Your Health is in Your Hands Joanna Carmichael & Nick Colasanti discuss ideas to inspire and empower you to take charge of your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health. enCopyright Joanna Carmichael (C/O Blogtalkradio)Tue, 01 Dec 2020 01:45:00 GMTSun, 11 Mar 2018 19:30:00 GMTHealthBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Your Health is in Your Hands Joanna Carmichael & Nick Colasanti discuss ideas to inspire and empower you to take charge of your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comhealth,hypnosis,emotions,ayurveda,meditation,yoga,stress,spirituality,psychology,pharmaceuticalsYour Health is in Your HandsnoDr. Joanna Carmichael & Nick Colasanti discuss ideas to inspire and empower you to take charge of your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health.episodicYou're Invited to Join the Pharma to Dharma Online Pilot Program!, 11 Mar 2018 19:30:00 GMTYou're Invited to Join the Pharma to Dharma Online Pilot Program!Nick Colasanti, Hypnotherapist at Kalyana Centre interviews Dr. Joanna Carmichael, RN about her ongoing online program for health, transformation & longevity. Receive the benefit of Dr. Joanna's experience in allopathy and Big Pharma as well as her education and wisdom as a nurse-coach, metaphysician, and Chopra-certified Ayurveda, Meditation & Yoga practitioner and teacher. If you have been promising yourself to make changes to improve your physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual health, but have found it difficult to get  started or stay motivated & inspired to create lasting change, then this program is for you!   As you age, has your doctor been adding more medications to your daily regimen instead of trying to decrease or eliminate them? Are you tired of suffering with side effects from medications that support conventional medicine's quick fix? Are you tired of not being approached as the whole and perfect person that you are? Are you struggling spiritually to sort out your beliefs and find your place and purpose in this life, or have you lost your sense of the Sacred in the busyness of our fast-paced lives? Are your relationships or your career in need of some serious transformation? Are you experiencing digestive disturbance, depression, or anxiety that is preventing you from feeling balanced, calm, healthy, and at peace?  If you answered yes, there is help and you don't have to do it alone. Learn more at and how you can join the Pharma to Dharma online program from the comfort of your home.    Schedule a Free 30-minute consultation with Dr. Joanna by calling 484-412-8815 or emailing her at   to see if you are a fit for the program. Start your journey into healing today!  Namaste 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoTransformation,Longevity,Purpose,Wellbeing,HealthDiscover Your Personal Path to Transformation, Wellbeing, Longevity, and Purpose in 6-12 months!ffa9f5c1-7250-402f-822e-d265695d617611full'Tis the Season to be Jolly? How to have a Holistic Holiday Season, 09 Dec 2015 18:00:00 GMT'Tis the Season to be Jolly? How to have a Holistic Holiday SeasonToday, Nick & Joanna will be talking about the holiday hustle and bustle and how it's not always a happy and joyous time for everyone. Do you ever feel that there is an underlying sadness around the holidays for some people? Are we force fed commercialism, consumerism, parties, cooking, celebrating and socializing at a time when we are really supposed to be going within? What can we do to truly nurture ourselves at this most sacred time of the year. Must we feel badly about syaing "no" to things we really do not feel like doing or participating in?  Is it a time that contributes to anxiety, depression, insomnia and other stress-related illnesses? We'll be sharing some ideas for navagating the holiday season with more grace, ease, and sanity in body, mind, heart and spirit, as the shift in consciousness continues to wake us up in ways we have not yet imagined. This is a follow up to Dr. Joanna's TV interview which aired on December 7th 2015. Find us always at or or 484-412-8815. Receive 20% off an initial  consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show.  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHolidays,stress,celebration,sadness,emotionalAre the holidays joyful for everyone?Anger: Hypnotherapy and Domestic Violence, 25 Nov 2015 15:00:00 GMTAnger: Hypnotherapy and Domestic ViolenceThis month of November 2015, Nick & Joanna will be talking about Anger; first discussing the perspecive of Ayurveda on this intense and sometimes mysterious and dangerous emotion, and then on the 25th, as it relates to Domestic Violence and how hypnosis can be a  helpful tool for addressing and manging it. As with all things in Ayurveda, we go back to the doshas.  Anger is primarily a Pitta emotion (Fire). The fire of Pitta, when out of balance can rage out of control and create havoc emotionally.  And as Ayurveda views all symptoms, we ask the question, what is it telling us; about our physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual well-being?  Are there some people who are just prone to an anger response when under stress?  Should anger always be judged as a bad thing? Is it ever justified? What can be done to manage anger from a Vedic perspective? We will be talking about these things and more as well as providing some suggestions for keeping that internal fire burning brightly, but not out of control.   On the 25th, the focus will be on hypnotherapy as a tool to deal with anger as well as answer all of the questions above, from the perspecive of the hypnotherapist. We will also be focusing on domestic violence as a serious problem in our culture that must be addressed, and what we can do individually and collectively to be a part of the solution. It's more than just raising awareness.  Find us always at /   484-412-8815   Receive a 20% discount on an initial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show!  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoAnger,Hypnotherapy,Domestic Violence,Ayurveda,PittaAnger: Hypnotherapy and Domestic ViolenceAnger: Perspective from The Wisdom of Ayurveda, 11 Nov 2015 16:00:00 GMTAnger: Perspective from The Wisdom of AyurvedaThis month of November 2015, Nick & Joanna will be talking about Anger; first discussing the perspecive of Ayurveda on this intense and sometimes mysterious and dangerous emotion, and then on the 25th, as it relates to Domestic Violence and how hypnosis can be a  helpful tool for addressing and manging it. As with all things in Ayurveda, we go back to the doshas.  Anger is primarily a Pitta emotion (Fire). The fire of Pitta, when out of balance can rage out of control and create havoc emotionally.  And as Ayurveda views all symptoms, we ask the question, what is it telling us; about our physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual well-being?  Are there some people who are just prone to an anger response when under stress?  Should anger always be judged as a bad thing? Is it ever justified? What can be done to manage anger from a Vedic perspective? We will be talking about these things and more as well as providing some suggestions for keeping that internal fire burning brightly, but not out of control.   On the 25th, the focus will be on hypnotherapy as a tool to deal with anger as well as answer all of the questions above, from the perspecive of the hypnotherapist. We will also be focusing on domestic violence as a serious problem in our culture that must be addressed, and what we can do individually and collectively to be a part of the solution. It's more than just raising awareness.  Find us always at /   484-412-8815   Receive a 20% discount on an initial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show!  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoAnger,Ayurveda,Hypnotherapy,Domestic Violence,PsychologyAyurvedic Perspective on AngerCancer: Hypnosis Weighs In, 28 Oct 2015 14:00:00 GMTCancer: Hypnosis Weighs InIt's breast cancer awarenes month.... Is this a good thing or a bad thing? In a two-part program, Dr. Joanna and Nick will be talking today about how Ayurveda and Hypnosis views cancer, its treatment and meaning.  In part I, they explored how Ayurveda views cancer and its treatment. Today they will talk about how hypnosis can help in the management of the mental aspects of being diagnosed with cancer.  In today's show they will be exploring: What are the choices when one is faced with a devastating diagnosis?   How can hypnotherapy help in the perception of cancer and its treatment? Can hypnosis assist the body in healing itself? What are the roles of the practitioner and the patient in healing? What levels are affected, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or "all of the above"?   Additionally, we will discuss how the pharmaceutical companies and various "charities" do more to contribute to the disease than actually curing it. To learn more about us or to learn more find us at or or 484-412-8815 Receive 20% off an initial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show.  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoCancer,Hypnosis,Hypnotherapy,Counseling,PsychotherapyCancer: Hypnosis Weighs InCancer: Ayurveda Weighs In, 21 Oct 2015 17:00:00 GMTCancer: Ayurveda Weighs InIt's breast cancer awarenes month.... Is this a good thing or a bad thing? In a two-part program, Dr. Joanna and Nick will be talking today about how Ayurveda views cancer, its treatment and meaning.  In part II, they will be exploring how hypnosis can help in the management of the mental aspects of being diagnosed with cancer.  In today's show we will be exploring: What are the choices when one is faced with a devastating diagnosis?   How does Ayurveda view cancer and its treatment? What are the roles of the practitioner and the patient in healing? What levels are affected, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or "all of the above"?   Additionally, we will discuss how the pharmaceutical companies and various "charities" do more to contribute to the disease than actually curing it. To learn more about us or to learn more find us at or or 484-412-8815 Receive 20% off an initial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show.  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoCancer,Ayurveda,Mind,Body,SpiritCancer: Ayurveda Weighs InNever too Early to Start: Hypnosis for Kids!, 07 Oct 2015 13:00:00 GMTNever too Early to Start: Hypnosis for Kids!Nick & Joanna are following up on using Ayurveda and Hypnosis during the lifespan.  Following the shows on pregnancy and childbirth, and last week's show on Ayurveda for Kids, today they will be focusing on how Hypnosis can be used to nurture and nourish a child's unique nature and help their emotional and psycholigical development right from the start.   By knowing an understanding your child's unique nature or constitutional type, you will learn how foods, exercise, activities, and daily & seasonal practices can be implemented to support healthy development of the body, intellect, emotions, and spirit. This also sets kids up for cultivating the best habits as they get older that will help them reduce stress and age with grace and ease. Learn what practices can help the growing number of kids who are facing obesity, stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression and other health-related concerns that can put them on medications pre-maturely.  We'll also explore the reasons why some illness present themselves predominantly in childhood due to the energetics of this part of the lifespan.  This show will focus on how hypnosis can help kids manage emotions, behavioral problems, and plant positive suggestions that cultivate self-love and and acceptance, thereby helping children know their inherent self worth and deservingness to create a life of health, vitality and joy!   Find us always at / Receive 20% off an intitial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show.  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHypnosis,Ayurveda,Children,Kids,Childhood obesityHypnosis for KidsNever too Early to Start: Ayurveda for Kids!, 23 Sep 2015 14:00:00 GMTNever too Early to Start: Ayurveda for Kids!Nick & Joanna are following up on using Ayurveda and Hypnosis during the lifespan.  Following the shows on pregnancy and childbirth, today they will be focusing on how Ayurveda can be used to nurture and nourish a child's unique nature.   By knowing an understanding your child's unique nature or constitutional type, you will learn how foods, exercise, activities, and daily & seasonal practices can be implemented to support healthy development of the body, intellect, emotions, and spirit. This also sets kids up for cultivating the best habits as they get older that will help them reduce stress and age with grace and ease. Learn what practices can help the growing number of kids who are facing obesity, stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression and other health-related concerns that can put them on medications pre-maturely.  We'll also explore the reasons why some illness present themselves predominantly in childhood due to the energetics of this part of the lifespan.  Our next show will focus on how hypnosis can help kids manage emotions, behavioral problems, and plant positive suggestions that cultivate self-love and and acceptance, thereby helping children know their inherent self worth.  Find us always at / Receive 20% off an intitial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show.  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoAyurveda,Children,kids,obesity,obesity epidemicAyurveda for KidsPregnancy, Childbirth & Early Motherhood; How Can Hypnosis Help?, 26 Aug 2015 17:00:00 GMTPregnancy, Childbirth & Early Motherhood; How Can Hypnosis Help?In the second of this two part series, Nick & Joanna will talk about how hypnosis can be helpful to decrease stress in pregnancy, prepare and experiecne ease in childbirth, and continue to reduce stress in early motherhood.  Part I focused on how Ayurveda views conception and pregnancy and how this conscious approach can benefit Mother and Baby. Find part I here: This is a very important and tender time for both Mother and Baby and hypnosis is a wonderful tool that can have tremendous benefits not only to the mind and emotions, but also to the physical body. In keeping with an Ayurvedic approach and focus on self care, hypnotherapy definitely has some practical and helpful benefits.  It all boils down to self-care where the most important aspect is consciousness. Even before conception is planned, care should be taken that Mother and Father are in the best of health so that their creation can have the best start; not only being in good health physically but also within their relationship to provide a loving, joyful environment in which the child will learn and grow. Learn also how hypnosis can help mom and baby have an easeful time in the birth process that reduces stress and pain so the use of pharmaceuticals can be reduced or eliminated.  Find us always at / or 484-412-8815 Email: Receive 20% off an initial consultation when you mention this show.  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHypnosis,Ayurveda,Pregnancy,Childbirth,ConceptionPregnancy, Childbirth & Early Motherhood: HypnosisPregnancy, Childbirth & Early Motherhood; An Ayurvedic Perspective, 12 Aug 2015 14:00:00 GMTPregnancy, Childbirth & Early Motherhood; An Ayurvedic PerspectiveIn the first of this two part series, Nick & Joanna will talk about how Ayurveda views pregnnancy, childbirth and early motherhood.  