Black Buffalo Radio best of the black community. From the politics to the music From the arts to the artist. Black Buffalo Radio is the source of it all in Buffalo NYenCopyright Kevin Womble Sr. (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 05:30:00 GMTMon, 04 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMTEntertainmentBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Buffalo Radio best of the black community. From the politics to the music From the arts to the artist. Black Buffalo Radio is the source of it all in Buffalo NYfeeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comBlack BuffaloBlack Buffalo RadionoThe voice of the black communityepisodicThe Ex-Offender Files - Our role inThe Depopulation Factor and Agenda 21, 04 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMTThe Ex-Offender Files - Our role inThe Depopulation Factor and Agenda 21 The United States is a signatory country to Agenda 21, but because Agenda 21 is a legally non-binding statement of intent and not a treaty, the United States Senate did not hold a formal debate or vote on it. It is therefore not considered to be law under Article Six of the United States Constitution.  But it is a part of th e strategic plan by the Government to help in the Depopulation Factor that is being praticised here in this country. In order to make America great again there has to be a Depopulation Masterplan devised by the U.S. Government and  her leftwing like-minded allies. The Ex-Offender Files is back to enlighten the public on the consequences of being misimformed with what is going on around us   Tune in or call in, just be there and you will never be able to say that you did not know.............. 00:33:00Black Buffalo Radionodepopulation agenda,Agenda 21,The United States of America,Donald Trump,the Republican PartyThe United States is a signatory country to Agenda 21, but because Agenda 21 is a legally non-binding statement of intent and not a treaty, the United States Sd0c65de4-73c2-4281-a322-e217c51b79d2111fullThe Ex-Offender Files - America has locked up so many black people . Events, 23 Nov 2017 23:30:00 GMTThe Ex-Offender Files - America has locked up so many black people .For as long as the government has kept track, the economic statistics have shown a troubling racial gap. Black people are twice as likely as white people to be out of work and looking for a job. This fact was as true in 1954 as it is today. The most recent report puts the white unemployment rate at around 4.5 percent. The black unemployment rate? About 8.8 percent. But the economic picture for black Americans is far worse than those statistics indicate. The unemployment rate only measures people who are both living at home and actively looking for a job.     The hitch: A lot of black men aren't living at home and can’t look for jobs — because they’re behind bars.Though there are nearly 1.6 million Americans in state or federal prison, their absence is not accounted for in the figures that politicians and policymakers use to make decisions. As a result, we operate under a distorted picture of the nation's economic health.There's no simple way to estimate the impact of mass incarceration on the jobs market. But here's a simple thought experiment. Imagine how the white and black unemployment rates would change if all the people in prison were added to the unemployment rolls. “Imprisonment makes the disadvantaged literally invisible,”  01:31:00Black Buffalo Radionoprison,prisoners,School to Prison Pipeline,gerrymandering,Black Buffalo RadioAmerica has locked up so many black people it has warped our sense of realityc3371d80-8835-4b2a-9da3-df0da317e47f110fullBlack Buffalo Radio- Urban Ethnic Cleansing Events, 16 Nov 2017 23:30:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio- Urban Ethnic CleansingRising Rents, Property Reassessments, & Developers are displacing residents of the city of Buffalo to even more underdeveloped, unfamiliar, and socially decrepit areas.  This urban ethnic cleansing is affecting primarily black, hispanic, and nonwhite individuals who have been deemed as unworthy of the protections ascribed to them by federal and state laws.  Who is responsible? How can we stop them? The key players in the displacement of the cities residents are politicians, who have risen to power with the help of these same residents, as well as foreign slumlords, local housing initiatives, and an ineffectient housing court system.  A vast majority of our city dwellers are from economically disadvantaged and impoverished backgrounds.  We are seeing their effective illegal removal from their residences in the interest of corporate profits and political capital.  Our cities politicians, including the Common Council, have approved and green-lit the seige of impoverished areas via multi-phase projects wherein they are aware of and have commissioned the clearing out of unfavorable populations of their voting constituents.  Who is speaking for and protecting our interests when we have community groups and outreach initiatives that are funded and conceived by these same corporate entitites?   The question of displacement is no longer if, but when it will happen. Join us for another episode of Black Buffalo Radio to discuss this pressing issue and resolve to stop allowing the human rights of the ethnic majorities in our city to be illegally violated!   02:04:00Black Buffalo Radionogentrification,displacement,homelessness,Buffalo,NYRising Rents, Property Reassessments, & Developers are displacing residents of the city of Buffalo to even more underdeveloped, unfamiliar, and socially decrepifdae10ca-5600-4de3-a313-e8a6622a7f6619fullBlack Buffalo Radio - Political Racism & The Trump Administration Events, 09 Nov 2017 23:30:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio - Political Racism & The Trump Administration .Racism, Misogyny, Islamophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia, Anti-Semitism, and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Since the election of President Donald Trump, news outlets and social media accounts have swelled with reports of swastikas at schools, racist taunts, and other hate-fueled attacks and acts of intimidation.  After the 2012 election, the leadership of the Republican Party (including one Reince Priebus) became convinced that in a country that is becoming steadily more diverse, if it didn’t find a way to reach out to minority voters and win at least some of them over, it would be nearly impossible for the party to win the White House again. But then Donald Trump came along, animated by a theory that was just the opposite. Rather than reach out to minorities, the way to win was to run an explicitly white nationalist campaign that used racial resentment as its engine. To the surprise of most people, it worked. And now the Trump administration is looking for ways to show its voters that it’s delivering for them. I can assure you that the president’s defenders are wrong. Trump is a racist. What he says and does meets the scholarly definition of the term. Racism is predicated on belief in the scientifically discredited concept of biological race. Skin color simply has no correlation with significant inherent distinctions among human beings. However, “race” in the past and now has led to notions of a natural hierarchy among various populations. In the United States, it was used to justify stealing labor from black Africans through slavery and stealing land from red Native Americans through forced relocation and genocide. Trump’s overt racism isn’t aimed at liberals — it’s about distracting his base away from the Russia scandal   02:09:00Black Buffalo Radionopolitical racism,Trump,politics in america.Racism, Misogyny, Islamophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia, Anti-Semitism, and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Since the election of President Donald Trump, news out3258f58d-b98d-4667-8892-ca93d261737018fullBlack Buffalo Radio - Who will be the next Mayor of Buffalo, 02 Nov 2017 22:30:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio - Who will be the next Mayor of Buffalo "This has been an incredible decade of growth, development and progress in the City of Buffalo.  It is a special time in our City's history - we are in the midst of a transformation that will be felt for generations to come." – Mayor Byron W. Brown  We have not seen the growth that he is talking about and if you ask the residents they will tell you the same thing... I have a New Vision for Buffalo. Where everyone has a seat at the table and no neighborhood gets left behind. I need your help to make this vision into reality For too long the city has ignored our struggling business districts. It’s time that we focus on our neighborhoods by helping small businesses and residents, not just big developers.- Mark Schroder Comptroller  Is this real talk or is this political double talk?  "I'm the only candidate who has not accepted money from Carl Paladino nor LPCiminelli; two of the biggest developers in the city of Buffalo."Claimed by: Betty Jean Grant.    02:06:00Black Buffalo RadionoBuffalo talk,black community,byron brown"This has been an incredible decade of growth, development and progress in the City of Buffalo.  It is a special time in our City's history - we are in the midd0809993-fe1e-4684-8799-4e451444761017fullBlack Buffalo Radio - Buffalo Police and the Checkpoints... Events, 26 Oct 2017 22:30:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio - Buffalo Police and the Checkpoints... Last week we had an amazing conversation about the legality of the checkpoints and who they effect, this week we will pick up where we left off with more..... Join I.B. Wise, Dorethea Franklin and Teonna  as we dig deeper into the checkpoints and what the police in Buffalo are really doing to the constituents in the community. If you had any kind of run in with the police or were accosted at a checkpoint then we want to here from you. These checkpoints are labeled as DUI/Saftey checks yet they are plain harassments tactics used by the police to ramrod mainly the black community. We are calling out the Mayor and members of the Common Council to come onto the show and do what they were elected to do. Protect and Serve not Harass and Intimidate. This comment is from a community member who was wrongly ticketed by the police..  Friday it was state troopers and cop trucks and cars on my street. Were forced to stay in the house like freaking hostages until these unlawful checkpoints are over with!! We cannot drive and roam freely in this city!! I am sick of this bullshit!! In my opinion Byron Brown has totally abused the office of mayor, and Pridgen has used his Common council office to build a Real Estate company in which many transactions need to be questioned. When did state troopers get jurisdiction to arrest and pull over people without probable cause in the city of buffalo I barely drive my car anymore because buffalo police and the state troopers are pulling you for nothn now and is finding a way to give you a ticket.CITY IS BROKE AND NEED A NEW MAYOR. We shouldn't be harassed for driving our cars. Am I wrong to use checkpoints and racism in the same sentence?  02:05:00Black Buffalo Radionobuffalo,Checkpoints,Black Buffalo RadioLast week we had an amazing conversation about the legality of the checkpoints and who they effect, this week we will pick up where we left off with more.....c62694cc-dde0-48af-910e-aa745dac538216fullBlack Buffalo Radio - The up and down side of the police checkpoints., 19 Oct 2017 22:30:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio - The up and down side of the police checkpoints.Are check points illegal? Are they effective? Are they allowing the Buffalo police department free reign to profile the black community.?02:04:00Black Buffalo Radionobuffalo ny,Black Buffalo Radio,common council,checkpoints,profilingThe real purpose of the checkpointsc4edd50f-f1a8-48fa-8ffe-0f76e612c5dc15fullBlack Buffalo Radio - Systematic Racism and Gentrification in our community, 12 Oct 2017 22:30:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio - Systematic Racism and Gentrification in our communitySystematic racism doesn't exist in America any longer, . . . legally. or so I am told..... Cases where a person or a party have been discriminated against based upon their race/ethnicities can be challenged by the courts. This is something that you couldn't do ~60 years ago.What some think is systemic racism is actually individual-based racism. For example, if I (a black man) go to a car dealership and I am refused a loan on the basis of my skin color and not credit history or income, and then go down the street and to another dealership and I'm approved. Is that systemic racism or is it individual(s) such as the employee and manager who refused to give me a loan based upon their own prejudices? If I apply to a college and am denied admission, is that due to a policy that could easily be challenged and won in the courts, or due to a Dean and their secretaries/faculty prejudices? Systemic Racism is when the Government bases it's policies and legal sanctions on the premises of racial stereotypes or when the Government discriminates public privileges and opportunities by race or color. Some examples of systemic racism in the US today would be Affirmative Action policies, racial job quotas, racial test standards, or Minority/Women Owned Business Contract privileges 02:10:00Black Buffalo RadionoGentrification,racism,Black Lives MatterRacism today -vs- Racism yesterday3a7a6f63-5f80-4ca0-adb7-8ca0fd79d91814fullBlack Buffalo Radio - New York State Conceal and Carry Permit Training Events, 05 Oct 2017 22:30:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio - New York State Conceal and Carry Permit TrainingI.B. Wise and Sister Dorethea Franklin sit down with Lion Blyden to discuss the weapons, rights and the laws.  The second amendment allows the public to bare arms as long as the proper process is followed. Every state is different and laws vary in regards to weapons posession and obtaining.    The New York State Pistol Permit Class – also known as the “Concealed Carry Permit Class” or the “Firearms Safety Course“, is required to be completed before applying for the Erie, Niagara, Orleans & Genesee County NYS Pistol Permit process. Come see why we are the best around! This class contains much more than the NRA class and is designed to give the student more than the minimum required. All classes are taught by a Certified NRA and Certified USCCA Instructor.  Men Accepting Responsibility to make their Communities Safe and Peaceful. Because of serious economical times, there has been an increase of gun violence and crime. Most of its victims have been women and children. The safety of the women, children and elderly in the community must be paramount. Peace is the common denominator that allows us to transcend above our religious, political and racial differences.We all want Peace in our homes, community and in the world. But there is no Peace when there is no Justices. We must work hard to establish Justices for all regardless of class, greed, or color. Where there is Love and harmony there is Peace of mind. We believe when peace is present, violence is absent. Peace is not just the absence of war or violence, but peace is the absence of conflicts, and all conflicts are not violent. We all must as Peacekeepers eliminate these conflicts so that we can together create an environment of peace .The Peace Keepers initiative is a Community Action Plan designed to help promote Peace, Love & Unity in a community plagued by crime and gun violence. 01:31:00Black Buffalo RadionoNYSCCA,PeacekeepersConceal and Carry Permits and Peacekeepers224dd92a-31ad-4512-9fde-38e4ee168e2413fullRaising The Roof Radio - Questions Accusations and Speculations, 01 Oct 2017 23:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio - Questions Accusations and SpeculationsPaterson N.J. is a political hotbed for controversy and confusion with a whole lot of questions and very little answers.  We know that the City Council is a mess or so it would seem! We know that there are backroom deals and manipulation under foot! We know that there are self-serving motives on the council or so it would seem! We also know that there are reasons for the things that are and have been done to and in the city! BUT!!!!!!!!!! We know that we are not happy with what we see. We are tired of being pawns in the game. We want answers.  I know that everybody has something to say about what has transpired over the last few weeks from Joey going to jail to the manipulation that we see and the BS we are feed everytime the doors to cityhall are open.   02:13:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising The Roof,Paterson,Games people play,Politics,PolitriksThe reason and the result.49d5cfce-442d-42f1-acbe-f2c9320a82fd12fullBlack Buffalo Radio - The Talk of the Town, 28 Sep 2017 22:30:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio - The Talk of the TownBlack Buffalo Radio is embarking on a new path, we are and we will be bringing you everything in and around Buffalo.  We will feature special guest, from  the smallest issue to the most productive or the most corrupt poliitician. If it effects the community we will see to it that you the resident, voting public, the community leader and the community as a whole is aware of what is going down. Join Kevin W. Womble (aka) I.B. the Wise 1 and Sister Dorethea Franklin as we set it off as it should be. If we see something, we say something. 02:40:00Black Buffalo RadionoBlack Buffalo Radio,Raising the Roof Radio,Community Events,Talk off the TownMaking the community aware of everything.....9907fc4b-ffd4-432a-b1b9-1d9e7f2f6ffe11fullBlack Buffalo Radio - The unheard voice, 31 Aug 2017 00:00:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio - The unheard voiceBuffalo is bursting at the seams with talent from the east to the west, from the north to the south and of course in the middle. Black Buffalo Radio is working it's way throught the Sister City to find the next big thing and we invite you to come along for the ride. Talent such as: The smooth sounds of Dave Stewy. The hardcore wordology of Cashis Green. Chellz Mitchell Chellz - Jillian Haynesworth - Ben Brindise - SpokenWord Jessica Sum'er Miller - Kobra - Prxfit - Young Monte - Kenny Mcadellic - 4-B-LO  Rap - R&B - Instruments Kenyada Davis - A.I. - Zahir Kijani - Columbus Isiah Green - Kase Klosed - BrendaRRed - Shayla B  The list goes on and on and on.. Featuring Shantelle Massey with The Dopeness Project And Tiffany Luke with Raising The Roof Radio.. Sponsored By: The Word of Life Community Church 760 Fulmore Buffalo NY Trend Up Clothing - Phenominal Expressions Botique - Spot Coffee - Hennipin Park Community Center 01:34:00Black Buffalo Radionoentertainment,buffalo,Black Buffalo Radio,The Dopeness ProjectMeet the unheard talent of Buffalo NYBlack Buffalo Radio is back.. "LIVE" from the Foundry w/ The Dopeness Project, 02 Aug 2017 00:00:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio is back.. "LIVE" from the Foundry w/ The Dopeness ProjectBlack Buffalo Radio is back and we will be broadcasting "LIVE" from The Foundry with a cast of Buffalo  stars that you have to check out..  Shantelle Massey and The Dopeness Project are in the house for an amazing night of music and magic from the Buff. Check out the talent that will bless the stage and the air waves of Black Buffalo. Featuring local artistic masters such as: The Voices -----Dave Stewy & Shala B The Poets ----- Jillian Hanesworth & Ben Brindise The Music ----- Kobra & Sum'er - The Emcees ----- Cashis Green & Prxfit Get an advanced glance and earful of what is about to go down on August 4th 2017 at The New Ashkers 1526 MAIN sT. Buffalo NY  Admission $10 Get your exclusive tickets on eventbrite Follow The Dopeness Project & Black Buffalo Radio on Facebook   Join Shantelle Massey of The Dopeness Project I.B. Wise of Black Buffalo Radio Tiffany Luke of Raising The Roof Radio as we set it up and set it off....  01:48:00Black Buffalo Radiono222's,BBR,The Dopeness Project,Raising The Roof Radio,Dave StewyTwenty Two Twos "LIVE" Rehearsal for Twenty Two Twos on 8/4/17Raising The Roof Radio - Setting the record straight with Maritza Davila, 21 Jul 2017 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio - Setting the record straight with Maritza DavilaEveryone deserves an opportunity to explain their actions, especially when it comes to the welfare of the voting public that as a Councilwoman you are elected to serve. Elected in 2014 to the City Council At Large seat Davila has been involved in some positive and some negative issues that have caused the good birds and the bad birds to fly.. Her educational background..  AA, Political Science, Long Island University, 2013Masters, Administrative Science, Farleigh Dickinson University, 2005BA, Communication, Monmouth University, 1993 Her Professional background..Designated School Official, International Students/Immigration, Passaic County Community College, present Former Assistant, Educational Opportunity Fund Office Former Assistant Director of Admissions, Farleigh Dickinson University Former Bilingual Admissions Counselor, Passaic County Community College Her political experience:  Assembly Member, New York State Assembly, District 53, 2013-presentFormer President, Community School Board of Education, District 32Won Special Election, Assembly Member, New York State Assembly, District 53, November 5, 2013 Councilwoman Maritza Davila lashed out at a man who was protesting fees the city imposed on parade organizers at the city council meeting on Tuesday evening. “I’m tired of you coming here disrespecting me!” shouted an agitated and visibly upset Davila at Lorenzo Rueda, a member of the Peruvian parade group. She alleged the protester accused her of “things that are unjust.”  With so much in between RTR is giving the Councilwoman an opportunity to explain her actions and her motives. To be fair, anyone who decides to call in be warned: Disrespect will not be allowed by anyone, you will be muted and blocked. 347-855-8032 to call in.. 01:45:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising The Roof Radio,Maritza Davila,Paterson N.J. City Council,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Tiffany LukeThe Truth and nothing but!!!!!What the hell is going on in Paterson? Events, 14 Jul 2017 00:00:00 GMTWhat the hell is going on in Paterson?Momentum seems to have picked up among political leaders, activists and other members of the community the past few weeks.  I have seen Patersonians of all ages come together in support of various events, such as: the appreciation party for Glenn Brown, Mrs. Mimms organized family and friends day at the falls, the jamaican day at Eastside park and as of recent, the cityhall meeting to have a new ordinance in place for our liquor stores. Never have I seen so many programs or tenacity to regain control of the city. Its been grrrrreat !!!! There has been infighting and shots fired by people friend and foe. Councilwoman Maritza Davila lashed out at a man who was protesting fees the city imposed on parade organizers at the city council meeting on Tuesday evening.“I’m tired of you coming here disrespecting me!” shouted an agitated and visibly upset Davila at Lorenzo Rueda, a member of the Peruvian parade group. She alleged the protester accused her of “things that are unjust.” She accused Rueda of being a liar and putting her in a disadvantageous position.Davila played a key role when mayor Jose “Joey” Torres administration, at the behest of the state government, moved to impose fees on parade organizers. She has been the target of protest since the fees were imposed in May 2015.Davila is up for re-election in May 2018 and faces the real possibility of losing her seat. Her support has evaporated in the ethnic communities that voted to put her in office three years ago. The parade fees alienated her from the Peruvian community. She is half Peruvian, she said. She has tied herself to the mayor whose political fortune has been on decline since he returned for a third term. Torres, who was indicted on theft and other corruption charges, backed her for the city council presidency. She has said she intends to run on the achievements of the Torres administration. And there is a lot more so stay tuned.. 02:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising The Roof Radio,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Tiffany Luke,Paterson N.J.,PoliticsPaterson N.J. a town in turmoil.....Black Buffalo Radio "PRESENTS" Brenda R Red & she is "FLEXIN", 07 Jun 2017 00:00:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio "PRESENTS" Brenda R Red & she is "FLEXIN"BBR & The Dopeness Project proudly presents Brenda R Red. with her monster single (Flexin) on deck.. Red is about to drop a mix tape on us that is fire from the first to the last trac.. Find out who she is and what she is doing from her herself. Join I.B. Wise, Shantelle Massey, Tiffany Luke of Raising The Roof Radio, Jessica "Sum'er" Miller for the show.. Special guest Roxanne Danille aka Dr. Rox will be in the house to tell us more about the show at Shea's... Tonight is your chance to win two (2) tickets to see LIVE on stage at Shea's Smith Theatre "It's Complicated" a Dr. Rox production with her amazing cast... There will be two (2) shows performed on June 10th 2017 2pm and 6pm.. Be the 6th caller to win, winner will be anounced at the end of the show...   01:31:00Black Buffalo RadionoBlack Buffalo Radio,The Dopeness Project,Raising The Roof Radio,Brenda R Red,Shantelle MasseyWith a mixtape about to drop Brenda R Red is flexin..Black Buffalo Radio "Presents" Roxanne Danielle aka Dr. Rox "LIVE", 31 May 2017 00:00:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio "Presents" Roxanne Danielle aka Dr. Rox "LIVE"Join I.B. Wise, Shantelle Massey, Tiffany Luke from Raising The Roof Radio in Paterson N.J. and Jessica ( Sum'er ) Miller for a night of relationship chatter from the relationship guru herself. The one and only Dr. Rox... Roxanne Danielle understands. Growing up was a struggle for this young woman. At age four she was separated from her parents due to their inability to provide for her. She lived through her mother’s passing away due to a drug overdose. She was a runaway teen, and a victim of Domestic Violence. Roxanne Danielle got pregnant at age 19, married at age 21 and divorced by age 22.  Between Breastfeeding, stinky diapers and trying to sort out custody and visitation rights, Roxanne received her Associates, Bachelor’s and Masters each completion date within one year of the last. She accomplished this all by age 23. Roxanne’s mission is to educate and entertain her audience. She believes that not everyone has the power or resources to overcome a bad situation, nor do they have an understanding of how past relationships or lack thereof, can affect their future and be a deciding factor on which roads are available to them in the long run. We are honored and excited to have Dr. Rox bless BBR with her presence. 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoBBR,RTR,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Shantelle Massey,Tiffany LukeFrom her stage to our studio Dr. RoxBlack Buffalo Radio "PRESENTS" Genecist, 17 May 2017 00:00:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio "PRESENTS" GenecistHere we come again and this time we are bringing the fire from Buffalo'S talented underground..  The Dopeness Project has offered up another sacrifical lamb, tonight we bring you Genecist and don't be surprised if you happento hear some 4-B-LO and even Jaylin gitten it in. With all the talent here we can do this all summer, and we will so stay tuned. Tiffany Luke of Raising The Roof Radio along with Shantelle Massey and Jessica Miller will join I.B. Wise for a magical night.. Call in at 347-855-8032 if you would like to speak with the guest or one of the hosts. 02:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoBBR,RTR,Buffalo NY,The Dopeness Project,I.B. WiseBBR and The Dopeness Project "Presents" GenecistBlack Buffalo Radio - PRESENTS Young Monte, 10 May 2017 00:00:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio - PRESENTS Young Monte After the We are Buffalo - Rose from Concrete event with Grace Modi I had no other choice but to bring Young Monte on the show. The level of talent coming out of Buffalo is off the charts and between Black Buffalo Radio and The Dopeness Project we will bring it all to the stage... Shantelle Massey, Jessica Miller, Tiffany Luke of Raising The Roof Radio and me ( I.B. Wise) are pleased to announce that We R Buffalo and We R Here to Stay.. Join us and you will not be disappointed. If you have never heard of Demonte Heard before, prepare yourself for this show because it will be off the hook!!!!!! The Dopeness Project Be the Change. Be the Light. Be Dope 02:06:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,Black Buffalo Radio,The Dopeness Project,Grace Modi,Kevin W. Womble Sr.After the We are Buffalo - Rose from Concrete event with Grace Modi I had no other choice but to bring Young Monte on the show. The level of talent coming outRunning Candidates for Paterson's 2018 Mayorial Election, 05 May 2017 18:00:00 GMTRunning Candidates for Paterson's 2018 Mayorial ElectionNew names have come to surface of Paterson's 2018 Mayorial candidates. There are approximately 20 people running for Mayor and the campaign race has indeed begun. Are these candidates running for fame and notoriety? Is it possible each of these candidates have a benevolence for the city of Paterson and can assure change? Tune in this afternoon to listen to the show through the internet or call 347-855-8032 and press 1 on your keypad to participate in the conversation.01:27:00Black Buffalo RadionoFacebook,Instagram,KevinWomble,TwitterRunning CandidatesBlack Buffalo Radio - "Presents" The Amazing Grace Modi, 03 May 2017 00:00:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio - "Presents" The Amazing Grace ModiBlack Buffalo Radio is crossing over to become the universally eclectic show that showcases every form of entertainment that Buffalo has to offer. I.B.Wise once again teams up with Tiffany Luke of Raising The Roof Radio and Shantelle Massey to bring you something special.. Tonight Grace Modi will share the spotlight with the BBR crew to enlighten us.  