pastorbrettdavis talk about everything I belive to be important to this country including but not limited to immigration, religion, the economy, society as a whole, etc...enCopyright Brett Davis (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 01:00:00 GMTTue, 01 Sep 2009 18:00:00 GMTPoliticsBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 talk about everything I belive to be important to this country including but not limited to immigration, religion, the economy, society as a whole, etc...feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.compolitics,alien,border,illegal,immigrants,sheriffpastorbrettdavisnoI talk about everything I belive to be important to this country including but not limited to immigration, religion, the economy, society as a whole, etc...episodicImmigration Plague, 01 Sep 2009 18:00:00 GMTImmigration PlagueI want to talk about what is happening with our country and this plague of illegal immigrants that we are suffering from.01:00:00pastorbrettdavisnoillegal,immigrants,alien,border,sheriffI want to talk about what is happening with our country and this plague of illegal immigrants that we are suffering from.