Part II will focus on how hypnosis/hypnotherapy can benefit Mother and Baby and especially during childbirth. This is a very important and tender time for both Mother and Baby and Ayurveda definitely has some practical and nurturing recommendations. It all boils down to self-care where the most important aspect is consciousness. Even before conception is planned, care should be taken that Mother and Father are in the best of health so that their creation can have the best start; not only being in good health physically but also within their relationship to provide a loving, joyful environment in which the child will learn and grow. During pregnancy how a mother eats and cares for herself becomes even more important because what is happening inside of her, is also happening to the baby.  Balancing mind, body, emotions and the environment become of utmost importance and it is in everyone's best interest to keep mother stress-free. Through the practices of Meditation, Yoga, and Ayurveda, consciousness around the plan to bring a new life into this world is what will create a baby that is a happy, healthy, and contributing individual to society. What is ingested, done, and thought about during pregancy can be the difference between a child that is unhealthy, anxious, and disconnected from him/herself, others, and the environment, versus a child that is healthy, vibrant, joyful and connected to him/herself and finds her place in the world as he/she continues to grow into their dharma or purpose. Find us always at / or 484-412-8815 Email: Receive 20% off an initial consultation when you mention this show.    00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoPregnancy,Childbirth,Motherhood,Ayurveda,HypnosisPregnancy, Childbirth & Early Motherhood: Ayurveda Weighs inArthritis - A Non-Pharmaceutical Ayurvedic Approach - Part III, 29 Jul 2015 14:00:00 GMTArthritis - A Non-Pharmaceutical Ayurvedic Approach - Part IIIToday, Nick & Joanna will be continuing a 3-part series on Arthritis. The first show we focused on how Ayurveda views arthritis and how it differs from the western medical approach which is treats the symptom, not the cause, utilizing drugs that further cause joint deterioration and surgery that can have many complications especially for the elderly.  There are many things that can be done to naturally relieve and potentially heal the pain and suffering of arthritis. By making recommendations that utilize food as medicine, herbs to ease pain and decrease inflammation in the body-mind, and employing meditation and yoga to releive stress and increase and maintain strength, flexibility and balance as well as mobility.   Part 2 focused on how hypnosis/hypnotherapy can be used for healing from the inside out, as well as how it can help with pain relief and limiting beliefs about what is possible with the mind. We talked about whether arthritis be cured just through the intention of the mind and how it fits into an Ayurvedic approach to managing this condition as well as whether are there any contraindications. Today (Part 3) will be a combination of both and will include some case studies as examples of what is actually possible. We'll talk more about the integrative, holsitic approach and how it benefits patients in the long run without the detrimental side effects of toxic medications and/or surgical complications.  Find us always at and Receive a 20% discount on an initial consutltation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show!  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoArthritis,Ayurveda,Hypnosis,Hypnotherapy,HollisticNatural, Non-Pharmaceutical Approach to Managing ArthritisArthritis - A Non-Pharmaceutical Ayurvedic Approach - Part II, 15 Jul 2015 14:00:00 GMTArthritis - A Non-Pharmaceutical Ayurvedic Approach - Part IIToday, Nick & Joanna will be continuing a 3-part series on Arthritis. Last show we focused on how Ayurveda views arthritis and how it differs from the western medical approach which is treats the symptom, not the cause, utilizing drugs that further cause joint deterioration and surgery that can have many complications especially for the elderly.  There are many things that can be done to naturally relieve and potentially heal the pain and suffering of arthritis. By making recommendations that utilize food as medicine, herbs to ease pain and decrease inflammation in the body-mind, and employing meditation and yoga to releive stress and increase and maintain strength, flexibility and balance as well as mobility.   Today, Part 2 will focus on how hypnosis/hypnotherapy can be used for healing from the inside out, as well as how it can help with pain relief and limiting beliefs about what is possible with the mind. Can arthritis be cured just through the intention of the mind? How does it fit into an Ayurvedic approach to managing this condition and are there any contraindications?  Part 3 will be a combination of both and will include some case studies as examples of what is actually possible. We'll talk more about the integrative, holsitic approach and how it benefits patients in the long run without the detrimental side effects of toxic medications and/or surgical complications.  Find us always at and Receive a 20% discount on an initial consutltation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show!  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHypnosis,Hypnotherapy,Ayurveda,Mind-body,PsychologyNatural, Non-Pharmaceutical Approach to Managing ArthritisArthritis - A Non-Pharmaceutical Ayurvedic Approach - Part I, 01 Jul 2015 14:30:00 GMTArthritis - A Non-Pharmaceutical Ayurvedic Approach - Part IToday, Nick & Joanna will be starting a 3-part series on Arthritis. First we will be focusing on how Ayurveda views arthritis and how it differs from the western medical approach which is treat the symptom, not the cause, utilizing drugs that further cause joint deterioration and surgery that can have many complications especially for the elderly.   There are many things that can be done to naturally relieve and potentially heal the pain and suffering of arthritis. By making recommendations that utilize food as medicine, herbs to ease pain and decrease inflammation in the body-mind, and employing meditation and yoga to releive stress and increase and maintain strength, flexibility and balance as well as mobility.   Part 2 will focus on how hypnosis can be used for healing from the inside out, as well as how it can help with pain relief and limiting beliefs about what is possible with the mind. Part 3 will be a combination of both and will include some case studies as examples of what is possible.  Find us always at and Receive a 20% discount on an initial consutltation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show!    00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoAyurveda,Hypnosis,Arthritis,Pain,Pain ReliefToday, Nick & Joanna will be starting a 3-part series on Arthritis. First we will be focusing on how Ayurveda views arthritis and how it differs from the westerSkin Problems? Hypnosis to the Rescue!, 17 Jun 2015 14:00:00 GMTSkin Problems? Hypnosis to the Rescue!Is beauty really only skin deep? Or does real beauty radiate from within? As the largest organ in (on) the body, the skin can be a really great indicator of what is going on inside the body. When there is acne, or other skin erruptions or symptoms, this is telling us something about our internal health. When we take medications that suppress the symptoms, the problem doesn't really go away, it's just driven inward where it can wreck havoc elswhere. Yet antibiotics are still prescribed to teenagers with ance, and toxic medications are given to women of child-bearing potential in an effort to treat something that is most likely casued by diet and/or lifestyle, and always with a mental/emotional component.  Nick and Joanna will be talking about how hypnosis can help alleviate even the most stubborn of skin conditions safely and effectively and without the toxic and potentially long term side effects of pharmaceuticals.   Receive 20% off an intitial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show.  Find us always at / 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoSkin,Skincare,Hypnosis,Ayurveda,PsychologyIs beauty really only skin deep? Or does real beauty radiate from within? As the largest organ in (on) the body, the skin can be a really great indicator of whBeauty from the Inside Out: Ayurvedic Tips for Gorgeous Skin!, 03 Jun 2015 14:00:00 GMTBeauty from the Inside Out: Ayurvedic Tips for Gorgeous Skin!Is beauty really only skin deep? Or does real beauty radiate from within? Today, Nick and Joanna will be discussing Skincare that is more than skin deep with a focus on Ayurveda and how the practices can help with skin issues and aging.  As the largest organ in (on) the body, the skin can be a really great indicator of what is going on inside the body. When there is acne, or other skin erruptions or symptoms, this is telling us something about our internal health. When we take medications that suppress the symptoms, the problem doesn't really go away, it's just driven inward where it can wreck havoc elswhere. Yet antibiotics are still prescribed to teenagers with ance, and toxic medications are given to women of child-bearing potential in an effort to treat something that is most likely casued by diet and/or lifestyle, and always with a mental/emotional component.  Nick and Joanna will be talking about how Ayurveda views skin care and how you can implement some simple and effective strategies that will have your skin looking and feeling great in a matter of days as well as detox from the toxins we are assautled with every day.   Receive 20% off an intitial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show.  Find us always at /     00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoAyurveda,Skin Care,Skin,Emotions,PharmaceuticalsIs beauty really only skin deep? Or does real beauty radiate from within? Today, Nick and Joanna will be discussing Skincare that is more than skin deep with aPharma to Dharma: Pharmaceuticals vs Hypnotherapy, 20 May 2015 14:00:00 GMTPharma to Dharma: Pharmaceuticals vs HypnotherapyToday Nick & Dr. Joanna will be continuing the discussion on "Pharma to Dharma: From Pharmaceuticals Back to Nature" as it applies to the use of Hypnotherapy in place of, or to minimize the use of pharmaceuticals. The Wetsern model of quick fix medicine is just not working, for doctors and patients alike. Patients are finally realizing that the "quick fix" really isn't giving them the desired result or cure that they are looking for, and doctors are starting to feel that this is not the way to truly practice medicine so that healing on all levels can be invited to occur.  Learn how hypnotherapy can be a very viable and safe approach to changing our consciousness to break thinking patterns that do not serve us.  Adverse Drug reactions are the 4th leading cause of death and pharmaceutical companies still continue to rake in billions by marketing and selling disease.  How do they do that?  By creating new diagnoses that fit into the effects of the drug that is already on the market, but that is usually close to patent expiration. This occurs particularly with psychotropics - drugs for anxiety, insomnia, depression and a variety of other psychiatric illnesses. Many people do not realize that sometimes the side effects of these drugs are exactly that which they are designed to treat.  Find out how hypnotherapy can be used alone or to augment any other modality of healing in what promises to be a very interesting discussion.  Pharma to Dharma 4-hour Workshops on 17th & 21st May 2015 and will be offered regularly. See more on the Kalyana Centre homepage. Find us always at or Dr. Joanna at or 484-412-8815. Receive 20% off an initial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show.  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoPharmaceuticals,Hypnotherapy,Hypnosis,Psychology,SpiritualityToday Nick & Dr. Joanna will be continuing the discussion on "Pharma to Dharma: From Pharmaceuticals Back to Nature" as it applies to the use of Hypnotherapy inPharma to Dharma: From Pharmaceuticals Back to Nature, 06 May 2015 14:00:00 GMTPharma to Dharma: From Pharmaceuticals Back to NatureToday Nick & Dr. Joanna will be talking about her initiative called, "Pharma to Dharma: From Pharmaceuticals Back to Nature." The Wetsern model of quick fix medicine is just not working, for doctors and patients alike.  Patients are finally realizing that the "quick fix" really isn't giving them the desired result or cure that they are looking for, and doctors are starting to feel that this is not the way to truly practice medicine so that healing on all levels can be invited to occur.   Adverse Drug reactions are the 4th leading cause of death and pharmaceutical companies still continue to rake in billions by marketing and selling disease.  How do they do that?  By creating new diagnoses that fit into the effects of the drug that is already on the market, but that is usually close to patent expiration. This occurs particularly with psychotropics - drugs for anxiety, insomnia, depression and a variety of other psychiatric illnesses. Many people do not realize that sometimes the side effects of these drugs are exactly that which they are designed to treat.   How does the food industry fit in to all of this?  And it's supposedly monitored by the FDA.  But there's a reason it's called the F D A.  So what can we do as healthcare practitioners and consumers of medical care to combat the collusion amongst big pharma, medicine, the mainstream media, and the food industry to keep us fat, sick and dying? Find out in what promises to be a very interesting discussion. Pharma to Dharma 4-hour Workshops on 17th & 21st May 2015 and will be offered regularly. See more on the Kalyana Centre homepage. Find us always at or Dr. Joanna at or 484-412-8815. Receive 20% off an initial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show.    00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoPsychiatry,Big Pharma,Meditation,Pharmaceuticals,HealthToday Nick & Dr. Joanna will be talking about her initiative called, "Pharma to Dharma: From Pharmaceuticals Back to Nature." The Wetsern model of quick fix medEmotional Detox: Clearing the Channels Through Hypnosis, 22 Apr 2015 14:00:00 GMTEmotional Detox: Clearing the Channels Through HypnosisIt's Spring Cleaning Time!  Every year around this time, people are usually thinking about detoxification.... and they should be! The change of season is an excellent time to be thinking about cleaning out, and that means your body/mind and emotions too!  This is also usually a time of year when people are thinking about losing those few pounds that were gained during the colder months of eating heavier food. Today Nick & Joanna will be talking about how hypnosis can help support and complement any detoxification program or strategy.  Some of the questions we will be answering are: Why do we need to detox? Is detox a quick fix for weight loss?  Are weight loss drugs the answer?  Is detox only about the body? What about mental and emotional toxificty?  In addition to cleaning up your diet, what about clearing out those other things in your life that no longer serve you like toxic relationships, jobs, habits, reactions, clutter, addictions, medications?  