Wednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn weekly podcast designed and focused on claiming our Leadership, Power and Value. Tune in for wisdom that Illuminates, Ignites and Inspires You!enCopyright Deborah LeeAnn Morley (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sun, 16 Jun 2019 02:30:00 GMTWed, 11 Jan 2017 13:30:00 GMTWomenBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn weekly podcast designed and focused on claiming our Leadership, Power and Value. Tune in for wisdom that Illuminates, Ignites and Inspires You!,#Powerful&FeminineWomen,#StrengthsBasedLeadership,#ArtofFemininePresenceDeborah LeeAnnnoReady for more? Feeling self-doubt stealing your thunder? How can we Be, Do, Have it all? Listen in for weekly tips and practices to ground, center and guideepisodicAuthentic Leadership Radio - Beginnings and Endings, 11 Jan 2017 13:30:00 GMTAuthentic Leadership Radio - Beginnings and EndingsHappy 2017!  Today as the winds gusted up to 45 mph here in St. Louis, the temps shifted, the clouds lifted and sun and springlike weather showed up this afternoon.  Brought on by winds of change. Do you feel it?  The palpable shifting of our society, our energy, our truth-telling, our growing compassion and caring for one another? Maybe it takes huge change to allow us to deepen into our truth.  To feel ready to speak up.  Speak out. And, I'll be moving my show over to Spreaker as the host as well as SoundCloud for available listening.  We'll also be searchable on iTunes if you like to subscribe there.  And the new name?  No great shock there.  Authentic Leadership is what I do.  Who I am.  And the names of my new businesses, Authentic Leadership Consulting and Authentic Leadership Academy.  Listen in for a brief farewell, then the full message that was pre-recorded for you last week whle at the beach in Manly, Australis is ready for you and following. All the best in this new year...a year of new beginnings and MUCH movement, growth and expansion.  It's been a long time since all our planetary beings have supported us by turning direct!  As Elizabeth Gilbert says, "Onward!"     00:05:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,AuthenticLeadership,AuthenticLeadershipAcademy,NewBeginningsIt's a new year and a new name and we're moving to a new host site...Authentic Leadership - Time for Bravery, 14 Dec 2016 18:00:00 GMTAuthentic Leadership - Time for BraveryIt is never too late for Bravery says Margaret Wheatley.  To stand, To speak up, To not let the overwhelm take hold. I've been laying low, cancelling events, filling my days with lots of introspection AND lots of diversions and distractions.  There's something being called forward within me, within the collective, and I've been pretending not to hear it.  It's about depression.  It's about feeling everything.  It's about slowing down to actually DEAL with it all. This year is an exceptional one as well.  It's had it's ups and downs, (RIGHT?) and also I've been blessed with the time and resources to lay low, riding the waves, reading the tea leaves, and watching lots of Netflix. That time is coming to an end, in a fantastic and glorious way, as I prepare for my trip on the shortest day here in North America to the longest day in South America.  Flying on the Solstice, my 60th birthday. So, what is in store?  A lot and maybe not so much.  I'm being open to the fullness of this gift of a time away from my home, the winter temps and my push to find clarity on that is coming in 2017.  And, my next steps in crossing that threshold. And - honoring this time of pulling back, sleeping in once or twice this week, going to bed early, eating popcorn for dinner and listening to the sounds of silence.  Preparing for putting on my mantle, pulling on my boots and walking forward...into The Great Adventure of the Unknown. 2017. This will be my last live broadcast of the year, but I will be uploading some thoughts and musings from my delicious time on Manly Beach north of Sydney.  Stay tuned on FB or find me on SoundCloud to catch the recordings. See you on the other side! 00:25:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,WomensLeadershipCatalyst,AuthenticLife,AuthenticLeadershipAcademyIt is never too late for Bravery says Margaret Wheatley. To stand, To speak up, To not let the overwhelm take hold.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Creating Space for Authenticity, 07 Dec 2016 18:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Creating Space for AuthenticitySpace.  A block of time?  A bit of quiet?  An open shelf or drawer, an empty plate.  How do you fill it? It's been said, "Nature abhors a vacuum"...and many of us do too.  Notice how uncomfortable it is when the conversation dies down or the movie score goes silent? Even the space between my upper and lower teeth is, too often, closed up, clenched, not allowed to be open, slack.  And, now I have a hairline crack in one of my teeth to show that my unconscious, while I'm sleeping, is constricted, not relaxed, holding onto pent-up energy.  How can we open to allow ourselves to grow, expand and step into new realms of Love, Joy, Good, Magic, Prosperity?  Into our next phase of Be-Coming?  I believe one step is to Create Space.  Just like we clean our homes before inviting friends over, or do spring cleaning (an ancient practice to welcome in the new being birthed at that time of year) we prepare for the new that is coming in, by relaxing, letting go, clearing space (yes, like in Feng Shui) and releasing old patterns to energetically, emotionally, physically and mentally, roll out the red carpet. Let's see what shows up by doing our end-of-the-year clearing and releasing.  00:23:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,AuthenticLeadershipAcademy,AuthenticLeadership,WomenLeadersNature abhors a vacuum...and many of us do too. A block of time? A bit of quiet? How do you fill it?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Surrender, 30 Nov 2016 18:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic SurrenderIt's been coming.  And I've been fighting it. First the stoic, "I can handle it."  Then, affirmations of "I can do this!"  "You are stronger than the obstacles!"  "Keep moving!" Until finally, letting go.  Letting God.  Letting it all out.  The Grief.  Anguish.  Acceptance of Failure.  Acknowledgement of Where. I. Am.  Lost enough to see that I've been ignoring the signs.  I KNOW these signs.  My body's signals, my soul's song, my heart's cries.  And, I've only been listening to the louder Ego.  My mind's Critical voice drowned out the others.  And I didn't stop to listen for them either.  I believed the loud noise.  Or turned it off by distractions, Netflix, cooking, cleaning, caring for others.  Well, last night, exhausted, I gave in.  Surrendered literally, spiritually, emotionally.  I'll tell you about it, (not in all the gory details, but enough so you get the picture) and also how the prayers were answered with miracles of music, inspiration and a lighter state of Being showed up for me this morning.  All is well.  Truly, when I allow it to be, All is well. 00:24:00Deborah LeeAnnnoSometimes it's just all we can do, just let go, retreat, fall into total surrender.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Gratitude, 23 Nov 2016 14:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic GratitudeThank you. Thank you for being here.  For reading this. For listening in.  Showing up. For your friendship, kindness, connection, referral, support, sharing.  For Being You. And I truly mean it.  Between Thank You and I'm Sorry - How can we express ourselves more clearly?  More authentically, more real, more true. We are in a world where we wear our busyness, our social media connections, our use of technology, like a badge of honor.  I'm taking the day off.  To play, bake, prepare for family feasts and just to be still.  Loving Self, my daughters, whoever shows up today and tomorrow at my home or at my parents.  No matter who they voted for.  No matter their differing views. This week is full of events.  Yet for me it is simple, it's about being in Gratitude.  Join in, take a few minutes to be still, drink tea, or wine, or eggnog or cider.  Really taste it.  Let the pleasure radiate from within for this moment. And, from the bottom of my heart (and my BEing) sending you Grateful Blessings for an Abundant and Pleasure-filled holiday!     00:19:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,Women Leaders,Gratitude,AuthenticGratitude,ThanksBetween Thank You and I'm Sorry - How can we express ourselves more clearly? More authenticallyWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity in High Stakes Situations, 16 Nov 2016 18:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity in High Stakes SituationsYikes!  My stomach is in knots.  I'm wanting to take a nap.  Or, find myself distracted from the task at hand. (it's at these times that I tend to clean or do laundry, or sort the junk drawer...) In a matter of a few hours, I get to have an important phone call that could result in speaking at a conference AND a video shoot of a speech in front of a live audience, to promote a women's conference. Am I prepared?  How much is too much prep?  Not counting creating this podcast.  I KNOW this stuff.  This is my purpose to share my message on Authenticity and it's importance in leading for change.  We can't create change without changing ourselves...see there I go.  I am ready to teach this.  Or, should I change the story?  The punch line?  The exercise I'm going to faciltate to create an experiential learning? Back and forth.  Heeding my Inner Wise Woman.  Listening to my Inner Child's fears.  My mind's critical commentary and my heart's excitement and expansion.  It's a lot!  Who wins? Over and over, I hear professional women share that they feel they need to:  Wear a mask, hide, pretend to feel confident, play a role to fulfill other's expections, have to be 2 or 3 different people depending on what they are doing and who they are with.  Isn't that exhausting?  Where do we get to BE ourselves? Who knocks you off center (and out of your Authenticity)?  Is it more at work?  At home?  With family and friends?  Is it a big opportunity?  And how do you handle the stress of these situations?  Do you have any practices or prayers that center you? Let's dive in, Sisters.  This is work we all need to do.  00:22:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,WomensLeadership,WomensLeadershipCatalyst,AuthenticLeadershipAcademyWearing masks, hiding, pretending, playing a role, having to be 2 different people...Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Inquiry: To Heal, Learn, Grow, 09 Nov 2016 20:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Inquiry: To Heal, Learn, GrowI'm sad.  I'm not ready to be a brilliant example of empowerment today.  I need to grieve.  Heal. Then Heal. Learn.  Grow.  Then Act.  Be The Change. First comes a place of Being Still.  Asking and listening.  Allowing and listening.  Letting what comes up, show up.  Listening more.  Asking more.  No matter who you voted for, to see the popular vote be at 47.5, and 47.7 with 98.8 reported, it means there are a lot of people -- HALF the US-  is unhappy.  And not just a little unhappy. Devastated.  Confused.  Wondering what will happen.  And no matter who won this would be the case. We are divided, literally, and polarized on so many views.  How do we come together? Appreciative Inquiry.  Asking.  Not telling.  Learning.  Listening.  Loving. Let's see where this goes and take an inner journey to Be in Inquiry.  Authenticity begins here.  Love does too. 00:27:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#SpiritOfLeadership,#AuthenticLeadershipI'm not ready to be a brilliant example of empowerment today. I need to grieve. Heal. Learn.