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Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Brenda Hoffman

Brenda Hoffman


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Summary of February 22, 2014 Creation Energies - Brenda's channeled, 15- minute show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: 'We are one' is no longer your mantra for you're strong enough to gather information and report back to Source without others riding shotgun for you. When this transition was initiated, you were, in essence, a very small cell without defining characteristics. You've moved through many stages and are becoming your role - or a large enough multi-celled entity to be clearly defined by you and all. There's no need to worry about 'dark ones' or other 3D dualities - you're now a more complex being growing at warp speed.

You're Strong Enough to Process Energy Bursts is the title of this week's Brenda's Blog - her weekly channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Overview of Brenda's March 1, 2014 Creation Energies show: Perhaps you're finding it difficult to be of 3D and explore all you wish of new earth/spiritually. So it is that you've welcomed segments that allow you to be of 3D earth as well as other dimensions and places. Much like daydreaming in the classroom. The objective of all is to increase knowledge and return that knowledge to Source. So it is that you are the committee chair of your unique information gathering committee. Some of your segments wish to be of earth, you, on the other hand, are probably more interested in exploring new dimensions and places. And you will with the help of your new segments.

Brenda's Blog and her Creation Energies show contain different channeled information.

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