What have you simply gotten used to living with that you have come to view as "normal" - like insomnia, anxiety, and depression?   How do we detox emotionally?  Can hypnosis be a bigger picture solution to a problem that plagues many of us? Everything is truly interconencted!   Find us always at / or 484-412-8815 Receive 20% off an initial consultation with Nick or Dr. Joanna when you mention this show.   00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHypnosis,Hypnotherapy,Detoxification,Emotions,MeditationIt's Spring Cleaning Time!  Every year around this time, people are usually thinking about detoxification.... and they should be! The change of season is an excSpring Cleaning Time! Detoxification for Body, Mind & Soul Through Ayurveda, 08 Apr 2015 17:30:00 GMTSpring Cleaning Time! Detoxification for Body, Mind & Soul Through AyurvedaIt's Spring Cleaning Time!  Every year around this time, people are usually thinking about detoxification.... and they should be! The change of season is an excellent time to be thinking about cleaning out, and that means your body/mind and emotions too!  This is also usually a time of year when people are thinking about losing those few pounds that were gained during the colder months of eating heavier food. Today Nick & Joanna will be talking about detoxification strategies from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Some of the questions we will be answering are: Why do we need to detox? Is detox a quick fix for weight loss?  Are weight loss drugs the answer?  Is detox only about the body? In addition to cleaning up your diet, what about clearing out those other things that no longer serve you like toxic relationships, jobs, habits, reactions, clutter, addictions, medications?  What have you simply gotten used to living with that you have come to view as "normal" - like insomnia, anxiety, and depression?  We'll talk about how Ayurveda views detoxification and the concept of "perpetual renewal".  How do we detox emotionally? Where does meditation/yoga/contemplation fit in to the bigger picture.  Everything is interconencted!  What simple strategies can you implement at home to start the process?  Simple strategies like meditation, yoga, pranayama (breathing), Abhyanga (Ayurvedic self-massage), and more...  Find us always at / or 484-412-8815 Receive 20% off an initial consultation with Nick or Dr. Joanna when you mention this show.   00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoAyurveda,Detoxification,Hypnosis,Meditation,EmotionsIt's Spring Cleaning Time!  Every year around this time, people are usually thinking about detoxification.... and they should be! The change of season is an excInsomnia Making You Crazy? Hypnosis to the Rescue!, 25 Mar 2015 14:00:00 GMTInsomnia Making You Crazy? Hypnosis to the Rescue!In Ayurveda, we say that poor nutrition is the mother of all disease... and Insomnia is the father!   Many people today have simply gotten used to being sleep deprived and think it is normal. Meanwhile, the body, mind, emotions and spirit suffer from not getting adequate rest.  Today, Nick and Dr. Joanna will discuss insomnia and how hypnotherapy can help you turn those sleepless nights into peaceful slumber that leaves you feeling rested, restored and ready to face the day. There are many causes of insomnia from food, medicines, alcohol, stress, illness, hormonal imbalance and more.  In the western medicine treatment model, (treat the symptom, not the cause), Insomnia is usually treated with toxic medications that can become addicting or cause other side effects (that will be treated with yet another drug).  This method of treatment also does not address the root cause, therefore letting something that could be important, go untreated.  And did you know that one of the side effects of certain medications is that they can cause that symptom that they are designed to treat? So why take a toxic drug when you can treat the problem with a simple, yet effective form of therapy that gets to the root of the problem and corrects it at a deeper level of mind.  Find us at / 484-412-8815  If you have learned to live with insomnia or any other health concern that is not in alignment with being in perfect health & wellbeing, give us a call and receive 20% off your initial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show!  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoInsomnia,Hypnosis,Ayurveda,Pharmaceuticals,HypnotherapyIn Ayurveda, we say that poor nutrition is the mother of all disease... and Insomnia is the father!   Many people today have simply gotten used to being sleepCan't Sleep? Ayurveda Offers Non-pharmaceutical Solutions, 11 Mar 2015 16:00:00 GMTCan't Sleep? Ayurveda Offers Non-pharmaceutical SolutionsIn Ayurveda, we say that poor nutrition is the mother of all disease... and Insomnia is the father!   Many people today have simply gotten used to being sleep deprived and think it is normal. Meanwhile, the body, mind, emotions and spirit suffer from not getting adequate rest. Today, Nick and Dr. Joanna will discuss the way that Ayurveda views insomnia and how knowing your unique constitution as well as other contributing imbalances that can help or hinder your ability to sleep well.  In the western medicine treatment model, (treat the symptom, not the cause), Insomnia is usually treated with toxic medications that can become addicting or cause other side effects (that will be treated with yet another drug).  And did you know that one of the side effects of certain medications is that they can cause that symptom that they are designed to treat? So why take a toxic drug when you can treat the problem with some simple, yet effective lifestyle practices based on a system of ancient wisdom that helps you live in harmony with the cyclic rhythms of nature rather than against them. An Ayurvedic lifestyle can have you feeling better in no time and the practices are deceptively simple yet impactful. Find us at / 484-412-8815  If you have learned to live with insomnia or any other health concern that is not in alignment with being in perfect health & wellbeing, give us a call and receive 20% off your initial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show!    00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoInsomnia,health,wellness,hypnosis,AyurvedaIn Ayurveda, we say that poor nutrition is the mother of all disease... and Insomnia is the father!   Many people today have simply gotten used to being sleepOverweight, Obesity, Eating Disorders: How Can Hypnosis Help?, 04 Mar 2015 15:00:00 GMTOverweight, Obesity, Eating Disorders: How Can Hypnosis Help?Our culture today has become obsessed with diets. Instead of that word simply meaning, "that which you eat", it has become a word that implies deprivation, starving, restriction, and sacrifice. There are so many fads and theories about how to achieve that perfect body, (whether realistic or not), and yet more and more people are suffering with allergies, digestive disturbance, and more serious conditions like cancer, celiac, and Crohn's Disease, as well as eating disorders such as anorexia, bulemia, pica, and Pradar Willi Syndrome. Despite the media and the quest for the perfect figure, the obesity epidemic continues and we know all too well (hopefully) how this condition can contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, not to mention other conditions like arthritis that are complicated by increasing weight.   Last time, we discussed how Ayurveda views food as medicine and how to incorporate Ayurvedic principles to achieve perfect weight and balance. Today Nick and Joanna will be discussing how hypnosis can help manage and heal the myriad of eating disorders that seem to affect us today. Is it a matter of willpower, or are we powerless to make the changes we need to make to live a happier, healthier life where we can live longer and prevent disease before it starts? Whether it's a matter of a few pounds you would like to lose, or a more serious problem of obesity and/or a related illness, hypnosis can help, along with a sensible diet and lifestyle that decreases stress, and brings some ease and sanity to this epidemic problem.   Find us always at / or 484-412-8815.   Receive 20% off an initial consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show!  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoOverweight,Weight loss,Obesity,Hypnosis,DietOur culture today has become obsessed with diets. Instead of that word simply meaning, "that which you eat", it has become a word that implies deprivation, starFood as Medicine: An Ayurvedic Approach to Eating for Perfect Health & Balance, 11 Feb 2015 15:00:00 GMTFood as Medicine: An Ayurvedic Approach to Eating for Perfect Health & BalanceToday, Nick and Joanna will be talking about how Ayurveda, the over 5000 year old ancient healing tradition from India, views food and how to eat in an Ayurvedic lifestyle.  Ayurveda views food as medicine and taste or "Rasa" as so much more that just flavor in the mouth.  It is about flavor for life! We do not count calories, fat grams, protien, carbs or points.  It is as much about living in harmony with nature, the seasons and ourselves by knowing your own constitutional type or "Dosha", as it is about keeping the digestive fire or "Agni" kindled so that nutrients are properly absorbed and toxins processed and released from the physiology for perfect health and wellbeing.  We use herbs and spices to nourish, cleanse and decrease inflammation so that the body can heal itself as it already knows how to do.  We will talk about the Six Flavors and how incorporating them into every meal creates not only satiety, but also a nourishing, balanced diet that provides all of the necessary nutrients for a body-mind that is healthy, strong, vital and at perfect weight.  In Ayurveda, weight loss is not a goal in and of itself. We go after perfect health, and weight loss (or gain, if needed) is a by-product. We will also be talking about how to use food to manage and correct imbalances that can or have already lead to disease.  Learn more about the Ayurvedic Cooking series which will be held in Havertown, PA monthly from March - June. Each 3-hour class will include a 90 minute lecture on Ayurvedic medicine and then a 90 minute cooking demonstration and tasting. Find us always at / or 484-412-881. Receive 20% off your first consultation with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show!   00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoAyurveda,Health,Eating,Diet,Six FlavorsToday, Nick and Joanna will be talking about how Ayurveda, the over 5000 year old ancient healing tradition from India, views food and how to eat in an AyurvediHealing with Hypnosis - a Medical Perspective, 28 Jan 2015 15:00:00 GMTHealing with Hypnosis - a Medical PerspectiveToday Dr. Joanna will be talking to Nick about his practice in Medical Hypnosis.  Learn the successes and benefits of using hypnosis to enhance healing and recovery in a surgical setting, strengthen the immune system to help avoid colds and flu, overcome anxiety and fear, and manage stress in your personal or professional life.  Friday, February the 6th at 6:30 PM at the Kalyana Centre Nick will be giving a free lecture. This lively presentation will allow ample time for all of your questions, challenges or concerns.  Reservations required. Now...just relax and be calm, and come and be with us! Find us always at or or 484-412-8815. Receive 20% off your first visit with Nick or Joanna when you mention this show.   00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHypnosis,Meditation,Medical Hypnosis,Sugery,Weight LossToday Dr. Joanna will be talking to Nick about his practice in Medical Hypnosis.  Learn the successes and benefits of using hypnosis to enhance healing and recDry Skin Making Your Winter Rough? Ayurveda to the Rescue!, 14 Jan 2015 15:00:00 GMTDry Skin Making Your Winter Rough? Ayurveda to the Rescue!Happy New Year!  Our slightly new format will be focusing on Ayurveda and Hypnosis and targeting various conditions for which these therapies may be useful. Today Dr. Joanna & Nick will be focusing on Dryness in the body that contributes to constipation, dry, rough skin, dry mucus membranes that can contribute to illness, and how Ayurveda can help alleviate the problem.  Beginning with a brief description of Ayurveda and the Doshas, or constitutional types (the energetics of the five elements), you will learn which elements contribute to the condition of dryness and how Ayurveda easily provides relief of this annoying and uncomfortable symptom of imbalance. You will also learn what role diet plays and how to eat for smooth, soft, lustrous skin all year long. To follow up and learn more, please contact us at the Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA!  Find us always at and or 484-412-8815.   Receive a 20% discount on your first appointment with Joanna or Nick when you mention this show.       00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoAyurveda,Hypnosis,Meditation,Dry Skin,Winter SkinHappy New Year!  Our slightly new format will be focusing on Ayurveda and Hypnosis and targeting various conditions for which these therapies may be useful. ToAnger: A Response We Can Choose to Drop in the New Year?, 16 Dec 2014 15:00:00 GMTAnger: A Response We Can Choose to Drop in the New Year? As usual, people are (hopefuly) starting to think about how they want their next year to be different....  Today, Nick & Joanna will be discussing anger. With so much going on in the news today, especially about police officers shooting innocent people, while also trying to adequately do their job protecting the masses,  perhpas it's time to have a deeper discussion; not only about anger, but about the deeper hurt, both individually and collectively that keeps this surface emotion alive and well and contaminating our relationships. For many people, anger seems to be the response of choice which not only creates a stress response (fight/flight) in the one who is angry, but most likely creates it in the target of the one who is angry as well. So - what can we do? Anger is a normal, sometimes healthy, human emotion. Can we simply choose not to be angry? How do we handle angry feelings when they come up? What makes anger justified? How can we safely and sanely express and process it so that it comes up and out of the body so it does not wreak havoc on our physical, mental and emotional health? How can meditation and hypnosis help? Can lifestyle practices really make a difference? Should be an interesting discussion.  Find us always at and or 484-412-8815. Receive a 20% discount on your first appointment with either Nick or Dr. Joanna when you mention this show.   We wish evervyone a safe, peaceful and miraculous holiday season! Namaste!      00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHypnosis,Meditation,holistic health,Anger,PsychologyAs usual, people are (hopefuly) starting to think about how they want their next year to be different....  Today, Nick & Joanna will be discussing anger. WiLoss and Loneliness During the Holiday Season - How do we cope?, 03 Dec 2014 15:00:00 GMTLoss and Loneliness During the Holiday Season - How do we cope?Today, 03 December 2014, Nick & Joanna will be discussing loss and loniness during the Holiday season.  We seem to see so much loss during the holidays.  