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ The Spirit of Leadership, 02 Nov 2016 17:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ The Spirit of LeadershipIsn't it time to lead holistically?  Just like medicine, we are beginning to see how just addressing the symptoms doesn't work.  There are underlying reasons why we get sick, and teams are dysfunctional or organizations get off-track.  Leading Self, a team or a business is best done when all parts are integrated.  All voices heard.  All ideas considered.  And when all are heading in the same direction. An example is, you want to be a public speaker.  You have a great story to tell, wisdom to share, and it's part of the bigger plan for your life. terrifies you to be on stage.  The thought of hearing your voice amplified.  The fear of looking incompetent, silly, or stupid can keep you from doing what you know you need to and want to. This is an example of letting all of your mind, heart, body and soul may not be in alignment.  Leadership is the same.  We bring our full selves to this role each day: leading intellectually, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The Spirit of Leadership brings all of this together in a way that honors all of our parts/selves just as it honors the diverse team or community we lead.  This is a deep and wide theme for our November podcasts ...let's get started in it today and see where we go! Curious to learn about your Authentic Leadership quotient?  Connect with me to learn where you can up your game to expand your Influence, Impact and Income! 00:27:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#AuthenticLeadershipAcademy,#SpiritOfLeadership,#LeadingFromInsideOutIsn't it time to lead holistically? Just like medicine, we are beginning to see how just addressing the symptoms doesn't work.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Collaboration, 26 Oct 2016 18:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic CollaborationWe women can be our own worst enemies.  What is it about women competing with each other?  (even when we know better?) Do you ever feel diminished by another's success?  Or feel a contraction when you see someone else doing the same thing (or a bit similar even or especially superior) to your business or program offering? For so long, we have been pitted against each other, for beauty, yes, but even for brains, for roles in organizations or plays, for being the best ______________.  (you fill in the blank, is it Mother?  CFO?  Community Organizer?  Philanthropist?  Athlete?  Scholar?) This is probably why concepts of CrossFit where you only compete with yourself while receiving support in a community is so popular.  It's becoming very common to see collaborations between different consultants and coaches and trainers as they can offer a blend of their work to appeal to a wider audience (or the same audience on a deeper level).  We all get more when we combine our talents and gifts with another to create synergy.  And celebrate each other's talents and gifts. Yet, with all the work and knowledge I have on collaborating versus competition, why do I still feel that cringe or punch in the gut when someone else is doing what I do, offering a workshop or program that sounds like mine or publishing the book I've got in my head? It's all good.  There's a way to calm yourself (and mySelf) down and laught at it all. It's the topic for today.  Tune in and give it a listen.  If it speaks to you, I'd love to hear your feedback.  If someone comes to mind that might like to hear it, please share. Thanks for doing what you do.  There really is only one of you...own that and trust it. 00:29:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#AuthenticLeadershipAcademy,#Authenticity,#WomenLeadersWhat is it about women competing with each other? Why do we feel diminished by another's success?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Messaging: Dropping the Shield, 19 Oct 2016 17:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Messaging: Dropping the ShieldDrop my Shield? It's taken all my life to build it and perfect it and refine it to fit me perfectly. Protection, as an unconscious behavior, is unfortunately, a necessary one at times.  We women don't feel safe.  Most of the time.  When we do, our truest, most Authentic Self comes out to play. You know, those weekend mornings after a great night of sleep (and maybe more!) creates the space for us to "let down our hair?"  Free from masks, protective barriers, constriction of busy schedules and a prerequisite role to fulfill? I love those mornings...dancing, singing to myself, making and enjoying a leisurely breakfast and cup of tea/coffee...piddling around, cleaning up, digging in the garden.  And, the most amazing stuff comes through then.  What if we create our most brilliant messaging, our most unique offering to the world, our most inspirational writing from this place? This morning, while at an event for fellow entrepreneurs and experts, the messages were true, hit home, were delivered with heart and I got to "see" the person in a new light.  The stuff between our ears, the inner dialogue dominated by a loud Inner Critic, drowns out our Authentic Self.  We hear more often the voice telling us to "Be careful,"  "Don't say that! They'll think you're weird", or "don't know your stuff, or _________" (fill in the blank for yourself.)   What if, our most real, Authentic Self got a chance to speak?  Can we even Hear Her? Let's play in the space where our Authentic Self speaks today.  Yes, I know, it's not the weekend, but we can pretend, right?  00:26:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#AuthenticLeadership,#AuthenticSelf,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadershipProtection, it's an unconscious behavior, and unfortunately, a necessary one at times.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity = No Hiding!, 12 Oct 2016 18:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity = No Hiding!I've been hiding.  Even with being online, recording a podcast, and doing live interviews with exceptional women leaders. And, it used to serve me but not so much anymore. You see, Hiding is not only being a wallflower (or a lurker) or making safe statements so your voice gets lost in the "noise," it's not takingany risks. It's not showing up.  Not being Real, Not telling the truth. Why do we strive so hard to fit in?  To not "rock the boat" or to be afraid to speak what's really going on? Remember the children's tale of The Emperor's New Clothes?  In it, the Emperor was tricked into believing he was wearing clothes made of an invisible cloth only able to be seen by those who were smart and fit for their position.  How often do we see the truth of something or know the answer to a problem or have a great idea to share, yet hold back...fearing speaking up and speaking out?  It's time, my lovely listeners.  We are needed to speak up.  Be Seen, Heard, Valued.  But only from our Authentic, Grace-filled Truth.   00:29:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#WomenLeaders,#AuthenticLeadershipAcademy,#Authenticity,#NoMoreHidingI've been hiding. And, it used to serve me, but not anymore!Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ October: Opening and Deepening into Authenticity, 05 Oct 2016 17:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ October: Opening and Deepening into AuthenticityWhere are you hiding?  Protecting?  People-pleasing, telling half-truths to yourself and others.  OR...Overly complying??? We have been trained and molded into being such "Good Girls." And, isn't it interesting that the girls who are making waves in our community, nation and world, are anything but Good? They are not afraid to speak up.  Speak out.  Wear different clothes, or different hairstyles.  They SHOW UP, in a way that can not be denied.  And, sometimes we are in awe.  Or envious.  But we can't ignore them they are creating wakes wherever they go.  And, a part of us yearns for a wider reach, or bigger scope of influence.  Yet, are we prepared to move outside of the Comfort Zone?  To create a bigger version of ourselves by sharing a bigger vision, a controversial view, or an unconventional solution to an issue? I've been responding to everyone else's requests of me for a long time.  Now that Motherhood, Partnership and Corporate employment are not defining me, who am I?  The more I deepen in, listening and allowing my truth to come forward, the more I am falling deeper into Love, Self-Acceptance and an IMPLICIT Trust of who I am and what my purpose is.  It's like a gut-rehab of an old house...and seeing the beautiful results that are emerging is So. Very. Exciting. Let's dive in, deepen in, open up and discover with some practices you can use too, to get more clear on who you are in these ever-increasing times of Volatility, Uncertainty, Chaos and Ambiguity.  There's Beauty, Authenticity and Grace on the other side.  All components that feed our Authentic Life and Authentic Leadership. 00:27:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#AuthenticLeadershipAcademy,#AuthenticLife,#OpeningWhere are you hiding? Protecting? Overly complying???Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring Leads to Joy, 28 Sep 2016 19:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring Leads to JoyMindfullness is a practice yes, but can we make it a lifestyle?  Here's a Radical thought... Slowing down to actually feel what's going on?  We tend to gloss over things, skim over reading, scan emails, barely noticing the glow of other beings, the radiance in nature, the taste of our food, the feel of the material on our bodies...even the solidness of the ground beneath us. And we wonder why we are always wanting for something more. There's this itch to get away on vacation.  Run away to experience something other than our Life. My musings this morning brought up another concept.  The beauty of my life RIGHT NOW.  Yep, it's amazing, when I sit in meditation or with a cup of tea, or just stare out the window and breathe, how I realize how absolutely perfect my ife is in this moment.  If we have all these sensations as Human Be-ings, why don't we enjoy them?  Feel deeply, sense often, bask in the sun or wind on our face, or the water streaming over us in the shower.  While having a facial yesterday I was almost in tears at the decadence of the sensations.  Even during an acupuncture session on Monday, where I was to lie still for an hour, brought to mind how glorious it is being the steward of this body.  Even when there's pain.  It's my body's language asking me to pay attention.  Which brings about the steps to healing.  Which brings us full circle to our Essence.  Joy. Joy, let's savor it.  And anything else that we're feeling, get ourSelves immersed in it.  It all leads us back to Joy. 00:27:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#SavoringSeptember,#AuthenticLeadershipAcademy,#AuthenticLifeMindfullness is a practice yes, can we make it a lifestyle? Slowing down to actually feel what is going on? Radical thought...Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring Beauty - in All Its Forms, 21 Sep 2016 20:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring Beauty - in All Its FormsWe love Beauty.  We are inundated by media's definition of Beauty.  We turn to what's familiar and cultur's idea of Beauty ...versus seeking out the bizarre, different, odd, or strange. We are trained early to see beauty, especially in women, as being small, young, sweet, sexy and similar.  Similar?  Yes, to what we know, what we are comfortable with.  What we've grown up seeing or being told is beautiful.  