Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast | Weight Loss Motivation | Diet Advice | Lose Weight | Fitness The Fat Podcast is dedicated to helping you achieve your weight loss goals using science-based tactics and strategies. It's our mission to help people navigate the often times complex and conflicting information surrounding fitness, weight loss, and health. Besides helping people to achieve their weight-loss goals we also want to help people achieve that goal without having to resort to guilt as a mechanism for motivating yourself to achieve it. In addition, it's not enough that we just achieve weight loss. We also want to help people live a healthier and more energetic life. You'll find tactics for improving your diet, your exercise programs, your motivation, and you're overall mindset to achieve your health and weight loss goals. You will learn that we don't lose weight by white-knuckling our way through life, we build a fit body by building a fun life full of great-tasting food, amazing social support, tons of activity, fun hobbies and balanced minds. enCopyright Raymond Hinish (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 17:30:00 GMTWed, 14 Mar 2018 19:00:00 GMTWeight LossBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 The Fat Weight Loss Podcast | Weight Loss Motivation | Diet Advice | Lose Weight | Fitness The Fat Podcast is dedicated to helping you achieve your weight loss goals using science-based tactics and strategies. It's our mission to help people navigate the often times complex and conflicting information surrounding fitness, weight loss, and health. Besides helping people to achieve their weight-loss goals we also want to help people achieve that goal without having to resort to guilt as a mechanism for motivating yourself to achieve it. In addition, it's not enough that we just achieve weight loss. We also want to help people live a healthier and more energetic life. You'll find tactics for improving your diet, your exercise programs, your motivation, and you're overall mindset to achieve your health and weight loss goals. You will learn that we don't lose weight by white-knuckling our way through life, we build a fit body by building a fun life full of great-tasting food, amazing social support, tons of activity, fun hobbies and balanced minds. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comweight loss,diet,exercise,weight loss motivation,weight loss podcast,lose weight,metabolism,weight loss tips,7 laws of leanness,atkins dietRay Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoCut The Fat Podcast is dedicated to helping you achieve your weight loss goals using science-based tactics and strategies. It's our mission to help people navigepisodicEpisode 96: What Is The Best Diet? Loss, 14 Mar 2018 19:00:00 GMTEpisode 96: What Is The Best Diet?During this podcast we'll cover the question that we get almost every day, "What is the best diet?" As you can imagine, the answer isn't as simple as giving you a cookie-cutter recipe for weight loss. So, we'll talk about some common diets and how to use the good and toss the bad to build a diet that is right for you!  00:43:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoLet's talk about what the BEST diet actually is!Episode 95: 8 Ways To Shift Your Mindset To Shift Your Lifestyle Loss, 08 Feb 2018 17:00:00 GMTEpisode 95: 8 Ways To Shift Your Mindset To Shift Your LifestyleAre you looking for the latest diet or exercise equipment to shift your lifestyle and lose the weight? What if I told you that without some major shifts in mindset, the best diet or exercise program can't help you. That is the truth! In today's podcast we'll talk about eight essential mindset shifts to improve followthrough and success with whatever diet you choose or whatever exercise program you follow! 00:25:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoweight loss podcast,lose weight,FitnessAlthough many people are looking for the latest greatest exercise strategy or diet, most of the weight loss battle is fought in the mind. That's the topic of toEpisode 94 - 10 Obstacles That Derail Your Health And Fitness Goals Loss, 14 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMTEpisode 94 - 10 Obstacles That Derail Your Health And Fitness GoalsWeight loss obstacles are EVERYWHERE, in today's podcast we'll cover and remedy ten of the most common roadblocks to your weight loss success. 00:55:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoweight loss,weight loss tips,Weight loss program,weight loss workoutsThe health and wellness journey is full of obstacles, in today's podcast we cover 10 major obstacles to success.Episode 93 - Setting The Weight Loss Game So You Can Win! Loss, 15 Dec 2017 22:00:00 GMTEpisode 93 - Setting The Weight Loss Game So You Can Win!Setting goals with weight loss can be tricky, get it right and you increase your chances of success. Today we teach you how to set goals that work for health and fitness! You may have heard of SMART goals, but did you know that this model doesn't work for weight loss! We teach you how to set goals that will become your asset in the battle of the bulge! 00:32:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoweight loss,diet,exerciseSetting goals with weight loss can be tricky, get it right and you increase your chances of success. Today we teach you how to set goals that work for health anEpisode 92: Weight Loss Strategies That Make You Younger Loss, 04 Dec 2017 22:00:00 GMTEpisode 92: Weight Loss Strategies That Make You YoungerIt's a little known fact that certain weight loss strategies can age the body by interfering with the production of certain hormones. In today's show we'll discuss stragegies that promote hormone secretion and rejuvenate the body while supercharging your weight loss program!   00:32:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoweight loss,growth hormone,healthy weight loss,diet,exerciseGrowth hormone is the body's key hormone of youth. There are weight loss tactics that age the body and weight loss strategies that rejuvenate the body...that'sEpisode 91: Triggers For Weight Gain & Weight Loss Loss, 29 Sep 2017 17:00:00 GMTEpisode 91: Triggers For Weight Gain & Weight LossPerhaps you eat dessert after dinner every night. Perhaps you feel cravings the moment you arrive to work...Perhaps you pull into the local fast food restaurant every day on your way home from work...Triggers for habits are everywhere and although most people focus on the behavior, such as eating the cake, eating fast food, etc., perhaps we should focus on the trigger instead. If you learn to change the triggers in your life, there is no need for the behvior...That's the topic of this episode. 00:34:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoHabits of health,weight loss,weight loss tips,Diet,dietingThis episode covers the first step in the habit loop, the trigger. What things in your life are triggering bad habits and how do you replace those triggers forEpisode 90: What To Do When You're Having A Bad Day Loss, 15 Sep 2017 22:00:00 GMTEpisode 90: What To Do When You're Having A Bad DayBad days are the scourge of your healthy lifestyle, when you're having a bad day you will often make unhealthy food and exercise choices. Today's podcast covers this topic so that you can build a plan on days that aren't going your way.  00:33:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoweight loss motivation,weightloss,weight loss,Diet,Dieting and Fat LossMaking healthy choices is exponentially more difficult when you're having a bad day. This episode covers what to do on these days.Episode 89: It's Not Just About The Weight Loss, 25 Aug 2017 17:00:00 GMTEpisode 89: It's Not Just About The WeightBody transformation is not all about weight, however, it's often times difficult to break free from the shakles of the scale. Today we discuss some of the mindset stuff you need to keep the faith when the going gets tough.  00:33:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoweight loss,mindset,motivationDuring this episode we focus on the mindset stuff - how to view your body transformation journey in a different light.Episode 88: Should You Lose Weight Fast Or Slow? Loss, 11 Aug 2017 15:00:00 GMTEpisode 88: Should You Lose Weight Fast Or Slow?A very common question we get is should I lose weight fast or should I slow it down for better long-term results? During this episode, we'll discuss the research behind fast and slow weight loss and our personal experience with client as to which is best for long-term loss success. Finally we'll discuss some actionable advice for utilizing this new knowledge.     00:35:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoshould i lose weight fast or slow,lose weight fast,weight loss podcastIn this episode we'll discuss whether or not it's best to lose weight fast or slow for longterm successEpisode 87: 10 Super Easy Ways To Improve Your Fat Loss Results Loss, 28 Jul 2017 18:00:00 GMTEpisode 87: 10 Super Easy Ways To Improve Your Fat Loss ResultsThere's a lot of weight loss advice out there and a lot of it is irritatingly difficult to implement, some is just straight up impossible to do consistently. In today's episode, you'll learn 10 super easy things to do to improve your weight loss results. Today's episode is about simple tactics for enhancing your weight loss program, things you can add to your program with little effort.    00:35:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoweight loss,diet,weight loss blog,weight loss podcast,metabolismSome weight loss advice is complex and irritatingly difficult. In this episode , we'll cover 10 super-EASY ways to improve your fat loss results!Episode 86: Is Your Social Circle Keeping You Fat? Loss, 21 Jul 2017 15:30:00 GMTEpisode 86: Is Your Social Circle Keeping You Fat?Do you feel like your family and friends are working against your weight loss efforts? Are you constantly swiping through images and posts about tasty treats and food? Today we'll discuss what to do about your spouse or friend who seems to be sabotaging your efforts to lose weight. 00:38:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoweight loss,social circle,social media and diet,exercise,dieting and weight lossDuring this episode we'll cover social media and the people in your life. Why the people you choose to let in your life may be one of the most important decisioEpisode 85 - Should You Weigh Yourself Daily? Loss, 26 Jun 2017 21:00:00 GMTEpisode 85 - Should You Weigh Yourself Daily?Answering the question, "Should you weigh yourself daily?" is a difficult one because we are all very different in how we view the scale. Today we cover the research to find out if there's a benefit to weighing ourselves daily and when a daily weigh in may be beneficial.  00:33:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoweight loss,scale,should I weigh myself daily?,measuring weight loss,fat lossShould you weigh your self or throw the scale away? If yes, how often? In this episode, we dive into the research...Episode 84: Carb Cycling - What Is It And How To Use It Loss, 07 Jun 2017 00:30:00 GMTEpisode 84: Carb Cycling - What Is It And How To Use ItCarb-Cycling is a strategy of dieting where you alternate between high-carb, low-carb and no-carb days. In this episode we'll cover this topic in detail. We'll cover what carbohydrate cycling is and how we recommend implementing it in your diet and lifestyle.   