The itPodcast to the Insomniac Tendencies podcast where we have fun talking about video games across all platforms, as well as random other All Rights Reserved.Sat, 15 Jun 2019 07:00:00 GMTSat, 26 Aug 2017 02:00:00 GMTVideo GamesBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 itPodcast to the Insomniac Tendencies podcast where we have fun talking about video games across all platforms, as well as random other discussions.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comvideo games,ps4,xbox,game of thrones,dark cloud,destiny 2,dragonball,hellblade,ni no kuni,nintendoInsomniac TendenciesyesWelcome to the Insomniac Tendencies podcast where we have fun talking about video games across all platforms, as well as random other discussions.episodicitPodcast Episode 08 Games, 26 Aug 2017 02:00:00 GMTitPodcast Episode 08This episode of the Insomniac Tendencies podcast, Derrek and Hefty dive into what they think will happen in the season finale of Game of Thrones. Spoiler warning, although if you havent seen it at this point, what the hell are you doing with your life. Then we make a metacritic wager on next months game releases. After that we talk some Gamescom and delve into the HUGE news, or just a developer that mentioned Dark Cloud, same thing. Enjoy the episode peoples! 00:41:00Insomniac TendenciesyesDark Cloud,PS4,Xbox One X,Game of Thrones,Metacritic(8-25-17) Derrek and Hefty talk some Game of Thrones (Spoiler warning), then get into some Dark Cloud 3 (obviously), and make a wager on games coming out next mitPodcast Episode 07 Games, 18 Aug 2017 13:30:00 GMTitPodcast Episode 07Welcome to the Insomnaic Tendencies podcast recorderd on 8-18-17. Derrek and Hefty begin by discussing the massive influx of Japanese games this generation, and quality ones at that. Then delve into some deep anime talk, as we really nerd out this episode. After that we hit some news, and discuss a little about the lifes before sending you peoples off.  00:59:00Insomniac TendenciesyesAnime,PS4,PC,Xbox,Deathnote(8-18-17) This episode on the Insomniac Tendencies podcast Derrek and Hefty go all out with Japanese discussion, from video games to anime.itPodcast Episode 06 Games, 11 Aug 2017 21:00:00 GMTitPodcast Episode 06In this episode of the Insomniac Tendencies podcast we have Derrek, Hefty and our guest Mike. We have a lengthy discussion on DLC, in game purchases, and what it may do to the industry going forward. We talk our favorite video games chacters, then procede to hit some news topics. We then delve into games we have been playing and just hang out and have some fun. 01:47:00Insomniac TendenciesyesPlaystation,PS4,Hellblade,DLC,Lawbreakers(8-10-17) In this episode Derrek and Hefty have a guest on board. It was a long fun podcast of the three of us talking about a wide array of topics. Enjoy, it witPodcast Episode 05 Games, 04 Aug 2017 05:30:00 GMTitPodcast Episode 05In this episode of the Insomniac Tendencies podcast Derrek and Hefty dont have any sort of structure behind it, so we pretty much just talk. I dont really remember all we talked about, some football, some video games, some stories about the lifes. Not really sure, give it a listen and find out.  01:00:00Insomniac TendenciesyesPS4,PC,Dark Cloud,Rants,bullshitting(8-4-17) (FIXED) Previously had wrong audio file. Derrek and Hefty go with a full free roam, or someone didnt prep for the episode. We talk about some video gamitPodcast Episode 04 Games, 28 Jul 2017 08:30:00 GMTitPodcast Episode 04In this episode of the Insomniac Tendencies Podcast Derrek and Hefty dive into some more Persona 5 talk. We get into a lengthy discussion about games we enjoy watching, be it twitch streams or esports. In the news we talk about Patapon coming to PS4, the Dragonball FighterZ beta being delayed, and Hellblade. We have a new random question, one that proves to be quite the challenge with the subject being which video game generation would you erase. Derrek has a mini rant. Then we just talk about the lifes and wrap things up.  01:06:00Insomniac TendenciesyesPS4,Xbox,PC,Persona,Patapon(7-28-17) Derrek and Hefty talk more Persona 5, games we enjoy watching, some news that stuck out, a new random question and just hang out.itPodcast Episode 03 Games, 21 Jul 2017 06:30:00 GMTitPodcast Episode 03Welcome back to the Insomniac Tendencies podcast, today Derrek and Hefty go into a large Persona 5 discussion. Then we break down games we would like to go back and play, whether we did not finish it or want to take a run at another playthrough. We talk about the Destiny 2 beta, the Kingdom Hearts toy story trailer, and the new mysterious Atari Box. For our random question we get into mythological pets. Derrek actually isnt annoyed and skips his rant. We talk some Game of Thrones and the lifes, then close up the show. Enjoy Peoples!  00:48:00Insomniac TendenciesyesPC,PS4,Xbox,Nintendo,Persona 5(7-21-17) Derrek and Hefty talk Persona 5, games we want to revisit, some news, mythological pets, and just talk about the lifes.itPodcast Episode 02 Games, 15 Jul 2017 20:30:00 GMTitPodcast Episode 02This episode Derrek and Hefty delve into games from childhood past. Then tackle some news that stuck out, including Ni No Kuni delay to next year, and the white PS4 Pro Destiny bundle. Games we would like a sequel to. Get in a argument over fighting animals. Derrek goes on a rant about big companies. Then we close up with various thought on the lifes.  01:13:00Insomniac TendenciesyesPS4,Xbox,Sony,Microsoft,PCDerrek and Hefty talk top childhood games, get in a debate over fighting animals, and random other discussions.itPodcast Episode 01 Games, 08 Jul 2017 00:30:00 GMTitPodcast Episode 01In this episode we discuss our top 5 games coming this year, the snes mini, games we dislike, and Derrek goes on a rant about exclusive DLC. Enjoy a fun and blunt look at gaming, in an unfiltered manner.  01:16:00Insomniac Tendenciesyesgames,ps4,pc,xbox,nintendoSnes Mini, Top 5, DLC Rant, Games we dislike