Each culture has its own Beauty standards.  So, finding something (or being someone) other that what we were trained to believe is "beautiful", makes us feel different from our family, friends, society...Think about all the "beautiful people" on the covers of magazines, on Facebook or Instagram feeds, or TV. So, how can we feel Beautiful?  Truly in love with our looks as well as our Shining Hearts & Souls?  AND, be Unique.  Standing out in our Brilliance?  Authentic Beauty is standing in our Fullness, our Wholeness, in our Powerful Body, while unapologetically sharing our intellectual and intuitive creative selves with the world.  It's knowing, deep down, that we are Enough.  Perfectly imperfect and gorgeous, just by BE-ing Real.  It's caring so much for our inner and outer self that our Radiance glows...we are vibrant, magnetic, attractive and fully Sovereign.  We don't need anyone else or anything else to make us Whole. Let's dive in.  This is a big one for many of us Women.  And, an important part of becoming an Authentic Leader, A Woman of Presence, A Woman of Substance. How do you feel about your appearance?  Connect with me for two quick tips to Become more magnetic immediately, so you can lead with Authenticity, Grace & Power!   00:29:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#AuthenticBeauty,#AuthenticLeadershipAcademy,#WomenLeadersWe love Beauty. We are inundated by media's definition of Beauty. We turn to what's familiar versus seeking out the bizarre, different, odd, or strange.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring September...Authentically Slowing Down, 14 Sep 2016 17:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring September...Authentically Slowing DownTo Savor...slowing down to enjoy, appreciate, feel pleasure, receive a deep breath. How do you savor?  The definitions that resonated with me were: 1. To taste or smell, especially with pleasure: savored each morsel of the feast. 2. To appreciate fully; enjoy or relish: Savoring feels appropriate for this lovely month as the weather is perfect, the food is plentiful, the days are a bit shorter and we head into the final months of the year. Slowing down is not what I used to do in September.  The calendar is full, the days flying by as we head towards the holidays and end of the year. Yet, even though I'm not heading back to school, and my daughters are away with less activities requiring my presence, the pressure to move faster and to get a lot done is palpable! How about you? Are you pushing to get all of your To-Do's, Commitments, Goals and Planning completed in your personal or professional life?  ( I get it, as my year will end even sooner since I'm taking off the final 2 weeks of the year for vacation and play...) Let's see what arises as we s l o w down...retreat if you will, take a look around, and savor these days.  I'm guessing it will be worth every effort to rearrange some things off the calendar and take time to recharge! Need help with clearing your calendar?  To give yourself permission to Slow Down and Savor??? Connect with me and let's talk.  Have you booked your complimentary session with me yet? 00:27:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#SlowDown&Savor,#SavoringSeptember,#AuthenticLeadershipAcademySavoring feels appropriate for this lovely month as the weather is perfect, the food is plentiful and we head into the final months of the year.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Can I Be Authentic and AMAZING?, 07 Sep 2016 17:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Can I Be Authentic and AMAZING?Being Authentic doesn't have to look and feel messy, raw and scary, does it?  For me, it took years (decades) of learning Who I Really Am through falling into emotional depths and feeling my way to my Truth. How about being Authentic and True AND being at our most Radiant, Brilliant and Creative? Our AMAZING Self? A challenge I was handed recently while attending Authentic Speakers Academy (sound familiar?) was to "Show Everyone How AMAZING I am."  Yikes! The other challenges I agreed to were not easy, but seemed do-able, for me.  This one?  Not. So. Much. Especially as my topic was Authenticity.  I'll share this story and let's play with this topic more.  AND, add it to our #ArtOfReceivingChallenge.  Are you in???? 00:27:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadership,#TheInnerGame,#WomanLeadershipAdvantageAuthenticity doesn't have to feel so human, messy and scary, does it?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity in Asking for What We Want, Then RECEIVING, 31 Aug 2016 20:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity in Asking for What We Want, Then RECEIVINGIt's the buzz now...all the rage.  Authentic This, Authentic That.  I get it.  And, maybe because we're tired of the IN-Authenticity of our culture.  Our politics.  Our own life, perhaps? When looking at how to announce the new program/offering #AuthenticLeadershipAcademy, I had problems finding the new URL I wanted.  There's even a new coaching program for Authentic Leadership being offered somewhere.  The constant course correction to stay in Authenticty is based in Awareness.  Intention. And Asking.  Tuning into our Authentic Desire (see last week's podcast) and then, Authentically Asking for What We Want.  And, the more I dive into being Authentic, the more I realize it's a CONSTANT Authenticity Authenticity isn't something we "Do"...It's about diving in and Being Who We Really Are. And, knowing that we aren't here to do it all ourselves, we ask for what we want, need and desire. This is not easy for many of us powerful and independent women. Today at a workshop with some amazing NonProfit Leaders and ChangeMakers, we talked about Vision, Voice and Value. And how we are truly tied to what we are here to do.  It shows up in how we lead our lives, our organizations, our families, our communities.  And, it all come from Being Authentic.  Fully in our Power.  And, Fully OPEN to Receive. Authenticity isn't something we "Do"...It's about diving in and Being Who We Really Are. Then asking.  For what we want. Authenticity leads to Asking for What We Want.  And, then Authentically RECEIVING.  Join the Authentic Receiving Challenge with us on Facebook! 00:25:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,NonProfitLeaders,ChangeMakers,DeborahLeeAnn,AuthenticityAuthenticity involves Asking for What We Want. And, then Authentically RECEIVING.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity includes Desire, Whimsey and Joy, 24 Aug 2016 18:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity includes Desire, Whimsey and JoyWho are you?  What do you want to create in the world?  How much do you want it? Does it truly light your heart and soul on FIRE?  This path of Authenticity has taken me deep within - where each time I'm in a business coaching session or a healing session or an energy session, when I am asked "What is your Heart's Desire?"  I panic. My first several answers are what my mind wants.  What my body/physical self wants.  What my ego-self says I'm only allowed to want...because that is Do-Able.  Realistic.  Safe. Playing it safe isn't the creative, conscious and amazing life I want to live any more.  It's part of the reason why I've been playing so small.  And mostly unfulfilled.  So - here I go, diving deep into Desire.  Feeling into the whimsey (not a mind thing) and wonder of what else is possible? What do I really want?  And letting that fire me up.  It's been more fun than I could have imagined. Join me!  Find your own Heart's Desire, or book a session with me to tap into it.  Often we can fool ourselves.  But having another hold space and give you permission to really go deep?  That's AMAZING.  Life-changing.  And Oh. So. Needed.  Wonder where we would be as a community, nation, world, if more of us were following our Heart's Desire? 00:24:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,AuthenticAugust,Authenticity,AuthenticLeadershipAcademyWho are you? What do you want to create in the world? How much do you want it?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity...What is it, Really???, 03 Aug 2016 20:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity...What is it, Really???It's a major fear of mine.  Being real.  Speaking my truth. Showing my insides...the not-so-well-mannered or kept parts. And I've declared (I made a lot of declarations during July's Freedom themed shows) that I'm going to be Real. Yep, like the Velveteen Rabbit.  Worn, shabby in places, maybe in need of some extra stitches to be held together.  But loved.  Yep. It's been a long road.  Why did I make it so difficult?  Maybe that's the piece (peace) I've come to appreciate.  That I don't like to do things the easy way.  The pretty way.  The expected or tame or prescribed way. So, let's dive in.  What has Authenticity meant and how it continues to unfold in all aspects of my life.  And how that's OK.  Because, hey, I'm being Authentic here!  Warts and all... 00:23:00Deborah LeeAnnnoAugust is here, bringing about hot, humid days, less clothing, and makeup. Time to be Au naturale?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Freedom to Stop (or at least Take a Pause), 27 Jul 2016 17:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Freedom to Stop (or at least Take a Pause)Stop?  Are you kidding me? I don't have time to take a break.  Or, even slow down.  What would happen if I didn't keep all these plates spinning in the air? For decades I prided myself on how much I could handle.  I made sure to keep a full calendar.  And I would hit burnout before making the time to get away for a little "Debbie Time".  But when it came time to return home, the guilt and overwhelm of my husband’s and children’s demands put me right back in the zone…the one I’d created.  The high-adrenaline, cortisol inducing life that many of us still operate in. A Retreat allows us to return to Grace.  What do I mean by a Retreat?  It's a weekend to: Slow down our life, break the routine, be taken care of (no planning activities, caretaking or cooking or cleaning) and to be with our Self.  A planned time to hit the "Refresh" button, Recharge our batteries, Review our Life.  Heal.  Rejuvenate. For many of us, the idea of slowing down seems unthinkable.  Yet, what dis-service are we modeling for others?  For our kids, colleagues and loved ones? We all need to slow down.  Yet, our lives keep getting busier and busier.  And, we keep trying to fit more in to handle it all. Our energy is splintered, our diets rarely supportive of this self-induced stress and lifestyle.  Wait, YES, it is one else is making these decisions for us! Yet we feel out of control, unable to change the pace, even going on Vacation creates stress! So, Let's Declare Freedom to Pause, Reflect, Retreat...We deserve it.  A weekend for just being.  Settling into a gentler, softer, quieter, calmer routine.  One that serves us.  One that allows us to hear our Inner Voice. Wonder what she wants to say?   00:29:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,Retreat,Pause,FreedomDeclarationsWhat is it about being BUSY that feels Good to us?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Freedom to Be More..., 20 Jul 2016 20:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Freedom to Be More...Yes, I'm ready to BE more of ME.  Stop the hiding, protecting, following and comparing.  I am ready to BE All In.  Are you? Here's the thing, sometimes we wait.  In Fear.  Or, Doubt. Or because we are criticized.  We don't think we are Ready.  Or, we will make up all kinds of excuses or create drama and chaos.   Sound familiar?  Often it follows a great leap forward.  A move, or new love, or that new ideal client. This expansion of our comfort zone is unfamiliar.  