00:36:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnocarb-cycling,carbohydrate cycling,weight loss and carbohydrates,insulin,Insulin resistanceCarb-Cycling is a strategy of dieting where you alternate between high-carb, low-carb and no-carb days. In this episode we'll cover this topic in detail.Episode 83: Three Things To Do Differently This Year For Awesome Results Loss, 29 Nov 2016 23:30:00 GMTEpisode 83: Three Things To Do Differently This Year For Awesome ResultsIn this episode we talk about three amazing strategies for making this year one of the best years you've ever had as far as weight loss and fitness is concerned. Often we get caught up in talking about die and exercise  00:41:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoLearn three awesome strategies for making this year one of the healthiest and fittest years to date! Today's podcast goes above and beyond the simple diet and eEpisode 82: The Secrets To Eating Out Loss, 18 Nov 2016 16:27:28 GMTEpisode 82: The Secrets To Eating OutLearn the strategies for eating out when trying to pursue a healthy lifestyle00:26:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoeating out,healthy diet,weight loss,food for fat lossLearn the strategies for eating out when trying to pursue a healthy lifestyleEpisode 81: The 15 Surprising Things That Ultra-Fit People D... Loss, 29 Jun 2016 21:28:25 GMTEpisode 81: The 15 Surprising Things That Ultra-Fit People D...During this episode we'll cover what separates the ultra fit from the average folk! Use these 15 things to discover your gap!00:32:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnodiet,weight loss podcast,exercise,weight loss motivationDuring this episode we'll cover what separates the ultra fit from the average folk! Use these 15 things to discover your gap!Episode 80: How To Keep The Weight Off Loss, 03 Jun 2016 15:19:20 GMTEpisode 80: How To Keep The Weight Off During this episode Dr. Ray and Blythe discuss the Biggest Loser Paradox and some recent research that will help you attain and maintain your weight loss! 00:37:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnobiggest loser weight regain,weight loss,dieting,how to keep weight offDuring this episode Dr. Ray and Blythe discuss the Biggest Loser Paradox and some recent research that will help you attain and maintain your weight loss!Epidose 79: The Science Of Falling Off The Wagon Loss, 14 Apr 2016 00:00:00 GMTEpidose 79: The Science Of Falling Off The WagonOne of the biggest weight loss and diet challenges people run into is temporary lapses in their diet and exercise program. Sadly, for most people a lapse leads to relapse. This research discussion will help you see just how insignificant a lapse can be to your weight loss results.00:53:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnodiet,lose weight,losing weight,weight lossOne of the biggest weight loss and diet challenges people run into is temporary lapses in their diet and exercise program. Sadly, for most people a lapse leadsEpisode 78: When Stress Makes You Fat Loss, 25 Mar 2016 16:12:05 GMTEpisode 78: When Stress Makes You FatDuring this episode, we cover the impact of stress on your fat burning metabolism and 5 steps to help lower cortisol and unlock your metabolism. During the show, we talk about recent research that discovered that stress increases the amount of betatrophin produced in the body…the result is the fat cells can’t release fat into […]01:00:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoDuring this episode, we cover the impact of stress on your fat burning metabolism and 5 steps to help lower cortisol and unlock your metabolism. During the showEpidose 77: 10 Ways Food Labels Trick You Loss, 23 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMTEpidose 77: 10 Ways Food Labels Trick YouIn this episode, we cover the 10 ways/buzzwords that food marketers use to trick you into believing that a food is safe to eat or good for weight loss. Rule #1 when choosing food to eat is assume that the manufacturer is only interested in selling food not helping you be healthy and/or fit. In this podcast you'll learn ten ways that food manufacturers use words like "Reduced", "Low", "natural", organic, and more to get you to buy their fattening food.00:29:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoWeight Loss,food labels,healthy eating,dietIn this episode, we cover the 10 ways/buzzwords that food marketers use to trick you into believing that a food is safe to eat or good for weight loss. Rule #1Episode 76: Weight Loss Motivation Day Loss, 22 May 2015 00:00:00 GMTEpisode 76: Weight Loss Motivation DayIn this episode we have some fun going through some motivational quotes of wisdom that we think about whenever we need to realign ourselves! During the discussion we'll explain how each quote can be applied in your lifestyle and what it means for your weight loss. Here's a list of the quotes we discuss in this episode! * The more confident you are in your ability to do a task, the easier it is to do the task * It's easier to make decisions right than to make the right decisions * When it's obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps * Start small, stay consistent, that's the formula * In an effort to not miss anything, we unwittingly miss everything...there's a little imperfection in the perfect life * An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory - it's easier to learn something new than to do something old * There is NOBODY like you, and once you realize that, your entire future changes00:40:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoweight loss motivation,diet motivationIn this episode we have some fun going through some motivational quotes of wisdom that we think about whenever we need to realign ourselves! During the discussEpisode 75: The Weight Loss Quick Start - Updated Loss, 15 May 2015 20:15:58 GMTEpisode 75: The Weight Loss Quick Start - UpdatedIn today's podcast episode we're going to go back to the basics with our revised and updated quick start guide... Our very first episode was our quick start guide back in 2009! Not, we're simplifying the weight loss fast start episode for 2015 and beyond!00:49:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn today's podcast episode we're going to go back to the basics with our revised and updated quick start guide... Our very first episode was our quick start guEpisode 74: Setting Weight Loss Goals – 3 Novel Approaches Loss, 26 Feb 2015 16:22:03 GMTEpisode 74: Setting Weight Loss Goals – 3 Novel ApproachesDid you know that setting weight loss goals requires different strategies than setting career or financial goals? In fact, if you set your fat loss goals the same way that you set career or financial goals, you could literally be setting yourself up for failure! In today’s post, I’m going to share with you the […]00:35:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoDid you know that setting weight loss goals requires different strategies than setting career or financial goals? In fact, if you set your fat loss goals the saEpisode 73: How To Start Fresh – A Guide To Resetting Your Weight Loss Program Loss, 27 Jan 2015 17:45:52 GMTEpisode 73: How To Start Fresh – A Guide To Resetting Your Weight Loss ProgramIn this episode we discuss how we would respond to the question, "How do I start over?" In other words, what do you do when you've been yo yo dieting, losing and gaining, and you're just frustrated with the whole weight loss process.00:57:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode we discuss how we would respond to the question, "How do I start over?" In other words, what do you do when you've been yo yo dieting, losing anEpisode 72: 10 Steps To Becoming A Weight Loss Pro (Part 2) Loss, 14 Feb 2014 18:34:46 GMTEpisode 72: 10 Steps To Becoming A Weight Loss Pro (Part 2)During this episode we continue our discussion on moving from a weight loss amateur towards becoming a weight loss pro. In Episode 70, we discussed the qualities of a professional versus an amateur; in this episode, we're focusing on the steps to becoming a professional. They are: Admit That You're An Addict Allow Yourself To Hit Bottom Ignore The Opinions Of Others Have Empathy For Yourself Work The Program! Have Your Epiphany Embrace Ambition Cut Out Distractions Become A Creature Of Healthy Habits Play For Tomorrow!00:42:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoDuring this episode we continue our discussion on moving from a weight loss amateur towards becoming a weight loss pro. In Episode 70, we discussed the qualitiEpisode 71: The Calorie Myth With Jonathan Bailor Loss, 07 Jan 2014 18:57:14 GMTEpisode 71: The Calorie Myth With Jonathan BailorIn this episode we're joined by fitness and fat loss expert Jonathan Bailor, author of the book, The Calorie Myth. In this riveting interview Jonathan debunks the myths surrounding calories and explains the concept of "set point", a system within the body that prevents you from losing weight and maintaining those weight loss results. This book is enlightening because it tackles one of the biggest questions that many of us face on a daily basis, to count calories or not to count calories. During the interview we cover: The Big Myth About Calories What set point is and how to alter it so that you can lose and maintain weight loss The four quality characteristics of food Finally, he answers the question, "how do you make it all work in limited time?" Here's a link to this fascinating book on The Calorie Myth: How to Eat More, Exercise Less, Lose Weight, and Live Better00:48:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode we're joined by fitness and fat loss expert Jonathan Bailor, author of the book, The Calorie Myth. In this riveting interview Jonathan debunks tEpisode 70: Becoming A Weight Loss Pro Part 1 – The Secret To Weight Loss Success Loss, 06 Jan 2014 18:00:20 GMTEpisode 70: Becoming A Weight Loss Pro Part 1 – The Secret To Weight Loss SuccessIn this episode of Cut The Fat Podcast, we're going to discuss a philosophy that is critical to your success with burning fat and achieving a lean body this year! Based on the concepts taught by Steven Pressfield in his amazing books, The War of Art and Turning Pro, we're going to show you how to go from amateur thinking to thinking like a pro around health, fitness, and body change.00:54:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnosteven pressfield,turning pro,war of art,weight loss turning proIn this episode of Cut The Fat Podcast, we're going to discuss a philosophy that is critical to your success with burning fat and achieving a lean body this yeaEpisode 69: Weight Loss Motivation Tips Loss, 09 Sep 2013 15:08:20 GMTEpisode 69: Weight Loss Motivation TipsDuring this podcast episode, Blythe and Ray discuss the true purpose of motivation and how to apply it in real life so that you get the most benefit from the fleeting sensation of motivation. As you'll learn in this episode on weight loss motivation, you can't just focus on what motivates you, you must also focus on what demotivates you so that you don't short-circuit those moments when you feel the motivated to work towards the new, healthy, leaner you!00:33:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoDuring this podcast episode, Blythe and Ray discuss the true purpose of motivation and how to apply it in real life so that you get the most benefit from the flEpisode 68: Making Fat Loss Stick Loss, 29 Aug 2013 03:07:47 GMTEpisode 68: Making Fat Loss StickIn this episode Dr. Ray gets interviewed by Jonathan Bailor on his excellent podcast, The Smarter Science of Slim. The discussion for this episode is centered around the mindset needed for long-term fat loss success.00:40:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode Dr. Ray gets interviewed by Jonathan Bailor on his excellent podcast, The Smarter Science of Slim. The discussion for this episode is centeredEpisode 67: Crazy Things Fat Loss Experts Say Loss, 18 Jun 2013 14:47:40 GMTEpisode 67: Crazy Things Fat Loss Experts SayIn today's episode Blythe and I do a little "Fat Loss