International model and founder of Buffalo New Generations, a local organization in Buffalo dedicated to the promotion of local talent, starting with the youth. Grace has organized many successful fashion shows and contributed to multiple charities as a result. She is now gearing up for the release of "We Are Buffalo: A Rose From Concrete",a compilation project/ album with contributions from some of buffalos hottest talent    02:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,Black Buffalo Radio,Black Buffalo Entertainment,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Tiffany LukeThe Extraordinary Grace ModiTalk Of The Town Hosted by Nino B & Amy Jacobs interview with Lezhae, 01 May 2017 23:00:00 GMTTalk Of The Town Hosted by Nino B & Amy Jacobs interview with LezhaeTalk Of The Town Hosted by Nino Brown & Amy Jacobs @InNinoWeTrust @UPTEnt @AmyWorldEnt Music by DJ Santana@DJSantana973 Special guest Lezhae @Lezhaezeona 01:08:00Black Buffalo RadionoTalkOfTheTown,Tot,InNinoWeTrust,AmyJacobs,UPTownENtListen to my new episode Talk Of The Town Hosted by Nino B & Amy Jacobs Live in studio interview Lezhae at #BlogTalkRadioThe issues of systemic racism within corporate America, 28 Apr 2017 00:30:00 GMTThe issues of systemic racism within corporate America Tonight's discussion will be like no other! We will break down institutionalized racism within the workplace.... I'm sure we all have experienced a Caucasian, Hispanic or Asian co-worker that may feel entitled to your position, your duties and compensation. Can a position of quality be too good for an African American to hold? Lets speak of this entitlement other ethnicities expect. Join tonights conversation for in dept reflection .Ever hear someone say something like, “Hey, wow, great news everybody! Racism’s over! We fixed it!” They’re genuinely excited that we elected an African-American president. They’ll tell you how the first mainstream black superhero character, Black Panther, just appeared in a big new movie. And by the way, P.K. Subban is a hockey star! It’s hard to imagine what might be left on the end-racism to-do list, rig01:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaisingtheroofradio,Kevinwomble,Facebook,Twitter,InstagramTonight's discussion will be like no other! We will break down institutionalized racism within the workplace.... I'm sure we all have experienced a Caucasian,Black Buffalo Radio "Presents" Dopeness , The Buffalo Project, 26 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio "Presents" Dopeness , The Buffalo ProjectSince coming together with The Dopeness Project, Black Buffalo Radio ratings has grown by 20% and thanks to Queen Shantelle Massey those ratings will soar even higher. With Tiffany Luke from Raising The Roof Radio and Buffalo's own Jessica Miller we have been able to bring you some great shows and some great people and we continue tonight with two artist that are making a name for themselfs. Tonight I.B. Wise and the Black Buffalo Radio crew will set down with Brother Dave Stewy and the Brother Kenny Mackadellic who in their own right are two of Buffalo's finest.After listening to Chasin Green last week we can prepare ourselves for another great show with some great music and conversation.... We will also here from the crew at No Writer's Block Entertainment and Neal Mack Music featuring Neal Mack The Epeliptic MC So kick back and relax as we bring it to you Buffalo style... Don't for a minute think that Buffalo is about the music and only the music cause there is more than that coming your way in the future. Artist - Painters - Fashon - Models - Writers - Spoken Word - Poets and Poetry - Designers - Dancers and much much more... Don't miss a show and don't miss a beat. The Dopeness Project Be the change....Be the light....Be dope - A true Support Our Own movement dedicated to the cultivation, development, and showcasing of local talent and artistry 02:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising The Roof Radio,Black Buffalo Radio,The Dopeness Project,Buffalo NYBBR & The Dopeness Project "Presents" Dave Stewy and Kenny MacadellicDeal or No deal, 24 Apr 2017 00:30:00 GMTDeal or No dealIt feels as if its been months to a long awaited verdict; however the results have come in and Mayor JoeyTorres has been indicted. His options are slim in an offered plea deal which was not granted to his predecessor found in a similar situation. The offered plea along with the candidates in line to take his position will be discussed tonight. Do you think Torres will flee the country? Would he accept his punishment? Who do you think will resuscitate our ailing city? Tune in tonight and be a part of this discussion!!01:51:00Black Buffalo RadionoFacebook,Twitter,InstagramRunning Candidates for 2018 MayorDeal or No Deal, 24 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMTDeal or No DealIt feels as if its been months to a long awaited verdict; however the results have come in and Mayor JoeyTorres has been indicted. His options are slim in an offered plea deal which was not granted to his predecessor found in a similar situation. The offered plea along with the candidates in line to take his position will be discussed tonight. Do you think Torres will flee the country? Would he accept his punishment? Who do you think will resuscitate our ailing city? Tune in tonight and be a part of this discussion!!!00:15:00Black Buffalo RadionoFacebook,Twitter,InstagramWho's running next for Paterson Mayor in 2018Black Buffalo Radio "Proudly Presents" Buffalo from the underground.., 19 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Radio "Proudly Presents" Buffalo from the underground.. Black Buffalo Radio and The Dopeness Project come together to bring Buffalo the happenings in our great city.. With I.B.Wise , Shantelle Massey and Tiffany Luke with a special appearance by Jessica Miller we will set the Black Buffalo Entertainment community a blaze each and every week. 716 LIVE is where you can find out what is going on in the Buff... Buffalo’s Hip Hop scene is coming into its own these days. There appears to be good news around every corner, as artist after artist is being recognized on much larger levels. A number of these artists have even managed to attract the attention of some out of town bigwigs, Thanks to the ongoing successes of major local Hip Hop events such as Battle@Buffalo (Verve/New Era), Hip Hop brunches, and plenty of open mic nights, Hip Hop artists have been able to get the exposure that they have been looking for, for the first time ever..  Tonight we will sit down with Cashis Green HipHop extrodinare and also Dave Stewy the smooth yet versatile R&B artist of Buffalo's future... The Dopeness Project – Be the Change. Be the Light. Be Dope 02:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoBBR,BBE,The Dopeness Project,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Shantelle MasseyBlack Buffalo Radio and The Dopeness Project come together to bring Buffalo the happenings in our great city.. With I.B.Wise , Shantelle Massey and Tiffany LukConscious Vibes Radio Show, 15 Apr 2017 23:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in this Saturday April 15,2017 for another episode of the "Set Apart Sisters Edition" of the Set apart Music Interviews featuring sister Ahmawan Wa Chaakamah Yasharahla @7pm EST Topic of discussion: "Music It's Effect and Influence on Us Women, Our Children, Our Men and Our communities" dial in number 347-855-8032. For more information please go to: Buffalo RadionoSet Apart Sisters Music InterviewRaising The Roof Radio - And so it begins - The names keep on coming, 14 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio - And so it begins - The names keep on comingThis is a mess in the making, with the currant Mayor under indictment for corruption and a federal investigation still looming over his head, Joey Torres is still banking on his followers to get him re-elected in 2018. The list of potential candidates is quite extensive now and will grow in the coming weeks/months. The Mayors competition comes from people such as Council President William Bill McKoy, 6th Ward Councilman Andre Sayegh, Council at Large Alex Mendez, former Deputy Mayor Pedro Rodriguez, Ilsa Rodriguez, 1st Ward Councilman Mike Jackson, Chauncey I. Brown, former Director of Public Saftey Glen Brown. I don't think it will stop there either, the $119.000 a year salary as well as the incentives and perks that come with that office will entice a lot of people. At this early stage in the game there will be a lot of back stabbing, and finger pointing trying to shuffle to the top/front runner spot and as always things will get down right dirty but that is Paterson politics.. There has already been some shots fired and there will be many many more but for now it is just conversation... 02:02:00Black Buffalo Radionortr,Kevin W Womble Sr,black buffalo radio,Tiffany Luke,paterson njThe race for Mayor in Paterson is going to be a marathon...Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 08 Apr 2017 23:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune In for another episode of the Conscious Vibes "Set Apart Sisters Music Interviews" Featuring Ariel Amunah April 8,2017 at 7 Pm EST topic of discussion:"Music It's Effect and Influence on us Women, Our Men Our Children and Our Communities dial in number 347-855-8032. For More information go to Buffalo RadionoSpiritual Sisters Addtion,Unity,Set Apart Music,Women Wake Up To Your Calling,CompletetionSet Apart Sisters Music InterviewThe Potential Works for today's World War, 08 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMTThe Potential Works for today's World WarWith Syria being allies with Russia who is one of the big three super powers and Russia being untrustworthy are we poking the bear?The use of chemical weapons is a violation of the world peace act but the World Peace Organization is a collective body of World powers that are supposed to work as a unit and Trump did not consult with anyone.. So now the question remains, what now?01:21:00Black Buffalo RadionoFacebook,Twitter,Raisingtheroofradio,KevinWomble,TiffanyAre we at war now? Was Trump justified in attacking Syria?Black Buffalo Entertainment "Presents" The Sounds of Jessica Miller, 05 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMTBlack Buffalo Entertainment "Presents" The Sounds of Jessica MillerMeet Jessica Miller who is an exceptional artist. As an artist I write songs, I sing, I am a musician, a visual artist and more because I love to create new things all the time. I get a lot of inspiration from the things around me and the way it all makes me feel. I have been a visual artist but I was always shy about singing in front of people. It wasn’t until recently that I started playing the guitar again and I felt so inspired by life that I had to write I felt like what I wanted to sing about needed to be heard. I felt that even if nobody likes my sound at least I tried and it was one of the best decision of my life because not only did people like my sound but they wanted more and I was given different opportunities, meeting and networking with people that I never knew would give me the time at all. Last summer the music scene no one knew me, now it seems like where ever I go people are excited to see me and it feels so heart warming and inviting especially when someone tells that I have great things coming. I feel like I have a lot more to say, so much more to sing and express and this is only the beginning. This year I plan to have music recorded, maybe travel a little, work with more people, and really push myself as an artist from an interesting town full of talent.  02:12:00Black Buffalo RadionoBBR,BBE,Kim Wilkins,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Neal MackJessica Miller Music for the eclectic soulSpecial Episode - BackStabbers show themselves on the Paterson City Council.. Events, 30 Mar 2017 00:00:00 GMTSpecial Episode - BackStabbers show themselves on the Paterson City Council..After a big show of force by several dozen of his supporters at the city council chambers, mayor Jose “Joey” Torres survived a no confidence vote on Tuesday night and not just from the gallery, Council members who came out of the closet showed their support for the Mayor and at the sametime stuck the middle finger up at the people who put them in office.   Council members appeared sharply divided on taking a vote of no confidence on their indicted mayor and seek his resignation last week, but on Tuesday night there was an obvious shift.The council voted 6-2-1 to reject a vote of no confidence against Torres. Today is going to be a historic day for you council members to prove you are with the taxpayers or against the taxpayers. To prove your honesty. You are either with the people of Paterson or with the crook of Paterson,” said Haytham Younes, a former city council candidate. Well, we see where that went!!!!!!!! Some council members had reservations about the measure for fear of judging the mayor guilty before he goes before a judge.“It doesn’t speak to the mayor’s guilt or innocence. It speaks to your concerns about leadership under these conditions,” city activist Ernest Rucker told council members. “Right now, our city is hurting. Our city is under a very dark cloud. This is shaking the fiber of our city.” Davila, Jackson, Khalique, Mendez, Velez, and Morris voted against the measure while Sayegh and McKoy voted in favor. Cotton abstained. “I think part of friendship requires accountability and responsibility,” said McKoy subtly jabbing at council members who voted against the measure out of friendship with Torres The whole damned thing was rigged from the start, it was not about the indictment, it was about Joey's performance in office, the doule talk win's again... 02:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,Kevin W Womble Sr,Tiffany Luke,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Paterson N.J.The real turncoats on the council show up.Conscious Vibes Radio Show Hop Music, 26 Mar 2017 01:30:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in March 25,2017 at 9:30pm EST for part 2 of the Set Apart Sisters Edition of Music Interviews featuring sister Keshayahu topic of discussion:"Music It's Effect and Influence on us Women, our Men, our children, and Our Communities". Dial in number 347-855-8032. For more Information go to 01:10:00Black Buffalo RadionoSet Apart Music Artist,Spiritual SistersSet Apart Sisters Music InterviewRaising The Roof Radio - And the band played on!!!!! #IJS Events, 24 Mar 2017 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio - And the band played on!!!!! #IJS The Mayor is still in hot water and it is getting hotter as we speak, more names will be mentioned with possible implications, the members of the city council are doing what they have been doing for years, NOTHING GOOD. After all that has occured and after it has been requested for two years the city council is trying to discuss a vote of no confidence against the Mayor, to little too late and they can't even agree on that. With all that has been made public, with indictments being handed down there are still people on the council trying to turn a blind eye to all that Joey has done. Why? Communities are still suffering, money is still tight yet the push to beautify the Great Falls project seems to be the focus. Maritza Davilla who was at most times out spoken against the negitavity that the Mayor projected now seems to be defending him strongly and that begs the question, WHY??? Is it because Joey made promises to her? Is it because she is trying to take the focus off the fact that she supported Shahin Kahlique in his campagin for the second ward and now that he is still in court her name is mentioned in the voter fraud scandel? Or is she just plain crooked with selfserving asperations? Tune in tonight as we question the events that are unfolding... The call in number is 347-855-8032 if you would like to be apart of this conversation.. You can also go to the event page on Facebook and click on the link in order to listen in..  01:54:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Tiffany Luke,Victoria Hadasa Oquendo,Paterson N.J.The Mayor is still in hot water and it is getting hotter as we speak, more names will be mentioned with possible implications, the members of the city councilTEST show for the network, 20 Mar 2017 22:00:00 GMTTEST show for the networkThis is a test show for RTR Radio and Black Buffalo Radio show.. 00:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media GroupThis is a test show for RTR and BBRRaising the Roof Radio, after the aftermath the Jose "Joey" Torres indictment . Events, 17 Mar 2017 00:00:00 GMTRaising the Roof Radio, after the aftermath the Jose "Joey" Torres indictment . Join I.B. Wise Tiffany Luke and our special roundtable panel of Queen Victoria Oquendo, Bernard M. Jones, Candidate Chauncey I. Brown lll and Commissioner Corey L. Teague Public works director Manuel Ojeda, who signed off on at least two of the allegedly fraudulent overtime authorization forms, has remained silent on the indictment of three of his supervisors for corruption. The three supervisors — Joseph Mania, 51, of Randolph; Imad Mowaswes, 52, of Clifton; Timothy Hanlon, 30, of Woodland Park — are accused of submitting false overtime forms, timesheets, and tampering with public records. Ojeda’s approval signature is on two overtime authorization forms for Mania and Hanlon dated March 16th, 2015. Mania and Hanlon each put in six hours of overtime work that day from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., according to municipal records provided to the Paterson Times last year. The three indicted supervisors have garnered newspaper attention over the past years for earning large sums of money through overtime pay. Mania collected $116,543 in overtime pay in fiscal years 2015 and 2016. Mowaswes collected $76,437 in that same period. And Hanlon received $75,066 in those two years, according to municipal records. So now what? Whos next to be caught up in this situation.. 01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising The Roof Radio,Tiffany Luke,Kevin W Womble Sr,Paterson NJ,Jose Joey TorresJoin I.B. Wise Tiffany Luke and our special roundtable panel of Queen Victoria Oquendo, Bernard M. Jones, Candidate Chauncey I. Brown lll and Commissioner CoreJose Joey Torres, Paterson's biggest issue. Crime and Punishment Events, 10 Mar 2017 01:00:00 GMTJose Joey Torres, Paterson's biggest issue. Crime and PunishmentIt was coming and we knew it... Now what? Mayor Jose “Joey” Torres and three public works supervisors were indicted on Tuesday for conspiring to use on-duty city workers to renovate a warehouse leased by the mayor’s daughter and nephew in a case described as “old school public corruption.  The six-count indictment issued by a grand jury on Monday and unsealed today, charged Torres, 58; Joseph Mania, 51, of Randolph; Imad Mowaswes, 52, of Clifton; Timothy Hanlon, 30, of Woodland Park with second-degree official misconduct, pattern of official misconduct, third-degree theft by unlawful taking or disposition, tampering with public records or information, and fourth-degree falsifying or tampering with records. Mania, Mowaswes, and Hanlon are supervisors at the Department of Public Works. Mania is a supervisor for the facilities division; Mowaswes is supervisor of traffic division; and Hanlon is an assistant supervisor for facilities division. In the second hour we will have Mayoral Candidate Chauncey I.Brown III join us to not only give his insight to the Mayor's delema but his run for the city's top spot. Candidate Brown can be reached through the following links....     02:23:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,Tiffany Luke,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Black Buffalo Radio,Paterson N.J.Is he guilty or are we guilty of letting be guilty?Conscious Vibes, 05 Mar 2017 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes"Set Apart Sisters Music Interview" featuring Sister Ushriyah Yasharal . "Music It's Effect and Influence On Us Women, our Children Our Men and our Communities" 01:07:00Black Buffalo Radiono"Set Apart Sisters Music Interview" featuring Sister Ushriyah YasharalLover's Lane - Ebro and Nicki Minaj, 03 Mar 2017 01:30:00 GMTLover's Lane - Ebro and Nicki MinajLover's Lane will discuss the Nicki Minaj and Ebro alleged love scandal... Is it true? Well, there's a lot of speculation going around and I want to get to the bottom of it. All I know for certain is that Ebro said too much on his Monday morning Hot 97 Radio show. Its funny how we can say nothing, but seem to say too much. Anyway, Kudos to the brother for doing what guys do!!! Hell, if its true, Kudos to Nicki, for "doing" what she had to do to secure her spot in the music business. This type of stuff isn't uncommon, women everyday give a piece of themselves to a man in hopes of securing their future. Let's keep it hot and sexy!!! Tune in Thursday evening at 8:30 to listen in and join the conversation. Call in to L.L. by dialing 347-855-8032 and press (1) on your keypad to join the discussion....00:46:00Black Buffalo RadionoFacebook Marketing,TwitterOn the L.L. show we will discuss the Ebro and Nicki Minaj love affair. Did she have sex with NY's well known radio personality? Let's get the opinion of the peoThe launching of Black Buffalo Radio, 01 Mar 2017 01:00:00 GMTThe launching of Black Buffalo RadioBlack Buffalo Radio is the voice of the black community in Buffalo New York. We will be meeting and greeting with the faces of Black Buffalo, guest interviews and live conversations with the black community inside and out. Black Buffalo will jump right into the positive and the negative sides of the city and the city officals   00:46:00Black Buffalo RadionoKevin W. W. Womble Sr.,Kim Wilkins,Raising The Roof RadioWelcome to Black BuffaloThe Tiffany Luke Show, 24 Feb 2017 01:30:00 GMTThe Tiffany Luke ShowThe newest voice on the RTR Radio Network brings you her views and topics. From relationships to politics the heat is on.. 01:28:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,Tiffany Luke,Paterson N.J.Raising the roof on the spoils of today and tomorrow.Lovers lane part 2 w/ Tiffany Luke & Friends, 10 Feb 2017 01:00:00 GMTLovers lane part 2 w/ Tiffany Luke & FriendsLast weeks conversation started and ended with some deep responses regarding relationships, online dating and whats to be brought to the table (the male and female perspective).  The conversation was intriguing and stirred a few feathers so we've decided to bring the show back! Sit back, relax and engage in another  great conversation on Lovers Lane with your Host Tiffany Lu!!! 01:34:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,facebook,Twitter,InstagramLovers LaneLover's Lane on Raising the Roof Radio, 03 Feb 2017 01:30:00 GMTLover's Lane on Raising the Roof RadioTonight we will be discussing relationships, the trials of finding true companionship in today's society, the long suffering of love and when to call it quits!!!! Are you tired of your mate? Are you only with them for convenience? What's keeping you with your man/woman? Tonight will be a different from any other show. Tune in tonight for a fun filled discussion.  01:20:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,Tiffany Luke,Relationships,Facebook,TwitterRelationshipsThe Ex-Offender Files - The people -v- Donald Trump, 27 Jan 2017 01:00:00 GMTThe Ex-Offender Files - The people -v- Donald TrumpWhat follows is my 100-day action plan to Make America Great Again. It is a contract between myself and the American voter — and begins with restoring honesty, accountability and change to Washington. Therefore, on the first day of my term of office, my administration will immediately pursue the following six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC: FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress;  SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health); THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated; FOURTH, a 5 year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service; FIFTH, a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government; SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.  End Illegal Immigration Act Fully  Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act.  Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act.  End The Offshoring Act. American Energy & Infrastructure Act. 01:31:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,kevin w womble sr.,Tiffany Luke,Back into Society,Mark A. ClementsThe fall of the american dreamRaising The Roof Radio "Presents" Symbology with Prof Griff of Public Enemy, 20 Jan 2017 01:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio "Presents" Symbology with Prof Griff of Public Enemy Ms. Tiffany and I.B. The Wise 1 are taking it to another level with our special guest from the powerful, world renowned group Public Enemy, Professor Griff will join us to discuss his newest book SYMBOLOGY -The Psychological Covert war on hip- hop . Griff stands as a highly acclaimed, seasoned entertainment industry veteran and sought-after resource on all aspects of the music business. An activist within both the conscious and hip hop communities, Griff currently stands as a permanent fixture on the international lecture circuit with his riveting and powerful discourse/book, the Psychological Covert War on Hip Hop. An energetic and passionate educator, Griff skillfully customizes this extensively documented lecture to suit the needs of all audiences. He is an avid lecturer, known for his innate ability to impart life-changing ideas, concepts and techniques for the spiritual/personal growth and development of all who attend his lectures.  You dont want to miss this indept, informative, groundbreaking interview.. 01:41:00Black Buffalo RadioyesRaising The Roof Radio,I.B. Wise,Ms. Tiffany Luke,Prof. Griff,Public EnemyMs. Tiffany and I.B. The Wise 1 are taking it to another level with our special guest from the powerful, world renowned group Public Enemy, Professor Griff wilThe Ex-Offender Files ( A Raising The Roof Exclusive Episode), 13 Jan 2017 01:00:00 GMTThe Ex-Offender Files ( A Raising The Roof Exclusive Episode)When government agencies and social service organizations just see "offenders", they often serve up a one-size fits all approach that ends up fitting no one. However, in a comprehensive report released by the Council for State Governments Justice Center, Integrated Reentry and Employment Strategies, they make a strong case that employment programs need to move beyond traditional services. Instead, they recommend addressing individuals’ underlying attitudes about crime and work, making them more likely to succeed at getting and keeping jobs and less likely to reoffend. Not all offenders share the same risk levels or needs, and learning how to accurately assess these attributes and deliver customized help is an important element to truly helping people get out of the criminal justice system.   01:40:00Black Buffalo Radionortr radio,Back into Society,Kevin W. Womble,Mark A. Clements,Pam DeghandRe-Entry -vs Re-OffendingRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B. Tiff and special guest host Jean Silver, 30 Dec 2016 01:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B. Tiff and special guest host Jean Silver2016 is almost out the door and 2017 is knocking but Paterson is at a standstill as usual. The political system is a joke, the educational system is a joke, the administration is a joke and all we do is ohhhh and ahhhh at all the bullshit. The new year has to ring about some changes or we are doomed to repeat the failing ways of the last 20 - 30 years.... There are some people in the governing body that need to be replaced and I mean fast.. Find out who from our standpoint tonight... Join I.B. and Tiffany as we welcome our newest host  Jean Silver and our newest show to the Raising The Roof Radio Family.... 01:31:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,save the village,kww,tl,jsrtr radio, the voice of patersonRaising The Roof w/ I.B.Wise and Tiffany Luke Events, 16 Dec 2016 01:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof w/ I.B.Wise and Tiffany LukeWe have been quiet to damn long, things have gotten real crazy. You would think Donald Trump was in Paterson!!!!! Our newest member and co-host Ms. Tiffany Luke is with us in-studio and together we are going to let em have it..  Starting with that sad ass tree downtown in front of city hall..This is an open invitation to the Christmas Tree Committee that re decorated the tree last year. There will be other topics as well but THAT DAMN TREE !!!!!!!!!!! 01:29:00Black Buffalo Radionotr radio,a world entertainmentPaterson, how sad is that..Test Show for Raising The Roof Radio, 08 Dec 2016 22:00:00 GMTTest Show for Raising The Roof RadioThis is a test for Radio training 00:14:00Black Buffalo Radionortr radio,jamie,X-man,A World Ent.TEST SHOWtest this is a network test, 19 Nov 2016 17:00:00 GMTtest this is a network testtest show 00:16:00Black Buffalo RadionotestRaising The Roof Radio - Talk of the Town w/ Kevin W. Womble Sr., 18 Nov 2016 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio - Talk of the Town w/ Kevin W. Womble Sr.We are back and bringing the fire like we always have... With a little more flare!!!!!  New shows - new people - new/old issues and much much more. With things going down the way they have lately there is a lot to discuss......  Donald Trump - Joey Torres - Gun Violence - Education - Community Issues - Politics - Crime - Faith Based - Music - Fashion - Art Paterson N.J.  The Talk of the Town Radio Show - Conscious Vibes Radio Show - The Ruckus Room Radio Show - The Word Radio Show Back into Society Radio Show - Kool Kids Radio Show - "A" World Entertainment Radio Show - Raising the Roof Radio Show   00:14:00Black Buffalo Radionortr radio,the ruckus room,Paterson N.J.Werende Backkkkk!!!!!!!!Re-Entry - The Second Chance Back into Society w/ Ernest Rucker Jr., 30 Sep 2016 00:00:00 GMTRe-Entry - The Second Chance Back into Society w/ Ernest Rucker Jr.Although there are countless Re-Entry programs the question still remains, Does it work? There are a few mitigating factors that come into play with this subject... 1.) What does a re-entry program offer? 2.) How effective is the program and its staff? 3.) Does It work and if so for who? These are some of the questions that will be answered by our esteamed panel. Call in to be apart of the life changing and life altering conversation... 347-855-8032 is the number.. We will also have a guest comentation from The City Post founder and Community Activist/Leader Lynda Gallashaw.   The number of former prisoners returning to society has increased dramatically in recent decades, with more than 700,000 prisoners released from incarceration yearly. Research has shown that ex-prisoners are faced with a multitude of issues that make their reintegration into the community challenging. To assist offenders in their transition to their communities, considerable state and federal funds have been allocated for the development of reentry programs and initiatives. Reentry programs are very diverse both in the types of services that they provide for ex-offenders, and the treatment modalities that they employ in delivering these services. Despite the considerable number of reentry programs, little is known about their effectiveness. The Second Chance Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-199) authorizes awarding federal grants to government agencies and nonprofit organizations to provide employment assistance, substance abuse treatment, housing, family programming, mentoring, victim support and other services to individuals returning to the community from prison or jail. 01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Raising the Roof Radio,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Brent NationDoes it, can it, will it work?The rise and fall of The City of Paterson N.J., 11 Sep 2016 00:00:00 GMTThe rise and fall of The City of Paterson N.J.How do we rise above the mess we find ourselves in? Crime, Violence, killings, shootings, corruption in city government, misapproation of funds, infighting, outfighting, schools failing, school board elections, mayoral elections, council elections and much much more. Who is running for the school board and why? Who is running for Mayor and why? Are the charter schools replacing the public schools and if so who benifits from it? The summer is over and the shootings are rising at an alarming rate, what is the state of our police department? Jose Joey Torres, Benji Wimberly, Andre Sayegh, Alex Mendez, Bill McKoy, Corey Teague these are a few of our political wannabes and hopefuls. Tonights show will cover a host of topics that make up the termoil that Paterson in inthralled in and we want to hear from you! Is the present Mayor's performace enough to make people who don't vote, get out and vote? Are the right people running or are we looking at the same old same old? How do we encourage people to use the right to vote that is talked about but rarely excersized? We march and we raise hell when a young man is shot down in the streets by a cop but when a young blackman is shot down in the same streets by another young blackman we cry, we pitty, we complain but we don't ask the question why? our how do we prevent this from happening...  