WLGT: "We Love God Talk" Radiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt3 pm PST – Join media hosts Maxine Marsolini (Rebuilding Families.net), Jeannie St. John Taylor and Sarah Goebel (sarahgoebel.com) as they talk about God and what He is accomplishing and speaking through His people. Authors themselves, these joy-filled ladies introduce you to great Christian authors and effective laborers for Christ. During author interviews you will learn about the newest must-read releases. Other interviews will take you beyond the scenes into the lives of effective ministry leaders and how God is at work through them advancing His Kingdom on earth. Join WLGT “We Love God Talk” Mondays 3pm PST/4pm CT/ 6pm EST . If you miss a show, you can retrieve it from our archives at your convenience. Also, please be sure to discover more about Maxine, Sarah and Jeannie’s writing/speaking by visiting their websites. enCopyright Sarah Goebel (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sun, 16 Jun 2019 02:30:00 GMTMon, 29 Aug 2011 22:00:00 GMTReligionBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/hostpics/85bd6269-4868-4c66-be7b-d553e62c0ecb_wlgtbloglogo.jpgWLGT: "We Love God Talk" Radiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt3 pm PST – Join media hosts Maxine Marsolini (Rebuilding Families.net), Jeannie St. John Taylor and Sarah Goebel (sarahgoebel.com) as they talk about God and what He is accomplishing and speaking through His people. Authors themselves, these joy-filled ladies introduce you to great Christian authors and effective laborers for Christ. During author interviews you will learn about the newest must-read releases. Other interviews will take you beyond the scenes into the lives of effective ministry leaders and how God is at work through them advancing His Kingdom on earth. Join WLGT “We Love God Talk” Mondays 3pm PST/4pm CT/ 6pm EST . If you miss a show, you can retrieve it from our archives at your convenience. Also, please be sure to discover more about Maxine, Sarah and Jeannie’s writing/speaking by visiting their websites. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comreligion,girl talk,faith,bible,christian,christian women,god,hope,women,loveWLGT with Sarah Goebelno3 pm PST – Join media hosts Maxine Marsolini (Rebuilding Families.net), Jeannie St. John Taylor and Sarah Goebel (sarahgoebel.com) as they talk about God and whepisodicAngela Breidenbach, Mrs. Montana International 2009 http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/29/an-interview-with-mrs-montana-international-2009Familyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/29/an-interview-with-mrs-montana-international-2009/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/29/an-interview-with-mrs-montana-international-2009Mon, 29 Aug 2011 22:00:00 GMTAngela Breidenbach, Mrs. Montana International 2009 Living with a mentally ill parent causes pain. Angela Breidenbach, knows all about that because she was raised by a schizophrenic mother. Angela's entire childhood was tainted by a twisted reality; yet rather than choosing self pity and looking at all the reasons she could feel victimized, she focuses on the gems of character, right living and peace that emerged from all her hurt and pain. In her book, Gems of Wisdom for a Treasure Filled Life, Angela reveals how she chose to overcome self defeating behaviors and welcome God’s plan for her life. We guarantee you’ll feel encouraged and inspired after listening to her story.    00:29:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnomental illness,character,overcoming,choices,beauty pageantLiving with a mentally ill parent causes pain. Angela Breidenbach, knows all about that because she was raised by a schizophrenic mother. Angela's entire childHealing Prayer with Barbara Martinhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/22/healing-prayer-with-barbara-martinSelf Helphttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/22/healing-prayer-with-barbara-martin/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/22/healing-prayer-with-barbara-martinMon, 22 Aug 2011 22:00:00 GMTHealing Prayer with Barbara Martin Would you like to have Jesus set you free from fear of man? Fear of the future? Fear of failure? Would you like him to heal the pain of past wounds? Would you like to overcome your perfectionism? To recognize your own blind spots? Do you want to feel God's love for you? Do you long to genuinely love others, even difficult family members and co-workers? Maxine and Jeannie will chat with Barbara Martin about how to open the way, through prayer, for Jesus to do all that for you. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoprayer,forgiveness,healing,perfectionism,failureWould you like to have Jesus set you free from fear of man? Fear of the future? Fear of failure? Would you like him to heal the pain of past wounds? Would youRosemary Fisher talks about Recycled Womenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/15/rosemary-fisher-talks-about-recycled-womenWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/15/rosemary-fisher-talks-about-recycled-women/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/15/rosemary-fisher-talks-about-recycled-womenMon, 15 Aug 2011 22:00:00 GMTRosemary Fisher talks about Recycled Women Life sometimes delivers hurts. But the recycling process happens if we allow it to come our way.Today Rosemary Fisher will tell us of true life testimonies of struggle, pain and victory. Real stories from real women who endured physical and verbal abuse, addiction, low self-esteem, adultery, identity issues, molestation, rape and many other horrific everyday events that take place in the lives of precious little girls. And victory was found. These are recycled women who are living full lives now. Invite a friend and be blessed. 00:31:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoabuse,women,low self-eseem,victory,recycledLife sometimes delivers hurts. But the recycling process happens if we allow it to come our way.Today Rosemary Fisher will tell us of true life testimonies ofMoney Talk with Charlie and Maxine Marsolinihttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/01/money-talk-with-charlie-and-maxine-marsoliniFinancehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/01/money-talk-with-charlie-and-maxine-marsolini/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/08/01/money-talk-with-charlie-and-maxine-marsoliniMon, 01 Aug 2011 22:00:00 GMTMoney Talk with Charlie and Maxine Marsolini We are living in perilous economic times. Money is the #1 thing families argue about. Are you ready to hear about money pitfalls and find a clear picture of how to get ahead? WLGT host and family mentor, Maxine Marsolini invites her favorite financial expert (husband) Charlie Marsolini to talk about money. You'll hear about their soon-to-be-released book, "Rebuilding Families One Dollar at a Time," and find a deeper understanding of the financial world that never sleeps. 24/7 money circulates and affects our daily lives. This will be a very interesting program. Please ask a friend to join you.    00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoanxiety,finances,family,debt,money managementWe are living in perilous economic times. Money is the #1 thing families argue about. Are you ready to hear about money pitfalls and find a clear picture of hoDiana Brandmeyer and Marty Lintvedt talk Blended Familieshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/25/diana-brandmeyer-and-marty-lintvedt-talk-blended-familiesFamilyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/25/diana-brandmeyer-and-marty-lintvedt-talk-blended-families/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/25/diana-brandmeyer-and-marty-lintvedt-talk-blended-familiesMon, 25 Jul 2011 22:00:00 GMTDiana Brandmeyer and Marty Lintvedt talk Blended Families Can two families learn to cohabitate? In Peace? Ever? Diana and Marty will tell us how to be blended and even see those places that feel pureed as part of the process. This promises to be an engaging informative program. Invite a friend; encourage a stepfamily. 00:31:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnostepfamily,blended families,children,parenting,communicationCan two families learn to cohabitate? In Peace? Ever? Diana and Marty will tell us how to be blended and even see those places that feel pureed as part of thePatty Mason and Freedom from Depressionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/18/patty-mason-and-freedom-from-depressionHealthhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/18/patty-mason-and-freedom-from-depression/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/18/patty-mason-and-freedom-from-depressionMon, 18 Jul 2011 22:00:00 GMTPatty Mason and Freedom from Depression In her latest book, "Finally Free," Patty shares with us how it is possible to break the bonds of depression without drugs. Anyone who suffers from this terrible darkness, or has someone they love bound by this deep emotional despair, needs to hear what Patty has to say. Her story is one of hope and freedom and joy.  00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnodepression,freedom,emotional bondage,drug-free,personal wholenessIn her latest book, "Finally Free," Patty shares with us how it is possible to break the bonds of depression without drugs. Anyone who suffers from this terribOregon Christian Writers Summer Conference is our topichttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/11/oregon-christian-writers-summer-conference-is-our-topicWritinghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/11/oregon-christian-writers-summer-conference-is-our-topic/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/11/oregon-christian-writers-summer-conference-is-our-topicMon, 11 Jul 2011 22:00:00 GMTOregon Christian Writers Summer Conference is our topic Writers and wanna-be-writers will want to listen in as Lindy Jacobs, director of OCW's Summer Conference, tells what's in store Aug 15-18th. Caleb Breakey will be joining us to tell about a new teen track being offered. And Jeannie St. John Taylor will will tell about her coaching class for fiction writers. This is an amazing conference complete with opportunities to learn the craft of writing and to show your writing to editors and publishers.  An amazing faculty of top agents, editors, and professional writers from around the country are ready to give you some of the best writing instruction. Keynote speakers are award-winning authors Mindy Starns Clark and Susan May Warren. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnowriters conference,Christian writers,fiction,nonfiction,publishersWriters and wanna-be-writers will want to listen in as Lindy Jacobs, director of OCW's Summer Conference, tells what's in store Aug 15-18th. Caleb Breakey willCongressman Adam Kinzinger on Freedomhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/04/congressman-adam-kinzinger-on-freedomPoliticshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/04/congressman-adam-kinzinger-on-freedom/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/07/04/congressman-adam-kinzinger-on-freedomMon, 04 Jul 2011 22:00:00 GMTCongressman Adam Kinzinger on Freedom Congressman Adam Kinzinger, who represents the State of Illinois in Washington DC, is a man of strong character and high ideals. Though one of the youngest members of Congress at age thirty-three, he possesses the wisdom and political savy of an elder statesman and believes he was called as a young child to serve our nation. A member of the Air Force, the congressman flew several missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. He earned the Hero of the Year Award for the state of Wisconsin when he wrestled down an attacker to save the life of a young woman whose throat had just been slit. Celebrate the Fourth with Congressman Adam Kinzinger as he joins Maxine Marsolini and Jeannie St. John Taylor. 00:28:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnocongressman,Adam Kinzinger,Independence Day,hero,nationCongressman Adam Kinzinger, who represents the State of Illinois in Washington DC, is a man of strong character and high ideals. Though one of the youngest memPatty Mason is our Guesthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/06/27/patty-mason-is-our-guestSelf Helphttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/06/27/patty-mason-is-our-guest/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/06/27/patty-mason-is-our-guestMon, 27 Jun 2011 22:00:00 GMTPatty Mason is our Guest Do you struggle with depression? Millions do. So did Patty. Today she is free of that dark cloud and her worldwide ministry reaches people in 170 countries. Her latest book, "Finally Free: Breaking the Bonds of Depression without Drugs" is what we'll be talking about. If you or someone you know suffers from depression, there is hope. Listen in. Invite some friends. 3 pm PDT.  00:03:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnodepression,hope,emotional bondage,freedom,ChristianDo you struggle with depression? Millions do. So did Patty. Today she is free of that dark cloud and her worldwide ministry reaches people in 170 countries. HeWe Love God Talk Radio Interviews Karen Whitinghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/06/20/wlgt-we-love-god-talk-radio-interviews-karen-whitingWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/06/20/wlgt-we-love-god-talk-radio-interviews-karen-whiting/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/06/20/wlgt-we-love-god-talk-radio-interviews-karen-whitingMon, 20 Jun 2011 22:00:00 GMTWe Love God Talk Radio Interviews Karen Whiting Do you sometimes wonder if God really does have a  purpose for you? Join us as we explore that thought with popular author and speaker, Karen Whiting. We'll be talking about her soon to be released book: "The 365 Most Important Bible Passages for Women." Karen's passion for women to be all they can be will encourage you. Invite a friend. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnopersonal growth,women,encouragement,purpose,self improvementDo you sometimes wonder if God really does have a  purpose for you? Join us as we explore that thought with popular author and speaker, Karen Whiting. We'll beA Chat With Novelist Jeanette Windlehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/06/06/a-chat-with-novelist-jeannette-windelCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/06/06/a-chat-with-novelist-jeannette-windel/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/06/06/a-chat-with-novelist-jeannette-windelMon, 06 Jun 2011 22:00:00 GMTA Chat With Novelist Jeanette Windle Have you ever wondered what life is like for Muslims who renounce a life of jihad to follow Jesus? Would you like to experience life in the hills of Afghanistan without having to brave the dangers? Are you curious about the thoughts and feelings of special forces troops when they face off against riots and political corruption? Maxine and Jeannie will chat with Jeanette Windle whose latest novel, Veiled Freedom, delves into those issues. Please join us! 00:29:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoMuslim,Afghanistan,romance,soldier,special forcesHave you ever wondered what life is like for Muslims who renounce a life of jihad to follow Jesus? Would you like to experience life in the hills of AfghanistaGet a Free Biblical Romance-Thriller http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/23/learn-how-to-get-a-free-biblical-romance-thrillerRomancehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/23/learn-how-to-get-a-free-biblical-romance-thriller/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/23/learn-how-to-get-a-free-biblical-romance-thrillerMon, 23 May 2011 22:00:00 GMTGet a Free Biblical Romance-Thriller Please join Maxine Marsolini as she interviews co-host Jeannie St. John Taylor about her new biblical thriller, City of a Thousand Gods. This novel filled with compelling characters fleshes out Noah and his family while answering questions like, "How could a good God send people to hell?," "Is Satan an actual being / enemy?," "Were there dinosaurs on the ark?," and "How noisy was the ark during the Flood?" Before the interview is over, Jeannie will tell you where this exciting book can be found and read absolutely free. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoNoah,Flood,end of the world,biblical fiction,hellPlease join Maxine Marsolini as she interviews co-host Jeannie St. John Taylor about her new biblical thriller, City of a Thousand Gods. This novel filled withMary Englund Murphy is our Guesthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/16/mary-englund-murphy-on-josephFamilyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/16/mary-englund-murphy-on-joseph/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/16/mary-englund-murphy-on-josephMon, 16 May 2011 22:00:00 GMTMary Englund Murphy is our GuestWe’re eager to chat with Mary Englund Murphy about her new Bible study, Joseph, Beyond the Coat of Many Colors. She relates to Joseph's pain, humiliation and loneliness because of her own history with multiple step-parents and step siblings. This program promises to help all of us know Joseph's story and stepfamilies on a whole new level. Invite your friends, too.  00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnostepparenting,Joseph,Bible study,families,rivalryWe’re eager to chat with Mary Englund Murphy about her new Bible study, Joseph, Beyond the Coat of Many Colors. She relates to Joseph's pain, humiliation and lo"Just Moms" with Rebekah Schneiterhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/09/just-moms-with-rebekah-schneiterMoms and Familyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/09/just-moms-with-rebekah-schneiter/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/09/just-moms-with-rebekah-schneiterMon, 09 May 2011 22:00:00 GMT"Just Moms" with Rebekah Schneiter Building wholesome character traits into our children is a good thing but not an easy task. Rebekah is a mom who teamed up with Melanie Springer Mock to tell the adventures and misadventures of 28 amazing moms. These moms figured out how to bend their own rules and redefine success to raise kids who value peace, equality, truth, simplicity, and love. Are you a mom who needs encouragement? Join us Monday 3 pm PDT.  00:31:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnomoms,parenting,stepparenting,integrity,life lessonsBuilding wholesome character traits into our children is a good thing but not an easy task. Rebekah is a mom who teamed up with Melanie Springer Mock to tell tStepping Into a Stepfamilyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/02/stepping-into-a-stepfamilyFamilyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/02/stepping-into-a-stepfamily/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/05/02/stepping-into-a-stepfamilyMon, 02 May 2011 22:00:00 GMTStepping Into a Stepfamily Co-host Jeannie St. John Taylor interviews WLGT host Maxine Marsolini, author of Blended Families and Raising Children in Blended Families today. Stepfamilies face extra challenges and find unforeseen issues create drama in every day life. Grab your favorite drink and listen in. 3 pm PST or 6 pm EST today. Archives always available. 00:28:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnostepfamilies,blended families,parenting,children,stepparentingCo-host Jeannie St. John Taylor interviews WLGT host Maxine Marsolini, author of Blended Families and Raising Children in Blended Families today. StepfamiliesSheryl Griffin has quite a story to tell http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/04/18/sheryl-griffin-has-quite-a-story-to-tellSelf Helphttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/04/18/sheryl-griffin-has-quite-a-story-to-tell/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/04/18/sheryl-griffin-has-quite-a-story-to-tellMon, 18 Apr 2011 22:00:00 GMTSheryl Griffin has quite a story to tell Sheryl's past hung on her neck like a scarlet cord. She now knows that what she thought was a noose is actually a God-given lifeline to His grace. Sheryl's book, AScarlet Cord of Hope will be the topic of discussion. If you'd like to triumph over guilt, shame, fear, or hopelessness, this program is for you. Invite a friend. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnopast memories,overcoming,PTSD,guilt and shame,fearSheryl's past hung on her neck like a scarlet cord. She now knows that what she thought was a noose is actually a God-given lifeline to His grace. Sheryl's booShana Schutte, author and popular speaker, is today's guesthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/28/shana-schutte-author-and-popular-speaker-is-todays-guestFamilyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/28/shana-schutte-author-and-popular-speaker-is-todays-guest/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/28/shana-schutte-author-and-popular-speaker-is-todays-guestMon, 28 Mar 2011 22:00:00 GMTShana Schutte, author and popular speaker, is today's guestHave you ever felt betrayed by God? Shana is ready to help you sort through this matter as we talk about her new book, "Betrayed by God? Making Sense of Your Expectations". She is a former editor for Focus on the Family, and has been published in Today's Christian Woman, Clubhouse Jr., and so much more. Please join us Monday at 3 pm PST; 6 pm EST. Invite your friends. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoBetrayal,God,Emotions,Anger,FaithHave you ever felt betrayed by God? Shana is ready to help you sort through this matter as we talk about her new book, "Betrayed by God? Making Sense of Your ExLillian Ann Penner is today's guesthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/21/lillian-ann-penner-is-todays-guestPrayerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/21/lillian-ann-penner-is-todays-guest/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/21/lillian-ann-penner-is-todays-guestMon, 21 Mar 2011 22:00:00 GMTLillian Ann Penner is today's guestGod gives grandparents a very special role to play in the lives of their grandchildren. Lillian Penner, author, speaker, and National prayer coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network, will share multiple ways grandparents can give grandkids a blessing more precious than gold. Invite your friends to listen in. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoGrandparenting,Grandchildren,Prayer,Family legacy,InheritanceGod gives grandparents a very special role to play in the lives of their grandchildren. Lillian Penner, author, speaker, and National prayer coordinator for ChrToday's topic: Faith & Culture Writers Conferencehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/14/todays-topic-faith-culture-writers-conferenceWritinghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/14/todays-topic-faith-culture-writers-conference/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/14/todays-topic-faith-culture-writers-conferenceMon, 14 Mar 2011 22:00:00 GMTToday's topic: Faith & Culture Writers ConferenceOur guest is adjunct professor of communication at Multnomah University and freelance writer for The Oregonian, Cornelia Becker Seigneur. You'll be given lots of reasons to attend the Faith & Culture Writers Conference on April 2, 2011. Western Seminary, Portland, OR hosts this event. An amazing faculty has been brought together. The workshops are perfect for beginning writers as well as those who want to improve their writing skills and learn more about the big world of publishing. Appointments can be made to share your work with an industry agent, editor or publisher. Tell your friends. Mark your calendars and get ready for a very informative program. 00:29:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnowriters conference,publishing,mentoring,faith,authorsOur guest is adjunct professor of communication at Multnomah University and freelance writer for The Oregonian, Cornelia Becker Seigneur. You'll be given lots o"Surviving Grief" with Sandy Zaugghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/07/surviving-grief-with-sandy-zauggFamilyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/07/surviving-grief-with-sandy-zaugg/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/03/07/surviving-grief-with-sandy-zauggMon, 07 Mar 2011 23:00:00 GMT"Surviving Grief" with Sandy ZauggHave you ever wished you understood grief better? Maxine Marsolini interviews grief expert, teacher, counselor, and author, Sandy Zaugg. Sandy knows grief's darkest hours and how to help others move on to capture new joy. Don't miss this special program. Invite your friends, too.00:27:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnogrief,recovery,sadness,survival,joyHave you ever wished you understood grief better? Maxine Marsolini interviews grief expert, teacher, counselor, and author, Sandy Zaugg. Sandy knows grief's darJan Pierce is our special guesthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/02/21/jan-pierce-is-our-special-guestReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/02/21/jan-pierce-is-our-special-guest/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/02/21/jan-pierce-is-our-special-guestMon, 21 Feb 2011 23:00:00 GMTJan Pierce is our special guestJan is set to share her passion for India. As a writer, and one whose teaching career spanned 40 years, she's now pouring her energy into the work of Teams India. Listen in. Learn about the blessings that come from serving the poor in a beautiful but far away place. Jan Pierce is a woman with a heart for others. If that describes you , too, or if you want to know more about missions around the world, please listen in. And, www.onehandfulofrice.org is a good way to stay informed of the work Jan is a part of in India. This program promises to bless you. Invite your friends to join us. 00:31:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnomissions,India,Teams India,Christian work,compassionJan is set to share her passion for India. As a writer, and one whose teaching career spanned 40 years, she's now pouring her energy into the work of Teams IndBonnie Leon, storyteller and best selling author, is our guesthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/02/07/bonnie-leon-storyteller-and-best-selling-author-is-our-guestBookshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/02/07/bonnie-leon-storyteller-and-best-selling-author-is-our-guest/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/02/07/bonnie-leon-storyteller-and-best-selling-author-is-our-guestMon, 07 Feb 2011 23:00:00 GMTBonnie Leon, storyteller and best selling author, is our guestBonnie Leon is the author of 17 novels, including the popular 'Queensland Chronicles' and 'Sydney Cove' series. Today's program introduces her most recent, totally exciting, 'Alaskan Sky' books. Bonnie also speaks to women's groups and teachs at writing seminars. If you read novels, this program will take you on new adventures set in 1930's Alaska. Please invite your friends to listen in. 00:29:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoFamily,women,Christian,reading,adventureBonnie Leon is the author of 17 novels, including the popular 'Queensland Chronicles' and 'Sydney Cove' series. Today's program introduces her most recent, totaJulie Surface Johnson is our guesthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/01/31/julie-surface-johnson-is-our-guestReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/01/31/julie-surface-johnson-is-our-guest/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/01/31/julie-surface-johnson-is-our-guestMon, 31 Jan 2011 23:00:00 GMTJulie Surface Johnson is our guestJulie personally counseled hundreds of women with unplanned pregnancies.She's been a worker in pregnancy crisis centers and is now writing a series of books where sharing secrets over coffee leads to the blessing of true forgiveness.00:32:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoabortion,punwanted regnancy,right to life,women,forgivenessJulie personally counseled hundreds of women with unplanned pregnancies.She's been a worker in pregnancy crisis centers and is now writing a series of books wheGuest Leila Rae Sommerfeld speaks about sexual assaulthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/01/10/guest-leila-rae-sommerfeld-speaks-about-sexual-assaultWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/01/10/guest-leila-rae-sommerfeld-speaks-about-sexual-assault/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2011/01/10/guest-leila-rae-sommerfeld-speaks-about-sexual-assaultMon, 10 Jan 2011 23:00:00 GMTGuest Leila Rae Sommerfeld speaks about sexual assaultLeila Rae specializes in helping women recover from sexual assault. She is the author of "Beyond the Bridge of Time" and "Beyond Our Control: Restructuring your Life after Sexual Assault." This program promises to deliver hope and straight answers from a woman who is herself a survivor of rape. She's proof that a new life is possible. Invite those who've been a victim or those wanting to help others heal to listen in. 00:32:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoSexual assault,Rape,Freedom from shame,Recovery,Emotional scarsLeila Rae specializes in helping women recover from sexual assault. She is the author of "Beyond the Bridge of Time" and "Beyond Our Control: Restructuring yourJulie McDonald Zander, Personal Historian, is today's guesthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/11/29/julie-mcdonald-zander-personal-historian-is-todaysWritinghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/11/29/julie-mcdonald-zander-personal-historian-is-todays/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/11/29/julie-mcdonald-zander-personal-historian-is-todaysMon, 29 Nov 2010 23:00:00 GMTJulie McDonald Zander, Personal Historian, is today's guestJulie McDonald Zander is the owner and senior editor of Chapters of Life. Telling your family's stories is one of the greatest gifts you can leave your children and grandchildren. Julie crafts what the client might call commonplace occurrences into life scenes that tell more about the world they lived in than a dozen pictures could. This promises to be a one-of-a-kind program. You'll discover why and how important it is to preserve stories while those who hold that information are still alive. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofamily,memoirs,legacy,heritage,story tellingJulie McDonald Zander is the owner and senior editor of Chapters of Life. Telling your family's stories is one of the greatest gifts you can leave your childrenBest selling author Poppy Smith is our guesthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/11/15/best-selling-author-poppy-smith-is-our-guestSelf Helphttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/11/15/best-selling-author-poppy-smith-is-our-guest/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/11/15/best-selling-author-poppy-smith-is-our-guestMon, 15 Nov 2010 23:00:00 GMTBest selling author Poppy Smith is our guestPoppy Smith speaks to audiences around the world. She is the author of multiple books, including "Reaching Higher" and inspires women to reach higher in pursuit of both personal and spiritual growth. Are you ready to pursue more?00:31:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoWomen,Transformation,pursuit of happiness,personal growth,TruthPoppy Smith speaks to audiences around the world. She is the author of multiple books, including "Reaching Higher" and inspires women to reach higher in pursuitDoug Bolton, Author and Counselorhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/11/01/doug-bolton-author-and-counselorReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/11/01/doug-bolton-author-and-counselor/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/11/01/doug-bolton-author-and-counselorMon, 01 Nov 2010 22:00:00 GMTDoug Bolton, Author and CounselorIf you've ever felt adrift in the challenges of life, or at a point of utter despair, you're not alone. Bolton understands. He's found some great ways to survive in an unfriendly world. 00:32:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoSurvival,Anxiety,Hope,Suicide,Overcoming DepressionIf you've ever felt adrift in the challenges of life, or at a point of utter despair, you're not alone. Bolton understands. He's found some great ways to survivGuest author Lydia Harris has grandparenting wisdom to sharehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/09/13/guest-author-lydia-harris-has-grandparenting-wisdoChristianityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/09/13/guest-author-lydia-harris-has-grandparenting-wisdo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/09/13/guest-author-lydia-harris-has-grandparenting-wisdoMon, 13 Sep 2010 22:00:00 GMTGuest author Lydia Harris has grandparenting wisdom to shareThis episode is sure to inspire the millions of grandparents to pass on a legacy of faith and fun. Her new book, "Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting," was just released. Listen in as we discuss how to maximize the joy of purposeful grandparenting. Lydia is also the Grandma who tests the Clubhouse recipes.00:33:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnograndparents,children,faith,Christian,familyThis episode is sure to inspire the millions of grandparents to pass on a legacy of faith and fun. Her new book, "Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting," was juLinda Olson--this week's guest on WLGThttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/26/linda-olson-this-weeks-guest-on-wlgtChristianityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/26/linda-olson-this-weeks-guest-on-wlgt/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/26/linda-olson-this-weeks-guest-on-wlgtMon, 26 Jul 2010 22:00:00 GMTLinda Olson--this week's guest on WLGTAre you feeling a void? Do you long for something more out of life? What are you hungry for? If you are searching for something, join us as we talk with motivational speaker and author, Linda Olson. Her message is vital, and helps women understand that they were made for something more. 00:31:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,Jesus,Linda Olson,Made for Something More,Exceeding your ExpectationsAre you feeling a void? Do you long for something more out of life? What are you hungry for? If you are searching for something, join us as we talk with motivatWhat's New for the Sistershttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/19/whats-new-for-the-sistersChristianityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/19/whats-new-for-the-sisters/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/19/whats-new-for-the-sistersMon, 19 Jul 2010 22:00:00 GMTWhat's New for the SistersThere are new and exciting things happening with Sisters on Assignment. Tune in to hear what's on the horizon. 