Free-styling" where we "chew the fat", so to speak, about fat loss. We discuss a number of things that we hear "fat loss expert" say that we feel is not entirely accurate or is actually downright wrong. So, today's episode is about doing a little myth-busting where we discuss things like: Should you detox to lose weight? Is sugar the cause of obesity, rather than carbs in general? Do you need to eliminate all carbs? Should you totally overhaul your lifestyle?00:31:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn today's episode Blythe and I do a little "Fat Loss Free-styling" where we "chew the fat", so to speak, about fat loss. We discuss a number of things that weEpisode 66: It’s NOT All About Carbs! Loss, 20 May 2013 15:10:10 GMTEpisode 66: It’s NOT All About Carbs!Recently a listerner, Sam, wrote us about our position on low-carb eating. He referenced an article on that seemed to contradict our approach to fat loss. In the article, titled Low-Carb Taliban, the author goes on to equate the low-carb movement to religious fundamentalists who preach unproven concepts and refuse to sway from their […]00:37:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoRecently a listerner, Sam, wrote us about our position on low-carb eating. He referenced an article on that seemed to contradict our approach to fEpisode 65: The Magic Is In The Fundamentals of Fat Loss Loss, 19 Apr 2013 21:32:35 GMTEpisode 65: The Magic Is In The Fundamentals of Fat LossIn this episode, we're going to hit the reset button and go back to the fundamentals... Why eating fruits and vegetables is so important and why the research supports the addition of foods that are low on the "energy density" scale. We often get caught up in the need for new and "advanced" weight loss tactics when "simple" and "easy" are far more effective.00:33:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode, we're going to hit the reset button and go back to the fundamentals... Why eating fruits and vegetables is so important and why the research sEpisode 64: Unleash The Power of The Female Brain With Dr. Daniel Amen Loss, 02 Apr 2013 20:53:48 GMTEpisode 64: Unleash The Power of The Female Brain With Dr. Daniel AmenIn this episode we interview Dr. Daniel Amen, author of the book, "Unleash The Power of the Female Brain"... During the interview we'll discuss the difference between the female brain and the male brain and how to use that information to cultivate more will power, self-discipline, and make better decisions around food and lifestyle. Core Philosophy of Dr. Amen According to the work of Dr. Daniel Amen, poor mood, lack of willpower, lack of self discipline, and poor decision making can be linked to having a sick brain caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. When we make healthier choices, not only do our bodies improve but our brain gets healthier. When we have a healthier brain, we make better decisions, enjoy better mood, and live long and energy-filled lives. In his book Unleash The Power of the Female Brain, Dr. Amen speaks about the unique challenges to females and how their brains differ from men. He then provides a system for improving your brain!  00:37:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode we interview Dr. Daniel Amen, author of the book, "Unleash The Power of the Female Brain"... During the interview we'll discuss the differenceEpisode 63: How Often Should I Eat To Lose Weight Loss, 13 Feb 2013 22:55:56 GMTEpisode 63: How Often Should I Eat To Lose WeightThe topic of meal frequency has not been a topic of much controversy because most experts just assumed that eating 4-6 small meals per day was superior to 3 meals or less per day. Assumptions are a dangerous thing... What does the science say about meal frequency? You'll be interested to know that there isn't much research at all and the majority of the research is not too compelling. In the end, the answer may surprise you. In this podcast episode, we discuss the research and, more importantly, what it means for you. You'll discover that although most experts suggest 4-6 meals is superior to 3 meals for weight loss, that it actually may not be. You'll learn that the body doesn't go into starvation mode after just 3 hours, in fact, it takes approximately 72 hours to trigger the dreaded starvation mode. You'll learn how to apply this information into your own life!00:46:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnohow often should you eat,how often should you eat to lose weight,meal frequencyThe topic of meal frequency has not been a topic of much controversy because most experts just assumed that eating 4-6 small meals per day was superior to 3 meaEpisode 62: The Carb Curfew & Mailbag Loss, 19 Dec 2012 19:01:06 GMTEpisode 62: The Carb Curfew & MailbagIn today’s episode, we go through the mailbag to answer questions that were posted on our Facebook page. In addition, we discuss a very interesting study sent to us by Andrea, one of our awesome listeners! The study, titled “Greater Weight Loss And Hormonal Changes After 6 Months Diet With Carbohydrates Eaten Mostly At Dinner” […]00:44:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn today’s episode, we go through the mailbag to answer questions that were posted on our Facebook page. In addition, we discuss a very interesting study sent tEpisode 61: Meal Replacements for Weight Loss – What’s Their Place Loss, 09 Nov 2012 17:05:07 GMTEpisode 61: Meal Replacements for Weight Loss – What’s Their PlaceShould you use meal replacements when trying to lose weight or are they just a crutch? If so, how do you get the most out of them? In today's podcast episode, we cover the topic of the role of meal replacement shakes, how they differ from meal adjuvant shakes, and how to supercharge it all by making some minor changes to your meal replacement shakes. Convenience is a key ingredient of long-term fat loss, and meal replacement shakes are a simple way to make life just a bit easier. We have to be honest with ourselves, sometimes we aren't going to take an hour to cook up a breakfast or go to the store to pick up a snack. Shakes allow us to mix or blend up a simple snack or meal in 5 minutes or less. If, however, you make some common mistakes in building your meal replacement, you could actually inhibit fat burning, rather than improve it.00:43:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnomeal replacement shakes,meal replacements for weight,oss,weight lossShould you use meal replacements when trying to lose weight or are they just a crutch? If so, how do you get the most out of them? In today's podcast episode,Episode 60: The Gabriel Method With Jon Gabriel Loss, 25 Oct 2012 14:37:46 GMTEpisode 60: The Gabriel Method With Jon GabrielIn this interview with Jon Gabriel, author of the book The Gabriel Method, we discuss the impact of stress on our body's ability to store and release fat. Jon reports that emotional stress changes the chemistry in such a way that makes it want to store fat and that in order to burn fat you must remove the underlined reason for the fat's existence. For many, this reason is not caused by eating too much and exercising too little, in fact, we eat too much and move too little because the chemistry is out of balance due to too much emotional and physical stress. In this show we discuss: The chemistry of storing fat How emotional stress changes the chemistry of the body, literally forcing the fat cells into overdrive How to trigger your body to let go of fat How to eat to burn fat If fruit consumption can be a problem Much, much more   Links: The Gabriel Method Main Website The Gabriel Method Total Transformation Package00:48:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnojon gabriel,the gabriel methodIn this interview with Jon Gabriel, author of the book The Gabriel Method, we discuss the impact of stress on our body's ability to store and release fat. JonEpisode 59 – All About Metabolism and Weight Loss With Jonathan Bailor Loss, 02 Oct 2012 16:04:30 GMTEpisode 59 – All About Metabolism and Weight Loss With Jonathan BailorYour lifestyle is the single most important factor in metabolism and weight loss is dependent on a rocking metabolism! In today's podcast, Jonathan Bailor, from The Smarter Science of Slim, joins Dr. Ray Hinish to discuss the metabolism for weight loss. Using a clogged sink as a model for the fat-storing metabolism, Jonathan teaches you why your body can't release fat when hormones are out of balance and then he get's into practical suggestions for applying the science of fat loss in your life. Dr. Ray and Jonathan cover everything from fat intake and heart disease, controversies surrounding fiber and whole grains, as well as how many carbs is too many carbs.00:53:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnometabolism and weight loss,metabolism weight lossYour lifestyle is the single most important factor in metabolism and weight loss is dependent on a rocking metabolism! In today's podcast, Jonathan Bailor, fromEpisode 58: The 7 Core Guiding Principles Of Fat Loss Loss, 17 Sep 2012 14:26:45 GMTEpisode 58: The 7 Core Guiding Principles Of Fat LossIn this episode, we teach you the 7 Core Guiding Principles of Cut the Fat that act as the framework by which we analyze the hordes of incoming weight loss tips, tricks, tactics, etc. We consider this one of the most important episodes because these seven principles will help you to filter the endless influx of weight loss tips and tricks from coworkers, magazines, and diet books. By committing these principles to memory, you will take one big step closer to becoming your own fat loss and fitness expert! The seven principles are: Guiding Principle #1: There are only two reasons why you’re not losing weight…either your program sucks or your follow-through sucks. Guiding Principle #2: There’s Only One True Fat Loss Formula…And…It’s Different For Everyone. Guiding Principle #3: Will Power Is An Exhaustible Resource…Nobody Is Immune to Willpower-Exhaustion Guiding Principle #4: Eat & Exercise to Change Your Hormones…Not to Manage Calories Guiding Principle #5: Without Self-Awareness, Nothing Works! Guiding Principle #6: There Are Calorie-Free Causes of Fat Storage Guiding Principle #7: A Successful Program Achieves Three Main Goals – Changes Body Composition, Improves Health, & Improves Energy00:43:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode, we teach you the 7 Core Guiding Principles of Cut the Fat that act as the framework by which we analyze the hordes of incoming weight loss tipsEpisode 57: Exercise for Weight Loss Round Table with Dr. Jade Teta & Jonathan Bailor Loss, 27 Aug 2012 15:24:15 GMTEpisode 57: Exercise for Weight Loss Round Table with Dr. Jade Teta & Jonathan BailorWhat role does exercise really play in your fat loss program? Although Blythe and I have covered this topic in numerous episodes, today we join Dr. Jade Teta of The Metabolic Effect and Jonathan Bailor of The Smarter Science of Slim to dig deeper into the the topic of exercise to work through some of the controversy. Exercise and weight loss is not as cut and dry as many "authorities" would have you believe. As you'll learn, if you exercise to burn calories, you may be missing the greatest benefits of exercise!01:13:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoweight loss and exerciseWhat role does exercise really play in your fat loss program? Although Blythe and I have covered this topic in numerous episodes, today we join Dr. Jade Teta oEpisode 56: Exterminating the Calorie Myth – An Interview with Jonathan Bailor of The Smarter Scienc Loss, 03 Aug 2012 16:17:05 GMTEpisode 56: Exterminating the Calorie Myth – An Interview with Jonathan Bailor of The Smarter SciencIf you’re serious about burning fat and keeping it off for a lifetime, then there’s one thing that you need accept, it’s this… “Trying to control calories manually is nonsense…” One of the most frustrating “Vampire Myths” (Because it refuses to die) that we deal with in helping people change their body and health is […]01:01:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIf you’re serious about burning fat and keeping it off for a lifetime, then there’s one thing that you need accept, it’s this… “Trying to control calories manuaEpisode 55: The Weight Loss Hierarchy Loss, 24 Jul 2012 23:44:49 GMTEpisode 55: The Weight Loss HierarchyIn this episode, we'll discuss the Weight Loss Hierarchy, a simple framework for building your weight loss program. The three general ingredients in a weight loss program are: Diet & Nutrition Muscle-Building Activity Non-Muscle Building Activity The question that we tackle in this episode is how do you build a weight loss program when your time is limited. By learning the framework, not only will you be able to build your weight loss program, you'll know how to alter it when life get's in the way. For example, what will you do when your boss asks you to stay 2 hours late for work and that 2 hours must come from your "health and fitness time"?    