Spirit Withinhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritwithinWe are intuitives,teachers, energy workers, healers, Yoginis and psychic mediums. enBlogTalkRadio.com. All Rights Reserved.Sat, 15 Jun 2019 11:15:00 GMTMon, 12 Oct 2015 00:30:00 GMTSpiritualityBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/hostpics/a988973e-89bc-4594-bf54-e2a58c813055_spiritwithinlightgeneric.jpgSpirit Withinhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritwithinWe are intuitives,teachers, energy workers, healers, Yoginis and psychic mediums. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.compsychic medium health chakra energy yoga healer empathSpirit WithinyesWe are intuitives,teachers, energy workers, healers, Yoginis and psychic mediums.episodicEp 2 - Mercury Retrograde - What's the Big Deal?http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritwithin/2015/10/12/ep-2--mercury-retrograde--whats-the-big-dealSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritwithin/2015/10/12/ep-2--mercury-retrograde--whats-the-big-deal/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritwithin/2015/10/12/ep-2--mercury-retrograde--whats-the-big-dealMon, 12 Oct 2015 00:30:00 GMTEp 2 - Mercury Retrograde - What's the Big Deal?Join Intuitive Energy Healer Stacie DeMoss Schloemer and Intuitve Self-Love Healer Lana Simmons as we talk about all the hype around Mercury Retrograde, how we could view Mercury Retrograde as a time of growth.  Also, Stacie discusses KARMA!!  Many people view Karma in a very low vibration manner.  Time to dig in and clarify how both Mercury Retrograde and Karma and positive aspects in our lives! 00:56:00Spirit Withinyesmercury retrograde,psychic,Healer,Yoga,KARMAMercury Retrograde - What's the Big Deal? Also, is karma really a b*tch??Ep 1 - New Energy and Why It Matters!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritwithin/2015/09/28/ep-1--new-energy-and-why-it-mattersSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritwithin/2015/09/28/ep-1--new-energy-and-why-it-matters/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritwithin/2015/09/28/ep-1--new-energy-and-why-it-mattersMon, 28 Sep 2015 00:30:00 GMTEp 1 - New Energy and Why It Matters!Join Psychic Medium Mindie Adamos, Intuitive Energy Healer Stacie DeMoss Schloemer & Intuitive Yoga Instructor Lana Simmons as we discuss what it means to be an old soul, new energy, and the supermoon lunar eclipse.  What is new energy?  What's the difference between new and old energy?  When did this shift happen?  What does it mean to be an old soul??   http://www.divinelightholistichealing.com  http://www.themoderndaymedium.com  http://www.sizehuman.com   01:00:00Spirit Withinyespsychic,Psychic Medium,Healer,intuitive,IntuitionJoin Psychic Medium Mindie Adamos, Intuitive Energy Healer Stacie DeMoss Schloemer & Intuitive Yoga Instructor Lana Simmons as we discuss what it means to be an