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The Artists Way

The Artists Way


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Take the next small step in front of you, doing the small things helps us to accomplish the large and impossible!

It'a all about Risk, Faith, Reviews, and remembering our Accompishments!

Grab your journal and a pen, or you headphones and catch up on your week! This is the ROCKSTAR montage of your week! You are ROCKY!

When our actions match our values, our compass points true north! How do we calibrate it? Suprisingly it's not by beating up on ourselves when we feel more lost, than true north bound! It's through rituals that both soothe and enliven us!... more

This week we are restocking our spiritual well, rallying our resources, healing, asking for help, practising discernment, getting tiny, doing the next right thing, finding silver linings and SOLDIERING ON!

This week stars a special guest ;)

Grab your journal, or grab your headphones as you head out for a walk, or sneak it in while driving - you deserve it!

Grab your journal - your week and discoveries are worth capturing and recording :)

Week 3: Support

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