00:29:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode, we'll discuss the Weight Loss Hierarchy, a simple framework for building your weight loss program. The three general ingredients in a weight lEpisode 54: 5 Tips for Losing the Last Stubborn 10 Pounds Loss, 27 Jun 2012 15:41:31 GMTEpisode 54: 5 Tips for Losing the Last Stubborn 10 PoundsIf you only have 10 more pounds to lose, then congratulations! This means that you’ve already tackled the big rocks…you probably train consistently, have a fairly high protein/high fiber diet, and your diet is likely contains very limited amount of sugar. But…you have those last 10 pounds to get through and you can be sure […]00:50:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIf you only have 10 more pounds to lose, then congratulations! This means that you’ve already tackled the big rocks…you probably train consistently, have a fairEpisode 53: FAT Versus PHAT and The 20 Metabolic Off Switches Loss, 13 Jun 2012 17:35:59 GMTEpisode 53: FAT Versus PHAT and The 20 Metabolic Off SwitchesIn this episode we take inspiration from the culture of the 1980's to teach the concept of viewing the world through the goggles of a fitness minded person to get active!In the late 80's to early 90's kids use to use the term PHAT to describe a girl who was Pretty Hot And Tempting (PHAT), Dr. Ray, however, has a different meaning for the acronym PHAT…this acronym will open your eyes to the endless possibilities for activity in an average day. Also in this episode we discuss the 20 "Metabolic Off Switches" as described by Dr. Robert K. Cooper in his book, Flip The Switch, Lose the Weight! The 20 Off Switches are:Starting the Day On the Wrong FootGiving in to activity inertiaWeakening muscle fibersLiving in the darkStarving yourself of oxygenBecoming dehydratedMaxing out on caffeineOverimbibingSlumping your way to fat gainRaising body temperatureLiving with hormonal imbalancesTensing upGiving into stressSkipping meals or snacksFalling into the sugar blahsGetting stuck on the fat trainStarving for proteinAccidentally overeatingCollapsing when evening comesNot getting enough sleep 00:54:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode we take inspiration from the culture of the 1980's to teach the concept of viewing the world through the goggles of a fitness minded person to gEpisode 52: The 5 Saboteurs of Weight Loss Loss, 08 May 2012 15:27:08 GMTEpisode 52: The 5 Saboteurs of Weight LossWhat stops you from achieving your weight loss goals? In today’s podcast we talk about 5 common saboteurs to your weight loss efforts and how to correct them. What stops you from achieving your weight loss goals? In today’s podcast we talk about 5 common saboteurs to your weight loss efforts and how to correct […]00:47:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoWhat stops you from achieving your weight loss goals? In today’s podcast we talk about 5 common saboteurs to your weight loss efforts and how to correct them. WEpisode 51: Weight Loss Motivation – A Novel Approach Using Afformations Loss, 30 Mar 2012 21:11:25 GMTEpisode 51: Weight Loss Motivation – A Novel Approach Using AfformationsIn this episode of Cut The Fat Podcast, we discuss why affirmations don't work and a new technique for motivating yourself using the back door of your mind. Weight loss motivation is tough, we need to use every tool at our disposal to keep ourselves heading in the right direction and in this episode we give you a few more tools to add to the toolbox!00:46:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode of Cut The Fat Podcast, we discuss why affirmations don't work and a new technique for motivating yourself using the back door of your mind. WeiEpisode 50: Why We Crave & How to Fix It Loss, 19 Mar 2012 16:16:31 GMTEpisode 50: Why We Crave & How to Fix ItIn this episode, we talk about why we don’t feel satisfied until after we get to dessert. Besides teaching you how the body’s cravings system works, we give you a step-by-step plan for using this new-found information in your life starting today. By using what Dr. Ray calls the “Desire to Density Continuum” as well […]01:11:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode, we talk about why we don’t feel satisfied until after we get to dessert. Besides teaching you how the body’s cravings system works, we give youEpisode 49: How to Suppress Appetite Loss, 03 Feb 2012 17:57:05 GMTEpisode 49: How to Suppress AppetiteIn the podcast,  How to Suppress Appetite, we give you six tips for bullet-proofing your life against the number one killer of weight loss programs...hunger.Many people fail to maintain their fat loss program simply because their efforts are overwhelmed by hunger and they have no idea how to suppress appetite! Before we focus on activity or cravings, we need to make sure that you know how to suppress appetite when you feel those nasty pangs.How to Suppress Appetite - 6 Steps to Managing Hunger PangsStep 1: Stick to a Schedule - By developing an eating schedule you can train the body when to be hungry.Step 2: Get Non-Starchy Fiber With EVERY Meal - We are designed to get our fiber from non-starchy sources such as fruits and vegetables, not grains. Step 3: Eat Plenty of Hunger-Eradicating Protein - Protein is the most important macronutrient to suppress your appetite. If you want to know how to suppress appetite, then consuming protein with each meal is one of the most important steps.Step 4: Choose Low-Glycemic, Non-Grain Carbohydrates - Eat carbohydrates, but choose non-grain, low-glycemic sources.Step 5: Prioritize High-Volume Foods - High volume foods are foods that provide plenty of food but are naturally low in calories. Spinach is a great example, containing just 7 calories per cup, compared to flour, which contains almost 500 calories per cup.Step 6: Use Protein Shakes to Fill the Gaps - Protein shakes are a convenient and fast way to provide nutrition to the body and curb your appetite.Once you understand how to suppress appetite by following the 6 steps provided in this podcast, you should know how to curb your appetite without the need for dangerous appetite suppressants. For more information on how to suppress appetite, be sure to listen to the podcast and take notes! If you haven't yet subscribed to our free podcast, please do, and don't forget to leave a review!00:39:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnohow to curb appetite,how to suppress appetiteIn the podcast,  How to Suppress Appetite, we give you six tips for bullet-proofing your life against the number one killer of weight loss programs...hunger.MaEpisode 48 – 5 Key Tips for Weight Loss Loss, 11 Jan 2012 19:52:53 GMTEpisode 48 – 5 Key Tips for Weight LossIn this podcast we will prepare you for the coming year by reviewing 5 tips for weight loss that will help get your mindset ready to achieve your fat loss goals. The 5 Tips for Weight Loss: 1. KNOW That You CAN Achieve Fat Loss Regardless of Your Past Failures! 2. Follow the CATAA Formula […]00:46:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this podcast we will prepare you for the coming year by reviewing 5 tips for weight loss that will help get your mindset ready to achieve your fat loss goalsEpisode 47: Different Types of Interval Training for Weight Loss Loss, 14 Dec 2011 21:06:13 GMTEpisode 47: Different Types of Interval Training for Weight LossIn this podcast we will discuss the different types of interval training that you can implement to incinerate the fat. Included in this discussion are Tabatas, Fartlek training, Cribb intervals, and much much more!00:45:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnodifferent types of interval training,fartlek training,tabataIn this podcast we will discuss the different types of interval training that you can implement to incinerate the fat. Included in this discussion are Tabatas,Episode 46: The 21-Day Total Body Transformation with Mark Sisson Loss, 25 Nov 2011 19:17:15 GMTEpisode 46: The 21-Day Total Body Transformation with Mark SissonIn this episode, we interview Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint and his newest book, The 21-Day Total Body Transformation. Mark takes the concepts from his best-selling book The Primal Blueprint and gives you a step-by-step system for implementing the philosophies and concepts of the paleolithic lifestyle. Whether you want to burn fat, lose […]00:51:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode, we interview Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint and his newest book, The 21-Day Total Body Transformation. Mark takes the concepts froEpisode 45: The 7 Laws of Leanness Loss, 18 Oct 2011 18:19:53 GMTEpisode 45: The 7 Laws of LeannessIn this podcast we discuss an article by David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding titled, The 7 Laws of Leanness; this article goes over 7 characteristics of naturally lean people. We believe that success leaves clues and one approach to being successful in your own life is to model people who have what you want. In the case of weight loss, we should attempt to model people who are fit and/or those who have successfully lost weight and kept it off. These 7 Laws of Leanness give a good foundation to do just that! Source: Hinish - Blythe Albergno7 Laws of Leanness,seven laws of leannessIn this podcast we discuss an article by David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding titled, The 7 Laws of Leanness; this article goes over 7 characteristics of naturallyEpisode 44: How to Cure Insulin Resistance for Healthy Weight Loss Loss, 22 Sep 2011 18:22:50 GMTEpisode 44: How to Cure Insulin Resistance for Healthy Weight LossIn this episode we talk to Dr. Jade Teta, coauthor of the book The New Metabolic Effect Diet, to explore the current epidemic of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a major problem for many people who are having difficulty losing weight. In order to combat the problem, you have to understand the role of insulin, […]01:00:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode we talk to Dr. Jade Teta, coauthor of the book The New Metabolic Effect Diet, to explore the current epidemic of insulin resistance. Insulin resEpisode 43: How to Prevent Muscle Loss During Weight Loss Loss, 07 Sep 2011 20:00:58 GMTEpisode 43: How to Prevent Muscle Loss During Weight LossIn order to successfully lose weight for good, we must be able to send signals to the body that food and nutrition is plentiful, while simultaneously convincing it that metabolism and energy is needed in order to gather