When it is time for someone to leave this earth, that timing sometimes feels like it knows no boundaries in terms of what else is going on in the calender or in the lives of others who are affected. That soul leaves, and with it, a wake of sadness and grief is left to wash over family and friends who feel the loss and need to deal with the subsequent feelings and emotions, as well as the memory now associated with the holiday. It's difficult enough to deal with loss at any time of the year, but when it happens at the holidays, how do we process it in the moment and in subsequent months and years?  We will also be talking about how the holiday season can amplify feelings of isolation and loniliness, and what we can do about it. This is not always a matter of being with others. Lonliness can prevail even in a room full of other people.  We need to be aware that the holidays are not a joyful or bountiful time for everyone.  We will be discussing this important topic & how we can increase our compassion, understanding, and how we can reach out to those who may be suffering in silence.      Find us always at / / 484-412-8815   Receive a 20% discount on a session with either Dr. Joanna or Nick when you mention this show.  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHoliday stress,Hypnosis,Meditation,holistic healing,griefToday, 03 December 2014, Nick & Joanna will be discussing loss and loniness during the Holiday season.  We seem to see so much loss during the holidays.  WhenThe Holidays are Upon us: Finding the Deeper Meaning, 19 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Holidays are Upon us: Finding the Deeper MeaningAs the holidays approach, you can just feel the stress coming on....  Is it real stress or stress that is self-imposed? What is the difference?  The holidays that occur at this time of year that include many cultures and traditions, seem to be wrought with stress and consumerism. How do we find deeper meaning amidst the chaos?  Today Nick & Joanna will discuss ways in which you can help alleviate the stress of the holiday season as well as find the deeper meaning that speaks to the longing of the soul for unity, peace, and connection.  Everything in life is cyclical. The natural cycle of the seasons tells us things about ourselves, our environment, and what we should be doing to nourish our unique nature to be in harmony with these cycles so as to stay healthy and impove our immunity during these vulnerable times.  Using the ancient science of Ayurveda along with other modalities such as hypnosis, meditation, yoga, and essential oils to tune into our essential nature to find out what's truly important and how we can reduce or eliminate those things that are toxic and increase those things that are nouishing and health-promoting.  This is truly a time of going within and honoring the Sacred. We have a choice as to whether we will continue to participate in celebrating that which is about the physical or that which is about the soul.  Which will you choose this holiday season?  Recevie a 20% discount on your first appointment with either Nick or Joanna when you mention this show. You may find us always at / 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHolidays,Holiday Stress,Hypnosis,Meditation,YogaAs the holidays approach, you can just feel the stress coming on....  Is it real stress or stress that is self-imposed? What is the difference?  The holidays tDepression: Medical Diagnosis or Spiritual Emergency?, 05 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTDepression: Medical Diagnosis or Spiritual Emergency?Today, Nick & Joanna discuss the deeper aspects of depression. The prevalence of depression is widespread.  It seems that everyone we see in our practices or our personal lives are suffering, or have at some point, suffered from depression.  The use of pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, or alcohol to manage this condition is prevalent, yet what we do not see as much of, is the inclination to go within to identify the deeper aspects of why these symptoms are presenting themselves.  Now more than ever in this age of economic turmoil, still dealing with the events of 9/11, and the seemingly endless bouts of terrorism, and earth changes happening all over the world, leaving us to fear for our safety, and the threat of more wars, we have all been affected, whether consciously or unconsciously.  Perhaps the low-grade depression affecting all of us is a message to put our attention to our spirit so that true healing on a collective, as well as individual level can occur.  It is our perceptions about depression or any illness that can give clues as to the cause, and the possibilities for healing. So what can we do? How do our lifestyle choices contribute to the continuation of the condition or the healing of it?  We personally have an aversion to labels that tend to restrict the possibilities for healing and place people in boxes for which only pharmaceutical companies have answers. Spiritually, when the words, "I AM" are placed in front of anything, it becomes a powerful statement of Being that may or may not be True..... it should be an interesting discussion. To read Dr. Joanna's article: Find us always at / /484-412-8815 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoDepression,Anxiety,Pharmaceuticals,Mental health,Holistic healthToday, Nick & Joanna discuss the deeper aspects of depression. The prevalence of depression is widespread.  It seems that everyone we see in our practices or ouChildren on Psychotropics? Can Hypnotherapy Help?, 22 Oct 2014 14:00:00 GMTChildren on Psychotropics? Can Hypnotherapy Help? Today, Nick & Dr. Joanna will be discussing hypnotherapy and its use in children.  Big Pharma has covered even the chlldren's market on psychotropics! Can you imagine putting your 3 year old on a drug becasue a psychiatrist came up with a diagnosis from the DSM 5? (which, by the way, conveniently corresponds to an ICD-9 code for the insurance companies).  Well, it happens.  Mostly because of lack of knowledge about the toxic effetcs of these medications, especially in small and vulnerable bodies, but also out of a sincere desire and sometimes desperation to solve the problems they may be experiencing with their child.  Has normal childhood behavior been reduced to diagnoses designed to enslave children and parents to the pharmaceutical companies for life?  Are there alternatives? Definitely!  Hypnotherapy can be an amazing and safe solution to identify the true cause of behavioral problems in children as well as treating that cause instead of simply putting a band aide on a symptom that is annoying.  Also, learn what part nutrition plays in creating the problem and finding the solution. Receive a 20% discount on a hypnotherapy session with Nick or a past life regression session with Dr. Joanna when you mention this show, and see for yourself, how hypnotherapy can work for you. Thank you so much for listening and for your continuing support!  Find us always at or 484-412-8815 for more information about the dangers of psychotropic drugs.     00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHypnotherapy,Hypnosis,Meditation,Children,Psychotropic DrugsToday, Nick & Dr. Joanna will be discussing hypnotherapy and its use in children.  Big Pharma has covered even the chlldren's market on psychotropics! Can yPsychotropic Drugs: Are You a Victim of Propaganda?, 07 Oct 2014 14:00:00 GMTPsychotropic Drugs: Are You a Victim of Propaganda?Today Nick & Joanna will be discussing the intricate web of psychiatry and pharmaceuticals. It seems these days that a psychiatrist's job is only about prescribing toxic medications without addressing the whole person.  Patients are also told that they should not come off of these drugs once they are on them.  Is there actually a test to determine whether someone has low serotonin in their body?  Should  there be?  Just as there is a test to determine blood sugar & whether someone has diabetes....  Do you know what the DSM 5 is? Diganostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Illness Can pharmaceuticals actually cause the symptoms they are designed to treat? What about suicial / homocidal ideation?  Where does the processing of feelings and emotions come in as a means to healing those traumas that cause anxiety, depression, "mood disorder", and more?  Where does nutrition and mind/body practices fit in to the therapeutic envireonment in which people need to heal? Is awareness or consciousness a factor?  What are the options for people who have been hopistalized? Are hospitals actually therapeutic environments in which patients can heal themselves?  Can things like meditation, hypnosis, yoga, nutrition, and breathing help? / / 484-412-8815 Citizen's Commission on Human Rights. 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoPsychiatry,Drugs,Psychotropic drugs,health,healingToday Nick & Joanna will be discussing the intricate web of psychiatry and pharmaceuticals. It seems these days that a psychiatrist's job is only about prescribIt's Active Aging Week! What Does it Mean to "Age Actively"?, 24 Sep 2014 14:00:00 GMTIt's Active Aging Week! What Does it Mean to "Age Actively"?What does it mean to age actively? Physically, Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually...  Is this the same as Aging Gracefully? Is getting a clean bill of health from your doctor, the definition of health and wellbeing? If there is no disease in the body, does that mean that there is no disease (dis-ease) elsewhere?  How is just the absence of disease different from living a life of health, wellbeing, freedom, joy, vitality and purpose?  How do we do it? Stress ReductionBoosting our immunity to prevent illness/disease as we ageContinuing to work on ourselves (spiritually)Learning to handle and master our emotionsWith age comes wisdom?  Not necessarily, if you ignore the messages of your body, mind, heart, and spirit and take harmful medications that mask symptoms rather than get at the root cause. FREE Lecture at New Horizons Senior Center in Narberth, PA - Friday the 26th Sept at 12:30PM - "What is Holistic Health Exactly?" Active Aging Week is 21 - 27 September : Find us always at / 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoActive Aging,Seniors,Health,wellbeing,holistic healthWhat does it mean to age actively? Physically, Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually...  Is this the same as Aging Gracefully? Is getting a clean bill of healthIt's Active Aging Week! Preview for tomorrow, 23 Sep 2014 14:00:00 GMTIt's Active Aging Week! Preview for tomorrowToday, Nick Colasanti is not avaialble, so Dr. Joanna will give you a brief preview of what's to come on tomorrow's show (24th Sept) which airs at 10 - 10:30 AM What does it mean to age actively? Physically, Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually...  FREE Lecture at New Horizons Senior Center in Narberth, PA - Friday the 26th Sept at 12:30PM - "What is Holistic Health Exactly?" Active Aging Week is 21 - 27 September : Find us always at /   00:14:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHealth,Aging,Active Aging,Spirituality,EmotionsToday, Nick Colasanti is not avaialble, so Dr. Joanna will give you a brief preview of what's to come on tomorrow's show (24th Sept) which airs at 10 - 10:30 AMWhat is Holistic Health Exactly?, 09 Sep 2014 14:00:00 GMTWhat is Holistic Health Exactly?Today Dr. Joanna will talk about the difference bewteen holistic medicine and allopathic medicine as it relates to true healing and wholeness of body, mind, heart and spirit.  With a background in Nursing and a 20+ year career in pharmaceutical research, and now with her education in Metaphysics, Ministry,  Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation, she has a well-rounded perspecitive on health and wellness and it's intimate relationship to spirituality.  What is the Fight/flight or Stress Response and how does this affect any disease or health challenge, major or minor, we might be facing. How does meditation help every cell in our body to become whole again?  Take the 8-week New SSRI (Selective Stress Response Inhibitor) Beginners Meditation Course: Where do the emotions come in? Where does nutrition come in? How what we put in our body, on our body and do with our body affects our health and wellbeing in the long term.  Find us always at  484-412-8815 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHealth,wholeness,wellbeing,emotions,mental healthToday Dr. Joanna will talk about the difference bewteen holistic medicine and allopathic medicine as it relates to true healing and wholeness of body, mind, heaAnxious & Can't Sleep? Toxic Medications are NOT the Answer!, 15 Jul 2014 15:00:00 GMTAnxious & Can't Sleep? Toxic Medications are NOT the Answer!Today Nick & Dr. Joanna will talk about some natrual ways you can decrease anxiety and get some sleep!  If bad nutrition is the Mother of all disease, Insomnia is the Father.  Our bodies need sleep in order to restore, rebalance, and heal itself.  When we are not getting enough sleep, it can actually contribute to insomnia, depression, various other diseases and even weight gain.   Did you know that toxic medications can actually cause that which they are designed to treat?  And don't forget about the long list of  side effects at the end of those ads on TV! Scary, right?  And yet people who are desparate for relief take them anyway.  Did you also know that there are no blood tests to check for "seratonin deficiency".  These are cocepts promoted by the pharmaceutical industry to convince you that you need to take medications that will raise seratonin levels or other chemicals in the body that will alleviate anxiety, insomnia and depression.   Learn how hypnosis, meditation, and yoga can help to raise our "feel good" chemicals in the body natrually as well as use the body-mind connection to achieve better health overall in body,mind, heart and spirit.  Kalyana Means Wellbeing... physical, emotional & spiritual wellbeing, naturally... Find us always at / or 484-412-8815 for more infomration or to scheudle an appointment with Joanna Carmichael or Nick Colasanti  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoMeditation,Hypnosis,Yoga,Anxiety,InsomniaToday Nick & Dr. Joanna will talk about some natrual ways you can decrease anxiety and get some sleep!  If bad nutrition is the Mother of all disease, InsomniaMeditation vs Hypnosis: What's the Point of Quiet, Detached Focus?, 24 Jun 2014 14:00:00 GMTMeditation vs Hypnosis: What's the Point of Quiet, Detached Focus?Today Nick & Dr. Joanna will delve into their own worlds of Hypnotherapy and Meditation to discuss the differences and similarities between these two techniques and why one or the other, (or both) make it easier to change detrimental habits or behavior.  In this episode some of the questions they will address are:  What is the difference between a hypnotic state and a meditative state exactly?  How are they the same or similar? Are you always relaxed in a hynotic or meditative state? Is there such a thing as Emotional Hypnosis? What types of conditions respond well to hynosis and/or meditation, and why??  Are those who meditate more open to hypnotic suggestion?  What about the Spiritual component?  Can either or both be used to progress Spiritually?  Is Past Life Regression Meditative or Hypnotic? Should be an interesting discussion!!  