It can feel like we've gone off-road.  And, it's exactly where we were headed.  So now what? No idea where this will lead me, or maybe it's just back to being Me.  More of Me.  Join me?  I need and want You to Be All You Are and All You Came Here to Be too! 00:29:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,WomensLeadershipCatalyst,WomenLeaders,AuthenticLeadershipIt's time, isn't it? To Be More of Who we came here to be.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Freedom to Feel Fear, 13 Jul 2016 20:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Freedom to Feel FearFear.  False Expectations Appearing Real.  Very often unfounded, this valuable sensation is under-rated and avoided.  It doesn't feel good, yet has a purpose.  Yet we run from it, pretend we don't feel it, overcome it.  Isn't that what we are taught to do as leaders? What is Fear's purpose?  How can we allow it to be there, feel it, acknowledge it AND not let it keep us from what we most desire? I'm declaring Freedom from Fear Stopping Me.  From Fear blocking the way.  From Fear keeping me stuck and in overwhelm and confusion, even grief. Enough! Join me as I muse about this misunderstood, and oh-so-human, emotion.  And, I invite you to declare, for YOU, what it is you are going to become Free From today! 00:26:00Deborah LeeAnnnoFear,WednesdayWisdomRadio,WedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,WomensLeadershipCatalystWhy do we run from Fear? We go to great lengths to avoid it, yet...Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Freedom Declarations, 06 Jul 2016 13:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Freedom DeclarationsI've been working for decades on both personal and professional development.  Retreats, trainings, programs, therapy, books, and many energy and spiritual practices have gotten me here...yet, I'm still reeling from one 24 hour period where I lost it.  Broke down, Cried more than I thought possible. Today, I'm still depleted of energy.  Have swollen eyes and feel tender and broken.  Like after surgery or a big shock of a car wreck. I had started a daily practice of allowing what wanted to be released to go.  And, declaring it.  Blessing it. Sharing it, declaring it. And then yesterday I couldn't talk to anyone.  No declaring.  No sharing on Facebook or Instagram, barely responding to messages, emails and texts. It was a tough day, beginning with a realization that my oldest cat was dying. (and to be truthful, I never thought it would hit me that way...I started crying and couldn't stop.  Add that to the fact that my family is going to be traveling in New Zealand and Australia for the next few weeks without me.  Making it painfully obvious that our dream of retiring there is not going to happen.  At least together. And then I get another phone call that pushed me over the edge.  Guess it was time to let it all go... Join me to listen in live, or download the replay for later.  I'd love to hear from you.  What are you letting go that you didn't even realize still needed to be freed? 00:25:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,WomanLeadershipAdvantage,WomensLeadership,FreedomJuly's theme is Freedom. What are you ready to free yourself from?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Taking Inspired Action, 29 Jun 2016 19:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Taking Inspired ActionYes, you are busy.  I am busy.  We are all busy.  Why do you think that is? When did we learn that the more full our calendar is, the more we work hard, long hours, that we are more worthy, deserving, or even, more important? Time has become a balance has become the Holy Grail. What if I told you there was another way? To get work done, to connect with others, to solve our problems, to manage our projects? Listen in to learn the details of the July challenge of retraining our mind to create space for more possibilities and new ways of getting things done.  In a way that honors ourselves in new ways. Let's try this.  You know that you can't get different results by taking the same actions, right? 00:25:00Deborah LeeAnnnoBusyness,WedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,WomenLeaders,WorkLifeBalanceThere's an epidemic plaguing us on many levels...busyness!Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Trusting in the Show-Me State (Missouri), 22 Jun 2016 17:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Trusting in the Show-Me State (Missouri)It's frustrating for many who are new to the area...and I hear these questions often: How does one "break into" the business community here?Who do you know that can get me an introduction?How do I prove myself when I can't seem to get an opportunity to get in the door? St. Louis is a tight-knit community.  If you know the right people, have the right degree, or the right last name, you can open more doors than others.  It's all about who you know, right?  What if that is beginning to change? Younger folks, the risk-taking entrepreneurial ones especially, are not asking these questions, they are just going for it.  Some add you to their marketing list, without asking.  Others, ask to join your LinkedIn network. Us older ones, especially women, tend to follow protocol.  And, expect less than we need to as a result. How can we move through the barriers (seen and unseen) to ask more?  Engage more?  Get the appointment or intruduction?  Let's see where we go the broadcast, I'll share what I've done, am doing and what I commit to doing more of in the future.  This is a huge mindset shift, if we want to expand our network, opportunities, clients and community.  Trusting ...join in, listen live or later, and add your commentary and community!      00:27:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,WomenLeaders,WomensLeadershipCatalyst,DeborahLeeAnn,TrustWe're kinda "I'll believe it when I see it" people here - how can we shift this?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Owning Our Lightness (& Darkness), 15 Jun 2016 18:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Owning Our Lightness (& Darkness)This has been a tough week.  On many counts.  And, many levels. As we reeled from the news of the Orlando shooting, and headed into a heat wave here that makes everyone uncomfortable and less pleasant, lots of anger, blame and ugliness has come of it. Pointing fingers and playing the 2nd Amendment argument as well as seeing some people finally realize that all human beings deserve to go out dancing and have a good night - no matter what color of skin, or their choice of sexual orientation or where they live or what religion they espouse (or don't). The “ism’s" that have separated us for so long are beginning to show us how disconnected we have become.  If there were another form of disease, sport or public health issue that was killing so many people EVERY day in our country, while separating our government, political parties, and citizens, it's gun control (or lack of it.) This is a particularly masculine topic.  Yet, as women leaders, are we going to continue letting our brothers, husbands, sons and communities be destroyed by the hands of gunmen?   Sitting still, knowing there is something to be said, some action to be taken, or a vote to be cast, and you NOT taking action?  You might as well be a part of the problem. Time to speak up.  Share your voice.  Dialogue.  Even if it's uncomfortable.  Even if friends decide they can't be your friend any longer.  Even if we disagree with our loved ones.  If it is your truth, no one has the right to take that away.  You, and you speaking your truth, are way more powerful than you know. Let's see where this goes... And, as always, feel free to connect to go deeper.  You receive your first Synergy Session on me to see if we are meant to work together.  Is it time? 00:24:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,#OwningOurLightness,#MasculineEnergy,#WholenessWe can't be just one side of the coin. Owning our brilliance and power carries with it the shadows.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Waiting to Be Saved?, 08 Jun 2016 15:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Waiting to Be Saved?I learned about Personal Responsibility decades ago. It's a concept that would benefit us all if it was taught universally in our culture, maybe in nursery school, or at least college? Do you  ever catch yourself saying: "It's all their fault." "I'm not to blame" or “They know all the answers."   Or, "It's not up to me" or "I'm waiting for the perfect time/teacher/sign." Each time we look outside of our self we are giving away our own power.  The Blame Game leads us nowhere, yet we tend to want to pass the buck and hold others accountable for stuff that happens we don't like. And, this extends to our waiting around for others to save us.  I was taught that a man would do this for me.  Sweep me off my feet, take care of me, make me happy. OR, to help me have enough money to allow us to live the life of freedom we desire, OR, to support me to the next level of recognition or authority, so I'd be able to create the changes we want to see.   OR, that the next course/guru/book/degree would give us the antidote for the life we dream of... We look outside of our self so then we don't have to be Radically Honest and Personally Responsible.   This Reactive Tendency is based on patterns learned when we were small, and really didn't have the responsiblity or the authority to change what was happening around us. Now that we are older?  Let’s take charge of our own lives and lead by example.   Ready?  Join me, together we can do this.   00:28:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,RadicalHonesty,PersonalResponsiblity,BlameGame,#LeadingByExampleWhy do we tend to feel like we need others to Save Us? Ultimately, it's us we need to save...Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Embracing the Masculine, 01 Jun 2016 16:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Embracing the MasculineFor centuries, we've been living under a Patriarchal culture and it's shifting now to a more feminine one.  Yet, as we all evolve (both men and women), we are going through a rough adjustment period. The Masculine energy can be Transcendent, Assertive and creates Outcomes.  It's the Doing energy that allows us Women, as Leaders to create impact and change.  It's the other side to our Feminine energy which is Shadow, uses Attraction and enjoys the Process.  It's difficult and scary to not be in control.  There's a lot of unknowns.  Trust seems to be at a premium.  Yet, by knowing how to tap into and embrace ALL of our gifts, talents, energies and creative competencies, we are stronger, more capable and can face the changing environment with more confidence, clarity, courage and yes, charisma.  We'll be talking about each of these during the summer...stay tuned on a video series to teach exercises to enhance your leadership effectiveness in each of those areas. We need both Masculine and Feminine energy to claim and own our brilliance as change agents.  And to recognize their power in ourselves and in our environment, our culture and our world.  Let's explore in the coming weeks how to find our unique blend! 00:27:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,June,MasculineEnergy,TranscendentJune's topic is all around the Masculine energy, how to honor it, benefit by it, strengthen with it.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ The Mother of Invention, 25 May 2016 12:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ The Mother of InventionExploring Mother and Feminine Energy, and the Desire to Problem-Solve It's a constant itch for me.  To solve the problem(s) at hand, or search for one in need of solving!  