and catch that food. If we succeed in this goal then we should be able to achieve lasting weight loss while simultaneously protecting our vital muscle mass. In today's weight loss podcast, we cover the topic of keeping the body out of starvation mode because when the body enters into such a state, weight loss becomes virtually impossible!00:49:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnohigh protein,leucine,metabolism,starvation modeIn order to successfully lose weight for good, we must be able to send signals to the body that food and nutrition is plentiful, while simultaneously convincingEpisode 42: The Special-Sauce For Permanent Weight Loss Loss, 15 Aug 2011 16:22:26 GMTEpisode 42: The Special-Sauce For Permanent Weight LossIn today’s podcast we tackle the mail bag and answer questions from our listeners and Facebook fans. After we finish answering your questions, we get into the “Secret-Sauce” for permanent weight loss. So, strap in and prepare for a rocking podcast! In today’s podcast we tackle the mail bag and answer questions from our listeners […]00:49:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn today’s podcast we tackle the mail bag and answer questions from our listeners and Facebook fans. After we finish answering your questions, we get into the “Episode 41: 5 Common Questions About Weight Loss Loss, 04 Aug 2011 18:41:05 GMTEpisode 41: 5 Common Questions About Weight LossIn today's podcast Blythe is back with us as she answers 5 of the most common questions that she receives from her clients surrounding weight loss. Today's podcast discusses everything from weight loss resistance to supplements.00:50:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn today's podcast Blythe is back with us as she answers 5 of the most common questions that she receives from her clients surrounding weight loss. Today's podEpisode 40: Permanent Weight Loss Using the New Model of Fat Loss Loss, 19 Jul 2011 23:55:33 GMTEpisode 40: Permanent Weight Loss Using the New Model of Fat LossIn this podcast we will compare the old model of weight loss to the new, improved model of weight loss to help you build a system for permanent weight loss. The old model of weight loss is the standard calories in minus calories out model that has failed us for decades, the new model suggests […]00:24:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this podcast we will compare the old model of weight loss to the new, improved model of weight loss to help you build a system for permanent weight loss. TheEpisode 39: High-Protein, Low-Carb Diet Review Loss, 07 Jun 2011 17:06:27 GMTEpisode 39: High-Protein, Low-Carb Diet ReviewThe high-protein, low-carb diet is perhaps one of the most well known and recognizable diets in the world. Practically every experienced dieter has been on a high-protein, low-carb diet at some point in their life and many different diet programs are simply variations on this philosophy of eating. The High-Protein, Low-Carb Diet Gets a Name Although the high-protein, low-carb diet has been around for decades, Dr. Atkins, author of The Atkins Diet series of books, was the one to make this style of eating mainstream. In fact, most people who are following this philosophy of eating will often call their high-protein, low-carb diet an "Atkins Diet". In this podcast, we will use the Atkins diet as an ambassador for the high-protein, low-carb diet philosophy as we go through the phases of his program and discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly associated with this program. The Reason Why the High-Protein, Low-Carb Diet Works Insulin is a hormone produced by our pancreas that causes our body to store calories as fat. As long as insulin is elevated, fat loss is difficult, if not impossible. Although both proteins and carbohydrates can cause your insulin levels to elevate, carbohydrates cause the largest elevations in this fat storing hormone. The purpose of high-protein, low-carb diets is to control insulin production in such a way that promotes fat loss while inhibiting appetite. For a simple rule on how to determine what foods are considered a carbohydrate, see our article Carbohydrates - A Quick Guide. In this podcast, we will give a detailed critique of the high-protein, low-carb diet in order to help you dig out the golden-nuggets that you can apply to your life.01:04:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnoatkins diet,high-protein diet,high-protein low-carb diet,low-carbThe high-protein, low-carb diet is perhaps one of the most well known and recognizable diets in the world. Practically every experienced dieter has been on a hiEpisode 38: Barriers to Weight Loss Loss, 31 May 2011 22:43:44 GMTEpisode 38: Barriers to Weight LossHelping people with weight loss is about finding their barriers to weight loss and helping them to devise a plan around those barriers. In today's podcast we accidentally cover this topic after we began discussing a question that Dr. Ray posted on Facebook. The question was... "There are 2 people who are barriers to your healthy lifestyle...The first person is "You"...who is the 2nd person and why? (You must answer, you can not say that "I am the only person responsible" it your spouse, your kids, your boss, "the man", your lazy dog, your school, society as a whole? You must answer..." The purpose of this question was not to turn us into people who blame others for our problems but to help us uncover our secret barriers to weight loss. As we force ourselves to answer this question, the real barriers to weight loss begin to materialize before our eyes. Once we recognize them, we can begin the work of accepting their existence and then devise systems and plans for eradicating or working around them. Don't Ignore Barriers to Weight Loss We live in a society that wants us to pretend that life is not difficult and that barriers do not exist if we think positive thoughts. Sometimes we have to accept the fact that life is sometimes complicated by barriers and obstacles. Devise Systems to Circumvent Barriers to Weight Loss Once we acknowledge our obstacles, the next step is to conspire against them by building systems within our lives to go around or over the walls. All too often barriers to weight loss lead to weight loss resistance, we look forward to bringing more tips and trick in future podcasts!01:13:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnobarriers to weight loss,weight loss barriersHelping people with weight loss is about finding their barriers to weight loss and helping them to devise a plan around those barriers. In today's podcast we acEpisode 37: Bulletproof Workout Motivation – How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise & Guarantee That Loss, 22 May 2011 18:16:34 GMTEpisode 37: Bulletproof Workout Motivation – How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise & Guarantee ThatExercise is an essential part of any weight loss program and to maintain an exercise program you must be able to manufacture workout motivation on command! In fact, I would feel confident in saying that no weight loss attempt will enjoy long-term success if exercise is not a major part of the program. So why do 50% of the people who start an exercise program give up within 6 months of starting and how do we maintain our workout motivation? In today's podcast, we will tackle the issue of how to motivate yourself to exercise, and equally important, how to find the workout motivation to virtually guarantee that you will never quit your exercise program... Why do we lose our workout motivation? In this audio podcast we tackle the 10 challenges to workout motivation that  causes us to give up and turn to the couch for comfort! No more! Learn How to Vaccinate Yourself Against Workout Motivation Once you learn these workout motivation poisons, you can guard against them by implementing some of the tactics and techniques that we recommend in the podcast. Our goal is to bring your attention to the things that demotivate you and result in abandonment of their exercise program and then give you the tools you need to stay the course for life. After listening to this podcast you will have a 10-point checklist for lifelong exercise success! If you would like more tips on workout motivation and weight loss motivation in general, then check out Episode 5: Weight Loss Motivation - Achieving Your Fat Loss Goals.00:49:00Ray Hinish - Blythe Albergnodiet and exercise motivation,exercise motivation quotes,how to motivate yourself to exercise,Weight Loss Motivation,workout motivationExercise is an essential part of any weight loss program and to maintain an exercise program you must be able to manufacture workout motivation on command! In fEpisode 36: Tough Love Weight Loss Tips Loss, 31 Mar 2011 18:25:38 GMTEpisode 36: Tough Love Weight Loss TipsIn this episode we give a little tough love as we go through 10 common mistakes that people make and then give alternative thought processes and actions to help you achieve your diet and weight loss goals! The 10 Tips Include: Your Trying to Eat an Elephant in One Bite You Don’t Feel Fit Enough […]00:53:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode we give a little tough love as we go through 10 common mistakes that people make and then give alternative thought processes and actions to helpEpisode 35: Three Fast and Easy Weight Loss Tips Loss, 24 Mar 2011 17:14:11 GMTEpisode 35: Three Fast and Easy Weight Loss TipsIn this podcast Blythe and I join forces once again to bring you three fast and easy weight loss tips. As you go through the three simple tips, just look to implement one of them into your life! Enjoy, and be sure to check us out on facebook at!/pages/CutTheFatPodcast!00:30:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this podcast Blythe and I join forces once again to bring you three fast and easy weight loss tips. As you go through the three simple tips, just look to impEpisode 34: Should You Eat or Fast Before Exercise? Loss, 08 Mar 2011 03:54:51 GMTEpisode 34: Should You Eat or Fast Before Exercise?To eat or not to eat before exercise...that is the question. Should we exercise on an empty stomach? Should we eat before exercise to provide the energy needed to get a good workout? Those on the "exercise while fasted" side of the argument suggest that exercising while fasted allows you to burn fat as soon as you start exercising. They suggest that if you exercise after eating then the body will have to burn the calories from the food you recently consumed before it will be able to burn away the gut and butt. The other group thinks that fasting before exercise is nonsense. They believe that having a snack shortly before exercise will provide the energy needed to have a meaningful and effective workout. They argue that a calorie is a calorie and it doesn't matter if it's eaten before exercise or three hours later. Both arguments seem logical. So who's right? Admittedly we are some time away from being able to answer this question definitively, and when all is said and done I imagine that the final answer will be, "It depends". With that said, a recent study does add support in favor of the "exercise while fasted" argument. In this study researchers fed subjects a high calorie/high fat diet to induce insulin resistance and weight gain. The subjects were assigned to one of three groups: * Group 1: Control Group - Did Not Exercise * Group 2: Fasted Group - Did not eat before or during exercise * Group 3: Carb Group - Fed Carbohydrates before and during exercise At the end of the study, the researchers unveiled some interesting insights. The fasted exercise group did not gain significant weight during the course of the study despite consuming 30% more calories than they needed and a diet composed of 50% fat. The