Find us always at / or 484-412-8815   00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHypnosis,Meditation,Emotions,Depression,AnxietyToday Nick & Dr. Joanna will delve into their own worlds of Hypnotherapy and Meditation to discuss the differences and similarities between these two techniquesPrimordial Sound Meditation: What is That Exactly?, 10 Jun 2014 14:00:00 GMTPrimordial Sound Meditation: What is That Exactly?Nick & Dr. Joanna will be talking about an ancient technique called, Primordial Sound Meditation. This is a meditation technique originating in the ancient wisdom of India. Primordial Sounds—the basic, most essential sounds of nature—are used to disconnect us from the activity of life. These individually selected sounds, known as mantras, are based on the vibration the universe was making at the moment of your birth.  How will Primordial Sound Meditation affect my health?  Nowadays, doctors are increasingly citing stress as a major contributing factor to most illnesses. Even though meditation should not be considered a cure by itself, research has shown it to be beneficial for a wide range of health problems. As stress is greatly eliminated through Primordial Sound Meditation, our minds and bodies begin to function with maximum effectiveness, creating health, vitality and happiness.                   What are the benefits of meditation? Practicing Primordial Sound Meditation on a daily basis can help you to: Manage stress, Reduce anxiety, Improve your relationships, Create inner peace, Awaken your intuition, Enhance your sleep patterns, Lower your blood pressure, Become less judgmental, Connect to spirit.  Once you have your personal mantra, you will be taught how to integrate it into your daily routine.  Dr. Joanna is a Certified Chopra Center Vedic Master. She learned PSM under the inspired direction of Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon. PSM is regularly offered at Kalyana Centre in goup & private sessions. To learn more: Primordial Sound Meditation.  Find us always at / 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHealth,Wellness,Meditation,Stress,MindfulnessNick & Dr. Joanna will be talking about an ancient technique called, Primordial Sound Meditation. This is a meditation technique originating in the ancient wisdDepression: Natural & Sensible Approaches that work!, 13 May 2014 14:00:00 GMTDepression: Natural & Sensible Approaches that work!Today, Dr. Joanna will be talking with fellow Kalyana practitioner, Dr. Anya de la Motte, about natural ways to alleviate and get to the true causes of depression.   Depression is a condition that plagues many people at various times in their lives.  The medications that are marketed to cure or alleviate the symptoms of depression are toxic and can cause side effects worse than the depression itself and even cause that which it is designed to treat!  Learn some natrual approaches through herbs, diet, and daily practices from the modalities of Naturopathy and Ayurveda as Anya and Joanna discuss the options as well as how we can get to the true cause of depression thereby healing it at its core. Find us always at, and or 484-412-8815   00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoDepression,Anxiety,Psychology,Naturopathy,AyurvedaToday, Dr. Joanna will be talking with fellow Kalyana practitioner, Dr. Anya de la Motte, about natural ways to alleviate and get to the true causes of depressiWaking Hypnosis - Fact or Fiction, 15 Apr 2014 13:00:00 GMTWaking Hypnosis - Fact or FictionCan everyone be hypnotized? Are we hypnotized when we are reading a good book or being absorbed in a great movie? Join Nick & Dr. Joanna in this enlightening discussion about whether waking hypnosis is possible and whether it could be an option when someone "can't" be hypnotized? What can it be used for & how effective is it?  Is meditation the same as hypnosis? Can waking hypnosis be used to take a client into past lives?  Find us always at or 484-412-8815       00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHealth,Hypnosis,Psychology,Waking Hypnosis,SpiritualityCan everyone be hypnotized? Are we hypnotized when we are reading a good book or being absorbed in a great movie? Join Nick & Dr. Joanna in this enlightening diHypnosis & Children: An Effective Method for Change?, 01 Apr 2014 14:00:00 GMTHypnosis & Children: An Effective Method for Change?Focusing on the expertise of Nick Colasanti, Kalyana Centre Hypnotherapist & Counselor, Dr. Joanna will be talking with him about using hypnotherapy in children. Some of the questions they will answer include:  Are children easily hypnotized? At what age can a child be hypnotized? What are some of the ways hypnosis could be helpful in children? Could this be an alternative to medication therapy for conditions such as ADD/ADHD, Bed wetting, Issues with Potty Training, Extreme Anger?  Do children ever go back even futher than the current life & identify a "first cause" in a past life?  Are children themsleves, open to this type of therapy/counseling?  How can hypnosis help with the trauma of physical, mental/emotional or sexual abuse?   Find us always at or 484-412-8815 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHealth,Emotions,Hypnosis,Children,TraumaFocusing on the expertise of Nick Colasanti, Kalyana Centre Hypnotherapist & Counselor, Dr. Joanna will be talking with him about using hypnotherapy in childrenDetox & The Organs of Elimination: Naturopathic & Ayurvedic Perspectives, 18 Mar 2014 14:00:00 GMTDetox & The Organs of Elimination: Naturopathic & Ayurvedic PerspectivesDr. Joanna and Dr. Anya de la Motte discuss Emunctories - the organs of elimination.  What are they? Why do they Matter? and How do we balance them? How do we make sure that all of the emunctories are open and doing thier part to assist detoxification of the body and mind.   Tune in for an interesting discussion on how Naturopathy and Ayurveda view these important organs and functions. We will be doing a follow up on Detoxification, and this is the precursor.  Find us always at or 484-412-8815         00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHealth,wellness,Naturopathy,Ayurveda,EmunctoriesDr. Joanna and Dr. Anya de la Motte discuss Emunctories - the organs of elimination.  What are they? Why do they Matter? and How do we balance them? How do we mIt's Still Cold & Flu Season - Is Your Immune System Ready?, 18 Feb 2014 15:00:00 GMTIt's Still Cold & Flu Season - Is Your Immune System Ready?Join Dr. Joanna & Nick along with fellow Kalyana Practitioner, Dr. Anya de la Motte to discuss what we can do to boost our immunity naturally to prevent the colds/flu that so many people get during the winter months, as well as what you can do if you get it.  We will include ideas from Naturopathy and Ayurveda as well as how our beliefs about illness can actually create that which we say we're trying to aviod.  Have you ever heard anyone say, "I get the flu every year", and most likely, they do.  Learn how to arm yourself and your immune system with powerful mind/body supplements and practices that will leave you feeling healthy and empowered during the winter months. Find us always at or 484-412-8815         00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHealth,Flu,Colds,Immunity,NaturopathyJoin Dr. Joanna & Nick along with fellow Kalyana Practitioner, Dr. Anya de la Motte to discuss what we can do to boost our immunity naturally to prevent the colSexual Dysfunction: Mind Over Matter and Can Hypnosis Help?, 04 Feb 2014 15:00:00 GMTSexual Dysfunction: Mind Over Matter and Can Hypnosis Help?Is sexual dysfunction mind over matter? Is it physical, emotional, or both?  Not always a topic that people find easy to discuss yet one that affects many today.  Join Nick & Joanna to frankly discuss the various causes of sexual dysfunction such as abuse, physical / emotional / sexual trauma, and how religion and beliefs about sex and sexuality affect us later in life. Learn about the different ways in which we can identify and heal these wounds so that we can enjoy sex and sexuality in a way that feels right & healthy for us.  We will talk about hypnosis as a tool as well as natural remedies to raise declining estrogen & testosterone levels naturally as we age.  Find us always at or 484-412-8815         00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHealth,Sexuality,Trauma,Abuse,HypnosisIs sexual dysfunction mind over matter? Is it physical, emotional, or both?  Not always a topic that people find easy to discuss yet one that affects many todayNew Year's Weight - Is All or Nothing Woking for You?, 07 Jan 2014 15:00:00 GMTNew Year's Weight - Is All or Nothing Woking for You?Today, Nick & Dr. Joanna talk with fellow Kalyana Practitioner & Naturopathic Doctor, Anya de la Motte, about the number one New Years Resolution - "I'm gonna lose this weight."    Inevitably, with the holiday season, many of us put on a few extra pounds. And if you have already been struggling with your weight, those few extra pounds can make an unhappy situation even worse making the goal even more evasive.  But there is help.  Have you tried every diet out there?  Are you tired of repeating the same patterns and expecting a different result?  Has this been your new years resolution for the past 5 years or more?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the show for you.  We're going to talk about sensible ways to approach weight issues whether it is just a few holiday pounds or a more significant issue that could potentially cause you health concerns down the road. We all want to be healthy, but stressing and straining over it is not the answer nor are extreme diet plans that don't work.  Join us for what promises to be an enlightening discussion from three practitioners coming from different perspecitves but sharing the same gentle and sensible approaches that will promote lifestyle changes you'll want to keep for the rest of your life!  Find us always at and 484-412-8815     00:31:00Your Health is in Your Handsnoweight loss,new years resolutions,health and wellness,health,wellbeingToday, Nick & Dr. Joanna talk with fellow Kalyana Practitioner & Naturopathic Doctor, Anya de la Motte, about the number one New Years Resolution - "I'm gonna lSeven Spiritual Laws of Yoga - Conclusion of Dharma & Summary, 17 Dec 2013 15:00:00 GMTSeven Spiritual Laws of Yoga - Conclusion of Dharma & SummaryIn this FInal and 8th Segment, Nick & Joanna will be completing the discussion on the Law of Dharma of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, and summarizing how all the laws work together in yoga and in life. Where attention goes, energy flows. Using this concept to awaken, restore and/or balance the prana (life force) in the body/mind, they'll be discussing various techniques of meditation, mantra, chanting, visualization, pranayama (breath), and asana (poses), to bring mindful awareness to our yoga practice thereby cultivating strength, flexibility and balance on and off the mat as it applies to the law of the day.  Based on the best-selling Author, Dr. Deepak Chopra's book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Drs. Deepak Chopra & David Simon. Dr. Joanna is a Chopra-certified Vedic Master and teaches this yoga series at Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA.  In the discussions about each law you will learn: The Law of the dayThe Essence of each law; how to practice it in life, and how to apply it to your yoga practice.The Chakra (energy center) from which each law operates.The Color associated with the Chakra.The Sound vibration with which each Chakra resonates & balances.The Mantra that captures the essence of the law.The three key points to practicing the law.Yoga poses that enhance and balance the energy in the corresponding chakra and body/mind in general. Find us always at: 484-412-8815 or / 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoYoga,Meditation,Deepak Chopra,Inspiration,DharmaIn this FInal and 8th Segment, Nick & Joanna will be completing the discussion on the Law of Dharma of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, and summarizing how allHypnosis and Surgery - Using the Mind-Body Connection to Affect Outcome, 03 Dec 2013 15:00:00 GMTHypnosis and Surgery - Using the Mind-Body Connection to Affect OutcomeToday, Nick & Joanna will discuss the use of hypnotherapy pre, peri and post-operatively. Where does consciousness go when patients are anesthetised? Is there an awareness that is awake and present when a patient is seemingly asleep? Are there patients who can recall the surgery, or even the conversations that occur in the OR?  Can the power of suggestion be used to effect surgical outcome and healing time?  Can the relaxation response help sugery go more smoothly, or possibly decrease the need for anesthesia/analgesia, and/or limit post op complications? Can everyone be hypnotized effectively?   We will be talking about these questions and more, so tune in for what promises to be an enlightening discussion about the power of the mind-body connection and how we can use it to our advantage if we need to have surgery. Find us always at: 484-412-8815 or / 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoMeditation,Inspiration,Hypnosis,Surgery,HealingToday, Nick & Joanna will discuss the use of hypnotherapy pre, peri and post-operatively. Where does consciousness go when patients are anesthetised? Is thereDharma - Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, 26 Nov 2013 15:00:00 GMTDharma - Seven Spiritual Laws of YogaIn this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, today being the Law of Dharma. Where attention goes, energy flows. Using this concept to awaken, restore and/or balance the prana (life force) in the body/mind, they'll be discussing various techniques of meditation, mantra, chanting, visualization, pranayama (breath), and asana (poses), to bring mindful awareness to our yoga practice thereby cultivating strength, flexibility and balance on and off the mat as it applies to the law of the day.  Based on the best-selling Author, Dr. Deepak Chopra's book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Drs. Deepak Chopra & David Simon. Dr. Joanna is a Chopra-certified Vedic Master and teaches this yoga series at Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA.  In the discussions about each law you will learn: The Law of the dayThe Essence of each law; how to practice it in life, and how to apply it to your yoga practice.The Chakra (energy center) from which each law operates.The Color associated with the Chakra.The Sound vibration with which each Chakra resonates & balances.The Mantra that captures the essence of the law.The three key points to practicing the law.Yoga poses that enhance and balance the energy in the corresponding chakra and body/mind in general. Find us always at: 484-412-8815 or / 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoYoga,Meditation,Deepak Chopra,Inspiration,DharmaIn this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, today being the Law of Dharma. Where attention goeDetachment- Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, 19 Nov 2013 16:30:00 GMTDetachment- Seven Spiritual Laws of YogaIn this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, today being the Law of Detachment. Where attention goes, energy flows. Using this concept to awaken, restore and/or balance the prana (life force) in the body/mind, they'll be discussing various techniques of meditation, mantra, chanting, visualization, pranayama (breath), and asana (poses), to bring mindful awareness to our yoga practice thereby cultivating strength, flexibility and balance on and off the mat as it applies to the law of the day.  