Are you a Fix-It Person too?  When looking for the history of the phrase, "Necissity is the Mother of Invention" Wikipedia showed me this: "the basis of invention is science, and science is almost wholly the outgrowth of pleasurable intellectual curiosity." And it's not easy to sit still, feel the itch and not scratch it.  When is it OK to let it be?  When is it best to feel the comfort of scratching, knowing that it may make it worse?  Let's dive always, I would love to hear from you your insights, thougths, questions and comments.  Respond here or with me directly at 00:25:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,MotherofInvention,ProblemSolving,WomenLeadersExploring Mother and Feminine Energy, and the Desire to Problem-SolveWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Motherhood not Martyrdom, 18 May 2016 16:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Motherhood not MartyrdomMy mom didn't strive to be SuperMom. She stayed home, cooked our meals and was there when we cried or needed something.  Yet, she suffered in silence, in her own way, living a life that wasn't fulfilled.  I was a stay-at-home Mom for most of my daughters' elementary school years, and I did attempt the SuperHero status but never quite got there.  Not for lack of trying and reading and adopting many parenting books' advice.  Yet other Moms thought I did an amazing job!  They saw the clean house, the smart happy children, the home-cooked meals, lunches and knew about the weekly date night out with my husband and were wowed.  Little did they know what went on behind the scenes. I was overly busy - using a jam-packed social and volunteering schedule to keep me constantly on the move.  Not playing with my children.  Rarely taking the time for my inner musings, creativity or spiritual practices.  And, when one of the girls woke up sick, I was totally thrown off-course, having to rearrange my life to make time for staying home with my daughter.  Where did I learn about the sacrifice I thought my life had to be as a Mother?  Yes, we do need to be caring, available, attentive, nurturing...yet, not forgetting about ourself in the process.  I thought the more I did, the more my children would learn that Moms can do it all.  Is that the legacy I wanted to teach them?  Now, that Iook back, I'm not sure. Let's dive in...looking at Motherhood with a new lens.  Being true to ourSelf first and foremost.  00:26:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,Motherhood,SuperMomStatus,MultitaskingThere's a new wave of mothers multitasking their way to SuperMom status, or are they?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ When did we learn to be Other-Focused?, 11 May 2016 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ When did we learn to be Other-Focused?Every time our mother laughed with joy, we got the benefits of that chemical spreading through out body too!  Her heartburn made us feel some discomfort, and when she experienced trauma from an argument or grief from a tragedy, we got a layer of that emotional wounding as well. It makes sense that we learned to know who we were based on Other's (especially our Mother's) energy or sensations.  Now, I believe it's time to reclaim our own sovereignty, stand in our wholeness, and fully live with our own power. Join me as I unravel some of this for myself and, possibly, there's some wisdom-sharing for us all. Thanks for listening, I love sharing where I'm at, what feels up for many of us, and learning more as I do so! 00:22:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWedWisdomRadio,DeborahLeeAnn,LeadershipPresence,MotherEnergy,SovereigntyIn utero, of course! Let's explore our Mother Energy, from the Inside-Out!Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ The Lusty Month of May!, 04 May 2016 20:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ The Lusty Month of May!May has always been a wonderful month for me!  Graduating from high school and college and leaving behind the corporate world to move to Sweden, my first Mother's Day and many more memories were created during this 5th month onf the calendar. CREATED, yes, those were the beginnings of my creation of new chapters, and although I'm not graduating, moving abroad and not celebrating Mother's Day for the first time, I'm still celebrating all that is coming forth this month.  Mother energy is about co-creating, nurturing, caring for and holding close that which we hold dear...not just our children, but all of our initiatives, enterprises, seeds and dreams. Let's celebrate and co-create and collaborate all of our Mother energy this month!   It's time for a new world where we share the responsiblitiy, joys and successes, and growing pains too!   We need each other to do this and it takes a village...   00:27:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWomenLeaders,MonthofMay,MotherEnergy,ItTakesAVillage,MayWelcome to May, the next 3rd of the year is upon us~ Where are you?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Sovereign Boundaries with Desires: Men, Money & Magic!, 27 Apr 2016 20:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Sovereign Boundaries with Desires: Men, Money & Magic!I"ve been playing with my own boundaries these past few years and talking about them in these past weeks.  In this last week of April, we explore Boundaries and Desire.  How much do I want to contain?  How much of me do I want to be transparent?  Is it safe to radiate my Brilliance? Energetic, emotional and psychological boundaries are something I experiment with on a daily, maybe hourly basis.  I love discovering what is more attractive and where and when I am repelling - especially around those areas of my life where I am most sensitive... Do you project your desires?  Or protect yourself from them?  Join me as I share a few of my tips to hold them, then let them go... 00:28:00Deborah LeeAnnnoFemininePresence,LeadershipPresence,WomenLeaders,Boundaries,#DesireHow can we attract what we most desire instead of pushing it away?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Boundaries, Are they Holding You Back?, 13 Apr 2016 13:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Boundaries, Are they Holding You Back?Healthy Boundaries are knowing where we stop, start and how much of our energy is being expended at a given time.  Since we are human and spiritual beings, we are always giving, receiving, allowing, blocking, breathing in and breathing out.  Often our Boundaries are set by reactive and subconscious patterns, learned early in our childhood.  We learned to Comply: following rules to be loved or seen as the good one.  Another is to Protect: fearful to let others see our truth and light.  The other one is a big one...Controlling!  And, many of us have forms of that which show up today in our lives as Perfectionism, Autocratic decision-making, or needing to be right.  Which ones come into play for you?  Do you know which ones are your underlying programming that are keeping your energy bound up playing Reactive games versus flowing for more Creative types of Leadership in your life? 00:22:00Deborah LeeAnnnoBoundaries can be set to keep us apart, intentionally or unintentionally.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ April's Topic? Boundaries!, 06 Apr 2016 18:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ April's Topic? Boundaries!The more I have learned about Boundaries, the more authentically I've been able to connect.  On video with clients and listeners, in personal and romantic relationships and even with my family!  This is a great way to shine your light with truth and love while not stealing from others or leaking your power.  For women of influence, this is an essential life practice to master! This sounds like the opporsite, doesn't it?  By creating a physical, emotional, energetic and mental separation we create an even deeper, more intimate and true relationship with others...and our self.  Let's begin the month of April with redefining Boundaries and build each week on the symptoms of poor boundaries, what healthy boundaries look like, how to incorporate simple daily practices to support boundaries on all levels (mental, emtional, physical and energetic) to support these for yourself, and the benefits of doing so. Let's get started!  This is Spring, the time for new beginnings right?  00:23:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadership,#LeadershipCatalyst,#BoundariesBoundaries are such a great way to create connection...let's see how!Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Balancing our Sources of Wisdom, 30 Mar 2016 21:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Balancing our Sources of WisdomI love the indigenous concept of 7 Directions:  North, South, East, West, Above, Below, Within.  There is a wonderful story about how Native American children are taught to figure out what to do if they find themselves lost, based on listening to the wind.  Based on the direction, they would: 1.  know to stay put and an elder would find them, or 2.  listen to the other children and together come up with an answer, or 3.  figure it out on their own, 4.  they would ask Mother Earth to guide them back home.   It was a much broader concept of knowledge and wisdom and I love how their bodies, hearts, minds and spirits were all called into play! Do you do this?  Or do you listen only to your logical mind?  How often do you stop and feel into the answer?  Or ask the question and wait for your inspired wisdom to answer?  Or, do you only act based on what others advise?  Maybe it's time to learn to tune in, listen and TRUST your Inner Wisdom! 00:22:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#LeadershipCatalyst,#WomenLeaders,#DeborahLeeAnn,#7DirectionsofWisdomIn this 5th week of March, our final show on Balance has to do with the Mind/Body/Heart/Soul connections.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Balance, It's Not Possible!, 23 Mar 2016 21:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Balance, It's Not Possible!However, that doesn't mean we don't strive or dream of achieving it! What would your life look like if there was a balance of Personal/Professional items on your calendar?  If you measured your week in terms of Health, Work, Love/Partnership, Social, Spritual time?  Is there a way to assess when you're DOing too much or BEing too much?  When you are out of your ideal mix of operating in a masculine and feminine, doing and being, spiritual and physical way, it begins to take it's toll.  You might get snippy.  Or sick.  Or sleepy.  Or less motivated.  Do you know what is the right cocktail for you?  Let's explore and I'll share my story...and I'd love to hear your's! 00:16:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WednesdayWisdom,#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#BalanceThat whole Work/Life Balance thing? Nope, it's bogus, not possible, unrealistic...Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Balance, Part 3, Winging It!!, 16 Mar 2016 22:28:04 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Balance, Part 3, Winging It!!What will come out of my mouth?  When I don't have a well-crafted spiel, a specific plan, an outline or even a concept to discuss?  Well, let's see!  Not sure this will win any awards, but then again, how are we ever sure of anything? 00:18:00Deborah LeeAnnnoThere are times when too much preparation makes for a stilted delivery, and others when...yikes!Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Centering: A Balancing Tool, 09 Mar 2016 14:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Centering: A Balancing ToolAND, it's dificult to not have our calendars packed with all the work, personal and home maintenance we're compelled to accomplish.  