control group gained 3 kgs (6.6 lbs) and the carbohydrate group gained 1.4 kgs (3.08 lbs). They all ate similar diets and burned similar numbers of calories. What Does It All Mean? As I have suggested in past posts, exercise should be judged by how 00:25:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoTo eat or not to eat before exercise...that is the question. Should we exercise on an empty stomach? Should we eat before exercise to provide the energy neededEpisode 33: Three Secrets to Having the Best Year EVER! Loss, 01 Feb 2011 16:56:46 GMTEpisode 33: Three Secrets to Having the Best Year EVER!In today’s episode you will learn the very first weight loss formula that Dr. Ray developed at the ripe old age of 12 years old. In this mini-seminar you will learn: The formula for weight loss and achievement Why the calories in minus calories out model is seriously flawed The first thing to implement in […]00:33:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn today’s episode you will learn the very first weight loss formula that Dr. Ray developed at the ripe old age of 12 years old. In this mini-seminar you will lEpisode 32: Lessons from a 1,000 Pound Woman – Donna Simpson Loss, 30 Dec 2010 16:30:25 GMTEpisode 32: Lessons from a 1,000 Pound Woman – Donna SimpsonOn December 25th, 2010, New Jersey woman Donna Simpson sat down on a steel reinforced chair to a 30,000-calorie meal on her way to her goal weight of 1,000 pounds. To be clear, she was not working to decrease her weight to 1,000 pounds, she is attempting to gain enough weight to grace the pages of The Guinness Book of World Records as "The fattest Woman in the world". The meal started off with two 25 pound turkeys and two maple-glazed hams, followed by 15 lbs. of potatoes, five loaves of bread, five gut filling pounds of stuffing, four pints of creamy gravy, four pints of cranberry dressing and 20 pounds of vegetables! Well, at least she got her veggies in! To top off the meal before the diabetic coma set in, she scarfed down a desert made of marshmallow, cream cheese, whipped cream and cookies. The most amazing part of this story isn't the fact that Donna wants to be the fattest woman in the world, nor is it the fact that she was able to fit 30,000 calories worth of food into her stomach, the most amazing part of this story is the fact that she insists that she is healthy! That begs the question, "How exactly does she define health?" This is really a good question to ask yourself as well. "How do you define health." Pretty much the only way that she could rationalize her current state of health as "healthy" is if she defined health as "as long as you are still breathing." I assure you, even though she continues to breathe, underneath it all, physically and figuratively there isn't an ounce of "healthy" in there. The truth is, the grim reaper is speeding in her direction on a bullet-train from heaven; he's in transit, but he just hasn't arrived yet. Anyway, I don't tell this story to pick on Donna. I tell the story for your good, so that we can pick out the nuggets of learning from Donna's situation. So you may be asking, what in the world could we learn from a woman who is trying to gain fat rather than lose fat? That's a good question, but I assure you there i00:31:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoOn December 25th, 2010, New Jersey woman Donna Simpson sat down on a steel reinforced chair to a 30,000-calorie meal on her way to her goal weight of 1,000 pounEpisode 31: Can You Turn Your Fat-Genes Off? Is Obesity Caused by Genetics? Loss, 21 Nov 2010 18:03:17 GMTEpisode 31: Can You Turn Your Fat-Genes Off? Is Obesity Caused by Genetics?Many of our listeners wonder if they are just genetically programmed to be fat. Their father, mother and siblings may all be overweight and thus it is logical to believe that their weight is predetermined. In today's podcast, we will answer a number of questions... Do fat genes exist? If so, is it possible to fight these evil little genes? Is obesity caused by genetics? Genetics are not the stone slate of physical certainty that we once thought. It turns out that genes offer us many different potential outcomes through a process called epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of how your environment turns genes on or off. That's right, each gene has an on or off switch, even the fat genes. This means that your day-to-day choices determine whether your fat genes are activated or sitting idly by doing nothing... There is plenty of published scientific proof that genetic expression can be molded by lifestyle, however, let me tell you about a recent British study. Researchers tested the genetics of over 20,000 people and gave them each an "obesity susceptibility score" based on their results. They then analyzed work and exercise activity for each of the participants. Based on the results of their analysis, they determined that the people who incorporated at least 1 hour of physical activity had a 40% lower risk of becoming obese compared to people with the same genetic potential but less physical activity. This finding is pretty amazing given the fact that the researchers only analyzed one component of health and fitness. What if we took those same participants and taught them how to exercise for fat loss and how to eat for improved health and improved blood sugar control? I imagine that we would be blown away by the results of such a study. So, what are the takeaways from today's episode? * I don't care if you are genetically programmed for fat storage; you can make a major improvement in your health and body through your actions * Exercise & activity are hugely 00:18:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoMany of our listeners wonder if they are just genetically programmed to be fat. Their father, mother and siblings may all be overweight and thus it is logical tEpisode 30: Mailbag – Questions and Answers Loss, 04 Nov 2010 01:49:14 GMTEpisode 30: Mailbag – Questions and AnswersIn today’s podcast, we answer your questions from Facebook. How should you eat if you are vegetarian? Will eating low carbohydrate cause hypoglycemia? Which is better Weight Watchers or Low-Carb? And more… In today’s podcast, we answer your questions from Facebook. How should you eat if you are vegetarian? Will eating low carbohydrate cause hypoglycemia? […]00:31:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn today’s podcast, we answer your questions from Facebook. How should you eat if you are vegetarian? Will eating low carbohydrate cause hypoglycemia? Which isEpisode 29: The 12 Principles of Fat Loss Part II Loss, 27 Oct 2010 00:11:16 GMTEpisode 29: The 12 Principles of Fat Loss Part IIIn this episode we continue our discussion on the 12 Principles of Fat Loss. As we continue to discuss these weight loss principles you should be thinking, "how can I implement these principles into my life."00:33:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode we continue our discussion on the 12 Principles of Fat Loss. As we continue to discuss these weight loss principles you should be thinking, "howEpisode 28: The 12 Principles of Fat Loss – Part I Loss, 07 Oct 2010 23:03:13 GMTEpisode 28: The 12 Principles of Fat Loss – Part IIn this episode of Cut the Fat Podcast we will go through the 12 Principles of Fat Loss from our group weight loss program. This episode will introduce you to the first six of twelve principles of weight loss and then we will give you the last six principles in Episode 29. Enjoy! Don’t forget […]00:46:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode of Cut the Fat Podcast we will go through the 12 Principles of Fat Loss from our group weight loss program. This episode will introduce you to tEpisode 27: The 8 Reasons Why We Fail Our Weight Loss Programs Loss, 13 Sep 2010 00:47:14 GMTEpisode 27: The 8 Reasons Why We Fail Our Weight Loss ProgramsWe believe that we learn more from our failures than we do from our victories. Tony Robbin always says, when we succeed, we party; when we fail, we ponder. In this podcast, we will be discussing an email post by Tom Venuto, titled "The 8 Reasons We Fail Our Weight L0ss Programs". Remember, weight loss is never constant; there are days when you will lose, days when you will gain and days when you will remain the same weight. Stay the course, assess your results and tweak when necessary!00:26:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoWe believe that we learn more from our failures than we do from our victories. Tony Robbin always says, when we succeed, we party; when we fail, we ponder. In tEpisode 26: Activity Versus Exercise – The Debate for Weight Loss Loss, 29 Aug 2010 22:10:24 GMTEpisode 26: Activity Versus Exercise – The Debate for Weight LossMost people believe that there is no different between exercise and activity; after all, both terms describe movement and caloric expenditure. In this episode, we describe the difference between exercise and activity for weight loss. Just like food is information to the body, so too is movement. What information is your activity and exercise sending […]00:39:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoMost people believe that there is no different between exercise and activity; after all, both terms describe movement and caloric expenditure. In this episode,Episode 25: The Primal Blueprint Interview with Mark Sisson Loss, 13 Aug 2010 21:02:35 GMTEpisode 25: The Primal Blueprint Interview with Mark SissonOne of my favorite books on the subject of paleolithic living is the book, The Primal Blueprint, by Mark Sisson. We had the opportunity to interview Mark on my weekly radio program here in Baltimore; I found the discussion both educational and entertaining and I am thrilled to bring these principles to our Cut the Fat Podcast Listeners!00:46:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoOne of my favorite books on the subject of paleolithic living is the book, The Primal Blueprint, by Mark Sisson. We had the opportunity to interview Mark on myEpisode 24: The 6 “Re’s” of Preparing Your Life for Weight Loss Success Loss, 09 Aug 2010 15:17:10 GMTEpisode 24: The 6 “Re’s” of Preparing Your Life for Weight Loss SuccessIn this podcast we take you on another field trip to Dr. Ray’s radio show, Your Prescription for Health, where he and Blythe discuss the 6 “Re’s” of preparing your life for weight loss success. Most people start by going right to the action steps of weight loss and ignore the preparation steps, which are […]00:42:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this podcast we take you on another field trip to Dr. Ray’s radio show, Your Prescription for Health, where he and Blythe discuss the 6 “Re’s” of preparing yEpisode 23: The Missing Secret to Lasting Weight Loss Loss, 30 Jul 2010 18:57:34 GMTEpisode 23: The Missing Secret to Lasting Weight LossWe are really proud of episode 23, as it teaches you a principle that can be immediately used to achieve amazing results with weight loss. In fact, this one principle can be applied to any goal that you have to speed the accomplishment of that goal, no matter what it may be! We hope that you gin as much from listening to this episode that we gained from producing it!00:48:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoWe are really proud of episode 23, as it teaches you a principle that can be immediately used to achieve amazing results with weight loss. In fact, this one priEpisode 22 – The Miracle Workout: An Exercise Tactic for Burning 3 Times More Fat Loss, 23 Jul 2010 00:01:25 GMTEpisode 22 – The Miracle Workout: An Exercise Tactic for Burning 3 Times More FatI am excited to post this podcast on an exercise tactic called, “Integrative Body Conditioning”, which was developed by Dr. W. Jackson Davis at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Using this tactic, he was able to super charge weight loss, simultaneously promote muscle growth, improve flexibility and even turn their poorly performing soccer […]00:47:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoI am excited to post this podcast on an exercise tactic called, “Integrative Body Conditioning”, which was developed by Dr. W. Jackson Davis at the University oEpisode 21: Facebook Questions Answered Loss, 13 Jul 2010 20:06:55 GMTEpisode 21: Facebook Questions AnsweredIn today's podcast we will answer some of the questions that were left for us on our Facebook Page. 1. Why doesn't the scale move even though I am losing inches? 