Who is our next Governor? Who are The Agents of Change? Does Black Lives really Matter?   01:30:00Black Buffalo Radionortr radio,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent Nation,Pam DeghandBail Out or Fall Out!Raising the Roof and the stakes on Paterson politics! Events, 14 Aug 2016 00:00:00 GMTRaising the Roof and the stakes on Paterson politics! The time has come for Paterson residents to come to a decision, do we want two more years of the Torres Administration? Can the city survive going the way it is going right now? An Attorney General Investigation, a News 4 I-Team Expose, Cutting the Recreation funding in turn ending the summer camps two weeks early, misusing city employees and city vehicles, creating unneeded and over paid positions, trying to stop the annual Day in the Sun but funding the Great Falls Festival. I firmly believe that we the people need to act now. We can not keep running to the City Council to do the things that we can do ourselves It is time for the people to push for a recall 02:08:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Kevin w Womble Sr.,Paterson nj,Recall,RecreationThe time has come for Paterson residents to come to a decision, do we want two more years of the Torres Administration? Can the city survive going the way it iThe Chat With Charity Show Live, 30 Jun 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show LiveThis My Last Show Everybody on Thursday, JUNE 30th 2016 at 7pm Its been AWESOME and a BLESSING I have met so many friends. Im going to Play music from All the Music Guest that came on the show as well: Lady JD RilesNore Aand my Dad Mark Fischer So call in and chat about whats going on in your Life and my next move I will be giving away Prizes, Yes Prizes CALL in AFTER 7pm 347-855-8032 01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Kingdom of God,Kids Show,Kids radioThis My Last Show Everybody on Thursday, JUNE 30th 2016 at 7pm Its been AWESOME and a BLESSING I have met so many friends. Im going tThe Chat With Charity Show, 23 Jun 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity ShowThis is BITTER SWEET: This is my 2nd to LAST SHOW eveybody on JUNE 23rd 2016 Its been a Great Run and i will let all of you next week where and when i will end up Next! So call in and tell me about your summer plans as we will as so chat about the NBS Finals and whats crazy. I will be giving out Prizes for all of you who call in BOTH this week and next weeks last show 01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,NBA Finals,NBA Draft,orlando"Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity"The Chat With Charity Show Live from the Father Daugther Ball and Family, 16 Jun 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show Live from the Father Daugther BallCall in to listen to this annual bonding event 347-855-8032 00:50:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,fatherhood,Daughters of Men,family values,Bonding"That's Right It's Your Girl Charity"The Chat With Charity Show, 09 Jun 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show Call in 347-855-8032 to Chat with Charity Tonight   Topics: SCHOOL SPORT TALK WHATS CRAZY 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoCall in 347-855-8032 to Chat with Charity Tonight   Topics: SCHOOL SPORT TALK WHATS CRAZYThe Chat With Charity Show, 02 Jun 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity ShowTonight I will be Chatting about: School Sports TalkWhats Crazy? call in at (347) 855-8032 01:03:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth sports,NBA Playoffs,schools,Fetty Wap"Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity"The Chat With Charity Show, 26 May 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity ShowCall in and Chat with Charity on Friday Eve @ 347-855-8032 And she will be Chatting about: Whats going on in your School and MineSports Talk- NBA Playoff, MLB, NFLWhat's CRAZY....and Music Music Music00:58:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Spelling Bee,NBA Playoffs,Baseball Talk"That's Right It's Your Girl Charity"The Chat With Charity Show, 19 May 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity ShowCharity will be chatting about: What's going on in her School and Yours The NBA Eastern and Western Finals, MLB seriers between the New York Mets and the Washington Nationals Whats Crazy in the World and TV 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,sports talk,Music,school,Fox Tv shows"Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity"Raising the Roof Radio presents Paterson Coalition Against Substance Abuse, 16 May 2016 00:00:00 GMTRaising the Roof Radio presents Paterson Coalition Against Substance Abuse   The Paterson Coalition Against Substance Abuse (P-CASA) P-CASA is an initiative of the College of Education and Human Services, Department of Family and Child Studies at Montclair State University. P-CASA was formed in 2011 to build an environment that promotes healthy communities through the reduction of alcohol, tobacco and other substance use among youth in Paterson. Our work is focused in Paterson’s first ward and members include agencies, organizations and residents committed to reducing adolescents and teens using and abusing drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Paterson Coalition Against Substance Abuse (P-CASA) is working with the community to create an anti-drug coalition in Paterson’s 1st Ward. The Coalition is made up of various community sectors, such as: youth, parents, civic groups, faith-based organizations, schools, social service agencies, law enforcement, and media. Our work attempts to change social structures that promote alcohol and drug use, reduce youth access to alcohol and tobacco products, and support policies that will improve the regulation and oversight of alcohol- and tobacco-selling companies. As a partnership between Montclair State University and a diverse group of community groups, P-CASA uses research and prevention tools to increase community partnerships and reduce substance use among youth aged 12–17. 01:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTRRadio,PCASA,Montclair state collegeThe Paterson Coalition Against Substance Abuse (P-CASA) P-CASA is an initiative of the College of Education and Human Services, Department of Family and CHood Matters- The Queens Perspective Talk Show, 07 May 2016 00:00:00 GMTHood Matters- The Queens Perspective Talk ShowTonight is show # 2 of Hood Matters with the Queen's This is the most controversal show to come out of Raising The Roof Media Group since the Ruckus Room aired last November. They come to you any where and everywhere. These sisters are tired of what is being done to Paterson and they are letting it all out so get ready to be challenged. If it is wrong in this city they are gonna be on it. The noise will be at fever pitch tonight so join us. If you would like to be apart of Hood Matters then call in at 347-855-8032.. Don't forget people, Hood Matters including ours because if its happening in the hood it matters.   01:52:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Shay Shay Production,Tu2's By UURaising The Roof Media GroupThe Chat With Charity Show Live, 05 May 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show LiveThis show will be about the Presidental Race and the Local Paterson, New Jersey Ward Election! I will have guest on all night! Sport TalkWahts Crazy as well00:56:00Black Buffalo Radiono"Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity"Raising The Roof and the Alarm - BudBug Alert that nobody seems to care about!! Networking, 01 May 2016 23:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof and the Alarm - BudBug Alert that nobody seems to care about!!Three days ago I was in my favorite store on Main St. ( Unique Thrift Store 188 Main St. Paterson N.J. looking through the pants and Jeans when I saw something crawling after looking closer I saw that it was a BedBug but before I went balistic, I called this guy I saw also looking at clothes over to confirm my suspiscions , he saw what I saw so I took out my phone and took some pictures, I then called over a young lady who was working on that floor and showed her, her first reaction was to take me to the floor manager, we went in the back to the production room on the second floor and she called the manager over, I showed her the pants with the bug still crawling on them and said look, that is a BedBug!!! She at first said she don't know no BedBug and then she snatched the pants out of my hand, tossed them into a bin and told me to leave so I did, I went downstairs and ran into Gus the store manager, I told him what happened, showed him the pictures I took, his response was thank you for bringing it to my attention, I will handle it so I left,. The next day I walked into the front of Unique and to my surprise there were people going up and down the stairs still buying clothes so I left, I let it go to see what would happen next and nothing did. The next morning I called Veronica Ovalles who is running for the 1st Ward seat in May, she took the pictures and went to the Board of Health and was told ( while I was on the phone with her ) that because there was only one bug they could and would do nothing so I posted the pictures on Facebook to warn the public and until something is done I will continue to post and tell people about this because it is a problem, I am not saying don't shop at Unique I am saying becareful and check everything before you walk out of the store.... 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising The Roof Radio,A World Entertainment,Big City Work ProductionsRTR Radio & Media GroupThe Chat With Charity Show, 28 Apr 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show Its all about Family Show... 00:58:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,stop the violenceIts all about Family Show...Kid City Work with Yazmeir Events, 27 Apr 2016 23:00:00 GMTKid City Work with YazmeirYaz is an up and coming Radio Host who is working on perfecting his Radio game, He has the need to talk about his life as a nine yearold trying to make it under harsh circumstances, in the Entertainment world for a youngster it is not easy but Yaz is down for the work and up for the progress. Shout outs, school, friends and family will all be a part of the show. The call in # is 347-855-8032, join Yaz as he perfects his showmanship with Raising The Roof Radio and A World Entertainment. 01:01:00Black Buffalo Radionortr radio,A World Ent.,Big City WorkRTR Radio and Media Group2nd Ward Council Candidate Aslon Goow Sr. joins RTR Radio, 25 Apr 2016 00:00:00 GMT2nd Ward Council Candidate Aslon Goow Sr. joins RTR Radio Goow running resurgent campaign to re-take 2nd Ward council seat   “It’s been an awful past four years,” said Tony Vancheri, who resides in the Hillcrest section. A homeowner, Vancheri disliked Akhtaruzzaman’s handling of the budget votes. Akhtaruzzaman voted to approve tax increases three years in a row. Only this year, under pressure from the Garret Heights homeowners, did he vote against a budget that carried a 5.8-percent property tax hike. Goow held up an Akhtaruzzaman campaign literature which promises to reduce taxes. “He is constantly voting for tax increases,” he said pointing to the apparent contradiction. He said the incumbent is promising to reduce taxes yet again after voting to increase them 3 out of the 4 years he’s been in office. “He’s the only guy who will fight against taxes,” said Helal Uddin of Goow. He said he lives in Totowa, but owns a home in the 2nd Ward. “I think he’s going to do better,” said Juan Sivori, a 2nd Ward resident. He said his biggest concerns were taxes and crime.   There are a lot of things to talk about with Mr. Goow in regards to his platform and his opponets plus we want his opinion on the other 5 Wards and the candidates running for them.. 01:41:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,A World Ent,Big City Work,Conscious Vibes Radio,Chat with Charity ShowGoow running resurgent campaign to re-take 2nd Ward council seat   “It’s been an awful past four years,” said Tony Vancheri, who resides in the HillcrestKid City Works - We're back for round 2.., 20 Apr 2016 23:00:00 GMTKid City Works - We're back for round 2..Tonight Kid City Works will be discussing life for children who live in a foster home, the positive and the negative aspects of foster life.. Kid City Shoutouts to Amy Jacobs and A World Entertainment, Kiven Womble and Raising The Roof Radio, Brother Bayan and Big City Works Productions, Paterson Cares, Ann's Little Angels DayCare & Acadamy, Young Legend, Fetty Wap, French Montana, Grandma, Uncle DaWoo, My Mother Keema, Aunt Mia, Uncle NoMoe, Ms. Wendy, Ms. Mary, Hihwayley,  and Ms. Megan.  I want to talk about my life . 00:22:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio & Media GroupHood Matters 2 Queens Talk Show Networking, 16 Apr 2016 00:00:00 GMTHood Matters 2 Queens Talk ShowTonight is show # 1 of Hood Matters with Queen U'Asia and Queen Hadasa. This is the most controversal show to come out of Raising The Roof Media Group since the Ruckus Room aired last November. These young sisters are tired of what is being done to Paterson and they are letting it all out so get ready to be challenged. If it is wrong in this city they are gonna be on it. The noise will be at fever pitch tonight so join us. If you would like to be apart of Hood Matters then call in at 347-855-8032.. Don't forget people, Hood Matters including ours. 01:43:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media,A World Entertainment,Big City Works,Save The VillageRaising The Roof RadioThe Chat With Charity Show Live, 14 Apr 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show LiveCharity will play music from Today and "BaCk iN tHe dAY" as she also Chats About: Whats going on in the Schools in Paterson, NJ and where ever you live.The NBA- The Warriors Break the Record with 73 wins and Kobo's Last GameWHAT'S CRAZY?????01:01:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,NBA,NFL,parcc"That's Right It's Your Girl Charity"kids city work, 13 Apr 2016 23:30:00 GMTkids city workits pretty good being in a foster home,because the things im doing that i was not doing with my biological parents        like being the person who i am now as a inspired rapper,dancer,and basketball player thats what i call a great entrepreneurnuer. 00:29:00Black Buffalo Radionoits pretty good being in a foster home,because the things im doing that i was not doing with my biological parents        like being the person who i am now asThe Jalil Express!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BIG THINGS!!!!!, 12 Apr 2016 23:30:00 GMTThe Jalil Express!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BIG THINGS!!!!!During this show, I will be telling my story giving thanks and sharing some exciting things coming up.  00:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoNewjersey,music,art,love,creativeDuring this show, I will be telling my story giving thanks and sharing some exciting things coming up.Test show for HOODMATTERS, 11 Apr 2016 18:00:00 GMTTest show for HOODMATTERSTesting 123 The beginning of a new era with HOOD MATTERS, your host will be  Queen U'Asia and Queen Hadasa. If you have a problem this is where you let it out, if you have a gripe this is where you let it out, if you have a beef this is where you git it on.. Bring the noise cause we will and you can count on that!!!!!!!!!!  00:17:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roofrtr radioConscious Vibes Radio Show, 02 Apr 2016 23:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in April 2,2016 @ 7pm EST for Pt.11 of the "Set Apart Music Artist Interviews" Featuring Yahuah's Child. Dial in number 347-855-8032 01:58:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR Media Group Set Apart Music ArtistSet Apart Artist Interview Pt.11The Chat With Charity Show Live from LaNeve's in Haldon, NJ, 31 Mar 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show Live from LaNeve's in Haldon, NJThe March 31st Show will be LIVE at the Campaign Rally to Elect Della Fischer for Councilwomen of the 4th Ward of the City of Paterson from LaNeve's in Haledon, NJ .  School TalkSports TalkWhat's CRAZY....and Music Music Music00:59:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Sports talk,crazyness,Election 2016,city government"That's Right It's Your Girl Charity"Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 26 Mar 2016 23:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in March 26,2016 @7pm EST for another "Set Apart Music Artist Interview Pt.10" dial in number 347-855-8032 Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR Media Group Consciousvibes Set Apart Music ArtistSet Apart Artist Interview Pt.10The Chat with Charity Show, 24 Mar 2016 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity ShowThe Chat with Charity Show!!! 00:57:00Black Buffalo Radiono"That's Right It's Your Girl Charity"Recall Recall Recall - The Joey Torres era needs to be brought to an end.. Legal, 21 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMTRecall Recall Recall - The Joey Torres era needs to be brought to an end.. LegalJose Joey Torres has destroyed our city, his administration has bankrupt Paterson, his blatant disregard for the residents, our children, our homes and our businesses have taken it's toll on our progression. The Grand Jury Investigation alone tells you what he is doing and any further investigations will uncover more corruption, using city workers for his own personal use on city time and the taxpayers dime, raising taxes to cover up his misuse of funds, rumors of alcoholism and possible drug use, creating jobs for family and friends while the city suffers financially. At this rate he will be the mayor of a ghost town because nobody can afford the insurmountable tax increases levied on home and business owners.  Threats were made to me to stop but that only drives me harder, my job has been threatened and that only makes me drive harder. Somebody has to step up and speak out and I am ready to do that with or without help.... 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Jose Joey Torres,Paterson N.J.Recalling the Mayor of Paterson N.J.Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 19 Mar 2016 23:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for another "Set Apart Artist Interview Pt.9" featuring achy Yitchack Da Soul saturday March 19,2016 @ 7pm EST dial in number 347-855-8032 Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR Media Group Set Apart ArtistSet Apart Artist Interviews Pt.9Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 13 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for Pt.8 of the "Set Apart Artist Interviews" featuring Achy Yitchack Da Soul" Saturday March 12,2016 at 7pm EST Dial in number 347-855-8032. For more information please go to 02:04:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR Media Group Set Apart Artist Interviewsset apart Artist Interview Pt.8The Chat With Charity Show, 11 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show March 10th Show will have a few special guest! And we will be Chatting about: Whats going on in your school and Mine Sports Talk What's CRAZY ....and Music Music00:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,youth sports,music,Sports talk,crazyMarch 10th Show will have a few special guest! And we will be Chatting about: Whats going on in your school and Mine Sports Talk What's CRAZY ....andRaising The Roof Radio - The Budget, The Taxes, The Bullshit, 07 Mar 2016 01:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio - The Budget, The Taxes, The Bullshit The temporary budget has been approved, the city employees get paid, the question is for how long and at who's expense? The who's who in the city council race and the mayor on the ropes in Paterson. The Board of Education is proposing a 27% hike in taxes to make up for a $45 Million shortfall in the budget.  A day after state-appointed district superintendent Donnie Evans proposed a possible 27.2-percent hike in the school levy to close a $45 million gap in the district’s budget, municipal officials condemned the move. Council president William McKoy said the proposal is “outrageous.” He said he is convening a leadership meeting with community leaders to discuss steps necessary to ensure homeowners are not hit with a new tax increase. “This is a horrible idea. It’s not workable,” said the council president. He said the city’s education system under state control since 1991 has failed students and given the results it’s “unconscionable” for the state to demand property owners to contribute more money. The dire need for not only voter registration but getting people out and to the polls. Last but not least the fact that the Mayors political practises have this city in a hot spot which has some people suggesting a recall, all it takes is 5000 signatures submitted to the state to launch an investigation into the Mayors office. 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR radio,chat with charity,conscious vibes,back into societyThe temporary budget has been approved, the city employees get paid, the question is for how long and at who's expense? The who's who in the city council raceConscious Vibes Radio Show Hop Music, 06 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for Pt.7 of the "Set Apart Music Artist Interviews Featuring Achy John Boye" Saturday March 5,2016 at 7pm EST dial in number 347-855-8032. For more information go to 01:46:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR Media Group Set Apart Music Artist"Set Apart Artist Interview" Pt.7The Chat With Charity Show Live, 04 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show LiveHey its MARCH already so lets Chat about:   School Testing coming up Spring Break Easter March Madness Whats Crazy???   01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports Radio,march madness,testingHey its MARCH already so lets Chat about:   School Testing coming up Spring Break Easter March Madness Whats Crazy???Saving The Village - The Black Condition Conference 2 Events, 29 Feb 2016 01:00:00 GMTSaving The Village - The Black Condition Conference 2The Black Condition Conference was amazing, the Keynote Speakers Senator Ron Rice and Lawerence Hamm set the stage for a call to action in Paterson with the main message being VOTE, don't just register but go out and vote... Founders of Save The Village Ernest Rucker Jr and Brent Nation brought a vision to Paterson that needs to be addressed each and every day if we are to survive, if our communities are to survive and if our children are to survive. Unlike last year which was packed with concerned Patersonians and Public Officals this conference was attened by a small crowd and a few Public Officals. None the less the message was clear, we are the help that we need and we are the help we have, in other words work with what you have until you can get better... Dr. Joseph Fulmore, Tiffany McKoy, Carren Lee Nation, Mother Pearletta Parks, Councilwoman Ruby Cotton, Council President William McKoy, Matthew McKoy, Cheif Tambua Moody, Christopher Muhammad, Nancy Grier, Waheeda Muhammad, Council Candidate Della Fischer, Commissioner Mark Fischer, Harold Williams, Director Donna Nelson Ivy, Councilman Michael Jackson, Councilman Ken Morris, Jazmeka Delane, The staff at PS #6,Jamie Bland and Jumpstart and The National Action Network, The Paterson Board of Education, Sheefa Drugs, La'Neves Banquet Hall. Our outstanding Food Organizer Kathy L. Morgan, Princess Reaves, Lynda Gallashaw and The City Post, The Paterson Coalition against Substance Abuse, Jada Fulmore, Gideon's Needle,Mother Kennady and The Paterson Dept of Recreation, U'Asia Cowan, Mr. Kelvin Quince and the Steamin Stallion's Drum Line, Teresa McDerrmot and Educators for Change, Mike Williams and Cause Paterson, Gee Gee Grier and Paterson Cares, Queen Mother Janet McDaniel and NuFamily.To all the residents of Paterson who came out our heart felt thanks for making this conference a success. If I forgot anyone I apologize.... Our Guard Dog Misty Nation....... 00:04:00Black Buffalo RadionoSave the Village,Raising the Roof Radio,Public School #6,The Grandparents Resource Center,The City of Paterson N.J.The Black Condition Conference # 2Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 28 Feb 2016 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for the Next "Set Apart Artist Interview" Saturday February 27,2016 at 7pm EST featuring Achy Khenukyah Yasharal. 00:45:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR Media Group Set Apart Music ArtistsSet Apart Artist InterviewsThe Chat With Charity Show, 26 Feb 2016 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity ShowJoin Charity Every Thursday Night at 7pm. Call in 347-855-8032 to here her Chat about: What's Going on in School?Sports TalkWhats Going on that Crazy in the World?   00:50:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports talk,crazy storiesJoin Charity Every Thursday Night at 7pm. Call in 347-855-8032 to here her Chat about: What's Going on in School?Sports TalkWhats Going on that Crazy in theRaising The Roof Radio - The Black Condition Conference, 22 Feb 2016 01:30:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio - The Black Condition ConferenceOn February 27th the Save The Village Coalition will hold their 2nd Annual Black Condition Conference at Public School # 6. Tonight we will speak with some of the key figures involved in setting the conference up. As well as some key situations that are going on in Paterson. The upcoming race for city council, the opening of the re-entry program and the issues involving the raising again of taxes.. 01:28:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media GroupSave The Village CoalitionConscious Vibes Radio Show Hop Music, 21 Feb 2016 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for part 2 of "Stand Firm In Your Calling And Make It Known" Saturday 2/20/2016 at 7pm EST dial in number 347-855-8032 www/ 01:57:00Black Buffalo Radionoroup Conscious Vibes Stand Firm In Your CallingStand Firm in Your Calling and Make it KnownThe Chat With Charity Show Live, 19 Feb 2016 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show LiveTopics: What's going on in school Sports-NBA Star Weekend Whats Crazy.... 01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth sports,Teenagers,Sports"That's Right It's Your Girl Charity"Conscious Vibes Radio Show Hop Music, 14 Feb 2016 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for the Conscious Vibes Radio Show 347-855-8032 at 7pm EST call in number Topic of Discussion: "Stand Firm In Your Calling And Make It Known"   01:08:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR Media Group Conscious vibes Make Know Your Calling Stand FirmStand Firm in Your Calling and Make it KnownThe Chat With Charity Show Live, 12 Feb 2016 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show LiveCall in at 7pm and enjoy 347-855-8032 The Topics Tonight: Black Historty MonthWhat new in your school and my SchoolSports Talk- Superbowel 50TalkWhats CraZY IN THE WORLD01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,hip hop music,SuperBowl Picks,Eductional"Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity"The Chat With Charity Show, 05 Feb 2016 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity ShowCharity will play music from Today and "BaCk iN tHe dAY" as she also Chats About Whats going on in the Schools in Paterson, NJ and call in and lets talk about your school or where ever you live.Superbowl #50 Panthers vs. BroncosWHAT'S CRAZY BABY!!!and Hilights of her BIG White 13th Brithday Party Friday              and you NEVER know who will call in the show So call in 347-855-8032 01:01:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,SuperBowl Picks,NFL Football,alessia caraCharity will play music from Today and "BaCk iN tHe dAY" as she also Chats About Whats going on in the Schools in Paterson, NJ and call in and lets talk about yThe Chat With Charity Show Live, 29 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show LiveCharity will play music from Today 2016 and "BaCk iN tHe dAY" as she also Chats About  Whats going on in the Schools in Paterson, NJ and where ever you live.The NFL and NBAWHAT'S CRAZY?????and Her BIG White 13th Brithday Party Friday 1/29/2016 NEW MUSIC Alessia Cara & Kevin Grarrtt So call in 347-855-8032 00:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,NFL playoffs,youth,homeless,Paterson N.J.Charity will play music from Today 2016 and "BaCk iN tHe dAY" as she also Chats About  Whats going on in the Schools in Paterson, NJ and where ever you live.Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 24 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in to Part 3 of "Examining Pride and The Righteous Use of Gifts" on the Conscious Vibes Radio Show" at 7pm EST dial in number 347-855-8032 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR Media Group Conscious Vibes Righteous Gifts"Examining Pride and The Righteous Use of Gifts Pt.3"The Chat With Charity Show, 22 Jan 2016 00:05:26 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show Its about that Time So call in 347-855-8032 00:54:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers"Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity"Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 17 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in January 16,2016 Saturday at 7pm EST for Pt.2 of "Examining Pride and The Righteous Use Of Spiritual Gifts" on the "Conscious Vibes Radio Show" dial in number 347-855-8032 10001:57:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR Media group Conscious Vibes Music and GiftsExamining Pride and the righteous use of spiritual giftsConscious Vibes Radio Show, 10 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in January 9,2016 at 7pm EST for another episode of the "Conscious Vibes Radio Show" topic of discussion: Examining Pride and righteous use of Talents" dial in number 347,855-8032. 