Based on the best-selling Author, Dr. Deepak Chopra's book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Drs. Deepak Chopra & David Simon. Dr. Joanna is a Chopra-certified Vedic Master and teaches this yoga series at Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA.  In the discussions about each law you will learn: The Law of the dayThe Essence of each law; how to practice it in life, and how to apply it to your yoga practice.The Chakra (energy center) from which each law operates.The Color associated with the Chakra.The Sound vibration with which each Chakra resonates & balances.The Mantra that captures the essence of the law.The three key points to practicing the law.Yoga poses that enhance and balance the energy in the corresponding chakra and body/mind in general. Find us always at: 484-412-8815 or / 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoYoga,Meditation,Deepak Chopra,Inspiration,DetachmentIn this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, today being the Law of Detachment. Where attentioIntention and Desire - Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, 12 Nov 2013 17:30:00 GMTIntention and Desire - Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga In this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, today being the Law of Intention & Desire. Where attention goes, energy flows. Using this concept to awaken, restore and/or balance the prana (life force) in the body/mind, they'll be discussing various techniques of meditation, mantra, chanting, visualization, pranayama (breath), and asana (poses), to bring mindful awareness to our yoga practice thereby cultivating strength, flexibility and balance on and off the mat as it applies to the law of the day.  Based on the best-selling Author, Dr. Deepak Chopra's book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Drs. Deepak Chopra & David Simon. Dr. Joanna is a Chopra-certified Vedic Master and teaches this yoga series at Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA.  In the discussions about each law you will learn: The Law of the day The Essence of each law; how to practice it in life, and how to apply it to your yoga practice. The Chakra (energy center) from which each law operates. The Color associated with the Chakra. The Sound vibration with which each Chakra resonates & balances. The Mantra that captures the essence of the law. The three key points to practicing the law. Yoga poses that enhance and balance the energy in the corresponding chakra and body/mind in general. Find us always at: 484-412-8815 or / 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoYoga,Meditation,Intention and Desire,Deepak Chopra,InspirationIn this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, today being the Law of Intention & Desire. WhereNaturopathy - Can You Heal Yourself? Part II, 18 Oct 2013 13:00:00 GMTNaturopathy - Can You Heal Yourself? Part II Anya de la Motte 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoYoga,Stress,Creativity,Pure Potential,Deepak ChopraAnya de la MotteNaturopathy - Can you Heal Yourself? Part I, 11 Oct 2013 13:00:00 GMTNaturopathy - Can you Heal Yourself? Part I Interview with Kalyana's own, Dr. Anya de la Motte, Naturopathic Doctor.     Find us always at: 484-412-8815 or / 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoNaturopathy,Stress,Nutrition,Supplements,Natural HealingInterview with Kalyana's own, Dr. Anya de la Motte, Naturopathic Doctor.     Find us always at: 484-412-8815 or /www.drjoannacarmichLeast Effort - Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, 04 Oct 2013 13:00:00 GMTLeast Effort - Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga In this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, today we'll be covering the Law of Least Effort. Where attention goes, energy flows. Using this concept to awaken, restore and/or balance the prana (life force) in the body/mind, they'll be discussing various techniques of meditation, mantra, chanting, visualization, pranayama (breath), and asana (poses), to bring mindful awareness to our yoga practice thereby cultivating strength, flexibility and balance on and off the mat as it applies to the law of the day.  Based on the best-selling Author, Dr. Deepak Chopra's book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Drs. Deepak Chopra & David Simon. Dr. Joanna is a Chopra-certified Vedic Master and teaches this yoga series at Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA.  In the discussions about each law you will learn: Three practices that awaken the law Sanskrit Mantra Chakra associated with the law Sound vibration of the chakra  Color Asanas (Poses) that awaken that chakra Find us at: 484-412-8815 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoYoga,Stress,Creativity,Pure Potential,Deepak ChopraIn this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, today we'll be covering the Law of Least Effort.The Transformational Power of Metaphysics & the Tarot, 19 Sep 2013 21:30:00 GMTThe Transformational Power of Metaphysics & the Tarot Enjoy this lively discussion between Jenna Matlin, the Kalyana Centre's Transformational Tarot Reader and Dr. Joanna, RN, and Metaphysician, about the transformational power of going deeply within through more esoteric practices.  First the discussion will include an aspect of demystifying the Tarot to see how it may be used to augment other healing modalities.   Learn how it can be used to help clients remove blockages so that they can move forward with more ease in their lives. For what types of issues can the Tarot be especially helpful?  Anxiety Co-dependency Boundary Setting Being comfortable with ambiguity Letting go of baggage that is holding you back from living the life you want to live.  Find us always at 484-412-8815 Find Jenna at  Find Joanna at As always, thank you for listening!  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoTarot,Transformation,Anxiety,Metaphysics,Co-dependencyEnjoy this lively discussion between Jenna Matlin, the Kalyana Centre's Transformational Tarot Reader and Dr. Joanna, RN, and Metaphysician, about the transforMental Illness & the Practice of Psychiatry, 06 Sep 2013 13:00:00 GMTMental Illness & the Practice of Psychiatry Today we will discuss a documentary that talks about the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual. This is a catalog of mental disorders who's influence pervades many aspects of modern society including our governments, courts, schools and the media. It is Psychiatry's engine that drives a $330 Billion dollar industry while harming a lot of patients in its wake.  But is there any proof behind the DSM, or is it nothing more than a pseudoscientific sham? Is there really such a thing as a "chemical imbalance"? This documentary called, "Diagnostic & Statistical Manual, Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam" (put out by CCHR - Citizens Commission on Human Rights), was viewed at the Kalyana Centre and we feel it warrants some serious discussion. Learn how the DSM is connected to the ICD Codes that are used to bill insurance companies for pharmaceutical treatment. With all of the people who are taking psychiatric drugs these days we really need to be looking at what these drugs are doing to us in the short and long term. Can the use of these potent pharmaceuticals even be fatal? Perhpas we need to be asking, what  are the symptoms telling us and what are the natural alternatives for healing?  Can we simply be pre-disposed to certain conditions because of our original mind/body constitution? Is there a place for hypnosis and Ayurveda in the management of such disorders, or are the disorders themselves, simply labels that place people in boxes rather than treating them as individuals having the full spectrum of feelings and emotions that we experience as human beings?  This discussion should be quite enlightening and may warrant additional shows.  Find CCHR (Citizens Commission on Human Rights) at Kayana means Wellbeing, Auspicious & Blessed..... Find us always at and  484-412-8815 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoMental Health,Psychiatry,Pharmaceuticals,Anxiety,ADHDToday we will discuss a documentary that talks about the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual. This is a catalog of mental disorders who's influence pervades many aKarma - Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, 30 Aug 2013 13:00:00 GMTKarma - Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga In this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, beginning today with the Law of Karma. Where attention goes, energy flows. Using this concept to awaken, restore and/or balance the prana (life force) in the body/mind, they'll be discussing various techniques of meditation, mantra, chanting, visualization, pranayama (breath), and asana (poses), to bring mindful awareness to our yoga practice thereby cultivating strength, flexibility and balance on and off the mat as it applies to the law of the day.  Based on the best-selling Author, Dr. Deepak Chopra's book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Drs. Deepak Chopra & David Simon. Dr. Joanna is a Chopra-certified Vedic Master and teaches this yoga series at Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA.  In the discussions about each law you will learn: The Law of the day The Essence of each law; how to practice it in life, and how to apply it to your yoga practice. The Chakra (energy center) from which each law operates. The Color associated with the Chakra that one may visualize. The Sound vibration with which each Chakra resonates & balances. The Mantra that captures the essence of the law. The three key points to practicing the law. Yoga poses that enhance and balance the energy in the corresponding chakra and body/mind in general. Find us always at: 484-412-8815 or 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoYoga,Stress,Meditation,Karma,Deepak ChopraIn this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, beginning today with the Law of Karma. Where attSomething Under Your Skin? Hypnosis Can Help!, 23 Aug 2013 13:00:00 GMTSomething Under Your Skin? Hypnosis Can Help! Nick & Joanna will discuss skin eruptions and the mental / emotional patterns that can cause or cure these nagging conditions with ideas from hypnotherapy and Ayurveda. The skin is the largest organ in the body.  From touch to absorption of nutrients & sunshine, it protects & cools our entire body and  can be a gage for overall health.  From minor hives to eczema and psoriasis - what do all skin conditions have in common, and how do we, as multidimensional beings, insure that these conditions are treated holistically? Have you ever wondered if there was more to your skin condition than what traditional western medicine has told you? Have you tried traditional treatments containing harmful drugs that either don't work or actually drive a condition inward where it can't be seen, never to find complete relief?  Treating the symptoms and not the cause rarely gives a patient any lasting relief.   We'll be discussing how the power of the mind can be used to get at the root cause of these nagging health issues with which so many suffer every day, and how the mind can begin to heal these conditions.  Combined with the secrets of Ayurveda, this is a powerful combination for healing from the inside out.  Find us always at: or 484-412-8815 and to make an appointment or learn about our services and gifted practitioners dedicated to your health and well being. Kalyana means Wellbeing, Auspicious & Blessed....      00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoSkin,Eruptions,Inflamation,Hypnosis,EmotionsNick & Joanna will discuss skin eruptions and the mental / emotional patterns that can cause or cure these nagging conditions with ideas from hypnotherapy andGiving and Receiving - Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, 16 Aug 2013 13:00:00 GMTGiving and Receiving - Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga In this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, beginning today with the Law of Giving & Receiving. Where attention goes, energy flows. Using this concept to awaken, restore and/or balance the prana (life force) in the body/mind, they'll be discussing various techniques of meditation, mantra, chanting, visualization, pranayama (breath), and asana (poses), to bring mindful awareness to our yoga practice thereby cultivating strength, flexibility and balance on and off the mat as it applies to the law of the day.  Based on the best-selling Author, Dr. Deepak Chopra's book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Drs. Deepak Chopra & David Simon. Dr. Joanna is a Chopra-certified Vedic Master and teaches this yoga series at Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA.  In the discussions about each law you will learn: The Law of the day The Essence of each law; how to practice it in life, and how to apply it to your yoga practice. The Chakra (energy center) from which each law operates. The Color associated with the Chakra that one may visualize. The Sound vibration with which each Chakra resonates & balances. The Mantra that captures the essence of the law. The three key points to practicing the law. Yoga poses that enhance and balance the energy in the corresponding chakra and body/mind in general. Find us at: 484-412-8815 or 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoYoga,Stress,Creativity,Giving and Receiving,Deepak ChopraIn this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, beginning today with the Law of Giving & ReceivinHeadache Pain - True Causes, Natural Cures, 09 Aug 2013 13:00:00 GMTHeadache Pain - True Causes, Natural Cures Today's show will be focusing on Headache Pain.  Dr. Joanna & Nick will be discussing some new and interesting ideas about prevention and cure as well as some of the causes of which people might be unaware.   They will be discussing how emotions, anxiety, worry, and fear can be triggers as well as tension, arguments, and even the dynamics of toxic relationships.   If the mind creates it, the mind can heal it....... Is this really a valid statement?  Find out in this half hour dedicated to something that so many people chronically suffer from every day.   In this show you will learn how healthy expression of feelings and emotions can help prevent and release headache pain. They will also be talking about how hypnosis can be a very viable treatment for prevention and release of discomfort in both the short and long term.   00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHeadache,Stress,Pain,Natural Healing,HypnosisToday's show will be focusing on Headache Pain.  Dr. Joanna & Nick will be discussing some new and interesting ideas about prevention and cure as well as somePure Potential - Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, 02 Aug 2013 13:00:00 GMTPure Potential - Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga In this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, beginning today with the Law of Pure Potential. Where attention goes, energy flows. Using this concept to awaken, restore and/or balance the prana (life force) in the body/mind, they'll be discussing various techniques of meditation, mantra, chanting, visualization, pranayama (breath), and asana (poses), to bring mindful awareness to our yoga practice thereby cultivating strength, flexibility and balance on and off the mat as it applies to the law of the day.  