2. Can I eat a big chicken dinner everyday and still lose weight? 3. What are the two reasons why you are not losing weight? Today's episode has tons of weight loss tips. Enjoy!00:32:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn today's podcast we will answer some of the questions that were left for us on our Facebook Page. 1. Why doesn't the scale move even though I am losing incheEpisode 20: 10 Intuitive Eating Principles Loss, 01 Jul 2010 03:08:34 GMTEpisode 20: 10 Intuitive Eating PrinciplesIn this podcast, we discuss the 10 Intuitive Eating Principles presented in the wonderful book, Intuitive Eating, by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD, and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA. As you may know, both Blythe and I are big proponents of mindful eating, and I felt that these principles complemented the principles presented in our previous […]00:38:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this podcast, we discuss the 10 Intuitive Eating Principles presented in the wonderful book, Intuitive Eating, by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD, and Elyse Resch, MSEpisode 19: Getting Leverage on Yourself for Lasting Weight Loss Loss, 16 Jun 2010 01:00:19 GMTEpisode 19: Getting Leverage on Yourself for Lasting Weight LossIn today's podcast we will discuss leverage, what it is and how to use it to develop a lifelong habit of health and fitness! We believe that 75% of the picture, as it pertains to weight loss, is psychology. Today, we explore the psychology of making change that lasts; the first step is getting leverage on yourself. In addition, we talk about: * Push versus pull motivation * A workout tip that will supercharge your interval program * One technique for multiplying your fat loss after a workout00:36:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn today's podcast we will discuss leverage, what it is and how to use it to develop a lifelong habit of health and fitness! We believe that 75% of the picture,Episode 18: Exercise for Fat Loss – The New Metabolic Effect Diet Loss, 27 May 2010 23:01:07 GMTEpisode 18: Exercise for Fat Loss – The New Metabolic Effect DietIn this episode, we take a field trip to Dr. Ray’s weekend radio program, Your Prescription for Health, for an interview with the authors of the book, The New Me Diet. Dr. Jade Teta and Dr. Keoni Teta lay out their plan for building a lifestyle that turns the body into a lean, mean, fat-burning […]00:51:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode, we take a field trip to Dr. Ray’s weekend radio program, Your Prescription for Health, for an interview with the authors of the book, The New MEpisode 17: Exercise for Fat Loss – Part 1 Loss, 17 May 2010 21:42:28 GMTEpisode 17: Exercise for Fat Loss – Part 1Exercise is like antibiotics; just like different infections call for different drugs, different fitness goals call for different exercises and fitness prescriptions. In this podcast we will: * Teach you an amazing technique for resetting your stress level in 90 seconds * Discuss intensity vs consistency * Talk about the MOST important ingredient in an exercise program for weight loss * Question what your eyes have to do with weight loss00:31:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoExercise is like antibiotics; just like different infections call for different drugs, different fitness goals call for different exercises and fitness prescripFat Rats Don’t Move…A Demonstration of How Hormone Imbalances Decrease Activity Loss, 13 May 2010 01:32:44 GMTFat Rats Don’t Move…A Demonstration of How Hormone Imbalances Decrease ActivityIn our weight loss podcast, we mentioned how leptin and other hormones control metabolism, activity and dietary habits. I have attached the video that I talked about in the podcast so that you can see just how amazing the difference in activity is between the rats. This is what we call “spontaneous activity”; scientists have […]00:01:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn our weight loss podcast, we mentioned how leptin and other hormones control metabolism, activity and dietary habits. I have attached the video that I talkedEpisode 16: Aerobic Exercise on Trial – Does Aerobic Exerise Promote Weight Loss Loss, 04 May 2010 00:31:31 GMTEpisode 16: Aerobic Exercise on Trial – Does Aerobic Exerise Promote Weight LossPractically every "weight loss authority" out there recommends aerobic exercise as a foundation to any weight loss program. After all, it does make sense, burn more calories than you consume and you will lose fat. I have a question, "How is that working out for us?" You may have heard that the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Well, isn't that what we are doing when we run the treadmill every day only to see the scale remain stagnant and the pants equally tight around the waist? But we keep trucking along, don't we? We keep running the treadmill and stepping on the scale. Listen up Fat Cutters... "It isn't working!!!" In this podcast, we will put aerobic exercise on trial and try to convince your brain that it is okay to give up the aerobic exercise as a backbone to your weight loss program. Once you have your "Ah ha!" moment, you will then make room for more effective exercise techniques. You can do better than steady-state aerobic exercise for fat loss; so listen up and we hope that you will find aerobic exercise guilty of fraud!00:35:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoPractically every "weight loss authority" out there recommends aerobic exercise as a foundation to any weight loss program. After all, it does make sense, burnEpisode 15: Becoming a Weight Loss Expert – What We KNOW About Weight Loss Loss, 27 Apr 2010 00:25:20 GMTEpisode 15: Becoming a Weight Loss Expert – What We KNOW About Weight LossBlythe and I are always talking about how important it is for each person to become an expert in fitness and fat loss. We believe that the more you know about how your body works, the better able you will be to be able to develop a successful weight loss program. Recently, we posted a […]00:38:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoBlythe and I are always talking about how important it is for each person to become an expert in fitness and fat loss. We believe that the more you know about hEpisode 14: Fasting for Weight Loss. Using Fasting as a Tactic to Burn Fat Loss, 13 Apr 2010 18:27:08 GMTEpisode 14: Fasting for Weight Loss. Using Fasting as a Tactic to Burn FatWe have been receiving many questions around using fasting as a tool for fat loss ever since we mentioned it in the episode, "17 Reasons Why You Are Not losing Weight". In this podcast, we discuss using fasting as a tactic for improving fat loss or just busting through weight loss plateaus. We believe that you will be seeing more and more information in the press about fasting for weight loss because of a number of studies that have been published regarding this topic. In this discussion, we will provide you with fact and opinion on this subject and hopefully give you the information that you need to decide if fasting will become a tool in your tool box!00:38:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoWe have been receiving many questions around using fasting as a tool for fat loss ever since we mentioned it in the episode, "17 Reasons Why You Are Not losingEpisode 13: Destroying the 7 Weight Loss Obstacles in Your Life Loss, 17 Mar 2010 23:30:00 GMTEpisode 13: Destroying the 7 Weight Loss Obstacles in Your LifeGetting started with weight loss is not a problem for most people. The real issue for many people who are looking to cut the fat and lose the weight is something derails their efforts causing them to lose momentum. In today's podcast, we will cover the 7 Weight Loss Obstacles that can ultimately derail your weight loss efforts and lead to the dreaded weight gain. To be successful, you must first be able to identify which things are standing in your way and then formulate a plan to deal with those obstacles before they strike. If you succeed, you are virtually failure-proofing your weight loss program!00:32:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoGetting started with weight loss is not a problem for most people. The real issue for many people who are looking to cut the fat and lose the weight is somethinEpisode 12: 10 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before Starting an Exercise Program Loss, 23 Feb 2010 23:50:17 GMTEpisode 12: 10 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before Starting an Exercise ProgramWhat if I had a crystal ball that could determine if you will succeed with your exercise program for weight loss? Well, admittedly this crystal ball does not exist; there is, however, a series of ten questions that will determine your readiness and thu...00:26:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoWhat if I had a crystal ball that could determine if you will succeed with your exercise program for weight loss? Well, admittedly this crystal ball does not exEpisode 11: 17 Reasons That You Are Not Losing Weight Loss, 09 Feb 2010 04:22:06 GMTEpisode 11: 17 Reasons That You Are Not Losing WeightRecently I read a blog post on ( which discussed 17 reasons why people are not losing weight and I felt it would be a great topic for us to discuss on our podcast. In this podcast, Blythe and I go through each of the 17 points and give you our own spin on Mark Sisson's 17 Reasons why people's weight loss efforts go stagnant. Although this is a long episode, I think it is full of tons of great tips for making progress with your fat cutting efforts! P.S. We send apologize in advance for the length of this podcast episode, we will try to keep them to 20-30 minutes in the future!00:52:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoRecently I read a blog post on ( which discussed 17 reasons why people arEpisode 10: Mindful Eating & Mindless Eating for Weight Loss Loss, 22 Jan 2010 23:35:27 GMTEpisode 10: Mindful Eating & Mindless Eating for Weight LossMost of the weight loss literature discusses how to consciously take control of your eating by counting calories, keeping a food diary or weighing out your food. These methods, although effective for a time, are difficult to maintain for a lifetime. What if there were a better way, a way that uses the power of your strong subconscious mind rather than your weak conscious mind. On our weight loss podcast and blog, we have discussed many of the principles around consciously changing your diet and lifestyle for weight loss purposes. In today’s article and podcast, we will discuss methods of using your subconscious mind to achieve your weight loss goals. Mindful eating involves being present when you eat; paying attention to the taste, texture and flavors within the food. By using the principle of mindful eating, you allow your brain time to register the food. Mindless eating is a scientific approach to tricking your brain into eating less. Mindless eating principles are based on the scientific fact that your satiety is determined more by your environment than your hunger signals. By using a number of scientifically validated techniques, you can literally trick the brain into decreasing calories without feeling deprived. Some of these principles include: 1. Using plates that are 10-20% smaller than your usual plates. The brain feels obligated to eat everything that is on your plate. By decreasing the size of the plate, you can trick the brain into feeling satisfied with less food. 2. Start the meal by throwing out 15-25% of the meal. This works on the same principle as described above. If you throw it out, you no longer have to consciously ask yourself if you have had enough. 