Josue White Radio, truth, business, success, self-development, sales, health, dating, anarchy/ All Rights Reserved.Sat, 15 Jun 2019 09:30:00 GMTMon, 05 May 2014 04:05:46 GMTEducationBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0,edyseventtickets,gay marriage,philosophy,successJosue White Radionophilosophy, truth, business, success, self-development, sales, health, dating, anarchy/voluntarismepisodicJosue White and Micah Brubaker, 05 May 2014 04:05:46 GMTJosue White and Micah Brubakerhigh school buddies talk about the new world order the trivium method and philosophy and business and economics and life and relationships and homosexuality and gay rights and anarchy and life liberty freedom and steve jobs and about being young in america and what micah is up to and josue and micah's relationship from high school the experience of high school and what micah thinks about the fact that josue dropped out of high school and and nicola tesla and micahs knowledge about energy and enghineeering and ing josue is trying to fill this description up as much as possible because blogtalk radio makes it mandatory. 00:29:00Josue White RadionoPhilosophy,gay marriage,businesshigh school buddies talk about the new world order the trivium method and philosophy and business and economics and life and relationships and homosexuality andkjhfjhf jyf uyf uy fuj futf ut utf ut utf utf, 03 May 2014 16:10:05 GMTkjhfjhf jyf uyf uy fuj futf ut utf ut utf utfjjgfu utfd utf utf utf utf utf utf utf utf utf utfutfutfutf utfuyfuyf ufufutftestdx oiyfiyrs tyjesiy ykitdyrs yirid iutd yi rduy riuy geif gkdgf ieufg eiugf iwgh i iy ugfcyrduh onojnkihvyud utf iyhboin ouhiytfyrdtrfvc kinoijiygyrfdyfvjuhbnkljnkljuhiyvyutf yhgutfyrdresatfcjhbkjnkojunihb iyg iyhg utf yd yrd yrd uyg iuh iuh iyg ydr ytf uiyg iug ou oikm okim oin iyhg utf y6dr trd ytf iuy iou oin ojn oiuhg utf tyrd yrd ytf uv ihub ijun oun ioun iyg ytf yrd tyrd yrd yutg iyh ounj oikm opkim on uiygv yrd yrd trd tedstrdytguygutfd yrdytfutguigigiyguyf utf utfyutf ytfyutf. 00:19:00Josue White RadionoSuccess,EdysEventTickets,Educationjjgfu utfd utf utf utf utf utf utf utf utf utf utfutfutfutf utfuyfuyf ufufutftestdx oiyfiyrs tyjesiy ykitdyrs yirid iutd yi rduy riuy geif gkdgf ieufg eiugf iwg