01:21:00Black Buffalo Radionoconscious vibes RTR media group Yahushyn Kualiyahu Righteous Talentsexamining pride and righteous use of talentsThe Chat With Charity Show, 08 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show Charity 2015 Year in Review Show!!!! with Mr. Fsicher doing the Sports Review 00:58:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,sport radio,girls,Teenagers,hip hopCharity 2015 Year in Review Show!!!! with Mr. Fsicher doing the Sports ReviewConscious Vibes Radio Show, 03 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for pt.2 of the "Spirit Of Eliyahu and It's Connection to Music" on the "Conscious Vibes Radio Show saturday January 2,2016 @ 7pm EST dial in number 347-855-8032 Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR media group Conscious Vibes Radio SHow Spirit Of Eliyahu musicSpirit of Eliyahu and it's connection to MusicThe Chat With Charity New Year Eve Show, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity New Year Eve ShowHappy New Years To All! This is my last show of 2015.....i will be on at 7pm so call in earlier because i will be going to church and will be playing music for the rest of the show...  I'm just so thankful for the wayGod has blessed me in 2015..... 01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,dance music,Sports talk,New Years Eve"Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity"Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 27 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio Showtune into the "Conscious Vibes Radio Show"  topic of discussion: "The Spirit of Eliyahu and its relation to music" December 26,2015 at 7pm EST dial in number 347-855-8032 01:54:00Black Buffalo RadionoConscious Vibes RTR Media Group Yahushyn Kualiyahu Spirit of EliyahuThe Spirit of Eliyahu and It's Relationship to MusicThe Chat With Charity Christmas Show, 25 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Christmas ShowHappy Holiday and Merry Christmas to All!!!!   This is my Christmas show, so i will be playing Hoilday music, Sports News Crazy things and talking what Christmas means to callers Call in with your Egg Nog 347-855-8032 00:58:00Black Buffalo RadionoHOILDAY CHEER,youth,Teenagers,Sports talk,New York Jets"That's Right It's Your Girl Charity"Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 20 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for part 5 of the "Set Apart Music Artist Interviews" featuring achuty Taavi La'el saturday December 19,2015 @ 7pm EST dial in 347-855-8032 01:04:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR Media group Conscious vibes Set Apart Music ArtistSet apart artist interviews Pt.5Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 13 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for episode 4 of the "Set Apart Music Artist Interviews" with Achy Demetric Pruitt Saturday December 12,2015 @7pm EST dial in number 347-855-803201:32:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu RTR Media Group Conscious Vibes Set Apart Music ArtistSet apart artist interviews Pt.4The Chat with Charity Show, 11 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show Join in and CHAT with Charity Every Thursday Night at 7pm -8pm! Her Call in Number : 347-855-8032 Charity will be playing some great music from the 70's as she talks about School ,Sports and Whats Crazy in the World and TV!   00:59:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Sports talk,Teenagers,Paterson N.J.,schoolsJoin in and CHAT with Charity Every Thursday Night at 7pm -8pm! Her Call in Number : 347-855-8032 Charity will be playing some great music from the 70'sTalk of the town, 08 Dec 2015 00:30:00 GMTTalk of the townTONIGHT SHOW IS TAKING OFF WITH DJ B-NICE.  TONGHT WE HAVE  ALOT OF INTERESTING PEOPLE,MUSIC ARTIST  BY THE NAME OF RAY DA-GHOST next  AND A DANCE CHOREOGRAPHER BY THE NAME OF LMEKING HOSTED BY AMY JACOBS OF AWORLD ENTERTAINMENT AND A WORLD MUSIC STUDIO AND ALSO  DJ B-NICE AND AGSTEELOFILMS  00:04:00Black Buffalo RadionoRayDaGhost,AWorldEnt,DjBNice,lme_kings_dancer,@AGSTEELOFILMSNew and Upcoming Music TalentConscious Vibes Radio Show, 06 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio Showtune in for the next episode: Topic Pending until next week's "Set Apart Music Artist Interviews"  Dial in number: 347-855-8032 00:08:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu Conscious Vibes RTR Media GroupSet Apart MusicThe Chat with Charity Show Live, 04 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show Live Attention Everybody Tonight show wiil be Live in NYC. The Play Color Purple is where im going my show from tonight  Call in Number Quick : 347-855-8032 I will be talkin about School ,Sports and Whats Crazy in the World and TV for the 1st 20 mins , then going to see the play. and I will be promoting NBC's The Wiz Live which will start right after my show.... 00:59:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports talk,hip hop,EducationAttention Everybody Tonight show wiil be Live in NYC. The Play Color Purple is where im going my show from tonight  Call in Number Quick : 347-855-8032 I wConscious Vibes Radio Show, 29 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for Pt.3 of the "Set Apart Music Artist" Interviews Featuring achy Anuahyahu on the Conscious Vibes Radio Show November 28,2015 @ 7pm EST dial in number 347-855-803201:07:00Black Buffalo RadionoConsciousvibes RTR media group Yahushyn Kualiyahu set apart music artistSet apart artist interviews Pt.3The Chat with Charity Thanksgiving Show, 27 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Thanksgiving Show This is my Thanksgiving Show....Family and Fun Show       01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports talk,musicThis is my Thanksgiving Show....Family and Fun ShowTalk Of The Town, 24 Nov 2015 01:02:14 GMTTalk Of The TownAngii Wants to get to know the life a radio host and interview Dancers 02:06:00Black Buffalo RadionoAngii Host and interviews NY DancersConscious Vibes Radio Show, 22 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune into our Rebuilding Our Communities Through Economics episode November 21,2015 @ 7pm EST dial in number 347-855-803201:55:00Black Buffalo RadionoConsciousvibes RTR media group Yahushyn Kualiyahu Rebuilding Our Communities Through EconomicsRebuilding our communities through economicsThe Chat with Charity Show, 20 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show Join in and CHAT with Charity every Thursday Night at 7pm -8pm! Her Call in Number : 347-855-8032 Charity will be playing some great music as shw talks about School ,Sports and Whats Crazy in the World and TV!   00:59:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,NFL,Sports Talk Radio,Teenagers,schoolJoin in and CHAT with Charity every Thursday Night at 7pm -8pm! Her Call in Number : 347-855-8032 Charity will be playing some great music as shw talks aConscious Vibes Radio Show, 15 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for Pt.3 of the "Set Apart Music Artist Interviews" Featuring achy Anuahyahu. For more information go to and Buffalo RadionoConsciousvibes RTR Media Group Yahushyn Kualiyahu Set Apart MusicSet apart artist interviewsThe Chat with Charity Show - Live from Jet Life Stadium,NJ, 13 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show - Live from Jet Life Stadium,NJCall in 347-855-8032 to listen or be part of the LIVE SHOW of the Youngest & Smartest Radio host in charge: CHARITY will be LIVE from the PARKING LOT of The New York Jets vs. Buffalo Bills NFL Thursday Night Game As she Chats about: SchoolSportsand What’s Crazy in the World!00:59:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,NFL,New York Jets,school,Teenagers"Hey, Hey Its Your Girl Charity"Talk of the Town Radio with Amy Jacobs and "A" World Entertainment, 10 Nov 2015 00:30:00 GMTTalk of the Town Radio with Amy Jacobs and "A" World EntertainmentLocal Paterson artists perform their hit songs to a turnt out crowd at Beso Lounge in Paterson, NJ. 9 artists tackled the stage as they performed their hit songs. Artist such as Gio Perez, Skrills, Jmaxx, RayDaGhost, Lyrical Supremecy had taken the stage. The winner won a DJ B-Nice hat and hoodie including a pair of Yeezys. All other artists won a free Interview on todays Show! See you soon. 01:38:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,"A" World Entertainment,Amy JacobsArtist Showcase at Beso lounge leaves two WinnersConscious Vibes Radio Show, 08 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in for pt.2 of the "Set Apart Music Artist Interviews featuring Achy Zamar Yasharal November 7,2015 At 7pm Est Dial in Number 347-855-8032.  The purpose of the "Conscious Vibes" radio show would be to enlighten the unconscious population about deception, ignorance and truth. By activating their inner ability to Understand their own reality,encouraging them to use their own minds to Come to the understanding of higher ideals, and showing them how to be one with the creator inside of all of creation, we can thus strategically unify the people in order to Build a Better Future. As we continue the show we will promote and announce community events and projects and rebuilding and taking back our communities as well as business oppurtunities. 01:22:00Black Buffalo RadionoConscious Vibes RTR Media Group Yahushyn KualiyahuSet Apart Artist Interviews Pt.2The Chat with Charity Show, 06 Nov 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity ShowThe Youngest Radio host in charge is under the weather...that's right Charity can't Chat tonight.. So  we will play last week show for those who missed was good. She will be back next Thursday LIVE at 7pm   01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports talk,New York Jets,scholarships"Hey ,Hey Its your girl Charity"The Ruckus Room Election Day Round-up, 04 Nov 2015 00:30:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room Election Day Round-upThis is the day we have been waiting for, the First Ward will have a replacement Councilperson to fill the vacancy left by Councilman Anthony Davis and temporarily held by Rev. Staton. There were five candidates at one point but that changed when Alveria Spencer withdrew due to an unfortunate slippage of the tongue. And then there were four, school board member Manny Martinez, former Council candidates Bernard Jones and Mike Jackson as well as newcomer Veronica Ovalles.  Also on the ballot is the Recreation Tax that has Homeowners furious with the Mayor and his administration. Oh yes and the Assemblymen Benji Wimberly and Shavonda Sumter plus the Freeholders are running for reelection on the Democratic ticket. There has not been much said about the Republican candidates but they are there. Seats for the school board are available and it is gonna be close 01:15:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,The Ruckus Room,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Kimberly Shedrick,Nicholas RiveraAnd the winner since?Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 31 Oct 2015 23:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowDial in Number:347-855-8032 This broadcast and the following broadcast will consist of "Set Apart Artist Interviews" Starting with your host Yahushyn and your co-host Kualiyahu The purpose of the "Conscious Vibes" radio show would be to enlighten the unconscious population about deception, ignorance and truth. By activating their inner ability to Understand their own reality,encouraging them to use their own minds to Come to the understanding of higher ideals, and showing them how to be one with the creator inside of all of creation, we can thus strategically unify the people in order to Build a Better Future. As we continue the show we will promote and announce community events and projects and rebuilding and taking back our communities as well as business oppurtunities. for more information go to 01:53:00Black Buffalo RadionoConscious Vibes RTR Media Yahushyn KualiyahuSet Apart Music Artist AddressThe Chat with Charity Show, 29 Oct 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity ShowHappy Halloween and 2015 World Series Show! Charity will still be playing great music and chatting about School, Sports and What's Crazy??? and with guest Spotlight on  D. Riles the Song Writer/Artist 01:01:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports talk,halloween,hip hop"Hey Hey Its Your Girl Charitytalk of the town with Amy Jacobs, 26 Oct 2015 23:00:00 GMTtalk of the town with Amy Jacobstalk of the town with amy jacobs discussing todays topics on health politics music fashion and everything hip-hop. special guest hosting with dj b-nice and dj lab. with lyrical supremecy and ray da ghost  dropping in to bless the mic. also discussing the latest murder to plauge paterson streets. Also taking a look a our urban leadership  02:08:00Black Buffalo RadionoHealth and Wellness,fashion,hip-hop,dj lab,dj b niceA World EntertainmentThe Chat with Charity Show (On Location in Newark,NJ), 22 Oct 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show (On Location in Newark,NJ)Charity will be doing her Halloween show LIVE from Newark, NJ from the CityPlex at the #HILC movie event! She will be Interviewing Celebrity Guest on the RED Carpet as well as doing her show….   01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Movie Premier,Sports talk,Teenagers,halloween"Hey Hey Its Your Girl Charity"The Chat with Charity Show, 15 Oct 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity ShowCharity chatting about Sports, School and What's Crazy in the World as she plays music as well.   ANd this episode she will be taking on the topic of Puberty! Thats Right Puberty!!! 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,Boys,girls,youth,music"HEY HEY , Its Your Girl Charity"Talk of the Town with Amy Jacobs, 12 Oct 2015 23:30:00 GMTTalk of the Town with Amy JacobsAmy Jacobs brings her A World Entertainment brand of radio to you live from the Art Factory 01:31:00Black Buffalo RadionoWhats good PatersonThe Chat with Charity Show, 08 Oct 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity ShowOnce agian Charirty will be chatting about: Education and School The Sport WorldWhat's Crazy?and playing all kinds of music   01:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,youth,music,hip hop music,school"Hey hey, Its your Girl Charity"The Chat with Charity Show, 01 Oct 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity ShowCharity chatting about Sports, School and What's Crazy in the World as she plays music as well 01:01:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sporttalk,music,Fetty Wap"Its Your Girl Charity"The Real Ruckus Room - Oh no she didn't say that!!!, 01 Oct 2015 00:30:00 GMTThe Real Ruckus Room - Oh no she didn't say that!!!First Ward Councilman Rev. Staton held a community forum for the candidates allowing them to address the residents/ constituetes of the 1st Ward at School #28 and it was a disaster from the word go, 1st) All of the candidates were not invited 2nd) The event was not well thought out 3rd) People left madder than when they came.. The main cause for outrage was provided by candidate Alveria Spencer who ( I guess ) forgot where she was and who she was addressing, she had the gaul to use the "N" Word which is inappropiate on any level.Spencer used the word when speaking about police substations which serve as a deterrent in high crime neighborhoods.   QUOTE)   The block is shut down and the niggas is not even out there. James Staton, 1st Ward councilman, who hosted the forum, said he heard the word being used, but was not certain who used it. He cited the chaotic nature of the forum which had several speakers shouting questions at the candidates. “I heard it said, but I didn’t hear her say it,” said Staton. “A lot of people were saying a lot of stuff.” 01:56:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,The Ruckus Room,Paterson N.J.1st Ward Council Candidates forumTalk of the Town with Amy Jacobs, 28 Sep 2015 23:30:00 GMTTalk of the Town with Amy JacobsThe who's who and the what's what in the city of Paterson.... What happened with Fetty Wap and the Motorcycle accident, the first ward Council special election.... The Art Factory, TRTR and Company. 01:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,A World Entertainment,Amy JacobsA World Entertainment informational newsTHREE EXECUTIONS THIS COMING WEEK~SHAME ON US!, 28 Sep 2015 00:00:00 GMTTHREE EXECUTIONS THIS COMING WEEK~SHAME ON US!We will be discussung three executions set to take place this week.  We will also discuss the death penalty and why it should be repealed. Our country should be better than this! 01:58:00Black Buffalo RadionoPam Deghand,Mark A. Clements,Kevin WombleThis week, these three people are to be executed: Kelly Gissendaner-Georgia, Richard Glossip-Oklahoma, and Alfredo Prieto-VirginiaChat with Charity show, 24 Sep 2015 23:01:41 GMTChat with Charity showcheck her out tonight 00:25:00Black Buffalo Radionochatting about everythingWhat Happened to Kendrick Johnson~Justice for KJ, 21 Sep 2015 00:00:00 GMTWhat Happened to Kendrick Johnson~Justice for KJThis information is from Wikipedia~On January 11, 2013, Kendrick Johnson's body was found in a rolled up wrestling mat in the gymnasium of Lowndes High School, Valdosta, Georgia, USA, where he was a student.[1][2][3] A preliminary investigation and autopsy concluded that the death was accidental. Johnson's family had a private pathologist conduct another autopsy which concluded that Johnson died from blunt force trauma. On October 31, 2013, the U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia announced that the office would open a formal review into Johnson's death.[4] Johnson's family is dissatisfied with the pace of this review, as well.[5]   01:17:00Black Buffalo RadionoPam Deghand,Kevin Womble,Mark A ClementsJustice for Kendrick JohnsonThe Chat with Charity Show, 17 Sep 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity ShowListen to Charity Chat for 60 mins about: SchoolSports and whats Crazy in the world....01:01:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Sports,Sports talk,schools,TeenagersTHE NFL SEASON IS HERE!A World Ent Talk of The Town, 14 Sep 2015 23:00:00 GMTA World Ent Talk of The Towntalk of the town with amy jacobs 02:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoradio host paterson music health politics sports amytalk of the townChat with Charity Show, 10 Sep 2015 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity ShowCharity will once agian Chat about whats going on in her World and the World around her....and plasy some of the music her loves. EducationSportsFashionand Whats Crazy????00:56:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Sports talk,fashion week,crazy stories,TeenagersCharity will once agian Chat about whats going on in her World and the World around her....and plasy some of the music her loves. EducationSportsFashionand WhatThe Ruckus Room - March of the Wooden Soldiers with Nicholas Rivera, 10 Sep 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room - March of the Wooden Soldiers with Nicholas Rivera Last week we invited all five candidates running in the first ward to come on and share with the residents and voters of the first! Mike Jackson was the only one to show up, Manny had a school board meeting (understandable), Veronica does not want to share the floor with any other candidate ( f$ck them , her words ). Bernard will not participate in anything that I am involved in. -Kevin ( I will not associate with two-faced people ) Alveria did not respond one way or the other. This show is an opportunity for the First Ward constituents to hear what the candidates see, plan and hope to bring to reality in the ward, by not participating they are only reinforcing any individual doubts people may have in them. I will say this, personal attitudes are not productive in politics. Get over yourselves and get with the program, the First Ward residents are waiting. 02:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Talk of the TownLast week we invited all five candidates running in the first ward to come on and share with the residents and voters of the first! Mike Jackson was the only oThe Ruckus Room with Nicholas Rivera, 03 Sep 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room with Nicholas RiveraThe special election is only 2 months away and the race is on!! Five candidates, one seat, for one ward. Join Nicholas as he asks the direct questions, the 1st Ward is in dire straits and needs someone who is not just willing, but ready and qualified to do the job. We invited the candidates to come on and share with the ward constituents their views, their visions on where the ward is, and where they can take it in the future. 01:52:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,The Young Democrats,A World EntertainmentThe special election is only 2 months away and the race is on!! Five candidates, one seat, for one ward. Join Nicholas as he asks the direct questions, the 1stTalk of the Town with Amy Jacobs, 31 Aug 2015 23:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town with Amy JacobsA World Entertainment and Talk of the Town Radio present Ann Hair We R Fashion Expo September 12th 2015  12pm to 8pm est at the Art Factory 70 Spruce st. Paterson N.J.     Join us for some ground breaking artist and functions as well as some hard hitting topics and conversations...... 02:08:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,"A" World Entertainment,Talk of the TownRaising the Roof Media Group, A World Entertainmentchat with charity show -one year aniversary show, 27 Aug 2015 23:00:00 GMTchat with charity show -one year aniversary show One year aniversary show 00:56:00Black Buffalo RadionoOne year aniversary showTalk of the Town w/ Amy Jacobs Featuring Mr. Robert Belmont, 17 Aug 2015 23:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town w/ Amy Jacobs Featuring Mr. Robert Belmont"A" World Entertainment and Raising the Roof Media Group come together to bring you the best in online Radio from Paterson N.J.   Last show we discussed the upcoming special election for City Council and we will get back to that soon... Tonight Amy Jacobs has the honor of sitting down with one of Paterson's most successfull businessmen  Mr. Robert Belmont....  Since 2001, Mr. Belmont serves as the principal of Belmont Consulting Services and Managing Partner of Sunnyside Holdings, LLC a business real estate development company for various affordable housing and mixed use developments. There, he has overall responsibility for the supervision of all company operations, business development & marketing. Mr. Belmont’s innovative approach is to work with clients to professionally assess their financial positions, needs, and goals; to analyze and project realistic costs and values of clients' projects; and, to directly procure the best available financing for the client from a myriad of housing grants, Low-Income-Housing Tax Credits, and other government grant resources. More than merely providing business development services, Mr. Belmont works closely with clients to analyze and coordinate development and financing strategies, budget and operating projections and analysis, property data and evaluation, market competition, and, investment decision-making among the clients' and investors' principals, accountants, legal counsels, appraisers, and, investment and lending underwriters.   02:01:00Black Buffalo Radiono"A" World Entertainment,Raising the Roof Media Group,Amy Jacobs,Kevin W Womble Sr,The Art FactoryRaising the Roof / "A" World Entertainment ProductionTalk of the Town with Amy Jacobs, 04 Aug 2015 00:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town with Amy JacobsAmy Jacobs the Founder and Owner of "A" World Entertainment is the voice of TOTT coming to you straight out of the Art Factory in Paterson N.J. Wearing many hats and coming face to face with some amazing people Ms. Jacobs brings you "A" World Entertainment at it's best... 02:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,"A" World Entertainment,The Art Factory,Paterson N.J.Raising The Roof ProductionTalk of the Town w/ Amy Jacobs - A World Entertainment. A RTR Media Production, 21 Jul 2015 00:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town w/ Amy Jacobs - A World Entertainment. A RTR Media ProductionThe newest member of the Raising the Roof Media Group, founder and owner of "A" World Entertainment Sister Amy Jacobs comes to radio with her brand of entertainment straight outta the Art Factory in Paterson N.J. Meet the queen and get the scoop on it all..... The first show will be exciting as will them all, with special guest and facinating interviews...... Tune in and show your support for "A" World Entertainment, Raising the Roof Media Group and Talk of the Town..... 02:05:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,"A" World Entertainment,The Art FactoryRTR Media Group presents a new version of Talk of the TownRodney Reed Update and Obama Commutes 46 Sentences, 20 Jul 2015 00:00:00 GMTRodney Reed Update and Obama Commutes 46 SentencesMark A. Clements, host, will discuss the case of Rodney Reed who is innocent on death row in the state of Texas. Rodney's case is very disturbing as the real killer is known!  Mark will also discuss the commuting of 46 non violent offenders by President Obama.  Please call with your thoughts on the President's action. 01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoMark A Clements,Kevin W Womble,Vandy Hill,Pam DeghandCall in and have your voice heard!Alex Delgado~From Gang Life to Ministry, 12 Jul 2015 20:00:00 GMTAlex Delgado~From Gang Life to MinistryI met Alex when he was 19 years old. He is now 24 and his life has changed so much. Alex was born in Hartford, Connecticut in a neighborhood known for high gang activity. At the age of 9 he was drawn to gang life. When he was 15 he joined a gang organization called Neta. He now helps run a ministry in Philadelphia that feeds the homeless and much more. The show will include English and Spanish translation. 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoPam Deghand,Ana Santiago,Mark A Clements,Kevin Womble Sr,Vandy HillGang life to God's work...Back InTo Society - Breaking Barriers of Injustice - Love Conquers All Events, 06 Jul 2015 00:00:00 GMTBack InTo Society - Breaking Barriers of Injustice - Love Conquers AllB.I.T.S. is back and ready to go, we are bringing the heat, picking up where we left off with the InJustice System. Love Conquers All is the gut wrenching, heart breaking story of Lenny Singleton and Vandy Hill-Singleton, from the Navy to the addiction and robberies that now have Lenny incarcerated for 19 plus years, serving a double life plus 100 years scentence that is by all intents and purposes totally unjust and excessive. Vandy Hill-Singleton who wrote Love Conquers All with Lenny is a featured host on Back In To Society and will be joined by a very special co-host, the lawyer who has taken Lenny's case .. We will also discuss the unjust incareceration of those that are wrongly convicted and what obsticles are preventing them from getting the justice they deserve. The Chicago Innocense Project and The Texas Hell Hole that houses deathrow inmates... Join Vandy and Kevin with Mark A Clements as we dig into the criminal injustice system from end to end.... The final segment of the show will be with deathrow inmate Darrell Lomax who is in San Quentin  and has been for the last 18 1/2 years . 02:04:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media GroupBack In To Society Breaking the Barriers of InjusticeThe Chat with Charity Show- "Hey Hey, Its you girl Charity", 02 Jul 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show- "Hey Hey, Its you girl Charity"Charity will be chatting about: Summer Program and CampsThe New Stage Play "Little Red Riding (In Da) HoodSummer MoviesWhat is the 4th of JulySports Talkand What Crazy?????00:56:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports talk,acting,MoviesCharity will be chatting about: Summer Program and CampsThe New Stage Play "Little Red Riding (In Da) HoodSummer MoviesWhat is the 4th of JulySports Talkand WhaTalk of the Town - Let the games begin!!!!!!! The political football, 30 Jun 2015 00:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town - Let the games begin!!!!!!! The political footballThe run for the available City Council seats are just a few months away and the most contested seat is the 1st Ward seat held by Rev. Staton who is not running for re-election as far as we know!!!! As it stands right now there are five (count em five ) candidates in the running for the first ward... Manny Martinez, Veronica Ovalles, Mike Jackson, Alveria Spencer and maybe, just maybe Bernard Jones.... The second ward is a hot seat that is up for grabs also with Mohammed Akhtaruzzaman, Shahin Kalique, Eddie Gonzalez with the push seeming to go towards Kailique dispite some controversy regarding his background and (rumors) of his million-dollar bus company operating some-what illegaly. Then there is the Council President spot that is up in the air.... With 4th Ward Councilwoman Ruby Cotton and 3rd Ward Councilman Bill McKoy who by the way is the Council Elder Statesman knocking on the door.. With no real oppisition the Freeholder seats look to be going in the direction to Hector Lora, John Barlett and Sandi Lazzara as I beleive they should be.. With possibly more names to come as we get closer to November.... Petitions are due very soon and if you don't have enough then your out!!!!!! 01:17:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Paterson N.J.,City CouncilThe run for the available City Council seats are just a few months away and the most contested seat is the 1st Ward seat held by Rev. Staton who is not runningThe Chat with Charity Show- "Hey Hey, Its your girl Charity", 25 Jun 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show- "Hey Hey, Its your girl Charity"The Show will be packed with: The End of the School Year StuffSports TalkCharity's Heart Felt MusicWho are the People in you Hood?Whats Crazy Out There01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth talk show,Teenagers,Sports talk,crazy peopleThe Show will be packed with: The End of the School Year StuffSports TalkCharity's Heart Felt MusicWho are the People in you Hood?Whats Crazy Out ThereThe Chat with Charity Show - "Hey, Hey Its Your Girl Charity", 11 Jun 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show - "Hey, Hey Its Your Girl Charity"Call In the BEST Youth Talk Show around: The Chat with Charity Show! at 7pm EST This show she will be introducing a NEW segment call: "WHO ARE THE PEOPLE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?" CHARITY, will also be bringing on another Sponsor as well... 01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports talk,PatersonCall In the BEST Youth Talk Show around: The Chat with Charity Show! at 7pm EST This show she will be introducing a NEW segment call: "WHO ARE THE PEOPLE IN YOChat with Charity Show Live "Hey Hey, it's your girl Charity", 04 Jun 2015 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show Live "Hey Hey, it's your girl Charity"Charity's Topics: ? School System and Education ? Sports Talk ? What's Crazy ?01:01:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports talk,school,Kids musicCharity's Topics: ? School System and Education ? Sports Talk ? What's Crazy ?Chat with Charity Show "Hey Hey, Its your Girl Charity", 28 May 2015 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show "Hey Hey, Its your Girl Charity"Tonights show is LIVE from the Fabian 8 in Paterson,NJ at a Jazz and R&B Show...something a litte crazier! 