3. Leave the uneaten food on the table. When your brain is able to see the remains of your eating, it is able to gauge the quantity that you have already eating. Although mindful eating and mindless eating are both very powerful; by putting these two principles together you can dramat00:43:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoMost of the weight loss literature discusses how to consciously take control of your eating by counting calories, keeping a food diary or weighing out your foodEpisode 9: Understanding Calories – Debunking the Law of Thermodynamics Loss, 12 Jan 2010 03:00:47 GMTEpisode 9: Understanding Calories – Debunking the Law of ThermodynamicsIn this episode, we start off by discussing what is considered the bread and butter of weight loss, The Law of Thermodynamics. This law states that if you eat more calories than you burn then you will gain weight; if you eat fewer calories than you burn then you will lose weight. in other words, this law states that calories are everything! We start off by debunking this "law" because it is the foundation of which most diets are built upon. You will hear many people say, "it's all about calories!" Now, you will be able to argue the contrary. In the second part of this episode, we discuss metabolism and some ways to boost it to promote weight loss.00:24:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode, we start off by discussing what is considered the bread and butter of weight loss, The Law of Thermodynamics. This law states that if you eat mEpisode 8: Surviving Parties Without Putting On Pounds Loss, 10 Dec 2009 23:11:06 GMTEpisode 8: Surviving Parties Without Putting On PoundsTis the season for holiday parties! We thought that this would be a timely podcast for a discussion on how to party without losing your weight loss momentum. People don't put on pounds from endulging in one party, the real risk is losing your weight loss momentum. How many times have you woken up the next morning after a big holiday or birthday party and felt like such a failure? It happens to the best of us; our vision for this podcast is to allow you to thoroughly enjoy your holiday parties without sabotaging your results or feeling like a failure. In today's podcast we will teach you a strategy to walk away from parties feeling good about yourself, your weight loss and our health!00:31:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoTis the season for holiday parties! We thought that this would be a timely podcast for a discussion on how to party without losing your weight loss momentum. PeEpisode 7: The Secrets of The National Weight Loss Registry Loss, 25 Nov 2009 20:51:41 GMTEpisode 7: The Secrets of The National Weight Loss RegistryThe National Weight Loss Registry is the largest prospective study to date on successful weight loss. Only twenty percent of the population has been successful at losing at least 10% of their weight and keeping it off for at least 1 year; the National Weight Loss Registry is an ongoing study of 4,000 of these people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off. In fact, the average person in this study lost over 70 pounds and managed to keep it off for almost 6 years thus far. In this podcast, we will discuss why this study is so important and teach you the 6 Key Weight Loss Strategies that appear to be responsible for their success at weight loss. The National Weight Loss Registry has many powerful weight loss secrets to teach us, in this podcast we will give you the 6 most important weight loss secrets of this ongoing study. As more hidden secrets come to light, we will be sure to talk about them in future podcasts; so, stay tuned! **Music provided by The Grilled Lincolns - ( Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoThe National Weight Loss Registry is the largest prospective study to date on successful weight loss. Only twenty percent of the population has been successfulEpisode 6: How to Increase Metabolism – Speed Up Metabolism for Weight Loss Loss, 13 Nov 2009 00:57:02 GMTEpisode 6: How to Increase Metabolism – Speed Up Metabolism for Weight LossOne of the most common questions that we get is "how do I increase metabolism?" In this podcast we will teach you everything that you need to know to increase your metabolism in such a way that will promote long term weight loss success. We will discuss: * Why your metabolism decreases. * How to speed up metabolism for long-term weight loss. * Why metabolism is not your primary concern with weight loss. * Why aerobic activity is not the best approach to increase metabolism. * A special secret to long term weight loss. * What set point theory is so important to your weight loss effort. We are really excited about this episode "How to Increase Metabolism" as we share with you the secrets to mastering your metabolism to promote long term weight loss!00:26:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoOne of the most common questions that we get is "how do I increase metabolism?" In this podcast we will teach you everything that you need to know to increase yEpisode 5: Weight Loss Motivation – Achieving Your Fat Loss Goals Loss, 06 Nov 2009 00:46:46 GMTEpisode 5: Weight Loss Motivation – Achieving Your Fat Loss GoalsIt doesn't matter what you know; It only matters what you do! In this podcast we will cover how to stay motivated to achieve your weight loss goals. Weight loss motivation is about understanding the psychology of why we do the things that we do. We will explain why we eat the cake when we know how bad it is for us.We will discuss some very easy to implement weight loss motivation tools that you can use right now! So, put on the running shoes, get your earbuds, put the podcast on and get moving towards your weight loss goals! Please leave your comments about Weight Loss Motivation by clicking "Comments" above! We would love to hear what weight loss motivation techniques you have used successfully.00:34:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIt doesn't matter what you know; It only matters what you do! In this podcast we will cover how to stay motivated to achieve your weight loss goals. Weight lossEpisode 4: Preparing Your Life for Weight Loss Success Loss, 20 Oct 2009 00:41:12 GMTEpisode 4: Preparing Your Life for Weight Loss SuccessIn this podcast we will tackle the question of how to prepare your diet, life and social environment for weight loss success. This podcast answers many of the questions that you may have regarding: * Food preparation * Food storage * Saving money while eating healthier (healthy eating does not have to cost more money) * What your family and friends have to do with your success * Is being overweight catchable? * Tips and tricks for fast snacks and meals Dr. Ray and Blythe provide you with the knowledge that you need to be successful with any weight loss program. You simply cannot succeed if you refuse to take steps to prepare for success! In this podcast you will learn those steps!00:27:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this podcast we will tackle the question of how to prepare your diet, life and social environment for weight loss success. This podcast answers many of the qEpisode 3b: Part 2 – Everything You Need to Know About Carbohydrates & Proteins Loss, 08 Oct 2009 22:13:02 GMTEpisode 3b: Part 2 – Everything You Need to Know About Carbohydrates & ProteinsIn this episode we continue the discussion on how carbohydrates impact your weight loss efforts. We start with a discussion about insulin; what its primary role is in the body and how to use that knowledge to improve your weight loss. Low-carbohydrate eating is not an easy task, we will talk about our experience as well as what the research has to say on the subject of low-carb diets. This podcast is full of useful tips and tricks that we feel are new to many of our listeners. Once you have an understanding of how insulin works in the body and how to control it, you will be much better prepared to lose the weight!00:34:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode we continue the discussion on how carbohydrates impact your weight loss efforts. We start with a discussion about insulin; what its primary roleEpisode 3b: Part 2 – Everything You Need to Know About Carbohydrates & Proteins Loss, 08 Oct 2009 22:13:02 GMTEpisode 3b: Part 2 – Everything You Need to Know About Carbohydrates & ProteinsIn this episode we continue the discussion on how carbohydrates impact your weight loss efforts. We start with a discussion about insulin; what its primary role is in the body and how to use that knowledge to improve your weight loss. Low-carbohydrate eating is not an easy task, we will talk about our experience as well as what the research has to say on the subject of low-carb diets. This podcast is full of useful tips and tricks that we feel are new to many of our listeners. Once you have an understanding of how insulin works in the body and how to control it, you will be much better prepared to lose the weight!00:34:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn this episode we continue the discussion on how carbohydrates impact your weight loss efforts. We start with a discussion about insulin; what its primary roleEpisode 3a: Carbohydrates & Proteins – What You Need to Know – Part 1 Loss, 08 Sep 2009 03:27:26 GMTEpisode 3a: Carbohydrates & Proteins – What You Need to Know – Part 1Are carbohydrates the enemy of weight loss? Is the Atkins program an effective way to lose weight? How much protein should we eat and how much is too much? In part 1 of "Carbohydrates & Proteins - What You Need to Know" we will tackle these questions and many others related to the "low-carb controversy". Every weight loss expert out there seems to have a different opinion around the topic of carbohydrates and weight loss. In this episode we will attempt to dissect the controversy surrounding carbohydrates and get to what works.00:25:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoAre carbohydrates the enemy of weight loss? Is the Atkins program an effective way to lose weight? How much protein should we eat and how much is too much? In pEpisode 2: Daily Caloric Intake to Lose Weight – Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know About Calor Loss, 20 Jul 2009 03:33:18 GMTEpisode 2: Daily Caloric Intake to Lose Weight – Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know About CalorIn today’s podcast we tackle the concept of calories! Do they really matter? Should you count them? If so, what is the best way to count calories and what is the proper daily caloric intake to lose weight? In this podcast we will talk about calorie counting as a tactic for achieving your weight loss […]00:35:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoIn today’s podcast we tackle the concept of calories! Do they really matter? Should you count them? If so, what is the best way to count calories and what is thEpisode 1: Quick Start Guide to Weight Loss – Fat Loss Loss, 04 Jun 2009 22:44:01 GMTEpisode 1: Quick Start Guide to Weight Loss – Fat Loss00:27:00Ray Hinish - Blythe AlbergnoEpisode 1: Quick Start Guide to Weight Loss – Fat Loss