Based on the best-selling Author, Dr. Deepak Chopra's book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Drs. Deepak Chopra & David Simon. Dr. Joanna is a Chopra-certified Vedic Master and teaches this yoga series at Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA.  In the discussions about each law you will learn: The Law of the day The Essence of each law; how to practice it in life, and how to apply it to your yoga practice. The Chakra (energy center) from which each law operates. The Color associated with the Chakra that one may visualize. The Sound vibration with which each Chakra resonates & balances. The Mantra that captures the essence of the law. The three key points to practicing the law. Yoga poses that enhance and balance the energy in the corresponding chakra and body/mind in general. Find us always at: 484-412-8815 or 00:32:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoYoga,Stress,Spirituality,Pure Potential,Deepak ChopraIn this 7-Segment Program, Nick & Joanna will be talking about  each law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, beginning today with the Law of Pure Potential.Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga ~ The Essence of Union, 26 Jul 2013 13:00:00 GMTSeven Spiritual Laws of Yoga ~ The Essence of Union Nick & Joanna will be talking about the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga today.  Based on the best-selling Author, Dr. Deepak Chopra's book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Dr. Joanna is a Chopra-certified Vedic Master and teaches this class at Kalyana Centre.  In this discussion you will learn,  What is Yoga?  What are the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga? Why Yoga is for Every Body. What are the benefits of regular Practice? What makes this class different? With so many different kinds of yoga out there today, you are sure to enjoy this enlightening discussion that captures the true essence of what the yoga tradition is really about.   Find us always at: 484-412-8815 or   00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoYoga,Spirituality,Flexibility,Balance,Deepak ChopraNick & Joanna will be talking about the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga today.  Based on the best-selling Author, Dr. Deepak Chopra's book, The Seven Spiritual LaHypnosis & Spinal Cord Injury - Can the Mind Defy Science?, 19 Jul 2013 13:00:00 GMTHypnosis & Spinal Cord Injury - Can the Mind Defy Science? Today Nick & Dr. Joanna will discuss using hypnotherapy wtih Spinal Cord Injury patients.  Science tells us that patients afflicted with spinal cord injuries resulting in para or qualdriplegia will never walk or do many things again, but is that really true? As a former pharmaceutical researcher and RN who has read through many spinal cord injury charts, Dr. Joanna has always wondered about whether the spinal cord could, through the power of the mind, regenerate itself to help a patient heal their injury or at least regain some of their mobility and independence.   Join them for a most interesting discussion as Nick will be talking about using hypnotherapy on patients with these challenging injuries and the surprising and enlightening results he has seen.  Find us always at: or 484-412-8815 Feel free to contact us for more information or to make an appointment.  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoSpinal Cord Injury,Hypnosis,Quadriplegia,Paraplegia,Mind over MatterToday Nick & Dr. Joanna will discuss using hypnotherapy wtih Spinal Cord Injury patients.  Science tells us that patients afflicted with spinal cord injuries rEssential Oils for Health, Balance & Healing, 12 Jul 2013 13:00:00 GMTEssential Oils for Health, Balance & Healing Today, Joanna & Nick will be talking about the history and uses of Essential Oils for health, balance and healing.   Learn how the ancient art of Ayurveda views the use of oils for lubricating, detoxifying and nourishing the body, activating our own innate healing mechanisms, and how Essential oils can help to heal emotional issues and traumas as well.  You'll learn what they are, the different ways they can be used to facilitate healing, application techniques, and safety guidelines & tips.   Some examples for the uses of Lavender, Lemon, Valor, Frankincense, Thieves, Peppermint and Purification will also be discussed.  Dr. Joanna & Nick both use essential oils in their practices, so please enjoy this lively discussion on how they can help you to heal, detoxify & transform your life & health. Find us at: or 484-412-8815 and 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoEssential Oils,Ayurveda,Healing,Emotions,TraumaToday, Joanna & Nick will be talking about the history and uses of Essential Oils for health, balance and healing.   Learn how the ancient art of Ayurveda viePast Life Regression Therapy - Fact or Fiction? Part II, 21 Jun 2013 13:00:00 GMTPast Life Regression Therapy - Fact or Fiction? Part II Today, in part II of this two-part series, Dr. Joanna will continue the dialogue about Past Life Regression Therapy, with Jenna Matlin, Transformational Tarot reader at the Kalyana Centre. Find all of us at or 484-412-8815 and Find Dr. Joanna at 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoPast Life Regression,Stress,Emotions,Spirituality,Natural HealingToday, in part II of this two-part series, Dr. Joanna will continue the dialogue about Past Life Regression Therapy, with Jenna Matlin, Transformational TarotPast Life Regression Therapy: Fact or Fiction? Part I, 14 Jun 2013 13:00:00 GMTPast Life Regression Therapy: Fact or Fiction? Part I Today Nick & Joanna will discuss Past Life Regression Therapy as a modality of healing that is rapidly gaining wide-spread acceptance. They will talk about the history, pioneers in this field, some books on the subject and more.  Some of the questions we'll be answering include: What is the process? Is the expereince "real"? Can it help with physical, mental, emotional or spiritual issues or all of the above? And, What can a client expect in a regression session? They will also talk about how PLR can help our relationships heal by finding discovering the origins of patterns that may go back centuries.  For more information on this fascinating modality or to make an appointment: For an article: Find us at or 484-412-8815 and 00:30:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoPast Life Regression,Reincarnation,Brian Weiss,Relationships,EmotionsToday Nick & Joanna will discuss Past Life Regression Therapy as a modality of healing that is rapidly gaining wide-spread acceptance. They will talk about theCan you REALLY Heal Your Life? Part II, 07 Jun 2013 13:00:00 GMTCan you REALLY Heal Your Life? Part IIPart II - Continuing our interesting discussion based on the amazing author & spiritual teacher, Louise Hay's book, "You Can Heal Your Life". Dr. Joanna & Nick will be talking about the various ways in which we are wounded and how that wounding perpetuates through generations causing guilt, fear, self-loathing & lack of self love that so many people feel today.   How do we heal from these ancient wounds that can sometimes reside so deep in our hearts and psyches?  We'll talk about Self-love versus Selfishness, an unhealthy sense of ego versus Self-respect.  We'll also be discussing the more metaphysical causes of physical and mental illness and how we can begin the journey into true healing that we are all craving on some level.  How do we start the process of increasing self-awareness so we can begin to heal the wounds that perpetuate illness of body, mind, heart & spirit? Listen & find out.   Find us at: 484-412-8815  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoSelf-loathing,Healing,Self-Love,Forgiveness,EmotionsPart II - Continuing our interesting discussion based on the amazing author & spiritual teacher, Louise Hay's book, "You Can Heal Your Life". Dr. Joanna & NickCan You REALLY Heal Your Life? Part I, 31 May 2013 13:00:00 GMTCan You REALLY Heal Your Life? Part I Based on the amazing author & spiritual teacher, Louise Hay's book, "You Can Heal Your Life", Dr. Joanna & Nick will be talking about the various ways in which we are wounded and how that wounding perpetuates through generations causing guilt, fear, self-loathing & lack of self love that so many people feel today.   How do we heal from these ancient wounds that can sometimes reside so deep in our hearts and psyches?  We'll talk about Self-love versus Selfishness, an unhealthy sense of ego versus Self-respect.  We'll also be discussing the more metaphysical causes of physical and mental illness and how we can begin the journey into true healing that we are all craving on some level.  Find us at: 484-412-8815     00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoSelf-loathing,Stress,Guilt,Self Love,EmotionsBased on the amazing author & spiritual teacher, Louise Hay's book, "You Can Heal Your Life", Dr. Joanna & Nick will be talking about the various ways in whichAnger Management & The Stress Response, 24 May 2013 13:00:00 GMTAnger Management & The Stress Response Today, Joanna & Nick will discuss the growing problem of stress as it relates to anger management.  People today, in the instant gratification, fast paced world, have become increasingly impatient and sometimes even hostile.   Learn how the we can be pre-disposed to certain responses to stress, specifically anger, sarcasm, impatience and hostility, becasue of our constitutional type and how we can use simple but effective tools to create a "restful awareness" response" to this growing problem.  Everything from having a short temper and verbally lashing out, to the extremes of violence we see on on the news every day.  Topics: Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga, Hypnosis, Counseling. 484-412-8815 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHeart health,Stress,Anger,Meditation,EmotionsToday, Joanna & Nick will discuss the growing problem of stress as it relates to anger management.  People today, in the instant gratification, fast paced worNo Ordinary Pill - Taking Charge of Your Health with Qigong, 17 May 2013 13:00:00 GMTNo Ordinary Pill - Taking Charge of Your Health with Qigong Today we'll be interviewing our own Kalyana Practitioner, Dr. Sama'Ra Bodhisattva. In this two part series, part one, we will focus on what Qigong is and how practicing this ancient art can lead to a richer outlook, mental clarity, prevent disease and access to life’s riches pursuit, longevity. Part two, we will explore qigong from the spiritual side and how you can awaken your potential. Dr. Sama’Ra  will also offer a simple and effective Qigong technique to increase energy flow and deliver rich oxygen to blood cells for neutralizing toxins in the body. Don’t miss this incredible two part series -- live on Kalyana Blog Talk Radio. PART I: May 10 – What is Qigong? How can Qigong benefit me? What makes this system unique? Are there any side effects? Is Qigong safe? Where can I find a practitioner? Why is Qigong so effective for disease prevention and managing stress? What is the difference between Qigong, Tai'Chi, Yoga & Reiki? PART II: May 17 – How can Qigong awaken your potential? What are qigong’s healing benefits & disease prevention? Simple and effective qigong technique to increase energy and oxygen to blood cells for neutralizing and removing toxins in the body. Phone: 484-412-8815 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoDisease Prevention,Stress,Qigong,Chinese Medicine,EmotionsToday we'll be interviewing our own Kalyana Practitioner, Dr. Sama'Ra Bodhisattva. In this two part series, part one, we will focus on what Qigong is and howNo Ordinary Pill - Taking Charge of Your Health with Qigong, 10 May 2013 13:00:00 GMTNo Ordinary Pill - Taking Charge of Your Health with Qigong Today we'll be interviewing our own Kalyana Practitioner, Dr. Sama'Ra Bodhisattva for part I of our show on Qigong. In this two part series, part one, we will focus on what Qigong is and how practicing this ancient art can lead to a richer outlook, mental clarity, prevent disease and access to life’s riches pursuit, longevity. Part two, we will explore qigong from the spiritual side and how you can awaken your potential. Dr. Sama’Ra  will also offer a simple and effective Qigong technique to increase energy flow and deliver rich oxygen to blood cells for neutralizing toxins in the body. Don’t miss this incredible two part series -- live on Kalyana Blog Talk Radio. PART I: May 10 – What is Qigong? How can Qigong benefit me? What makes this system unique? Are there any side effects? Is Qigong safe? Where can I find a practitioner? Why is Qigong so effective for disease prevention and managing stress? What is the difference between Qigong, Tai'Chi, Yoga & Reiki? PART II: May 17 – How can Qigong awaken your potential? What are qigong’s healing benefits & disease prevention? Simple and effective qigong technique to increase energy and oxygen to blood cells for neutralizing and removing toxins in the body. 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHeart health,Stress,Qigong,Chinese Medicine,EmotionsToday we'll be interviewing our own Kalyana Practitioner, Dr. Sama'Ra Bodhisattva for part I of our show on Qigong. In this two part series, part one, we willInsomnia - Just An Annoyance or the Father of all Disease?, 03 May 2013 13:00:00 GMTInsomnia - Just An Annoyance or the Father of all Disease? On today's show Dr. Joanna & Nick  will focus on the annoyance and the health effects of insomnia. So many Americans are plagued by this annoying symptom that when left untreated, it's long term effects can create havoc with our health, wellbeing, vitality, and relationships. What are the causes? Is it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual? The drug industry and how it capitalizes on our desperation to sleep.  What is its relationship to stress? How does it affect our health & relationships? What can we do about it - naturally, while also getting at the first cause? Get some different perspective from our expertise in Ayurveda & Hypnotherapy and start to indenitfy some solutions  for this chronic problem.  Dr. Joanna will be offering special Insomnia Health consultations at the Kalyana Centre.  In one very focused hour, the cause of your insomnia will be evaluated and recommendations will be made to get you back on track with that very important element of sleep. Cost is $75.00 for 1 hour. Nick is always avaialble for hypnosis sessions and will be offering sessions to help you sleep better at 15% off.  Contact us at 484-412-8815 or or Dr. Joanna directly at 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHealth,Stress,Insomnia,Pharmaceutical,EmotionsOn today's show Dr. Joanna & Nick  will focus on the annoyance and the health effects of insomnia. So many Americans are plagued by this annoying symptom thatWhat's REALLY Weighing You Down? Part II, 26 Apr 2013 13:00:00 GMTWhat's REALLY Weighing You Down? Part II Today, Dr. Joanna & Nick will be following up on the last two shows about Detoxification and Spring Cleaning by talking about how the emotions and stress affects our ability to lose weight.   Why is it that we can seemingly be doing all of the "right" things and still not be able to lose weight?  So many times it has to do with all of the stress in our lives as well as not having processed emotional traumas and events and so they literally become added weight that we have to bear.   In contrast, sometimes it is the presence of these unprocessed traumas or stresses that causes us to eat the wrong foods, soothe our emotions and feelings with food, or not have the motivation, or more accurately, inspiration, to exercise and take good care of ourselves.  