00:32:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,personal growth,family,web broadcasts,ministryThere are new and exciting things happening with Sisters on Assignment. Tune in to hear what's on the horizon.Charlie Marsolini, financial expert, joins the Sisters this weekhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/12/charlie-marsolini-financial-expert-joins-the-sisteReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/12/charlie-marsolini-financial-expert-joins-the-siste/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/12/charlie-marsolini-financial-expert-joins-the-sisteMon, 12 Jul 2010 22:00:00 GMTCharlie Marsolini, financial expert, joins the Sisters this weekMoney is a hot topic today. CPA Charlie is ready to tell us why it's so important to know how to manage money well. His words could change the course of your family's financial future. You won't want to miss this very relevant program. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnomoney,family,finances,legacy,spendingMoney is a hot topic today. CPA Charlie is ready to tell us why it's so important to know how to manage money well. His words could change the course of your faLifeNotes 4 You followed by Rick Johnson sharing top notch parenting skills http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/05/rick-johnson-shares-top-notch-parenting-skillsReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/05/rick-johnson-shares-top-notch-parenting-skills/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/07/05/rick-johnson-shares-top-notch-parenting-skillsMon, 05 Jul 2010 22:00:00 GMTLifeNotes 4 You followed by Rick Johnson sharing top notch parenting skills Life Notes 4 You followed by Rick Johnson interview on the SOA Show. The founder of Better Dads tells how moms can raise sons to grow up to be men who are courageous, loyal, honest, strong, tender and compassionate. Dads will want to listen in, too, because fathers play a primary role in the lives of their children.00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoparenting,fathers,mothers,character,childrenLife Notes 4 You followed by Rick Johnson interview on the SOA Show. The founder of Better Dads tells how moms can raise sons to grow up to be men who are couraJoin us for “Secrets from Behind the Chair”—author Cherie Jobehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/28/join-us-for-secrets-from-behind-the-chairauthor-chReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/28/join-us-for-secrets-from-behind-the-chairauthor-ch/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/28/join-us-for-secrets-from-behind-the-chairauthor-chMon, 28 Jun 2010 22:00:00 GMTJoin us for “Secrets from Behind the Chair”—author Cherie JobeThere are some people we will share are most intimate secrets with—and our hair dresser is one of them. From her years of experience as a hair stylist, God has taught Cherie how to help women who have felt the pain of feeling unloved, or unworthy of love, or are suffering from the pain of past mistakes. Cherie offers women compassion, comfort, and practical counsel by using her own mistakes and success’s as examples. This sometimes worn-out hairdresser still loves to tell the “Secrets” she has learned from behind her chair. Secret’s that help women to be content, peaceful and strong even in difficult times. Won’t you join us as Cherie shares about her up-and coming book: Secrets from Behind the Chair, scheduled for release in October 2010. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnosecrets,Designed by Him,Cherie Jobe,hair stylist,compassionThere are some people we will share are most intimate secrets with—and our hair dresser is one of them. From her years of experience as a hair stylist, God hasKarol Ladd, the "Positive Lady" shares authentic answers.http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/21/karol-ladd-the-positive-lady-shares-authentic-answReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/21/karol-ladd-the-positive-lady-shares-authentic-answ/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/21/karol-ladd-the-positive-lady-shares-authentic-answMon, 21 Jun 2010 22:00:00 GMTKarol Ladd, the "Positive Lady" shares authentic answers.Feeling positive about life sure beats feeling negative. Patty and Maxine are set to chat with Karol Ladd, author of over 20 books, who's best known for her "Positive Power" series that's given hope to audiences all over the world. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoRedeeming love,Positive attitude,Personal growth,Hope,HonestFeeling positive about life sure beats feeling negative. Patty and Maxine are set to chat with Karol Ladd, author of over 20 books, who's best known for her "PoTammy Melton to be our special Guesthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/14/tammy-melton-to-be-our-special-guestThe Biblehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/14/tammy-melton-to-be-our-special-guest/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/14/tammy-melton-to-be-our-special-guestMon, 14 Jun 2010 22:00:00 GMTTammy Melton to be our special GuestMaxine Marsolini speaks with Tammy Melton, the founder of Legacy Ministries for Christ and author of "Loving God with All Five Senses." This insightful lady has lots to say about intimacy with God and getting rid of whatever holds you captive. Touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing are given to us to enjoy in both physical and spiritual ways. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnounconditional love,intimacy,Bible study,freedom,fulfillmentMaxine Marsolini speaks with Tammy Melton, the founder of Legacy Ministries for Christ and author of "Loving God with All Five Senses." This insightful lady hasJoin us on We Love God Talk Radio (WLGT)http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/07/join-us-on-we-love-god-talk-radio-wlgtReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/07/join-us-on-we-love-god-talk-radio-wlgt/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/06/07/join-us-on-we-love-god-talk-radio-wlgtMon, 07 Jun 2010 22:00:00 GMTJoin us on We Love God Talk Radio (WLGT)Patty and Maxine interview Sarah Goebel (one of the sisters) and author of Experience REAL Satisfaction. Feel free to call in during the interview. Also, Life Notes 4 You with Sarah. A one minute nugget of truth shared just prior to the interview. These nuggets can be life changing!00:45:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnosatisfaction,contentment,free of anxiety,peace,restlessnessPatty and Maxine interview Sarah Goebel (one of the sisters) and author of Experience REAL Satisfaction. Feel free to call in during the interview. Also, Life NWLGT w/ Sarah Goebel, Maxine Marsolini & Patty Masonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/31/wlgt-w-sarah-goebel-maxine-marsolini-patty-masonReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/31/wlgt-w-sarah-goebel-maxine-marsolini-patty-mason/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/31/wlgt-w-sarah-goebel-maxine-marsolini-patty-masonMon, 31 May 2010 22:00:00 GMTWLGT w/ Sarah Goebel, Maxine Marsolini & Patty MasonEnjoy today's program rerun of a devotional teaching with Sarah followed by Maxine interviewing Patty upon the release of her new book. The three of us want to thank all of those who are serving us and our country in the armed forces and all those who have served in the past. We also are thankful to those who are family members of those who serve. Thank you all for the sacrifice you make for us all! May God's protection and blessing be with you!01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian living,overcoming depression,Sarah Goebel,Maxine Marsolini,Patty MasonEnjoy today's program rerun of a devotional teaching with Sarah followed by Maxine interviewing Patty upon the release of her new book. The three of us want toThe Sisters interview Jennifer Anne Messinghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/24/the-sisters-interview-jennifer-anne-messingReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/24/the-sisters-interview-jennifer-anne-messing/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/24/the-sisters-interview-jennifer-anne-messingMon, 24 May 2010 22:00:00 GMTThe Sisters interview Jennifer Anne MessingPlease join us for two great shows. First, Christian Mentor-Coach, Sarah Goebel, shares a one minute message, "Life Notes 4 You". Then the Sisters on Assignment show follows with Maxine and Patty interviewingJennifer Anne Messing, author of over 175 stories and poems, and a gift book, "In the Shadow of His Wings." Messing is also a speaker and writing teacher who previously served as president of the Oregon Christian Writers.00:45:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoJennifer Anne Messing,In the Shadow of His Wings,spiritual formation,spiritual growth,PoetryPlease join us for two great shows. First, Christian Mentor-Coach, Sarah Goebel, shares a one minute message, "Life Notes 4 You". Then the Sisters on Assignment6 pm EST May 17, 2010 WLGT features author Ann Shoreyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/17/6-pm-est-may-17-2010-wlgt-features-author-ann-shorReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/17/6-pm-est-may-17-2010-wlgt-features-author-ann-shor/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/17/6-pm-est-may-17-2010-wlgt-features-author-ann-shorMon, 17 May 2010 22:00:00 GMT6 pm EST May 17, 2010 WLGT features author Ann ShoreyJoin Sarah Goebel and her co-hosts Patty Mason and Maxine Marsolini as they talk with author, teacher, and speaker Ann Shorey. Her novel, 'The Edge of Light' debuted in 2009. Ann is a prolific story writer and excellent fiction instructor ready to share a wealth of information with our listening audience.00:30:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian writer,fiction basics,historical research,Personal growth,Chicken Soup storiesJoin Sarah Goebel and her co-hosts Patty Mason and Maxine Marsolini as they talk with author, teacher, and speaker Ann Shorey. Her novel, 'The Edge of Light' deSarah's Nuggets for Christian Livinghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/11/sarahs-nuggets-for-christian-livingReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/11/sarahs-nuggets-for-christian-living/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/11/sarahs-nuggets-for-christian-livingTue, 11 May 2010 16:00:00 GMTSarah's Nuggets for Christian LivingBe encouraged and empowered for life and spiritual growth by Sarah's weekly 5 minute or so nuggets from the Word of God.00:15:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian growth,spiritual formation,encouragement,Sarah Goebel,Christian lifeBe encouraged and empowered for life and spiritual growth by Sarah's weekly 5 minute or so nuggets from the Word of God.Join us for Scripture Nuggets & Meet Speakers from "Romancing the Rock" Conferencehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/10/learn-about-the-upcoming-romancing-the-rock-conferReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/10/learn-about-the-upcoming-romancing-the-rock-confer/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/10/learn-about-the-upcoming-romancing-the-rock-conferMon, 10 May 2010 22:00:00 GMTJoin us for Scripture Nuggets & Meet Speakers from "Romancing the Rock" ConferenceJoin Sarah Goebel for a 5 minute Nugget for Christian Living followed by Maxine Marsolini as she takes the lead interviewer role on the Sisters On Assignment Program to discuss with Patty Mason, WLGT co-host and Founder of Liberty in Christ Ministries, Joyce Oglesby of Beyond This Point Ministries and Jane Pistole of The Bride and Bridegroom Ministries. These powerful women of God will share from the topics of their exciting conference, "Romancing the Rock" to be held mid-May in Nashville, TN. Websites of all our program participants tonight are: Sarah Goebel - www.sarahgoebel.com Maxine Marsolini - wwww.rebuildingfamilies.net Patty Mason - www.LibertyinChrist.net Joyce Oglesby - www.joyceoglesby.com Jane Pistole - 00:45:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoRomancing the Rock,women conference information,intimacy with God,Christian living,loving GodJoin Sarah Goebel for a 5 minute Nugget for Christian Living followed by Maxine Marsolini as she takes the lead interviewer role on the Sisters On Assignment PrSarah's Nuggets for Christian Livinghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/06/sarahs-nuggets-for-christian-living-1Religionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/06/sarahs-nuggets-for-christian-living-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/06/sarahs-nuggets-for-christian-living-1Thu, 06 May 2010 04:30:00 GMTSarah's Nuggets for Christian LivingA 5 to 10 minute nugget to encourage you on your spiritual journey of transformation.00:15:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoSarah Goebel,spiritual formation,Christian living,Experience Real Satisfaction,Christian lifeA 5 to 10 minute nugget to encourage you on your spiritual journey of transformation.Sisters interview author, Leslie Gouldhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/03/sisters-interview-author-leslie-gouldReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/03/sisters-interview-author-leslie-gould/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/05/03/sisters-interview-author-leslie-gouldMon, 03 May 2010 22:00:00 GMTSisters interview author, Leslie GouldPlease join us as we interview Leslie Gould, the author of 9 novels and over 300 articles followed by Sarah's Nuggets for Christian Living. In 2006, Leslie was awarded the Romantic Times' Reviewers' Choice Inspirational Novel of the Year for her novel, Beyond the Blue. As the wife of a Lt. Col., Leslie's book, Scrap Everything, focuses on the life of a military family. 00:45:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoLeslie Gould,Sarah Goebel,Beyond the Blue,award,authorsPlease join us as we interview Leslie Gould, the author of 9 novels and over 300 articles followed by Sarah's Nuggets for Christian Living. In 2006, Leslie wasSisters interview Joanna Faillace, author of Super Naturally Healthy Families http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/26/sisters-interview-joanna-faillace-author-of-super-Religionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/26/sisters-interview-joanna-faillace-author-of-super-/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/26/sisters-interview-joanna-faillace-author-of-super-Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:00:00 GMTSisters interview Joanna Faillace, author of Super Naturally Healthy Families Come and bring your appetite as Certified Biblical Health Coach, and author of Supernaturally Healthy Families, Joanna Faillace, joins us for a lively discuss on living a healthy life style God's way. 00:30:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnodiet,Joanna Faillace,organic,healthy meals,ReceiptsCome and bring your appetite as Certified Biblical Health Coach, and author of Supernaturally Healthy Families, Joanna Faillace, joins us for a lively discuss oInterview w/ Patty Mason, author of Transformed by Desire FOLLOWED By "Nuggets for Christian Living"http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/19/sisters-interview-patty-mason-author-of-transformeReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/19/sisters-interview-patty-mason-author-of-transforme/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/19/sisters-interview-patty-mason-author-of-transformeMon, 19 Apr 2010 22:00:00 GMTInterview w/ Patty Mason, author of Transformed by Desire FOLLOWED By "Nuggets for Christian Living"What are the desires of your heart? Answering this question, honestly before the Lord can change your life. Join us this Monday at 6:00pm, EST, 5:00pm, CST, as Patty Mason shares about her new book, coming out on May 15. 00:45:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoDesires,intimacy,Patty Mason,Bridegroom Jesus,spiritual growthWhat are the desires of your heart? Answering this question, honestly before the Lord can change your life. Join us this Monday at 6:00pm, EST, 5:00pm, CST, asInterview with christian author Judy Gannhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/12/interview-with-christian-author-judy-gannReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/12/interview-with-christian-author-judy-gann/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/12/interview-with-christian-author-judy-gannMon, 12 Apr 2010 22:00:00 GMTInterview with christian author Judy GannSarah Goebel, Author of Experience Real Satisfaction (www.sarahgoebel.com) and Patty Mason of Liberty in Christ Ministries (www.libertyinchrist.net)interview Christian authors Judy Gann and reaire an interview with Laurie Morris. Judy, author of The God of All Comfort written specifically for those struggling with health issues. Visit Judy at www.judygann.com This interview will be followed by an interview with author Laurie Morris "Shattered". While Judy talks to us about physical pain Laurie will talk to us about emotional pain and the healing of our wounds from the past.