The end of the old and the emergence of the new world order. Is the Anti-Christ here? One World Government? Author James Regan and All of the Answers Director Phillip Guerra discuss an emerging figure with a unique set of qualifications.02:00:00All of the AnswersnoEnd Time News,Anti-Christ,New World Order,Nicholas Zarcozy,False ProphetThe end is near. The end of the old and the emergence of the new world order. Is the Anti-Christ here? One World Government? Author James Regan and All of the ATrue Love and Divorce in the Church Help, 11 Jul 2008 20:00:00 GMTTrue Love and Divorce in the ChurchWhy are so many christian marriages failing? The statistics, the truth about divorce, what can be done? Open line! Special Guests Joel and Kathy Davisson www.GodSaveMyMarriage.com02:00:00All of the AnswersnoDivorce,save marriage,tragedy,Help,GodWhy are so many christian marriages failing? The statistics, the truth about divorce, what can be done? Open line! Special Guests Joel and Kathy Davisson www.GFourth of July Special Events, 04 Jul 2008 16:00:00 GMTFourth of July SpecialWhat makes our country so special and why do we need to preserve it. Here from our worlds greatest leaders. Open Line 01:30:00All of the Answersno4th of july,patriotic,independence day,military,herosWhat makes our country so special and why do we need to preserve it. Here from our worlds greatest leaders. Open LineFrameworks: All of the Answers about the Paranormal, 20 Jun 2008 14:00:00 GMTFrameworks: All of the Answers about the ParanormalThe truth about UFOs, Ghosts, and Psychic Phenomena - Fact and Fiction Open Line02:00:00All of the Answersnoghosts,UFOs,Hauntings,Paranormal,PsychicsThe truth about UFOs, Ghosts, and Psychic Phenomena - Fact and Fiction Open LinePolitical Soup, 09 Jun 2008 04:00:00 GMTPolitical SoupWhat is going on in the political world? Who will win and why?01:00:00All of the AnswersnoPolitical,Soup,elections,voteWhat is going on in the political world? Who will win and why?All of the Answers, 06 Jun 2008 17:00:00 GMTAll of the AnswersAnswers to the all the worlds questions. 02:00:00All of the AnswersnoQuestions,Answers,Science,religion,GodAnswers to the all the worlds questions.Truth and Consequences Help, 05 Jun 2008 04:00:00 GMTTruth and ConsequencesWhy do many things happen to us? Dealing with the aftermath of our actions.01:30:00All of the AnswersnoTruth,Consequences,self-love,friend,enemyWhy do many things happen to us? Dealing with the aftermath of our actions.