01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports talkTonights show is LIVE from the Fabian 8 in Paterson,NJ at a Jazz and R&B Show...something a litte crazier!The Chat with Charity Show - "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity Out of the Counrty", 21 May 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show - "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity Out of the Counrty" The first youth hosted, youth based Online Radio show that caters to the Young Leaders of tomorrow and some grown folks of today as well. Charity Wilder-Fischer is the Voice of the Youth of Paterson, NJ.... This show will be prerecord because Charity will be out of the country for the first time (Canada)...So she will be playing some of her favorite songs. And Next week May 28 show will start with her New Segment "Who Are The People In Your Neighborhood". 01:03:00Black Buffalo Radionoteens,kids,youth,Sports talk,world eventsThe first youth hosted, youth based Online Radio show that caters to the Young Leaders of tomorrow and some grown folks of today as well. Charity Wilder-FischeChat With Charity Show- "Hey, Hey Its Your Girl Charity", 14 May 2015 23:00:00 GMTChat With Charity Show- "Hey, Hey Its Your Girl Charity"My Topics for my next show are: • I will be chatting about Education & School • Sports Talk • and of course WHATS CRAZY????? Call in to listen or to chat at 347-855-8032 between 7pm - 8pm 01:01:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports talk,Educational,childrenMy Topics for my next show are: • I will be chatting about Education & School • Sports Talk • and of course WHATS CRAZY????? Call in to listen or to chaThe Ruckus Room - Recreation, REALLY!!!!!! Events, 14 May 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room - Recreation, REALLY!!!!!!This is the message that was sent out yesterday!!!!! PLEASE BE ADVISED! THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ARE TALKING ABOUT ELIMINATING ALL CITY RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BASKETBALL, BASEBALL, FOOTBALL, SOCCER, SENIOR CITIZENS PROGRAMS AND ETC Last night at the City Council meeting there was an uproar from the residents of Paterson regarding the possilibility of funds for Recreation being cut, how is this even a thought? Paterson is over-run with violence and crime and cutting programs from recreation will only add to the problem. We don't have enough for our youth to do as it is and now the administration wants to add to the problem by taking what little is there and putting them out on the street with nothing to do. “This is not a recreation issue, this is a human issue, this is an issue about the future of our city,” said Benji Wimberly. “This is not about football, basketball, and after school programs, it’s about our future.” When youth lack recreation they will be often be “raising hell” on the streets, said Kenyatta Stewart. He said kids need recreational opportunities. “I don’t think any council member will support any cuts in recreation,” said Morris. He said he does not want to be accused of cutting programs for city youths. Councilman Kenneth Morris said putting $585,000 into the recreation budget will not be an easy task. Wimberly’s letter to the mayor and city council members requests half-million dollars to bring recreation funding to the same level it was 17 years ago. And as usual...... Mayor Jose “Joey” Torres could not immediately be reached for comments; a message was left with his secretary.   02:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,The Ruckus Room,Paterson N.J.This is the message that was sent out yesterday!!!!! PLEASE BE ADVISED! THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ARE TALKING ABOUT ELIMINATING ALL CITY RECREATIONAL PROGRATalk of the Town w/ Brent Nation featuring Dr. Hodges of the Board of Education, 12 May 2015 00:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town w/ Brent Nation featuring Dr. Hodges of the Board of EducationTalk of the Town is back on the air and our first guest will be Dr. Jonathan Hodges, President of the Paterson Board of Education... You don't want to miss this one!!!!! All Board of Ed. members are welcome to join the conversation.... 01:58:00Black Buffalo Radionortr media group,save the village,paterson board of educationTalk of the Town is back on the air and our first guest will be Dr. Jonathan Hodges, President of the Paterson Board of Education... You don't want to miss thisChat with Charity Show - "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity", 07 May 2015 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show - "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity" The Chat with Charity Show featuring Charity is the Youngest and Brightest voice to come out of Paterson, NJ with purpose. Her cutting edge approach to today's issues and topics from the prospective of young America.Chat with Charity Show is the best of it's kind and in a league by it's self...Call in any Thursday night at 7pm 347-855-8032 01:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,teens,children,Sports talk,EducationalThe Chat with Charity Show featuring Charity is the Youngest and Brightest voice to come out of Paterson, NJ with purpose. Her cutting edge approach to today'sChat with Charity Show - "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity", 30 Apr 2015 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show - "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity"Call in to listen or to chat at 347-855-8032 between 7pm - 8pm   SG- "Lady J" Topics Tonight: • I will be chatting about the Education • Sports Talk: NFL Draft, Mets & Yankees ,NBA Players and more • and of course WHATS CRAZY?????   01:01:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,Sports talk,schoolsCall in to listen or to chat at 347-855-8032 between 7pm - 8pm   SG- "Lady J" Topics Tonight: • I will be chatting about the Education • Sports Talk: NFLConscious Vibes Radio Show, 18 Apr 2015 23:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in this Saturday April 18,2015 @7:00pm EST dial in number: 347-855-8032 for part 5 of "The Truth About Music Series" : "Music It's Effect and Influence on us Women and Our Children"01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu Conscious Vibes RTR Media GroupTune in this Saturday April 18,2015 @7:00pm EST dial in number: 347-855-8032 for part 5 of "The Truth About Music Series" : "Music It's Effect and Influence onThe Chat with Charity Show- "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity", 16 Apr 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show- "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity"The Chat with Charity Show aires every Thursday Night from 7pm -8pm. This show is hosted by the youngest person in the biz."CHARITY" Topics:  Spring Break is over, back to school...Sports Talk Time...Whats Crazy? Weather, Sleep is Needed, Robberies are back,Shooting are back and its not even summer yet, You can also win prizes as well so call in 347-355-8032 01:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoyouth,Teenagers,youth sports,youth ministry,youth musicThe Chat with Charity Show aires every Thursday Night from 7pm -8pm. This show is hosted by the youngest person in the biz."CHARITY" Topics:  Spring Break isConscious Vibes Radio Show, 11 Apr 2015 23:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowTune in April 11 2015 @ 7pm EST We will be doing Part 4 of The "Truth About Music Series" : "History of Hip Hop" and "The Role Of A Hip Hop Mc" Call in #: 347-855-803201:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu Conscious Vibes RTR Media GroupTune in April 11 2015 @ 7pm EST We will be doing Part 4 of The "Truth About Music Series" : "History of Hip Hop" and "The Role Of A Hip Hop Mc" Call in #: 347-8Chat with Charity Show- "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity", 09 Apr 2015 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show- "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity"Whats New in your school and hers? Homework package, What did you do on your Spring Breakwith Alona all week Sports Talk- NCAA Duke are the Champs, MLB Yankee lost opener Mets Won theirs, NBA-Nets are still fight for the playoffs,The new york rangers will finsih with the best record and lets hope they can win the Standley Cup this year.  Whats Crazy???? Weather,Ma Rose, No Empire...but Gothum starts Monday April, (six flags and beach)    If you call in you can win movie Tickets and T-shirts by FashionbyAZ 01:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,youth sports,Sports Talk Radio,Movies,Kids radioWhats New in your school and hers? Homework package, What did you do on your Spring Breakwith Alona all week Sports Talk- NCAA Duke are the Champs, MLB Yankee lChat with Charity Show - "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity", 02 Apr 2015 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show - "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity" Call in to hear Great Music and CHAT WITH CHARITY about: What going on in your schoolHer Sport Talk about the NCAA Championship run and more... and Whats going on CRAZY in the World01:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,Sports talk,Movies and Film,youth sports,youthCall in to hear Great Music and CHAT WITH CHARITY about: What going on in your schoolHer Sport Talk about the NCAA Championship run and more... and Whats goi"Conscious Vibes Radio Show", 28 Mar 2015 23:00:00 GMT"Conscious Vibes Radio Show"Tune in Saturday March 28,2015 at 7pm EST for part 3 of "The Real Purpose Of Music" "Truth About Music Series. Dial in number:347-855-803201:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu Conscious Vibes RTR Media GroupTune in Saturday March 28,2015 at 7pm EST for part 3 of "The Real Purpose Of Music" "Truth About Music Series. Dial in number:347-855-8032Chat with Charity Show, 26 Mar 2015 23:03:54 GMTChat with Charity ShowLets GO!!!! 00:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoLets GO!!!!Chat with Charity Show- "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity", 19 Mar 2015 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show- "Hey Hey, Its Your Girl Charity" Call in 347-855-8032 or log in to www.Blotalkradio,com to Chat with the Youngest Talk show host around "CHARITY"! What going on in the schoolsSPORT TALK!!!Whats going on Crazy out therein the world????? Every Thursday at 7pm 01:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,Sports talk,EducationCall in 347-855-8032 or log in to www.Blotalkradio,com to Chat with the Youngest Talk show host around "CHARITY"! What going on in the schoolsSPORT TALK!!!WhatThe Ruckus Room - The Conference, The Mission, The Movement, 19 Mar 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room - The Conference, The Mission, The MovementThe conference is considered by some to have been a success, it has also been called a waste of time by others and it leaves some questions to be answered.. Question 1). Now that the conference is over, what's next? 2).  Do we have the tools to proceed and if so why are there any objections to our efforts? 3). The attendence at the conference was fantastic but some key componets to the advancement of the Save The Village Movement did not bother to show up or even support this effort, WHY? 4). Certain people don't understand the purpose of the conference or the movement and will try to stop us a any cost, do we try to stop them or do we ignore them and move on with our agenda? 01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,The Ruckus Room,Talk of the TownThe conference is considered by some to have been a success, it has also been called a waste of time by others and it leaves some questions to be answered.. Queconscious vibes radio show, 14 Mar 2015 23:00:00 GMTconscious vibes radio showJoin us at 7pm EST Saturday call in # 347-855-8032. We will be picking up where we left off with the Truth About Music Series" Part 2 of "The Real Purpose Of Music" for more info about the "Conscious Vibes Radio Show" and it's purpose u can go to or u can call us at 443-851-303801:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu Conscious Vibes RTR Media GroupJoin us at 7pm EST Saturday call in # 347-855-8032. We will be picking up where we left off with the Truth About Music Series" Part 2 of "The Real Purpose Of MuChat with Charity Show - "Hey, Its Your Girl Charity", 12 Mar 2015 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show - "Hey, Its Your Girl Charity"The 12 year Old with a Old SOUL take Radio to another level. Topics: Whats the lastest School News? Charity's Sports Talk Whats CRAZY this Week?01:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,Sports talk,news talk,stop the violence,old school musicThe 12 year Old with a Old SOUL take Radio to another level. Topics: Whats the lastest School News? Charity's Sports Talk Whats CRAZY this Week?Conscious Vibes Radio Show, 08 Mar 2015 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio ShowThe "Conscious Vibes" Radio Show will officially be broadcasting every Saturday from 7pm to 9pm The first five shows we will be doing a "Truth About Music Series"  and the topics we will be covering are: "The Real Purpose of Music", "History of Hip Hop", "Role of a Hip Hop Mc/Definition of a Hip Hop MC","Hip Hop and it's effects on society, Our Youth, and how it ties in with the curses, deception of music", and "Music and how it effects our women and children.  at the end we will allow 5 minutes to at least 2 listeners to ask questions or to give feedeback starting on our second call before the show ends. U will be able to call in at: 347-855-8032 The purpose of the "Conscious Vibes" radio show would be to enlighten the unconscious population about deception, ignorance and truth. By activating their inner ability to Understand their own reality,encouraging them to use their own minds to Come to the understanding of higher ideals, and showing them how to be one with the creator inside of all of creation, we can thus strategically unify the people in order to Build a Better Future. As we continue the show we will promote and announce community events and projects and rebuilding and taking back our communities as well as business oppurtunities. 01:55:00Black Buffalo RadionoYahushyn Kualiyahu Conscious Vibes RTR GroupThe "Conscious Vibes" Radio Show will officially be broadcasting every Saturday from 7pm to 9pm The first five shows we will be doing a "Truth About Music SeriThe Chat with Charity Show- "Its Your Girl Charity", 06 Mar 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show- "Its Your Girl Charity"Charity will have a Special Guest Thursday night, but 1st: She will be chatting about the PARCCTest that started MondayWhat’s the Latest Sports Newsand of course WHATS CRAZY????? Charity will have a Special Guest: 3 Queen Ent. "NORE A".  She is a Young Lady from Paterson,NJ. Who is about to show the Hip Hop game some of her Game!!! 01:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoTeenagers,school,Sports talk,HULU PLUS,NetsCharity will have a Special Guest Thursday night, but 1st: She will be chatting about the PARCCTest that started MondayWhat’s the Latest Sports Newsand of coursConscious Vibes Radio Show/ The Truth and Nothing But The Truth, 01 Mar 2015 00:00:00 GMTConscious Vibes Radio Show/ The Truth and Nothing But The TruthThe "Conscious Vibes" Radio Show will officially be broadcasting Febrauary 28,2015 from 7pm to 9pm The first five shows we will be doing a "Truth About Music Series"  and the topics we will be covering are: "The Real Purpose of Music", "History of Hip Hop", "Role of a Hip Hop Mc/Definition of a Hip Hop MC","Hip Hop and it's effects on society, Our Youth, and how it ties in with the curses, deception of music", and "Music and how it effects our women and children.  at the end we will allow 5 minutes to at least 2 listeners to ask questions or to give feedeback starting on our second call before the show ends. U will be able to call in at: 347-855-8032 The purpose of the "Conscious Vibes" radio show would be to enlighten the unconscious population about deception, ignorance and truth. By activating their inner ability to Understand their own reality,encouraging them to use their own minds to Come to the understanding of higher ideals, and showing them how to be one with the creator inside of all of creation, we can thus strategically unify the people in order to Build a Better Future. As we continue the show we will promote and announce community events and projects and rebuilding and taking back our communities as well as business oppurtunities.   01:21:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Kualiyahu Yasharal,Yahushyn Yasharal,Conscious VibesThe "Conscious Vibes" Radio Show will officially be broadcasting Febrauary 28,2015 from 7pm to 9pm The first five shows we will be doing a "Truth About Music SThe CHAT with CHARITY SHOW- "Hey, its your girl Charity", 27 Feb 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe CHAT with CHARITY SHOW- "Hey, its your girl Charity"Turn In to find out what the young lady has to say on: Tonight’s Show we be a Little Different then her other show!Charity will be chatting about her BIG Science Project for her schools Science Fair!After that she will be playing all types of music, so call in early to chat with her... Also if you missed any of Charity's shows you can find them on her Facebook Page: Chat with Charity Show 01:01:00Black Buffalo Radionoteens,Teenagers,sport radio,schools,testingTurn In to find out what the young lady has to say on: Tonight’s Show we be a Little Different then her other show!Charity will be chatting about her BIG SciencBack In To Society Test show.., 25 Feb 2015 20:30:00 GMTBack In To Society Test show..Testing 1234 00:11:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR MediaTesting 1234test show conscious vibes, 22 Feb 2015 21:00:00 GMTtest show conscious vibesthis is a test show for 15 minutes 00:12:00Black Buffalo Radionortr mediathis is a test show for 15 minutesThe Chat with Charity Show- with your girl "CHARITY", 20 Feb 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show- with your girl "CHARITY"Her Hot Topics This Week: Valentines WeekendSchool IssuesThe NBA All-STAR WEEKEND- the East Lost.   : (A Re-Cap on the New Movies Coming OutCable vs. NetflixHER latest Audition in New Yorkand what ever you would like to CHAT about00:59:00Black Buffalo Radionoschool teachers,kids,netflix,hulu,NBAHer Hot Topics This Week: Valentines WeekendSchool IssuesThe NBA All-STAR WEEKEND- the East Lost.   : (A Re-Cap on the New Movies Coming OutCable vs. NetflixHERConscious Vibes test show.., 16 Feb 2015 23:30:00 GMTConscious Vibes test show..Testing 123 This is just a test show for training.... 12345678910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  00:30:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Cavelia Duvall,Kevin Womble Sr.Testing 123 This is just a test show for training.... 12345678910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Back In To Society - The Lenny Singleton/Vandy Hill Story.. Unconditional Love Events, 16 Feb 2015 01:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - The Lenny Singleton/Vandy Hill Story.. Unconditional Love “Love Conquers All” The story you are about to hear is word for word, heart to heart true..  Lenny Singleton and Vandy Hill lost contact with each other after high school only to be reunited 28 years later, this is where it all begins! After high school Lenny went on to earn a Bachelor’s in Business.  After college he joined the Navy where his addiction took over his life.  In a 13 day period he robbed 8 stores while under the influence of alcohol and crack cocaine.  For this he received 2 Life Sentences plus 100 years. He did not kill or even hurt anyone.  He did not have a gun during any of the incidents.  There is not one victim impact statement made against him.  In total he stole approximately $350.  This was his first felony offense.  In Lenny’s case the Virginia General Assembly recommended 11-18 years.  The judge disregarded these guidelines and without any explanation to the court, Lenny or his family, sentenced Lenny to more time than rapists, child molesters, and murderers.  To date, Lenny has served over 19 years.  His time while incarcerated stands testament to his reformed nature.  He works every day in a position of authority at Virginia Correctional Enterprises.  He lives in the Honor’s Dormitory.  He has never received an infraction for anything during his entire incarceration.  I began writing everyone I could think of to bring this situation to light to the American public.  I also began writing Lenny.  Through the act of writing and catching Lenny up over the past 28 years, I began to see what bad shape I was in.  I was horribly overweight.   “Vandy,  You have a tumor, to be continued, listen in to find out the rest of the story.. 02:22:00Black Buffalo RadionoBack In To Society,Lenny Singleton,Vandy Hill,Mark A Clements,Pam Deghand“Love Conquers All” The story you are about to hear is word for word, heart to heart true..  Lenny Singleton and Vandy Hill lost contact with each other afteThe Chat with Charity Show, 13 Feb 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity ShowTonights Show Charity will be Chatting about: The New PARCC TestingMath Math MathNBA All-Star WeekendTiger Woods shutting it downAnd like every week Whats Crazy out There?   01:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoTonights Show Charity will be Chatting about: The New PARCC TestingMath Math MathNBA All-Star WeekendTiger Woods shutting it downAnd like every week Whats CrazyBack In To Society - Prison Profiteering of the backs of the incarcerated ., 09 Feb 2015 01:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Prison Profiteering of the backs of the incarcerated .As an offender stands before a judge and hears the sentencing terms, the victims and the others are also listening. A two-year stint versus a ten year stretch in a privately operated correctional facility can make a huge difference in profit. We will one day arrive at the point where rehabilitation and a reduction in recidivism become less desirable because they ultimately compromises profit…. By championing private prisons, we are condoning the profiteering of the incarcerated. In other words, we are saying that when times get bad, don’t worry, money will be made. If we look at the prison system as a business, we are disregarding the human element that makes the system work... When dollars dominate, one becomes blind to the real threat that lies within. In order to keep profits at a high, sometimes actions become motivated by the power of money. An increase in profit often leads to shortcuts and, thus safety and security will be compromised and lives will be lost. When business and profit margins supersede the value of a human life, we are in serious trouble, we can no longer allow the meat locker stocking of men, women and now children to get any bigger than it already is. Judges, police departments, sheriff departments as well as probation and parole officers are making a huge amount of money via the Prison for Profit system and the School to Prison Pipeline… Kevin W. Womble (Back In To Society – Breaking the Barriers of Injustice). 02:04:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Mark A. Clements,Pam Deghand,Kevin W. Womble Sr.As an offender stands before a judge and hears the sentencing terms, the victims and the others are also listening. A two-year stint versus a ten year stretch iChat with Charity Show Live, 06 Feb 2015 00:01:18 GMTChat with Charity Show LiveShe wiil be doing her thing tonight..... 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoShe wiil be doing her thing tonight.....Talk of the Town - Save the Village The Black Condition Conference, 03 Feb 2015 01:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town - Save the Village The Black Condition ConferenceThe Paterson Save the Village Black Condition Conference has a mission statement to identify and analyze the Black condition in Paterson and offer recommendations as how these concerns maybe practically resolved in the short, medium and long term.  The vision of the conference is to have all social ,community ,economic and political groups access the resources needed to up lift the Black community to be an equal partner at the table with other ethnic and cultural groups in the forging the way forward for our city Paterson.  We the organizers are requesting your participation at this historical conference which will be held on February 28, 2015 at School #6 137 Carroll Street starting at 10am. Registration is being conducted online for individuals We as a community have in our possession an opportunity to uplift and improve the black condition in Paterson New Jersey making us a productive and full partner with other ethnic and cultural groups. We as an community must identify and improve on economic empowerment, successful education outcomes thus creating successful opportunities for our children.  We have an opportunity to write a positive and successful history for the black community in Paterson. It incumbent on all of us to show our pride and concern for improving the condition of the Black community You can register online at… Your assistance in saving our village and improving the black condition will write a positive and productive future history for the Paterson Black communities  Yours truly,  We the Organizers of the First Annual Black Conference  And Brent Nation  01:58:00Black Buffalo RadionoThe Black Condition Conference,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker Jr.,RTR Media Group,Dave GilmoreThe Paterson Save the Village Black Condition Conference has a mission statement to identify and analyze the Black condition in Paterson and offer recommendatioThe Chat With Charity Show - This is Charity's Birthday Show, 30 Jan 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat With Charity Show - This is Charity's Birthday Show Charity's Birthday Show - She is turning 12 years OLD!!! Chatting about what is happening at Her School & Your SchoolSuperBowl Picks and the NFL Pro BowlWhat's Crazy Out There....01:01:00Black Buffalo Radionokids,teens,elementary education,football talk,schoolCharity's Birthday Show - She is turning 12 years OLD!!! Chatting about what is happening at Her School & Your SchoolSuperBowl Picks and the NFL Pro BowlWhat'sThe Ruckus Room - Presents The No Confidence RoundTable Julio Tavares, 29 Jan 2015 01:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room - Presents The No Confidence RoundTable Julio TavaresWelcome back Uncle Ernie!!!!!!   Coming back as strong as ever Ernest Rucker Jr. Dave Gilmore and Brent Nation pick up where they left off.. The city of Paterson has an issue with the present Council President Julio Tavares who has basically made it clear that he has no respect for the constituents and voters of Paterson. He has made some racially motivated comments that were offensive to other Council members and his attempt to divide the city has gained some negative attention. Race-baiting and racial division cannot and will not be accepted in the political circle of our city government . We don't have to call this man a racist, he has made it perfectly clear... This is a must have conversation that needs to be addressed.. Join Ernie,Brent,Dave and special guest as we discuss the petition for a No Confidence Vote against Tavares as well as the up coming Black Condition Conference this Feburary...  01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent Nation,Carren Lee Nation,Dave GilmoreWelcome back Uncle Ernie!!!!!!   Coming back as strong as ever Ernest Rucker Jr. Dave Gilmore and Brent Nation pick up where they left off.. The city of PaterThe Chat with Charity Show-, 23 Jan 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show-Whats up in schoolNFL Playoffs, Pro Bowl and Super BowlWhats Crazy01:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoWhats up in schoolNFL Playoffs, Pro Bowl and Super BowlWhats CrazyBack In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of Injustice -Re-Entry and redemption, 19 Jan 2015 01:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of Injustice -Re-Entry and redemptionTonight's show is a dedication to all of the efforts of the many Re-Entry Programs and all of the many people who devote their time to helping individuals get Back In To Society... Barbara & Teddie Martinez Over 10,000 ex-prisoners are released from America’s state and federal prisons every week and arrive on the doorsteps of our nation's communities. More than 650,000 ex-offenders are released from prison every year, and studies show that approximately two-thirds will likely be rearrested within three years of release. The high volume of returnees is a reflection on the tremendous growth in the U.S. prison population during the past 30 years. For the communities to which most former prisoners return (communities which are often impoverished and disenfranchised neighborhoods with few social supports and persistently high crime rates), the release of ex-offenders represents a variety of challenges. What can be done to help people who are released from prison keep from being rearrested? With no job, no money, and no place to live, returnees often find themselves facing the same pressures and temptations that landed them in prison in the first place. Assisting ex-prisoners in finding and keeping employment, identifying transitional housing, and receiving mentoring are three key elements of successful re-entry into our communities. In October 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world, at 716 per 100,000 of the national population.While the United States represents about 5 percent of the world's population. As of 2014 the high incarceration rates have started to modestly decline, although still remain the highest in the world. 01:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Back In To Society,Pam Deghand,Mark A. Clements,Teddie MartinezTonight's show is a dedication to all of the efforts of the many Re-Entry Programs and all of the many people who devote their time to helping individuals get BThe Chat with Charity Show - Live Every Thursday Night @7pm, 16 Jan 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show - Live Every Thursday Night @7pm Charity will be Chatting about: "Selma"The World of SportsWhats Crazy?and anything you have on YOUR mind...... Caller can Win Fabian 8 movie passes and other Great Prizes   if you miss any show please visit Chat with Charity Show Facebook page 00:38:00Black Buffalo RadionoSports,Talkshows,Teenagers,actors on actingCharity will be Chatting about: "Selma"The World of SportsWhats Crazy?and anything you have on YOUR mind...... Caller can Win Fabian 8 movie passes and other GBack In To Society - Cavelia Duvall "Presents" The Truth Prison Team, 12 Jan 2015 01:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Cavelia Duvall "Presents" The Truth Prison TeamThe Purpose of the Truth Prison Team is to educate , awaken and set an example for our people who are ignorant and disobedient, who continue to fall into the curses of Dueteronomy "28", who have yet to learnfrom their mistakes, who need understanding and guidence as well as discipline from the most high through his word, correction and rebuke... An introduction to The Prison Truth Documentary The purpose of the documentary is to educate our people on the history and purpose of the prison system...  02:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Back In To Society,Kevin W. Womble Sr. Ma Shalom,Mark A. Clements,Abiyah YahwehThe Purpose of the Truth Prison Team is to educate , awaken and set an example for our people who are ignorant and disobedient, who continue to fall into the cuThe Chat with Charity Show, 09 Jan 2015 00:00:00 GMTThe Chat with Charity Show These are some of the topics Charity will be chatting about: School is Back in sessionNFL Playoffs Roll along-NCAA 1st College playoffs The Movie Selma Release01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoThese are some of the topics Charity will be chatting about: School is Back in sessionNFL Playoffs Roll along-NCAA 1st College playoffs The Movie Selma ReleaseRTR Media Group "PRESENTS" The Talk of The Town 2015 Events, 06 Jan 2015 01:00:00 GMTRTR Media Group "PRESENTS" The Talk of The Town 20152014 was a hell of a year for Paterson N.J. but that was then and this is now, tonight Brent Nation and Ernest Rucker Jr. will go back over the events of the last 12 months that rocked, rolled and ran throught the city. The way forward for Paterson in 2015 depends on the road we choose to travel..Join us as we look ahead to see where we are headed and what mistakes from 2014 we can not afford to make in 2015.... Happy New Year!!!!!! 01:55:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Dave Gilmore2014 was a hell of a year for Paterson N.J. but that was then and this is now, tonight Brent Nation and Ernest Rucker Jr. will go back over the events of the laChat with Charity New Years Show-Lets Chat about your 2015 New Years Resolutions, 02 Jan 2015 00:00:00 GMTChat with Charity New Years Show-Lets Chat about your 2015 New Years ResolutionsHalf way point though the 2014-2015 school yearNFL Playoffs are starting...Who your pick or sleeper?What's crazy? New Years Resolutions00:56:00Black Buffalo RadionoHalf way point though the 2014-2015 school yearNFL Playoffs are starting...Who your pick or sleeper?What's crazy? New Years ResolutionsThe Ruckus Room - 2014 was a hell of a year for Paterson N.J. Events, 01 Jan 2015 01:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room - 2014 was a hell of a year for Paterson N.J.In two hours 2014 will be gone but not forgotten, Paterson has seen more than it's share of hell and RTR Media Group was there to bring it to you.... From the electing a new/old Mayor to voting in a new City Council President, children being shot down in the street, a curfew being instituted, hot spots being designated, School Board elections, corruption in the City Council, guns, drugs, robbery, theft, fires,marches and vigils and rallies, a failing NAACP and a failing school system, race-baiting and attempted race dividing and this was just some of what went on in Paterson... What do we have to look forward to in 2015? Can Paterson make some improvements? As we dismiss the old year and bring in the new year can we see a brighter future? What's next and who's next? 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Ernest Rucker Jr,Brent Nation,Kevin W. Womble Sr,Carren Lee NationIn two hours 2014 will be gone but not forgotten, Paterson has seen more than it's share of hell and RTR Media Group was there to bring it to you.... From the eChat with Charity Christmas Show, 26 Dec 2014 00:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Christmas ShowMerry Christmas to everyone from a Chat with Charity Show! We will be playing Holiday Music to keep you in the Christmas moody... 01:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoMerry Christmas to everyone from a Chat with Charity Show! We will be playing Holiday Music to keep you in the Christmas moody...Michelle Braxton~Author/Activist/Motivational Speaker, 22 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTMichelle Braxton~Author/Activist/Motivational SpeakerMichelle Braxton will tell us her beautiful story of how she has lived with HIV for 24 years.  She is a motivational speaker and has very special personal relationship with God.  She is also an author.  02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoPam Deghand,Mark A Clements,Kevin Womble Sr,Michelle BraxtonMichelle Braxton will tell us her beautiful story of how she has lived with HIV for 24 years.  She is a motivational speaker and has very special personal relatChat with Charity Show, 18 Dec 2014 23:28:21 GMTChat with Charity ShowTonight Charity will be giving away tickets to her Christmas Extravaganza and Movie Event "ANNIE"....and of course she will be playing music and Chatting about : SCHOOL, SPORTS and WHAT'S CRAZY? 01:07:00Black Buffalo RadionoTonight Charity will be giving away tickets to her Christmas Extravaganza and Movie Event "ANNIE"....and of course she will be playing music and Chatting aboutThe Ruckus Room - Racism in Paterson's City Hall - Julio Tavares must go!!!!, 18 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room - Racism in Paterson's City Hall - Julio Tavares must go!!!!Monday's council meeting did a few things that we as a community need to take note of 1) Council President Julio Tavares attempted to through his political weight around using racism and bigotry in an attempt to further his deck stacking abilities to hispanicly over take city hall. 2) Julio Tavares the Councilman and Julio the Council President who inadvertantly are the same person has his own agenda that just does not fit in the needed political structure in Paterson.. 3) Because of some desperate tactics that backfired Council President showed his already somewhat exposed hand and we as a city, as a community as voters and constituents will no longer stand for it therefor the movement to have JULIO TAVARES removed has to take place... NOW!!!!!!!!! 02:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent NationMonday's council meeting did a few things that we as a community need to take note of 1) Council President Julio Tavares attempted to through his political weiChat with Charity, 12 Dec 2014 00:00:00 GMTChat with CharityTonight Chat with Charity about School, Sports and Whats Crazy? Charity will also be talking about the New Movie ANNIE coming out next week and What do you want for Christmas 00:58:00Black Buffalo RadionoEducation,Sports talk,world eventsTonight Chat with Charity about School, Sports and Whats Crazy? Charity will also be talking about the New Movie ANNIE coming out next week and What do you wantTalk of the Town- Fall from Grace- The Ebony Factor, 09 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town- Fall from Grace- The Ebony FactorAnthony "Ebony" Davis Councilman of the 1st Ward turned in his resignation agter pleading guilty to Bribry charges in federal court leaving the city in a political quandry.  Remarks from Davis:  “I made an inexcusable mistake,” said Davis, who represents the city’s 1st Ward, in a brief interview with Paterson Press on Tuesday evening. “That’s all I can tell you.” When asked if his resignation stemmed from an ongoing criminal investigation, Davis said, “Yes.” During the summer, there had been widespread rumors that Davis was under investigation by the FBI involving his role as a city councilman. Federal officials at that time would not confirm or deny whether Davis was the subject of a probe. Davis, who works at Passaic County Community College, on Tuesday declined to discuss the investigation. On April 20, 2012 – less than four weeks before the election -- Davis extorted a $5,000 bribe from a law enforcement informant posing as an out-of-state developer looking to do business in Paterson, the councilman admitted in federal court on Wednesday. Davis, 50, also admitted in court that he took a second $5,000 bribe from the informant on July 25, 2012, two months after he won the 1st Ward election by just 46 votes. He resigned from this council seat Wednesday afternoon. Davis,  was serving as city council president at the time he took the bribes. What is next for the 1st Ward? Who is next for the 1st Ward? Should there be a special election to fill the vacant seat or should the Council appoint someone to fill in until  November 2015?  We all make kistakes but is this to big to forgive Davis for? 01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker,Dave Gilmore,Talk of the TownAnthony "Ebony" Davis Councilman of the 1st Ward turned in his resignation agter pleading guilty to Bribry charges in federal court leaving the city in a politiGeorge Mallinckrodt~Florida Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill, 08 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTGeorge Mallinckrodt~Florida Mistreatment of the Mentally IllWe will discuss the inhumane treatment of mentally ill inmates in the Florida DOC. George Mallinckrodt worked in the Transitional Care Unit at The Dade Correctional Institution. He is an author and wrote the book "Getting Away With Murder." This book tells the horrible story of Darren Rainey who was scalded to death in the shower as a punishment. George no longer worked for the DOC when Mr. Rainey was murdered. 02:01:00Black Buffalo Radiono#Pam Deghand,Mark A Clements,Kevin Womble Sr,George MallinckrodtWe will discuss the inhumane treatment of mentally ill inmates in the Florida DOC. George Mallinckrodt worked in the Transitional Care Unit at The Dade CorrectiChat with Charity Show with Charity Wilder-Fischer, 05 Dec 2014 00:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show with Charity Wilder-FischerThe show at Planet 301 was a success and Thanksgiving is gone, now it is time for Charity to do her thing... There is a lot to talk about from the past few weeks and Charity will hit it all. School, grades,homework,after-school programs and activity. Sports and more.. Join Charity and the CWC Gang as she does her thing.. 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Della's Designs,Fischer of Men,Charity Wilder-FischerThe show at Planet 301 was a success and Thanksgiving is gone, now it is time for Charity to do her thing... There is a lot to talk about from the past few weeThe Ruckus Room with Ernest Rucker Jr. - 150 days of what with Joey Torres?, 04 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room with Ernest Rucker Jr. - 150 days of what with Joey Torres?Monday on The Talk of the Town the discussion was Joey Torres and his first 150+ days in office, tonight in The Ruckus Room Ernest and Brent will finish the conversation. The questions still remain the same, what has 150 days of Joey shown us and what can we expect after what we have seen? Is this enough time to determine the path he is leading this city down? The black community is not to happy with his actions so far, should we be? What has he done to improve the image of the administration and the city? Join us as we take a look into what we know, what we have, and what we see coming down the road....   02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent Nation,Paterson N.J.,Joey TorresMonday on The Talk of the Town the discussion was Joey Torres and his first 150+ days in office, tonight in The Ruckus Room Ernest and Brent will finish the conTalk of the Town - Joey Torres The first 150 days, 02 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town - Joey Torres The first 150 days Mayor Torres has been in office just orver 150 days and he has made some noise, there are a lot of controversal decisions made by the Mayor that does not sit right with the public,  The black community sits in review of 5 months of turmoil and disappointment from the Mayors office. Controversy over the demotion of Judge Kevin McDuffie appointed by former Mayor Jeffery Jones, McDuffie is the only African American Hudge presiding on the bench.. We will discuss the brewing controverses over various board appointments. Call in and share your views on this man's third go round in the Mayor's office. 02:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker Jr.Mayor Torres has been in office just orver 150 days and he has made some noise, there are a lot of controversal decisions made by the Mayor that does not sit rThe Ruckus Room - Ferguson, NAACP, Black Friday, Paterson, 27 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room - Ferguson, NAACP, Black Friday, PatersonThis week has been hell on the mind in Paterson N.J. and around the country, first there was the NAACP election for the Paterson chapter, then there was the decision not to indict Darren Wilson in Ferguson Mo for the murder of Mike Brown and fast approaching is the dreaded Black Friday which the system has designed so that black folks all across the country can spend there hard earned money in droves outside of their own communities...Last but not least is Paterson N.J. my home that is in so much turmoil that surviving is a task in itself everyday. 01:43:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent NationThis week has been hell on the mind in Paterson N.J. and around the country, first there was the NAACP election for the Paterson chapter, then there was the decThe NAACP and Ben Jealous, 25 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTThe NAACP and Ben JealousThe Paterson chapter election is tonight at 6pm at St. Lukes Church in Paterson N.J. and the crowning of a president is the order. Because we cannot broadcast live from St. Lukes we will repeat an earlier show.  If you are a member of the NAACP Paterson chapter we urge you to exercise your right to vote, vote smart but vote.... 01:14:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Dave GilmoreThe Paterson chapter election is tonight at 6pm at St. Lukes Church in Paterson N.J. and the crowning of a president is the order. Because we cannot broadcastTexas Death Row~Plus Waiting on Ferguson Grand Jury Events, 24 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTTexas Death Row~Plus Waiting on Ferguson Grand Jury1.)  We will discuss Texas death row, two cases, and the conditions there. Although the goal of every justice system is to provide fair and impartial judgements (ok, almost every justice system), more often than one would like to admit human nature runs its course. Either because of concealed evidence, people being framed, or corrupt law enforcement there are people being wrongly accused every daythat should serve as a lesson to all of us. 2.)  We will also adress the Ferguson issue and what the decision (still waiting) the grand jury makes on Darren Wilson the officer who shot and killed Micheal Brown.. Ferguson is already a powder keg and if the decidion is not to charge Wilson then what is next, a state of emergency has already been declared. Ferguson grand jury decision unlikely this weekend, sources say   01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media,Pam Deghand,Mark A. Clements,Ferguson MO.,Alex Salazar1.)  We will discuss Texas death row, two cases, and the conditions there. Although the goal of every justice system is to provide fair and impartial judgementsChat with Charity Show Live from Planet 301 with Charity Wilder- Fischer, 21 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show Live from Planet 301 with Charity Wilder- Fischer Tonight live from Planet 301 Charity will offically launch her show for the youth of Paterson. Bring the kids down for a night of fun and games and listen to the show being broadcast live . The topic is for kids and it's all about kids who as we know are our future.. 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoTonight live from Planet 301 Charity will offically launch her show for the youth of Paterson. Bring the kids down for a night of fun and games and listen to tThe Ruckus Room and the NAACP roundtable discussion w/ Ernest Rucker Jr.., 20 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room and the NAACP roundtable discussion w/ Ernest Rucker Jr..We know what is being said about the NAACP in Paterson, we know what is being said about the president of the Paterson Chapter, we know what needs to be done concerning the NAACP in Paterson and we know how to do what needs to be done with the Paterson Chapter of the NAACP and it's currant president... The question is, are there enough people in the Black Community that even give a damn about the NAACP in Paterson? Enter Dave Gilmore, the voice of reason and knowledge who is also a member in long standing who has every right to speak on the effectiviness and the ineffectiviness of the organization in Paterson.. Join Ernest Rucker Jr. , Brent Nation , Dave Gilmore and others as we continue with this so so important topic.. 01:58:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Ernest Rucker Jr,Brent Nation,Dave GilmoreWe know what is being said about the NAACP in Paterson, we know what is being said about the president of the Paterson Chapter, we know what needs to be done coTalk of the Town - The NAACP , what does it mean in Paterson N.J., 18 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town - The NAACP , what does it mean in Paterson N.J.This is a long awaited show that has had so many changes that it had to be postponed twice but it is ready to air now.. Brent Nation and Dave Gilmore will discuss the organization and what it means in Paterson N.J. The election for a new president! The effectiviness / ineffectiviness of the currant present! The direction the organization is headed in it't currant state. With election to select a new president for the city’s chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) just two weeks away, some African-American community leaders say incumbent president Kenneth Clayton has a thin record for action. Clayton, who has been president for two-terms, has been absent from major community issues, said David Gilmore, city activist. Gilmore said the organization has been silent on too many issues: the shooting death of Jacoby Hyatt, who was wounded in the abdomen, according to police reports, but was shot in the back, said the activist; the death of Randolph Waddy, who was chased while on a motorcycle by two volunteer auxiliary police officers resulting in a crash – the two officers were never charged with causing Waddy’s death. Gilmore also stated that the chapter has not been taking an active role in increasing educational attainment in the community. “Where is the NAACP in terms of voice for the lack of educational outcomes?” asked Gilmore, citing the 19 students, who were deemed college ready. Former state senate candidate Lynda Gallashaw said the only two issues the organization played an active role in was in boycotting a local tabloid and standing on the side of two youngsters involved in an animal cruelty incident. “When the incident with the Rutgers girls’ basketball team was under attack by a radio announcer, the Hackensack chapter had to take on the issue for Paterson players 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media,Brent Nation,Dave Gilmore,Ernest Rucker Jr.This is a long awaited show that has had so many changes that it had to be postponed twice but it is ready to air now.. Brent Nation and Dave Gilmore will discChat with Charity Show - The past, the present and the future!!!, 14 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show - The past, the present and the future!!! The changes that have been made in education over the last few years have a huge effect on the learning process of todays youth.. Tonight is a special night for fun and games and prizes getting ready for the break out of the show launching next week at Planet 301... KICKOFF NEXT WEEK at Planet 301 in the Center City Mall...^pm 8pm..Charity will be doing her show live... its free but you need to we can put your name at the door...So go tell your friends tp Call in tonight... Prizes, Music, and just alot of FUNNNNN! Charity's will talk about her NYC visit to Radfio City Music Hall School- The 1st Marking peroid is over- How did you do? Sports- The Giants losing to The Seahawks...Jets Beating "Big Ben" and the steelers NBA- Knicks keep losing 6 in a row....but Charitys Nets keep on ding well, but loss last night.... Whats Crazy - besides the weather changing and its getting dark faster....alot of fires in Paterson lately.Why?     00:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Charity Wilder-FischerThe changes that have been made in education over the last few years have a huge effect on the learning process of todays youth.. Tonight is a special nightTalk of the Town w/ Brent Nation, 11 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town w/ Brent NationBaby it is cold outside and it is still hot in the city! Polotics, Education and the NAACP are the hot button issues to date. The general election is over and the expected ticket won as we knew they would but what does that do for Paterson? T.J.Best and Bruce James regained their seats as did Corey Booker and Bill Pascrell, the only setback was Corrado over Gardner! Dr. Hodges was re-elected to the school board with Chrystal Cleaves and new comer Lilisa Mimms who brings some new blood and ideas..... Join the RTR Media Group flagship show as we talk of the town we love.. Bundle up and stay on top of the game!!!!!! 01:58:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Brent NationBaby it is cold outside and it is still hot in the city! Polotics, Education and the NAACP are the hot button issues to date. The general election is over andChat with Charity Show w/ Charity Wilder- Fischer, 07 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show w/ Charity Wilder- Fischer Talk about the Sponsors 1st. Halloween Today show SCHOOL- Paterson Public School Board Elections- the winner were Chrysal Cleaves, Dr. Joahnthan Hogdes, and Rev. Lisa Mimms.  Cant forget about Mr. T.J. Best who won his seat back as Passaic County Freeholder... What has the first marking of the school year shown you so far? Call in and lets talk about what your 1st making period is about.... SPORTS - Dispite the Jets record and they have the Steelers this sunday at home. and Ben Roethlisberger has been on Fire the last two weeks throwing 12 touchdown passes. but i have a good feel about this one. NBA started  with the New York Knicks new coach and team, Labron James back in Ohio, ans my Brooklyn Nets.... Whats Crazy- Ebola, is a disease of humans and other primates. Primates are Apes, like the Movie.... this is crazy too    the weather 01:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,CWFischerTalk about the Sponsors 1st. Halloween Today show SCHOOL- Paterson Public School Board Elections- the winner were Chrysal Cleaves, Dr. Joahnthan Hogdes, aLive from Jacksonville's the Democratic Party, 04 Nov 2014 01:30:00 GMTLive from Jacksonville's the Democratic PartyTonight we are broadcasting live from Jacksonville's - The Domocratic Party the election push to the finish line.. Live interviews with the candidates and campaign workers.. Join us and don't forget to vote Row A all day all the way.... Brent Nation - Ernest Rucker Jr. - Kevin Womble Sr. - Gee Gee Grier - Mike Jackson   01:30:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Kevin W. Womble Sr,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Mike JacksonTonight we are broadcasting live from Jacksonville's - The Domocratic Party the election push to the finish line.. Live interviews with the candidates and campTravion Blount~15 Years Old~6 Life Sentences Plus 118 Years, 03 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTTravion Blount~15 Years Old~6 Life Sentences Plus 118 YearsThe story of Travion Blount...a teenage boy sentenced to 6 life sentences plus 118 years for a non homicide crime.  His attorney will join us in telling this riviting story.  We will discuss what we all can do to help this promising young man get a fair and just sentence.   02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Group,Back In To Society,Pam Deghand,Mark A Clements,Travion BlountThe story of Travion Blount...a teenage boy sentenced to 6 life sentences plus 118 years for a non homicide crime.  His attorney will join us in telling this riRaising the Roof Media Group - Sami Mehri for Freeholder?, 31 Oct 2014 23:30:00 GMTRaising the Roof Media Group - Sami Mehri for Freeholder?Making one thing very clear, this is in no way an endorsement, this is an opportunity for a candidate to share their campaign quest with the public... We do have some questions and we will have some answers!!!!!!! In a democracy, the power does not  lie with the political bosses, the power  lies with the people.  I am asking all believers in  democratic principles to go to the polls  Tuesday, November 4th and vote me  in as an independent for Freeholder.  This will send a strong message to  the supposed "powers that be" that  democracy is alive and well in our  beloved county.    Vote Sami Merhi for Freeholder Independent and Free “to be a true representative  of you, the people. 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Kevin W. Womble Sr.,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker Jr.Making one thing very clear, this is in no way an endorsement, this is an opportunity for a candidate to share their campaign quest with the public... We do haChat with Charity Show w/ Charity Wilder-Fischer - Tricks and Treats, 30 Oct 2014 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show w/ Charity Wilder-Fischer - Tricks and Treats Holloween is here, are you ready? Charity will discuss the night preperations. Costumes, decorations and safety are the main focus, who will you be ? Are you going trick or treating and will you be prepared.... We may talk about sports but don't count on it!!!! There will be tons of parties and door to door trick or treating will be limited to your own neighborhood.  Be safe, be careful and have fun... The Chat with Charity Show is holding a photo costume contest, post photos on the Chat with Charity Facebook Page. Winner will be anounced next week.. 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Chat with Charity Show,Charity Wilder-FischerHolloween is here, are you ready? Charity will discuss the night preperations. Costumes, decorations and safety are the main focus, who will you be ? Are you gThe NAACP Round table - In The Ruckus Room, 30 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe NAACP Round table - In The Ruckus RoomTonight Ernest Rucker Jr, Brent Nation and Dave Gilmore will discuss the situation regarding the state of the Organization, the effectiveness of the current President and the up-coming election. Founded February 12, 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest, largest and most widely recognized grassroots based civil rights organization. Its more than half-million members and supporters throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities, conducting voter mobilization and monitoring equal opportunity in the public and private sectors. The question right now is how effective is the Organization in Paterson and what can be done in order to give the people of Paterson more faith in the chapter today.. 02:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent Nation,Dave GilmoreTonight Ernest Rucker Jr, Brent Nation and Dave Gilmore will discuss the situation regarding the state of the Organization, the effectiveness of the current PreTalk of the Town - The NAACP a historical view of the movement, 28 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town - The NAACP a historical view of the movementThe Paterson N.J. chapter of the NAACP has been just about dormant for the past 4 to 5 years and the question is who is responsibile for their inaction? Coming up is the election that will give the 100+ year old institution of the Civil Rights Movement a new president and another term with the sitting president. Is it time for change? Join Brent Nation in this vigorus conversation fueled by the public's need for a rebirth of the movement... Special guests Robert Belmont and Dave Gilmore sit down with Brent and co-host Ernest Rucker Jr.  00:46:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Brent NationThe Paterson N.J. chapter of the NAACP has been just about dormant for the past 4 to 5 years and the question is who is responsibile for their inaction? ComingBack In To Society~Save Rodney Reed~Innocent on Texas Death Row, 26 Oct 2014 23:00:00 GMTBack In To Society~Save Rodney Reed~Innocent on Texas Death RowTonight we will discuss the Rodney Reed case.  Rodney is set to be executed January 14, 2015.  He is innocent and languishes on Texas death row.  .  01:45:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Group,Pam Deghand,Mark A Clements,Rodney ReedTonight we will discuss the Rodney Reed case.  Rodney is set to be executed January 14, 2015.  He is innocent and languishes on Texas death row.  .Chat with Charity Show - Charods Dream - Charity Wilder-Fischer, 23 Oct 2014 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show - Charods Dream - Charity Wilder-FischerCharity is an inspiring dancer, actress and now America's newest personality. She is a gifted and talented young lady who has won the hearts on many.She is an honor student at the Paterson Charter School of Science and Technology Elementary School. Charity has danced with the renowned Dance Design Dance Company, Kingdom Kids Dance Ministries and NJ Performing Arts Center Dance Program. Her acting career includes The stage play "The Walls Between Us" and the "Wizdome of OZ" and "Behind Closes Doors". Charity's film includes "Striving" and "UMI" both directed by Jamal Hall. Recently in an interview with NBC News she showed off her new found love of television. Charity has won the hearts of many. With her new adventure of her talk show "Chat with Charity". Her admirations came about when her idol Oprah Winfrey annonced that she was retiring, Charity took out a pen and paper and the rest is about to become history. Her show is different and original, never before has there been a child with and old soul interviewing celebrities tell there stories. Her concept is to share stories on the set but also go out and get the info and bring it back. She wants to get in the heat of her issues by displaying them on film and on stage. Charity was a twin to her late brother Charod Wilder. She is also a Co-founder of the Charod Arts Foundation in his memory. She is always speaking to the masses about kind acts to others and keep the world green. This past March 2014 Charity was honor at Paterson, NJ Black Girls the Rock. So America get ready to " Chat with Charity"! Charity's vision is that "A dream is only reality waiting to happen".  Charity believes that children have a voice but often its goes unheard she wants to be the voice of her peers and show that they too can make a difference in this world. The Bible said "and a child shall lead them". 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Charity Wilder-Fischer,Della McCall Fischer,Mark Fischer,Kevin W. Womble Sr.Charity is an inspiring dancer, actress and now America's newest personality. She is a gifted and talented young lady who has won the hearts on many.She is an hThe Ruckus Room - Latino Business Owners Roundtable, 23 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room - Latino Business Owners RoundtableMonday was the start of the Latino Business Men's Association Roundtable, tonight Ernest Rucker Jr. will continue the conversation with Quilvio Montesino along with Jesus R. Castro, Lydia Robles and more. You don't want to miss the second part of this interesting debate concerning the Curfew Ordinance, The Business Owners and the Community.. State Law said that Liquor stores were not allowed to sell hard Liquor after 10 pm?  