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChronically ill,comfort,hope,encouragement,perseverenceSarah Goebel, Author of Experience Real Satisfaction (www.sarahgoebel.com) and Patty Mason of Liberty in Christ Ministries (www.libertyinchrist.net)interview ChRe-aire of Monday, April 5th Program( correcting sound issues)http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/06/re-aire-of-monday-april-5th-program-correcting-souReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/06/re-aire-of-monday-april-5th-program-correcting-sou/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/04/06/re-aire-of-monday-april-5th-program-correcting-souTue, 06 Apr 2010 18:00:00 GMTRe-aire of Monday, April 5th Program( correcting sound issues)Join us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on Monday at 6pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guest Marilyn Neubauer (www.marilynneubauerministries.org) and Jennifer Kennedy Dean, Founder of The Praying Life Foundation (www.prayinglife.org). View the guest’s websites to learn more. View other upcoming segments at our website at www.wlgt.org We will discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners. Prayer requests and comments are welcome. We also appreciate your scrolling down on our listener page and leaving us comments about the show. www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt This is a re-run of a program aired in October, 2009. 01:30:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoJennifer Kennedy Dean,Marilyn Nebauer,Sarah Goebel,godliness,faith for miraclesJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on Monday at 6pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guest Marilyn Neubauer (www.marilWLGT Radio is back on the air!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/29/wlgt-radio-is-on-winter-break-until-march-8Religionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/29/wlgt-radio-is-on-winter-break-until-march-8/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/29/wlgt-radio-is-on-winter-break-until-march-8Mon, 29 Mar 2010 22:00:00 GMTWLGT Radio is back on the air!Join us for an exciting interview with Helen Haidle followed by our "Scripture Explosion" segment addressing challenging Scriptures, Our Christian View addressing cultural issues as well as life coaching and prayer. Listeners are welcome to call in. Also please be sure to visit www.sistersonassignment.tv for archived video teachings from each of our sisters. For Christ's Glory, Sarah www.sarahgoebel.com Please enjoy listening to our archived programs. Also visit www.sistersonassignment.tv for archived video teachings from each of our sisters. With Love, Sarah www.sarahgoebel.com01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian women,Christian speakers,Christian authors,Christian radio,Christian livingJoin us for an exciting interview with Helen Haidle followed by our "Scripture Explosion" segment addressing challenging Scriptures, Our Christian View addressiWLGT Radio is back on the air!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/22/wlgt-radio-is-on-winter-break-until-march-8Religionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/22/wlgt-radio-is-on-winter-break-until-march-8/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/22/wlgt-radio-is-on-winter-break-until-march-8Mon, 22 Mar 2010 22:00:00 GMTWLGT Radio is back on the air!On tonight's program Patty Mason, Liberty in Christ Ministries will interview Peggy Reeves. Listeners are welcome to call in. Also please be sure to visit www.sistersonassignment.tv for archived video teachings from each of our sisters. For Christ's Glory, Sarah www.sarahgoebel.com Please enjoy listening to our archived programs. Also visit www.sistersonassignment.tv for archived video teachings from each of our sisters. With Love and Devotion, Sarah www.sarahgoebel.com01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian women,Christian speakers,Christian authors,Christian radio,Christian livingOn tonight's program Patty Mason, Liberty in Christ Ministries will interview Peggy Reeves. Listeners are welcome to call in. Also please be sure to visit www.sWLGT Radio is Back on the Air!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/15/wlgt-radio-is-on-winter-break-until-march-8Religionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/15/wlgt-radio-is-on-winter-break-until-march-8/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/15/wlgt-radio-is-on-winter-break-until-march-8Mon, 15 Mar 2010 22:00:00 GMTWLGT Radio is Back on the Air!Join us for an exciting interview with Brenda Stuart followed by our "Scripture Explosion" segment addressing challenging Scriptures, Our Christian View addressing cultural issues as well as life coaching and prayer. Listeners are welcome to call in. Also please be sure to visit www.sistersonassignment.tv for archived video teachings from each of our sisters. For Christ's Glory, Sarah www.sarahgoebel.com01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian women,Christian speakers,Christian authors,Christian radio,Christian livingJoin us for an exciting interview with Brenda Stuart followed by our "Scripture Explosion" segment addressing challenging Scriptures, Our Christian View addressMarch 8th - WLGT is Back on the Air!!!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/08/march-8th--wlgt-is-back-on-the-airReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/08/march-8th--wlgt-is-back-on-the-air/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/03/08/march-8th--wlgt-is-back-on-the-airMon, 08 Mar 2010 23:00:00 GMTMarch 8th - WLGT is Back on the Air!!!Join us at 6:00pm EST for a delightful interview with Christian speaker/singer, Carole Brewer followed by a time of teaching for deeper spiritual understanding and tips for life transformation. Sarah takes a Scripture and expounds on it including some of those difficult ones you have wrestled with. Listeners are welcome to send in their questions, prayer requests and praise reports! Email Sarah at www.wlgt.org and subject line "Scripture Explosion". 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian women,Christian authors,Christian interviews,Carole Brewer,spiritual coachingJoin us at 6:00pm EST for a delightful interview with Christian speaker/singer, Carole Brewer followed by a time of teaching for deeper spiritual understandingThe Sisters On Assignment Show on WLGT "We Love God Talk" Radiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/01/20/the-sisters-on-assignment-show-on-wlgt-we-love-godReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/01/20/the-sisters-on-assignment-show-on-wlgt-we-love-god/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/01/20/the-sisters-on-assignment-show-on-wlgt-we-love-godWed, 20 Jan 2010 02:00:00 GMTThe Sisters On Assignment Show on WLGT "We Love God Talk" RadioTonight Patty Mason and Maxine Marsolini will interview two great guests, Mary Englund Murphy author of Winning the Battle of the Bulge and Charli Pickett, an anointed Christian speaker. Tune in and join the fun.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoMary Englund Murphy,Charli Pickett,Christian women,Christian authors,Christian women speakTonight Patty Mason and Maxine Marsolini will interview two great guests, Mary Englund Murphy author of Winning the Battle of the Bulge and Charli Pickett, an aSisters On Assignment on WLGT "We Love God Talk" Radiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/01/13/scripture-explosion-with-sarah-goebelReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/01/13/scripture-explosion-with-sarah-goebel/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/01/13/scripture-explosion-with-sarah-goebelWed, 13 Jan 2010 02:00:00 GMTSisters On Assignment on WLGT "We Love God Talk" RadioJoin us as we interview Christian ministries, authors and speakers. Fun and informative. Call in and ask questions and speak to our guests. This week's guest is Christian author, Jo Franz. We will discuss her inspiring life story and her book, "Soar Unafraid".01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian testimony,healing and miracles,God ways,Christian life,hope and faithJoin us as we interview Christian ministries, authors and speakers. Fun and informative. Call in and ask questions and speak to our guests. This week's guest isSisters On Assignment on WLGT Radiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/01/06/sisters-on-assignment-on-wlgt-radioReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/01/06/sisters-on-assignment-on-wlgt-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2010/01/06/sisters-on-assignment-on-wlgt-radioWed, 06 Jan 2010 02:30:00 GMTSisters On Assignment on WLGT RadioJoin us as we interview Christian ministries, authors and speakers. Fun and informative. Call in and ask questions and speak to our guests. This week's guest is Counselor/Author Charlotte Hunt. We will discuss her life and new book, "Damaged Goods". 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian authors,Christian speakers,ministries,women,Christian mediaJoin us as we interview Christian ministries, authors and speakers. Fun and informative. Call in and ask questions and speak to our guests. This week's guest isSisters On Assignment at WLGT Radio welcomes Alene Snodgrasshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/30/Sisters-On-Assignment-at-WLGT-Radio-welcomes-AleneReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/30/Sisters-On-Assignment-at-WLGT-Radio-welcomes-Alene/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/30/Sisters-On-Assignment-at-WLGT-Radio-welcomes-AleneWed, 30 Dec 2009 02:00:00 GMTSisters On Assignment at WLGT Radio welcomes Alene SnodgrassJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author, speaker Alene Snodgrass(alenesnodgrass.com) and Arthur of Forgotten Girls: Stories of Hope & Courage as she talks about her experience with women in other cultures while advancing the Kingdom of God (kaystrom.com). View the guests websites to learn more. View other upcoming segments at our website at www.wlgt.org We will discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners. Prayer requests and comments are welcome. We also appreciate your scrolling down on our listener page and leaving us comments about the show. www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoorganization,christian living,hope,christian women,enjoying lifeJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author,Sisters On Assignment on WLGThttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/23/sisters-on-assignment-on-wlgtReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/23/sisters-on-assignment-on-wlgt/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/23/sisters-on-assignment-on-wlgtWed, 23 Dec 2009 02:30:00 GMTSisters On Assignment on WLGTJoin us as we interview Linda Seidler of The Experience Ministry.01:30:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian outreach,Christian women,Christian ministries,Christian authors,Christian speakersJoin us as we interview Linda Seidler of The Experience Ministry.Sisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio welcomes Jane Pistolehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/16/Sisters-On-Assignment-on-WLGT-Radio-welcomes-Jane-PistoleReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/16/Sisters-On-Assignment-on-WLGT-Radio-welcomes-Jane-Pistole/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/16/Sisters-On-Assignment-on-WLGT-Radio-welcomes-Jane-PistoleWed, 16 Dec 2009 02:00:00 GMTSisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio welcomes Jane PistoleJoin us for interesting discussion and encouragement as we chat with Christian speaker, Jane Pistole.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,prayer,hope,christian living,christian womenJoin us for interesting discussion and encouragement as we chat with Christian speaker, Jane Pistole.Sisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio welcomes Denise Hildrethhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/09/Sisters-On-Assignment-on-WLGT-Radio-welcomes-Denise-HildrethReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/09/Sisters-On-Assignment-on-WLGT-Radio-welcomes-Denise-Hildreth/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/09/Sisters-On-Assignment-on-WLGT-Radio-welcomes-Denise-HildrethWed, 09 Dec 2009 02:00:00 GMTSisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio welcomes Denise HildrethJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author, speaker Denise Hildreth (denisehildreth.com). View the guest’s website to learn more. View other upcoming segments at our website at www.wlgt.org We will discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners. Prayer requests and comments are welcome. We also appreciate your scrolling down on our listener page and leaving us comments about the show. www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,christian living,hope,God,prayerJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author,Scripture Explosion with Sarah Goebelhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/09/Scripture-Explosion-with-Sarah-GoebelReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/09/Scripture-Explosion-with-Sarah-Goebel/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/09/Scripture-Explosion-with-Sarah-GoebelWed, 09 Dec 2009 01:30:00 GMTScripture Explosion with Sarah GoebelJoin Christian author/speaker/coach and pastor's wife as she helps you to understand Scripture at a deeper level. Each week Sarah takes a Scripture and expounds on it including some of those difficult ones you have wrestled with. Listeners are welcome to send in their questions, prayer requests and praise reports! Email Sarah at www.wlgt.org and subject line "Scripture Explosion".00:15:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnohearing from God,knowledge of God,knowledge of Gods ways,Christian life,Scripture interpretationJoin Christian author/speaker/coach and pastor's wife as she helps you to understand Scripture at a deeper level. Each week Sarah takes a Scripture and expoundsThe Sisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio Welcomes Donna VanLierehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/02/The-Sisters-On-Assignment-on-WLGT-Radio-Welcomes-Donna-VanLiereReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/02/The-Sisters-On-Assignment-on-WLGT-Radio-Welcomes-Donna-VanLiere/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/12/02/The-Sisters-On-Assignment-on-WLGT-Radio-Welcomes-Donna-VanLiereWed, 02 Dec 2009 02:00:00 GMTThe Sisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio Welcomes Donna VanLiereJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author, speaker Donna VanLiere (donnavanliere.com). View the guest’s website to learn more. View other upcoming segments at our website at www.wlgt.org We will discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners. Prayer requests and comments are welcome. We also appreciate your scrolling down on our listener page and leaving us comments about the show. www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,hope,Christian women,prayer,christian livingJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author,The Sisters On Assignment at WLGT Welcomes Jeannie St. John Taylorhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/25/The-Sisters-On-Assignment-at-WLGT-Welcomes-Jeannie-St-John-TaylorReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/25/The-Sisters-On-Assignment-at-WLGT-Welcomes-Jeannie-St-John-Taylor/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/25/The-Sisters-On-Assignment-at-WLGT-Welcomes-Jeannie-St-John-TaylorWed, 25 Nov 2009 02:00:00 GMTThe Sisters On Assignment at WLGT Welcomes Jeannie St. John TaylorJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author, speaker Jeannie St. John Taylor (www.jeanniestjohntaylor.com). View the guest’s website to learn more. View other upcoming segments at our website at www.wlgt.org We will discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners. Prayer requests and comments are welcome. We also appreciate your scrolling down on our listener page and leaving us comments about the show. www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,hope,christian women,prayer,GodJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author,The Sisters On Assignment Show on WLGT Radio Welcomes Barbara Marshallhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/18/the-sisters-on-assignment-show-on-wlgt-radio-welcomes-barbara-marshallReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/18/the-sisters-on-assignment-show-on-wlgt-radio-welcomes-barbara-marshall/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/18/the-sisters-on-assignment-show-on-wlgt-radio-welcomes-barbara-marshallWed, 18 Nov 2009 02:00:00 GMTThe Sisters On Assignment Show on WLGT Radio Welcomes Barbara MarshallJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author, speaker Barbara Marshall (www.barbaramarshall.com). View the guest’s websites to learn more. View other upcoming segments at our website at www.wlgt.org We will discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners. Prayer requests and comments are welcome. We also appreciate your scrolling down on our listener page and leaving us comments about the show. www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,hope,christian women,prayer,relationshipsJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author,Sisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio welcomes Kim Wrighthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/11/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/11/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/11/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentWed, 11 Nov 2009 02:00:00 GMTSisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio welcomes Kim WrightJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author, speaker Kim Wright (kimwright.com). And for a triple treat, we will a special guest interview with singer, Christi Harper. Don't miss this show. View the guest’s website to learn more. Also, Alice Wisler will be with us to discuss her new novel, How Sweet It Is. Alice Wisler authored the southern novel, Rain Song which was a finalist for a Christy Award in 2009 (www.alicewisler.com. View other upcoming segments at our website at www.wlgt.org We will discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners. Prayer requests and comments are welcome. We also appreciate your scrolling down on our listener page and leaving us comments about the show. www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,christian women,real life,christian challenges,christian livingJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author,Sisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio welcomes Tv Host Robin Bertram and Deborah Voghtshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/04/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/04/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/11/04/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentWed, 04 Nov 2009 02:00:00 GMTSisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio welcomes Tv Host Robin Bertram and Deborah VoghtsJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author, speaker & tv host Robin Bertram (www.robinbertram.tv) and christian author Deborah Voghts (deborahvoghts.com). View the guest’s website to learn more. View other upcoming segments at our website at www.wlgt.org We will discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners. Prayer requests and comments are welcome. We also appreciate your scrolling down on our listener page and leaving us comments about the show. www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,christian women,christian living,God,prayerJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author,Sisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio welcomes Joyce Oglesby & Phyllis Houstonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/28/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/28/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/28/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentWed, 28 Oct 2009 01:00:00 GMTSisters On Assignment on WLGT Radio welcomes Joyce Oglesby & Phyllis HoustonJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author & speaker, Joyce Oglesby (www.joyceoglesby.com) and motivational speaker, Phyllis Houston (www.justphyllis.com). View the guest’s websites to learn more. View other upcoming segments at our website at www.wlgt.org We will discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners. Prayer requests and comments are welcome. We also appreciate your scrolling down on our listener page and leaving us comments about the show. www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,christian women,real life,challenges answers,relationshipsJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guests: Christian author &Sisters On Assignment at WLGT welcomes Jennifer K. Dean & Marilyn Neubauerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/21/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/21/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/21/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentWed, 21 Oct 2009 01:00:00 GMTSisters On Assignment at WLGT welcomes Jennifer K. Dean & Marilyn NeubauerJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guest Marilyn Neubauer (www.marilynneubauerministries.org) and Jennifer Kennedy Dean, Founder of The Praying Life Foundation (www.prayinglife.org). View the guest’s websites to learn more. View other upcoming segments at our website at www.wlgt.org We will discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners. Prayer requests and comments are welcome. We also appreciate your scrolling down on our listener page and leaving us comments about the show. www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,christian women,real life,life answers,GodJoin us at WLGT RADIO's "Sisters On Assignment" Show on this Tuesday, at 9pm EST. Relax and enjoy yourself as we introduce you to our guest Marilyn Neubauer (wWLGT Launches new program: Sisters On Assignmenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/14/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/14/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/14/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentWed, 14 Oct 2009 01:00:00 GMTWLGT Launches new program: Sisters On AssignmentI hope you can join WLGT RADIO's premier launch of their new program "Sisters On Assignment" on Tuesday, September 22 at 9pm EST. Grab a relaxing drink, sit back and enjoy the Sisters as they introduce you to wonderful christian authors, discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners discussing answers to real life questions. The program will end with a time of prayer. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,christian women,real life,challenges answers,GodI hope you can join WLGT RADIO's premier launch of their new program "Sisters On Assignment" on Tuesday, September 22 at 9pm EST. Grab a relaxing drink, sit bacWLGT Launches new program: Sisters On Assignmenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/07/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/07/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/10/07/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentWed, 07 Oct 2009 01:00:00 GMTWLGT Launches new program: Sisters On AssignmentI hope you can join WLGT RADIO's premier launch of their new program "Sisters On Assignment" on Tuesday, September 22 at 9pm EST. Grab a relaxing drink, sit back and enjoy the Sisters as they introduce you to wonderful christian authors, discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners discussing answers to real life questions. The program will end with a time of prayer. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,christian women,real life,challenges answers,GodI hope you can join WLGT RADIO's premier launch of their new program "Sisters On Assignment" on Tuesday, September 22 at 9pm EST. Grab a relaxing drink, sit bacWLGT Launches new program: Sisters On Assignmenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/09/30/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/09/30/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/09/30/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentWed, 30 Sep 2009 01:00:00 GMTWLGT Launches new program: Sisters On AssignmentI hope you can join WLGT RADIO's premier launch of their new program "Sisters On Assignment" on Tuesday, September 22 at 9pm EST. Grab a relaxing drink, sit back and enjoy the Sisters as they introduce you to wonderful christian authors, discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners discussing answers to real life questions. The program will end with a time of prayer. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,christian women,real life,challenges answers,GodI hope you can join WLGT RADIO's premier launch of their new program "Sisters On Assignment" on Tuesday, September 22 at 9pm EST. Grab a relaxing drink, sit bacWLGT Launches new program: Sisters On Assignmenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/09/23/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/09/23/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/09/23/wlgt-launches-new-program-sisters-on-assignmentWed, 23 Sep 2009 01:00:00 GMTWLGT Launches new program: Sisters On AssignmentI hope you can join us for the premier launch of WLGT RADIO's new program "Sisters On Assignment" Tuesday, September 22 at 9pm EST. Grab a relaxing drink, sit back and enjoy the Sisters as they introduce you to wonderful christian authors, discuss Scripture and interact LIVE with the program's listeners discussing answers to real life challenges. The program will end with a time of prayer. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,christian women,real life,challenges answers,GodI hope you can join us for the premier launch of WLGT RADIO's new program "Sisters On Assignment" Tuesday, September 22 at 9pm EST. Grab a relaxing drink, sitWe Love Girl Talk/Tina Forknerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/05/15/we-love-girl-talktina-forknerWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/05/15/we-love-girl-talktina-forkner/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/05/15/we-love-girl-talktina-forknerFri, 15 May 2009 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Tina ForknerJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author, Tina Forkner about her book Ruby Among Us. Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and enterend into a drawing for a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,fiction,girl talk,Bible,Gods loveJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author, Tina Forkner about her book Ruby Among Us. Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in then click to listen. You will be eligWe Love Girl Talk/Janell Rardonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/05/08/we-love-girl-talkjanell-rardonWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/05/08/we-love-girl-talkjanell-rardon/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/05/08/we-love-girl-talkjanell-rardonFri, 08 May 2009 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Janell RardonJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Janell Rardon, www.janellrardon.com. As a keynote speaker and expository Bible teacher, Janell Rardon combines her relentless love of research and study with a passion for people, making every event...no matter how big or small... memorable. Audiences are delighted, entertained and transformed by her energetic, engaging, entertaining, enthusiastic and empowering presentations. Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a free book. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,girl talk,fun,love,BibleJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Janell Rardon, www.janellrardon.com. As a keynote speaker and expository Bible teacher, Janell Rardon combines her relenWe Love Girl Talk/Dottie Russhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/05/01/we-love-girl-talksarah-and-sandraWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/05/01/we-love-girl-talksarah-and-sandra/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/05/01/we-love-girl-talksarah-and-sandraFri, 01 May 2009 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Dottie RussJoin Sarah and Sandra as interview author and speaker, Dottie Russ.They will be talking about the Song of Solomon. Log in to www.wlgt.org and then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,girl talk,love,God,ScriptureJoin Sarah and Sandra as interview author and speaker, Dottie Russ.They will be talking about the Song of Solomon. Log in to www.wlgt.org and then click to lisWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah Goebelhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/04/10/we-love-girl-talksarah-goebelWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/04/10/we-love-girl-talksarah-goebel/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/04/10/we-love-girl-talksarah-goebelFri, 10 Apr 2009 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah GoebelJoin Sarah as she discusses current issues from a Christian perspective. Log in to www.wlgt.org and sign in, then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnogirl talk,Christian,joy,Bible,faithJoin Sarah as she discusses current issues from a Christian perspective. Log in to www.wlgt.org and sign in, then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah Goebelhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/04/03/we-love-girl-talksarah-goebelWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/04/03/we-love-girl-talksarah-goebel/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/04/03/we-love-girl-talksarah-goebelFri, 03 Apr 2009 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah GoebelJoin Sarah as she interviews Janell Rardon, www.janellrardon.com. Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,Scripture,faith,joy,hopeJoin Sarah as she interviews Janell Rardon, www.janellrardon.com. Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and eWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah Goebelhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/27/we-love-girl-talksarah-goebelWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/27/we-love-girl-talksarah-goebel/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/27/we-love-girl-talksarah-goebelFri, 27 Mar 2009 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah GoebelJoin Sarah as she discusses issues from a Christian view. Log in to www.wlgt.org and then cick to listen01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,prayer,Scripture,girl talk,joyJoin Sarah as she discusses issues from a Christian view. Log in to www.wlgt.org and then cick to listenWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah Goebelhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/20/we-love-girl-talkbrenda-nixonWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/20/we-love-girl-talkbrenda-nixon/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/20/we-love-girl-talkbrenda-nixonFri, 20 Mar 2009 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah GoebelJoin Sarah as she talks about current issues from a Christian viewpoint. Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in, then click to listen. Be eligible for "freebies" and have your name entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,Bible,joy,hope,loveJoin Sarah as she talks about current issues from a Christian viewpoint. Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in, then click to listen. Be eligible for "freebies" and haWe Love Girl Talk/Lisa Samsonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/13/we-love-girl-talklisa-samsonWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/13/we-love-girl-talklisa-samson/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/13/we-love-girl-talklisa-samsonFri, 13 Mar 2009 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Lisa SamsonJoin Sarah as she interviews Lisa Samson author of The Passion of Mary Margaret. Go to www.wlgt.org and log in, then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoromance,Christian fiction,girl talk,faith,BibleJoin Sarah as she interviews Lisa Samson author of The Passion of Mary Margaret. Go to www.wlgt.org and log in, then click to listen. You will be eligible for "We Love Girl Talk/Katrina Wamplerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/06/we-love-girl-talkkatrina-wamplerWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/06/we-love-girl-talkkatrina-wampler/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/03/06/we-love-girl-talkkatrina-wamplerFri, 06 Mar 2009 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Katrina WamplerJoin Sarah as she interviews Katrina Wampler. Go to www.wlgt.org and log in then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnogirl talk,Scripture,love,faith,joyJoin Sarah as she interviews Katrina Wampler. Go to www.wlgt.org and log in then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawingWe Love Girl Talk/Paula Freidrichsenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/27/we-love-girl-talkpaula-freidrichsenWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/27/we-love-girl-talkpaula-freidrichsen/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/27/we-love-girl-talkpaula-freidrichsenFri, 27 Feb 2009 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Paula FreidrichsenJoin Sarah as she interviews author and speaker, Paula Freidrichsen about her life story and book, The Man You Always Wanted is the One You Already Have. Paula shares a compelling story of an emotional affair with her pastor and how God used it in her life. She offers hope and healing in her testimony. Go to www.wlgt.org and log in. Then, click to listen. Be eligible for "freebies" and be entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,love,affair,healing,forgivenessJoin Sarah as she interviews author and speaker, Paula Freidrichsen about her life story and book, The Man You Always Wanted is the One You Already Have. PaulaWe Love Girl Talk/ Dianne Matthewshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/20/we-love-girl-talk-dianne-matthewsWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/20/we-love-girl-talk-dianne-matthews/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/20/we-love-girl-talk-dianne-matthewsFri, 20 Feb 2009 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/ Dianne MatthewsJoin Sarah as she interviews Dianne Matthews, author of The One Year Women of the Bible (Tyndale House Publishers, 2007) These 365 heartfelt meditations compare a contemporary dilemma with a woman from Scripture. Find out what faithful models such as Sarah, Elizabeth, and Abigail---and even not-so-shining examples like Jezebel---can teach us about busyness, commitment, and other 21st-century challenges! Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in then click to listen. Be eligible for "freebies" and be entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,Scriptures,women,girl talk,meditationJoin Sarah as she interviews Dianne Matthews, author of The One Year Women of the Bible (Tyndale House Publishers, 2007) These 365 heartfelt meditations compareWe Love Girl Talk/Coleen Coblehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/13/we-love-girl-talkcoleen-cobleWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/13/we-love-girl-talkcoleen-coble/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/13/we-love-girl-talkcoleen-cobleFri, 13 Feb 2009 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Coleen CobleJoin Sarah as she interviews Coleen Coble author of Cry in the Night This book features Bree Nichols and her search and rescue dog Samson. They discover a crying infant in the densely forested woods outside of Rock Harbor, Michigan. Against objections from her husband, Kade, who knows she'll become attached, Bree takes the baby in. Quickly she begins a search for the mother-presumably the woman reported missing just days earlier. Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in then click to listen. You'll be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a free book. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,Scripture,mystery,authors,loveJoin Sarah as she interviews Coleen Coble author of Cry in the Night This book features Bree Nichols and her search and rescue dog Samson. They discover a cryinWe Love Girl Talk/Denise Hunterhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/06/we-love-girl-talkdenise-hunterWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/06/we-love-girl-talkdenise-hunter/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/02/06/we-love-girl-talkdenise-hunterFri, 06 Feb 2009 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Denise HunterJoin Sarah as she interviews Denise Hunter, author of Sweetwater Gap, Women of Faith fiction book of the year. Go to WLGT.org to sign in, then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,fiction,girltalk,faith,BibleJoin Sarah as she interviews Denise Hunter, author of Sweetwater Gap, Women of Faith fiction book of the year. Go to WLGT.org to sign in, then click to listen.We Love Girl Talk/Neta Jacksonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/01/30/we-love-girl-talkneta-jacksonWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/01/30/we-love-girl-talkneta-jackson/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/01/30/we-love-girl-talkneta-jacksonFri, 30 Jan 2009 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Neta JacksonJoin Sarah aa she interviews, Neta Jackson. She'll talk about Neta's new book, Where Do I Go? For everyone who loves the best-selling Yada Yada Prayer Group® novels comes a brand new story sprinkled with familiar faces and places from the Yada Yada world.Go to www.wlgt.org to sign in, then click to listen. You will be elligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a free book. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,Bible,marriage,dreams,loveJoin Sarah aa she interviews, Neta Jackson. She'll talk about Neta's new book, Where Do I Go? For everyone who loves the best-selling Yada Yada Prayer Group® noWe Love Girl Talk/Gail Showalterhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/01/23/we-love-girl-talkgail-showalterWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/01/23/we-love-girl-talkgail-showalter/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/01/23/we-love-girl-talkgail-showalterFri, 23 Jan 2009 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Gail ShowalterJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Gail Showalter, Speaker to Educators, Parents, and Single Moms. www.seeinguthrough.com. Log into www.wlgt.org, sign in and then click to listen.You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnosingle moms,girl talk,Bible,God,faithJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Gail Showalter, Speaker to Educators, Parents, and Single Moms. www.seeinguthrough.com. Log into www.wlgt.org, sign inWe Love Girl Talk/Sharon Knudson and Mary Heitzmanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/01/16/we-love-girl-talksharon-knudson-and-mary-heitzmanWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/01/16/we-love-girl-talksharon-knudson-and-mary-heitzman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2009/01/16/we-love-girl-talksharon-knudson-and-mary-heitzmanFri, 16 Jan 2009 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sharon Knudson and Mary HeitzmanJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview authors and speakers, Sharon Knudson and Mary Heitzman. They are the authors of the highly acclaimed book Starting from Scratch When Your're Single Again released by Strang Publishing. Log in to www.wlgt.org to sign in and click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoSingle,faith,Bible,divorce,GodJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview authors and speakers, Sharon Knudson and Mary Heitzman. They are the authors of the highly acclaimed book Starting fromWe Love Girl Talkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/12/19/we-love-girl-talkWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/12/19/we-love-girl-talk/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/12/19/we-love-girl-talkFri, 19 Dec 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl TalkSarah and Sandra share some girl talk! Join them by logging in at www.wlgt.org and then click to listen. Be eligible for "freebies" and have your name entered into a drawing for a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnogirl talk,Bible,Christian,fun,laughterSarah and Sandra share some girl talk! Join them by logging in at www.wlgt.org and then click to listen. Be eligible for "freebies" and have your name entered iWe Love Girl Talk/Kathy Willishttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/12/12/we-love-girl-talkkathy-willisWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/12/12/we-love-girl-talkkathy-willis/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/12/12/we-love-girl-talkkathy-willisFri, 12 Dec 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Kathy WillisJoin Sarah and Sandra as the talk to entrepreneur and pastor's wife, Kathy Willis. Log in to www.wlgt.org and sign in. Then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing for a book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoScripture,girl talk,fun,joy,speakerJoin Sarah and Sandra as the talk to entrepreneur and pastor's wife, Kathy Willis. Log in to www.wlgt.org and sign in. Then click to listen. You will be eligibWe Love Girl Talk/T Suzie Ellerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/12/05/we-love-girl-talkt-suzie-ellerWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/12/05/we-love-girl-talkt-suzie-eller/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/12/05/we-love-girl-talkt-suzie-ellerFri, 05 Dec 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/T Suzie EllerJoin Sarah and Sandra as they have a second interview with T. Suzie Eller about her book The Mom I Want to Be. Being a mom is a great joy and a great responsibility. But what if you have a painful past, a background that didn't include a good role model for parenting? This book is for women and moms, but especially for women who want to find wholeness, healing from the past, and specific helps to give their children better memories than they received as a child. Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in then click to listen. You will receive "freebies" and be entered into a drawing to win a book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoBible,friendships,girl talk,Gods love,momJoin Sarah and Sandra as they have a second interview with T. Suzie Eller about her book The Mom I Want to Be. Being a mom is a great joy and a great responsibiWe Love Girl Talkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/28/we-love-girl-talkWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/28/we-love-girl-talk/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/28/we-love-girl-talkFri, 28 Nov 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl TalkWLGT is thankful today!01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnogratitude,Bible,faith,Scriptures,girl talkWLGT is thankful today!We Love Girl Talk/Alene Snodgrasshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/21/we-love-girl-talkalene-snodgrassWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/21/we-love-girl-talkalene-snodgrass/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/21/we-love-girl-talkalene-snodgrassFri, 21 Nov 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Alene SnodgrassJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Alene Snodgrass, alenesnodgrass.com about her Bible Study, Dirty Laundry Secrets. Go to www.wlgt.org to sign in and click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and to be entered into a drawing to win a book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoBible,faith,girl talk,purity,cleansingJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Alene Snodgrass, alenesnodgrass.com about her Bible Study, Dirty Laundry Secrets. Go to www.wlgt.org to sign in and clicWe Love Girl Talk/Maxine Marsolinihttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/14/we-love-girl-talkmaxine-masolineWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/14/we-love-girl-talkmaxine-masoline/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/14/we-love-girl-talkmaxine-masolineFri, 14 Nov 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Maxine MarsoliniJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Maxine Marsolini, www.rebuildingfamilies.net.Maxine is a Coach, a speaker, and the author of Raising Children in Blended Families, Kregel Publications 2006, Blended Families, Moody Press in 2000, and Blended Families Workbook, Pleasant Word 2004. Her articles and stories have appeared in several magazines and compilation books. She is recognized as a valued resource for stepfamily matters. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnostep families,Bible,peace,blended families,GodJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Maxine Marsolini, www.rebuildingfamilies.net.Maxine is a Coach, a speaker, and the author of Raising Children in BlendedWe Love Girl Talk/Joyce Oglesbyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/07/we-love-girl-talkjoyce-oglesbyWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/07/we-love-girl-talkjoyce-oglesby/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/11/07/we-love-girl-talkjoyce-oglesbyFri, 07 Nov 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Joyce OglesbyJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Joyce Oglesby, author of How to Affair Proof Your Marriage. Sign in at www.wlgt.org and then click to listen. Be eligible for "freebies" and be entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnomarriage,girl talk,affairs,Bible,loveJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Joyce Oglesby, author of How to Affair Proof Your Marriage. Sign in at www.wlgt.org and then click to listen. Be eligiblWe Love Girl Talk/Jennifer Devlinhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/31/we-love-girl-talkjennifer-devlinWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/31/we-love-girl-talkjennifer-devlin/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/31/we-love-girl-talkjennifer-devlinFri, 31 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Jennifer DevlinJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Jennifer Devlin about her latest Bible study, Verses We Know by Heart: Discovering the Details of Familiar Old Testament Passages, released January 2008 (Randall House Publishers). Plan on using this 6 week study guide with your small groups - and together we will discover more about some of the familiar Old Testament verses we know by heart. Log in at www.wlgt.org to sign in and then click to listen. Be eligible to receive "freebies" and to be entered into a drawing for a free book. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoGod,girl talk,faith,fun,BibleJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Jennifer Devlin about her latest Bible study, Verses We Know by Heart: Discovering the Details of Familiar Old TestamentWe Love Girl Talk/Judy Dippelhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/24/we-love-girl-talkjudy-dippelWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/24/we-love-girl-talkjudy-dippel/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/24/we-love-girl-talkjudy-dippelFri, 24 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Judy DippelJoin Sarah and Sandra as they have loads of fun talking about friendships with author/speaker Judy Dippel. Judy has authored several books and her latest "The Art of Authentic Friendship" talks about real women, real challenges and real solutions. Log in at www.wlgt.org to sign in and then click to listen. Be eligible for "freebies" and have your name entered into a drawing for a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnogirl talk,Bible,friendship,girlfriends,GodJoin Sarah and Sandra as they have loads of fun talking about friendships with author/speaker Judy Dippel. Judy has authored several books and her latest "The AWe Love Girl Talk/Karen Whitinghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/17/we-love-girl-talkkaren-whitingWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/17/we-love-girl-talkkaren-whiting/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/17/we-love-girl-talkkaren-whitingFri, 17 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Karen WhitingJoin Sarah and Sandra for girl talk, organinzing tips and an interview with author Karen Whiting. Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in, then click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and to be entered into a drawing to win a book.00:30:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoBible,girl talk,fun,tweens,GodJoin Sarah and Sandra for girl talk, organinzing tips and an interview with author Karen Whiting. Go to www.wlgt.org and sign in, then click to listen. You wilWeLove Girl Talk/Edna Ellison/Linda Gildenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/10/welove-girl-talkedna-ellisonlinda-gildenWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/10/welove-girl-talkedna-ellisonlinda-gilden/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/10/welove-girl-talkedna-ellisonlinda-gildenFri, 10 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMTWeLove Girl Talk/Edna Ellison/Linda GildenJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Edna Ellison and Linda Gilden authors of Mommy Pick Me Ups. It was written with the busy mom in mind and offers brief, lighthearted, and relevant to mom stories. Log in to www.wlgt.org and sign in, then click to listen. You'll be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnogirl talk,Scripture,laughter,moms,relevantJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Edna Ellison and Linda Gilden authors of Mommy Pick Me Ups. It was written with the busy mom in mind and offers brief, lWe Love Girl Talk/Amy Hagberghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/03/we-love-girl-talkkathy-firkinsWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/03/we-love-girl-talkkathy-firkins/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/10/03/we-love-girl-talkkathy-firkinsFri, 03 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Amy HagbergJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author and speaker, Amy Hagberg, www.amyhagberg.com. Amy is the author of the How Do You Know He’s Real? inspirational book series which features the amazing spiritual journeys of well-known athletes, recording artists and actors. She is also the author of God Unplugged, My Favorite Christmas, and her NEW RELEASE - 100 Questions to ask Before You Say "I DO". Go to wlgt.org and sign in, then click to listen. Register for "freebies" and to be entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnogirl talk,Bible,organization,fun,holidaysJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author and speaker, Amy Hagberg, www.amyhagberg.com. Amy is the author of the How Do You Know He’s Real? inspirationWe Love Girl Talk/Carole Brewerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/26/We-Love-Girl-TalkCarole-BrewerWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/26/We-Love-Girl-TalkCarole-Brewer/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/26/We-Love-Girl-TalkCarole-BrewerFri, 26 Sep 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Carole BrewerJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Carole Brewer, www.carolebrewer.com. Carole will be talking about her family's walk through colon cancer. Carole will also be discussing her music! Log in at wlgt.org and sign up for freebies and to be entered into a drawing for a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,Scripture,girl talk,hope,beliefJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Carole Brewer, www.carolebrewer.com. Carole will be talking about her family's walk through colon cancer. Carole will alWe Love Girl Talk/Gail Showalterhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/19/The-Christian-Womens-ViewGail-ShowalterWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/19/The-Christian-Womens-ViewGail-Showalter/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/19/The-Christian-Womens-ViewGail-ShowalterFri, 19 Sep 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Gail ShowalterJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Gail Showalter, www.gailshowalter.com. Gail Showalter is a heartwarming, moving, and genuine speaker and storyteller. Her passion is to assist others in becoming the person God imagined them to be when He first created them. Sign in at www.wlgt.org and sign up for freebies. Your name will be entered into a drawing to win a free book. Be ready for our new segment on organizing tips from Kathy Firkins. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnogirl talk,Christian,Bible,Love,passionJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Gail Showalter, www.gailshowalter.com. Gail Showalter is a heartwarming, moving, and genuine speaker and storyteller. HeWe Love Girl Talk/Janet Birkeyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/12/The-Christian-Womens-ViewJanet-BirkeyWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/12/The-Christian-Womens-ViewJanet-Birkey/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/12/The-Christian-Womens-ViewJanet-BirkeyFri, 12 Sep 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Janet BirkeyJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Janet Birkey, of Connections Ministries and Life Coaching Services.Her purpose is to "help you connect with the life you were destined to live!" www.JanetBirkey.com. Remember to log in at www.wlgt.org and sign in, then click to listen. Take a moment and rate our show as one of your favorites! We have added an exciting new segment on orgainizing tips. Email Kathy Firkins at wlgt.nc.rr.com with your organizing question.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoScripture,girl talk,Christian,destiny,coachJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Janet Birkey, of Connections Ministries and Life Coaching Services.Her purpose is to "help you connect with the life youWe Love Girl Talk/Suzie Ellerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/05/the-christian-womens-viewsuzie-ellerWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/05/the-christian-womens-viewsuzie-eller/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/09/05/the-christian-womens-viewsuzie-ellerFri, 05 Sep 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Suzie EllerJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview T. Suzie Eller about her book, The Mom I Want to Be. Log in at www.wlgt.org and then click to listen. When you register you will receive "freebies" and be entered into a drawing to win a book from one of our authors who have been on the show. Have your pencil and paper ready as Kathy Firkins gives us organizing tips.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoBible,girl talk,fun,moms,parentingJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview T. Suzie Eller about her book, The Mom I Want to Be. Log in at www.wlgt.org and then click to listen. When you registerWe Love Girl Talk/Yvonne Ortegahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/29/The-Christian-Womens-ViewYvonne-OrtegaWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/29/The-Christian-Womens-ViewYvonne-Ortega/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/29/The-Christian-Womens-ViewYvonne-OrtegaFri, 29 Aug 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Yvonne OrtegaJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview, Yvonne Ortega. Yvonne has written about her experiences with cancer in her book, Hope for Journey through Cancer. Log in at wlgt.org and then click to listen. You will be eligible for freebies and to be entered into a drawing to win a free book! Also, we've added a new segment with Kathy Firkins! Kathy is an organizing expert and will give us tips.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,God,Bible,girl talk,survivorJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview, Yvonne Ortega. Yvonne has written about her experiences with cancer in her book, Hope for Journey through Cancer. Log iWe Love Girl Talk/Barbara Parentinihttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/22/The-Christian-Womens-ViewBarbara-ParentiniWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/22/The-Christian-Womens-ViewBarbara-Parentini/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/22/The-Christian-Womens-ViewBarbara-ParentiniFri, 22 Aug 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Barbara ParentiniJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Barbara Parentini. www.Barbaraparentini.com Log in to www.wlgt.org and then click to listen. Be eligible for "freebies" and to be enrolled to win a book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoFaith,Girl talk,Bible,love,GodJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Barbara Parentini. www.Barbaraparentini.com Log in to www.wlgt.org and then click to listen. Be eligible for "freebies"We Love Girl Talk/Kathie Thomashttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/15/The-Christian-Womens-ViewKathie-ThomasWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/15/The-Christian-Womens-ViewKathie-Thomas/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/15/The-Christian-Womens-ViewKathie-ThomasFri, 15 Aug 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Kathie ThomasJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Kathie Thomas, www.kathiethomas.com. She is the author of More Than Rubies. The book was published by Fontaine Press in Western Australia. She is a mother of 5 grown daughters and she has a passion to help other women who want to return home to work and be there for their families. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoBible,Scripture,faith,stay at home moms,girl talkJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Kathie Thomas, www.kathiethomas.com. She is the author of More Than Rubies. The book was published by Fontaine Press inWe Love Girl Talk/Rainy Garay & Laurie Morrishttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/08/The-Christian-Womens-ViewRainy-Garay-Laurie-MorrisWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/08/The-Christian-Womens-ViewRainy-Garay-Laurie-Morris/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/08/The-Christian-Womens-ViewRainy-Garay-Laurie-MorrisFri, 08 Aug 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Rainy Garay & Laurie MorrisJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Rainy Garay about her ministry and new cd, Rainy, One Precious Moment. We will also interview Laurie Morris about her book, Shattered and Then..... A Journey to Sexual Healing and Integration. Log in to www.wlgt.org to sign up for "freebies" and to be entered into a drawing for a free book!01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoBible,girl talk,prayer,worship,freedomJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Rainy Garay about her ministry and new cd, Rainy, One Precious Moment. We will also interview Laurie Morris about her bWe Love Girl Talk/Kathy Howardhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/01/The-Christian-Womens-ViewKathy-HowardWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/01/The-Christian-Womens-ViewKathy-Howard/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/08/01/The-Christian-Womens-ViewKathy-HowardFri, 01 Aug 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Kathy HowardJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview, Kathy Howard, www.kathyhoward.org. Kathy has written Before His Throne, a nine week Bible Study based on the book of Malachi. Log in at wlgt.org and click to listen. Sign in and be eligible for "freebies" and to be entered into a drawing to win a free book! "Please note the suggested programs at bottom of our page are not from us but are from Blog Talk Radio and may contain secular views of which we do not agree upon." 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,women,girl talk,God,ScriptureJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview, Kathy Howard, www.kathyhoward.org. Kathy has written Before His Throne, a nine week Bible Study based on the book of MaWe Love Girl Talk/Tammy Trenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/25/The-Christian-Womens-ViewTammy-TrentWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/25/The-Christian-Womens-ViewTammy-Trent/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/25/The-Christian-Womens-ViewTammy-TrentFri, 25 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Tammy TrentJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Tammy Trent singer/songwriter, Women of Faith speaker.Tammy signed her first record deal in 1995 and has followed that calling on her life with great passion ever since. With the national release of 3 CD's that have garnered three #1 hits and a handful of top ten hits, Tammy continues to sing her way through to the hearts of thousands. She just completed her highly anticipated new music release, "I SEE BEAUTIFUL". This is her first full CD in over 5 years 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,women,Bible,girl talk,funJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Tammy Trent singer/songwriter, Women of Faith speaker.Tammy signed her first record deal in 1995 and has followed that cWe Love Girl Talk/Karen Hossinkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/18/The-Christian-Womens-ViewKaren-HossinkWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/18/The-Christian-Womens-ViewKaren-Hossink/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/18/The-Christian-Womens-ViewKaren-HossinkFri, 18 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Karen HossinkJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Karen Hossink author of Confessions of an Irritable Mother, www.iritablemother.com. Karen is the mother of three children and a popular speaker of MOPS groups. Join us on July 17th by signing in at wlgt.org and click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and to be entered into a drawing for a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnogirl talk,Christian,moms,struggles,faithJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Karen Hossink author of Confessions of an Irritable Mother, www.iritablemother.com. Karen is the mother of three childreWe Love Girl Talk/Jilleenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/11/The-Christian-Womans-ViewJilleenWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/11/The-Christian-Womans-ViewJilleen/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/11/The-Christian-Womans-ViewJilleenFri, 11 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/JilleenJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Christian recording artist and speaker, Jilleen. She has just released a cd called, The Hymns Experience. Log in at wlgt.org to sign in and click to listen. You will be eligible for "freebies" and entered into a drawing to win a book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,women,girl talk,music,faithJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Christian recording artist and speaker, Jilleen. She has just released a cd called, The Hymns Experience. Log in at wlgtWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and Sandrahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/04/The-Christian-Womans-ViewSarah-and-SandraWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/04/The-Christian-Womans-ViewSarah-and-Sandra/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/07/04/The-Christian-Womans-ViewSarah-and-SandraFri, 04 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and SandraJoin Sarah and Sandra as they talk about issues relevant to women. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,Women,Bible,hope,encouragementJoin Sarah and Sandra as they talk about issues relevant to women.We Love Girl Talk/Jo Franzhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/27/The-Christian-Womans-ViewJo-FranzWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/27/The-Christian-Womans-ViewJo-Franz/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/27/The-Christian-Womans-ViewJo-FranzFri, 27 Jun 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Jo FranzJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author Jo Franz about her new book, Soar Unafraid. Log in at www.wlgt.org to receive "freebies" and to be entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,faith,fear,multiple sclerosis,joyJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author Jo Franz about her new book, Soar Unafraid. Log in at www.wlgt.org to receive "freebies" and to be entered into aWe Love Girl Talk/Janet Lynn Mitchellhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/20/The-Christian-Womans-ViewJanet-Lynn-MitchellWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/20/The-Christian-Womans-ViewJanet-Lynn-Mitchell/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/20/The-Christian-Womans-ViewJanet-Lynn-MitchellFri, 20 Jun 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Janet Lynn MitchellJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Janet Lynn Mitchell, author of Taking a Stand. It will be a fascinating interview with someone who stood firm in her faith through the good, the bad, the outrageous. Sign in at www.wlgt.org to receive "freebies" and to be entered into a drawing to win a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnofaith,Scripture,Bible,Christian,girl friendsJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Janet Lynn Mitchell, author of Taking a Stand. It will be a fascinating interview with someone who stood firm in her faiWe Love Girl Talk/The Gembalashttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/13/The-Christian-Womans-ViewThe-GembalasWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/13/The-Christian-Womans-ViewThe-Gembalas/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/13/The-Christian-Womans-ViewThe-GembalasFri, 13 Jun 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/The GembalasJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Geoff and Kristin Gembala.They are passionate about sharing the importance of God and Christ as the foundation "rock" of successful relationships. They have written Couples Chat/God's Spirit. Log in at www.wlgt and sign in. Then click to listen. By signing in, you will be enrolled for some "freebies" and given the opportunity to win a book! 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoGod,Christian,girl talk,joy,couplesJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Geoff and Kristin Gembala.They are passionate about sharing the importance of God and Christ as the foundation "rock" ofWe Love Girl Talk/Kathy Armstronghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/06/The-Christian-Womans-ViewLaurie-MorrisWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/06/The-Christian-Womans-ViewLaurie-Morris/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/06/06/The-Christian-Womans-ViewLaurie-MorrisFri, 06 Jun 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Kathy ArmstrongJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Kathy Armstrong founder of Single Ray of Hope Ministries. She is a CLASS graduate and author of the book Be Made Whole. Log in at www.wlgt.org and sign in to receive freebies and to be entered into a drawing to win a book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoBible,Christian,girl talk,healing,hopeJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Kathy Armstrong founder of Single Ray of Hope Ministries. She is a CLASS graduate and author of the book Be Made Whole.We Love Girl Talk/Karon Goodmanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/30/The-Christian-Womans-ViewKaron-GoodmanWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/30/The-Christian-Womans-ViewKaron-Goodman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/30/The-Christian-Womans-ViewKaron-GoodmanFri, 30 May 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Karon GoodmanJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author Karon Goodman. Karon reveals in her book why you are never so lost that you won't be Pursued by the Shepherd. Join us for the girl talk. Log in at www.wlgt.org to receive freebies and be enrolled in a drawing to win a book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,Bible,girl talk,shepherd,pursuedJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author Karon Goodman. Karon reveals in her book why you are never so lost that you won't be Pursued by the Shepherd. JoiWe Love Girl Talk/Sharlene MacLarenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/23/The-Christian-Womans-View-Sharlene-MacLarenWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/23/The-Christian-Womans-View-Sharlene-MacLaren/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/23/The-Christian-Womans-View-Sharlene-MacLarenFri, 23 May 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sharlene MacLarenJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Sharlene MacLaren an historical fiction novelist. She has just released a new novel in her Little Hickman Creek Series called Courting Emma. Join us! Remember to log in to www.wlgt.org and sign in to receive freebies! Your name will also be entered into a drawing to receive a free book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,Scripture,fiction,novel,girl talkJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Sharlene MacLaren an historical fiction novelist. She has just released a new novel in her Little Hickman Creek Series cWe Love Girl Talk/Cheryle Touchtonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/16/The-Christian-Womens-ViewWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/16/The-Christian-Womens-View/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/16/The-Christian-Womens-ViewFri, 16 May 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Cheryle TouchtonJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Cheryle Touchton www.pocketfullofchange.org. Cheryle is a missionary to America as she travels our nation handing out quarters to people. She does this to remind them of the grace of God. Remember to log in to www.wlgt.org to sign in and receive FREEBIES. We will also put your name into a drawing for a free book. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoBible,Christian,girl talk,God,graceJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Cheryle Touchton www.pocketfullofchange.org. Cheryle is a missionary to America as she travels our nation handing out quWe Love Girl Talk/CJ Rapphttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/09/The-Christian-Womens-ViewWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/09/The-Christian-Womens-View/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/05/09/The-Christian-Womens-ViewFri, 09 May 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/CJ RappJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview CJ Rapp www.unfadingbeautyministries.org. Log in to www.wlgt.org to sign in and win FREEBIES. We want to know you're listening! Your name will be entered into a drawing to win a book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnobeauty,Bible,girl talk,God,loveJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview CJ Rapp www.unfadingbeautyministries.org. Log in to www.wlgt.org to sign in and win FREEBIES. We want to know you're lisWe Love Girl Talk/Sandy McKeown Interview autismhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/25/The-Christian-Womens-ViewWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/25/The-Christian-Womens-View/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/25/The-Christian-Womens-ViewFri, 25 Apr 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sandy McKeown Interview autismJoin Sarah and Sandra with their guest, Sandy McKeown. Sandy will be spaking on autism and raising special needs children. Her website is www.sandymckeown.com. Ladies, go to www.wlgt.org and register as a listener and receive some freebies! Also, be entered into a drawing for a FREE gift.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoautism,Bible,children,Christian,hopeJoin Sarah and Sandra with their guest, Sandy McKeown. Sandy will be spaking on autism and raising special needs children. Her website is www.sandymckeown.com.We Love Girl Talk/Carole Brewer Interviewhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/18/The-Christian-Womans-ViewWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/18/The-Christian-Womans-View/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/18/The-Christian-Womans-ViewFri, 18 Apr 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Carole Brewer InterviewJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Carole Brewer www.carolebrewer.com. Carole is a speaker/author and singer. Ladies, go to www.wlgt.org and register as a listener and receive some freebies! Also, be entered into a drawing for a FREE gift. 01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoBible,Christ,Christian,Joy,peaceJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview Carole Brewer www.carolebrewer.com. Carole is a speaker/author and singer. Ladies, go to www.wlgt.org and register as aWe Love Girl Talk/Allison Bottkehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/11/The-Christian-Womens-ViewWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/11/The-Christian-Womens-View/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/11/The-Christian-Womens-ViewFri, 11 Apr 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Allison BottkeBest selling author and speaker, Allison Bottke, joins Sarah and Sandra to discuss her latest book, Setting Boundaries with your Adult Children. Ladies, go to www.wlgt.org and register as a listener and receive some freebies! Also, be entered into a drawing for a FREE gift.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoadult children,Bible,Boundaries,Christian,fearBest selling author and speaker, Allison Bottke, joins Sarah and Sandra to discuss her latest book, Setting Boundaries with your Adult Children. Ladies, go toWe Love Girl Talk/Lisa M. Wolfehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/04/The-Christian-Womens-ViewWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/04/The-Christian-Womens-View/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/04/04/The-Christian-Womens-ViewFri, 04 Apr 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Lisa M. WolfeJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author Lisa Wolfe, www.lisamwolfe.com. She has just written a new fiction book called Journal of a Lifetime. Come and join us in the discussion. Ladies, go to www.wlgt.org and register as a listener and receive some freebies! Also, be entered into a drawing for a FREE gift.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoBible,book,Christian,fiction,readingJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author Lisa Wolfe, www.lisamwolfe.com. She has just written a new fiction book called Journal of a Lifetime. Come and joWe Love Girl Talk/Vonda Skeltonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/28/The-Christian-Womens-ViewWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/28/The-Christian-Womens-View/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/28/The-Christian-Womens-ViewFri, 28 Mar 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Vonda SkeltonJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author/speaker, Vonda Skelton, www.vondaskelton.com. She has written Seeing Through the Lies.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoChristian,women,lies,deception,bookJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview author/speaker, Vonda Skelton, www.vondaskelton.com. She has written Seeing Through the Lies.We Love Girl Talkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/21/We-Love-Girl-TalkWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/21/We-Love-Girl-Talk/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/21/We-Love-Girl-TalkFri, 21 Mar 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl TalkSarah Goebel and Sandra Stanford interview Carrie from North Carolina. Visit her website at www.bluejeansandtennies.com.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoblue jeans,tennies,casual,gospel,BibleSarah Goebel and Sandra Stanford interview Carrie from North Carolina. Visit her website at www.bluejeansandtennies.com.We Love Girl Talk/Trust God and Buy Brocollihttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/14/trust-god-and-buy-brocolliWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/14/trust-god-and-buy-brocolli/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/14/trust-god-and-buy-brocolliFri, 14 Mar 2008 00:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Trust God and Buy BrocolliJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview motivational speaker/author and Life Coach, Gerri Helms. She will be discussing her new book, Trust God and Buy Brocolli. Gerri lost over 100 lbs over 14 years ago and has kept it off with God's help. Please sign our GUEST BOOK at www.DeclaringHisAnswer.com01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnotriumph,trust,victory,weight loss,womenJoin Sarah and Sandra as they interview motivational speaker/author and Life Coach, Gerri Helms. She will be discussing her new book, Trust God and Buy BrocolliWe Love Girl Talk/Susan Bailey-Testimonyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/07/Susan-Bailey-TestimonyWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/07/Susan-Bailey-Testimony/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/03/07/Susan-Bailey-TestimonyFri, 07 Mar 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Susan Bailey-TestimonyJoin Sarah and Sandra as they speak with Susan Bailey. Over the summer, Susan came down with ecoli and lost her legs. She passionately shares about the way the Lord saved her life and gave her victory through this hard circumstance! Please sign our GUEST BOOK at www.DECLARINGHISANSWER.COM01:00:00WLGT with Sarah GoebelnoGod,hope,joy,love,Word of GodJoin Sarah and Sandra as they speak with Susan Bailey. Over the summer, Susan came down with ecoli and lost her legs. She passionately shares about the way theWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and Sandrahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/29/The-Christian-Womens-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-TalkWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/29/The-Christian-Womens-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-Talk/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/29/The-Christian-Womens-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-TalkFri, 29 Feb 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and SandraJoin Sarah and Sandra as they discuss issues from a Christian women view pertaining to real life challenges and situations that appear in a Christian life. This week's topic: Dealing with Conflict in our Christian Relationships! Sign our Guest Book at www.DeclaringHisAnswer.com01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnochristian women,conflict,life challengesJoin Sarah and Sandra as they discuss issues from a Christian women view pertaining to real life challenges and situations that appear in a Christian life. ThisWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and Sandrahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/22/the-christian-womens-view-on-wlgt-we-love-girl-talkWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/22/the-christian-womens-view-on-wlgt-we-love-girl-talk/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/22/the-christian-womens-view-on-wlgt-we-love-girl-talkFri, 22 Feb 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and SandraSarah Goebel, host and co-host Sandra Stanford discuss topics relating to living the christian life. Listeners are invited to call in and join in the talk. Tonight's show will include an interview with author and speaker, Tammy Melton of Legacy Ministries and an introduction of her new book, "Loving God with All Five Senses". www.declaringhisanswer.com and sign our guest book.01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoauthor interview,christian conversati,christian views,christian women,momsSarah Goebel, host and co-host Sandra Stanford discuss topics relating to living the christian life. Listeners are invited to call in and join in the talk. ToniWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and Sandrahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/15/The-Christian-Womens-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-TalkWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/15/The-Christian-Womens-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-Talk/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/15/The-Christian-Womens-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-TalkFri, 15 Feb 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and SandraChristian women discuss various issues and topics from a christian woman's viewpoint as well as interview special guests and authors. This week, Sarah and Sandra will discuss "looking for true love". Listen and hear their personal stories of how they met their true love. Call in and share your stories.VISIT US AT WWW.DECLARINGHISANSWER.COM01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoauthor Sarah Ann Goe,christian views,christian women,dissatisfaction turn,lasting loveChristian women discuss various issues and topics from a christian woman's viewpoint as well as interview special guests and authors. This week, Sarah and SandWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and Sandrahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/08/The-Christian-Womens-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-TalkWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/08/The-Christian-Womens-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-Talk/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/08/The-Christian-Womens-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-TalkFri, 08 Feb 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and SandraChristian women discuss various issues and topics from a christian woman's viewpoint as well as interview special guests and authors. This week, Sandra (cohost) will interview Sarah who is the host of this program as the author of the published book, Satisfied Woman. Quit singing the old tune, "I can't get no satisfaction" and join us to learn how you can! VISIT US AT WWW.DECLARINGHISANSWER.COM01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoauthor Sarah Ann Goe,christian views,christian women,dissatisfaction turn,satisfactionChristian women discuss various issues and topics from a christian woman's viewpoint as well as interview special guests and authors. This week, Sandra (cohostWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and Sandrahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/01/The-Christian-Women-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-Talk-Live-Talk-RadioWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/01/The-Christian-Women-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-Talk-Live-Talk-Radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/02/01/The-Christian-Women-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-Talk-Live-Talk-RadioFri, 01 Feb 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and SandraJoin The Christian Women View as we discuss issues on WLGT Live Talk Radio that pertain to christian women. the national Celebrate Moms team and an introduction of their new book, Laundry Tales. WWW.DECLARINGHISANSWER.COM01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnochristian views,christian women,moms,mothersJoin The Christian Women View as we discuss issues on WLGT Live Talk Radio that pertain to christian women. the national Celebrate Moms team and an introductionWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and Sandrahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/01/18/WLGT-hosts-The-Christian-Womans-ViewWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/01/18/WLGT-hosts-The-Christian-Womans-View/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/01/18/WLGT-hosts-The-Christian-Womans-ViewFri, 18 Jan 2008 01:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and SandraJoin us as we continue our discussion on our January topic of leaving the past behind and moving forward. VISIT US AT WWW.DECLARINGHISANSWER.COM01:00:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnoforgiveness,goal setting,healing from the pas,moving forwardJoin us as we continue our discussion on our January topic of leaving the past behind and moving forward. VISIT US AT WWW.DECLARINGHISANSWER.COMWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and Sandrahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/01/10/The-Christian-Women-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-TalkWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/01/10/The-Christian-Women-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-Talk/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/01/10/The-Christian-Women-View-on-WLGT-We-Love-Girl-TalkThu, 10 Jan 2008 23:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and Sandra WLGT "We Love Girl Talk" hosts "The Christian Women View" Enjoy listening and learning what other christian women think and are doing in their lives in regards to particular real life issues or call in and express your view during our open discussion segments. We look forward to meeting you. JANUARY TOPIC: How to leave the past behind to move forward with God. VISIT US AT WWW.DECLARINGHISANSWER.COM00:45:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnobaby boomers,christian help,rejection,wives,christian womenWLGT "We Love Girl Talk" hosts "The Christian Women View" Enjoy listening and learning what other christian women think and are doing in their lives in regarWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and Sandrahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/01/03/WLGT-We-Love-Girl-Talk-hosts-The-Christian-Women-ViewWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/01/03/WLGT-We-Love-Girl-Talk-hosts-The-Christian-Women-View/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/wlgt/2008/01/03/WLGT-We-Love-Girl-Talk-hosts-The-Christian-Women-ViewThu, 03 Jan 2008 23:00:00 GMTWe Love Girl Talk/Sarah and Sandra Enjoy listening and learning what other christian women think and are doing in their lives in regards to particular real life issues or call in and express your view during our open discussion segments. We look forward to meeting you. JANUARY TOPIC: How to leave the past behind to move forward with God. VISIT US AT WWW.DECLARINGHISANSWER.COM00:45:00WLGT with Sarah Goebelnogeneration x,goal setting,ministry,mothers,moving forwardEnjoy listening and learning what other christian women think and are doing in their lives in regards to particular real life issues or call in and express you