Yet, how much downtime do we plan for ourselves?  I'm fresh off a trip to the DC area, where I was immersed in a group of committed Leadership coaches, practitioners and trainers.  As wonderful of an experience that was, it took a toll on the things that needed doing back home.  So I dropped off my car to get the brakes fixed, had someone feed my pets, yet the house and garden chores, regular exercise routine and healty diet were not completed!   So do I rush around in an already overflowing week of scheduled activities to get them all done?  How do you squeeze one more thing into a calendar with no room?  Or, do you take a day to integrate?  A whole day?  Yes, that's what I'm doing.  A full day to catch up with me.  Center.  Be Still.  Take a Medicine Walk to get out of my head.  Ahhhh.... 00:21:00Deborah LeeAnnnoMarch is moving us into a new season and my calendar is jammed with hikes, concerts, house and garden chores, oh yeah, and WORK stuff too! Join me to learn oneWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Seasons and Cycles, 24 Feb 2016 22:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Seasons and CyclesIt's a full circle, all of it.  Remember the movie Lion King?  About the Circle of Life?  We are beginning again, creating and recycling, renewing, growing and dying ALL AT ONCE.  How do we manage it all?  How about Letting Go?  Trusting?  Allowing?  Receiving?  And why is it so difficult for us to do that?  Ahhh, join me, take a breath, receive the gift of Presence and let's take a look!   00:21:00Deborah LeeAnnnoSpring is almost upon us here in the Midwest, yet we got a beautiful blanket of snow today! Hot/Cold, new/old, dying/being born...Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ How are you Spending Your LifeForce?, 10 Feb 2016 21:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ How are you Spending Your LifeForce?This is where my Life's Work, my LifeForce and my physical wellbeing and energy collide. I'm talking about new awarenesses adding to older ones that are replacing even older programming and culturally reinforced paradigms.  It's taken it's toll and my head hurts. Ever realize how many words are used to describe financial terms that have other more human meanings?  For example:  Trust, Bond, Interest, Spending, Deficit, Depreciation/Appreciation, Investment, Currency, Flow, Scarcity, Abundance.  Hmmm... Listen in, and send in questions for ongoing discussion.  This is a "Rich" topic!   00:24:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWe all get a full dose of life force upon being born, and often go through life not realizing it's like a bank account. How are you spending your Life?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Living Our Legacy, 03 Feb 2016 20:45:53 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Living Our LegacyHave you thought about what you will leave behind?  It's not about the money, the inheritance for our kids or the material things, it's more about what we've created, the relationships and meaningful memories with loved ones, and maybe a shifting of perceptions by modeling a truth or vision. I'm diving deeply into not only what I want to leave behind after I'm gone, but more of the how to live from this place now.  No more pretending to be what I am not.  More of being all of me.  Being who I want to be remembered as, living with integrity and truth and passion.  00:22:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#WomenLeaders,#IntegratedLeadership,#LegacyLeadership,#LivingOurLegacyHave you been to a personal or professional development class where you are asked to visualize your own eulogy? What will be said about you?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity, What is it?, 27 Jan 2016 20:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity, What is it?Authenticity and "Being Authentic" are hot topics these days.  And, thanks in part to Dr. Brene Brown, we are beginning to not only define it, but talk about, experience it and notice it more and more.  In her words: "What is authenticity? We may not know how to define it, but we certainly know it when we see it. In fact, when we are in the presence of an authentic person, many of us can even feel it in our bones. We gravitate toward people whom we perceive as honest, real and sincere. We love women who radiate warmth and that “down to earth” feeling. We gather around the people who can “tell it like it is” and laugh at themselves in the process. Authenticity is something we revere in others and strive to maintain in our own lives. We don’t feel good about half-truths, disingenuous connection and fearful silence. We all want to have a clear sense of who we are and what we believe and to feel confident enough to share that with others. I’ve always liked the saying “We want to feel comfortable in our own skin.” And, as Women who are Leaders and wanting to create a bigger impact, be more successful, and make more money we are struggling with a narrow and confusing list of expectations.  How can we navigate these?  Tune in, let's discuss online and off...this is a deep subject! If learning more about being and Authentic Leader or becoming one, let's talk!      00:28:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#AuthenticLeadership,#AuthenticityWith all the buzz around Authentic Leadership, Authentic Sales, Authentic Relationships, what does it mean?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Soul-Sucking Sales or Sacred Sharing?, 20 Jan 2016 22:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Soul-Sucking Sales or Sacred Sharing?And, there began my fear of looking like that out-of-integrity, slimy and sick-to-my-stomach feeling about being "sold to."  Or, being manipulated.  It's there when we date, network and listen to advertisements on the radio, YouTube or TV.  Billboards and even slick papered junk mail show up all vying with our more and more limited attention span.  How do we, as Women who are changing the world, sharing our vision, our brand, our organization's mission or our services, sell and expand our business or bottom-lines?  Let's talk!    00:25:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#DeborahLeeAnn,#SleazySalesorSacredSharingWhere did you first learn about Sales? For me it was (and still is) seeing the slick plaid jacketed guy selling snake oil...Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Lost and Found, 13 Jan 2016 21:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Lost and FoundAt the end of a very intensive Business and  Personal Leadership Mastery with beautiful ambitious participants and I'm now looking forward to seeing where all of this new and revised knowledge will land once I get home.  What’s new?  What’s no longer needed?  What have I lost and gained from this experience? It's Wednesday, and I'm due to connect with you, yet I'm running on adrenaline and needing to follow my own wisdom.   The morning hike today up into the foothills in Golden, Colorado was breathtaking, literally and figuratively!   Yet, it took e a while to enjoy it as I was walking fast, looking down at the path so I wouldn't slip on ice/snow and I was annoyed.  My new pair of gloves, bought just weeks ago, now was missing the left hand.  AARGH!  Not the way to start my busy day, retracing my steps and calling the places I'd been over the past 5 days.  Whole Foods hadn't seen it.  The hotel checked their lost and found, 2 other gloves, neither mine. Yet, I breathed deeply, partly because of the thin air due to the elevation, and partly to calm myself. I found my center, felt the Mother Earth magnetic pull holding me and realized that the morning's agenda of packing, eating, showering and dressing, checking out, as well as prepping for my time on stage, was a bit ambitious of a plan.  And, I got the clear message, that this is not anyone else's stress, the day will go just fine, and to be in this moment.  What a gift! Listen in for this brief message and let's talk soon if you are ready to learn some quick tips and tricks to regain your center, composure, confidence and connection to Self.  I promise I wont' waste your precious time and that there will be at least one FREE resource you can put to use immediately!     00:11:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#LostandFound,#BusinessLeadership,WomenOverwhelm can easily set in when we travel, attend trainings, set big commitments and expand our awareness.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Burning Away for Clarity, 06 Jan 2016 21:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Burning Away for ClarityIt's been a wild ride, this ending of 2015 and inaugural week of 2016, hasn't it?  I've had the intention of having a "burning party" or Fire Ceremony since Christmas Day's full moon.  Yet, the rain, cold, schedule or Life, got in the way of it happening.  So, the intention has a life of it's own, and I had a fire in the corner of my kitchen yesterday!  Listen in as I share how powerful our intentions are and the importance of letting go so new can come in! 00:22:00Deborah LeeAnnnoI've enjoyed having burning rituals these past 6 months...allowing the old to disintegrate in a beautiful fire feels cathartic and cleansing.Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ In Flow or Flooding?, 30 Dec 2015 18:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ In Flow or Flooding?Here in St. Louis, the Meramec River is due to crest shortly, the levees barely holding, major highways and communities are already under water.and the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers will exceed historic levels sometime tomorrow.  Our region is scrambling for volunteers, sandbaggers and levee builders, hoping to contain or control these raging waters.  As I tend to do, I am finding the metaphors of this historical flooding to be showing up in our lives.  So much, too much of anything is destructive, yet not enough is also not sustainable.  Where are we in flow?  Or flooding?  Or not able to sustain ourSelf? 00:14:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#2015Floods,#BeingInFlowAs I record this, our region is underwater, literally...what is your life showing you? Are you in Flow or in a Flood or dying of thirst?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Making Holy Days of these Holidays, 23 Dec 2015 17:02:52 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Making Holy Days of these HolidaysIt's the Solstice week, Christmas week, full moon week and the end of the year is next week.  Light and dark days, busy-ness ruling our schedules, baking, wrapping, hosting, shopping and spending time with families and close ones.  When the activities and to-dos shake up our spiritual rituals and holiday treats tempt us away from what our bodies really want/need, how do we keep our Wholeness/Holiness intact? 00:18:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#IlluminateIgniteInspireWhich is it? Are these holy days or are we creating something completely the opposite?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ An Upgrade to Our System, 16 Dec 2015 18:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ An Upgrade to Our SystemAnd, 2015 has been one upgrade after another for many of us!  Each time, my computer got it's new upgrade, or even a security patch, it caused havoc with the other programs...mail or my browser of choice or word or spreadsheets starting crashing, restarts were frequent and my patience would run thin.  And that was just the physical version!  Energetically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, intellectually, there were lots of old programming that no longer worked with the new operating system.  