The CRJ Captain a captain on the CRJ 200 for a regional airline, I provide tutorials on the CRJ200, share real-life experiences, and blog about aviation related subjects.enCopyright Jeffrey Synk (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sun, 16 Jun 2019 00:15:00 GMTSat, 17 Jan 2009 13:00:00 GMTEducationBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 CRJ Captain a captain on the CRJ 200 for a regional airline, I provide tutorials on the CRJ200, share real-life experiences, and blog about aviation related subjects.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comeducation,pilot,airline,airlines,decisions,interview,jet,leadership,trainingThe CRJ CaptainnoAs a captain on the CRJ 200 for a regional airline, I provide tutorials on the CRJ200, share real-life experiences, and blog about aviation related subjects.episodicJet Prep for the Airline Interview, Do You Need It?, 17 Jan 2009 13:00:00 GMTJet Prep for the Airline Interview, Do You Need It?There are a lot of pilots waiting to get that coveted airline interview and job, and there are a lot of companies offering jet training and airline placement. Today's podcast tells you the truth.00:15:00The CRJ CaptainnoPilot,Training,Airline,Interview,JetThere are a lot of pilots waiting to get that coveted airline interview and job, and there are a lot of companies offering jet training and airline placement. TCaptain Leadership and the Decision Making Process, 07 Jan 2009 23:30:00 GMTCaptain Leadership and the Decision Making ProcessAirline captains need to display leadership and make quick decisions. This segment discusses some the characteristics of that process.00:15:00The CRJ CaptainnoPilot,Airlines,Leadership,Pilot,DecisionsAirline captains need to display leadership and make quick decisions. This segment discusses some the characteristics of that process.