ParkerMarchant, cultural affairs, relationships and other hot topics enCopyright Parker Marchant (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sun, 16 Jun 2019 00:30:00 GMTMon, 03 Feb 2014 21:00:00 GMTSocial NetworkingBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0, cultural affairs, relationships and other hot topics feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comsocial networking,love,relationships,dating,marriage,couples,happiness,justice,loss,mental healthlovesthoughtsnofashion, cultural affairs, relationships and other hot topicsepisodicThe Amanda Knox Trial Verdict and a Case of Murder Networking, 03 Feb 2014 21:00:00 GMTThe Amanda Knox Trial Verdict and a Case of MurderThe Amanda Knox trial verdict that has clearly captured the American public's interest will be discussed. Amanda Knox was found guilty of murder by an Italian court on Thursday, January 30, 2014 in a case that dates back to 2007.  The judge sentenced Knox to 28 years in prison and her former Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito and co-defendant was sentenced to 25 years. It is definitely a case that has many people talking and that is exactly what we will do here in the next broadcast. Please join us for what will be an enlightening episode that centers around the the Knox murder trial, justice and how cases are won and lost both in America and abroad. 00:16:00lovesthoughtsnoAmanda Knox,knox verdict,justice,trials,murder casesThe Amanda Knox trial verdict that has clearly captured the American public's interest will be discussed. Amanda Knox was found guilty of murder by an Italian cResolutions for 2014 and What to Do to Make them Stick Networking, 01 Jan 2014 21:30:00 GMTResolutions for 2014 and What to Do to Make them StickThis is the first show of the year and we are excited about the things to come.  The beginning of a new year is always a time to truly be thankful for those things in our lives that make us better people.  This particular segment will cover what's to come in the new year for Love's Thoughts, the magic of making new year's resolutions and the ways that we can go about, keeping those commitments to ourselves and others long after the newness of 2014 has worn off.  We hope that everyone will learn something from this mini-segment and thank you for choosing to listen. 00:33:00lovesthoughtsnoNew Year Resolutions,2014This is the first show of the year and we are excited about the things to come.  The beginning of a new year is always a time to truly be thankful for those thiLove, Compromise and Peaceful Resolutions, 11 Oct 2013 20:30:00 GMTLove, Compromise and Peaceful ResolutionsIn all relationships, there is a demand for honest communication however this takes skills.  This episode will deal directly with how to practically and peacefully resolve issues within a relationship.  In this life we will have moments where we will disagree with someone and in order to resolve things and reconcile those differences peacefully, we must be willing to compromise.  Please join us for what promises to be an informative and enlightening discussion. 00:08:00lovesthoughtsnolove,dating,marriage,relationships,interpersonal communicationIn all relationships, there is a demand for honest communication however this takes skills.  This episode will deal directly with how to practically and peacefuSurvivors of Suicide - Complexities of Suicide - Part II, 04 Oct 2013 20:30:00 GMTSurvivors of Suicide - Complexities of Suicide - Part IISuicide is certainly a complex topic and affects so many people in vastly tragic ways and this particular show will focus on the way to be positive after experiencing such an event.  In this world, we are often encountering circumstances that are overwhelmingly emotional and they can leave many feeling helpless.  Suicide is certainly an area, where such emotions come into play but, there are those moments when people who have been touched by this, can find their way back to a place of contentment and in the best situations, learn to embrace their lives once more. So how can we as people overcome such an occurrence and what do we do when someone we love has tried to take his or her life but fortunately survived?  This particular half hour will be dedicated to exploring the positive ways we can help those we know and love to move past such an act of self-destruction and learn to live again with a positive outlook for the future.  We hope that you will join us for what will be an empowering and uplifting discussion that will be dedicated to those who are survivors of suicide. 00:34:00lovesthoughtsnosuicide,survivors,mental health,hope,survivalSuicide is certainly a complex topic and affects so many people in vastly tragic ways and this particular show will focus on the way to be positive after experiThe Complexities of Suicide, 20 Sep 2013 20:30:00 GMTThe Complexities of SuicideThis show will be centered around suicide.  We will discuss the reasons it occurs in certain cases and who is most likely to be directly affected by this tragic occurrence.  Suicide is unfortunately not uncommon in modern day society and can often occur without warning in the worse cases.  It is important to recognize the signs when they are present and this segment will address that issue as well. Suicide is certainly difficult to deal with and thus deserves serious exploration and hopefully with greater understanding, the prevention of such tragic acts, can be prevented.  It is always sad to lose those we love in such a way and when there is a chance for us to reach out and help, we must first be aware of when someone is truly in trouble and considering trying to take his or her own life.  We hope that you will join us for this special show, which will explore this extremely serious issue that clearly warrants more attention.00:37:00lovesthoughtsnosuicide,Suicide prevention,loss,mental health,depressionThis show will be centered around suicide.  We will discuss the reasons it occurs in certain cases and who is most likely to be directly affected by this tragic9-11 and Embracing Life After Tragedy, 13 Sep 2013 20:30:00 GMT9-11 and Embracing Life After Tragedy9-11, affected so many deeply even those who were not directly affected felt a tremendous sense of sadness and loss.  This show is dedicated to the memory of those who lost or sacrificed their lives in what remains one of the most horriifc tragedies in America's history.  These vicious acts of terrorism changed so many on that fateful day twelve years ago and shall remain in our memories forever.  Even when the worst occurs in life, we must find a way to survive and embrace what is still right in our worlds.  Maybe one day, we can remember the ones we lost either in the tragedy of 9-11 or in other ways, without becoming overcome with grief.  