Astrology and You“The Planets and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money, career, health, psychology, healing, politics, environment, travel, entertainment, and more. Plus it highlights celebrities and predictions. The show includes interviews with guests from various fields and calls from listeners worldwide that make for a dynamic program for the audience. Tune in to every Monday at 9 pm ET.enCopyright Truman Trust (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 17:15:00 GMTWed, 24 Feb 2010 02:00:00 GMTSpiritualityBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 and You“The Planets and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money, career, health, psychology, healing, politics, environment, travel, entertainment, and more. Plus it highlights celebrities and predictions. The show includes interviews with guests from various fields and calls from listeners worldwide that make for a dynamic program for the audience. Tune in to every Monday at 9 pm ET.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comspirituality,astrology,horoscopes,love,predictions,relationships,astrological charts,astrological phenomena,astrological signs,planetary cyclesAstrology and Youno“The Planets and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, moneepisodicAstrology and You with Astrologer Truman Trust, 24 Feb 2010 02:00:00 GMTAstrology and You with Astrologer Truman Trust“Astrology and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money, career, health, psychology, healing, politics, environment, travel, entertainment, and more. Plus it highlights celebrities and predictions. The show includes interviews with guests from various fields and calls from listeners worldwide that make for a dynamic program for the audience. Tune in to Tuesdays at 9 pm ET. 01:00:00Astrology and YounoAstrology,Predictions,Love,Relationships,Horoscopes“Astrology and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money,Astrology and You with Astrologer Truman Trust, 17 Feb 2010 02:00:00 GMTAstrology and You with Astrologer Truman Trust“Astrology and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money, career, health, psychology, healing, politics, environment, travel, entertainment, and more. Plus it highlights celebrities and predictions. The show includes interviews with guests from various fields and calls from listeners worldwide that make for a dynamic program for the audience. Tune in to Tuesdays at 9 pm ET. 01:00:00Astrology and YounoAstrology,Predictions,Love,Relationships,Horoscopes“Astrology and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money,Astrology and You with Astrologer Truman Trust, 10 Feb 2010 02:00:00 GMTAstrology and You with Astrologer Truman Trust“Astrology and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money, career, health, psychology, healing, politics, environment, travel, entertainment, and more. Plus it highlights celebrities and predictions. The show includes interviews with guests from various fields and calls from listeners worldwide that make for a dynamic program for the audience. Tune in to Tuesdays at 9 pm ET. 01:00:00Astrology and YounoAstrology,Predictions,Love,Relationships,Horoscopes“Astrology and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money,Astrology and You with Astrologer Truman Trust, 03 Feb 2010 02:00:00 GMTAstrology and You with Astrologer Truman Trust“Astrology and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money, career, health, psychology, healing, politics, environment, travel, entertainment, and more. Plus it highlights celebrities and predictions. The show includes interviews with guests from various fields and calls from listeners worldwide that make for a dynamic program for the audience. Tune in to Tuesdays at 9 pm ET. 01:00:00Astrology and YounoAstrology,Predictions,Love,Relationships,Horoscopes“Astrology and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money,Astrology and You with Astrologer Truman Trust, 26 Jan 2010 02:00:00 GMTAstrology and You with Astrologer Truman Trust“Astrology and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money, career, health, psychology, healing, politics, environment, travel, entertainment, and more. Plus it highlights celebrities and predictions. The show includes interviews with guests from various fields and calls from listeners worldwide that make for a dynamic program for the audience. Tune in to on Monday January 25 at 9 pm ET. Future shows are Tuesdays at 9 pm ET.01:00:00Astrology and Younoastrology,astrological phenomena,planetary cycles,astrological signs,astrological charts“Astrology and You” features discussions about astrological phenomena, planetary cycles and how they affect your life. Topics include relationships, sex, money,