That's true, but when a person goes in to purchase it, before you leave the store the cashier opens the bottle and tells you to put it into your pocket. Quilvio said some rules or regulations are not being followed...but they can follow a rapper on Twitter  the laws/rules needs enforcement. 01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent NationMonday was the start of the Latino Business Men's Association Roundtable, tonight Ernest Rucker Jr. will continue the conversation with Quilvio Montesino alongTalk of the Town - Latin Business Men's Association and the Ordinance/Curfew Events, 21 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town - Latin Business Men's Association and the Ordinance/CurfewTonight we will hear from the both sides of the Curfew Ordinance , the business men have their issues with the ordinance in regards to their businesses and the community has their issues with the businesses and the ordinance. Is the list of hotspots complete? According to the latest news reports I don't think so, some areas have been left off. Can anything be done to remove a business off the list? What is the association prepared to do to help resolve the crime and violence that plaques these hotspot areas where their business is located. 01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Talk of the Town,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker JrTonight we will hear from the both sides of the Curfew Ordinance , the business men have their issues with the ordinance in regards to their businesses and theBack in to Society w/ Heddrick McBride Author/Publisher of McBride Stories, 20 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack in to Society w/ Heddrick McBride Author/Publisher of McBride StoriesTonight Pam Degand will be joined by a special co-host Charity Wilder-Fischer along with Kevin W. Womble and our special guest is Publisher and Author Heddrick McBride of McBride Stories Collection   Mr. McBride will be our guest this Sunday evening at 8:00 pm Eastern time. He is the owner/author of a collection of stories that are geared towards African American children. The colorful covers really jump out and catch one's eye. Heddrick's passion came from noticing there were very few books in bookstores, libraries, etc. that were just for black children. The books are very informative and fun at the same time.  He has also worked with ex-offenders in order to help them understand just how important family and being a responsible citizen is. 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoBITS,Raising the Roof Media Group,Pam Deghand,Charity Wilder-FischerTonight Pam Degand will be joined by a special co-host Charity Wilder-Fischer along with Kevin W. Womble and our special guest is Publisher and Author HeddrickChat with Charity Show - w/ Charity Wilder-Fischer, 16 Oct 2014 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show - w/ Charity Wilder-FischerThis is episode six in the CwCS and we are about to turn it up, stay tuned in because we have a few tricks up our sleeve that will set it off up in here.. 01:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media,Charity Wilder-Fischer,Mark Fischer,Della Fischer,Kevin W. Womble SrThis is episode six in the CwCS and we are about to turn it up, stay tuned in because we have a few tricks up our sleeve that will set it off up in here..Chicken and Liquor and Curfew oh My - The Ruckus Room, 16 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTChicken and Liquor and Curfew oh My - The Ruckus RoomOnce again the issue is the Curfew/Ordinance , the Hispanic Businessmen have developed a business association as to form some type of unity between business owners and are willing to take steps to relate and work with the community. Certain ideas were suggested that would give the business owners a larger part in insuring the safety of not just the business but the community also.. We want to discuss this with the community as a whole, we need your input on what you think the owners should and can do to resolve the issues, I say close at ten o'clock but not just that.. Cameras inside and out that are monitered and connected with the police, bringing in security police to patrol the property and area... What do you think? 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent NationOnce again the issue is the Curfew/Ordinance , the Hispanic Businessmen have developed a business association as to form some type of unity between business ownBack In To Society - During and After Gang Life, 13 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - During and After Gang LifeFor those who don't know it, gang life is not a thing of the past..  There are many risks associated with gang membership including exposure to violent crime, and possible incarceration. Why are so many adolescents willing to join? Several risk factors have been identified that increase the likelihood that a teen will join a gang including the presence of gangs in the neighborhood, having gang members in the family already, histories of sexual or physical abuse, growing up in poverty, having access to weapons and drugs, and a lack of success in other areas of life, such as school. Having identified these risk factors, experts propose that young adults join gangs because they both act as a surrogate family, as well as provide a sense of belonging, power, control and prestige. 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoBack in to Society,RTR Media Group,Kevin W. Womble,Pam Deghand,Mark A. ClementsFor those who don't know it, gang life is not a thing of the past..  There are many risks associated with gang membership including exposure to violent crime,Chat with Charity Show - Charity Wilder-Fischer, 09 Oct 2014 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity Show - Charity Wilder-Fischer Chat with Charity takes a look at the city of Paterson from the younger generations perspective, the problems that are present and the problems that are a head. How does what is going on in the city affect the youth in our city, how do we feel about the education system and can we succeed in life with all of these distractions. Charity and Dr. Bob Lee of WBLS Charity and The N.Y. Jets Charity and The Fabian 8 Theatre Prizes - Friends - Parents - Teachers - Education - Politics - Friends - Family 01:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media,Chat with Charity,Charity Wilder-Fischer,Della Fischer,Mark FischerChat with Charity takes a look at the city of Paterson from the younger generations perspective, the problems that are present and the problems that are a headThe Roundtable of Faith in Paterson N.J. w/ Ernest Rucker Jr in the Ruckus Room, 09 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Roundtable of Faith in Paterson N.J. w/ Ernest Rucker Jr in the Ruckus RoomPart two of the Faith Based Round Table  Tonight Brent and Ernie will continue the conversation of faith, guns and Paterson N.J. The death toll rises as two more shootings take place in the city over the weekend, one fatal and one non fatal. Where does the violence begin and where does it end? Joined by Rev. Della Fischer and Rev. Staton.... 01:58:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media,Ernest Rucker Jr,Brent NationPart two of the Faith Based Round Table  Tonight Brent and Ernie will continue the conversation of faith, guns and Paterson N.J. The death toll rises as two moThe Roundtable of Faith w/ Brent & Ernie on Talk of the Town, 07 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Roundtable of Faith w/ Brent & Ernie on Talk of the TownThe one voice that is needed in this time of struggle is from the faith based community. Join Brent and Ernest as they discuss the crisis in Paterson and why the church is a needed element in the reconditioning of the black community. 01:56:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Talk of the TownThe one voice that is needed in this time of struggle is from the faith based community. Join Brent and Ernest as they discuss the crisis in Paterson and why thBack In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of Injustice, 06 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of InjusticeA Chicago Story RTR Media Group "PRESENTS" Host and Spokesman Mark A. Clements From incarceration to reintergration. Coming from the mean streets of Chicago Brother Mark can share with us the Illinois Justice System and the Illinois Injustice System. From first hand experience we will hear some amazing fact that still occur today and how he is able to fight as hard as he does after going through that very system for 28 years... 01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Group,Mark A. Clements,Pam DeghandA Chicago Story RTR Media Group "PRESENTS" Host and Spokesman Mark A. Clements From incarceration to reintergration. Coming from the mean streets of ChicagoChat with Charity w/ Charity Wilder-Fischer, 02 Oct 2014 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity w/ Charity Wilder-FischerThis has been a somewhat quiet week in Paterson after a wild streak of guns and deaths, now we have a moment to breathe and look at some of the good things about Paterson that makes this home sweet home.. We have to talk about school We have to talk about Sports We have to talk about family.. My interview with Dr. Bob Lee and my dad's 50th birthday.... 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media Group,Charity Wilder-Fischer,Mark Fischer,Della McCallThis has been a somewhat quiet week in Paterson after a wild streak of guns and deaths, now we have a moment to breathe and look at some of the good things abouThe Ruckus Room w/ Ernest Rucker Jr. A City under Siege Events, 02 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room w/ Ernest Rucker Jr. A City under SiegePaterson N.J. a city under seige continues with a crisis roundtable.. Paterson has become a soundbite for the media in terms of the violence, the murders, the political unrest and the failing state run school system. Unnecessary shootings and deaths of children and others has the city up in arms. Crime statistics for Paterson     02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Group,Ernest Rucker JrPaterson N.J. a city under seige continues with a crisis roundtable.. Paterson has become a soundbite for the media in terms of the violence, the murders, theTalk of the Town w/ Brent Nation - Young Minds, 30 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town w/ Brent Nation - Young MindsTonight in continuation with our Round Table series Raising The Roof Media Group brings you the Youth Round Table. The young minds that are our future speak out about the issues that are effecting Paterson...   Talk of the Town is the flagship show of Raising The Roof Media with Brent Nation bringing Patersonians the insight on everything going on in the city... 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Brent NationTonight in continuation with our Round Table series Raising The Roof Media Group brings you the Youth Round Table. The young minds that are our future speak outChat with Charity w/ Charity Wilder-Fischer, 25 Sep 2014 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity w/ Charity Wilder-Fischer  Tonight we take time to pay tribute to those who died senselessly to the violence that is taking over our city, the last victim to fall is Nazerah Bugg, a 14 year old student from International  High School who played basketball for Kennedy High School. The parents have asked for some time to greive and we will respect their wishes..  The first youth hosted, youth based online radio show that caters to the young leaders of our tomorrow. Charity Wilder-Fischer is the Voice of the Youth of Paterson.... 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Charity Wilder-FischerTonight we take time to pay tribute to those who died senselessly to the violence that is taking over our city, the last victim to fall is Nazerah Bugg, a 14Paterson N.J. - A city in CRISIS!!!!!!, 25 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTPaterson N.J. - A city in CRISIS!!!!!!The Ruckus Room is where it all comes to the light, nothing is left out and there are no holds barred... 01:57:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent NationThe Ruckus Room is where it all comes to the light, nothing is left out and there are no holds barred...Talk of the Town w/ Brent Nation The First Ward Events, 23 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town w/ Brent Nation The First WardTalk of the Town is the flagship show of Raising The Roof Media with Brent Nation bringing Patersonians the insight on everything going on in the city... Anthony Davis will join Kevin Womble, Brent Nation and Ernest Rucker Jr. to discuss the challenges facing the First Ward.. This is a discussion about the crime, violence and the effects of the death of Nazerah Coleman. First and foremost, this is about concerned citizens not politics.... 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Brent NationTalk of the Town is the flagship show of Raising The Roof Media with Brent Nation bringing Patersonians the insight on everything going on in the city... AnthoChat with Charity w/ Charity Wilder-Fischer, 18 Sep 2014 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity w/ Charity Wilder-FischerThe first youth hosted, youth based online radio show that caters to the young leaders of our tomorrow. Charity Wilder-Fischer is the Voice of the Youth of Paterson.... 01:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Charity Wilder-FischerThe first youth hosted, youth based online radio show that caters to the young leaders of our tomorrow. Charity Wilder-Fischer is the Voice of the Youth of PateThe Ruckus Room - The View plus Two, 18 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room - The View plus TwoThe Black Condition RoundTable has been bringing the minds, the voices, the idea that the condition we are living in is un-exceptable and that we need to do more and better.. Changes need to be made and wheels need to be fixed. Tonight meet our version of The View + Two Tonight the women of Paterson share their view on the Black Condition.. The backbone of family structure with a resounding voice and a cooler much more level head, these women will be heard and if we are to continue with the efforts of getting this city and the Black agenda under some sort of control then we have to hear all views....   The Ruckus Room is where it all comes to the light, nothing is left out and there are no holds barred...   01:57:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent NationThe Black Condition RoundTable has been bringing the minds, the voices, the idea that the condition we are living in is un-exceptable and that we need to do morTalk of the Town w/ Brent Nation, 16 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town w/ Brent NationIn many cases, it seems that the problems in the schools are related to an inability to make important decisions about the future of education in America. Instead of focusing on the areas of true and immediate significant importance and value, time is being wasted by infighting and indecision. Instead of wasting time of these debates, the larger issues that have an effect on the system as a whole and outcome of educated young people should be addressed and these other side arguments should be saved until a time comes that education in America is improved.   Talk of the Town is the flagship show of Raising The Roof Media with Brent Nation bringing Patersonians the insight on everything going on in the city... 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Brent NationIn many cases, it seems that the problems in the schools are related to an inability to make important decisions about the future of education in America. InsteBack in to Society w/ Pam Deghand & Mark A. Clements, 15 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack in to Society w/ Pam Deghand & Mark A. ClementsThere are over 2 million people in our prisons here in the US. That means over 2 million families are also in a virtual prison. We are going to discuss all facets of how these families suffer and deal with a loved one who is incarcerated, and what they think we can all do to help. Please call in and let your voice be heard.   The show that goes directly to the heart of the Criminal Justice System, it's flaws and it's positivity , join Pam and Mark with Kevin I.B.Wise as they reach into the system to defend the right's that have been stripped away by the government. 01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising The Roof Media Productions,Pam Deghand,Mark A. ClementsThere are over 2 million people in our prisons here in the US. That means over 2 million families are also in a virtual prison. We are going to discuss all faceChat with Charity w/ Charity Wilder-Fischer, 11 Sep 2014 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity w/ Charity Wilder-FischerThe first youth hosted, youth based online radio show that caters to the young leaders of our tomorrow. Charity Wilder-Fischer is the Voice of the Youth of Paterson....It has been one week since school started, what is wrong?, what is right so far? How do you see yourself doing in the first marking period? Who is ready for a prize??????? 01:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Charity Wilder-FischerThe first youth hosted, youth based online radio show that caters to the young leaders of our tomorrow. Charity Wilder-Fischer is the Voice of the Youth of PateThe Ruckus Room The Bd of Education Round Table..PT2, 11 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room The Bd of Education Round Table..PT2The Ruckus Room is where it all comes to the light, nothing is left out and there are no holds barred...Tonight we will sit down with the candidates who are running for the school board election on Nov,4th,2014.... 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent NationThe Ruckus Room is where it all comes to the light, nothing is left out and there are no holds barred...Tonight we will sit down with the candidates who are runTalk of the Town - The Bd of Education Roundtable PT1, 09 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTTalk of the Town - The Bd of Education Roundtable PT1Talk of the Town is the flagship show of Raising The Roof Media with Brent Nation bringing Patersonians the insight on everything going on in the city... Tonight we start our Board of Education Roundtable, altough I will be reaching out I am offering sitting members of the current board to join us in this roundtable discussion about the flaggering and troubled school system in Paterson today.. The sitting members are  Mr. Christopher C. Irving,  President       --      Ms. Chrystal Cleaves, Vice President Ms. Wendy  Guzman   -  Dr. Jonathan  Hodges   -  Mr. Errol S. Kerr  -  Mr. Manuel  Martinez, Jr. Mr. Flavio Rivera  - Mr. Kenneth Simmons  - Mr. Corey L. Teague This is an open invitation to join us . Theschool system needs help and the members should be willing to share with the Parents, Teachers, Students why it needs help and what help is required in order to be sucessful.  02:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Brent NationTalk of the Town is the flagship show of Raising The Roof Media with Brent Nation bringing Patersonians the insight on everything going on in the city... TonigBack in to Society w/ Project Change/ Pam Deghand & Mark A. Clements host..., 07 Sep 2014 21:00:00 GMTBack in to Society w/ Project Change/ Pam Deghand & Mark A. Clements host...The show that goes directly to the heart of the Criminal Justice System, it's flaws and it's positivity , join Pam and Mark with Kevin I.B.Wise as they reach into the system to defend the right's that have been stripped away by the government. Teddy and  Barbara Martinez operate Project Change in Paterson N.J. and we are proud to have them share the amazing work they are doing with B.I.T.S. 01:41:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising The Roof Media Productions,Pam Deghand,Mark A. Clements,Project ChangeThe show that goes directly to the heart of the Criminal Justice System, it's flaws and it's positivity , join Pam and Mark with Kevin I.B.Wise as they reach inChat with Charity w/ Charity Wilder-Fischer, 04 Sep 2014 23:00:00 GMTChat with Charity w/ Charity Wilder-FischerThe first youth hosted, youth based online radio show that caters to the young leaders of our tomorrow. Charity Wilder-Fischer is the Voice of the Youth of Paterson.... 01:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Charity Wilder-FischerThe first youth hosted, youth based online radio show that caters to the young leaders of our tomorrow. Charity Wilder-Fischer is the Voice of the Youth of PateThe Ruckus Room w/ Ernest Rucker Jr., 04 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room w/ Ernest Rucker Jr.The Ruckus Room is where it all comes to the light, nothing is left out and there are no holds barred... 01:31:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising the Roof Media Productions,Ernest Rucker Jr.,Brent NationThe Ruckus Room is where it all comes to the light, nothing is left out and there are no holds barred...Raising The Roof Media Productions A Labor Day Special REPEAT SHOW, 02 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Media Productions A Labor Day Special REPEAT SHOWPaterson N.J.every thing, everybody, everyday.. If it goess on in Paterson Talk of the Town will break the news..   Tonight if you missed the Black Condition Roundtable here is your chance to catch up...... 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent NationPaterson N.J.every thing, everybody, everyday.. If it goess on in Paterson Talk of the Town will break the news..   Tonight if you missed the Black ConditionChat with Charity with your host Charity Wilder-Fischer, 28 Aug 2014 22:30:00 GMTChat with Charity with your host Charity Wilder-FischerCharity Wilder-Fischer is the newest and the youngest  voice to come out of Paterson with purpose, her cutting edge approach to today's issues and topics from the prospective of the youth in our city makes her an original trend setter, this is one show you don't want to miss... Exciting conversation and special guestmake this show a first of it's kind and in a league by it's self... 01:31:00Black Buffalo RadionoCharity Wilder-Fischer is the newest and the youngest  voice to come out of Paterson with purpose, her cutting edge approach to today's issues and topics from tRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" The Ruckus Room w/ Ernest Rucker, 28 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" The Ruckus Room w/ Ernest RuckerBring the noise and stomping out the bullshit, if you think you got it bad, step in the ring with Uncle Ernie and find out what bad really is..Hardcore, straight shooting, uncut and uncensored  Ernest Rucker Jr.goes toe to toe with the best of em!!!!!!!!! Target city hall!!!!!!! 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,Ernest Rucker JrBring the noise and stomping out the bullshit, if you think you got it bad, step in the ring with Uncle Ernie and find out what bad really is..Hardcore, straighRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" Talk of the Town, 26 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" Talk of the TownPaterson N.J.every thing, everybody, everyday.. If it goess on in Paterson Talk of the Town will break the news.. 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent NationPaterson N.J.every thing, everybody, everyday.. If it goess on in Paterson Talk of the Town will break the news..Back In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of Injustice It ain't over yet!!!!!!, 25 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of Injustice It ain't over yet!!!!!! Back In To Society is a show based on the positive and the negative of the criminal justice system The events that have happened over the past few weeks in Ferguson has been outrageous as well as deadly for some. With Alex Salazar at ground zeroand Mark A. Clements and Pam Deghand covering our end of this, we have been able to keep you up to date.. Tonight we will continue to discuss the Michael Brown murder as well as others that have happened across the country. Mark A. Clements will give us an indepth account of what is going on in Chicago to date......Special co host tonight from The Holy Angels of Freedom Prison Ministry Ma-Shalom....  02:07:00Black Buffalo Radionobreaking barriers,back in to society,pam deghand,i.b.wiseBack In To Society is a show based on the positive and the negative of the criminal justice system The events that have happened over the past few weeks intest training, 23 Aug 2014 00:30:00 GMTtest trainingTraining 00:15:00Black Buffalo RadionotestingTrainingChat with Charity with your host Charity Wilder-Fischer, 21 Aug 2014 22:30:00 GMTChat with Charity with your host Charity Wilder-FischerCharity Wilder-Fischer is the newest and the youngest  voice to come out of Paterson with purpose, her cutting edge approach to today's issues and topics from the prospective of the youth in our city makes her an original trend setter, this is one show you don't want to miss... Exciting conversation and special guestmake this show a first of it's kind and in a league by it's self... 01:30:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Media,Charity Wilder-Fischer,Della McCall Fischer,Mark Fischer,I.B.WiseCharity Wilder-Fischer is the newest and the youngest  voice to come out of Paterson with purpose, her cutting edge approach to today's issues and topics from tRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" Talk of the Town, 19 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" Talk of the TownPaterson N.J.every thing, everybody, everyday.. If it goess on in Paterson Talk of the Town will break the news.. 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent NationPaterson N.J.every thing, everybody, everyday.. If it goess on in Paterson Talk of the Town will break the news..Back In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of Injustice - Michael Brown Events, 18 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of Injustice - Michael BrownReactions to the shooting death of Michael Brown and what it has caused to happen around the country.. FERGUSON, Mo. –  Below is a timeline of the shooting of Michael Brown on Saturday, Aug. 9, in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri. The times are taken from documents provided by the Ferguson Police Department, including dispatch logs and an incident report on a robbery at a convenience store. 11:48 a.m. — Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson arrives at a residence in response to an unrelated call about a 2-month-old child having difficulty breathing when she coughs. ADVERTISEMENT 11:51 a.m. — Ferguson police receive a call of a robbery in progress at the Ferguson Market convenience store. 11:54 a.m. — A different, unidentified officer arrives at the Ferguson Market and gets a physical description from an employee and customer of a suspect who took some cigars. 11:57 a.m. — A police dispatcher broadcasts a detailed description of the robbery suspect, saying that he was wearing a red St. Louis Cardinals ball cap and yellow socks and was walking with another man toward another convenience store called QuikTrip. 12:00 p.m. — Officer Wilson leaves the scene of the call about a sick child. 12:01 p.m. — Officer Wilson encounters Michael Brown walking on a street and the shooting follows. Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said Friday that Wilson did not know about the robbery at the convenience store when he encountered Brown. 12:04 p.m. — Another officer arrives on the scene after the shooting, and an ambulance is contacted to treat Brown's wounds. Back In To Society is a show based on the positive and the negative of the criminal justice system.   02:00:00Black Buffalo Radionobreaking barriers,back in to society,pam deghand,i.b.wise,Mark A. ClementsReactions to the shooting death of Michael Brown and what it has caused to happen around the country.. FERGUSON, Mo. –  Below is a timeline of the shooting ofRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" The Ruckus Room w/ Ernest Rucker, 14 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" The Ruckus Room w/ Ernest RuckerBring the noise and stomping out the bullshit, if you think you got it bad, step in the ring with Uncle Ernie and find out what bad really is..Hardcore, straight shooting, uncut and uncensored  Ernest Rucker Jr.goes toe to toe with the best of em!!!!!!!!! Target city hall!!!!!!! 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,Ernest Rucker JrBring the noise and stomping out the bullshit, if you think you got it bad, step in the ring with Uncle Ernie and find out what bad really is..Hardcore, straighRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" Talk of the Town, 12 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" Talk of the TownPaterson N.J.every thing, everybody, everyday.. If it goess on in Paterson Talk of the Town will break the news.. 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent NationPaterson N.J.every thing, everybody, everyday.. If it goess on in Paterson Talk of the Town will break the news..Raising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" The Ruckus Room w/ Ernest Rucker, 07 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" The Ruckus Room w/ Ernest RuckerBring the noise and stomping out the bullshit, if you think you got it bad, step in the ring with Uncle Ernie and find out what bad really is..Hardcore, straight shooting, uncut and uncensored  Ernest Rucker Jr.goes toe to toe with the best of em!!!!!!!!! Target city hall!!!!!!! 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,Ernest Rucker JrBring the noise and stomping out the bullshit, if you think you got it bad, step in the ring with Uncle Ernie and find out what bad really is..Hardcore, straighRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" Talk of the Town, 05 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Media Productions "PRESENTS" Talk of the TownPaterson N.J.every thing, everybody, everyday.. If it goess on in Paterson Talk of the Town will break the news.. After an amazing 1st Annual City-Wide cookout which was by the way a success, I just had to have these gentleman appear on the show to spread the love and their message....Welcome to Talk of the Town with I.B.Wise & Brent Nation 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent NationPaterson N.J.every thing, everybody, everyday.. If it goess on in Paterson Talk of the Town will break the news.. After an amazing 1st Annual City-Wide cookoutBack In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of Injustice, 04 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of InjusticeBack In To Society is a show based on the positive and the negative of the criminal justice system 02:03:00Black Buffalo Radionobreaking barriers,back in to society,pam deghand,i.b.wiseBack In To Society is a show based on the positive and the negative of the criminal justice systemThe Ruckus Room w/ Ernest Rucker Jr., 31 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room w/ Ernest Rucker Jr.Saving The Village - The Black Consideration Round Table Session.. Tonight Uncle Ernie will hold the Black Condition Round Table with guest speakers Chris Irving of OneStop  Mark Fischer  Community Activist  Amy Jacobs  Entrepreneur Andrew Thompson of 4C's Hopelessness is at the root of violence plaguing poor, black communities. Poverty, family dysfunction and cultural decay contribute to the feeling of hopelessness pervasive throughout black inner-city communities. Solomon, the Bible's wisest man, said "hope deferred makes the heart-sick." There are sick hearts in America's black communities. When you strip a man of hope, you have stripped him of his humanity, his respect for his own life and the life of others. Poverty, family dysfunction and cultural decay are not unique to the black American experience. All races experience those problems. What is unique to the black experience is the feeling of hopelessness born of 400 years of unabated legalized discrimination. 