We think you will enjoy this lively discussion which will include tips and ideas to help you begin to release unprocessed emotions and feelings as well as that stubborn excess weight you have been carrying around.  Remember it's not necessarily what you're eating, but what's eating you!  We really are talking about spring cleaning from the inside out!  Feel free to call in if you have a question for Joanna or Nick. 484-412-8815 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHealth,Weight Loss,Emotions,Stress,TraumaToday, Dr. Joanna & Nick will be following up on the last two shows about Detoxification and Spring Cleaning by talking about how the emotions and stress affecWhat's REALLY Weighing You Down? Part I, 19 Apr 2013 13:00:00 GMTWhat's REALLY Weighing You Down? Part I Today, Dr. Joanna & Nick will be following up on the last two shows about Detoxification and Spring Cleaning by talking about how the emotions and stress affects our ability to lose weight.   Why is it that we can seemingly be doing all of the "right" things and still not be able to lose weight?  So many times it has to do with all of the stress in our lives as well as not having processed emotional traumas and events and so they literally become added weight that we have to bear.   In contrast, sometimes it is the presence of these unprocessed traumas or stresses that causes us to eat the wrong foods, soothe our emotions and feelings with food, or not have the motivation, or more accurately, inspiration, to exercise and take good care of ourselves.  We think you will enjoy this lively discussion which will include tips and ideas to help you begin to release unprocessed emotions and feelings as well as that stubborn excess weight you have been carrying around.  Remember it's not necessarily what you're eating, but what's eating you!  We really are talking about spring cleaning from the inside out!  Feel free to call in if you have a question for Joanna or Nick. 484-412-8815 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoWeight Loss,Emotions,Stress,Trauma,NutritionToday, Dr. Joanna & Nick will be following up on the last two shows about Detoxification and Spring Cleaning by talking about how the emotions and stress affecSpring Cleaning from the Inside Out!, 12 Apr 2013 13:00:00 GMTSpring Cleaning from the Inside Out! Topic: "Spring Cleaning Your Body from the Inside Out' with Holistic Nutrition."   Dr. Joanna & Nick interview our own, Dr. Sama'Ra K. Bodhisattva, Kalyana practitioner!    With the warm weather coming ahead, many of you are ready to hit the gym and stressing over on how to squeeze into those bikinis and swim trunks. Others are ready to grab onto the quick fix diet over the counter or using calorie restriction methods to shed off those unwanted lbs. The challenge is many of you will end up loosing weight and putting the lbs back on or even causing more harm to the body than doing it good. There's one secret that you all must know if you want to loose weight and gain lean beautiful toned muscle mass.  We will be discussing diet trends, detoxing the body and introducing a proven effective method of using HOLISTIC NUTRITION. Beauty secrets from the inside out.  Don't miss it!   Contact Dr. Sama'Ra at for more information or to make an appointment, or call 484-412-8815.   He also has two wonderful healing Qigong events coming up at the Centre on April 20th (Saturday) and April 30th (Tuesday) Health is in Your HandsnoHealth,Detoxification,Weight loss,Healing,Spring CleaningTopic: "Spring Cleaning Your Body from the Inside Out' with Holistic Nutrition."   Dr. Joanna & Nick interview our own, Dr. Sama'Ra K. Bodhisattva, Kalyana praLet's Enlighten Up! Seven Laws of Detoxification, 05 Apr 2013 13:00:00 GMTLet's Enlighten Up! Seven Laws of Detoxification Join me, Dr. Joanna and my friend & colleague, Liz Chesla as we talk about "Enlightening Up" and how you can effectively detoxify not only your body, but your mind and emotions to better connect with your spirit.  Learn how to use the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, to lose weight, clear your mind, detoxify your body and emotions and get in touch with and create your best self.  We invite you to join the many participants of  our program "Enlighten Up Foundations" to delve deeper into the concepts of self awareness, gentleness with yourself, and truly making healier choices can put you on a path to better health, welbeing, vitality and joy!  To order the 7-day Purify System contact Joanna or Liz at or 484-412-8815 For the Seven Laws we talked about today and more infomration: Liz can be contacted through the Kalyana Centre or through her website: or 917-405-8031 As Always, Thank you for Listening!  ~ Joanna & Nick 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoWeight Loss,Spirituality,Emotions,Detoxification,YogaJoin me, Dr. Joanna and my friend & colleague, Liz Chesla as we talk about "Enlightening Up" and how you can effectively detoxify not only your body, but yourSports Hypnosis - Accessing Your Inner Pro!, 29 Mar 2013 13:00:00 GMTSports Hypnosis - Accessing Your Inner Pro!   Today Joanna will be interviewing Nick Colasanti, Master Hypnotherapist,  and Co-host of Your Health is in Your Hands for an exciting discussion on Hypnotherapy and how it can improve your golf or tennis game, or your performance in any sport in general.  We'll also be talking about other uses of hypnosis in the mind body connection and how it can assist in healing any condition. Together we will explore and demystify the hypnotherapy process in general, as well as talk about the ways it can help peopel release pain from the past, decrease anxiety, reduce stress and promote an overall sense of peace and wellbeing amidst the turbulance of every day life.  Nick sees clients at the Kalyana Centre by appointment and would be happy to help you reach your true potential through this amazing modality.  See Nick's Bio: You can get in touch with Nick at or at the Kalyana Centre at 484-412-8815 to schedule an appointment. As always, Thank you for listening!  Namaste, ~ Joanna & Nick  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHypnosis,Stress,Sports,Golf,TennisToday Joanna will be interviewing Nick Colasanti, Master Hypnotherapist,  and Co-host of Your Health is in Your Hands for an exciting discussion on HypnotheThe Tarot Demystified, 21 Mar 2013 18:00:00 GMTThe Tarot Demystified Join Joanna & Nick as they talk with Kalyana Practitioner and Founder of Queen Of Wands Tarot, Jenna Matlin, about her practice as a Transformational Tarot Reader.  If you have been curious about this mystical practice and wondered how it works and how it can help you, you will not want to miss this interesting discussion. She will be answering the following questions: What is transformational Tarot exactly? How can the Tarot be used as a tool for self-development and knowledge? What kind of client would typically come in for a session? Is it "Fortune Telling"?  What is unique about Jenna's sessions? What is wrong with the typical stereotypes around the reading of the Tarot? Please feel free to call in and ask a question too!  See Jenna's Bio: You can reach Jenna at: or call the Kalyana Centre to expereince a reading for yourself.  You will be glad you did!  00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoTarot,Readings,Spirituality,Transformation,MysticalJoin Joanna & Nick as they talk with Kalyana Practitioner and Founder of Queen Of Wands Tarot, Jenna Matlin, about her practice as a Transformational Tarot ReaEverything Chopra!, 15 Mar 2013 13:00:00 GMTEverything Chopra! Join Joanna & Nick for a lively & interesting discussion on the new initiative at the Kalyana Centre called "Everything Chopra!".  If you don't have the time, money, or energy to go out to California to experience the wonders of the Chopra Center first hand, but love the teachings of these wonderful translators of Vedic Wisdom, you can find it here on the East Coast!  Dr. Joanna is a certified Chopra Center teacher of Primordial Sound Meditation, Ayurveda and Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga.  Oprah Winfrey & Deepak lanched the The 21-Day Meditation Challenge - Perfect Health, that started Monday the 11th and we're joining right in with the launch of "Everything Chopra!".  It's not too late to begin.  Join us on Facebook and share your experiences and as always you can contact us at 484-412-8815 or email at To learn more about Primordial Sound Meditation technique: To learn more about Perfect Health & Ayurveda: To learn more about the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: If you are intersted in your personal health, wellbeing & transformation, please opt in to our email list so we can connect with you regularly. We're here to help! 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoAyurveda,Stress,Nutrition,Yoga,MeditationJoin Joanna & Nick for a lively & interesting discussion on the new initiative at the Kalyana Centre called "Everything Chopra!".  If you don't have the time,Trauma-Sensitive Yoga, 08 Mar 2013 14:00:00 GMTTrauma-Sensitive Yoga Join Nick & Joanna for an intersting discussion with Liz Chesla, MA, CYT, writer, and Mom of three, about the benefits of Trauma-Sensitive Yoga and how it can help anyone with the processing of traumas, both physical and emotional, large and small.  Learn how TSY is different from a traditional yoga practice, what a student can expect from a series of classes, and how this can be an excellent adjunct to traditional therapy.  TSY is offered at Kalyana Centre every Thursday 10:30 - 11:30 AM with Liz.  Pre-registration for the 4-class series is required. To reach Liz: (917) 405 8031 Book Recommendation - for teachers, clinicians & survivors: "Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga - Reclaiming Your Body" by David Emerson & Elizabeth Hopper, PhD   to learn more, confirm schedule & see prices. 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoYoga,Stress,Trauma,Forgiveness,EmotionsJoin Nick & Joanna for an intersting discussion with Liz Chesla, MA, CYT, writer, and Mom of three, about the benefits of Trauma-Sensitive Yoga and how it canWhen the Diagnosis is Correct, Healing Can Begin, 01 Mar 2013 14:00:00 GMTWhen the Diagnosis is Correct, Healing Can Begin Your health is your personal responsibility.  Join Nick & Joanna in the month of March where they will be talking with several practitioners of the Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA (just 20 minutes outside Philadelphia) to learn about the many choices for one to begin their journey into healing! The first show will be discussing the importance of taking a thorough intake/history and how it relates to the suggestions made for a client to begin the journey into healing.  Joanna & NIck will be focusing on Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Health and Well-Being.     "When the diagnosis is correct, the healing can begin."  ~ Carl Jung. To find us, visit: 484-412-8815 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHolistic Wellness,Stress,Nutrition,Spirituality,EmotionsYour health is your personal responsibility.  Join Nick & Joanna in the month of March where they will be talking with several practitioners of the Kalyana CenA Change of Heart - Part 3, 22 Feb 2013 14:00:00 GMTA Change of Heart - Part 3Join us again for part 3 of our three-part series on heart health and it's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions.  This week Nick & Joanna will be focusing on the physical aspects of taking care of our heart such as diet/nutrition, rest, exercise, meditation, as well as the profound effects of forgiveness on our metaphysical heart.  What does it cost us not to forgive and is the process simply a one time decision or a process or choice we may need to make on a daily or even hourly basis.  Please feel free to call in with questions or comments. We would love to hear from you! 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHeart health,Stress,Nutrition,Forgiveness,EmotionsJoin us again for part 3 of our three-part series on heart health and it's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions.  This week Nick & Joanna will bA Change of Heart - Part 2, 15 Feb 2013 14:00:00 GMTA Change of Heart - Part 2Happy Valentine's Day!  Dr. Joanna and Nick continue the dialogue in our three-part series on heart health - the whole picture.  This show will be focusing on the mind, emotions and stress and how they affect the health of our heart.  They'll be giving some very practical, doable tips for how you can relief stress, improve relationships and learn to let go of mental attitudes, feelings and emotions that no longer serve you or your heart. 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHeart,Health,Emotions,Hypnosis,MeditationHappy Valentine's Day!  Dr. Joanna and Nick continue the dialogue in our three-part series on heart health - the whole picture.  This show will be focusing on tA Change of Heart - Part 1 of 3, 08 Feb 2013 14:00:00 GMTA Change of Heart - Part 1 of 3In this three-part series on heart health for the month of February, Joanna & Nick will be discussing personal responsibility in taking care of our heart health in more ways than just the physical.  Dr. Joanna will talk about her 20-year career in the pharmaceutical research arena and what she learned first hand about the mind-body connection from enrolling patients in drug studies and monitoring drug studies from the pharma side. This enlightening discussion will take your awareness of your heart health to the next level beyond the physical and give you some ideas that you can implement right away to get you on a path to better heart health and awareness. 00:31:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHeart,Mind-Body Connection,Pharmaceuticals,Natural,HealthIn this three-part series on heart health for the month of February, Joanna & Nick will be discussing personal responsibility in taking care of our heart healthChoices in Healing, 01 Feb 2013 15:00:00 GMTChoices in Healing Join Dr. Joanna Carmichael, Founder of the Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA and Nick Colasanti, Hypnotherapist and radio talk show host, for enlightening discussions on the importance of taking responsibility for your own health and wellbeing rather than relinquishing it to a physician or any other health care professional. By using our own intuition and constant feedback from the body, we can learn to discern the messages that are always there to confirm the results of our choices. Also, by exploring different and less "traditional" modlaities of health and healing, with emphasis on the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects, we learn to go deeper into our Selves where all of the answers truly reside for all of us, including which therapies (including Western medicine) may help or hurt us. Topics we'll be covering include but are not limited to: Meditation / Stress Reduction Hypnotherapy & the conditions it helps Therapies for Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes Diet - Food as Medicine Ayurveda Yoga Past Life Regression Emotional Health Chinese Medicine Massage Spirituality Esoteric Practices and more.00:30:00Your Health is in Your HandsnoHypnosis,Meditation,Stress,Holistic,WellbeingJoin Dr. Joanna Carmichael, Founder of the Kalyana Centre in Narberth, PA and Nick Colasanti, Hypnotherapist and radio talk show host, for enlightening discuss