We hope that you will join us for this special tribute to the loved ones who may no longer be in this world but are still very much alive in our hearts.00:33:00lovesthoughtsno9-11,tragedy,loss,grief,life9-11, affected so many deeply even those who were not directly affected felt a tremendous sense of sadness and loss.  This show is dedicated to the memory of thAddiction, Celebrity and the Death of Cory Monteith Help, 25 Jul 2013 20:30:00 GMTAddiction, Celebrity and the Death of Cory MonteithThe Glee star and accomplished actor Cory Monteith, who suffered from a painful childhood and struggled with substance abuse addiction since the age of thirteen, had only just recently completed a stint in rehab for his issues. Always candid about his problems with the disease, Monteith was truly trying to overcome the plague that has claimed far too many lives.  Drug addiction is such an insidious disease and it is merciless to those touched either directly or indirectly by this plague that seems so relentless.  One afflicted with such a self-destructive behavior, desperately need the support and guidance of both professionals and loved ones for it is a battle far too difficult to fight alone.  This show will specifically address the disease that is addiction and offer some helpful information for those who may be struggling with just such a battle or assisting a loved one to overcome this horrible illness.  We hope that you will find this show resourceful and encouraging. Thank you for listening. 00:34:00lovesthoughtsnoCory Monteith,Substance abuse,drugs,addictions,tragedy and celebrityThe Glee star and accomplished actor Cory Monteith, who suffered from a painful childhood and struggled with substance abuse addiction since the age of thirteenA Tribute to the Life of Nelson Mandela Events, 28 Jun 2013 18:30:00 GMTA Tribute to the Life of Nelson MandelaThe Nobel Prize winning humanitarian Nelson Mandela was a well-respected, international luminary who touched the lives of so many as he courageously fought for South African people to receive the justice they had been denied under the now defunct governmental system of Apartheid.   This broadcast will pay tribute to the life and legacy of a man whose humanitarism and efforts to achieve equality for his fellow South African people, will live on for an eternity.  “I am fundamentally an optimist.  Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say.  Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward.  There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair.  That way lays defeat and death.” Nelson Mandela 00:27:00lovesthoughtsnoSouth African Leader,Justice,Civil Rights,Peace,Nelson MandelaThe Nobel Prize winning humanitarian Nelson Mandela was a well-respected, international luminary who touched the lives of so many as he courageously fought forWedding Wonderful!, 21 Jun 2013 22:00:00 GMTWedding Wonderful!This episode is being dedicated to those couples who are choosing to officially unite in love this June, the official month for weddings.  Inspirational fueled, this half hour promises to be vibrantly positive and all about the possibilities that being in love and becoming husband and wife, can offer those who choose to take that leap of faith.  00:30:00lovesthoughtsnomarriage,relationships,nuptials,love,couplesThis episode is being dedicated to those couples who are choosing to officially unite in love this June, the official month for weddings.  Inspirational fueled,A Tribute to my Grandfather and Committed Fathers, 16 Jun 2013 19:30:00 GMTA Tribute to my Grandfather and Committed Fathers A small show designed to honor the memory of my grandfather who we lost last year.  This is the first Father's Day without him and it seemed fitting just to remember who he was as a man, a human being and as my grandfather, who I miss terribly.  Grandfather this is for you and other grandfathers and fathers who left their marks in their children's lives.  00:16:00lovesthoughtsnoa tribute,in memory,fathers,grandfathers,nostalgiaA small show designed to honor the memory of my grandfather who we lost last year.  This is the first Father's Day without him and it seemed fitting just to remHow to Keep the Happy - Part Two, 11 May 2013 16:30:00 GMTHow to Keep the Happy - Part Two This show will deal specifically with more tips on how to effectively maintain the happiness in a committed, long term relationship or marriage. The focus this time around will be on ways you can keep your longterm love feeling that "happy feeling".  Part One covered how to combat some of the three top things that can compromise a longterm relationship's happy factor and Part Two will give you some great ways to keep the smile on your mate's face.  We truly hope that you will tune in for what promises to be a half hour solely dedicated to "keeping the happy". in your longterm relationships.   00:32:00lovesthoughtsnolast minute mothers day gift ideas,commitment,happiness,love,marital adviceThis show will deal specifically with more tips on how to effectively maintain the happiness in a committed, long term relationship or marriage. The focus thisIt is All About "The Happy"! - Keeping the Love You Found Networking, 10 May 2013 16:30:00 GMTIt is All About "The Happy"! - Keeping the Love You Found It is definitely how we give of ourselves to the ones we love that tells the world who we truly are as human beings.  This show will center on the things everyone in a loving, committed relationship needs to focus on in order to keep the ones they love, happy to be there.  Our relationships are the centers of our souls, so we must be serious about keeping them healthy on every level.  We must never stop nurturing "the happy" we have found or it could result in us losing it all.00:33:00lovesthoughtsnolove,relationships,dating,marriage,happinessIt is definitely how we give of ourselves to the ones we love that tells the world who we truly are as human beings.  This show will center on the things everyoLove Talks - The Debut, 03 May 2013 16:30:00 GMTLove Talks - The Debut This show, which will be hosted by L.M. Love, is dedicated to discussions on looking for love, finding love and keeping love.  Sub-topics in the Coffee Break mini-segments, will feature what is hot in fashion and current events as well.  If you are looking for love or simply seeking to keep the love you found, then Love Talks is for you.  Life is just so much more fulfilling when we are happily in love and who doesn't want to talk about love? So please join us, we would love to talk to you! 00:31:00lovesthoughtsnodating,love,relationships,romance,couplesThis show, which will be hosted by L.M. Love, is dedicated to discussions on looking for love, finding love and keeping love.  Sub-topics in the Coffee Break m