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Raduo,Ernest Rucker Jr,Chris Irving,Andrew Thompson,Mark FischerSaving The Village - The Black Consideration Round Table Session.. Tonight Uncle Ernie will hold the Black Condition Round Table with guest speakers Chris IrvRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk, 29 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio NetwerkThe; voice; of; Paterson; N.J.; is; on; every; Monday; -; The; Monday; Wake-Up; Show; with; I.B.Wise; and; Brent; Nation   01:12:00Black Buffalo Radionoraising; the; roofThe; voice; of; Paterson; N.J.; is; on; every; Monday; -; The; Monday; Wake-Up; Show; with; I.B.Wise; and; Brent; NationBack In To Society Breaking the Barriers of Injustice, 28 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society Breaking the Barriers of InjusticeBack In To Society with Pam Deghand, Mark A. Clements and I.B.Wise. Tonight we have Alex M. Salazar and Mark A. Clements talking about police brutality, race and wrongful convictions plus much more! 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoBreaking Barriers,Back In To Society,Pam Deghand,Mark A. ClementsBack In To Society with Pam Deghand, Mark A. Clements and I.B.Wise. Tonight we have Alex M. Salazar and Mark A. Clements talking about police brutality, race aThe Ruckus Room with Shavonnda E. Sumter Events, 24 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room with Shavonnda E. SumterShavonda E. Sumter was elected to the New Jersey General Assembly on November 8, 2011, to represent the 35th District (Paterson, Prospect Park, Haledon, N. Haledon, Garfield, and Elmwood Park).  Assemblywoman Sumter serves on the Health and Senior Services and Commerce and Economic Development Committees.  She is also the Secretary of the NJ Legislative Black  Caucus. In addition to her professional involvements, Shavonda is a dedicated community servant. She currently serves as a Vice President of the Paterson Branch NAACP; former Chair  Board of Trustees St. Luke CDC; former Chair, Greater Paterson OIC; former  Treasurer/Secretary Paterson Municipal Utility Authority. Shavonda was also the  Campaign Manager for the successful 2010 Mayoral Campaign of Paterson Mayor,  Jeffery Jones. And that we will not hold against her.... 01:57:00Black Buffalo RadionoThe Ruckus Room,Ernest Rucker Jr,Shavonnda Sumter,I.B.Wise,Brent NationShavonda E. Sumter was elected to the New Jersey General Assembly on November 8, 2011, to represent the 35th District (Paterson, Prospect Park, Haledon, N. HaleRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk - STOP THE VIOLENCE, 22 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk - STOP THE VIOLENCEIt is past the time for talking, it is the time for acting!!!!!! The violence is growing at an alarming rate,  the bodies are piling up at an alarming rate, the memorials are seen all over town at an alarming rate, the ideas are plenty but the solutions are none... This is a trend that needs to stop now.....STOP THE VIOLENCE!!!!!!!! 02:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising The Roof Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker Jr,Mark FischerIt is past the time for talking, it is the time for acting!!!!!! The violence is growing at an alarming rate,  the bodies are piling up at an alarming rate, thBack In To Society with Pam Deghand, 21 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society with Pam DeghandTonight Pam Deghand sits down with Eric Glisson to discuss his 18 year ordeal.. Eric Glisson and 4 other men were convicted of the 1995 murder of a cab driver. Almost 18 years later he was set free. His conviction hung solely on the testimony of a woman who did not have a view of the crime. 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoBack In To Society,Breaking Barriers,Pam DeghandTonight Pam Deghand sits down with Eric Glisson to discuss his 18 year ordeal.. Eric Glisson and 4 other men were convicted of the 1995 murder of a cab driver.The Ruckus Room with Uncle Ernie welcomes Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly, 17 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Ruckus Room with Uncle Ernie welcomes Assemblyman Benjie WimberlyRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk "PRESENTS" The Ruckus Room with Ernest Rucker Jr. aka Uncle Ernie. Special Guest Host Benjie Wimberly Democrat Benjie E. Wimberly, of Paterson, was first elected to the New Jersey General Assembly on November 8, 2011. Born December 1, 1964, Mr. Wimberly received his Bachelor of Arts in sociology from Virginia State University. He is the Joint Recreational Coordinator for the Paterson Public Schools and the City of Paterson. Mr. Wimberly and his wife, Kimberlynn, have four children: Justin, Jared, Jordan and Jaden. Mr. Wimberly represents the 35th Legislative District, which includes the Bergen County municipalities of Elmwood Park and Garfield; and the Passaic County municipalities of Haledon, North Haledon, Paterson and Prospect Park. "Gun violence is taking over our neighborhoods. It endangers our homes, our families and our livelihoods in Paterson. Each time we lose an innocent child to senseless depravity, we lose hold on the communities we were raised in and have worked to build over generations..." Benjie Wimberly" Benjie E. Wimberly Assemblyman, 35th District  191 Market Street Paterson, NJ 07505 p (973) 925-7061 f (973) 925-7067 01:59:00Black Buffalo Radionopaterson n j,uncle ernie,the ruckus room,raising the roof radioRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk "PRESENTS" The Ruckus Room with Ernest Rucker Jr. aka Uncle Ernie. Special Guest Host Benjie Wimberly Democrat Benjie E. WimberRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk with Councilman at large Alex Mendez, 15 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk with Councilman at large Alex MendezThe hardest place in the city to live, the biggest crime rate in the city, more deaths than any other Ward to date, over 1200 vacant or abandoned properties, rampant drug abuse /users and dealers, guns and drugs and violence and who do you turn too..?????     02:04:00Black Buffalo Radionopaterson nj,i.b.wise,brent nation,raising the roof radioThe hardest place in the city to live, the biggest crime rate in the city, more deaths than any other Ward to date, over 1200 vacant or abandoned properties, raBack In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of Injustice BLACK WALL STREET, 14 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking the Barriers of Injustice BLACK WALL STREET  Greenwood, Oklahoma, a suburb of Tulsa, was the type of community that African Americans are still, today, attempting to reclaim and rebuild.  It was modern, majestic, sophisticated and unapologetically Black. Tragically, it was also the site of one of the bloodiest and most horrendous race riots (and acts of terrorism) that the United States has ever experienced.   It has been ninty-two years since as many as 3000 African Americans lost their lives and more than 9,000 were left homeless when the small town was attacked, looted and literally burned to the ground on June 1, 1921.  It’s impossible, however, to realize what was lost in Greenwood, which was affectionately known as "Black Wall Street." The Greenwood community seems almost imagined when we examine it through a historical lens.  The oil booms of the early 1900’s had many moving to Tulsa for a shot at quick economic gains and high life, and African Americans hoped to prosper from the new industry as well.  Tulsa, like many cities and towns throughout the US, was hostilely segregated, with African Americans settling into the northern region of the city.  As we often saw before integration, Blacks in the area created entrepreneurial opportunities for themselves, which housed an impressive business center that included banks, hotels, cafes, clothiers, movie theaters, and contemporary homes.  Greenwood residents enjoyed many luxuries that their White neighbors did not, including indoor plumbing and a remarkable school system that superiorly educated Black children.This is our history    02:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoBack In To Society,little africa,black wall street,i.b.wiseGreenwood, Oklahoma, a suburb of Tulsa, was the type of community that African Americans are still, today, attempting to reclaim and rebuild.  It was modern,RTR Radio Netwerk PRESENTS The Ruckus Room with Uncle Ernie, 10 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTRTR Radio Netwerk PRESENTS The Ruckus Room with Uncle ErnieTonight Ernire will sit down with Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly to discuss state issues affecting Paterson and his vision for our beloved cit 01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio Netwerk,Ernest Rucker,Benjie Wimberly,Paterson NJTonight Ernire will sit down with Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly to discuss state issues affecting Paterson and his vision for our beloved citRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk - The Hispanic Experience w Luis Velez, 08 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk - The Hispanic Experience w Luis VelezThe voice of Paterson N.J. is Raising The Roof with Luis Velez.. The Hispanic influence in Paterson has become such a force that they are no longer a minority, as it stands today the latino community has dominated the the population of ethnicity per square mile. The latino pride that has surfaced in and around the city is amazingly unified, an example that needs to be taught.... Luis Velez is a prime example of latino pride and we are honored to have him join us...  02:01:00Black Buffalo Radionoraising; the; roof,luis velez,i.b.wise,brent nationThe voice of Paterson N.J. is Raising The Roof with Luis Velez.. The Hispanic influence in Paterson has become such a force that they are no longer a minority,RTR: Radio; Netwerk; PRESENTS: The; Ruckus; Room; with; Uncle; Ernie, 03 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTRTR: Radio; Netwerk; PRESENTS: The; Ruckus; Room; with; Uncle; ErnieRaising; The; Roof; Radio; Netwerk; and; Ernest; Rucker; Jr; bring; you; The; Ruckus; Room 02:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoraising; the; roof; radio; netwerkRaising; The; Roof; Radio; Netwerk; and; Ernest; Rucker; Jr; bring; you; The; Ruckus; RoomRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk with Dr. Pinky Seldon Miller, 01 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk with Dr. Pinky Seldon MillerRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk - The voice of Paterson N.J.  Proudly presents Paterson's own, Dr. Pinky Miller.. Pinky as we all know her is a former student of the real bullhorn and bat totting incon Joe Louis Clark from the 1989 movie Lean On Me.. Suffering the rough and tramatic childhood and the pit falls that was everyday living in the ghetto Pinky's life was normal until she stepped into Eastside High School and met Joe Clark.. The rest is history..!!!!! Hear the story that brought the book Life After Lean On Me to reality from Pinky herself.. Along with I.B.Wise and Brent Nation.... From the mouth of Joe Clark:::::: You were born with two strikes against you 1) you are poor and 2) you are black. Don't strike out and as you can see, Pinky is still taking that advice!!!!!!! 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRaising The Roof Radio,Pinky Miller,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Lean On MeRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk - The voice of Paterson N.J.  Proudly presents Paterson's own, Dr. Pinky Miller.. Pinky as we all know her is a former studentBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers BigWil ThaRealDeal Dorsey, 30 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers BigWil ThaRealDeal Dorsey Breaking Barriers with I.B. Wise and Pam Deghand..  Tonight we sit down with BigWil ThaRealDeal Dorsey of Stone Mountain Georgia to discuss has organization Homeless No More.. 01:43:00Black Buffalo RadionoBack In To SocietyBreaking Barriers with I.B. Wise and Pam Deghand..  Tonight we sit down with BigWil ThaRealDeal Dorsey of Stone Mountain Georgia to discuss has organizationRaising; the; roof; radio; netwerk; -; Friday; it's; a; wrap, 28 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising; the; roof; radio; netwerk; -; Friday; it's; a; wrapRTR;Radio; Presents; Friday; it's; a; Wrap; with; I.B.Wise; -; Brent; Nation; -; Marilee; Jackson; - Ernest; Rucker; Jr; -; Carren; Lee; Nation 02:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoraising; the; roof; radio; netwerkRTR;Radio; Presents; Friday; it's; a; Wrap; with; I.B.Wise; -; Brent; Nation; -; Marilee; Jackson; - Ernest; Rucker; Jr; -; Carren; Lee; NationRTR: Radio Netwerk PRESENTS The Ruckus Room with Uncle Ernie Events, 26 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRTR: Radio Netwerk PRESENTS The Ruckus Room with Uncle ErnieRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk and Ernest Rucker Jr bring you The Ruckus Room. Tonight Ernie sits down with Freeholder T.J. Best and Commissioner Corey Teague to discuss The July 1st swearing in of the new Mayor, The newest members of the City Council that takes office on the 1st, the plight of the city and the plight of the school system. The fact that the Governor will be in town to swear in the Mayor Elect is causing a buzz in some circles... What the city can expect in the first few months from the new elect administration and a lot more.... 02:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoraising; the; roof; radio; netwerkRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk and Ernest Rucker Jr bring you The Ruckus Room. Tonight Ernie sits down with Freeholder T.J. Best and Commissioner Corey TeagueRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk, 24 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk The voice of Paterson N.J. is on every Monday The Monday Wake-Up Show with I.B.Wise and Brent Nation Tonight we sit down with Bernard M. Jones to talk about the Game!!! 02:03:00Black Buffalo Radionoraising; the; roofThe voice of Paterson N.J. is on every Monday The Monday Wake-Up Show with I.B.Wise and Brent Nation Tonight we sit down with Bernard M. Jones to talk abBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of Injustice Events, 23 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of InjusticeBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of Injustic 02:04:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,B.I.T.S. Radio,I.B.Wise,Pam Deghand,Brent NationBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of InjusticRaising; the; roof; radio; netwerk; -; Friday; it's; a; wrap, 21 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising; the; roof; radio; netwerk; -; Friday; it's; a; wrapRTR;Radio; Presents; Friday; it's; a; Wrap; with; I.B.Wise; -; Brent; Nation; -; Marilee; Jackson; - Ernest; Rucker; Jr; -; Carren; Lee; Nation 02:03:00Black Buffalo Radionoraising; the; roof; radio; netwerkRTR;Radio; Presents; Friday; it's; a; Wrap; with; I.B.Wise; -; Brent; Nation; -; Marilee; Jackson; - Ernest; Rucker; Jr; -; Carren; Lee; NationRTR: Radio; Netwerk; PRESENTS: The; Ruckus; Room; with; Uncle; Ernie, 19 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRTR: Radio; Netwerk; PRESENTS: The; Ruckus; Room; with; Uncle; ErnieRaising; The; Roof; Radio; Netwerk; and; Ernest; Rucker; Jr; bring; you; The; Ruckus; Room 02:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoraising; the; roof; radio; netwerkRaising; The; Roof; Radio; Netwerk; and; Ernest; Rucker; Jr; bring; you; The; Ruckus; RoomRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk, 17 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio Netwerk The voice of Paterson N.J. is on every Monday and The Wise 1 is in town   The Monday Wake-Up Show with I.B.Wise and Brent; Nation   01:44:00Black Buffalo Radionoraising; the; roofThe voice of Paterson N.J. is on every Monday and The Wise 1 is in town   The Monday Wake-Up Show with I.B.Wise and Brent; NationBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of Injustice Events, 16 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of InjusticeBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of Injustic 02:06:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,B.I.T.S. Radio,I.B.Wise,Pam Deghand,Brent NationBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of InjusticRaising; the; roof; radio; netwerk; -; Friday; it's; a; wrap, 14 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising; the; roof; radio; netwerk; -; Friday; it's; a; wrapRTR;Radio; Presents; Friday; it's; a; Wrap; with; I.B.Wise; -; Brent; Nation; -; Marilee; Jackson; - Ernest; Rucker; Jr; -; Carren; Lee; Nation 02:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoraising; the; roof; radio; netwerkRTR;Radio; Presents; Friday; it's; a; Wrap; with; I.B.Wise; -; Brent; Nation; -; Marilee; Jackson; - Ernest; Rucker; Jr; -; Carren; Lee; NationRTR: Radio; Netwerk; PRESENTS: The; Ruckus; Room; with; Uncle; Ernie, 12 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRTR: Radio; Netwerk; PRESENTS: The; Ruckus; Room; with; Uncle; ErnieRaising; The; Roof; Radio; Netwerk; and; Ernest; Rucker; Jr; bring; you; The; Ruckus; Room 02:00:00Black Buffalo Radionoraising; the; roof; radio; netwerkRaising; The; Roof; Radio; Netwerk; and; Ernest; Rucker; Jr; bring; you; The; Ruckus; RoomRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J., 10 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J.Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening. Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. Wednesdays - Hump Day, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us.. I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date.. 02:08:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker JrRaising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never haveBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of Injustice Events, 09 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of InjusticeBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers the of Injustice Tonight we sit down with Patty Stone, sister of James Stone who was wrongly convicted on August 9th 1985, James has been incarcerated in Indiana for nearly 30 years and the facts don't match the actual events of the night in question.. 02:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoB.I.T.S. Radio,I.B.Wise,Pam Deghand,Brent Nation,Patty StoneBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers the of Injustice Tonight we sit down with Patty Stone, sister of James Stone who was wrongly convicted on August 9th 198Raising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J., 07 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J.Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening. Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. Wednesdays - Hump Day, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us.. I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date.. 02:03:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker JrRaising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never haveRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J., 05 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J.Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening. Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. Wednesdays - Hump Day, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us.. I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date.. 02:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker JrRaising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never haveRaising The Roof Radio Presents Monday Wake Up - Paterson N.J., 03 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio Presents Monday Wake Up - Paterson N.J.Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. There has been a lot of activity in the city over the past few days and we got the scoop for you.... This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening. Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. I.B.Wise & Brent Nation Wednesdays - The Ruckus Room, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Uncle Ernie Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. I.B., Brent & Marilee Jackson are your hosts. Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us.. I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date.. 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker JrRaising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. There has been a lot of activity in the city over the past few days and we got the scoop for you..Back In To Society - Breaking Barriers of Injustice Events, 02 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of Injustice Back In To Society - Breaking Barriers of Injustice tonight will touch on two items of concern, The Jean Keating Treatise and How a prisoner funds America.. Joining us will be Lawerence Hayes and Leslie Vass to share their stories.. 02:02:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,B.I.T.S. Radio,I.B.Wise,Pam Deghand,Brent NationBack In To Society - Breaking Barriers of Injustice tonight will touch on two items of concern, The Jean Keating Treatise and How a prisoner funds America..Raising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J., 31 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J.Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening. Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. Wednesdays - Hump Day, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us.. I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date.. 02:37:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker JrRaising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never haveRaising The Roof Radio - Welcome to the Ruckus Room, 29 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio - Welcome to the Ruckus Room The Ruckus Room with Uncle Ernie!!!! Co-Hosts for tonight are Dave Gilmore and Aslon Goow Sr. The special guest speaker is Nelli Celi.   Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening. Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. Wednesdays - Hump Day, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us.. I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date.. 02:25:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker JrThe Ruckus Room with Uncle Ernie!!!! Co-Hosts for tonight are Dave Gilmore and Aslon Goow Sr. The special guest speaker is Nelli Celi.   Raising ThRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J. Events, 27 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J.Honoring our fallen heros on this day..   Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening. Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. Wednesdays - Hump Day, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us.. I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date.. 01:59:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker JrHonoring our fallen heros on this day..   Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, withBack In To Society - Breaking The Barriers of Injustice - The Tribute Events, 26 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking The Barriers of Injustice - The TributeIn memory of wrongly convicted who are no longer here but there memory lives on in all of us.. A special tribute to Ruben Hurricane Carter of Paterson N.J.  - Timothy Cole of Texas - Troy Davis of Georgia - Todd Willingham  of Texas - Greg Wilhoit  of Oklahoma - Delbert Tibbs of Illinois  We will speak with Shujaa Graham  and Juan Melendez of the Witness to Innocence group also Fred McKinley on behalf of Timothy Cole   Back In To Society is a show designed to help Ex-Offenders find their bearings, remove the handcuffs placed on them by society and assist them in getting back into society as a productive member of the community. With 27 million + ex-offenders and more being released every day, the task is difficult but not impossible overcome.. Join I.B. Wise, Brent Nation, Pam Deghand and Mark A. Clements as we travel this road to recovery and redemption , we will discuss everything from job searching to re-entry programs, resume writting to support groups. ,We are advocates for the Wrongly Convicted as well as advocates to abolish the death penalty..... Our goal is to break down the barriers of injustice.... Special Guests will appear to share and offer their assistance.  We support- The Angel's of Freedom Prison Ministry Justice for Illinois' Wrongfully Convicted  Social Action 2014 From Jail to Jobs by Eric Mayo Black and White in Stripes in Sheriff Joe's Tents by Dr. Kimberly L. Shedrick and Christoper Colon 02:05:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Back In To SocietyIn memory of wrongly convicted who are no longer here but there memory lives on in all of us.. A special tribute to Ruben Hurricane Carter of Paterson N.J.  -Raising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J., 24 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J. Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. Tonight's guest is former CouncilWoman Marilee Jackson. Ms. Jackson is retired from politics and is now very active in the community. She is also the newest member of the RTR Radio family and we welcome her with open arms. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening. Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. Wednesdays - Hump Day, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us.. I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date.. 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker Jr,Marilee JacksonRaising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. Tonight's guest is former CouncilWoman Marilee Jackson. Ms. Jackson is retired from politics anRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J. Events, 22 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J.Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening. Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. Wednesdays - Hump Day, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us.. I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date.. Tonight joing the show will be Alice Williams of The 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker JrRaising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never haveRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J. - Education ?, 20 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J. - Education ?Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. Tonight the RTR crew will sit down with Cory L. Teague of the New Jersey School Boards Association to discuss the state of the educational system in Paterson. What is ( if anything ) wrong and what needs to be done to regain control of the school system which is run by the state.. This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening. Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. Wednesdays - Hump Day, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us.. I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date.. 02:01:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker JrRaising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. Tonight the RTR crew will sit down with Cory L. Teague of the New Jersey School Boards AssociationBack In To Society - Breaking The Barriers of Injustice, 19 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTBack In To Society - Breaking The Barriers of InjusticeWe would like to welcome Leonna Brandao Founder of New Vision Organization Inc. New Vision Organization, Inc is focused on extensive efforts to re-establish positive interaction and communication between incarcerated individuals, their families, and the diversified communities nationwide to assure all goals are met. We strive to educate the public on cultural awareness and the issues of  discrimination, racism, and hatred which results in increased crime and  unnecessary human destruction. New Vision Organization works in unity with community members, advocacy groups,service providers and prison staff throughout the country. In doing so, our aim is to assure prisoners’ rights are not violated, and that they receive the necessary rehabilitation, legal, and educational services that should be offered to all incarcerated men, women, and youth throughout the United States Back In To Society is a show designed to help Ex-Offenders find their bearings, remove the handcuffs placed on them by society and assist them in getting back into society as a productive member of the community. With 27 million + ex-offenders and more being released every day, the task is difficult but not impossible overcome.. Join I.B. Wise, Brent Nation, Pam Deghand and Mark A. Clements as we travel this road to recovery and redemption , we will discuss everything from job searching to re-entry programs, resume writting to support groups. ,We are advocates for the Wrongly Convicted as well as advocates to abolish the death penalty..... Our goal is to break down the barriers of injustice.... Special Guests will appear to share and offer their assistance.  We support- Angels of Freedom Prison Ministry Black and White in Stripes in Sheriff Joe's Tents by Dr. Kimberly L. Shedrick and Christoper Colon 02:47:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Back In To SocietyWe would like to welcome Leonna Brandao Founder of New Vision Organization Inc. New Vision Organization, Inc is focused on extensive efforts to re-establish pRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J., 17 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTRaising The Roof Radio w/ I.B.Wise & Brent Nation - Paterson N.J.Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. Tonight we are blessed to have Mallory Earle join RTR to talk about his NPO Dreams Unlimited Foundation for join DUF on Facebook at This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening. Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. Wednesdays - Hump Day, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us.. I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date.. 02:00:00Black Buffalo RadionoRTR Radio,I.B.Wise,Brent Nation,Ernest Rucker JrRaising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J. Tonight we are blessed to have Mallory Earle join RTR to talk about his NPO Dreams Unlimited Found