What to do when it all feels too much, overwhleming and you just want to go and buy a brand new computer?  (Even then you have all those old files you'll migrate you're still not starting out fresh!) Ahh...the old and new, light and dark, endings and beginnings!  00:27:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#OldNewDarkLightEndingsBeginnings,#BothAnd,#SystemUpgradeJust like getting an upgrade to our computer or smart phone, each time we expand our awareness or consciousness there is a lot of confusion...Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Going Inward, Honoring Stillness, 09 Dec 2015 21:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Going Inward, Honoring StillnessAnd you?  Are you searching for the meaning of the holiday or going inward to see what you already know?  Our Inner Wise Woman or HIgher Self is always ready to sit and have a cup of tea with us.  Sitting with no music, no computer, no phone and no distractions, is my favorite way to meditate and refocus my energy and attention.  What do you do?  Let me know your practices, besides morning meditation, to Center and Get, Back. In. Alignment. 00:13:00Deborah LeeAnnnoAfter having a few weeks of illness, I've found I'm less inclined to fill up my calendar with events. There are plenty of things to do this time of year...yet,Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Our Voice, Our Value, Our Vision, 02 Dec 2015 17:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Our Voice, Our Value, Our VisionAmazing how our bodies teach us so much.  From emotional exhaustion, to deep spiritual cleansing and renewing, to business evolution, my body has borne it all!  Time to pull it all together and BE in harmony! 00:29:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#VoiceValueVision,#ConsciousConnectionsIt's the time of year to review, renew, regroup, release and refresh. How do I know? My body tells me so!Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Slowing Down to Get More Done, 04 Nov 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Slowing Down to Get More DoneAll successful people, have a morning routine.  Many women I admire deeply, operate with a full morning ritual, steeped in the grounding of their intentions for the day, the practices that tap into their Highest Self and/or Wisdom Circle, moving their body and soul into the rhythms that support their busy lifestyle.  Reviewing the calendar with a cup of tea and ruminating on how you want to feel at the end of the day can take only a few minutes.  We tend to let go of what our heart and soul asks for during this time of year when we need it most!  What is your morning ritual?  Do you have one?  Share it with me, via Twitter, FB, or here! 00:24:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#DeborahLeeAnn,#SlowDowntoGoFast,#MorningRitualOur days are getting shorter, the calendar is filling up and we're counting the days til the end of the year. We need, more than ever, to ground ourSelf in ritWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Coming Home for the Holidays, 28 Oct 2015 19:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Coming Home for the HolidaysThe holiday season is getting longer and longer and there are more and more ways to celebrate the autumn harvest then winter holidays than ever before!  When my kids were little, we decorated the whole yard and house and hosted a huge party, then headed into Thanksgiving decorating, hosting, cooking and baking, then on into the full month of December's parties, gift-exchanging, family gatherings and out-of-town guest hosting.  I wish I knew then what I have learned now...self-care, going inward, being in a state of Grace-filled Power! 00:25:00Deborah LeeAnnnoIt's starting earlier and earlier now that Halloween is such a huge event for many. So, from here through the end of the year, we are booked, busy, overwhelmedWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Fear of Failure or Fear of Success?, 21 Oct 2015 13:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Fear of Failure or Fear of Success?We are SO ahead of ourSelf planning to get that call to be on stage delivering our great work, or failing miserably that all of our time and energy is spent in the "What if's" as opposed to supporting our energy in the Moment.  Yes, this moment.  What if we could gather all of our energy, focus and presence Right Now?   What if we delighted in turning on our own unique brand of Awesome and just BE our biggest, brightest Light of Essence?  Now, that's what I'm talking about!!  (Note to Self, listen in, this one's for you!) 00:26:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#Womenpreneurs,#FearofFailure,#FearofSuccessActually, they are one and the same. Have you ever felt this way? "Wow, if this is too successful, I need to lose 20 lbs so I'm ready to be on Oprah!" OR, "I'mWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Right/Wrong, Good/Bad, 14 Oct 2015 17:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Right/Wrong, Good/BadToday, once again while in a deep conversation with a soul sister,  I realized how often I compare my brilliant, beautiful Self, with others who are just on their path...NOT my path.  Why do we compare and contrast when we KNOW it's gonna feel yucky?  I realized it was a younger, hurt part of mySelf, who still needs me to honor and love her before she becomes quiet.  Join me as we take a deep dive into bits of my journey and maybe it will highlight your own, save you some steps and give you some guidance as well!     00:24:00Deborah LeeAnnnoAhhh, powerful energy with the past few moons, the eclipses and this new moon in Libra signalling to us about B.A.L.A.N.C.E.!Wednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Integration and Initiation, 07 Oct 2015 15:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Integration and InitiationJoin us as I speek more deeply about the constant growth and integration of our new awarenesses, healing, releasing and Be-Coming.  It's a deep dive into our collecting of our Self on a multi-level, sensory and spiritual journey... 00:24:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWe are always moving into a newer version of ourSelf, growing deeper and be-coming Initiates in our own Self-Mastery.Wednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Conference Do's & Don'ts, 30 Sep 2015 14:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Conference Do's & Don'tsWe all attend these events, whether they are professional, networking, community related or for education or philanthropy purposes.  What are some simple ways you can stand out in the crowd?  Even for an introvert, these techniques and practices will build your confidence and help you radiate the grounded, trustworthy and collected air of someone people are drawn to meet and engage with! 00:29:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#ConferenceAttendee,#BeSeenAttending a conference? Or a high-level networking event? Here's some great ways to Stand Out, Be Seen and Be Heard.Wednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Equinox Ceremony, 23 Sep 2015 14:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Equinox CeremonyI love the Equinoxes and Solstices...the quarterly markings of our seasons and the beautiful harmony of the light and dark.  It's seen every day during sunrise and sunset, the blending of day and night and the beauty that is painted in our sky.  What if we let our bodies listen to the light and dark in that way?  How can we use this special time to go inward, prepare for the coming shorter days and harvest what has been planted?  Let's explore this ancient and increasingly more popular calendar marking! 00:29:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#Equinox,#HarmonyDuring the Equinox, people around the world celebrate the equal amount of day and night as well as listen to what is needed growth? Harvesting? or, BWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Is It Possible to Be TOO Spiritual?, 16 Sep 2015 14:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Is It Possible to Be TOO Spiritual?Life is meant to be lived, out loud!  We are designed to FEEL too much (as in heart-break) and to experience pain.  If we didn't know that end of the spectrum, it would be a narrow life indeed.  I believe the full spectrum of Life includes it all....Joy and Pain, Love and Anger, Deepness of Sorrow and the Highs of Bliss.  Join me as we stop pretending to be SO spiritual that we are above the full spectrum of Life.  Thereby, cutting ourselves short of the true physical sentient and sensual selves we are designed to be. Have a question for me?  Call in during the broadcast~ or send me a tweet or FB message if it's after the show. 00:26:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#IlluminateYourBrilliance,#WomenLeadersMy answer is yes, we can float above our lives, or live IN the middle of the messiness of Life!Wednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ No More Apologizing!, 09 Sep 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ No More Apologizing!It's time to stop apologizing.  To eliminate the words "I'm sorry" from our vocabulary.    Really! We, as women, are being viewed as less-than-powerful leaders and managers by a combination of using this simple phrase and a tendency to shrink in our presence...both are not true of who we are and work against us as we create our great work in the world.  Let's talk about what this phrase really means, why we use it and how we can begin to allow an awareness of this pattern help us reframe it in conversations.  At home, at work, at the PTO meeting, and with friends.     00:24:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#WednesdayWisdom,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#DeborahLeeAnn,#apologizingDo you realize how often you say the words "I'm sorry"? Women say those words about twice as often as men...why is that?Wednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Falling Forward into Fall, 02 Sep 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Falling Forward into FallBeing a Feminine and Powerful Leader doesn't mean we don't take action, create change and have a big impact...look at Mother Nature for a wonderful example of the Feminine Power in action!  Yet, we either work too hard trying to be seen and heard and valued, OR are our own worst enemies when we fall short of our goals or fail.  Let's change that, OK? At the gym today, the trainer explained that it's time to pace myself, to use my strength in the 2nd half of the set, so I can finish strong.  I don't know about you, but I've always started strong, then fizzle out midway through...sometimes dragging myself across the finish line, if I make it.  (I always make it, but pretend I wasn't in it to win, just to finish...or that the goals wasn't that important.) What about you?  Let's dive in to some of the ways to move forward, pacing ourselves, anticipating there may be obstacles and issues in the way, yet holding out for the fulfilling pleasure of completion!   Call in live if you are up for a bit of laser coaching!  00:29:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdom,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#Pacing,#FinishingStrongIt's September and the year is 2/3 over, are you where you want to be to finish strong?Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Loneliness vs. Being Alone, 26 Aug 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Loneliness vs. Being AloneLots of time, no one to share the car with, the kitchen with, the groceries's a new feeling for me, even though I've been a part time Mom (sharing parenthood with my daughters' dad) for several years.  Maybe it's the first time in many years without a lover/companion.  Or, it's the newness of both my daughters living away at college, needing me less and less.  (except when they DO need me!)   Let's talk about what it means when our roles and routines are shaken up by others and how we can use this time of our life for our reconnecting to our Essence.     00:29:00Deborah LeeAnnnoWow, it's back to school time and everyone was posting their children's photos on the first day back to school...that was just one of the ways this Fall feels dWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Procrastination, 19 Aug 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ ProcrastinationCan't you see I'm busy procrastinating?  I've struggled with how to even word this, since I really dislike talking about it.  So, here goes.  This week's show I'll talk about the procrastinating we do and some simple habits to over-ride our system and Get.Results.In.Our.Life!  These same results that maybe scare us, or excite us or that we desperately YEARN for.  With me?  Join in, or download for when you are needing something else to do to Procrastinate or put off your dreams. Ha...laughing with you here! 00:22:00Deborah LeeAnnno"I'm putting this off so, maybe I won't have to complete it", or similar habits of procrastination.Wednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Swallowing Our Truth, 12 Aug 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Swallowing Our TruthThe more I work with clearing my throat chakra, tend to being grounded in my body, my Essence begins to shine out.  This is a scary and uncomfortable place to be, to allow my Inner Light to shine outward, versus trying to light it from others' who I used to believe are brighter and have more light than me.  Well, it's time to go big or go home, I'm choosing to do both!  I'll explain more during our time together.  Join me! 00:28:00Deborah LeeAnnnoIf you are a woman, you have inherited the fear of speaking your truth. It's time to set it free!Wednesday Wisdom Radio Show~ The Spirituality of Business, 05 Aug 2015 13:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio Show~ The Spirituality of BusinessThe more I am learning about running my own business, the more I realize it's not just the strategies that make or break my successes.  Our inner being, our patterns and practices based on years of conditioning, tend to run us, making decisions, keeping up our habits and routines and making it difficult for us to take action that is outside of our comfort zone.  Spiritual practice and intense inner work - including understanding where our stress patterns drive us as well as avoidance tactics our Shadow creates for us - is just as important as getting good business strategy, financial advice and hiring the right person to be on our team.  Let's dive in and look at some of the inner workings of what makes us successful and where we get in our own way! 00:21:00Deborah LeeAnnnoCompartmentalizing our lives into home, business, family, relationships (romantic and social) and sprinkling our Spirituality on top like icing, is how I've preWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ The Art of the RSVP, 29 Jul 2015 13:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ The Art of the RSVPOne of the forms of Integrity in Leadership shows up in being responsive and true.  We say "Yes" when we mean it, and "No" when that is our truth. So, why is it so difficult to find people who honor the RSVP request?  Anyone else tired of scheduling an event and no one RSVP's?  Maybe asking more than once for a response?  Yes, I'm guilty too, of failing to respond, waiting to check my calendar and then forgetting.  With so many forms of communication, it makes the process even more of a maze...let's talk about this lost art and how we can all be better at it.   00:25:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdomRadio,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WomensLeadershipCatalyst,#RSVP,#TheLostArtofRSVPFYI, the French term "Repondez s'il vous plait" means Respond PleaseWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Shame, Shadows & Secrets, 22 Jul 2015 13:30:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom Radio with Deborah LeeAnn ~ Shame, Shadows & SecretsOn the opposite end of TruthTelling, the topic of last week's show, is Shame, Shadows & Secrets.  Lies we tell ourSelves to keep us feeling OK about who we are, how we represent ourself to the world and parts of our personality we don't want to look at. In this short 25 minute episode, I'll be sharing some shame and secrets that I removed the Pandora's Box lid on, and not only set them free, but mySelf as well. Join me for a story of how you can dig deeper, open up some old stories of your own, and air them out in a fresh new way that serves you...not stifles you! 00:25:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WednesdayWisdom,#DeborahLeeAnn,#WedWisdomRadio,#ShadowPlay,#ShameSharingIt's time to own up to ALL of our powerful wise Self, which means looking at the whole spectrum of our light and darkness. Ready to play?Wednesday Wisdom with Deborah LeeAnn ~ TruthTelling and Showing Up, 15 Jul 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom with Deborah LeeAnn ~ TruthTelling and Showing UpWe, as a species, are energetically amazing.  How we behave is based on so many stories, our history, our family history and the roads, people, learning and activities that shaped us to this point.  What if, we could tell our Story differently?  What if we could take our messy upbringing, heartbreaks, failures or illnesses and use them as a catalyst for change and growth?  AND, this re-writing of the story, in a way that serves us and grows us, is not only healing ourselves, it actually creates a healing wave for us all? Wow, lots to discuss, lots to learn, and it all starts wtih Telling our Truth, coming out from behind the curtain and removing the mask to show our face.  Ready?  Join me!  00:27:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WednesdayWisdom,#DeborahLeeAnn,#@synerGLeader,#TruthTelling,#RadicalHonestyThis episode is a cathartic unleashing of my past, my mask and allowing my Truth to emerge. If you are ready to see things differently, grow exponentially andWednesday Wisdom ~ Beyond Our Limiting View, 08 Jul 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom ~ Beyond Our Limiting ViewWe are amazing Beings...spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional energies are at play at all times in our system.  Our minds are typically our biggest limitation as we can often imagine only what our past experiences show us to be possible.  What if we could be limitless in our thinking?  How would that open up our horizons?  This week I'm open to entertaining any questions or to provide insight to where you might be feeling simply running in circles.  If you are on a treadmill and going nowhere fast, are you ready to jump off?  Join me for an interactive session and let's see what might open up for you as a result!   00:26:00Deborah LeeAnnno#SynerGLeader,#WednesdayWisdom,#WomenLeaders,#Leadership,#BeyondLimitsWe are amazing Beings...spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional energies are at play at all times in our system.  Our minds are typically our biggest liWednesday Wisdom ~ Freedom or Sovereignty, which is true for you?, 01 Jul 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom ~ Freedom or Sovereignty, which is true for you?As we enter the month of July, here in the States, we celebrate the anniversary of our freedom and birth as a country.  There are lots of family picnics, outdoor events, concerts, fireworks and red, white and blue decorations, for most of the weekend.  Here in St. Louis the Fair starts on Thursday the 2nd, and go through the final fireworks display Saturday night! However, if you were to describe your life and how you are living it, would you use the term "Free?"  Most of us feel chained or obligated or committed to some things (our jobs, our businesses, our family, or a role we feel stuck in) that we can't walk away from.  Are you feeling stuck?  Do you feel "at choice" in how you live your life? Join me for a few ways to rearrange your thinking, or to look at ways to feel differently about your choices - or seeming lack of them.  We'll also explore a higher form of Freedom, what I like to call Sovereignty!  00:22:00Deborah LeeAnnno#Freedom,#Sovereignty,#July,#choices,#StLouisFairAs we enter the month of July, here in the States, we celebrate the anniversary of our freedom and birth as a country.  There are lots of family picnics, outdooWednesday Wisdom ~ Life is Full of Mirrors, How are YOU showing up?, 24 Jun 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom ~ Life is Full of Mirrors, How are YOU showing up?One of my faviorite Tina Turner songs is, "What you see is what you get."  It was a theme for many years while in my 20's and  30's until I realized the Self I portrayed outwardly was not the true Me, leaving friends, lovers, family and work colleagues constantly guessing which version of my Self they would encounter day-to-day!  Not fun for them, nor easy to be in relationship with me.  What I've learned and would love to share with you, are some practices that allow me to show up as ME, authentically, and in all my divine human-ness.  When I do so, Life mirrors back at me the people, opportunities, financials and love relationships that I am broadcasting.  Join me for a 25 minute class to learn these tips and tricks so you can begin showing up as the Light you are, letting your Life mirror back to you what's True for You! 00:22:00Deborah LeeAnnno#WedWisdom,DeborahLeeAnn,Life Mirrors,Authenticity,#DivineHumanityOne of my faviorite Tina Turner songs is, "What you see is what you get."  It was a theme for many years while in my 20's and  30's until I realized the Self IMeditation and Morning Rituals, 17 Jun 2015 14:00:00 GMTMeditation and Morning RitualsEvery successful and influential person I know has a morning ritual...and the discipline of following it is just as easy for us to put into place!  Join me to learn about some of my favorite ones and for a grounding and centering ritual I use almost daily (or sometimes more than once per day) to gain focus, listen deeply to Source and to connect with my body. 00:23:00Deborah LeeAnnnoEvery successful and influential person I know has a morning ritual...and the discipline of following it is just as easy for us to put into place!  Join me to lWednesday Wisdom with Deborah LeeAnn - Ready to Shine?, 10 Jun 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom with Deborah LeeAnn - Ready to Shine?Are you ready to be a magnetic and impactful leader?  One who inspires and makes a difference?  Check out weekly wisdom shared by Deborah LeeAnn on how your Presence is your own radio broadcast signal...and how to turn your's up!  00:28:00Deborah LeeAnnnoAre you ready to be a magnetic and impactful leader?  One who inspires and makes a difference?  Check out weekly wisdom shared by Deborah LeeAnn on how your PreWednesday Wisdom - Starting with Self-Love, 03 Jun 2015 14:00:00 GMTWednesday Wisdom - Starting with Self-LoveWe are kicking off the month of June with topics around Health/Wellness and, the importance of Retreat...Yes, a time to go inward especially during the time when vacations with family, extra workloads due to colleagues taking off, heat and humidity are all taking their toll on our sanity!  Come learn about how to make your case to get away, first and foremost, by giving yourSelf permission! 00:28:00Deborah LeeAnnno#women,#leadership,WomeninLeadership,#WednesdayWisdom,#RetreatWe are kicking off the month of June with topics around Health/Wellness and, the importance of Retreat...Yes, a time to go inward especially during the time whe